2008-04-17 12:11:47 UTC
When I first discovered Robin Norwood's books ("Women Who Love Too
Much") and similar writings about fifteen years ago, codependency was
a big 'buzz word.'
The emphaisis was on demonising anyone who saw a relationship with
another person or persons as the major source of their happiness. The
aim of 'therapy' was to become emotionally self sufficient.
Is this realistic?
Can anyone be happy without human love and its physical expressions
and consummation?
The answer appears to be yes, at least later in life. But this is to
miss the point.
What is a sex addict? Is some degree of addiction to love and
affection and its physical expressions - at least in the early phases
of our lives - is this a disease to be cured, or is it an indication
of emotional health and honesty?
Given that we all were born into an intense sexual relationship with
our mothers, which leaves permanent IMPRINTS on our brains, where is
the sense in rationing and demonising physical expressions of love?
(As explained elsewhere, it "makes sense" only to warmongers, and that
was the whole purpose of our love-rationing societal arrangements: to
fill us with repressed rage to be discharged on the battlefields of a
recurring series of post-apocalyptic survivalist emergencies. But it
never had to be, there was always a sane alternative, as explained in
"The Law of the Sea," but our ancestors were too immature to go down
that path.)
My series of healing writings of the past five years can be seen as a
rebellion against the prevailing ethos in the therapy industry, which
essentially trains its clients to adjust to an insane civilisation and
to develop coping mechanisms to ease the pain of living in an insane
civilisation, but never advocates moving in the direction of societal
healing which will end our collective insanity.
To tolerate societal arrangements which RATION LOVE, and to affirm
that there is no other way people can ever live their lives, is a
clear sign of collective insanity. Instead of offering coping
strategies, I have been advocating that we make the collective
decision to regain our sanity by moving toward the abolition of all
our insane, love-rationing societal arrangements as soon as
In this context you all would do well to re-examine the paragraphs in
"I Still Miss Someone" titled 'The Incest Taboo,' 'The Oedipus
Irrelevancy,' 'What is Marriage,' 'The Anus Revisited,' and similar.
Briefly, one important point I raised is the simple practicality of
life that we are unable to see our anuses, and therefore we can never
be sure that our anuses are clean. So all mothers are wrong to stop
toileting their infants. Instead, the infant should be allowed to
realise his natural and unavoidable urge to toilet the mother, and
friends and family members should toilet one another by agreement
throughout our lives.
Such is the severity of your collective mental illness, that the only
response you are capable of giving to this is to say I am 'weird' or
Stop being afraid.
You speak of 'teaching modesty,' teaching social norms to infants.
teaching modesty = mental illness
social norms = mental illness.
To teach every baby that his natural and unavoidable urge to return
his mother's caresses is evil, and to teach every baby that all human
beings are automatically and inherently defective on account of being
attached to body parts which are so irredeemably evil that they must
be concealed and never spoken of unless absolutely unavoidable....
(and bizarrely, the parts of our bodies that are targeted for being
thought of as defective and shameful are the most beautiful and most
delightful parts of our bodies!) .....such practices are hideously
cruel acts of child abuse performed by every mother in the world, and
indicate a very severe collective mental illness afflicting all human
One of the ugliest manifestations of human insanity is the concept of
'spiritual progress' - which is actually a state of collective self
delusion, typified by the declaration that you have 'compassion for
all living beings.' In reality the 'spiritually advanced' crowd have
meaning the child abuse built into the prevailing survivalist-mode
mother-infant relationship.
Thus, what our insane civilisation terms "spiritual progress" is
actually an even more severe state of mental illness, a state of
promoting child abuse and having NO COMPASSION FOR ANYONE.
I see no prospect of happiness for myself as long as I have to live in
a civilisation where love is rationed, in other words a civilisation
where everybody is very severely mentally ill.
Only a species afflicted by a very severe collective mental illness
would submit to societal arrangements which ration love and
institutionalise child abuse in the mother-infant relationship.
So there is no cure and no 'therapy' for what is bothering me, not
under present conditions. The only way you can make me happy is by
saying you want us all to regain our collective sanity by making a
start at moving toward eventual aboliton of our insane love-rationing
societal arrangements.
By publishing what I have published, I have affirmed my sanity.
This is what Wilhelm Reich advised in 'LISTEN, LITTLE MAN !'
You can do the same.
Sanity is already in you. Nobody can give it to you. Look for sanity
inside yourself, as I have done.
"Therapy" - meaning coping stragegies to help us to endure the pain of
living in an insane civilisation - is a dishonest and immoral approach
to life, a betrayal of your fellow human beings, and an abandonment of
your grandchildren and all future generations of human infants.
Cease your compromising, cease your adjusting to what is clearly an
insane civilisation operated by a human species suffering from very
severe collective mental illness.
At the very least, declare publicly that you are in favour of eventual
abolition of our love-rationing, pain-generating societal
arrangements, admittedly not now, not next year, but whenever we find
the collective will to do so, in other words, when we have had enough
of the pain which we automatically inflict on ourselves via our pain-
generating societal arrangements.
See the "Declaration for Healing," issued April 2006.
Shall we agree on a revised draft of that declaration, to be publicly
endorsed on the web by all those human beings who are beginning to
regain their sanity and who see through the idiocy of the compromises
offered by the therapy industry and the warmongers?
"I Stil Miss Someone"
"Listen, Little Man !"
