(too old to reply)
2008-04-17 12:11:47 UTC


When I first discovered Robin Norwood's books ("Women Who Love Too
Much") and similar writings about fifteen years ago, codependency was
a big 'buzz word.'
The emphaisis was on demonising anyone who saw a relationship with
another person or persons as the major source of their happiness. The
aim of 'therapy' was to become emotionally self sufficient.

Is this realistic?

Can anyone be happy without human love and its physical expressions
and consummation?

The answer appears to be yes, at least later in life. But this is to
miss the point.

What is a sex addict? Is some degree of addiction to love and
affection and its physical expressions - at least in the early phases
of our lives - is this a disease to be cured, or is it an indication
of emotional health and honesty?

Given that we all were born into an intense sexual relationship with
our mothers, which leaves permanent IMPRINTS on our brains, where is
the sense in rationing and demonising physical expressions of love?

(As explained elsewhere, it "makes sense" only to warmongers, and that
was the whole purpose of our love-rationing societal arrangements: to
fill us with repressed rage to be discharged on the battlefields of a
recurring series of post-apocalyptic survivalist emergencies. But it
never had to be, there was always a sane alternative, as explained in
"The Law of the Sea," but our ancestors were too immature to go down
that path.)

My series of healing writings of the past five years can be seen as a
rebellion against the prevailing ethos in the therapy industry, which
essentially trains its clients to adjust to an insane civilisation and
to develop coping mechanisms to ease the pain of living in an insane
civilisation, but never advocates moving in the direction of societal
healing which will end our collective insanity.

To tolerate societal arrangements which RATION LOVE, and to affirm
that there is no other way people can ever live their lives, is a
clear sign of collective insanity. Instead of offering coping
strategies, I have been advocating that we make the collective
decision to regain our sanity by moving toward the abolition of all
our insane, love-rationing societal arrangements as soon as

In this context you all would do well to re-examine the paragraphs in
"I Still Miss Someone" titled 'The Incest Taboo,' 'The Oedipus
Irrelevancy,' 'What is Marriage,' 'The Anus Revisited,' and similar.
Briefly, one important point I raised is the simple practicality of
life that we are unable to see our anuses, and therefore we can never
be sure that our anuses are clean. So all mothers are wrong to stop
toileting their infants. Instead, the infant should be allowed to
realise his natural and unavoidable urge to toilet the mother, and
friends and family members should toilet one another by agreement
throughout our lives.



Such is the severity of your collective mental illness, that the only
response you are capable of giving to this is to say I am 'weird' or

Stop being afraid.


You speak of 'teaching modesty,' teaching social norms to infants.


teaching modesty = mental illness


social norms = mental illness.

To teach every baby that his natural and unavoidable urge to return
his mother's caresses is evil, and to teach every baby that all human
beings are automatically and inherently defective on account of being
attached to body parts which are so irredeemably evil that they must
be concealed and never spoken of unless absolutely unavoidable....
(and bizarrely, the parts of our bodies that are targeted for being
thought of as defective and shameful are the most beautiful and most
delightful parts of our bodies!) .....such practices are hideously
cruel acts of child abuse performed by every mother in the world, and
indicate a very severe collective mental illness afflicting all human



One of the ugliest manifestations of human insanity is the concept of
'spiritual progress' - which is actually a state of collective self
delusion, typified by the declaration that you have 'compassion for
all living beings.' In reality the 'spiritually advanced' crowd have
meaning the child abuse built into the prevailing survivalist-mode
mother-infant relationship.

Thus, what our insane civilisation terms "spiritual progress" is
actually an even more severe state of mental illness, a state of
promoting child abuse and having NO COMPASSION FOR ANYONE.


I see no prospect of happiness for myself as long as I have to live in
a civilisation where love is rationed, in other words a civilisation
where everybody is very severely mentally ill.

Only a species afflicted by a very severe collective mental illness
would submit to societal arrangements which ration love and
institutionalise child abuse in the mother-infant relationship.

So there is no cure and no 'therapy' for what is bothering me, not
under present conditions. The only way you can make me happy is by
saying you want us all to regain our collective sanity by making a
start at moving toward eventual aboliton of our insane love-rationing
societal arrangements.

By publishing what I have published, I have affirmed my sanity.
This is what Wilhelm Reich advised in 'LISTEN, LITTLE MAN !'
You can do the same.
Sanity is already in you. Nobody can give it to you. Look for sanity
inside yourself, as I have done.

"Therapy" - meaning coping stragegies to help us to endure the pain of
living in an insane civilisation - is a dishonest and immoral approach
to life, a betrayal of your fellow human beings, and an abandonment of
your grandchildren and all future generations of human infants.

Cease your compromising, cease your adjusting to what is clearly an
insane civilisation operated by a human species suffering from very
severe collective mental illness.

At the very least, declare publicly that you are in favour of eventual
abolition of our love-rationing, pain-generating societal
arrangements, admittedly not now, not next year, but whenever we find
the collective will to do so, in other words, when we have had enough
of the pain which we automatically inflict on ourselves via our pain-
generating societal arrangements.

See the "Declaration for Healing," issued April 2006.

Shall we agree on a revised draft of that declaration, to be publicly
endorsed on the web by all those human beings who are beginning to
regain their sanity and who see through the idiocy of the compromises
offered by the therapy industry and the warmongers?



"I Stil Miss Someone"

"Listen, Little Man !"

"The Law of the Sea"

"Declaration for Healing"

The Todal
2008-04-17 12:25:36 UTC
Post by Ishtar
When I first discovered Robin Norwood's books ("Women Who Love Too
Much") and similar writings about fifteen years ago, codependency was
a big 'buzz word.'
The emphaisis was on demonising anyone who saw a relationship with
another person or persons as the major source of their happiness. The
aim of 'therapy' was to become emotionally self sufficient.
Is this realistic?
Let's look at it from a different viewpoint. Nowadays, those who once
formed unhealthy co-dependent relationships with other people (be they
friends or relatives or lovers) will often instead form co-dependent
relationships with strangers in usenet or in web-based chatrooms.

It would probably be healthier and more beneficial if, instead of obsessing
about their own anuses in usenet, they could seek help from a competent
therapist. Or in the interim, from their local branch of the Samaritans.
2008-04-17 19:29:53 UTC
Let's look at it from a different viewpoint.  Nowadays, those who once
formed unhealthy co-dependent relationships with other people (be they
friends or relatives or lovers) will often instead form co-dependent
relationships with strangers in usenet or in web-based chatrooms.
It would probably be healthier and more beneficial if, instead of obsessing
about their own anuses in usenet, they could seek help from a competent
therapist. Or in the interim, from their local branch of the Samaritans.

I wasn't talking to you.

"These words are sent out across the globe without adolescent
illusions about their reception. If some of them shall come to rest
beside a friend or two, and remind her of her divine origin and
destiny, it will surely be enough."
(Inspired by Dr Paul Brunton.)
Joe Lee
2008-04-18 03:03:12 UTC
Let's look at it from a different viewpoint. Nowadays, those who once
formed unhealthy co-dependent relationships with other people (be they
friends or relatives or lovers) will often instead form co-dependent
relationships with strangers in usenet or in web-based chatrooms.
It would probably be healthier and more beneficial if, instead of obsessing
about their own anuses in usenet, they could seek help from a competent
therapist. Or in the interim, from their local branch of the Samaritans.
I wasn't talking to you.
Now don't be silly. You were talking to everyone & anyone who cares to drop
by & read & respond to your missives.
"These words are sent out across the globe without adolescent illusions
about their reception. If some of them shall come to rest beside a friend
or two, and remind her of her divine origin and
destiny, it will surely be enough."
(Inspired by Dr Paul Brunton.)
I suspect you may have been more greatly influenced by Dr. Tony Holland.
Joe Lee
2008-04-18 04:58:39 UTC
Post by Joe Lee
I suspect you may have been more greatly influenced by Dr. Tony Holland.
Who in turn was taught by Prof. Joe Lee
2008-04-18 12:50:20 UTC
Post by Joe Lee
"These words are sent out across the globe without adolescent illusions
about their reception. If some of them shall come to rest beside a friend
or two, and remind her of her divine origin and destiny, it will surely be enough."
(Inspired by Dr Paul Brunton.)
I suspect you may have been more greatly influenced by Dr. Tony Holland.
Joe Lee

We're in deep shit, all of us. We're up to our necks in our own shit.
And we've got used to the stench of our own shit, so we don't smell it
any more. We've been mentally ill for eleven thousand years, and so
mental illness is our normality. I've broken the silence for you. The
ball is in your court now.

And remember, the ruling group wants societal healing perhaps even
more than I do, because to be a member or associate or dupe or slave
of the ruling group would indicate that such a person has suffered
greatly at the hands of our mentally ill survivalist-mode
2008-04-19 14:13:36 UTC
Post by Joe Lee
I suspect you may have been more greatly influenced by Dr. Tony Holland.
Joe Lee

Very few people will address the actual content of what I've written,
meaning the simple analysis of the human condition and the long-term
healing formula toward which that analysis points. Although these are
not immediately obvious, they become obvious and easy to understand
when explained.

Our societal arrangements automatically and inevitably generate pain.
If you remain silent or play the clown when I ask you to declare
yourselves in favour of abolishing our sick, survivalist-mode, pain-
generating societal arrangements as soon as feasible, then clearly you
are mentally ill. Furthermore, you have no parenting impulse, because
you are abandoning your children, your grandchildren and all your
descendants to societal arrangements which will continue automatically
to cause pain in every generation until they are abolished.

To put it bluntly and directly,
the three cornerstones of human insanity are:

1. The mother-infant relationship in it's present form;
2. The incest taboo;
3. The ban on loving more than one.

We have been insane for eleven thousand years, and so insanity is our
normality and we assume we are sane.
Yet anyone who has ever read a newspaper or a history book must be
able to see that they were reading about a mentally ill species,
humanity. Our obvious insanity screams out at the reader from the
pages of all newspapers and history books.


The two main obstacles to abolishing our insane survivalist-mode
societal arrangements are:

(A) All living organisms have a powerful urge to repeat indefinitely
any behaviour patterns that have become associated in their brains and
archetypes with *physical survival* ;

(B) If one regional group regains its sanity ahead of the rest of the
human family, they will not be able to fight defensive wars
effectively, and so they will be in danger of going the same way as
the Cathars.

That is why I said the first step can only be to "come out" one by one
by declaring ourselves publicly to be in favour of abolishing our pain-
generating survivalist-mode societal arrangements as soon as it
becomes feasible on a global scale.

A journey begins with the first step. Take that first step, and see
what happens next.



"I Still Miss Someone"

"Listen, Little Man !"

"The Law of the Sea"

"Declaration for Healing"


2008-04-23 14:04:09 UTC


I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the Ball and I see it needs sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps

I don't know why nobody told you
How to unfold your love
I don't know how someone controlled you
They bought and sold you

I look at the world and I notice it's turning
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps

I don't know how you were diverted
You were perverted too
I don't know how you were inverted
No one alerted you

I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at you all.........
Still my guitar gently weeps


Words and Music by George Harrison


George was more cerebral and more serious than the other three


The last verse is generally overlooked:


"I don't know how you were diverted
You were perverted too
I don't know how you were inverted
No one alerted you."


FUNTIONING that were adopted eleven thousand years ago when we first
went into the present era of *survivalist mode* . In other words,

"No one alerted you..."

Is it any wonder that no one "alerts" people to their collective
mental illness?
I tried for five years. It's not been a pleasant experience. In a
mentally ill civilisation, anyone who advocates healing - meaning a
return to natural functioning / to our ancient purity and decency of
eleven thousand years ago - will be shunned and ridiculed.



"I Still Miss Someone"

"Listen, Little Man !"

"The Law of the Sea"

"Declaration for Healing"

2008-04-23 14:21:58 UTC
Post by Ishtar
I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the Ball and I see it needs sweeping
I could have sworn it was George's floor , rather than balls, which
needed sweeping.

Maybe that's your problem?
2008-04-23 20:47:40 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Post by Ishtar
I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the Ball and I see it needs sweeping
I could have sworn it was George's floor , rather than balls, which
needed sweeping.
Maybe that's your problem?

I haven't listened to the recording for a while, and don't have a copy
to hand right now.

It seems to me that the word 'Ball' is the original wording, because
it rhymes with 'all' in the first line, and also because 'Ball,' which
obviously means globe or the earth, fits with the overall message of
the song, which is *societal healing* , whereas 'floor' does not.

It seems to me that someone who was reproducing the lyrics for a book
or website could not comprehend the meaning and significance of the
word "Ball" in the second line, and substituted 'floor,' which is
inconsistent with the overall flow of the meaning and message of that
song. What connection does sweeping a floor have with the rest of
those lyrics?


Apart from that, your comment is what we've come to expect - ignoring
the healing message and focusing on some triviality in the detail.
"Always the non-essential, never the essential," as Wilhelm Reich
lamented in "Listen, Little Man!"
Old Jinglebollocks
2008-04-23 23:30:09 UTC
"I look at the Ball and I see it needs sweeping."


"Oh Ishtar come, to end our pain
And then we'll learn to love again..."


"Behold, I make all things new."

Periodically the earth is swept clean and we have the opportunity to
start again on a blank page.

Tragiclly, we've always just gone and written the some old survivalist-
mode script all over again.

What about next time?



The agenda should be healing, not sniping at Immanuel Velikovsky.

The content of "Mass Scotoma Rides Again" and similar evidence are
sufficent to show that human history has been interspersed with
catastrophes of such unspeakable and unthinkable horror as to cause us
to seek refuge in collective amnesia.

'Nitpicking' about the detail of Velikovsky's "Worlds In Collision" is
not helpful. Mr Ellenberger is not a healer but a spoiler who
concentrates on discrediting "Worlds In Collision" with plausible
sounding verbiage, which the reader can neither prove nor disprove,
without unrealistic long-term commitment of time and energy, while Mr
Ellenberger offers only vague and oblique comments on "Earth In
Upheaval" and "Mankind in Amnesia."

REPEAT: The content of "Mass Scotoma Rides Again" and similar evidence
are sufficent to show that human history has been interspersed with
catastrophes of such unspeakable and unthinkable horror as to cause us
to seek refuge in collective amnesia

It's not about Velikovsky, it's about healing, at a unique time in the
current cycle of civilisation, when unique healing opportunities may
present themselves in the near future.

Healing is remembering. Remembering infancy - the infancy of the
person AND the infancy of the tribe. It seems some people can face the
infancy of the tribe, but the infancy of you, the person, is too awful
to allow into consciousness. But therein lies healing, the only

What I find difficult to understand is that you haven't yet had enough
pain, and that you don't want to end our common pain, when the only
route out of our pain has been pointed out to you.

I want no contact with other people now, not after the performance of
the past five years. All we can hope for is that some people are
thinking the right thoughts in the privacy of their own minds, and
that some may keep their wits about them in the immediate aftermath of
the coming collapse, when the fate of humanity for the next several
thousand years will be determined by the behaviour of the survivors of
the coming collapse.


In the Daily Mail, London, 11 July 2007, pages 26 - 27, we have the
latest exercise in mass scotoma to conceal the fact that the surface
of the earth testifies to recurring instability in the orbits of the

The headline screams:

"A 10,000 YEAR OLD BABY - Mummified Mammoth is the most perfect ever

....The female calf was discovered in the frozen soils of north-west

Further down, the Mail's "environmental editor" declares:

"In order for a mammoth's soft tissue to survive, it has to be buried
quickly in mud, silt or moving soil which quickly freezes."


And that's all.

The awkward questions thrown up by the previous sentence are ignored
and bypassed to spare the readers' blushes.
Mass Scotoma Rides Again.


Mammoths, close relatives of elephants, lived only in the tropics and
fed on the lush tropical zone vegetation without which they cannot
survive. Tens of thousands of carcasses and bones of mammoths have
been unearthed in Alaska and Siberia. As the Daily Mail man said,
they were preserved only because they were SUDDENLY frozen.

This is so difficult for most people to grasp that it bears


In other words, the tropical climate, in which those mammoths lived,
meaning the tropical climate of Siberia a few thousand years ago,
POLAR CLIMATE. Otherwise these mummified mammoths could not be here

So how did that happen? How did Siberia change its climate and
complexion from torrid tropical prairies to frozen polar ice in the
space of a few hours?

No comment from the Daily Mail man. Just duck and dodge any awkward
questions and move on. The customer is always right, and Daily Mail
readers do not want any inconvenient truths to make them choke on
their cheese and onion bagels.......

The only way to explain those myriad frozen mammoths which continue
to crop up in Siberia is by acknowledging the instability in the
orbits of the planets. Only the presence of Ishtar close to the
earth could have caused the earth's polar axis to shift suddenly,
transporting Siberia from the tropics to the polar zone to be frozen
over within a few hours.

(I use the word Ishtar as a composite name to indicate the series
of 'rogue planets' which pass close to the earth at irregular
intervals, destroying our civilisations, modifying our religions and
driving us successively deeper into survivalist mode.)

Also, only some of the mammoths buried in Siberia would be about
10,000 years old (explosion of Saturn).
The mass burials of animals came in successive waves during the
recurring bouts of instability in the orbits of the planets, so that
most of those mummified mammoths we are repeatedly digging up in
Siberia would be only 3,400 years old (first modern visitation of
Ishtar, coinciding with the biblical plagues in Egypt and the
emptying of the red sea as a result of the gravitational / tidal
anomaly produced by the proximity of Ishtar, which was a global
phenomenon, but most people imagine it was confined to the Middle
East - because the Hebrews had the best scribes).


As indicated in a previous post, the changes in the calendar 2,700
years ago are the conclusive proof of instability in the orbits of
the planets.
If you let yourself think, the presence of mummified mammoths in
Siberia and elsewhere is equally conclusive, because - as the Daily
Mail man said: "they were preserved only because they were SUDDENLY
frozen," --- and there is only ONE way that tropical zone animals,
some with fresh tropical grasses in their mouths and in their
stomachs undigested, showing they were grazing on tropical prairies
when 'suddenly frozen,' could meet such an end. And there is only one
possible cause for the recurring poleshifts, and that is the presence
of a full-sized planet very close to the earth. Honest geologists
date these mummified mammals as recent, then lapse back into the mass

The only ultimate and comprehensive healing formula must involve
confronting our true history, as well as the other Forbidden

Without facing the Forbidden Subjects, we'll just continue to go
around in circles indefinitely.

That involves us all in a lot of pain.

After eleven thousand years, have you not had enough pain yet?

Please join me in sowing some good seeds in the soil of the
collective human consciousness. Such seeds may then grow to fruition
among isolated pockets of survivors after the coming collapse.
Conceivably, they may even expand into a sane civilisation covering
nearly all the globe, as happened twelve thousand years ago, prior to
the major deluge, still remembered vaguely as the Garden of Eden, the
Age of Saturn, the Golden Age.
Sowing those intellectual and emotional seeds in the collective
consciousness, and anticipating their fruition, is the only way to
make a start at putting a stop to all this idiocy you see around you.

After eleven thousand years, have you not had enough pain yet?
The thought is father to the deed;
I'm asking you to sow the seed.
I pray today will be the day
When Ishtar sweeps our filth away
To end a world that torments me
A world that has no right to be
Scotoma and amnesia rule
To stop you knowing you're a fool
Hauteur and glory seeking too
Conceal the "shame" of being you
Eleven thousand years ago
The world went mad but you don't know
Survival and necessity
Reduced you to insanity
Amnesia to ease the pain
Makes you forget that you're insane
You're in a prison of the mind
The key is not too hard to find
Reality is hard to bear
But you can see it if you care
So cruel your mothers had to be
You all forgot your infancy
The avalanche of toxic shame
The love that dare not speak its name
Survivalism is your creed
So you deny your infant's need
To keep the soldier and the gun
Your love is rationed to just one
The fake debates are on TV
Eclipsing what you need to see
The Vivisection Swindle grows
The avalanche of poison flows
The food you eat is so much trash
As bogus "experts" take your cash
To tell you lies you want to hear
Because the truth arouses fear
The Holy Grail you cannot find
It's too "offensive" to your mind
The source of pain is clear to see
You know the long-term remedy
But when you're asked to make a start
You turn away, too faint of heart
And run to hire a bogus "seer"
Who'll tell you what you want to hear
And you'll forget you have to pay
With labour and the loss of pride,
The only way to turn the tide
Your heads are firmly in the sand
O ISHTAR! give a helping hand
A Shining Cross up in the sky
Our sick society will die
The cleansing sea engulfs the land
As healing comes by Ishtar's hand
Then darkness reigns for many years
To give us time to calm our fears
To see the errors of our past,
Regain our sanity at last.
"Holy Communion" has to be
For us to reach maturity
The vampire legends are half true
At times that's what we have to do
But if you need to suck my blood
Just ask me first, you know you should
As sailors did in days of yore
When they were stranded far from shore.
The ruling group are training you
To think there's nothing you can do
To keep their power they must retain
Arrangements that are causing pain
When Ishtar comes, there's only you,
Your chance to make some dreams come true
The thought is father to the deed
Now is the time to sow the seed
So think before you build again
Do not be ruled by foolish men
Let infants teach you what to do
They have no shame, their love is true
A baby's love is like the sun
It freely shines on everyone
No ban on loving more than one
No body parts you have to shun
Let baby take your shame away
Let baby all your fears allay
O ISHTAR COME to end our pain
And then we'll learn to love again
THE FORBIDDEN SUBJECTS in brief - a reminder:
(1) ===The Solar System is inherently unstable and at irregular
intervals other planets repeatedly pass close to the earth destroying
civilisations and modifying religions, the last such event having
occurred only 2,700 years ago, though censored out of the historical
and geological records by common consent via collective scotoma /
(2) ===Every part of the earth's surface, above and below sea level,
testifies to the effects and legacy of interplanetary near-collisions
within historical times, but the bogus, fraudulent "sciences" of
"geology" and "archaeology" are exercises in mass scotoma intended to
deny the evidence of our senses.
(3) ===Scotoma - meaning the denial of part of what our senses
perceive in front of us - comes so easily to human beings because
scotoma was considered necessary to our physical survival in the
forgotten survivalist emergencies that were the aftermath of the
forgotten poleshifts, and whatever is associated in our brains and in
our archetypes with physical survival tends to repeat indefinitely.
(4) ===The foods we eat are slow poisons but we feel a compulsion to
continue to eat these slow poisons because they were thought to be
our only means of survival for a brief period after the poleshifts,
activities associated in our brains and in our archetypes with
physical survival tend to repeat indefinitely.
(5) ===In particular, consuming the flesh and blood of tortured,
terrified animals is a major source of the violence and hate in human
behaviour, as the last thoughts and frenzied emotions of our dying
victims live on as psychic energy and transmute themselves from the
meat into our human brains as tendencies to repeat the violence and
hate we perpetrated upon those sentient beings.
(6) ===Animal experimentation or vivisection is entirely fraudulent
and has been generating an avalanche of "animal tested" poisons which
is the major source of environmental pollution and will soon destroy
the earth's life support system, enabling us to repeat and relive the
forgotten survivalist emergencies, because traumatic amnesia
sufferers always strive to repeat the forgotten trauma.
(7) ===The mother-infant relationship is largely institutionalised
child abuse imposed on our ancestors to reduce children to soldier
material, as were our other major societal arrangements such as the
amazing ban on loving more than one person (=the rationing of love,
=marriage-type relationships), and so our societal arrangements
automatically generate pain and have no validity in a world which can
sustain all its inhabitants and therefore our societal arrangements
should be abolished as soon as feasible in the interests of healing,
and this too is hidden under a veil of scotoma / amnesia.
(8) ===What is happening in the nursing homes (and in old age
generally) is a compulsive and pathological repeat performance of the
worst horrors of the mother-infant relationship, or a final, feeble
protest against what our mothers did to us, again barred from our
conscious awareness by collective scotoma / amnesia.
(9) ===Although we like to imagine we are striving in various ways
'to make the world a better place' and 'to put an end to human
suffering,' we are actually and unwittingly striving for permanent
failure and permanent stagnation from a long-term perspective, and
this addiction
to stagnation and failure is in large measure an analogue or 'acting
out' or mimicking of our eleven-thousand-year failure to restore
sanity and decency to the mother-infant relationship, which is
something we all yearn for intensely in our innermost being but feel
unable even to articulate, let alone make a start at achieving it.
(10) ===We can prove scientifically beyond any doubt that God exists,
although It is not the personalised, humanised, magnified man god of
"The Golden Age" by Lucas Cranach: (please search internet);
"New Planet" Youon (please search internet);
"The Silver Age" by Lucas Cranach (please search internet);
"Melancholia" by Lucas Cranach (please search internet).
2008-04-25 19:05:19 UTC




It is useful to evaluate Joy Palmer's life realistically.

Was she a saint?

I say people like Joy Palmer are a menace to society, because people
like Joy Palmer promote stagnation and oppose healing.

The Joy Palmers of this world prevent societal healing by advising
people to stay in the never-never land of glorious campaigning to put
pressure on our politicians to pass a law banning this and that, in
pursuit of a great breakthrough which will always remain forever *just
around the corner* - like the glorious quest for a cure for cancer,
when we always knew that hygiene is the cure for cancer.

"It is better to travel hopefully than to arrive."

But even if you "arrive" at your destination in terms of getting a law
passed, no healing takes place.

Recently we had celebrations for the anniversary of the "abolition" of
slavery, in a world where there are now many more slaves than prior to
the alleged "abolition" of slavery.

We have the farce of "child protection legislation" which completely
ignores the child abuse that is institutionalised in the survivalist-
mode mother-infant relationship designed to keep us all on a war

Joy Palmer was a living lie. She chose stagnation and promoted

Her life is all the more tragic because she often sacrificed herself,
often used her own money to fund her altruistic campaigns, and I think
she even lost her home in Ireland in 1986 as a result of using her own
money to fund her altruistic campaigns, which seemed glorious to you,
but I eventually came to see her behaviour as an obstacle to genuine


You don't remember your infancy. That is the key to everything.

Some people do know what is going on in this civilisation. Remember
the words of Bernardo Bertolucci:

"Children are tortured until they tell their first lie."

We live in a civilisation where we are unable to remember our infancy
because what every mother in the world is doing to her babies is so
traumatic and so terrifying that we have to take refuge from it in
amnesia. What our mothers did to us is simply too unbearable to allow
into consciousness.