"The Law of the Sea"
"Declaration for Healing"
When I first discovered Robin Norwood's books ("Women Who Love Too
Much") and similar writings about fifteen years ago, codependency was
a big 'buzz word.'
The emphaisis was on demonising anyone who saw a relationship with
another person or persons as the major source of their happiness. The
aim of 'therapy' was to become emotionally self sufficient.
Is this realistic?
Can anyone be happy without human love and its physical expressions
and consummation?
The answer appears to be yes, at least later in life. But this is to
miss the point.
What is a sex addict? Is some degree of addiction to love and
affection and its physical expressions - at least in the early phases
of our lives - is this a disease to be cured, or is it an indication
of emotional health and honesty?
Given that we all were born into an intense sexual relationship with
our mothers, which leaves permanent IMPRINTS on our brains, where is
the sense in rationing and demonising physical expressions of love?
(As explained elsewhere, it "makes sense" only to warmongers, and that
was the whole purpose of our love-rationing societal arrangements: to
fill us with repressed rage to be discharged on the battlefields of a
recurring series of post-apocalyptic survivalist emergencies. But it
never had to be, there was always a sane alternative, as explained in
"The Law of the Sea," but our ancestors were too immature to go down
that path.)
My series of healing writings of the past five years can be seen as a
rebellion against the prevailing ethos in the therapy industry, which
essentially trains its clients to adjust to an insane civilisation and
to develop coping mechanisms to ease the pain of living in an insane
civilisation, but never advocates moving in the direction of societal
healing which will end our collective insanity.
To tolerate societal arrangements which RATION LOVE, and to affirm
that there is no other way people can ever live their lives, is a
clear sign of collective insanity. Instead of offering coping
strategies, I have been advocating that we make the collective
decision to regain our sanity by moving toward the abolition of all
our insane, love-rationing societal arrangements as soon as
In this context you all would do well to re-examine the paragraphs in
"I Still Miss Someone" titled 'The Incest Taboo,' 'The Oedipus
Irrelevancy,' 'What is Marriage,' 'The Anus Revisited,' and similar.
Briefly, one important point I raised is the simple practicality of
life that we are unable to see our anuses, and therefore we can never
be sure that our anuses are clean. So all mothers are wrong to stop
toileting their infants. Instead, the infant should be allowed to
realise his natural and unavoidable urge to toilet the mother, and
friends and family members should toilet one another by agreement
throughout our lives.
Such is the severity of your collective mental illness, that the only
response you are capable of giving to this is to say I am 'weird' or
Stop being afraid.
You speak of 'teaching modesty,' teaching social norms to infants.
teaching modesty = mental illness
social norms = mental illness.
To teach every baby that his natural and unavoidable urge to return
his mother's caresses is evil, and to teach every baby that all human
beings are automatically and inherently defective on account of being
attached to body parts which are so irredeemably evil that they must
be concealed and never spoken of unless absolutely unavoidable....
(and bizarrely, the parts of our bodies that are targeted for being
thought of as defective and shameful are the most beautiful and most
delightful parts of our bodies!) .....such practices are hideously
cruel acts of child abuse performed by every mother in the world, and
indicate a very severe collective mental illness afflicting all human
One of the ugliest manifestations of human insanity is the concept of
'spiritual progress' - which is actually a state of collective self
delusion, typified by the declaration that you have 'compassion for
all living beings.' In reality the 'spiritually advanced' crowd have
meaning the child abuse built into the prevailing survivalist-mode
mother-infant relationship.
Thus, what our insane civilisation terms "spiritual progress" is
actually an even more severe state of mental illness, a state of
promoting child abuse and having NO COMPASSION FOR ANYONE.
I see no prospect of happiness for myself as long as I have to live in
a civilisation where love is rationed, in other words a civilisation
where everybody is very severely mentally ill.
Only a species afflicted by a very severe collective mental illness
would submit to societal arrangements which ration love and
institutionalise child abuse in the mother-infant relationship.
So there is no cure and no 'therapy' for what is bothering me, not
under present conditions. The only way you can make me happy is by
saying you want us all to regain our collective sanity by making a
start at moving toward eventual aboliton of our insane love-rationing
societal arrangements.
By publishing what I have published, I have affirmed my sanity.
This is what Wilhelm Reich advised in 'LISTEN, LITTLE MAN !'
You can do the same.
Sanity is already in you. Nobody can give it to you. Look for sanity
inside yourself, as I have done.
"Therapy" - meaning coping stragegies to help us to endure the pain of
living in an insane civilisation - is a dishonest and immoral approach
to life, a betrayal of your fellow human beings, and an abandonment of
your grandchildren and all future generations of human infants.
Cease your compromising, cease your adjusting to what is clearly an
insane civilisation operated by a human species suffering from very
severe collective mental illness.
At the very least, declare publicly that you are in favour of eventual
abolition of our love-rationing, pain-generating societal
arrangements, admittedly not now, not next year, but whenever we find
the collective will to do so, in other words, when we have had enough
of the pain which we automatically inflict on ourselves via our pain-
generating societal arrangements.
See the "Declaration for Healing," issued April 2006.
Shall we agree on a revised draft of that declaration, to be publicly
endorsed on the web by all those human beings who are beginning to
regain their sanity and who see through the idiocy of the compromises
offered by the therapy industry and the warmongers?
"I Stil Miss Someone"
"Listen, Little Man !"
"The Law of the Sea"
"Declaration for Healing"