So that is the starting point for all healing:- recover the authentic
memories of your infancy. Then publicly declare your support for the
long-term aim of abolishing the survivalist-mode mother-infant
relationship and our other pain-generating societal arrangements.

Anything else just leads us around in circles, as the Joy Palmer story


Joy Palmer's life fills me with sadness. She was a 'repairwoman.' I am
a 'repairman.'

When people experience extreme dysfunction in their family of origin,
they respond in different ways. They may go the route of addiction,
suicide, criminality..... or... they may become a 'repairman,' trying
to repair the whole world just as the child from the past wanted so
desperately to repair his insane family. I know I am a 'repairman,'
and I say it makes me a useful person. It certainly is not a sickness
to be 'cured,' although people such as Liz Jaymal would say it is just

Joy Palmer's tragedy is that she chose to stagnate at a very
elementary level of awareness of the diagnosis of our collective
mental illness. For that reason, I say Joy Palmer did harm and not

It has to be all or nothing. There is no other healing formula or
'repairman job' that is going to succeed, as is demonstrated by the
fake "abolition" of slavery and our fake "child protection

On that basis, the only job worth doing (apart from maintaining
essential services) is to educate people in the true nature of our
predicament and to urge people to recover the memories of infancy, so
as to understand that every mother in the world is a child abuser and
that all human beings without any exception anywhere are very severely
mentally ill.

If you do anything else (apart from maintaining essential services),
then you are a menace to society, just as Joy Palmer was a menace to

"I Still Miss Someone"

"Listen, Little Man!"
2008-04-26 01:52:19 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Post by Ishtar
I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the Ball and I see it needs sweeping
I could have sworn it was George's floor , rather than balls, which
needed sweeping.
Maybe that's your problem?
I haven't listened to the recording for a while, and don't have a copy
to hand right now.
It seems to me that the word 'Ball' is the original wording, because
it rhymes with 'all' in the first line, and also because 'Ball,' which
obviously means globe or the earth, fits with the overall message of
the song, which is *societal healing* , whereas 'floor' does not.
It seems to me that someone who was reproducing the lyrics for a book
or website could not comprehend the meaning and significance of the
word "Ball" in the second line, and substituted 'floor,' which is
inconsistent with the overall flow of the meaning and message of that
song. What connection does sweeping a floor have with the rest of
those lyrics?
Apart from that, your comment is what we've come to expect - ignoring
the healing message and focusing on some triviality in the detail.
"Always the non-essential, never the essential," as Wilhelm Reich
lamented in "Listen, Little Man!"

I've had the opportunity to listen again to George Harrison's
recording of that song. I can confirm that the correct wording of the
first verse as sung by George is as stated above, with the word
"Ball," meaning globe or the earth, which is obviously in need of

"Oh Ishtar come to end our pain
And then we'll learn to love again."




I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at the Ball and I see it needs sweeping
Still my guitar gently weeps

I don't know why nobody told you
How to unfold your love
I don't know how someone controlled you
They bought and sold you

I look at the world and I notice it's turning
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps


I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
I look at you all.........
Still my guitar gently weeps


Words and Music by George Harrison






2008-05-05 05:14:53 UTC
No one is going to cure us but ourselves. We feel helpless in the face
of several billions of severely mentally ill human beings, so some of
us invent 'airy fairy' solutions such as the 'second coming' of a
saviour, or a 'great spiritual awakening' which is somehow going to
appear out of nowhere in 2012, because of some meaningless
extrapolations in a calendar.

In fact, the only way to cure our mental illness is a long process of
"coming out" - one by one.

After eleven thousand years of pain, I thought a stage would have been
reached by now when some of us would want to say: 'enough; let's end
the pain; let's not bequeath these pain-generating societal
arrangements to our children and grandchildren and all our heirs.'

It's not happening.

I'm much more articulate now, so just 'off the cuff,' I can state the
basics of our mental illness and the only way out of it:

+++The series of global catastrophes which swept the mammoths from the
torrid zone to the polar zone a few thousand years ago - that series
of catastrophes drove our ancestors insane and after a generation our
ancestors' insanity was accepted as the norm and soon we forgot that
we had once been sane and we continued to transmit our collective
mental illness with its pain-generating societal arrangements to each
successive generation;

+++The most severely mentally ill persons are those who are so insane
that they don't know they are insane, which describes almost all human
beings; equally, the most stupid people are the people who are so
stupid that they don't know they are stupid, which describes almost
all human beings [incidentally, that makes human beings extremely
dangerous and we have good cause to fear human beings greatly];

+++There will never be any sustainable progress for humanity until we
acknowledge that the mother-infant relationship is *a sexual
relationship* and that every mother's abrupt *ending* of her sexual
relationship with her baby is the original act of child abuse, the
*original sin* from which all other evils flow;

and so on; see links at end.

Our brains are scrambled, our thought processes are hopelessly

Although not immediately obvious, the correct analysis of the human
condition [mental illness] and the only feasible long-term healing
formula become obvious when they are explained to you.

Life is simple.

I toyed with the idea of "Plan B" and asked you to include it in your
thoughts and aspirations. There is no support for "Plan B" - only
'airy fairy' fantasies to the effect that "the job will do itself."

Just get on with it until you have had enough of your pain and are
ready to "come out."

The fact that you have no intention of ever abolishing your pain-
generating societal arrangements gives credence to the view that
planet earth is *other planets' hell* , that we human beings are the
damned, banished from decent planets because of our indecency, which
manifests most prominently in your absolute determination never to
abolish your pain-generating societal arrangements, your absolute
determination to bequeath your pain-generating societal arrangements
to your children, grandchildren and all your heirs. It doesn't get any
sicker than that.

"The Incest Taboo revisited"

"Plan C and Plan D"

"I Still Miss Someone"
2008-05-21 14:01:03 UTC
THE IMPASSE / addiction to pain / abandonment of our children and our


It does seem a bit hopeless.

Remembering infancy is an important key to healing. Without that there
can be no progress in any ultimate, long-term, sustainable sense.

It's easy enough to recover the emotional states of infancy, if you
just re-enact and relive the three basic physical interactions -
breastfeeding, washing, toileting - with an emotionally healthy woman.
Then you will understand that the mother-infant relationship is an
intense, emotionally charged, *sexual relationship* . Next, you will
be able to see that to abruptly end an intense sexual relationship
with another person, without any explanation, and covering your
betrayal and cruelty under a cloak of toxic shame and denial of the
sexual nature of the relationship - this is an act of cruelty and
child abuse, which leaves every infant reeling with bewilderment,
heartache and grief. Then comes the amnesia, because - although the
infant knows the adults are insane - yet to survive both physically
and emotionally, the growing infant has to absorb the adults' insanity
and denial.

The word "survive" is an important key to understanding what is going
on. Whatever our brains associate with survival, we will
'unconsciously' repeat. So that explains why I can go on for the rest
of my life repeating this analysis and healing formula, and I can
expect to be ignored, because your pain-generating societal
arrangements and your collective mental illness are associated in your
brains and in your archetypes with survival - physical and emotional
survival. In the infancy of your tribe, as well as in the infancy of
each individual member of your tribe, your pain-generating societal
arrangements and your collective imbecility, inverted morality,
scrambled thought processes, collective scotoma..... all became
associated in your brains and in your archetypes with survival. Hence
your terror of even considering abolishing your pain-generating
societal arrangements, despite the fact that clinging to pain-
generating societal arrangements is a cruel betrayal of your children
and grandchildren and all your heirs and descendants.

Even the small number of people who 'instinctively' know the value and
the correctness of this analysis and healing formula, and have said so
to me in a half-indirect way - even you refuse to discuss it
coherently and refuse to assert it publicly as I do. So even for the
finest minds in today's world, there is an impasse, a *ne plus
ultra* , a fear of healing, a fear of a pain-free world, partly
because your pain and your imbecility are associated with survival,
and also because the ancient catastrophes and survivalist emergencies
which first drove our ancestors insane are so terrifying as to be
unthinkable in their horror.

The only hope, then, is that the rest of you will eventually become
weary of the recurring transmission of these pain-generating societal
arrangements through each succeeding generation of human beings.

In particular, there MUST come a time when you start being opposed to
child abuse and wish to end the child abuse built into the mother-
infant relationship in its present form. Is that too much to ask -
that you state publicly your opposition to institutionalised child
abuse (=the mother-infant relationship)? In addition, there MUST come
a time when you start caring about YOUR OWN CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN
and resolve to make a start in the direction of abolishing our pain-
generating societal arrangements.

Let me know if you get there in the present lifetime.

"The Incest Taboo revisited"

"Plan C and Plan D"

"I Still Miss Someone"
2008-05-26 15:25:57 UTC



I haven't said this directly up to now. It needs to be said, just to
write it into the cosmic record before the end comes. No one else is
going to say it, so I will.

'Silence of the Damned' and 'I Still Miss Someone' are well worth
rereading, very slowly.
One fact they uncover and make clear is the forgotten awareness that
the mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship.
This makes nonsense of our muddled thinking on incest and on what
constitutes child abuse.
Yes, the people we call paedophiles must be locked up for life to
protect society from them.
But that fact is used conveniently to eclipse the fact that the
original child abuse in our civilisation is the child abuse committed
by every mother in the world when she abruptly ENDS her sexual
relationship with her baby, leaving every baby in the world reeling
with bewilderment, shock, terror and heartbreak, which then quickly
must be denied and forgotten.


That's been explained at length already. What I'm coming to now is the

Again, unless you're Bill Clinton, by any logical definition of a
sexual relationship, the mother-infant relationship is - of necessity
- a sexual relationship. I have in fact stated in 'The Voice of the
Voiceless' that the non-penetrative lovemaking that takes place
between every mother and her baby resembles most closely the non-
penetrative lovemaking between two passionately caring lesbian women
who do not use a dildo. Next, given that every woman in the world
engaged in this intense sexual relationship with her mother in the
early months of life, it follows that every woman in the world is a

Whatever has been kept hidden will be made manifest, especially in the
last days of a dying civilisation.

So this needs to be stated directly, needs to be written into the
cosmic record before the avalanche of "animal tested" (=UNTESTED)
poisons finally undermines the earth's life support system and causes
our civilisation to collapse, returning us to a state of survivalist

So this is what needs to be said. Whoever you are, wherever you are,
if you are a woman, then you are a lesbian, because you had an intense
sexual relationship with your mother in the early months of your life,
and you were bewildered, terrified, grief-stricken, heartbroken and
emotionally scarred for life by your mother's abrupt ending of her
sexual relationship with you, which she did in an extremely cruel
manner, not giving you any explanation for her sudden U-turn, her
sudden avalanche of toxic shame to conceal her betrayal of her baby.

This happens because the immediate purpose of motherhood in a
survivalist-mode civilisation is to generate soldiers by filling the
world with misery and repressed rage.
That is what mothers do.
Our mothers are not evil.
They are severely mentally ill, all of them.
They are quite mystified as they sleepwalk hypnotised and bewildered
through the tragic farce that is the survivalist-mode mother infant

You don't remember.

I do remember.

You will never make any sustainable progress until you face up to


"Silence of the Damned"

"I Still Miss Someone"
2008-05-29 10:38:45 UTC
I'll write this quickly and send it to you few people by email. Then
I'll post it on the usual places on the web.
It has to be said.

I'm feeling emotional pain now. I know exactly what that pain IS. It
is the pain we ALL felt at that pivotal time, the WORST time of our
lives, the brief transition between sanity and insanity.
The time I am referring to is the time the Universal Infant - meaning
every one of us when we were infants - begins to acquire movement and

It should be the BEST time of our lives - the time of initial
fascination and first time exploring of the world around us, including
exploring every part of our mothers' bodies, which is an obvious
natural impulse in every baby, and it should be a time of reaching out
to return our mothers' loving caresses exactly as given, which we all
were impelled to do by the universal psychological law of IMPRINTING
and the intensity of our LOVE and ADORATION for our mothers; and it
should be a time of VOCALISING our love and adoration for our mothers
and telling mother how adorable her breasts are, and so

Instead - it is a time of terror, bewilderment and torment for every
infant - so traumatising for all of us that amnesia is the only
refuge, and so we do not remember our infancy in this tragic
civilisation. It is the time when our mothers abruptly END the initial
sexual relationship between mother and baby, without any explanation,
while concealing her crime of child abuse under the cloak of toxic
shame and ridiculing her baby for his innate sanity and natural

Loneliness, an unbearably painful loneliness, is what every infant
feels during that brief interval, as the infant stands poised at the
most crucial crossroads of life, and is forced to relinquish his
innate sanity and surrender to the mother's enforced insanity.

I'm feeling it, I'm witnessing this forgotten emotion on behalf of the
Universal Infant, and I am asking you all to recover the memory of
this pivotal moment in your lives and directly to feel it with me and
then to 'come out,' meaning I am asking you to declare yourselves
publicly in favour of ending human suffering by ending its root cause,
which is the universal child abuse built into the survivalist-mode
mother-infant relationship, which has been denied for the past eleven
thousand years.

Hence the terrible record of suffering and chaos you can read about in
the history books. It's genesis is this pain that I am feeling now on
behalf of the Universal Infant, meaning all of us when we were
infants. That includes your own children too, those of you who are

I am asking you now in this direct manner to 'come out,' please. It is
not too much to ask of you - only that you recover the memories of
infancy and declare yourselves publicly to be in favour of ending
human suffering by ending the child abuse built into the universally
accepted survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship.

If you still can't see it as clearly as I see it, I am asking you to
MAKE yourselves FEEL it by simply performing the 'practical
reparenting' exercises I have described - which entail simply reliving
the three major physical and emotional experiences of infancy -
breastfeeding, toileting and washing.... and - crucially - also
reliving the universal child abuse, by telling your 'surrogate mother'
to abruptly END her sexual relationship with you after a while, just
as 'normal' mothers do, and to subject you to the hell of her toxic
shame, the demonising of our bodies, and the refusal to allow you to
explore your mother's body and the refusal to allow you to return your
mother's loving caresses....... as the universal psychological law of
IMPRINTING plus the INTENSITY of your LOVE and ADORATION for your
mother, and now your surrogate mother, IMPEL you to do, only to
encounter that wall of toxic shame from the mother and the unbearable
loneliness of being all alone with your sanity, the sanity of the
Universal Infant.......

If you join me in FEELING the authentic perceptions and emotions of
infants in this tragic civilisation, you will never be the same again.
You will become very wise, and you will want child abuse to end, you
will want human suffering to end, by abolishing the mother-infant
relationship in its present form as soon as we can arrange to abolish

That is why the Great Teacher declared:
unless ye become as little children ye will not enter
heaven...' ['little' is the operative word there, 'little children'
means infants].

So, that's it. I'm making this request to you on behalf of the
Universal Infant, and I'll post it in the usual places on the web
later. The request needed to be made in this more formal and more
direct manner.

I do not expect a response, because there is NOBODY, anywhere in this
world, apart from me, who wants to end child abuse and thereby end
human suffering, in the only way it ever can happen.
There is no 'airy fairy' / messiah / *the-job-will-do-itself*
solution. There is only a slow process of 'coming out' one by one,
declaring yourselves publicly in favour of eventually abolishing the
mother-infant relationship in its present form, thereby abolishing
child abuse and thereby abolishing all human suffering.

You do not want anything to do with ending child abuse. You all
emphatically want child abuse to continue. You have made that quite
clear in the past five years.

Why should you make the hard effort to recover the authentic memories
of your infancy and the horrors of the child abuse built into the
survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship?

It is not pleasant in the short term. In fact there are emotional
pitfalls and dangers that I always have to warn you about, so that
unless you have in your life the 'emotional safety net' of at least
one companion who will always love you unconditionally, you should
stay away from those reparenting exercises to recover the memories of
So, in the final analysis, only great pain and desperation will induce
people to make this investigation and see the unpalatable truth that
every mother in the world is a child abuser, that the purpose of
motherhood is to generate soldiers by filling the world with misery
and repressed rage, so that we do not remember our infancy because
what mothers are doing to their babies is too terrible to allow into

And you may notice I have omitted Liz Jaymal's email address this
time. Why? I am quite frightened of Liz Jaymal, because she lives a
mile down the road from me and because I fear she will become
hysterically abusive toward me if I make this request directly to her,
the simple request that Liz declare herself publicly to be in favour
of ending child abuse. And that fear I have of Liz Jaymal's possible
hysterics is an indication of the severity of your collective mental

The fact that you shun me and fear me because I am sane, because I
want child abuse to end - that behaviour on your part is a mirror
image or analogue of the behaviour of every mother in the world as she
ignores and ridicules her baby's innate sanity, her baby's knowing
that our bodies are not defective and shameful, her baby's knowing
that to return the mother's loving caresses is sanity and natural
functioning which will save the world from pain and end all human
Under the existing warmongering rules, that innate sanity in every
infant must be snuffed out by the mother under that agonising
avalanche of toxic shame and ridicule of the infant's innate
sanity.... The infant feels the hellishly painful loneliness of being
the only sane person in his community, surrounded by the insanity of
the adults and the older children, as the infant finally is forced to
surrender and relinquish his innate sanity.

In the words of Bernardo Bertolucci:
'Children are tortured until they tell their first lie.'
And Sr Bertolucci knew well what would happen to him if he stated that
directly and explained it fully as I have done. So to avoid being
hated and punished for his sanity, Sr Bertolucci slipped that classic
aphorism into the public record under a heavy disguise, by causing it
to be eclipsed by the visual intensity of the infamous 'butter scene'
in 'Last Tango in Paris,' so that it would go unnoticed by the
audiences, apart from me, because I am an infant, and so those words
immediately resonated with me.
Sr Bertolucci knew what he was doing, and whom he was talking to.
'Children are tortured until they tell their first lie.'


Which brings us back to the impasse we're all in, as articulated by
Wilhelm Reich and Malcolm Godwin:

In the words of Wilhelm Reich:
THE EXIT exists, but if anyone starts moving toward THE EXIT, or even
points at THE EXIT, s/he is immediately
branded a criminal or a lunatic.

In the words of Malcolm Godwin:
“We are chronically caught within the programmes of a self-
perpetuating… pattern which prevents us from either
seeing our true predicament or doing anything about it…….The Grail
legends indicate a way of breaking through that
programme. The heroic act today, of giving up our lives for something
bigger than ourselves, is the only way back…..
to simply allow the greater part of what has been severed within us to
fill the vacuum left when the false self is
left behind….”


It's been said now. I have made that direct and formal request, as a
witness for and on behalf of the Universal Infant, meaning all of us
when we were infants.
You will ignore this message, and your refusal to come out and call
for the eventual abolition of the mother-infant relationship in its
present form will automatically generate more intense pain and chaos
for your civilisation, a civilisation based on every mother in the
world being a child abuser, and on your universal refusal to publicly
advocate an end to that hidden child abuse in the mother-infant



You could look at it as a converse theorem too, extrapolating from
EFFECT back to CAUSE. Read a history book or a newspaper, and see the
cruelty and chaos and insanity with which human beings conduct their
affairs. Now, try to extrapolate back from EFFECT to CAUSE. How can
such terrible things be happening in this world? How can human beings
be doing such terrible things to each other? It can ONLY be because
mothers are doing similarly terrible things to their babies.



I've done my duty. My conscience is clear. I have been true to the
Universal Infant, and that means true to myself too.

Now just get on with it and take your medicine, meaning take your
pain, because pain, and plenty of pain, and much more intense and
prolonged pain than before, is the only medicine that will cause you
to 'come out' and declare publicly your opposition to that hidden
child abuse.

Your societal arrangements are wrong. This is a fake civilisation, a
civilisation which was always only a terrible error, a sign of
collective mental illness, a civilisation which has no right to exist
and never should have come to be, but which came to be only because
our ancestors were too immature and too stupid to deal with a
survivalist emergency in a decent and sane manner. Consequently, your
idiotic societal arrangements automatically generate pain. Bizarrely,
you emphatically insist that you do not want to abolish your pain-
generating societal arrangments.

I can comfort myself with the sure knowledge that a time will come
when your present attitude will collapse under the weight of the pain
automatically generated by your pain-generating societal arrangements,
and whenever that day comes, whether it's a few years from now or a
few tens of thousands of years from you, that day will surely come
when you will have had enough pain, and then you too will want to
abolish the mother-infant relationship in its present form so as to
end child abuse and end human suffering.

"Silence of the Damned"

"I Still Miss Someone"
2008-05-30 04:56:59 UTC

The most important of the healing articles have been placed on Google
Documents and can be accessed via the link below.

For information of Mr Leroy Ellenberger, the references to the
explosion of Saturn and the visitations of Ishtar remain. Suffice it
to say that the evidence stated in "Mass Scotoma Rides Again" is
sufficent in itself to prove the presence of Ishtar close to the earth
only a few thousand years ago. There is no other explanation for
destruction on such a vast scale.

My agenda is healing. My aim is not to 'nit pick' about the detail of
the recent (but forgotten) global catastrophes and the dire
survivalist emergencies that followed them, nor about exact dates, but
only to say they happened within historical times, and they drove our
ancestors insane, and we have inherited our ancestors' collective
insanity and must now make a start at breaking out of it in the only
way we ever will be able to break out of it.

All that remains is to reduce the analysis and healing formula to
proven essentials in a revised "Declaration for Healing" which will
stand the test of time and will never need to be altered until healing
is achieved. That is our only way out of the hole we've dug ourselves
into - because if we say such a Declaration can be altered, we open
the door to infiltrators and saboteurs who see profit in retaining the
present collective insanity.

If you don't want to respond and support this forumla for the only
sustainable long-term healing process, you have that choice. You have
the freedom to delay healing and to prolong human suffering and child
abuse - but not forever.

I can take comfort from knowing that in time your addiction to pain
will be cured by the sheer intensity of the future traumas that will
automatically be heaped on you by your pain-generating societal
arrangements which are so precious to you.

For Healing,

2008-06-03 04:40:42 UTC



(begun as email to a friend)

Hi (name withheld); I've been wanting to say this to you for some
time. I'm not asking you to reply, except in so far as you might feel
like replying.


Our civilisation cannot be reformed, and in fact it contains within
itself a compulsion to self destruct, evident particularly in........

Thoughtful people accept that a breakdown is coming at some stage, not
necessarily in our lifetimes, but the self destruct trend is

Therefore, this question must be addressed: what comes next? Post-
apocalyptic drama has been a common theme in movies and tv for many
years, the lastest being the tv series 'Jericho,' which I don't watch
as I'd find it depressing. And what depresses me about all such drama
is that always the survivors are depicted as building a new
civilisation in the same mode and with the same pain-generating
societal arrangements as the present failing civilisation. In fact,
the suspicion arises that the present ruling group are using such
drama to condition us to believe there can never be any alternative to
the present madness, so that they can remain in control after the
coming collapse. They are succeeding very well.

....(abridged).... I've been groping toward a concept of how survivors
of a collapsed civilisation would fashion in its place a sane
civilisation rather than just recycling the madness we see around us

Briefly, I know for certain that the major key lies in the mother-
infant relationship and the irresistible compulsion we all have to
repeat and mimic whatever behaviour and activity we see around us or
is being done to us in the early days and months of our lives. This
process is often referred to as IMPRINTING. If you let yourself think
about that, the conclusion is both simple and obvious: - infants have
an urgent need to give LOVE and ADORATION to the mother in EXACTLY the
same way as the mother gave LOVE and ADORATION to the baby. Above all,
that must mean an urgent need in all human beings to pleasure our
mothers' anuses EXACTLY as our mothers pleasured our anuses,
accompanied by loving eye contact and absence of toxic shame. See
'Silence of the Damned' and 'I Still Miss Someone' for full
explanation of this.

It's quite ridiculous, because when I say that to people, there are
two responses. One is to say that I am "offensive" or worse. The other
is to say:

"Peter, were you abused as a child? I have never had any interest in
my mother's anus."

Both responses are quite amazing, in that people do not remember their
infancy, and yet they are making statements about something they do
not remember as if they know what they are talking about.

PROCESSES - in other words because we are so severely mentally ill -
such natural functioning is demonised as 'perversion' or 'child

We do not remember our infancy in the present civilisation, and most
of us even have a horror of remembering it. Thus we are cut off from
and are intentionally ignorant of our own experience as infants, which
is the most powerfully formative experience of our lives, the
experience which shapes and predetermines both our personal lives and
the nature of our societal and international relations. Thus, we can
sum up the collective human condition by stating:


and we never will know until such time as we recover the memories of
infancy and correct the tragic errors built into the mother-infant
relationship in its present form.

For the past half century we have had those who say 'the end is nigh'
- which is true, although the time scale is uncertain - and some have
gathered together in isolated communities to await the end and prepare
for rebuilding after the coming collapse. As far as I know, all such
groups are planning to rebuild civilisation in the same mode as today,
with the same pain-generating societal arrangements, in particular
leaving the institutionalised child abuse in the mother-infant
relationship unchanged.

After five years of pointing out to everyone the stupidity of such a
stance, I have come up against a wall of silence and paralysis. NOBODY
wants to change the present madness by simply ABOLISHING our pain-
generating societal arrangements when the opportunity presents itself
in the immediate aftermath of the coming collapse.

I find this quite terrifying. I fear you greatly. Mental illness on
such a scale is very frightening. The treatment I have received from
Liz Jaymal is particularly scary - after being my companion in truth
seeking for some years, she withdrew from me when the insights started
coming in 2003, and now she regards me as some type of criminal. And,
in the absence of any indicators to the contrary, I have to regard Liz
Jaymal as representative of all other human beings.

How can the entire human species sink to such a degree of insanity as
to refuse to abolish societal arrangements which automatically
generate pain, and to criminalise and shun anyone who advises them to
end human suffering by simply abolishing our pain-generating societal
arrangements as soon as it becomes feasible to abolish them?

Yes, Wilhelm Reich forewarned people like me of what we could expect
if we 'point at the exit.' But I still find it bewildering. How can
the entire human species so emphatically and determinedly oppose the
only formula that can ever end human suffering, which is simply to
SUFFERING? Liz Jaymal ridiculed me on that very basis, the last time I
bumped into her in Harrogate. And I know she is not an exception, but
is typical and representative. So again, how can apparent intelligence
and deductive reasoning powers coexist alongside such a degree of
collective mental illness which demands that pain-generating societal
arrangements must be defended and preserved for all time and at all
costs so that human suffering will NEVER end?

Your state of emotional and intellectual paralysis can be explained,
as in 'Sanity is Bad for You.' But I still feel very uncomfortable and
very frightened at being surrounded on all sides and at every turn by
such severe mental illness afflicting an entire species.

The authors of 'Genesis' understood this as clearly as I do, but were
afraid of being lynched or stoned to death if they told the rest of
the tribe that they are mentally ill, so they stated it as a metaphor.
See Genesis 3 : 24 - the 'angel with the flaming sword' guarding the
entrance to the Garden of Eden to prevent us from going back in - that
symbolism represents your collective mental illness. The Garden of
Eden is not a place, it is a state of mind, meaning the absence of
mental illness, the absence of child abuse in the mother-infant
relationship, the absence of the rationing of love to generate
soldiers, and so on....... And your collective mental illness that
makes you cling so determinedly to your pain-generating societal
arrangements is the only obstacle standing in the path of our return
to the Garden.


2008-06-04 11:27:33 UTC
I can go on forever like this, obviously, stating the obvious facts
about what we call "the human condition.'

And no movement will ever take place, not in the foreseeable future.

There is a mental block, an impasse.

In the words of Wilhelm Reich:

THE EXIT exists, but if anyone starts moving toward THE EXIT, or even
points at THE EXIT, s/he is immediately branded a criminal or a

In the words of Malcolm Godwin:

“We are chronically caught within the programmes of a self-
perpetuating… pattern which prevents us from either seeing our true
predicament or doing anything about it…….The Grail legends indicate a
way of breaking through that programme. The heroic act today, of
giving up our lives for something bigger than ourselves, is the only
way back…..to simply allow the greater part of what has been severed
within us to fill the vacuum left when the false self is left

The "self-perpetuating pattern" alluded to by Godwin is essentially
our amnesia, our inability to remember our infancy, and the
experiences of infancy make us what we are and make our civilisations
what they are......

The solution lies in recovering the memories of infancy.

But what if the entire human population is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of
recovering the memories of infancy???

Jayzizz, we're in deep shit around here.

What a planet!
2008-06-06 15:23:24 UTC
I still find it quite bewildering that pain makes no impression on
human beings and you have not the slightest interest in ending human
suffering by simply ABOLISHING the mother-infant relationship in its

Why will you people not do that? Why will you not RETRAIN our women so
as to TEACH our women to have a bit of DECENCY in their dealings with

Under the present survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship, every
mother in the world is a child abuser.
We urgently need to teach our women to
STOP being child abusers.

Is that really too much to ask - just that mothers stop being child


Nearly all members of the present civilisation have had the experience
of being 'jilted.'

Our songs, art, literature and poetry all sing the same theme, of a
love that has been lost............

When someone you love and adore ABRUPTLY ENDS her sexual relationship
with you, it's a terrible blow.

Much can be said about this. For example, if we didn't have a 'ban on
loving more than one,' then things would be different and there would
never be any such thing as being 'jilted.' The concept of being
'jilted' would never arise, if we didn't have this amazing 'ban on
loving more than one.'

However, let's just apply relentless logic to the situation as it is

Nearly all of us have experienced the pain of being 'jilted,' of
someone we love and adore ABRUPTLY ENDING an intense sexual
relationship, and leaving us feeling hurt and devastated on account of
the loss of the love we thought would last forever.

Ring any bells?


The mother-infant relationship is an INTENSE SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP
infant are locked into this intense sexual relationship for several
months. The infant believes it will never end.

Then, as the infant gains movement and vocabulary, the mother - every
BABY, without giving any exlanation to her baby for this dreadful act
of cruelty and child abuse, then covering her betrayal under an
avalanche of toxic shame, whereby the mothers of this world pretend
that human beings are inherently defective on account of being
attached to body parts which are so irredeemably evil that they must
be concealed from view and never spoken of unless unavoidable. The
infant KNOWS that his mother has gone insane, but the infant has
nowhere to go.

In the words of Bernardo Bertolucci,


It's a question of PAIN, isn't it..........

It's solely a question of how much PAIN must be inflicted upon the
inhabitants of this planet to make them ABOLISH the mother-infant
relationship and thus END their pain.

I have to live with you fucking imbeciles.

I want you to get a grip on yourselves now.
2008-06-08 05:38:42 UTC
I'm groping toward a revised Declaration for Healing at the following

This is a crucial extract:
(7) To clarify the diagnosis of our collective mental illness and to
begin the movement toward regaining our sanity, it is necessary to
reorient our thought processes and perceptions and definitions as

The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, as explained
in "Silence of the Damned" / "I Still Miss Someone."

To abruptly end an intense sexual relationship between two adults is a
terrible trauma for a person who is dependent of that sexual
relationship for his or her emotional wellbeing.

Every mother in the world abruptly ends her sexual relationship with
her baby, when her baby is at his most vulnerable, most needy and most
dependent, just as he is gaining vocabulary and movement and exploring
a dangerous world. At that very moment, every baby suffers the
crushing blow of being rejected and betrayed by the mother as the
mother withdraws from her sexual relationship with her baby, without
offering any explanation or counselling or other help toward enabling
her baby to cope with such a terrible betrayal, but - on the contrary
- the mother intensifies her cruelty toward her child by unleashing on
her baby an avalanche of toxic shame communicating that the baby and
the mother are inherently defective and that to be a human being is
automatically to be defective on account of being attached to body
parts which are so irredeemably evil that they must be concealed and
never spoken of unless unavoidable, and also conveying that the
delightful sexual relationship, the physical expressions of love
between mother and baby have suddenly and inexplicably been
reclassified as disgusting and obscene. See "Silence of the Damned" /
"I Still Miss Someone."

It has to be denied, as a growing infant cannot cope with the burden
of knowing his mother is insane and all adults and even older children
are insane.

We carry this emotional wound inside us all through our lives. We
never face the truth about our mothers' insanity.

Denial generates repetition. The madness you see in the history books
and around you today is a disguised repetition of the terrible
injustice and betrayal and falsehood of the mother-infant

At the time of writing there is a paedophile-hunting frenzy in vogue.
Paedophiles must be locked up to protect our children. However, this
focusing on only one form of child abuse derails the healing process
by diverting attention from the child abuse built into the survivalist-
mode mother-infant relationship, which is at the root of all other
forms of child abuse.

2008-06-08 20:56:30 UTC
One has to keep trying. This is the latest draft. The journey back to
sanity begins with the first step.


- Revised June 2008


Preamble / Reducing to Essentials


Our societal arrangements automatically generate pain. To ask human
beings to acknowledge that our societal arrangements are wrong because
they automatically generate pain, and then to ask human beings to make
a start in the direction of eventually abolishing our pain-generating
societal arrangements, is as logical and as decent a proposal as was
ever made, and should be a matter for acceptance, jubilation and
celebration. Yet - after five years of seeking - I still am unable to
make contact with even one other human being who wishes to end human
suffering in the obvious and only way we ever can end human suffering,
simply by abolishing our pain-generating societal arrangements.

When it comes to what is really important in life, human beings are
impervious to facts and logic, and display an emphatic determination
to remain in error and to remain in pain and - bizarrely - to pass on
to their children, grandchildren and all their heirs the same pain-
generating societal arrangements.

It is useful at this stage to reduce the analysis and healing formula
to essentials - meaning a presentation of only that which is
indisputable fact, leaving out - at least initially - whatever is


We cannot regain our sanity quickly. This is going to be a painfully
slow process. The only way forward is to take the first step now, and
hope that our grandchildren will take the second step, and so on. This
will have to entail a revised, more considered version of the
"Declaration for Healing" of 2006, reduced to that which is
indisputable fact. Furthermore, we have to get it right the first
time, producing a new "Declaration for Healing" that will stand the
test of time and will never - that means never - need to be amended
until healing is achieved. That is the only way this is going to work.
If we let in committees and procedures for amendments, we are
finished, as that will open the door to infiltration and sabotage by
those who see profit in maintaining the present insanity. This will
not be a new religion, a new scripture upheld by blind faith. It will
be a brief analysis of the basics of human psychology and a factual
statement of the only viable long-term healing formula, reduced to non-
debatable, indisputable essentials. As such, it will be valid for all
time, and will never need amendment, until that distant time in the
far future when healing can finally take effect on a global scale.



This begins the main body of the Declaration for Healing, all of which
- meaning this entire document - will never be amended and will remain
the same for all time and, when finally and fully accepted and applied
by a significant majority of the human race, will bring about the
healing of our tragic civilisation.

This declaration is the correct analysis of the human condition and
the correct long-term healing formula for abolishing our pain-
generating societal arrangements, and replacing them with sane,
happiness-generating societal arrangements.

We who support this declaration acknowledge all of the following
principles and intentions to be true and beyond question or debate.


(1) When a sane being is born into an insane civilisation, the sane
being's response is to contribute as much as s/he can to the demise
and disappearance of the insane civilisation into which s/he was born
and its replacement by a sane civilisation.

(2) Even the briefest examination of human history and human activity
today leads to the conclusion that human beings are collectively
insane, collectively mentally ill. The ego tends to resist this
conclusion and to exclude oneself from the diagnosis. A problem will
never be solved if it is not recognised. The first step in the
direction of healing must be to acknowledge that all human beings are
afflicted, more or less, by this collective mental illness.

(3) An examination of the historical record shows that our ancestors
passed through a series of global catastrophes, followed by a series
of worldwide survivalist emergencies. See "Mass Scotoma Rides Again"
for further information. It was these worldwide catastrophes and the
ensuing survivalist emergencies which drove our ancestors insane. We
have inherited our ancestors' insanity as our normality and at the
time of writing we do not recognise that we are insane. Our collective
mental illness could be termed *survivalist mode* . Our ancestors were
not mature enough to deal with a survivalist emergency in a sane and
decent manner. Instead, they lapsed into inter-tribal warfare to
commandeer limited resources at the expense of killing, enslaving or
starving weaker, gentler tribes. In fact, in the initial phase of the
major survivalist emergency, our only possession and only resource was
our bodies, and our only means of survival was vampirism and
cannibalism. A mature species would have applied the necessary
vampirism and cannibalism on the basis of love and consent and
respect, as explained further in "Remember or Die" / "The Law of the
Sea." Our ancestors were not mature enough to do this, and resorted to
forcibly stealing the blood and flesh of their weaker and gentler
brothers and sisters. The first result of this was that the worst of
humanity survived, so that we are descended from the most evil men our
species was capable of producing. From that starting point of
unrestrained, forcible vampirism and cannibalism, the scene was set
for ongoing inter-tribal wars to commandeer limited resources. None of
this ever had to happen. None of this need happen in the future.
Mature beings do not go down that road, no matter how dire the
catastrophe that overtakes them.

(4) Furthermore, the emergency male leadership quickly deduced that
the most ferocious warriors are those who were most cruelly abused as
children, thus being filled with repressed rage to be discharged on
the battlefields. In this way, the practice of beating and humiliating
children came to be accepted and written into religious scriptures,
and the struggle for survival degenerated into a competition between
the tribes to see which tribe could sink so low as to abuse their
children even more than other tribes were abusing their children,
because the tribe that abused its children the most cruelly would
produce the most vicious soldiers and would therefore be the tribe
that prevailed in battle and survived. In this way, morality was
inverted and rational thought was outlawed, for the sake of survival.

(5) Our societal arrangements automatically generate pain. This is
easily explained. The purpose of our societal arrangements is to cause
us pain, by rationing love and filling us all with repressed rage to
be discharged on the battlefields of a series of post-apocalyptic
survivalist emergencies. We have forgotten where our pain-generating
societal arrangements came from and have come to regard them as the
only way life can ever be lived. In fact our bizarre societal
arrangements exist only to keep us on a war footing. Amazingly, almost
all human beings alive in the present tragic era are emphatically
opposed to abolishing our pain-generating societal arrangements and
replacing them with sane societal arrangements. This proves that
almost almost all human beings alive in the present tragic era are
severely mentally ill. Again the basic explanation is simple:
rationing love and generating repressed rage are associated in our
brains and in our archetypes with *physical survival* , and whatever
is associated with physical survival tends to be repeated blindly. The
other main element in the diagnosis is the simple fact that traumatic
amnesia generates repetition of the buried trauma, and so the
forgotten series of global catastrophes which drove our ancestors
insane is demanding repetition. That explains the ongoing destruction
of the earth's ecosystem, mainly via fake "animal tests" which
guarantee a continuous flow of UNTESTED poisons into the environment.

(6) The three basic building blocks of our insanity, the three major
pain-generating societal arrangements, are:

(A) The mother-infant relationship in its present form,
which consists of institutionalised child abuse;

(B) The prohibition on expressing love for the ones we love
the most, also known as the incest taboo;

(C) The ban on loving more than one other human being, also
known as marriage or having a partner.

The belief that these three societal arrangements have any merit, the
belief that these three societal arrangements represent the only way
life can ever be lived, is a symptom of collective mental illness.
These three insane societal arrangements are the source of all human
suffering and will be abolished as soon as a significant majority of
the human population can be restored to sanity.

(7) To clarify the diagnosis of our collective mental illness and to
begin the movement toward regaining our sanity, it is necessary to
reorient our thought processes and perceptions and definitions as
follows. (The phrase "brain rewiring" has been suggested.)

The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, as explained
in "Silence of the Damned" / "I Still Miss Someone."

To abruptly end an intense sexual relationship between two adults is a
terrible trauma for a person who is dependent of that sexual
relationship for his or her emotional wellbeing.

Every mother in the world abruptly ends her sexual relationship with
her baby, when her baby is at his most vulnerable, most needy and most
dependent, just as he is gaining vocabulary and movement and exploring
a dangerous world. At that very moment, every baby suffers the
crushing blow of being rejected and betrayed by the mother as the
mother withdraws from her sexual relationship with her baby, without
offering any explanation or counselling or other help toward enabling
her baby to cope with such a terrible loss and betrayal, but - on the
contrary - the mother intensifies her cruelty toward her child by
unleashing on her baby an avalanche of toxic shame, communicating that
the baby and the mother are inherently defective and that to be a
human being is automatically to be defective on account of being
attached to body parts which are so irredeemably evil that they must
be concealed and never spoken of unless unavoidable, and also
conveying that the delightful sexual relationship, the physical
expressions of love between mother and baby have suddenly and
inexplicably been reclassified as disgusting and obscene. See "Silence
of the Damned" / "I Still Miss Someone."

It has to be denied, because a growing infant cannot cope with the
burden of knowing his mother is insane and all adults and even older
children are similarly insane.

We carry this emotional wound inside us all through our lives. We
never face the truth that every mother in the world is a child

Denial generates repetition. The madness you see in the history books
and around you today is a disguised repetition of the terrible
injustice and betrayal and falsehood of the mother-infant

At the time of writing there is a paedophile-hunting frenzy in vogue.
Paedophiles must be locked up to protect our children. However, this
focusing on only one form of child abuse derails the healing process
by diverting attention away from the child abuse built into the
survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship, which is at the root of
all other forms of child abuse.

(8) Human beings are so severely mentally ill that we cannot revert to
sane societal arrangements and to sane child rearing in the
foreseeable future. As things stand, we would be unable to attempt
such a transition without exploiting each other and exploiting our
children even worse than at present. The only way forward is for those
who are beginning to regain their sanity to register publicly their
support for this Declaration and to initiate a prolonged period of
education by consent with the aim of arriving at a future time when a
significant majority of human beings will have regained their sanity
and so we can make the collective decision throughout the world to
restore sane societal arrangements and sane child rearing in the
generation that comes next.

The intellect on its own is unable to grasp the enormity of the
situation. To see clearly what has happened to us, we have to recover
the emotional states of infancy by reliving our infancy in its every
physical and emotional detail, including breastfeeding, washing and
toileting with a surrogate mother. Crucially, we must also re-enact
and re-experience the pain and degradation of the mother's betrayal of
her baby, the mother's abrupt ending of her sexual relationship with
her baby, concealed under the irrational toxic shame.

Those adults who recover the emotional states of infancy in this way
will see the urgent need to re-educate and retrain our women so that a
time will come when we can make the collective decision worldwide to
restore decency and compassion to the way mothers relate to their

(9) We can expect the series of global catastrophes and global
survivalist emergencies to continue at irregular intervals. In fact at
the time of writing, our civilisation is rapidly deteriorating,
largely as a result of The Vivisection Swindle with its avalanche of
"animal tested" (=untested) poisons which will soon destroy our
bodies, our brains and our environment and return us to a state of
survivalist emergency. As in the slogan of 1987: "we are not going to
abolish vivisection; vivisection is going to abolish us."

Given the inevitability of another worldwide survivalist emergency, we
all need to consider what is written in "The Law of the Sea." We need
to attain the level of collective maturity so as to be able to cope in
a decent manner with a survivalist emergency, so as not to lapse into
uncontrolled vampirism and cannibalism followed by inter-tribal war.
In this way we will never lose the Garden of Eden again.

(10) The rehabilitation and healing of the human species entails
progress along several related and complementary routes. The exercises
for recovering the emotional states of infancy are problematical in
that they may release powerful emotions, and therefore should not be
attempted unless there is an emotional safety net in place, meaning a
loving relationship with at least one other person who will always
accept you and support you. The most urgently required initial
development is for a continually expanding number of human beings to
"come out" from the rest of the species by declaring publicly their
agreement with this Declaration and their intention to promote it.


Related reading / while the principles and aims stated in the above
document are truthful for all time and beyond debate, the documents
offered at the link below are intended as study aids and some of their
non-essential detail may be debatable:

2008-06-09 01:15:12 UTC
Post by Ishtar
One has to keep trying. This is the latest draft. The journey back to
sanity begins with the first step.
- Revised June 2008
Preamble / Reducing to Essentials
Our societal arrangements automatically generate pain.
according to the contractor who set us up , he said this
is a "casual error" not a server error. The input probably misfed
or created some similar minor error.
Post by Ishtar
To ask human
beings to acknowledge that our societal arrangements are wrong because
they automatically generate pain, and then to ask human beings to make
a start in the direction of eventually abolishing our pain-generating
societal arrangements, is as logical and as decent a proposal as was
ever made, and should be a matter for acceptance, jubilation and
the contractor said to try and rescan and report on your results


"The magic lawns call my name
I want to fire a missle launcher
But I know I need to stay
I know I need to stay"--date with ikea, pavement
2008-06-09 01:30:53 UTC
Post by marika
the contractor said to try and rescan and report on your results

You must be one of the newer fellows;

Have you heard it's in the stars
Next July we collide with Mars....

You want to be a Pioneer...?
2008-06-09 02:21:25 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by marika
the contractor said to try and rescan and report on your results
You must be one of the newer fellows;
Post by Ishtar
Have you heard it's in the stars
Next July we collide with Mars....
You want to be a Pioneer...?
yea sure!


"Time is my life, not hers.
What does it mean?
Of course work sucks: spend week in nevada
Dancing with old lady full of nickels,"--forklift, pavement
2008-06-13 14:49:44 UTC

Some of you have signalled that you read everything I write and want
me to continue.

I was working on and off on a new document. It's difficult to keep
going when we are so deeply sunk in survivalist mode that nobody wants
to know.... With each succeeding generation of the past eleven
thousand years, we sank a little bit deeper into survivalist mode
[=COLLECTIVE MENTAL ILLNESS]. So it's difficult to know what to do.
The truth about your situation is incomprehensible to you after eleven
thousand years of sinking deeper into the shit with each succeeding
generation......... Oh well, I'll post the following unfinished


and other thoughts


Nature strives to heal. There is always a tendency toward healing, a
countercurrent to the pain-generating societal arrangements which we
allowed the emergency male leadership to impose on us eleven thousand
years ago, and never chaged after the vegetation grew back.

Also, it's a basic law of Life, a basic law of human psychology, that



Despite books by various authors which claim to be revealing "the
biggest secret," the truth is that the biggest secret and the most
important secret of our tragic civilisation is the fact that every
mother in the world is a child abuser. That forbidden knowledge is the
ultimate taboo, which even Alice Miller is unable to confront. As far
as I know, this forbidden subject has not been stated before in such a
direct and detailed manner, placed in its proper historical context.
If it has been stated before in that way, I'll be delighted to be
proved wrong, but I don't think it has. Hence the pressure for this
series of writings to appear was very intense. I was receptive to this
healing current, and I was glad to conduct or "channel" it and shout
it loudly since 2003, because I feel for the Universal Infant, whose
suffering has been denied and ignored for eleven thousand years.

What it comes down to is that the internet provided a medium through
which your babies could voice their pain and demand that you stop what
you are doing to your babies. I was conducting or "channelling" your
babies' cries of pain and rage, which you don't care about, and
shoving your babies' cries of pain and rage right back into your
faces. What goes around comes around.

Now, it is clearer than ever that nobody cares about babies, nobody
wants to end child abuse, nobody even wants to know about what is
really happening to babies in this tragic civilisation, and thereby
nobody wants to end human suffering.


I said from the start in 2003 that that was what was happening: the
Universal Infant - meaning all infants of the past eleven thousand
years, including your children and including you when you were infants
- had found a human channel and a medium (the internet) through which
their forgotten pain and rage and terror could be voiced.


This is the pain that is being universally denied. Even Alice Miller
refuses to see it. These are the authentic perceptions and experiences
and emotional states of every infant, including yourselves when you
were infants.

A while ago I asked Alice Miller to face this question -
if another human being lovingly strokes your anus several times daily
for several months, while engaging in loving eye contact with you and
exchanging smiles of delight with you, what effect will that have on

Mrs Miller refuses to answer.

The obvious answer is that all organisms have a powerful urge to
repeat any behaviour they observe or which is done to them in the days
and months after birth. So, briefly, the infant has an overwhelming
urge to express LOVE and ADORATION for the mother, most emphatically
by caressing the mother's anus in exactly the same way as the mother
caressed the baby's anus, with loving eye contact, and delighting in
giving the mother pleasure in her anus as she gave pleasure to her
baby in his anus.

In order to prevent babies from returning their mothers' caresses, and
in order to fill the world with pain and strife and war, the emergency
male leadership of eleven thousand years ago trained mothers to reject
and torment every baby with the toxic shame which declares that to be
human is to be defective and that the delightful sexual relationship
of early infancy has mysteriously and inexplicably been reclassified
as immoral and obscene.

THAT is what the religious concept of "original sin" has been striving
to articulate, but could not.

"ORIGINAL SIN is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and infant, and the use of toxic shame to conceal that terrible crime
of child abuse by every mother.

Again, try to grasp the fact that the MAJOR child abuse in this tragic
civilisation is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and infant.


To clarify the diagnosis of our collective mental illness and to begin
the movement toward regaining our sanity, it is necessary to reorient
our thought processes and perceptions and definitions as follows. (The
phrase "brain rewiring" has been suggested.)

The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, as explained
in "Silence of the Damned" / "I Still Miss Someone."

To abruptly end an intense sexual relationship is a terrible trauma
for a person who is dependent on that sexual relationship for his or
her emotional wellbeing.

Every mother in the world abruptly ends her sexual relationship with
her baby, when her baby is at his most vulnerable, most needy and most
dependent, just as he is gaining vocabulary and movement and starting
to explore a dangerous world.

At that very moment, every baby suffers the crushing blow of being
rejected and betrayed by the mother as the mother withdraws from her
sexual relationship with her baby, without offering any explanation or
counselling or other help toward enabling her baby to cope with such a
terrible loss and betrayal. On the contrary - the mother intensifies
her cruelty toward her child by unleashing on her baby an avalanche of
toxic shame, communicating that the baby and the mother are inherently
defective and that to be a human being is automatically to be
defective on account of being attached to body parts which are so
irredeemably evil that they must be concealed and never spoken of
unless unavoidable, and also conveying that the delightful sexual
relationship, the physical expressions of love between mother and baby
have suddenly and inexplicably been reclassified as disgusting and
obscene. See "Silence of the Damned" / "I Still Miss Someone."

It has to be denied, because a growing infant cannot cope with the
burden of knowing his mother is insane and all adults and even older
children are similarly insane.

We carry this emotional wound inside us all through our lives. We
never face the truth that every mother in the world is a child




My task has been to give a voice to how your babies feel when you go
insane and END your sexual relationship with your baby.

The sequence of emotions in the authentic perceptions and experiences
of human infants is:







For five years I have felt that sequence of emotions on behalf of the
Universal Infant, meaning every infant, including your babies and
including YOU when you were babies.

Emotion number 3 is felt very painfully for a while. But then the
burden is too heavy for a growing child to carry, so it has to be
denied and forgotten.

Emotion number 4, the ABSOLUTE TERROR that accompanies the growing
awareness that all the adults and all the older children are insane
and that the harmony of the early months is gone forever and that
there is nothing but pain ahead because the adults are insane.... that
TERROR is felt only briefly and vaguely by your babies, because again
it is too much of a burden for a growing toddler, and so it must be
repressed and forgotten. Most people never face it, although they are
compelled to recreate it in disguised forms (see history books and
newspapers - the human tragedy is all about mimicking the forgotten
horrors of infancy, recreating and re-enacting the forgotten horrors
of infancy in myriad disguised forms througout human history).

I feel that fear and terror now, as a witness on behalf of every baby
in the world, including YOU when you were babies. In part, YOU have
caused me to feel that terror, by your response to the Voice of the
Universal Infant, your response to your own babies' pain which you
don't care about and don't want to know about and don't want to
abolish. Bumping into (name withheld) in Harrogate a while ago and
seeing the expression on her face, the pretence of indignation, the
pretence of "dignity," the hauteur to conceal her shame, the role
reversal in her condemning me and ridiculing me for having voiced the
pain of the Universal Infant...... that makes me very afraid, because
I know (name withheld) is representative and typical of the human
species today, after sinking deeper and deeper into survivalist mode
with each succeeding generation for eleven thousand years. The terror
I feel when I think of the expression on (name withheld)'s face is in
fact a repetition of the terror every baby feels as the mother feigns
indignation and 'moral superiority' toward her baby's natural urge to
return her loving caresses.


If you look again at the images included in "I Still Miss Someone,"
the images of growing children crying for no apparent reason, and the
parents' bewilderment at the toddler's cries...... well, we all know
that growing children cry easily, over trivialities.

The growing child is reeling from the grief of the loss of the sexual
relationship with the mother, the loss of pure, primal love, the loss
of the opportunity for a harmonious life and a harmonious
civilisation, and the enforced surrender to the mother's mental
illness. In this state of lingering grief and bereavement, the most
trivial incident, such as any slight refusal by the mother, can evoke
and rekindle that unresolved grief and heartbreak, and so growing
toddlers cry "for no reason" and their cries are easily triggered by
any slight rejection, as it reopens the searing internal wound left by
the mother's abrupt ending of her sexual relationship with her baby.

The mother is terrified of knowing why her growing child cries so
easily; hence the expressions of bewilderment on the parents' faces.
See those images again in "I Still Miss Someone."

2008-06-14 01:18:27 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Some of you have signalled that you read everything I write and want
me to continue.
I was working on and off on a new document. It's difficult to keep
going when we are so deeply sunk in survivalist mode that nobody wants
to know.... With each succeeding generation of the past eleven
thousand years, we sank a little bit deeper into survivalist mode
[=COLLECTIVE MENTAL ILLNESS]. So it's difficult to know what to do.
The truth about your situation is incomprehensible to you after eleven
thousand years of sinking deeper into the shit with each succeeding
generation......... Oh well, I'll post the following unfinished
this reminds of the day when this guy called me to tell me that a bar he was
playing at had cancelled his band.

So no loss.

But in the meantime, he asks me out on a date.

And as luck would have it, I was sick as a dog that day. I think I was
still getting over the flu my parents gave me. BLAH. and they now have got
it again so many years later, how do those virii do taht
Anyway, I did not know he had asked me out on date cos I was lying in the
master bedroom next to the air conditioner on the floor trying to bring down
my fever. Food was not my friend thtt day.

So I finally had enough energy to pick up the phone at about 8 and so I
called him and asked him for a raincheck

i did get better
I did not have a fun day that day. I spent most of it passed out on the

coincidentally he was pretty crazy


" But don't bother. It's all made up, it's all fluff. Just
relax and be serene."-- Tang Huyen
2008-06-14 10:47:30 UTC
Post by marika
Post by Ishtar
Some of you have signalled that you read everything I write and want
me to continue.
I was working on and off on a new document. It's difficult to keep
going when we are so deeply sunk in survivalist mode that nobody wants
to know.... With each succeeding generation of the past eleven
thousand years, we sank a little bit deeper into survivalist mode
[=COLLECTIVE MENTAL ILLNESS]. So it's difficult to know what to do.
The truth about your situation is incomprehensible to you after eleven
thousand years of sinking deeper into the shit with each succeeding
generation......... Oh well, I'll post the following unfinished
this reminds of the day when this guy called me to tell me that a bar he was
playing at had cancelled his band.
So no loss.
But in the meantime, he asks me out on a date.
And as luck would have it, I was sick as a dog that day. I think I was
still getting over the flu my parents gave me. BLAH. and they now have got
it again so many years later, how do those virii do taht
Anyway, I did not know he had asked me out on date cos I was lying in the
master bedroom next to the air conditioner on the floor trying to bring down
my fever. Food was not my friend thtt day.
So I finally had enough energy to pick up the phone at about 8 and so I
called him and asked him for a raincheck
i did get better
I did not have a fun day that day. I spent most of it passed out on the
coincidentally he was pretty crazy
What a very odd coincidence - you went out with someone who was crazy
- I find that hard to believe.
2008-06-14 13:38:35 UTC
Post by keith
Post by marika
this reminds of the day when this guy called me to tell me that a bar he was
playing at had cancelled his band.
So no loss.
But in the meantime, he asks me out on a date.
And as luck would have it, I was sick as a dog that day. I think I was
still getting over the flu my parents gave me. BLAH. and they now have got
it again so many years later, how do those virii do taht
Anyway, I did not know he had asked me out on date cos I was lying in the
master bedroom next to the air conditioner on the floor trying to bring down
my fever. Food was not my friend thtt day.
So I finally had enough energy to pick up the phone at about 8 and so I
called him and asked him for a raincheck
i did get better
I did not have a fun day that day. I spent most of it passed out on the
coincidentally he was pretty crazy
What a very odd coincidence - you went out with someone who was crazy
- I find that hard to believe.
what are you talking about,
I DIDN't go out with him


"wave of mutilation
wave of mutilation
2008-06-14 17:52:30 UTC
In Daily Mail (London), 13 June 2008, pages 42-43, there is a lengthy
article about a woman who is intending to breastfeed her children
until they are aged eight years.
This discussion crops up from time to time. It is not leading us
anywhere useful. Healing has to be an all-or-nothing process.

Although we can't apply the only correct healing formula in the
foreseeable future, we must formulate and describe that final
destination of natural functioning exactly as it is, and also begin
'rehearsals for future sanity' among adults as a preparation for that
final application of true healing.
Anything less than that will only take us around in circles.

I don't even know if what that woman is doing will benefit her
children in the final analysis, in the context of being surrounded by
an insane civilisation.

We are so deeply sunk in our collective mental illness that nearly
everyone imagines breastfeeding after the age of one year to be
disgusting and even child abuse. Perhaps it actually is abusive to the
child - but only in terms of the consequences of being surrounded by
the present insane civilisation.
On that same basis, I proposed that the ever-expanding 'baby massage'
industry is similarly doing more harm than good - because the child
who is massaged only ends up more confused and bewildered than those
who are not massaged - as long as the present collective mental
illness prevails.

As explained previously, the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic
civilisation is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and baby.


Looking at that Daily Mail article, a prominent sub-heading states:
'breasts are something you feed your children with, not something

The mother had to make some such statement, to ward off accusations of
'child abuse.' She knows it's not true, though, and so do the rest of
us. Every woman with whom I have discussed the subject has told me
that when her baby or anyone else sucks on her nipples, she feels the
beginnings of clitoral arousal. 'My breasts are the gateway to my
sexuality' is the way one woman put it to me. And Wilhelm Reich wryly
observed that in Nazi Germany the health officials advised nursing
mothers to hold their breath to try to prevent clitoral arousal.

So that mother's statement: 'breasts are something you feed your
children with, not something sexual,' is obviously a lie, and we all
know it.

The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, and to
abruptly end a sexual relationship with a dependent, vulnerable
partner, without offering any explanation or comfort or support to
enable the victim to cope with such a calamity, is horrendous child

Repeat: the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic civilsation is the ENDING
of the sexual relationship between mother and baby.


Why does doublethink / scotoma come so easily to human beings in our
Because it was a necessary survival tool during the wartime
dictatorships that prevailed in the forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies in which all human behaviour is rooted. For a start, we
had to adopt inverted morality to the extent of imagining that the
'messiah' was a good man, when in fact he had to be the worst of the
worst in order to lead us to military victory over the barbarians. And
that was only the beginning of doublethink / scotoma. Everything is
upside down and inside out in a survivalist-mode civilisation such as
this one.

So, the doublethink / scotoma which enables us to blind ourselves to
the cruelty of the mother-infant relationship, as well as the cruelty
itself - both are associated in our brains and in our archetypes with
physical survival, which is why we cling blindly to both the scotoma
and to the cruelty that is motherhood.


A harmless discussion like that is ok for selling some more copies of
the Daily Mail.
But the only true healing has to be an all-or-nothing proposal.
In other words, if you don't state the final destination, if you don't
plan on going all the way, and honestly conduct practical exercises
among adults to REHEARSE that final destination - then you will
continue to go around in circles.

True healing is an all-or-nothing proposal.
2008-06-14 18:02:55 UTC
Post by Ishtar
In Daily Mail (London), 13 June 2008, pages 42-43, there is a lengthy
article about a woman who is intending to breastfeed her children
until they are aged eight years.
This discussion crops up from time to time. It is not leading us
anywhere useful. Healing has to be an all-or-nothing process.
Although we can't apply the only correct healing formula in the
foreseeable future, we must formulate and describe that final
destination of natural functioning exactly as it is, and also begin
'rehearsals for future sanity' among adults as a preparation for that
final application of true healing.
Anything less than that will only take us around in circles.
I don't even know if what that woman is doing will benefit her
children in the final analysis, in the context of being surrounded by
an insane civilisation.
We are so deeply sunk in our collective mental illness that nearly
everyone imagines breastfeeding after the age of one year to be
disgusting and even child abuse. Perhaps it actually is abusive to the
child - but only in terms of the consequences of being surrounded by
the present insane civilisation.
On that same basis, I proposed that the ever-expanding 'baby massage'
industry is similarly doing more harm than good - because the child
who is massaged only ends up more confused and bewildered than those
who are not massaged - as long as the present collective mental
illness prevails.
As explained previously, the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic
civilisation is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and baby.
'breasts are something you feed your children with, not something
The mother had to make some such statement, to ward off accusations of
'child abuse.' She knows it's not true, though, and so do the rest of
us. Every woman with whom I have discussed the subject has told me
that when her baby or anyone else sucks on her nipples, she feels the
beginnings of clitoral arousal. 'My breasts are the gateway to my
sexuality' is the way one woman put it to me. And Wilhelm Reich wryly
observed that in Nazi Germany the health officials advised nursing
mothers to hold their breath to try to prevent clitoral arousal.
So that mother's statement: 'breasts are something you feed your
children with, not something sexual,' is obviously a lie, and we all
know it.
The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, and to
abruptly end a sexual relationship with a dependent, vulnerable
partner, without offering any explanation or comfort or support to
enable the victim to cope with such a calamity, is horrendous child
Repeat: the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic civilsation is the ENDING
of the sexual relationship between mother and baby.
Why does doublethink / scotoma come so easily to human beings in our
Because it was a necessary survival tool during the wartime
dictatorships that prevailed in the forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies in which all human behaviour is rooted. For a start, we
had to adopt inverted morality to the extent of imagining that the
'messiah' was a good man, when in fact he had to be the worst of the
worst in order to lead us to military victory over the barbarians. And
that was only the beginning of doublethink / scotoma. Everything is
upside down and inside out in a survivalist-mode civilisation such as
this one.
So, the doublethink / scotoma which enables us to blind ourselves to
the cruelty of the mother-infant relationship, as well as the cruelty
itself - both are associated in our brains and in our archetypes with
physical survival, which is why we cling blindly to both the scotoma
and to the cruelty that is motherhood.
A harmless discussion like that is ok for selling some more copies of
the Daily Mail.
But the only true healing has to be an all-or-nothing proposal.
In other words, if you don't state the final destination, if you don't
plan on going all the way, and honestly conduct practical exercises
among adults to REHEARSE that final destination - then you will
continue to go around in circles.
True healing is an all-or-nothing proposal.
i think you better run and collect your mental illness
2008-06-14 19:08:23 UTC
Post by Ishtar
In Daily Mail (London), 13 June 2008, pages 42-43, there is a lengthy
article about a woman who is intending to breastfeed her children
until they are aged eight years.
This discussion crops up from time to time. It is not leading us
anywhere useful. Healing has to be an all-or-nothing process.
Although we can't apply the only correct healing formula in the
foreseeable future, we must formulate and describe that final
destination of natural functioning exactly as it is, and also begin
'rehearsals for future sanity' among adults as a preparation for that
final application of true healing.
Anything less than that will only take us around in circles.
I don't even know if what that woman is doing will benefit her
children in the final analysis, in the context of being surrounded by
an insane civilisation.
We are so deeply sunk in our collective mental illness that nearly
everyone imagines breastfeeding after the age of one year to be
disgusting and even child abuse. Perhaps it actually is abusive to the
child - but only in terms of the consequences of being surrounded by
the present insane civilisation.
On that same basis, I proposed that the ever-expanding 'baby massage'
industry is similarly doing more harm than good - because the child
who is massaged only ends up more confused and bewildered than those
who are not massaged - as long as the present collective mental
illness prevails.
As explained previously, the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic
civilisation is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and baby.
'breasts are something you feed your children with, not something
The mother had to make some such statement, to ward off accusations of
'child abuse.' She knows it's not true, though, and so do the rest of
us. Every woman with whom I have discussed the subject has told me
that when her baby or anyone else sucks on her nipples, she feels the
beginnings of clitoral arousal. 'My breasts are the gateway to my
sexuality' is the way one woman put it to me. And Wilhelm Reich wryly
observed that in Nazi Germany the health officials advised nursing
mothers to hold their breath to try to prevent clitoral arousal.
So that mother's statement: 'breasts are something you feed your
children with, not something sexual,' is obviously a lie, and we all
know it.
The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, and to
abruptly end a sexual relationship with a dependent, vulnerable
partner, without offering any explanation or comfort or support to
enable the victim to cope with such a calamity, is horrendous child
Repeat: the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic civilsation is the ENDING
of the sexual relationship between mother and baby.
Why does doublethink / scotoma come so easily to human beings in our
Because it was a necessary survival tool during the wartime
dictatorships that prevailed in the forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies in which all human behaviour is rooted. For a start, we
had to adopt inverted morality to the extent of imagining that the
'messiah' was a good man, when in fact he had to be the worst of the
worst in order to lead us to military victory over the barbarians. And
that was only the beginning of doublethink / scotoma. Everything is
upside down and inside out in a survivalist-mode civilisation such as
this one.
So, the doublethink / scotoma which enables us to blind ourselves to
the cruelty of the mother-infant relationship, as well as the cruelty
itself - both are associated in our brains and in our archetypes with
physical survival, which is why we cling blindly to both the scotoma
and to the cruelty that is motherhood.
A harmless discussion like that is ok for selling some more copies of
the Daily Mail.
But the only true healing has to be an all-or-nothing proposal.
In other words, if you don't state the final destination, if you don't
plan on going all the way, and honestly conduct practical exercises
among adults to REHEARSE that final destination - then you will
continue to go around in circles.
True healing is an all-or-nothing proposal.
I don't know what kind of freaky women you've been talking to, but to equate
breastfeeding with sexual arousal is the most ridiculous thing I have ever
heard. I breastfed both of my sons, the second son until he was 14 months
old who then went straight to a cup, and there is nothing sexual about it.
In fact, given that I was producing nearly a litre and a half of milk at
that point the only thing it was; was freaking exhausting. I personally do
advocate breastfeeding a child beyond the age of two. Whatever benefits,
from a stronger immune system to psychologically healthy bonding, there are
for the mother and child during the nursing process, most of it occurs
within the first two years. It simply isn't necessary for the child to be
nursed longer than that. But it is also not anything other than natural and
normal and healthy.

2008-06-14 19:24:22 UTC
Post by Rhiannon
Post by Ishtar
In Daily Mail (London), 13 June 2008, pages 42-43, there is a lengthy
article about a woman who is intending to breastfeed her children
until they are aged eight years.
This discussion crops up from time to time. It is not leading us
anywhere useful. Healing has to be an all-or-nothing process.
Although we can't apply the only correct healing formula in the
foreseeable future, we must formulate and describe that final
destination of natural functioning exactly as it is, and also begin
'rehearsals for future sanity' among adults as a preparation for that
final application of true healing.
Anything less than that will only take us around in circles.
I don't even know if what that woman is doing will benefit her
children in the final analysis, in the context of being surrounded by
an insane civilisation.
We are so deeply sunk in our collective mental illness that nearly
everyone imagines breastfeeding after the age of one year to be
disgusting and even child abuse. Perhaps it actually is abusive to
the child - but only in terms of the consequences of being
surrounded by the present insane civilisation.
On that same basis, I proposed that the ever-expanding 'baby massage'
industry is similarly doing more harm than good - because the child
who is massaged only ends up more confused and bewildered than those
who are not massaged - as long as the present collective mental
illness prevails.
As explained previously, the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic
civilisation is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and baby.
'breasts are something you feed your children with, not something
The mother had to make some such statement, to ward off accusations
of 'child abuse.' She knows it's not true, though, and so do the
rest of us. Every woman with whom I have discussed the subject has
told me that when her baby or anyone else sucks on her nipples, she
feels the beginnings of clitoral arousal. 'My breasts are the
gateway to my sexuality' is the way one woman put it to me. And
Wilhelm Reich wryly observed that in Nazi Germany the health
officials advised nursing mothers to hold their breath to try to
prevent clitoral arousal.
So that mother's statement: 'breasts are something you feed your
children with, not something sexual,' is obviously a lie, and we all
know it.
The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, and to
abruptly end a sexual relationship with a dependent, vulnerable
partner, without offering any explanation or comfort or support to
enable the victim to cope with such a calamity, is horrendous child
Repeat: the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic civilsation is the ENDING
of the sexual relationship between mother and baby.
Why does doublethink / scotoma come so easily to human beings in our
Because it was a necessary survival tool during the wartime
dictatorships that prevailed in the forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies in which all human behaviour is rooted. For a start, we
had to adopt inverted morality to the extent of imagining that the
'messiah' was a good man, when in fact he had to be the worst of the
worst in order to lead us to military victory over the barbarians.
And that was only the beginning of doublethink / scotoma. Everything
is upside down and inside out in a survivalist-mode civilisation
such as this one.
So, the doublethink / scotoma which enables us to blind ourselves to
the cruelty of the mother-infant relationship, as well as the cruelty
itself - both are associated in our brains and in our archetypes with
physical survival, which is why we cling blindly to both the scotoma
and to the cruelty that is motherhood.
A harmless discussion like that is ok for selling some more copies of
the Daily Mail.
But the only true healing has to be an all-or-nothing proposal.
In other words, if you don't state the final destination, if you
don't plan on going all the way, and honestly conduct practical
exercises among adults to REHEARSE that final destination - then you
will continue to go around in circles.
True healing is an all-or-nothing proposal.
I don't know what kind of freaky women you've been talking to, but to
equate breastfeeding with sexual arousal is the most ridiculous thing
I have ever heard. I breastfed both of my sons, the second son until
he was 14 months old who then went straight to a cup, and there is
nothing sexual about it. In fact, given that I was producing nearly a
litre and a half of milk at that point the only thing it was; was
freaking exhausting. I personally do advocate breastfeeding a child
beyond the age of two. Whatever benefits, from a stronger immune
system to psychologically healthy bonding, there are for the mother
and child during the nursing process, most of it occurs within the
first two years. It simply isn't necessary for the child to be
nursed longer than that. But it is also not anything other than
natural and normal and healthy.
holy Martin and Lewis what i could do with this
2008-06-14 19:29:47 UTC
Post by Rhiannon
Post by Ishtar
In Daily Mail (London), 13 June 2008, pages 42-43, there is a lengthy
article about a woman who is intending to breastfeed her children
until they are aged eight years.
This discussion crops up from time to time. It is not leading us
anywhere useful. Healing has to be an all-or-nothing process.
Although we can't apply the only correct healing formula in the
foreseeable future, we must formulate and describe that final
destination of natural functioning exactly as it is, and also begin
'rehearsals for future sanity' among adults as a preparation for that
final application of true healing.
Anything less than that will only take us around in circles.
I don't even know if what that woman is doing will benefit her
children in the final analysis, in the context of being surrounded by
an insane civilisation.
We are so deeply sunk in our collective mental illness that nearly
everyone imagines breastfeeding after the age of one year to be
disgusting and even child abuse. Perhaps it actually is abusive to the
child - but only in terms of the consequences of being surrounded by
the present insane civilisation.
On that same basis, I proposed that the ever-expanding 'baby massage'
industry is similarly doing more harm than good - because the child
who is massaged only ends up more confused and bewildered than those
who are not massaged - as long as the present collective mental
illness prevails.
As explained previously, the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic
civilisation is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and baby.
'breasts are something you feed your children with, not something
The mother had to make some such statement, to ward off accusations of
'child abuse.' She knows it's not true, though, and so do the rest of
us. Every woman with whom I have discussed the subject has told me
that when her baby or anyone else sucks on her nipples, she feels the
beginnings of clitoral arousal. 'My breasts are the gateway to my
sexuality' is the way one woman put it to me. And Wilhelm Reich wryly
observed that in Nazi Germany the health officials advised nursing
mothers to hold their breath to try to prevent clitoral arousal.
So that mother's statement: 'breasts are something you feed your
children with, not something sexual,' is obviously a lie, and we all
know it.
The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, and to
abruptly end a sexual relationship with a dependent, vulnerable
partner, without offering any explanation or comfort or support to
enable the victim to cope with such a calamity, is horrendous child
Repeat: the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic civilsation is the ENDING
of the sexual relationship between mother and baby.
Why does doublethink / scotoma come so easily to human beings in our
Because it was a necessary survival tool during the wartime
dictatorships that prevailed in the forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies in which all human behaviour is rooted. For a start, we
had to adopt inverted morality to the extent of imagining that the
'messiah' was a good man, when in fact he had to be the worst of the
worst in order to lead us to military victory over the barbarians. And
that was only the beginning of doublethink / scotoma. Everything is
upside down and inside out in a survivalist-mode civilisation such as
this one.
So, the doublethink / scotoma which enables us to blind ourselves to
the cruelty of the mother-infant relationship, as well as the cruelty
itself - both are associated in our brains and in our archetypes with
physical survival, which is why we cling blindly to both the scotoma
and to the cruelty that is motherhood.
A harmless discussion like that is ok for selling some more copies of
the Daily Mail.
But the only true healing has to be an all-or-nothing proposal.
In other words, if you don't state the final destination, if you don't
plan on going all the way, and honestly conduct practical exercises
among adults to REHEARSE that final destination - then you will
continue to go around in circles.
True healing is an all-or-nothing proposal.
I don't know what kind of freaky women you've been talking to, but to
equate breastfeeding with sexual arousal is the most ridiculous thing I
have ever heard. I breastfed both of my sons, the second son until he was
14 months old who then went straight to a cup, and there is nothing sexual
about it. In fact, given that I was producing nearly a litre and a half of
milk at that point the only thing it was; was freaking exhausting. I
personally do advocate breastfeeding a child beyond the age of two.
Whatever benefits, from a stronger immune system to psychologically
healthy bonding, there are for the mother and child during the nursing
process, most of it occurs within the first two years. It simply isn't
necessary for the child to be nursed longer than that. But it is also not
anything other than natural and normal and healthy.
Correction: Do NOT advocate breastfeeding beyond the age of two.
2008-06-14 19:34:45 UTC
Post by Rhiannon
Post by Rhiannon
Post by Ishtar
In Daily Mail (London), 13 June 2008, pages 42-43, there is a
lengthy article about a woman who is intending to breastfeed her
children until they are aged eight years.
This discussion crops up from time to time. It is not leading us
anywhere useful. Healing has to be an all-or-nothing process.
Although we can't apply the only correct healing formula in the
foreseeable future, we must formulate and describe that final
destination of natural functioning exactly as it is, and also begin
'rehearsals for future sanity' among adults as a preparation for
that final application of true healing.
Anything less than that will only take us around in circles.
I don't even know if what that woman is doing will benefit her
children in the final analysis, in the context of being surrounded
by an insane civilisation.
We are so deeply sunk in our collective mental illness that nearly
everyone imagines breastfeeding after the age of one year to be
disgusting and even child abuse. Perhaps it actually is abusive to
the child - but only in terms of the consequences of being
surrounded by the present insane civilisation.
On that same basis, I proposed that the ever-expanding 'baby
massage' industry is similarly doing more harm than good - because
the child who is massaged only ends up more confused and bewildered
than those who are not massaged - as long as the present collective
mental illness prevails.
As explained previously, the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic
civilisation is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and baby.
'breasts are something you feed your children with, not something
The mother had to make some such statement, to ward off accusations
of 'child abuse.' She knows it's not true, though, and so do the
rest of us. Every woman with whom I have discussed the subject has
told me that when her baby or anyone else sucks on her nipples, she
feels the beginnings of clitoral arousal. 'My breasts are the
gateway to my sexuality' is the way one woman put it to me. And
Wilhelm Reich wryly observed that in Nazi Germany the health
officials advised nursing mothers to hold their breath to try to
prevent clitoral arousal.
So that mother's statement: 'breasts are something you feed your
children with, not something sexual,' is obviously a lie, and we all
know it.
The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, and to
abruptly end a sexual relationship with a dependent, vulnerable
partner, without offering any explanation or comfort or support to
enable the victim to cope with such a calamity, is horrendous child
Repeat: the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic civilsation is the
ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother and baby.
Why does doublethink / scotoma come so easily to human beings in our
Because it was a necessary survival tool during the wartime
dictatorships that prevailed in the forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies in which all human behaviour is rooted. For a start, we
had to adopt inverted morality to the extent of imagining that the
'messiah' was a good man, when in fact he had to be the worst of the
worst in order to lead us to military victory over the barbarians.
And that was only the beginning of doublethink / scotoma.
Everything is upside down and inside out in a survivalist-mode
civilisation such as this one.
So, the doublethink / scotoma which enables us to blind ourselves to
the cruelty of the mother-infant relationship, as well as the
cruelty itself - both are associated in our brains and in our
archetypes with physical survival, which is why we cling blindly to
both the scotoma and to the cruelty that is motherhood.
A harmless discussion like that is ok for selling some more copies
of the Daily Mail.
But the only true healing has to be an all-or-nothing proposal.
In other words, if you don't state the final destination, if you
don't plan on going all the way, and honestly conduct practical
exercises among adults to REHEARSE that final destination - then
you will continue to go around in circles.
True healing is an all-or-nothing proposal.
I don't know what kind of freaky women you've been talking to, but to
equate breastfeeding with sexual arousal is the most ridiculous
thing I have ever heard. I breastfed both of my sons, the second
son until he was 14 months old who then went straight to a cup, and
there is nothing sexual about it. In fact, given that I was
producing nearly a litre and a half of milk at that point the only
thing it was; was freaking exhausting. I personally do advocate
breastfeeding a child beyond the age of two. Whatever benefits, from
a stronger immune system to psychologically healthy bonding, there
are for the mother and child during the nursing process, most of it
occurs within the first two years. It simply isn't necessary for
the child to be nursed longer than that. But it is also not
anything other than natural and normal and healthy.
Correction: Do NOT advocate breastfeeding beyond the age of two.
2008-06-15 00:02:59 UTC
Post by Rhiannon
I don't know what kind of freaky women you've been talking to, but to equate
breastfeeding with sexual arousal is the most ridiculous thing I have ever
heard.  I breastfed both of my sons, the second son until he was 14 months
old who then went straight to a cup, and there is nothing sexual about it.
In fact, given that I was producing nearly a litre and a half of milk at
that point the only thing it was; was freaking exhausting.  I personally do [not]
advocate breastfeeding a child beyond the age of two.  Whatever benefits,
from a stronger immune system to psychologically healthy bonding, there are
for the mother and child during the nursing process, most of it occurs
within the first two years.  It simply isn't necessary for the child to be
nursed longer than that.  But it is also not anything other than natural and
normal and healthy.

This is typical of what we are up against. YOU say "it simply isn't
necessary for the child to be nursed longer than that." What gives you
the right to say such a thing without consulting your child about it?
What did the child have to say about it? If s/he had said anything, or
signalled anything, s/he would have been laughed at and ridiculed.
Your words "then went straight to a cup" fills me with pain.

In the words of Bernardo Bertolucci, "children are tortured until they
tell their first lie."

You seem to be Irish. I was thinking mainly of Irish women when I
inserted the following sentence into "Silence of the Damned:"
"The exception to this is when the mother has been so badly repressed
by her own upbringing - read downbringing - that her body refuses to
respond to nipple stimulation as Nature intended."
2008-06-15 02:53:42 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by Rhiannon
I don't know what kind of freaky women you've been talking to, but to equate
breastfeeding with sexual arousal is the most ridiculous thing I have ever
heard. I breastfed both of my sons, the second son until he was 14 months
old who then went straight to a cup, and there is nothing sexual about it.
In fact, given that I was producing nearly a litre and a half of milk at
that point the only thing it was; was freaking exhausting. I personally do [not]
advocate breastfeeding a child beyond the age of two. Whatever benefits,
from a stronger immune system to psychologically healthy bonding, there are
for the mother and child during the nursing process, most of it occurs
within the first two years. It simply isn't necessary for the child to be
nursed longer than that. But it is also not anything other than natural and
normal and healthy.
This is typical of what we are up against. YOU say "it simply isn't
necessary for the child to be nursed longer than that." What gives you
the right to say such a thing without consulting your child about it?
What did the child have to say about it? If s/he had said anything, or
signalled anything, s/he would have been laughed at and ridiculed.
Your words "then went straight to a cup" fills me with pain.
In the words of Bernardo Bertolucci, "children are tortured until they
tell their first lie."
You seem to be Irish. I was thinking mainly of Irish women when I
inserted the following sentence into "Silence of the Damned:"
"The exception to this is when the mother has been so badly repressed
by her own upbringing - read downbringing - that her body refuses to
respond to nipple stimulation as Nature intended."
Aren't you the same guy who said Saturn blew up and something about
how incest taboos cause a lot of psychological problems?
2008-06-15 14:23:40 UTC
Post by kerfoker
Aren't you the same guy who said Saturn blew up and something about
how incest taboos cause a lot of psychological problems?
I didn't get a copy of the memo because I am no longer in the
offices tht get those memos, but I heard that they recently circulated a
memo requesting
volunteers for a training cadre on the Saturn issue

I expect each of you to apply for this, It's not full time
but it looks great on the resume. And each of you has the talent.


"Black is black, no trading back
We were enemies
Sure you are, but what am I?
We were enemies"--bg cheese, nirvana
2008-06-16 03:10:12 UTC
Post by kerfoker
Aren't you the same guy who said Saturn blew up and something about
how incest taboos cause a lot of psychological problems?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

Yes; the evidence is there that Saturn is a 'dark star' - meaning a
'sun' which became a 'nova' about eleven thousand years ago, but it
can't be proved beyond all doubt. We can stick to essential, non-
debatable truths from now on, as that's more helpful. Of course they
will be debated, but only because we are so far off the rails.
2008-06-16 11:57:46 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by kerfoker
Aren't you the same guy who said Saturn blew up and something about
how incest taboos cause a lot of psychological problems?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Yes; the evidence is there that Saturn is a 'dark star' - meaning a
'sun' which became a 'nova' about eleven thousand years ago, but it
can't be proved beyond all doubt. We can stick to essential, non-
debatable truths from now on, as that's more helpful. Of course they
will be debated, but only because we are so far off the rails.
And the reason I was mentioning the explosion of Saturn so often was
that it is considered the cause of the major "deluge" or catastrophe
which drove us out of the Garden of Eden. The concept of a sane
civilisation covering most of the globe about eleven thousand years
ago is not confined to the Hebrew scriptures but is a universal
archetypal memory found on every continent. The impression gained from
the overall historical and geological records and oral / tribal
traditions is that after that major catastrophe, the earth was largely
denuded of vegetation for a generation and so meat eating was adopted
for the first time, and also inter-tribal war was considered necessary
because the earth could not sustain all her inhabitants for a time.
The perception that war was necessary also led to a hardening of
hearts and a rationing of love, since if love were still flowing
freely among the members of the tribe, we would not be sufficiently
aggressive to fight a defensive war. Thus, our three major societal
arrangements all have as their purpose the RATIONING OF LOVE. In
religious terminology this episode is called 'the fall of man' or
'original sin.'

And those three major societal arrangements again are:

1. The mother-infant relationship in its present form, in which the
infant is forbidden to return the mother's loving caresses;
2. The ban on expressing love for the ones we love the most, also
called the incest taboo;
3. The ban on loving more than one other person, also known as
marriage or having a partner.

If you think about them, all three basic societal structures RATION
LOVE and hence facilitate war.
With each succeeding generation in the past eleven thousand years, our
ancestors sank deeper and deeper into this madness, which can be
called *survivalist mode* . It never had to happen, but now it's very
difficult to get back to the state of harmony we had prior to that
major catastrophe which drove us from the Garden.

I was just trying to help by telling it like it is, but we needn't
mention debatable non-essentials such as the explosion of Saturn. It's
better to stick to the essentials that are self evident and beyond
debate, as in "Declaration for Healing."
All hail Discordia
2008-06-16 22:18:33 UTC
On Mon, 16 Jun 2008 04:57:46 -0700 (PDT), Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
Post by kerfoker
Aren't you the same guy who said Saturn blew up and something about
how incest taboos cause a lot of psychological problems?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Yes; the evidence is there that Saturn is a 'dark star' - meaning a
'sun' which became a 'nova' about eleven thousand years ago, but it
can't be proved beyond all doubt. We can stick to essential, non-
debatable truths from now on, as that's more helpful. Of course they
will be debated, but only because we are so far off the rails.
And the reason I was mentioning the explosion of Saturn so often was
that it is considered the cause of the major "deluge" or catastrophe
which drove us out of the Garden of Eden. The concept of a sane
civilisation covering most of the globe about eleven thousand years
ago is not confined to the Hebrew scriptures but is a universal
archetypal memory found on every continent. The impression gained from
the overall historical and geological records and oral / tribal
traditions is that after that major catastrophe, the earth was largely
denuded of vegetation for a generation and so meat eating was adopted
for the first time, and also inter-tribal war was considered necessary
because the earth could not sustain all her inhabitants for a time.
Yes and during which time our guts and teeth instantly transformed
from those of a herbivore into those of an omnivore. *cough bullshit
Post by Ishtar
The perception that war was necessary also led to a hardening of
hearts and a rationing of love, since if love were still flowing
freely among the members of the tribe, we would not be sufficiently
aggressive to fight a defensive war. Thus, our three major societal
arrangements all have as their purpose the RATIONING OF LOVE. In
religious terminology this episode is called 'the fall of man' or
'original sin.'
I guess this is when other animal packs started to fight with each
other too.
Post by Ishtar
1. The mother-infant relationship in its present form, in which the
infant is forbidden to return the mother's loving caresses;
2. The ban on expressing love for the ones we love the most, also
called the incest taboo;
The incest taboo exists because inbreeding magnifies defects in the
genetic structure. I suppose you are going to blame THAT on meat
eating? Of course you will have to explain defects in in-bred
herbivores too.
Post by Ishtar
3. The ban on loving more than one other person, also known as
marriage or having a partner.
Actually that custom has more to do with transfer of property from
father to son. If you wife is not knocking boots with the
neighborhood, then you are reasonably sure that you are the father of
her children. That you can blame on us valuing property and being
clever enough to figurer out that sex causes children.
Post by Ishtar
If you think about them, all three basic societal structures RATION
LOVE and hence facilitate war.
With each succeeding generation in the past eleven thousand years, our
ancestors sank deeper and deeper into this madness, which can be
called *survivalist mode* . It never had to happen, but now it's very
difficult to get back to the state of harmony we had prior to that
major catastrophe which drove us from the Garden.
I was just trying to help by telling it like it is, but we needn't
mention debatable non-essentials such as the explosion of Saturn. It's
better to stick to the essentials that are self evident and beyond
debate, as in "Declaration for Healing."
Michelle la Belle
2008-06-16 23:26:24 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
Post by kerfoker
Aren't you the same guy who said Saturn blew up and something about
how incest taboos cause a lot of psychological problems?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Yes; the evidence is there that Saturn is a 'dark star' - meaning a
'sun' which became a 'nova' about eleven thousand years ago, but it
can't be proved beyond all doubt. We can stick to essential, non-
debatable truths from now on, as that's more helpful. Of course they
will be debated, but only because we are so far off the rails.
And the reason I was mentioning the explosion of Saturn so often was
that it is considered the cause of the major "deluge" or catastrophe
which drove us out of the Garden of Eden. The concept of a sane
civilisation covering most of the globe about eleven thousand years
ago is not confined to the Hebrew scriptures but is a universal
archetypal memory found on every continent. The impression gained from
the overall historical and geological records and oral / tribal
traditions is that after that major catastrophe, the earth was largely
denuded of vegetation for a generation and so meat eating was adopted
for the first time, and also inter-tribal war was considered necessary
because the earth could not sustain all her inhabitants for a time.
The perception that war was necessary also led to a hardening of
hearts and a rationing of love, since if love were still flowing
freely among the members of the tribe, we would not be sufficiently
aggressive to fight a defensive war. Thus, our three major societal
arrangements all have as their purpose the RATIONING OF LOVE. In
religious terminology this episode is called 'the fall of man' or
'original sin.'
1. The mother-infant relationship in its present form, in which the
infant is forbidden to return the mother's loving caresses;
2. The ban on expressing love for the ones we love the most, also
called the incest taboo;
3. The ban on loving more than one other person, also known as
marriage or having a partner.
If you think about them, all three basic societal structures RATION
LOVE and hence facilitate war.
With each succeeding generation in the past eleven thousand years, our
ancestors sank deeper and deeper into this madness, which can be
called *survivalist mode* . It never had to happen, but now it's very
difficult to get back to the state of harmony we had prior to that
major catastrophe which drove us from the Garden.
I was just trying to help by telling it like it is, but we needn't
mention debatable non-essentials such as the explosion of Saturn. It's
better to stick to the essentials that are self evident and beyond
debate, as in "Declaration for Healing."http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dddp6bt4_829zpt8ffd- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You're confusing sex with love.
2008-06-16 23:42:35 UTC
Post by Michelle la Belle
Post by Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
Post by kerfoker
Aren't you the same guy who said Saturn blew up and something about
how incest taboos cause a lot of psychological problems?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Yes; the evidence is there that Saturn is a 'dark star' - meaning a
'sun' which became a 'nova' about eleven thousand years ago, but it
can't be proved beyond all doubt. We can stick to essential, non-
debatable truths from now on, as that's more helpful. Of course they
will be debated, but only because we are so far off the rails.
And the reason I was mentioning the explosion of Saturn so often was
that it is considered the cause of the major "deluge" or catastrophe
which drove us out of the Garden of Eden. The concept of a sane
civilisation covering most of the globe about eleven thousand years
ago is not confined to the Hebrew scriptures but is a universal
archetypal memory found on every continent. The impression gained from
the overall historical and geological records and oral / tribal
traditions is that after that major catastrophe, the earth was largely
denuded of vegetation for a generation and so meat eating was adopted
for the first time, and also inter-tribal war was considered
because the earth could not sustain all her inhabitants for a time.
The perception that war was necessary also led to a hardening of
hearts and a rationing of love, since if love were still flowing
freely among the members of the tribe, we would not be sufficiently
aggressive to fight a defensive war. Thus, our three major societal
arrangements all have as their purpose the RATIONING OF LOVE. In
religious terminology this episode is called 'the fall of man' or
'original sin.'
1. The mother-infant relationship in its present form, in which the
infant is forbidden to return the mother's loving caresses;
2. The ban on expressing love for the ones we love the most, also
called the incest taboo;
3. The ban on loving more than one other person, also known as
marriage or having a partner.
If you think about them, all three basic societal structures RATION
LOVE and hence facilitate war.
With each succeeding generation in the past eleven thousand years, our
ancestors sank deeper and deeper into this madness, which can be
called *survivalist mode* . It never had to happen, but now it's very
difficult to get back to the state of harmony we had prior to that
major catastrophe which drove us from the Garden.
I was just trying to help by telling it like it is, but we needn't
mention debatable non-essentials such as the explosion of Saturn. It's
better to stick to the essentials that are self evident and beyond
debate, as in "Declaration for
Healing."http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dddp6bt4_829zpt8ffd- Hide
quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You're confusing sex with love.
i hate that
Michelle la Belle
2008-06-17 00:00:15 UTC
Post by Michelle la Belle
Post by Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
Post by kerfoker
Aren't you the same guy who said Saturn blew up and something about
how incest taboos cause a lot of psychological problems?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Yes; the evidence is there that Saturn is a 'dark star' - meaning a
'sun' which became a 'nova' about eleven thousand years ago, but it
can't be proved beyond all doubt. We can stick to essential, non-
debatable truths from now on, as that's more helpful. Of course they
will be debated, but only because we are so far off the rails.
And the reason I was mentioning the explosion of Saturn so often was
that it is considered the cause of the major "deluge" or catastrophe
which drove us out of the Garden of Eden. The concept of a sane
civilisation covering most of the globe about eleven thousand years
ago is not confined to the Hebrew scriptures but is a universal
archetypal memory found on every continent. The impression gained from
the overall historical and geological records and oral / tribal
traditions is that after that major catastrophe, the earth was largely
denuded of vegetation for a generation and so meat eating was adopted
for the first time, and also inter-tribal war was considered necessary
because the earth could not sustain all her inhabitants for a time.
The perception that war was necessary also led to a hardening of
hearts and a rationing of love, since if love were still flowing
freely among the members of the tribe, we would not be sufficiently
aggressive to fight a defensive war. Thus, our three major societal
arrangements all have as their purpose the RATIONING OF LOVE. In
religious terminology this episode is called 'the fall of man' or
'original sin.'
1. The mother-infant relationship in its present form, in which the
infant is forbidden to return the mother's loving caresses;
2. The ban on expressing love for the ones we love the most, also
called the incest taboo;
3. The ban on loving more than one other person, also known as
marriage or having a partner.
If you think about them, all three basic societal structures RATION
LOVE and hence facilitate war.
With each succeeding generation in the past eleven thousand years, our
ancestors sank deeper and deeper into this madness, which can be
called *survivalist mode* . It never had to happen, but now it's very
difficult to get back to the state of harmony we had prior to that
major catastrophe which drove us from the Garden.
I was just trying to help by telling it like it is, but we needn't
mention debatable non-essentials such as the explosion of Saturn. It's
better to stick to the essentials that are self evident and beyond
debate, as in "Declaration for
quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You're confusing sex with love.
i hate that- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well yaknow, it doesn't mean I don't love my brother cause I don't
have sex with him. Nothing to do with hatred - just - yick! This OP
here sounds seriously confused.
2008-06-17 02:53:07 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
Post by kerfoker
Aren't you the same guy who said Saturn blew up and something about
how incest taboos cause a lot of psychological problems?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Yes; the evidence is there that Saturn is a 'dark star' - meaning a
'sun' which became a 'nova' about eleven thousand years ago, but it
can't be proved beyond all doubt. We can stick to essential, non-
debatable truths from now on, as that's more helpful. Of course they
will be debated, but only because we are so far off the rails.
Post by Ishtar
And the reason I was mentioning the explosion of Saturn so often was
that it is considered the cause of the major "deluge" or catastrophe
which drove us out of the Garden of Eden. The concept of a sane
civilisation covering most of the globe about eleven thousand years
ago is not confined to the Hebrew scriptures but is a universal
archetypal memory found on every continent.
I was just trying to help by telling it like it is, but we needn't
mention debatable non-essentials such as the explosion of Saturn. It's
better to stick to the essentials that are self evident and beyond
debate, as in "Declaration for Healing."
My understanding of 'novas' is that if Saturn was one then all
life would have been annihilated on Earth. Saturn would be a
white dwarf after its explosion as it would've been before
the explosion. It would be much hotter and still have a mass
more comparable to the sun than to other planets. Where is the
evidence you mention that Saturn is a 'dark star' (what is a
dark star?)? Who considers it the cause of the major "deluge"
or catastrophe?
All hail Discordia
2008-06-15 00:29:30 UTC
Post by Rhiannon
Post by Ishtar
In Daily Mail (London), 13 June 2008, pages 42-43, there is a lengthy
article about a woman who is intending to breastfeed her children
until they are aged eight years.
This discussion crops up from time to time. It is not leading us
anywhere useful. Healing has to be an all-or-nothing process.
Although we can't apply the only correct healing formula in the
foreseeable future, we must formulate and describe that final
destination of natural functioning exactly as it is, and also begin
'rehearsals for future sanity' among adults as a preparation for that
final application of true healing.
Anything less than that will only take us around in circles.
I don't even know if what that woman is doing will benefit her
children in the final analysis, in the context of being surrounded by
an insane civilisation.
We are so deeply sunk in our collective mental illness that nearly
everyone imagines breastfeeding after the age of one year to be
disgusting and even child abuse. Perhaps it actually is abusive to the
child - but only in terms of the consequences of being surrounded by
the present insane civilisation.
On that same basis, I proposed that the ever-expanding 'baby massage'
industry is similarly doing more harm than good - because the child
who is massaged only ends up more confused and bewildered than those
who are not massaged - as long as the present collective mental
illness prevails.
As explained previously, the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic
civilisation is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and baby.
'breasts are something you feed your children with, not something
The mother had to make some such statement, to ward off accusations of
'child abuse.' She knows it's not true, though, and so do the rest of
us. Every woman with whom I have discussed the subject has told me
that when her baby or anyone else sucks on her nipples, she feels the
beginnings of clitoral arousal. 'My breasts are the gateway to my
sexuality' is the way one woman put it to me. And Wilhelm Reich wryly
observed that in Nazi Germany the health officials advised nursing
mothers to hold their breath to try to prevent clitoral arousal.
So that mother's statement: 'breasts are something you feed your
children with, not something sexual,' is obviously a lie, and we all
know it.
The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, and to
abruptly end a sexual relationship with a dependent, vulnerable
partner, without offering any explanation or comfort or support to
enable the victim to cope with such a calamity, is horrendous child
Repeat: the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic civilsation is the ENDING
of the sexual relationship between mother and baby.
Why does doublethink / scotoma come so easily to human beings in our
Because it was a necessary survival tool during the wartime
dictatorships that prevailed in the forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies in which all human behaviour is rooted. For a start, we
had to adopt inverted morality to the extent of imagining that the
'messiah' was a good man, when in fact he had to be the worst of the
worst in order to lead us to military victory over the barbarians. And
that was only the beginning of doublethink / scotoma. Everything is
upside down and inside out in a survivalist-mode civilisation such as
this one.
So, the doublethink / scotoma which enables us to blind ourselves to
the cruelty of the mother-infant relationship, as well as the cruelty
itself - both are associated in our brains and in our archetypes with
physical survival, which is why we cling blindly to both the scotoma
and to the cruelty that is motherhood.
A harmless discussion like that is ok for selling some more copies of
the Daily Mail.
But the only true healing has to be an all-or-nothing proposal.
In other words, if you don't state the final destination, if you don't
plan on going all the way, and honestly conduct practical exercises
among adults to REHEARSE that final destination - then you will
continue to go around in circles.
True healing is an all-or-nothing proposal.
I don't know what kind of freaky women you've been talking to, but to equate
breastfeeding with sexual arousal is the most ridiculous thing I have ever
heard. I breastfed both of my sons, the second son until he was 14 months
old who then went straight to a cup, and there is nothing sexual about it.
In fact, given that I was producing nearly a litre and a half of milk at
that point the only thing it was; was freaking exhausting. I personally do
advocate breastfeeding a child beyond the age of two. Whatever benefits,
from a stronger immune system to psychologically healthy bonding, there are
for the mother and child during the nursing process, most of it occurs
within the first two years. It simply isn't necessary for the child to be
nursed longer than that. But it is also not anything other than natural and
normal and healthy.
There was a case years ago where a woman asked her Dr. if it was
normal to get aroused when breast feeding (and for MANY women it is
normal to experience some arousal even orgasm) but he did not know
this and instead of soothing her distress he called social services on
her and they took her kid away.
Michelle la Belle 2nd
2008-06-15 00:45:40 UTC
Post by All hail Discordia
Post by Rhiannon
Post by Ishtar
In Daily Mail (London), 13 June 2008, pages 42-43, there is a lengthy
article about a woman who is intending to breastfeed her children
until they are aged eight years.
This discussion crops up from time to time. It is not leading us
anywhere useful. Healing has to be an all-or-nothing process.
Although we can't apply the only correct healing formula in the
foreseeable future, we must formulate and describe that final
destination of natural functioning exactly as it is, and also begin
'rehearsals for future sanity' among adults as a preparation for that
final application of true healing.
Anything less than that will only take us around in circles.
I don't even know if what that woman is doing will benefit her
children in the final analysis, in the context of being surrounded by
an insane civilisation.
We are so deeply sunk in our collective mental illness that nearly
everyone imagines breastfeeding after the age of one year to be
disgusting and even child abuse. Perhaps it actually is abusive to the
child - but only in terms of the consequences of being surrounded by
the present insane civilisation.
On that same basis, I proposed that the ever-expanding 'baby massage'
industry is similarly doing more harm than good - because the child
who is massaged only ends up more confused and bewildered than those
who are not massaged - as long as the present collective mental
illness prevails.
As explained previously, the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic
civilisation is the ENDING of the sexual relationship between mother
and baby.
'breasts are something you feed your children with, not something
The mother had to make some such statement, to ward off accusations of
'child abuse.' She knows it's not true, though, and so do the rest of
us. Every woman with whom I have discussed the subject has told me
that when her baby or anyone else sucks on her nipples, she feels the
beginnings of clitoral arousal. 'My breasts are the gateway to my
sexuality' is the way one woman put it to me. And Wilhelm Reich wryly
observed that in Nazi Germany the health officials advised nursing
mothers to hold their breath to try to prevent clitoral arousal.
So that mother's statement: 'breasts are something you feed your
children with, not something sexual,' is obviously a lie, and we all
know it.
The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship, and to
abruptly end a sexual relationship with a dependent, vulnerable
partner, without offering any explanation or comfort or support to
enable the victim to cope with such a calamity, is horrendous child
Repeat: the MAJOR child abuse in our tragic civilsation is the ENDING
of the sexual relationship between mother and baby.
Why does doublethink / scotoma come so easily to human beings in our
Because it was a necessary survival tool during the wartime
dictatorships that prevailed in the forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies in which all human behaviour is rooted. For a start, we
had to adopt inverted morality to the extent of imagining that the
'messiah' was a good man, when in fact he had to be the worst of the
worst in order to lead us to military victory over the barbarians. And
that was only the beginning of doublethink / scotoma. Everything is
upside down and inside out in a survivalist-mode civilisation such as
this one.
So, the doublethink / scotoma which enables us to blind ourselves to
the cruelty of the mother-infant relationship, as well as the cruelty
itself - both are associated in our brains and in our archetypes with
physical survival, which is why we cling blindly to both the scotoma
and to the cruelty that is motherhood.
A harmless discussion like that is ok for selling some more copies of
the Daily Mail.
But the only true healing has to be an all-or-nothing proposal.
In other words, if you don't state the final destination, if you don't
plan on going all the way, and honestly conduct practical exercises
among adults to REHEARSE that final destination - then you will
continue to go around in circles.
True healing is an all-or-nothing proposal.
I don't know what kind of freaky women you've been talking to, but to equate
breastfeeding with sexual arousal is the most ridiculous thing I have ever
heard.  I breastfed both of my sons, the second son until he was 14 months
old who then went straight to a cup, and there is nothing sexual about it.
In fact, given that I was producing nearly a litre and a half of milk at
that point the only thing it was; was freaking exhausting.  I personally do
advocate breastfeeding a child beyond the age of two.  Whatever benefits,
from a stronger immune system to psychologically healthy bonding, there are
for the mother and child during the nursing process, most of it occurs
within the first two years.  It simply isn't necessary for the child to be
nursed longer than that.  But it is also not anything other than natural and
normal and healthy.
There was a case years ago where a woman asked her Dr. if it was
normal to get aroused when breast feeding (and for MANY women it is
normal to experience some arousal even orgasm) but he did not know
this and instead of soothing her distress he called social services on
her and they took her kid away.
Grant- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Well isn't that a happy anecdote.

I can't remember if I found it arousing or not, but I seem to remember
reading that some women do find it arousing. Stands to reason, as the
breasts generally are an erogenous zone for women. Some men may find
it arousing to watch.

As to the woman who insists on feeding her child until the age of 8 -
well, has she considered that her child may not want it that long?

I fed my son for as long as he wanted. He wanted it for about 13
months. I was prepared to feed him for much longer, had he wanted
it. Yes, even past the age of 2. But he simply just didn't want it

I'll admit it does look a bit strange when you see an older child -
aged around 4 - still sucking at the tit, but you know, I don't see a
damn thing wrong with it.

I breast fed in public. Most of my friends would take their baby into
the godam Bathroom to feed it. Such nonsense. I was prepared for
social disapproval - but I didn't get any.
2008-06-15 01:30:26 UTC
Post by Michelle la Belle 2nd
I can't remember if I found it arousing or not, but I seem to remember
reading that some women do find it arousing.  Stands to reason, as the
breasts generally are an erogenous zone for women.  Some men may find
it arousing to watch.
As to the woman who insists on feeding her child until the age of 8 -
well, has she considered that her child may not want it that long?
I fed my son for as long as he wanted.  He wanted it for about 13
months.  I was prepared to feed him for much longer, had he wanted
it.  Yes, even past the age of 2.  But he simply just didn't want it
I'll admit it does look a bit strange when you see an older child -
aged around 4 - still sucking at the tit, but you know, I don't see a
damn thing wrong with it.
I breast fed in public.  Most of my friends would take their baby into
the godam Bathroom to feed it.  Such nonsense.  I was prepared for
social disapproval - but I didn't get any.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

There may be peer pressure from other children or pressure from other
relatives to cause a child to signal a "wish" to end breastfeeding.
The freedom of choice is not there for the baby, not in the present
tragic civilisation.
Michelle la Belle 2nd
2008-06-15 01:44:28 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by Michelle la Belle 2nd
I can't remember if I found it arousing or not, but I seem to remember
reading that some women do find it arousing.  Stands to reason, as the
breasts generally are an erogenous zone for women.  Some men may find
it arousing to watch.
As to the woman who insists on feeding her child until the age of 8 -
well, has she considered that her child may not want it that long?
I fed my son for as long as he wanted.  He wanted it for about 13
months.  I was prepared to feed him for much longer, had he wanted
it.  Yes, even past the age of 2.  But he simply just didn't want it
I'll admit it does look a bit strange when you see an older child -
aged around 4 - still sucking at the tit, but you know, I don't see a
damn thing wrong with it.
I breast fed in public.  Most of my friends would take their baby into
the godam Bathroom to feed it.  Such nonsense.  I was prepared for
social disapproval - but I didn't get any.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
There may be peer pressure from other children or pressure from other
relatives to cause a child to signal a "wish" to end breastfeeding.
The freedom of choice is not there for the baby, not in the present
tragic civilisation.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Possible, but not likely in my situation.
2008-06-15 14:39:17 UTC
"Ishtar" <***@googlemail.com> wrote in message news:cfec1a4c-f0b5-436e-b039-***@26g2000hsk.googlegroups.com...

There may be peer pressure from other children or pressure from other
relatives to cause a child to signal a "wish" to end breastfeeding.
The freedom of choice is not there for the baby, not in the present
tragic civilisation.
It's probably just because if you want to keep breastfeeding, you can't fit
mom on the tricycle with you

on the banana bike forget it

This was the entire citation in the document

gas is getting more expensive than mother's milk

Tom Wilson is the owner so you probably don't want to call him.

Hope this helps but they don't give the name of the employees

Ian Jackson
2008-06-15 08:56:43 UTC
In message
Post by Michelle la Belle 2nd
Well isn't that a happy anecdote.
I can't remember if I found it arousing or not, but I seem to remember
reading that some women do find it arousing. Stands to reason, as the
breasts generally are an erogenous zone for women. Some men may find
it arousing to watch.
As to the woman who insists on feeding her child until the age of 8 -
well, has she considered that her child may not want it that long?
I fed my son for as long as he wanted. He wanted it for about 13
months. I was prepared to feed him for much longer, had he wanted
it. Yes, even past the age of 2. But he simply just didn't want it
I'll admit it does look a bit strange when you see an older child -
aged around 4 - still sucking at the tit, but you know, I don't see a
damn thing wrong with it.
I breast fed in public. Most of my friends would take their baby into
the godam Bathroom to feed it. Such nonsense. I was prepared for
social disapproval - but I didn't get any.
Like this?

2008-06-15 14:32:40 UTC
"Michelle la Belle 2nd" <that-***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:608394e3-a9ea-4bc3-adba-***@z66g2000hsc.googlegroups.com...

I'll admit it does look a bit strange when you see an older child -
aged around 4 - still sucking at the tit, but you know, I don't see a
damn thing wrong with it.


My mother grew up in Eastern Europe and said it was pretty normal and


"ha ha ha ho
girlie so groovie
ha ha ha ho
don't know about you"--pixies, debaser
2008-06-18 17:06:56 UTC
Post by Michelle la Belle 2nd
I'll admit it does look a bit strange when you see an older child -
aged around 4 - still sucking at the tit, but you know, I don't see a
damn thing wrong with it.
My mother grew up in Eastern Europe and said it was pretty normal and

From what I've seen, it's also common in Asia to breastfeed up to
about age seven years. Lack of money for other foods is the driving
force there, as in Eastern Europe.
2008-06-18 17:13:13 UTC
Copy of recent email to two supporters:


Just when I think to myself it's time to leave it alone now because
everything has been said, something new comes out of me, something
which expresses quite usefully some other aspect of the analysis and
healing formula. This one came through this afternoon, titled
"Happiness is a Symptom of Mental Illness."

What do you two suggest I do now?

It's easy to say I alienate people by getting drunk and using
"informal" language occasionally. However, my answer is that it's an
important part of the package, and the discerning reader will see it -
by which I mean that the Universal Infant is full of rage at what has
been done to infants for eleven thousand years, and then denied by
everyone..... so that the Universal Infant is refusing to express the
truth about infancy in a 'dignified' manner, because the whole point
is that there is NO dignity in the mother-infant relationship.

So, any 'feedback' would be welcome here, from you two at least, as I
know you are decent.

"Happiness is a Symptom of Mental Illness"
http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dddp6bt4_885s4cfcd9 "
2008-07-02 02:45:31 UTC
To admit that one has been a *total* fool requires a degree of
maturity that all human beings lack.

When an entire species planetwide becomes a collection of six billion
total fools, that's even more difficult to acknowledge.

For the past eleven thousand years we have dealt with that situation
by denying it.

The central lie on which our tragic civilisation rests is the pretence
that there is nothing wrong with the mother-infant relationship. That
game of pretending is the major symptom of your imbecility.

All organisms have a powerful urge to repeat whatever they see or
experience in the days and months following birth. Our infancy is what
"writes the script" for our personal lives and determines the nature
of our civilisation.

And yet we don't remember our infancy.

And furthermore all human beings are ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of
remembering their infancy.

Ergo, all human beings without any exception anywhere are total fools.
2008-07-02 17:14:42 UTC
Post by Ishtar
To admit that one has been a *total* fool requires a degree of
maturity that all human beings lack.
When an entire species planetwide becomes a collection of six billion
total fools, that's even more difficult to acknowledge.
For the past eleven thousand years we have dealt with that situation
by denying it.
The central lie on which our tragic civilisation rests is the pretence
that there is nothing wrong with the mother-infant relationship. That
game of pretending is the major symptom of your imbecility.
All organisms have a powerful urge to repeat whatever they see or
experience in the days and months following birth. Our infancy is what
"writes the script" for our personal lives and determines the nature
of our civilisation.
And yet we don't remember our infancy.
And furthermore all human beings are ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of
remembering their infancy.
Ergo, all human beings without any exception anywhere are total fools.http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dddp6bt4_829zpt8ffd
I found a system of data-compression that generates "data-clumps" that
exactly emulate the "Chomsky Grammar". A simple computer program
actually becomes "alerted" to changes in the input data. This is the
fundament of "artificial awareness".

There is no peer-pressure or suchlike that causes amnesia about our
very early childhood. It is just that when we are born we have no
experience of the outside world. So the earliest data has nothing to
"clump" with, and so we cannot be aware of it.

The longer we live in the world, the bigger the "clumps" of data. A
small child might say "Look, Dad, a car. Look, Dad, a car. Look, Dad,
a car". An adult will perhaps make a remark like "Look at that gold-
plated car".

So we "differate". We notice differences. Young people notice
everything, because everything is new. Adults notice the SPECIAL
DIFFERENCES, the extraordinary. It is all part and parcel of growing

However, when we live - as we do - in a giant stage, where terrible
criminals are running a "stage play" all around us, we are fooled.

The first "differal" might be the concept of turning on a television.
Then we see people in white coats, and build upon that first differal.
We add the concept of "actors" and then of "playing doctors". We are
not fooled.

However, if it is not on television but in a clinic or hospital, we
see the "symbols" of office, the white coats and stethoscopes. We are
fooled into thinking we are seeing doctors. Vast numbers of innocent
people are being murdered by fake "doctors", but nobody wants to
believe it. If the "brothers" commit acts of terror on a massive scale
- as they do - the public will find the concept too vast to believe,
and will relapse into complacency. That is collective mental illness.

The Gang rely on this.

Charles Douglas Wehner
2008-07-06 15:34:20 UTC
Google Documents /

This is a forlorn plea for something worthwhile to be done toward
healing our tragic civilisation in the only way it can ever happen,
bypassing the stop-go-yes-no / two-steps-forward-two-steps-back
stagnation which everybody espouses and clings to so stubbornly:

"The Importance of 'Coming Out'"
2008-07-07 05:40:33 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Google Documents /
This is a forlorn plea for something worthwhile to be done toward
healing our tragic civilisation in the only way it can ever happen,
bypassing the stop-go-yes-no / two-steps-forward-two-steps-back
"The Importance of 'Coming Out'"


The said Google Document has been tidied up a little this morning.

I recommend Google Documents to other writers.
2008-07-09 07:53:49 UTC

"Dear (name withheld),

I recall your last phone call to me. In it you told me you were
unhappy about my criticisms of other people and my 'informal'
language, and you told me to write to you only to give you solutions.
That was a fair statement, and I kept it in mind.

The latest addition to the Google Documents list, titled "The
Importance of 'Coming Out'" is the best reply I can give to you.

That, with the link to the other vital articles on Google Documents,
IS the solution to the question of healing our tragic civilisation,
and I say it is the only solution that will work, and that all other
approaches get mired in the
impasse, which seems plausible and exhilirationg while you're in the
two steps forward phase but in fact gets us nowhere in the end.
To demonstrate that, I cited the two major failures of the reformist
approach: the fake "abolition" of slavery and the fake "child
protection" legislation which does not even recognise the existence of
the forgotten horrors of the mother-infant relationship.

I always want to be corrected if I'm wrong. I proved that when Leroy
Ellenberger "pulled me up" in connection with the Velikovsky debate
and I modified my references to the forgotten catastrophes by reducing
to essentials in the revised version of "Mass Scotoma Rides Again,"
and I thank Mr Ellenberger for "bringing me up to speed on the
Velikovsky debate," as he put it.

So if there's anything wrong in "The Importance of 'Coming Out'" -
please tell me about it.

Only one person, so far, has responded to the publication of "The
Importance of 'Coming Out,'" by giving a signal of acceptance but
without further comment.
It is safe to say that the general silence greeting that beautiful
healing article is rooted in the readers' fear of being labelled a
pedophile if they endorse what I have said regarding the second major
pain-generating societal arrangement, which I call "the prohibition on
expressing love for the ones we love the most, also known as the
incest taboo."

In our society, incest is a pejorative, prejudicial term associated
SOLELY with child abuse and unwanted, inbred pregnancies. Child
abusers must be locked up to protect society from them, but that does
not address the primary child abuse built into the mother-infant
relationship and the fact that at base we all are bursting with love
for the ones we love the most but are forbidden to give any physical
expression to that love. We have sunk to such a level of depravity and
inversion of natural morality, going deeper into our collective
madness with each succeeding generation during the past eleven
thousand years, that words alone will not make any dent in people's
blindness and compartmentalism.

So I wont say much more, except to say - that is the solution you
asked me for, and that is the only solution, unless you can tell me I
am wrong about it.


Our polarised, compartmentalised attitude to that *ban on expressing
love for the ones we love the most* is mirrored by our polarised,
compartmentalised attitude to religions. People would do well to look
at what is good and useful about the Christian scriptures. For a start
I recommend Revelation, chapter 18..... which echoes the admonition to
"Come Out."

Rev. 18 : 4 et seq.
".....Come out of her, my people, so that you do not take part in her
sins and so that you do not share in her plagues, for her sins are
heaped high as heaven and God has remembered her iniquities. Render to
her as she herself has rendered and repay her double for her

Earlier, in Rev. 14 : 14-16, there is talk of "reaping the earth with
a sickle." Most people fail to make the connection between that and
Immanuel Velikovsky's account of "the horns of Ishtar" or the crescent
displayed in the sky when Ishtar passed between the earth and the sun,
still displayed in religious iconography as the cresent above mosques
and under Mary's feet, and everywhere else..... the sickle 'reaping
the earth' is not a vague metaphor but is a real physical object in
the sky.

"Come out of her..... "
PS, I'll post this message on usenet "Collective Mental Illness"
thread, with your name omitted; you are welcome to phone me again, but
only if you feel comfortable with it. +44-1423-546746.
2008-07-11 06:31:39 UTC

For the sake of discussion, just suppose that I were to say to you
that there exists somewhere in this universe a species inhabiting
carbon-based, water-based, calcium-based bodies, with cerebral
function, and next suppose I were to say to you that ALL members of
this species firmly believe that *it is immoral to express love for
the ones you love the most* .

Your first response would be incredulity. You would laugh and say that
is impossible. The cerebral function enables rational thought, so to
say that every member of a cerebral species believes that *it is
immoral to express love for the ones you love the most* ..... no, that
could never happen, you would reply........
The Incest Taboo Revisited
2008-07-12 18:09:26 UTC
Post by Ishtar
For the sake of discussion, just suppose that I were to say to you
that there exists somewhere in this universe a species inhabiting
carbon-based, water-based, calcium-based bodies, with cerebral
function, and next suppose I were to say to you that ALL members of
this species firmly believe that *it is immoral to express love for
the ones you love the most* .
Your first response would be incredulity. You would laugh and say that
is impossible. The cerebral function enables rational thought, so to
say that every member of a cerebral species believes that *it is
immoral to express love for the ones you love the most* ..... no, that
could never happen, you would reply........
The Incest Taboo Revisitedhttp://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dddp6bt4_37hfqw24g3
There would be very little crime if the government would stop

Freekmasonry began in England in 1712, in the Royal house of Queen
Anne (behind her back). It has TOTALLY REVERSED morals, and TOTALLY
REVERSED logic. So, logically (or illogically) Freeaks believe that
disease is good and your Freeak government DELIBERATELY spreads BSE
(as they did). Similarly, your Freeak government believes that nuclear
war would be "beautiful", and so on.

This is a SECRET creed. They don't let you know they think this way,
in case of a revolution.

The reference "Incest Taboo Revisited" enters into the question of
child abuse. Child Abuse was put in the newspapers as a ***FAKE
DEBATE*** not to stamp it out, but to use mobs as blackmail weapons.

Prince Charles refused to join the Freeaks, so they installed a man
who had raped his own daughter in the palace, as a valet. Then the
newspapers introduced "Sarah's Law" - a copy of an American mob-rule
campaign. The "News of the World" and other rubbish papers encouraged
people to lynch child abusers.

Somebody whose name was roughly "Ebenezer Smith" was attacked by a
mob, and holed up in his house for over a week. The story was on
television and in all the papers.

The valet of Prince Charles was told to spy on the prince, and if he
did not he too would have a lynch-mob attack.

It was so successful for the Freeaks, who within the palace spoke of
"Spinning the Bins" as a kind of spying, that they installed a SECOND
valet who had raped his own daughter.

The Ebenezer Smith, meanwhile, was saved by friends. The real
paedophile was in the north - not the south - of England. Also, the
lynch-mob had been led by somebody who was himself a paedophile. The
Freeakmasons had threatened him with a lynch-mob unless he led a lynch-

The Freeak government WANTS paedophilia - as an accusation to be used
in order to enslave people. Incredibly, the Freeak government is
actually ENCOURAGING it. That is where it comes from. The normal
population has very little of it.

It would be such a wonderful world if the Freeaks were not able to
continue their mad antics.

Charles Douglas Wehner
2008-07-12 22:03:02 UTC
I saw the us newsgroup about three seconds before I saw the uk one, in the
Post by Ishtar
For the sake of discussion, just suppose that I were to say to you
that there exists somewhere in this universe a species inhabiting
carbon-based, water-based, calcium-based bodies, with cerebral
function, and next suppose I were to say to you that ALL members of
this species firmly believe that *it is immoral to express love for
the ones you love the most* .
Your first response would be incredulity. You would laugh and say that
is impossible. The cerebral function enables rational thought, so to
say that every member of a cerebral species believes that *it is
immoral to express love for the ones you love the most* ..... no, that
could never happen, you would reply........
The Incest Taboo
There would be very little crime if the government would stop

Freekmasonry began in England in 1712, in the Royal house of Queen
Anne (behind her back). It has TOTALLY REVERSED morals, and TOTALLY
REVERSED logic. So, logically (or illogically) Freeaks believe that
disease is good and your Freeak government DELIBERATELY spreads BSE
(as they did). Similarly, your Freeak government believes that nuclear
war would be "beautiful", and so on.

This is a SECRET creed. They don't let you know they think this way,
in case of a revolution.

The reference "Incest Taboo Revisited" enters into the question of
child abuse. Child Abuse was put in the newspapers as a ***FAKE
DEBATE*** not to stamp it out, but to use mobs as blackmail weapons.

Prince Charles refused to join the Freeaks, so they installed a man
who had raped his own daughter in the palace, as a valet. Then the
newspapers introduced "Sarah's Law" - a copy of an American mob-rule
campaign. The "News of the World" and other rubbish papers encouraged
people to lynch child abusers.

Somebody whose name was roughly "Ebenezer Smith" was attacked by a
mob, and holed up in his house for over a week. The story was on
television and in all the papers.

The valet of Prince Charles was told to spy on the prince, and if he
did not he too would have a lynch-mob attack.

It was so successful for the Freeaks, who within the palace spoke of
"Spinning the Bins" as a kind of spying, that they installed a SECOND
valet who had raped his own daughter.

The Ebenezer Smith, meanwhile, was saved by friends. The real
paedophile was in the north - not the south - of England. Also, the
lynch-mob had been led by somebody who was himself a paedophile. The
Freeakmasons had threatened him with a lynch-mob unless he led a lynch-

The Freeak government WANTS paedophilia - as an accusation to be used
in order to enslave people. Incredibly, the Freeak government is
actually ENCOURAGING it. That is where it comes from. The normal
population has very little of it.

It would be such a wonderful world if the Freeaks were not able to
continue their mad antics.

Charles Douglas Wehner
Janitor of Lunacy
2008-07-12 22:28:54 UTC
Post by David
I saw the us newsgroup about three seconds before I saw the uk one,
in the subject.
Thanks a bunch. I have this fruitcake killfiled and YOU quote him in all his
stupendous inanity.

2008-07-18 12:10:35 UTC

'The elephant in the room' is a metaphor for something that is
glaringly obvious but everyone or nearly everyone ignores it. Scotoma
is the psychological term for this condition.

In the forgotten survivalist emergencies in which all human behaviour
is rooted, we all developed the capacity for limitless scotoma. We had
to. Our leader, the 'messiah,' was the most criminally insane man our
tribe had produced, and we had to revere and respect him because that
was our only hope of surviving the vicious inter-tribal wars that were
looming. Similarly, the pain-generating societal arrangements that
were adopted to ration love and to fill us with repressed rage had to
be thought of as right and good, because they produced hate-crazed
soldiers to do our killing for us. So ignoring 'the elephant in the
room' became second nature for human beings - because it was
associated with physical survival.

We never abolished our pain-generating societal arrangements after the
vegetation grew back and war could no longer be justified. Instead, we
accepted pain-generating societal arrangements as our normality and
came to imagine that this is the only way life can ever be lived!

The major pain-generating societal arrangement is the mother-infant
relationship. This is our most prominent 'elephant in the room.'

The concept of the 'noosphere,' developed by the likes of Pierre
Tielhard de Chardin and V. I. Vernadsky is just a recycling of what
has always been known - that the Overself maintains a complete record
of every event that has ever taken place, and that clairvoyance and
telepathy are simply accessing that cosmic record. The 'noosphere'
concept is just the usual story of western science very slowly
catching up with the wisdom of the ancients.

The most weighty entity by far in that cosmic record is the totality
of emotions experienced by every human infant that has lived in the
past eleven thousand years.
The grief, the rage, the terror that every human infant has to go
through, is deliberately denied and buried in collective scotoma-
I was tapping in to the cosmic record and FEELING that vast reservoir
of suppressed emotions on behalf of the Universal Infant and then
giving a Voice to the Voiceless by 'screaming' as loudly as I did to
articulate the pain and grief and terror experienced by every human
baby. Some of you have seen the way it was received.

The major obstacle to enlightenment and progress is *not* the fact
that we don't remember our infancy, but the fact that we DON'T WANT to
remember our infancy.

The forgotten horrors of the child abuse that is built into the mother-
infant relationship comprise at once the most urgent and pressing
issue facing the human race, as well as being the one issue that
nobody, even our most revered and independent scientists, philosophers
and 'healers' will even begin to think about.
Such is the depth of our depravity and collective mental illness. You
can see the results in any history book or newspaper.

At a time when many are devoting their energies to finding ways of
ensuring the survival of the human species, I want to ask you this

Suppose you knew of a strange race somewhere in the galaxy which is
systematically rejecting, tormenting and abusing all infants of its
species so as to ensure that all their members will have their lives
blighted by this early child abuse, so that loneliness, misery,
violence and war will be the major features of life for that species.
And suppose you knew also that all members of that species have
refused to do anything to put an end to their practices of systematic
child abuse, and even deny that it is happening, while anyone of their
own kind who protests against the initial child abuse in the mother-
infant relationship, and asks for child abuse to end, is demonised and
shunned by that species........ if you were to hear about such a
demented species, all of whose members are child abusers or support
child abuse, well then would you wish these child abusers to succeed
in their efforts to survive the coming cataclysms?

That species is humanity. That is the elephant in the room.
Old Jinglebollocks
2008-07-20 14:40:40 UTC

Hi; I've finished that book 'Apocalypse 2012' by Lawrence E. Joseph.
I didn't need to read it and you don't need to read it, but still you
might find it interesting and entertaining, which is what attracted
me. The author is refreshingly detached and easygoing, while also
intelligent and amusing.

What amazes me is the amount of energy being expended by millions of
people on a 'Goden Age Foundation' here or a 'Oneness Temple' there,
with millions of pages being written along such lines........ and it
keeps leading me back to Wilhelm Reich's despairing lament:

The elephant in the room is the fact that every mother in the world is
a child abuser, along with the fact that there is nobody, anywhere in
this world, who is opposed to child abuse and wishes to end child
I have demonstrated that in the past five years.
I have failed to locate even one member of the human race who would
join with me in declaring publicly that they wish child abuse to end.
I refer to the primal child abuse built into the survivalist-mode
mother-infant relationship, in which all other forms of child abuse
have their root cause, and which we conceal under the veil of
collective amnesia-scotoma.

THAT is 'the essential.'

THAT is what we need to address if we ever want to heal and if we ever
want to achieve any sustainable progress, let alone a 'new Golden

Yet no one will even begin to acknowledge the existence of the
elephant in the room - the fact that every mother in the world is a
child abuser.
2008-07-23 09:57:52 UTC
"The octogenarian founder of psychoanalysis was not yet at the end of
his insights and revelations.
A repressed thought was asking to be spelled out.
"If we consider mankind as a whole and substitute it for a single
individual, we discover that it too has developed delusions which are
inaccessible to logical criticism and which contradict reality. If, in
spite of this, they [the delusions] are able to exert an extraordinary
power over men, investigation leads us to the same explanation as in
the case of the single individual. They owe their power to the element
of historical truth which they have brought up from the repression of
the forgotten and primeval past."
-Freud, "Construction in Analysis."
Freud speaks here of mankind's delusions, therefore delusions in which
all of us take part and which are deaf to logical criticism; at the
bottom, however, is a historical truth. What, then, is this truth, the
happening that once overwhelmed the human race and traumatised and
poisoned and scorched the minds of all generations that followed?"
-from "Mankind In Amnesia" by Immanuel Velikovsky, 1982.
2008-07-23 17:53:22 UTC
I love it.

You put up a title like "Collective Mental Illness", and instantly at
the top, up pops the mad janitor.

Charles Douglas Wehner
2008-07-27 08:04:04 UTC
A discussion on constitutional rights and government corruption and
exposing injustices is very satisfying, because it is a debate you
will always win and you will have at least a small number of
spectators applauding you.

But that has been going on for eleven thousand years, and it's got us
nowhere, except the occasional two-steps-forward-two-steps-back

So we must be missing something.

What we are missing is the fact that we don't remember our infancy
the fact that what happened to all of us as infants is formative,
happened to all of us as infants wrote the script for the rest of our
lives and determined the nature of our civilisation.

Why are governments corrupt?

Answer: because every mother in the world is corrupt and we generate
governments that will mimic the cruelty and deceitfulness that is
built into the survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship.

Life is simple. We don't need experts, only an understanding of the
basics of human psychology and a willingness to suffer the
embarrassment of knowing the painful truth about the human condition,
and then a willingness to make a start at ending human suffering by
simply making a start at abolishing our pain-generating societal
arrangements, including the mother-infant relationship in its present

There will never be any sustainable progress until we address the
cause of the madness and mayhem in this civilisation, and that root
cause of our pain is the fact that every mother in the world is a
child abuser.

And you have no right to dismiss that last statement as "crazy,"
because you do not remember your infancy, and until you recover the
memory of the authentic perceptions, experiences, impulses and needs
of human infants, as I have done, you have no right to make
about matters of which you have no memory.

All the well meaning agitations for ‘freedom’ that we witnessed in
second half of the twentieth century should properly be viewed as a
rehearsal for the final push toward the ultimate freedom: the
liberation of the Universal Infant, the restoration of sanity and
decency to the mother-infant relationship.

It's a double amnesia. Our inability to remember our own personal
infancy is in fact rooted in our inability to remember the collective
infancy of the human race - the forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies in which all human behaviour is rooted.

You advocate caring about others, you adovcate applying the Golden
Rule to all areas of human activity.

Yet, in my experience NOBODY cares about the forgotten horrors of
human babies have to endure in this civilisation.
And NOBODY advocates applying the Golden Rule to the mother-infant
2008-07-29 06:10:29 UTC
COPY OF RECENT EMAIL, slightly edited:

Another book you might like to look at is
'Genesis Unveiled: The Lost Wisdom of our Forgotten Ancestors' by Ian
Lawton, published 2003.

We don't need to read it, but it just might be of interest. He's done
his homework and supplies English translations of ancient documents
which you may not have come across in their complete form.

My view is that all we need are the essentials, meaning the broad
outline of our history, the correct analysis of our psychological
state, and the simple, long-term healing formula toward which those
essential facts take us.
The short 'bibliography' that I appended to some articles is all we
need to enable us to arrive at the essentials of life, although not
the only route.

Writers such as Lawton veer close to verifying the essentials of
Immanuel Velikovsky's 'Worlds In Collision' thesis, but never quite
arrive. In fact Lawton mentions the "possibility" of "runaway
planets," and, like me, he is non-dogmatic about time scales and
reduces to essentials as he sees them. The truth is that ONLY a 'rogue
planet' approaching close to earth could have caused devastation on
such a scale as indicated in "Mass Scotoma Rides Again" and "Earth In
Upheaval" (and NOBODY has ever disputed the essential contents of
those two documents).

The ancient manuscripts quoted by Lawton support a recurring 'Plan B'
scenario, expressed in religions terminology ('Revelation') as 'the
devil will be chained for a thousand years' - in one or more remote
enclaves, until the missionaries and looters build ocean-going vessels
and come again from their war-torn continents to corrupt those
paradise enclaves again with their quackery, as perpetrated - in a
lesser way - by European missionaries and looters in parts of the
South Pacific in the nineteenth century.

One of Lawton's blind spots is his failure to see the most obvious
explanation for the huge differences in the racial composition of our
ancestors in
consecutive 'world ages.' Velikovsky explained that when a 'rogue
planet' draws close to earth, the intense heat, magnetic anomalies,
electrical fields and other radiation unleashed by the violent
interplanetary embrace (= 'rough sex' between two or more planets)
supply favorable conditions for dramatic mutations in the composition
of earthly flora and fauna, including humanity. This would include
what we see as 'virgin births' among our ancestors. Religious
references to 'virgin birth' and science fiction offerings like
"Village of the Damned" are garbled echoes of these historical facts,
dredged up from the collective archetypal consciousness by writers
such as 'saint' Paul and John Wyndham.

I've no interest in arguing about dates, nor about exact details of
'world ages' nor successive racial variations such as giants, nor even
about the identities of the forgotten 'rogue planets' which must have
approached close to earth in recent millennia in order to generate
such levels of global catastrophe as revealed in the true geological
record. Only the presence of 'Ishtar' close to the earth could have
caused devastation of such magnitude, for example as revealed in 'Mass
Scotoma Rides Again' and Velikovsky's 'Earth In Upheaval,' which
nobody disputes in their essentials but which nearly everyone sweeps
under the carpet. But I have no interest in debating the identity of
'Ishtar' nor the exact dates of her approaches.

Only the essentials matter, as summarised in Declaration for Healing
and similar.

There still have been no takers for my invitation to collaborate with
others in revising that Declaration for Healing to shape it more
concisely into the blueprint for our grandchildren and our descendants
to follow as their long-term 'road map' to lead them back to Eden. If
we don't bequeath something of that nature to our grandchildren, they
will have to do all the investigations again from square one. Still,
I'll just do it alone if no one wants to help. I don't see anyone else
saying what needs to be said.

I assure you there can be no genuine healing and no sustainable
progress for collective humanity without acknowledging those three
pain-generating societal arrangements and making a start in the
direction of abolishing them. To put it bluntly, it is nonsense to
suggest there can be any sustainable human progress while every mother
in the world is a child abuser.


And the only way we can ever begin to have compassion for human
infants, and to apply the Golden Rule to the mother-infant

Equally I assure you there is no 'job-will-do-itself' solution.

If we don't deal with this here and now, it is likely that we'll all
just keep reincarnating again in similarly difficult times until we
face ourselves and our condition.
It's so simple, and yet there are psychological barriers in the way of
acknowledging the most basic and most important facts of life.
Collective mental illness, in other words.

Pain is the key. Humanity will embrace the simple analysis and healing
formula, and suffer the attendant embarrassment, only when we have had
enough pain, meaning the pain that is being automatically and
continually generated by our three pain-generating societal
arrangements to which we cling so determinedly, the pain you are
reading about in your history books and newspapers.

I have had enough pain and I want to end human suffering by simply
abolishing our pain-generating societal arrangements.


So, just contact me when you have had enough pain, and we'll make a
start at ending human suffering by the simple and obvious means of
abolishing our pain-generating societal arrangements - starting with
the mother-infant relationship in its present form.
2008-08-10 20:26:20 UTC
We urgently need to have the willingness to make sense of paedophilia
and the paedophile-hunting frenzy.

The correct analysis can be summed up by saying that paedophiles are
taking an unfair, exploitative shortcut toward solving the problems
the legacy left to us all by the cruelty of the survivalist-mode
mother-infant relationship.

We've been through the "you are sick" bit often enough, so why keep
repeating that like a bunch of fucking parrots. Is that all you guys
are able to say, while never addressing the detail of my analysis?

Paedophilia can never be condoned, but we are afraid to see what
PROMPTS paedophilia.

Paedophiles are PROTESTING against the survivalist-mode mother-infant
With the following explanation:
the child that they 'groom' to be their compliant lover is their
mother in disguise, reshaped into what a mother should be, but with
grotesque distortions and at the cost of wrecking a young life.

The mother-infant relationship should ideally be an education in
mutual respect and recognition of our authentic needs and natural
impulses. In particular, mothers should apply the Golden Rule to
dealings with their infants - by recognising the INTENSITY of the
infant's love and adoration for the mother, and the INTENSITY and
INEVITABILITY of the infant's urge to return the mother's loving
caresses exactly as given. To do otherwise is a hideous regime of
institutionalised child abuse committed by every mother in the world,
and then concealed under an avalanche of toxic shame and amnesia-

The mother-infant relationship should include accommodating the
infant's unavoidable urge to return the mother's loving caresses
exactly as given.
You don't remember your infancy, but you can, if you have the guts
recover the memories.

Instead of acknowledging the infant's perceptions and experiences and
unavoidable loving impulses toward the mother he adores, the mother-
infant relationship involves toxic shame to suppress our loving
impulses while forcing upon us the pretence that our mothers are not
child abusers.

Paedophiles then swing the pendulum all the way over to the opposite
side, by turning a defenceless child into a substitute mother, but in
a horribly ugly and even more evil form than a biological mother,
without the mutual respect that should have been developing there.
FALSENESS of the paedophile's "love" MIRRORS and MIMICS the falseness
of the "love" every mother in the world pretends to have for the
babies she torments and rejects to fill them with repressed rage to
discharged on the battlefields.
Paedophiles are reacting against the evil in the survivalist-mode
mother-infant relationship and its legacy, but we had to forget that
because it was so obscene, so neither we nor the paedophiles
understand the correct analysis of their behaviour.

Nobody wants to hear that, yet nobody can contradict me.
Paedophilia is the worst possible way of responding to the evil of
forgotten horrors of the survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship.
Those who take that shortcut to rectifying their mothers' betrayal of
her child - at the cost of ruining young lives - should be locked up
for life.
At the same time, the rest of us need to open our eyes and see what
PROMPTS paedophilia.

The NSPCC are badly off course. They are dictators seeking to impose
their own IGNORANCE on the entire population.
The NSPCC are not qualified to make any statement about childhood
until they recover the lost memories of the forgotten horrors of the
mother-infant relationship.


The current hysteria is in part a symptom of our fear of knowing
ourselves, as paedophiiles are pointing us toward one of the
Subjects - the child abuse that is built into the survivalist-mode
mother-infant relationship, the fact that every mother in the world
is - by definition - a child abuser, because the very purpose of our
societal arrangements is to make us all miserable by rationing and
demonising love. Our ancestors devised our societal arrangements when
the world was depleted of vegetation and they considered a fight to
the death with other tribes as the only possible outcome.
To facilitate war and to generate hate-crazed soldiers (cannon
fodder), the human population had to kept in a state of misery and
repressed rage.

So the very PURPOSE of the mother-infant relationship IS child abuse
by every mother.

How else can you keep a civilisation on a war footing??? And our
ancestors were such useless imbeciles that they left these misery-
making societal arrangement unchanged after the vegetation grew
back !!!!! How much more stupid can we get? Our societal arrangements
were designed quite deliberately to make us miserable, and we insist
that they must never be altered, that this is the only way we can
ever live our lives, meaning to continue to impose on all succeeding
generations societal arrangements that our ancestors devised for the
deliberate PURPOSE of keeping us miserable and filled with repressed
rage to be discharged on the battlefields.

If NSPCC or anyone else REALLY wish to help children, they will
RECOVER THE MEMORIES OF INFANCY, then they will KNOW a little bit
about what they are talking about.

Without recovering the memories of infancy, all self-proclaimed child
protecion agencies are just running around like headless chickens,
advertising their ignorance.
2008-08-20 07:04:41 UTC
This has to be worth a reissue. It's a post by Dan Moffett dated 9
June 1997.
Eleven years ago.
But now we are beginning to see it more clearly as the fog lifts and
we see what the EU is really about.


How did Mr Armstrong know?


Today's news reflects a state of affairs that would have been
unthinkable to an observer at the end of World War II in 1945. Then,
Rome-Berlin Axis lay smashed and American and British forces stood at
the pinnacle of victory.

Look at today's world, however. In December 1991, the 12 nations
of the Europoean Community (EC)- including Britain, France, Italy and
Germany - held a summit in Masstricht, Netherlands. There delegates
hammered out the Treaty of European Union to speed economic and
political intergration. Upon its ratification on November 1, 1993, EC
members became part of the newly created Europoean Union (EU).

A feature article in the June 9, 1996, edition of Night and Day
(a major British Sunday newspaper) by journalist David Thomas revealed
startling development to an astonished Britain. It turns out that the
Third Protocol of the Maastricht Treaty requires all participants to
ship their gold and foreign currency reserves to Frankfurt, Germany.
The article quotes from a recent book by authors Atkinson and
Treason at Maastricht: The Destruction of the British Constitution,
which maintains that "there is scarcely a single pillar of the
present 'European' Union which does not have its origins in the blue
print for Europe outlined by Hitler's Nazi regime - with which the
French and Italian war time governments were pleased to co-operate."
The article
further quotes that the single European currency the treaty calls for
"will in effect be a German currency controlled by a central bank
based in Frankfurt - ironically in the former headquarters building of
I.G. Farben, the manufactures of the Nazis' death gas Zyklon B" (p.

Who would have imagined this? Since the end of World War II,
American and Britain have invested many billions of dollars in
intelligence operations. Despite this, the most astounding
events of the postwar era, which resulted in a powerful reunified
Germany, caught the governments of our nations completely by

The rapid successions of events in Eastern and Central Europe in
1989 didn't catch everyone by surprise, however. There was a source
anticipated and reported on this startling turn of events a half-
ahead of time! Notice what an editorial writer stated in the
Hendersonville, Tennessee, Free Press on December 7,1989:

Like a great many Americans I have been watching the current
political situation in East Germany with interest. While many have
expressed surprise at the recent events and at East German cries
for reunification of East and West Germany, I have to admit I haven't
been too surprised by these events. The reason I haven't been par-
ticulary surprised is that for years I have occasionally read the
publications of... the late Herbert W. Armstrong... Armstrong pre-
dicted that the Berlin Wall would some day come down and the two
German states would once again reunite into a powerful nation.

As far back as April 1952, Herbert W. Armstrong, our predecessor
in this current Work of God, had written in the Plain Truth magazine
that East Germany would be reunited with West Germany and that Russia
would "be forced to relinquish her control over Hungary,
Czechoslovakia and parts of Austria" (p. 16). In 1956, following the
Soviet invasion of
Hungary, when it seemed that the "Iron Curtain" had inexorably rung
down on the nations of Eastern Europe, Mr. Armstorng stated, "The way
being prepared for a colossal third force in world politics - a
Europoean Federation of Nations more powerful that either Russia or
the United States!...We have shown years in advance what would happen
Russia's Ill-fated Empire in Eastern Europe" (The Plain Truth, Dec.
1956, p.3).

How could he possibly have known?
(End of reissued post by Dan Moffett.)
Text below by Peter Newman:

In 1991, as the Treaty of Maastricht was being floated, I was
bewildered. Why did Britian not withdraw from the EU at that stage,
when the agenda was stated openly for the first time? As the original
poster said, this was reversing the result of World War Two,
submitting to a slow-motion coup d'etat, leading to full-scale
dictatorship in Europe.

At that stage I still had not read "Mankind In Amnesia" by Immanuel
Velikovsky, so I didn't understand the simple explanation of human
behaviour until later.
It's just basic human psychology. No experts are needed. Amnesia and
repetition compulsion, plus the need to repeat whatever behaviour has
become associated with physical survival in the child-like logic of
the 'subconscious.'

We have a compulsion to repeat our forgotten past by returning the
world to a state of survivalist emergency and full-scale

The vivisection swindle completes the picture. Even if all our other
suicidal activites fail, the avalanche of "animal tested" (=untested)
poisons flooding the environment will eventually destroy the planet
and return us to the conditions of the forgotten survivalist
emergencies in which human behaviour has its roots.
Despite the *fake debate* on vivisection presented by people like
Langley, the reality is that the millions of new chemicals pouring
into our water, air, soil, food, blood and brains in the past half
century were never tested for safety, as "animal tests" are the same
as no test, or worse than no test.
It is hardly a coincidence that the Maastricht treaty was published
soon after the failure of the Hans Ruech-inspired scientific
antivivisection movement. Nobody else recognises it, but the failure
of that movement, the victory of the vivisection syndicate, was a
historic 'watershed' for humanity. It happened in 1990. That was when
we effectively declared that we were not going to do anything to stop
the vivisection swindle, the avalanche of "animal tested" (=untested)
poisons that will soon destroy us.
The *fake debate* on vivisection is a must. Just as the *fake debate*
on the EU is a must. We mustn't see what we are doing, otherwise we
wont do it.

It makes me despair, especially the fact that this is what we are
busily arranging to bequeath to our children and grandchildren. The
truth about our collective mental illness is so frightening that the
only response you are able to give to anyone who speaks the truth is
to call him a looney or similar. The reality is we're all lunatics.


The more insane human behaviour becomes in the years ahead, the more
fiercely it will be denied and concealed under the system of *fake
debates* that we have developed to conceal the truth.

Our compulsion to repeat our past collectively is analogous to our
compulsion to repeat our past as individual persons, to repeat our
infancy, that is. We don't remember our infancy, therefore we don't
understand that the world we see around us, the world we read about
the history books, is a disguised recreation of the pain of infancy.
What we experienced in infancy writes the script for the rest of our
lives and determines the nature of our civilisation. So because we
don't remember our infancy, we understand nothing about our
our collective mental illness.

Again, no experts are needed. In fact the opposite applies. Official
'psychology' and the vast therapy industry are opposed to knowing the
truth and are working for stagnation. However, it is quite easy to
recover the memories of infancy and thus to gain understanding of our
collective mental illness and the correct long-term healing formula.
The problem is that your progress and your knowledge will be
discouraged and demonised by officialdom, especially by the therapy
industry. In fact that is listed as one of the ten Forbidden
the fact that while we may think we are working for human progress
the ending of human suffering, in reality we all are working for
permanent failure and permanent stagnation. This is borne out by our
acquiescence in the EU project and our acquiescence in the
swindle, both designed to return us to a state of survivalist
emergency and full-scale dictatorship, concealed under the system of
*fake debates* .

If you let yourself think about it, you will be upset, to put it
mildly. The therapy industry will then tell you that the problem is
YOU and not in the collective mental illness afflicting all human
beings. So "experts" are the enemy. "Experts" work for stagnation and
oppose healing and knowledge. Actually it's not a case of us and
but is by common consent. We all want the game of pretending, the
debates. It's part of our collective mental illness. Newspapers and
history books clearly describe a species in the grip of a universal,
collective mental illness. Yet if we speak the obvious truth about
condition, we risk being shunned by all others and losing our job.
That indicates the severity of our collective mental illness. The
insane people are, the more loudly they protest that they are not
insane. Yet the newspapers and the history books tell it.

You can control the degree to which you are pained by what is going
in the world, by a system of meditation and connecting with the
Universal Consciousness in the deeper layers of the Mind. However, if
you refuse to analyse correctly and to advocate the only viable long-
term healing formula, then you are incomplete. In short, we must
recover the authentic perceptions and experiences of infancy if we
to progress and heal. That is the most difficult of the Forbidden
Subjects. There's nothing mysterious about it. We already know
everything we need to know. It's inside you. The memory of infancy
the understanding of what really happens to human infants and how it
is destroying us. No official "therapist" will help you to arrive at
this knowledge. In fact, back in 2001, when my insights were forging
ahead, a certain "therapist" in Leeds was doing her best to thwart my
progress and to keep me at her level of stagnation and ignorance. My
"friends" took the same attitude toward knowledge and healing,
advising me to steer clear of anything truthful or healing. You are
liable to be shunned by others and possibly to lose your job if you
mention the truth and advocate healing.

There is always a tendency toward healing. But when you're in
quicksand or in a deep enough pit, your efforts to get out of it only
exhaust you and drag you deeper into the mire. I've thrown you a rope
to pull you out of your pit. It is in that series of healing articles
which I wrote and published in the face of your opposition. You are
incomplete until you recognise it and recover the memories of
both the infancy of the tribe and the infancy of the person.


Everything revolves around your mammalian impulses toward your

Therein lies the key to the gate of the Garden of Eden.

Your mother's anus is the centre of the universe.

That is why the Great Teacher stated:
"Unless ye become as little children, ye will not enter heaven."

That is why Bernardo Bertolucci declared:
"Children are tortured until they tell their first lie."


So then WHAT is that "first lie" that every child tells?

It is the BIG LIE that babies do NOT want to caress their mothers'
anuses in exactly the same way as the mother caressed baby's anus.

THAT is the BIG LIE upon which our FAKE CIVILISATION rests.

You can never answer me. You are terrified of being drawn into this


Mainly because if we face the truth we will have no more soldiers to
do our killing for us.


In the words of Wilhelm Reich:
THE EXIT exists, but if anyone starts moving toward THE EXIT, or even
points at THE EXIT, s/he is immediately
branded a criminal or a lunatic.

In the words of Malcolm Godwin:
“We are chronically caught within the programmes of a self-
perpetuating… pattern which prevents us from either
seeing our true predicament or doing anything about it…….The Grail
legends indicate a way of breaking through that
programme. The heroic act today, of giving up our lives for something
bigger than ourselves, is the only way back…..
to simply allow the greater part of what has been severed within us
fill the vacuum left when the false self is
left behind….”

No tangible progress is possible in the present era. We’re too far
gone. The contamination of the fake mother-infant
relationship and the contamination of the forgotten survivalist
emergencies are overwhelming us. The most we can
hope for now is that a small number of us are starting to think the
right thoughts in the privacy of our own minds,
and that later on we will seize the opportunities for healing that
will present themselves in some parts of the earth
after the coming collapse.

There is no *job-will-do-itself* solution.
There is only The Forbidden Subjects on which our civilisation rests
and the need to confront those Forbidden Subjects.
It's easy. And it's not easy.

You were born into an insane civilisation, a civilisation where
everybody is mentally ill.
Your task is to have the courage to stop parroting the catch cries of
the mentally ill population surrounding you, to give a lead to those
who are ready to heal, even if it means losing all your friends for a
short time.
There is no other way out of this.
I've shown you that there is nothing to fear, that nobody can
contradict the simple truths, the simple anitdotes to The Forbidden
It's not obvious immediately, but it becomes obvious when it's
explained to you.
There is no guru, no job-that-does-itself.
You have to face the simple truth about life one by one, and "come
Become the child you were before the toxic shame kicked in.
At first you will lose all your friends.
Then later they will have to face the truth, because it's so obvious.


Years from now, we and our grandchildren will look back on the
era and ask ourselves why we did it, why did we submit to this, why
did we sabotage our bit of democracy and freedom?
We will see that we were sleepwalking during these present years, as
if hypnotised.
Then we and our grandchildren will grope for explanations.

I've already explained everything for you. But that doesn't stop you
from marching on with the destruction of your freedoms.

It's not inevitable. It's not the fulfilment of bible prophecy. The
'prophets' were writing about the past mainly. The solar system had a
different configuration at that time, and the "Star of Bethlehem" was
coming near and wrecking the surface of the earth repeatedly. In the
days of Amos, Joel etc. it was easy to predict the next approach of
the rogue planet. Then the Jesus gang and the John the Baptist gang
thought it was going to happen again 2,000 years ago, but they were

Mr Armstrong was right about some things - not so much because the
bible predicted it, although you can argue that case to some degree,
but mainly because there are racial archetypes which tend to repeat.
If the Germans really are the descendants of the Assyrians, and if
other Europeans are the descendants of the lost Hebrew tribes, then
it's conceivable that we are repeating our bloody tribal histories in
the same way as individuals repeat their concealed past.

But this is not inevitable, not a god-ordained fulfilment of
For example, the book of Revelation is describing the past, not the
future. The book of Revelation is just a statement of Immanuel
Velikovsky's "Worlds In Collision" thesis wrapped up in religious
language. Try to grasp the fact that the authors of Revelation [and
it's a compilation of numerous lost ancient texts] was describing our
terrifying past, which probably has to repeat at some stage, because
that's the way the solar system works, but not because it's a bible

At some stage we will choose healing.
At some stage we will confront The Forbidden Subjects.
It seems that first you have to sabotage yourselves in this way by
inviting full-scale dictatorship worldwide.

Perhaps the pain and heartache of the terrible years immediately
will make us weary enough to choose healing in a future generation.

It will happen only when we choose to make it happen by confronting
The Forbidden Subjects.
There is no "messiah" to do this for us. No job-will-do-itself


I'd better finish what I started to say.

Why do I write so profusely when nobody will back me up and when
nobody cares about what is happening to us now?

Because our grandchildren will care and our grandchildren will say to


So one reason I write so profusely is that I want to be able to hold
my head up when my grandchildren say that to me, and to point to what
I have been writing during these years, and to say to them: 'I tried
my best to turn it around, but nobody would back me up. They just
remained locked into the fake debates.'


If you face the truth, you will find it deeply disturbing. Your
feelings will actually be a repeat performance of the forgotten
horrors of the mother-infant relationship. It is not easy to face the
fact that you are living in a world where all human beings without
exception are very severely mentally ill and are pretending they are
not mentally ill. We all came face to face with that reality briefly
as infants, usually as we started to gain movement and vocabulary. We
briefly perceived that our parents, all adults, and even the older
children are mentally ill and are pretending not to be mentally ill.
Then, as infants, we quickly surrendered and played the game of
pretending, because we were dependent on the others for our physical
and emotional survival.

Hence Bernardo Bertolucci stated:

In adult life, the veil thins from time to time, and we are unable to
completely maintain the pretence that human beings are not mentally
ill. But then the same thing happens again as happened in infancy: we
surrender again for the sake of a quiet life and resume the game of

My agenda is healing. Therefore I refuse to participate in your game
of pretending. I am telling you straight that all human beings,
without any exception anywhere, are very severely mentally ill. And I
am telling you about the origins and nature of your collective mental
illness, and about the only workable long-term healing formula.


If you think you and your herd are not mentally ill, well then let me
put you right on that, let me invite you to see yourselves as you
I can go on and on, but let's just look at a few of the major
which prove that you all are mentally ill.

All human beings believe that we all are inherently defective and
by definition, criminals, on account of being attached to body parts
which are so irredeemably evil that they must be concealed and never
spoken of unless unavoidable. Furthermore, the body parts that
criminalise you are the most beautiful and most delightful parts of
you. Every mother in the world is advertising herself as a viciously
cruel child abuser - as well as being a total fool - when she
communicates this toxic shame to every baby.

That observation is sufficient in itself to prove beyond dispute that
all human beings, without any exception anywhere, are very severely
mentally ill and that every mother in the world is a viciously cruel
child abuser, which is why you do not remember your infancy.

If you read pages 9-11 of 'IMPERATRICE NUDA' by Hans Ruesch, via the
links below, you can see that The Vivisection Swindle is facilitating
our collective suicide by releasing into our environment and into our
bodies an avalanche of 'animal tested' / =UNTESTED poisons which will
soon destroy the earth's life support system, wreck our health,
deprive us of what was left of our sanity, and return the human race
to a state of survivalist emergency.
In 1990, I advocated that we turn this around by carrying out co-
ordinated *citizens arrests* of vivisectors in all democracies. My
proposal was met with total silence, even by Hans Ruesch. So no human
being anywhere is willing to oppose the Vivisection Swindle. No human
being is opposing the collective suicide of the human race via the
avalanche of 'animal tested' / =UNTESTED poisons that is now
increasingly rotting our brains and driving us all more and more
insane with each passing day (read your newspaper) and soon will
destroy the earth's life support system.
Again, these observations on the Vivisection Swindle alone are enough
to prove that all human beings, without any exception anywhere, are
very severely mentally ill.

All human beings believe very emphatically that if they love more
one other member of their own species, that constitutes one of the
greatest calamities that could ever befall a human being and is a
matter of great shame and something to be done furtively and
from the rest of the population.

A species which believes so emphatically that our love must be
rationed and that to love more than one person is a calamity - that
an insane species, a species of which every member is very severely
mentally ill, and that is YOU, the human species.


I could go on and on at great length, listing the symptoms of your
mental illness. But even one of the symptoms is proof enough that
human beings are all just a bunch of stupid, useless imbeciles. There
is no exception. That is YOU, whoever you are out there, and I have
just PROVED BEYOND DOUBT that you are a stupid imbecile, by listing
only the first THREE symptoms of your imbecility.


Immanuel Velikovsky identified the roots of your madness in 'Mankind
In Amnesia.' That's why it's out of print.

No progress is possible now. You are much too deeply sunk in your
collective mental illness. Just get on with it. I'm writing this so
that I will be able to hold my head up when our grandchildren's
generation start asking us:

I will be able to show them these writings and say to them: "I tried,
but nobody would back me up."

The other thing you need to grasp clearly in your minds is the fact
that the very PURPOSE of our civilisation is loneliness and misery
all human beings.

All human behaviour is rooted in a forgotten series of survivalist
emergencies which drove our ancestors quite insane, and we have
inheritied our ancestors insanity while pretending we are not insane.

In a survivalist emergency, morality is reversed and rational thought
is outlawed. In particular, the perceived need for inter-tribal war
leads to a percieved need to ration love to the bare minimum.
expressions of love between members of the tribe must be demonised,
and confined to physically dependent babies and strictly rationed
vaginal intercourse to produce more hate-crazed soldiers to do our
killing for us. Love was perceived as the enemy by our insane
ancestors, because if we loved we would have no soldiers to do our
killing for us. Also, the causal link between child abuse and the
ferocity of the tribe's soldiers was soon perceived, and so child
abuse came to be seen as a good thing. That is why child abuse is
still institutionalised in the mother-infant relationship today, but
is being denied, so that we don't remember our infancy. The point to
grasp here is that our societal arrangements were devised and imposed
by our insane ancestors for the very PURPOSE of making every member
the tribe lonely and miserable and filled with repressed rage, as
made for more ferocious, hate-crazed soldiers, which was the priority
for insane people such as our ancestors.

We never changed our societal arrangements after the vegetation grew
back and there was no longer even the remotest justification for war.
We still cling to societal arrangements which were designed and
imposed on us by insane people for the PURPOSE of making everybody
lonely and miserable. Moreover, as most religions are rooted in those
forgotten survivalist emergencies, the pain-generating societal
arrangements are said to be ordained by "god," and this tends to keep
human beings insane permanently.

Happiness is a perversion, a deviation from the PURPOSE of our lives
in a civilisation where we are clinging to insane, pain-generating
societal arrangements. If you are happy in an insane civilisation
as ours, it is because you are more stupid than most people and more
out of touch with reality than other people.

Your pain will continue in cycles. At this stage of the present
it's getting progressively worse, we are becoming more insane, and
terrible times lie ahead.

I have to point this out to you, and put to you the proposal that in
future generation, perhaps our grandchildren's generation, we might
all consider the option of healing our tragic civilisation by
acknowledging what has happened to us, acknowledging that we are
mentally ill, and taking steps to ABOLISH our pain-generating
arrangements, and then build a civilisation which has HAPPINESS as
purpose ! At present there is no hope of that happening. People cling
determinedly to societal arrangements devised by our insane ancestors
for the PURPOSE of making all human beings lonely and miserable. This
is further proof that all human beings, without any exception
anywhere, are very severely mentally ill. ONLY A BUNCH OF COMPLETE
are out there: hopelessly stupid imbeciles, betraying your children
and your grandchildren by clinging so determinedly to pain-generating
societal arrangements.

I'm just stating the possibility that by the time our grandchildren
are grown, and see what we have done to them, we may have reached the
stage of having had enough pain, and we may want to stop making such
fools of ourselves by clinging to our ancestors' insanity and saying
our ancestors' insanity is the only way life can ever be lived.

There is no messiah / guru to cure us of our mental illness. There
never was and there never will be this job-that-will-do-itself that
you all believe in so passionately. We have to cure ourselves, or we
will remain mentally ill forever. The first step - obviously - is to
"come out," to acknowledge the truth that we are mentally ill, all of
us. There will be nothing but pain and more pain until you
that we all are mentally ill.

Remember, the very PURPOSE of our civilisation and its societal
arrangement is unhappiness, loneliness, repressed rage, war. The
PURPOSE of our civilisation is to keep people mentally ill and
therefore on a permanent war footing. That was the INTENTION of our
insane ancestors when they devised these crazy pain-generating
societal arrangements for us. When you see that clearly, and see how
severe your mental illness is, then you have made your first
step in the direction of healng and sanity in a future generation
we all have had enough of this pain that we are deliberately

Your belief in a "messiah," in the job-that-will-do-itself, is
symptom of your mental illness.

I typed this very quickly, "off the cuff." I'm not re-reading it for
'typos.' I'm very articulate and fluent now at stating the simple
analysis and healing formula. I just hope that in our grandchildren's
generation we will have had enough of making fools of ourselves by
clinging to societal arrangments that were devised by our lunatic
ancestors for the very PURPOSE of making everybody lonely and
2008-08-20 16:36:51 UTC
Mental illness is fundamentally a case of not seeing reality and not
acting in accordance with reality. Thus all human beings, without any
exception anywhere, are very severely mentally ill.

We are ignorant of our history and we do not remember our infancy.
Amnesia generates repetition of the buried trauma, both on an
individual and on a collective level.

We live our lives in a trance state, not knowing what we are doing and
not knowing why we are doing it.

And, the fact that alongside all of this, we believe ourselves to be
rational and sane, indicates more then anything the degree of severity
of our collective mental illness.

We are so deeply sunk in our self-imposed delusional states that the
road back to sanity and decency will be long and hard. I don't expect
any discernible progress toward healing in my lifetime. I only hope
that the terrible pain that is coming to us in the years immediately
ahead may torment us to the point of feeling that we have had enough,
that eleven thousand years of TOTAL IMBECILITY ON THE PART OF EVERY
HUMAN BEING is enough, and that we have to finally make a start at
getting some real healing work done. It just may happen in our
grandchildren's generation, after the coming phase of terrible and
unprecedented pain for all of us.


There is a limit to what the human mind can cope with.

As infants, we all had to confront very briefly the fact that our
parents and all other adults and even older children are mentally ill,
then we quickly shut out awareness of that truth and slotted into the
adults' game, meaning their game of pretending we are not mentally
Generally we spend most of our lives reeling from the effects of
survivalist-mode childhood and trying to make sense of a world that
makes no sense to us, because the truth about it, and about ourselves,
is too terrible to be allowed into consciousness.
Only in middle age or in old age, some of us begin to fit the pieces
together, and to see again the truth we glimpsed briefly as infants -
the terrifying truth that all human beings are mentally ill, all human
beings are intellectual and emotional cripples.

I've fitted all the pieces together for you. I've been spoonfeeding
you with the correct analysis of our condition and the only workable
long-term healing formula. It's not that you don't want to know who
and what you are. It's just too big a thought for most human minds to
contain at this stage.
The truth takes away from you the ground you thought you were standing
on, the world you thought you were living in, the 'friends' or *group
mind* you thought you were part of. And if you speak the truth about
the human condition, you may even lose your job, such is the severity
of our collective mental illness.


You were born as part of an insane species, humanity, whose members
are pretending not to be insane. You were fed lies all your life. In
particular, you were fed the big lie that your goal in life is to
succeed and be happy. The truth is that our societal arrangements were
devised by our insane ancestors for the very PURPOSE of making us
lonely and miserable. In other words, our societal arrangements were
designed to sabotage our lives, TO MAKE US FAIL in everything that is
important in life. Yet the adults have enshrined these crazy, pain-
generating societal arrangements in their religions and in their laws,
to maintain their very strange notion that life can never be lived in
any manner other than with the present pain-generating societal
arrangements which sabotage our chances of happiness before we even
We even have to forget and deny our infancy, because the purpose of
motherhood is child abuse, which is then denied, to torment babies all
the more.

And so on.

If I can deal with the truth, so can you.
What is written here may "hit" some of you later in life.

Overcoming our state of pretending we are sane is the immediate
purpose of human evolution. Without acknowledging that we all are
mentally ill, we can never progress at all - except for the usual two-
steps-forward-two-steps-back performance which we know so well.


If you face the truth about our collective history and our collective
psychological state, it will be a heavy burden to carry for the rest
of your life, but not unbearable. It can be compared to the background
of sadness felt by anyone who has aborted, miscarried or otherwise
lost a child. It's always there as the painful background to your
thoughts. For example, you laugh at a joke, and for a while your mirth
eclipses the sorrowful background, but then the smile fades from your
face and your deep sorrow reasserts itself.

I'm just telling you that's what you can expect if you open your minds
to the whole truth about yourself and your predicament as a member of
an insane species. You will have to develop coping strategies. You
don't have to use alcohol as an emotional anesthetic, as I have been
doing much of the time. There are better ways of coping with the
You can make contact with the collective "god consciousness" in
You can control the flow of thoughts through your mind, which is your
own private space.

You can never go back to the game of pretending. What you have come to
know can never be made unknown again. But you can get on with your
life. You could call it 'doing a double-take.' The truth is not being
suppressed any more, but still you "read from other people's script"
when necessary for attending to the day-to-day practicalities.

Yet the sorrow will always be there in the background, the sorrow of
having to live among some six billion - and increasing - human beings,
all of whom are such useless, mentally sick imbeciles that they are
clinging to pain-generating societal arrangements that automatically
sabotage our lives and were deliberately imposed by our insane
ancestors for the very purpose of rationing love and making all human
beings miserable and filled with repressed rage, to keep the world on
a permanent war footing.

What will weigh most heavily on your soul when you face the truth will
be your great sorrow for the fact that nobody has any compassion for
human babies, and that six billion human imbeciles are cruelly and
unnecessarily imposing fake societal arrangements on their children,
grandchildren and all future generations. You will see clearly how all
babies are born sane, but as they gain movement and vocabulary, every
growing infant becomes very briefly conscious of the fact that all the
adults are severely mentally ill and are depriving the infant of his
sanity, and then the infant has to surrender and join in the game of
pretending, as the infant has nowhere else to go.
Which is why Bernardo Bertolucci declared:
When you see that as clearly as I see it, it will be a heavy burden, a
sorrowful background to every thought you ever think.

But you will have no regrets. You will welcome truth, as Velikovsky
welcomed it, despite the sorrow it brings with it.
And you will have the same urge to publish and promote truth and
healing as I have, whether anyone likes you for it or not.
And therein lies our only hope.
There is no guru / messiah to do this for us. We heal our collective
mental illness by our own painfully embarrassed efforts, or the pain
continues until we face the embarrassment of our condition.
Nor will there be any 'great spiritual awakening' mysteriously
appearing out of nowhere in 2012. The job will not do itself.
Face the truth about the severity of our collective mental illness.
Develop your own personal strategies for coping with the burden of
truth. Then tell others to do the same.
It's the only way our of all this chaos and pain.

Do it for you children and grandchildren if not for yourself.

Cruelty to children, to your own children, and to all your heirs, is a
serious charge, a serious blemish to carry inside you.
Accept the painful embarrassment of eleven thousand years of
imbecility on the part of the entire human race.
Then ask others to share your embarrassment.
Therein lies healing, and the only healing.
2008-08-21 17:37:36 UTC
One reason I continue to write is to stay in practice.

I don't want to give up hope completely, the hope that there might be
a breakthrough in our lifetimes. I need to remain articulate and
fluent, just in case other people make the breakthrough and we start
using the new technology such as 'you tube,' internet radio and so on,
to promote the correct analysis of the human condition and the correct
long-term healing formula.

It's a bit queer really - an entire species, all six billion of you,
being so determined to oppose healing and to defend child abuse and to
keep yourselves miserable by clinging to your pain-generating societal
arrangements............... the human race:- six billion mentally sick
imbeciles - and the number of imbeciles increasing by the hour - and
all of you addicted to pain and determined to bequeath your sick, pain-
generating societal arrangements to your children, your grandchildren
and all your heirs, just to make sure that no happiness will ever
shine through into planet earth / planet lunatic asylum.

Ok, I'm writing this to keep in practice, to keep myself articulate
and fluent, in case some of you back the truth and we are interviewed
about this on internet radio and so on.......... So, I'll just type
the following 'off the cuff,' without reference to other writings, as
if I were having to answer a radio interviewer with what I've got in
my head:
Everything revolves around your mother's anus. Your mother's anus is
the centre of the universe. Your mother's anus is the Holy Grail.

I've asked this question of Mrs Alice Miller, who is regarded as the
foremost champion of abused children, and I've asked this question of
other people, but they will not answer me.
The question is as follows:

For the sake of discussion, suppose a beautiful young lady were to
gently and lovingly caress your anus several times daily for several
months, and to lean over you exchanging loving eye contact and smiles
of delight with you as she pleasures you in your anus... well then
what would your emotions and impulses be toward that young lady?

If you are emotionally healthy, your response would be:
1. An intense emotion of love and adoration toward the beautiful young
lady who has been giving you such delightful sensations of pleasure in
your anus;
2. An overwhelming sense of gratitude, impelling you to seek to
'return the favour' by caressing the lady's anus in exactly the same
way, so as to give her the same pleasure in her anus as she has been
giving you in your anus.

That is the predominant emotion of all human infants, that
overwhelming urge to find Mummy's anus and to caress Mummy's anus so
as to return the favour by giving Mummy pleasure in her anus in the
same way as Mummy has been giving pleasure to baby in baby's anus.
That is the thought and the feeling most prominent in every human
baby's mind.

The purpose of motherhood is to reject and torment every baby to
reduce him to soldier material to do our killing for us, to steal
another oilfield for the Bush Gang. So mothers deny the existence of
their babies' authentic experience, under cover of the standard
avalanche of toxic shame that comes out of every mother as her baby
gains vocabulary and movement, and by denying their baby's reality,
mothers destroy their baby's chance of future happiness, wreck our
civilisation, and guarantee a permanent state of inter-tribal war and
civil strife. That is the immediate purpose of motherhood, but you are
not conscious of it. Mothers are sleepwalking through their dealings
with their babies.

What happens to us in infancy is formative; what happens to us in
infancy *writes the script* for the rest of our lives. The cruelty,
duplicity, denial and betrayal of the mother-infant relationship
thereafter will repeat everywhere in disguised forms, and that is what
you have been reading about in your history books and in your
newspapers - disguised repetition of your mother's heartless cruelty
and betrayal toward her baby. All the crime, injustice, deceit that
you see around you - all of that is a disguised repetition of your
mother's crime, injustice and deceit in her dealings with her babies,
which we all have been concealing under a cloak of amnesia-scotoma.

But we need to get the basic facts of life into our heads now, if we
ever are going to heal our civilisation. And the most basic facts of
life are:

Everybody agrees that infants should be encouraged to explore the
world around them.
Where do you think your baby will begin his exploration (if you don't
crush him with the standard avalanche of toxic shame)?

When human infants are permitted natural functioning, when human
infants are given the freedom to go in under Mummy's skirt and explore
Mummy's body, and locate Mummy's anus, and then give Mummy pleasure in
her anus just as Mummy gave baby pleasure in baby's anus, that is the
day child abuse will end, war will end, sanity will be rediscovered,
and the gateway leading back into the Garden of Eden will swing open.
A sane civilisation has to be rooted in permitting natural functioning
to infants, which means predominantly permitting infants to caress
their mothers' anuses in exactly the same way as mothers caress their
babies anuses. There is no escape from that fundamental fact of life.
If you don't face it now, you will have to face it in a future
generation, after you have had enough of the pain being generated for
all of us by the idiocy of the survivalist-mode mother-infant
relationship and your other pain-generating societal arrangements to
which you cling so determinedly.
I have to emphasise that we can't change the way we relate to infants
today or tomorrow, but only after a prolonged period of education by
consent, leading to a time far in the future when the entire
population of the world will have regained sanity and will abolish our
survivalist-mode laws and make the collective decision to behave with
decency and fairness toward the next generation of babies.
The important thing is to start 'coming out' now, one by one, and to
declare that you have regained your sanity, and to declare publicly
that your mother and everyone else's mother is a child abuser who
betrayed you when she refused to allow you to return her loving
caresses by pleasuring Mummy's anus exactly as Mummy pleasured your
anus. Therein lies honesty, therein lies healing, when the re-
education process is complete and our survivalist-mode, pain-
generating laws and societal arrangements are at last abolished.


For full explanation of this message, refer to articles at link below.
As I said, I'm practicing here, to keep myself articulate and fluent,
in case some of you come to your senses and back me up so that two or
three of us can go on internet radio etc. to publicise the correct
analysis and healing formula.


Words and intellectual perceptions are not enough. You will not see
this analysis and healing formula clearly until you perform the
exercises to recover the memories of infancy. Sadly, you're on your
own with this. The 'therapy industry' will always tell you to stay in
ignorance and to hang on to our pain-generating societal arrangements.
The therapy industry exists to promote and perpetuate stagnation and
collective mental illness for all of us for all eternity.

So it's a case of rediscovering your lost sanity of eleven thousand
years ago [The Golden Age] inside your own heart, and then 'coming
out' and helping others to 'come out.'

Ok, I'm just writing this to keep in practice, in case some of you
"come out."
I hope you find it helpful.

Try to understand the significance of those healing slogans:
2008-08-24 08:29:08 UTC
Important new post:

2008-08-27 08:10:33 UTC
The Universal Infant is in a state of constant pain. It is the pain of
being lied to by the mother, the pain of soul murder, the pain of
being forced to believe a lie and to live a lie.

Both the pain and the lie make our civilisation what it is.
The pain and the lie are repeating around us in disguised form.
Our civilisation IS the mother-infant relationship repeating.
That is why there is pain and falsehood everywhere.

The pain and the lie are in all of us. You can say you had good
parents and a happy childhood. It may be a little bit true, but in
fact the only happiness in this type of civilisation is founded on
instensifying and modifying that same lie. The happiness is
unsustainable because it is founded on a lie.

The lie is self perpetuating. It is not going to be dealt with in our

A circle is not a square. Your baby knows you lied. The pain is still
inside you and repeating all around.

Toxic shame is a lie. We are not defective. We are not born criminals
on account of being attached to body parts which are so irredeemably
evil that they must be concealed and never spoken of unless
unavoidable. You were lying when you reclassified the early mother-
infant relationship as child abuse. Your baby knows you were lying.
The pain of living a lie is inside all of us, contaminating our lives
and wrecking our civilisation, as the pain and the lie repeat

In a deep, hidden layer of your mind, you feel the pain of being told
to live this lie as an infant.

Our societal arrangements were devised and imposed by our insane
ancestors for the very purpose of making us all miserable and keeping
us on a permanent war footing. The child abuse built into the
survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship makes our civilisation
what it is.

It's not going to be faced in our era. But the Universal Infant wants
to express his and her pain.

The pain of the Universal Infant is our salvation too, when we face
It will have to be faced at some stage, perhaps very far in the
Meanwhile the lie and the pain will go on contaminating us and
wrecking our civilisation.
Read your newspaper. That is a wrecked civilisation. That is a
civilisation where everybody is mentally ill.
The pain of the Universal Infant is in you, deep down, and makes you
what you are.
2008-08-27 08:18:55 UTC
On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 01:10:33 -0700 (PDT), Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
The Universal Infant is in a state of constant pain. It is the pain of
being lied to by the mother, the pain of soul murder, the pain of
being forced to believe a lie and to live a lie.
Both the pain and the lie make our civilisation what it is.
The pain and the lie are repeating around us in disguised form.
Our civilisation IS the mother-infant relationship repeating.
That is why there is pain and falsehood everywhere.
The pain and the lie are in all of us. You can say you had good
parents and a happy childhood. It may be a little bit true, but in
fact the only happiness in this type of civilisation is founded on
instensifying and modifying that same lie. The happiness is
unsustainable because it is founded on a lie.
The lie is self perpetuating. It is not going to be dealt with in our
A circle is not a square. Your baby knows you lied. The pain is still
inside you and repeating all around.
Toxic shame is a lie. We are not defective. We are not born criminals
on account of being attached to body parts which are so irredeemably
evil that they must be concealed and never spoken of unless
unavoidable. You were lying when you reclassified the early mother-
infant relationship as child abuse. Your baby knows you were lying.
The pain of living a lie is inside all of us, contaminating our lives
and wrecking our civilisation, as the pain and the lie repeat
In a deep, hidden layer of your mind, you feel the pain of being told
to live this lie as an infant.
Our societal arrangements were devised and imposed by our insane
ancestors for the very purpose of making us all miserable and keeping
us on a permanent war footing. The child abuse built into the
survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship makes our civilisation
what it is.
It's not going to be faced in our era. But the Universal Infant wants
to express his and her pain.
The pain of the Universal Infant is our salvation too, when we face
It will have to be faced at some stage, perhaps very far in the
Meanwhile the lie and the pain will go on contaminating us and
wrecking our civilisation.
Read your newspaper. That is a wrecked civilisation. That is a
civilisation where everybody is mentally ill.
The pain of the Universal Infant is in you, deep down, and makes you
what you are.
This is deep. I hope someone covers it up promptly, someone could get
2008-08-27 11:04:36 UTC
It's not going to be faced in our era.

We'll have to face it some time, because it is, more than anything,
what makes us who and what we are - this great sadness that fills us
in our forgotten infancy, as we are forced to deny our own
perceptions, our own reality, and subscribe to the lie of toxic shame
and the demonising of loving body contact, the big lie that to be
human is to be inherently defective, to be human is to be
automatically a criminal, on account of being attached to body parts
which are so irredeemably evil that they must be concealed and never
spoken of unless unavoidable. That big lie, more than anything,
defines human beings and defines our civilisation.

The forgotten sadness, the forgotten cruelty, and the forgotten
pretending of the mother-infant relationship then keep on repeating
around us in diguised forms, and that is why the world is full of
sadness, cruelty and pretending.

We are afraid of knowing about it. It's like the "game of chicken" in
James Dean's "Rebel Without A Cause." If we go first, we'll have no
soldiers to do our killing for us any more, and we'll be overrun by
the barbarians. So it has to be all or nothing.

But we are so deeply sunk in our errors that if we speak the truth and
advocate healing, we will lose most of our friends and possibly lose
our job.

As stated in "I Still Miss Someone:"
"The problem is that our brains are scrambled, our thought processes
are muddled, because we never came out of survivalist mode and we
sense vaguely that if we think clearly about this, we are moving
toward the state of having no soldiers to do our killing for us, and
that is the most terrifying prospect of all to a species in
survivalist mode.

“Silence of the Damned” was perhaps the best exposition of the
essential realities, the authentic perceptions and authentic emotions
of the Universal Infant. Also “The Incest Taboo.” If you want to heal,
please read them again at the links below.

It’s too big a leap and only a small number of those who read those
words can see what this is about. And there is huge resistance to
performing the simple reparenting exercises I recommended for
recovering the emotional memories of infancy, not least because I had
to issue the warning that the exercises can release immensely powerful
emotions which no doctor or therapist even recognises in the present
tragic civilisation, so that you have to stay away from ‘practical
reparenting’ unless you have at least one true companion who will
never abandon you as long as you live. If even Alice Miller refuses to
have anything to do with these concepts, it shows how deeply sunk we
all are in our own 5H1TE.

So it’s an impasse. A Trap.

In the words of Wilhelm Reich:
THE EXIT exists, but if anyone starts moving toward THE EXIT, or even
points at THE EXIT, s/he is immediately branded a criminal or a

In the words of Malcolm Godwin:
“We are chronically caught within the programmes of a self-
perpetuating… pattern which prevents us from either seeing our true
predicament or doing anything about it…….The Grail legends indicate a
way of breaking through that programme. The heroic act today, of
giving up our lives for something bigger than ourselves, is the only
way back…..to simply allow the greater part of what has been severed
within us to fill the vacuum left when the false self is left

No tangible progress is possible in the present era. We’re too far
gone. The contamination of the fake mother-infant relationship and the
contamination of the forgotten survivalist emergencies are
overwhelming us. The most we can hope for now is that a small number
of us are starting to think the right thoughts in the privacy of our
own minds, and that later on we will seize the opportunities for
healing that will present themselves in some parts of the earth after
the coming collapse."
Abby Normal
2008-08-27 08:27:55 UTC
Ishtar, your mother's cunt and anus smell like carpet cleaner.


-Petre Moss
Ars longa, vita brevis
Post by Ishtar
Everything revolves around your mother's anus. Your mother's anus is
the centre of the universe. Your mother's anus is the Holy Grail.
2008-08-27 08:36:08 UTC
Post by Abby Normal
your mother's cunt and anus smell like carpet cleaner.
I like that. Good take on that Chinese one.
Abby Normal
2008-08-27 18:10:30 UTC
Analysis: feet on the ground, head in a cloud.

Someone has expressed their emotions, perchance to dream, or get

But alas, though Freudian Psychology herein is not risen too high,
after anal sadistic phase, people may usually do whatever the next
phase is, which of course ... is ... uh, um (I've forgot <?>).

With a minor in psychology from Univ. of Illinois, evenso it's been
a long time since I read about those phases, it's probable that some
Chinese personage, perhaps may express the human id/ego/superego as
resolving their Parent/Child conflicts of potty training, meals,
security, and love somehow by further writing about it, sometime up
around the bend.

If he were to make it facinating, I might pause to think, more or
less about what he has seen regarding the parents, then there's a

-Petre Moss
Ars longa, vita brevis
Post by the_dawggie
Post by Abby Normal
your mother's cunt and anus smell like carpet cleaner.
I like that. Good take on that Chinese one.
2008-08-28 08:05:57 UTC
It's better not to study official psychology or the supposed phases or
stages we supposedly go through. It's all false. If there are such
stages, they rest on the foundation of infancy. And as infancy is all
wrong, our fake, fraudulent mother-infant relationship contaminates
all that comes after.

I don't want help. I was offering help to others.

Wilhelm Reich observed that what human beings are debating is "always
the non-essential, never the essential."

When we straighten out the mother-infant relationship, everything else
will soon fall into place.

Our insane ancestors targeted the mother-infant relationship for
contamination and perversion because they had perceived the causal
link between child abuse and the ferocity of the tribe's soldiers.

The infant's love and adoration for the mother is very intense. It
must be crushed if we are to have soldiers to do our killing for us.
If you do the reparenting exercises and regain the memory of infancy,
you will be very wise. You will know what infants feel, and you will
know what infant's will say to their mothers when they learn
vocabulary, if the toxic shame is removed. Women in particular are
terrified of the facts of infantile psychology. They wont explain
their terror to me.

Toxic shame is - by definition - unexplained. The mother never gives
the infant a reason why we all must be considered inherently defective
and criminalised on account of possessing beautiful body parts. Toxic
shame has no basis, no explanation. Toxic shame just IS. And it's
purpose is to prevent the infant from reaching out to caress the
mother's anus in the same way as the mother caressed her baby's anus,
and to prevent the infant from telling the mother how adorable her
breasts are, etc.

"Always the non-essential, never the essential."

We have to maintain essential services. After that the most important
issue facing the human species is the pleasure infants feel in their
anuses when the mother strokes the infant's anus, and the resulting
impulse the infant has to stroke the mother's anus in the same way.
This impulse arises automatically from the basic psychological law of
'imprinting,' which means every organism is compelled to repeat
whatever it observes and experiences in the days immediately after
birth. Our survival depends on that impulse to repeat whatever we
perceive or experience after birth. So the infant's need to caress the
mother's anus is the most prominent perception of infancy.

How we deal with our infants' urge to caress the mother's anus defines
the rest of our lives, and makes or breaks our civilisation.

For eleven thousand years we've been dealing with it all wrong. You
can see the results in the history books and in the newspapers.

I don't know when we are going to face this. Probably thousands of
years from now?

The pedophile-hunting frenzy is helping the ruling group to prevent
any discussion of the basic psychology of infancy and the healing
formula it offers. Whatever way you try to define the word
'pedophile,' it is clear that every mother in the world is a
pedophile. I've shown you that there is nothing to fear in speaking
the truth about this. A few idiots will resist it, because they are
afraid, but you can silence them just by repeating the simple logic of
the situation.

It's unanswerable. It's irrefutable.

Our delusional states are self-perpetuating in the present era. No
progress is possible now.
I was just hoping a start would be made at the educational process, so
that future generations wont have to struggle to work out the truth
for themselves.
If you refuse to deal with this, and to say you are in favour of
eventual restoration of decency to the mother-infant relationship when
the re-education process is complete.... if you refuse to deal with
this issue, you are cut off from your own reality and you are unwhole
and unhealed.
2008-08-30 20:59:19 UTC

That was said to me in the 1980s. Possibly it's being said again now.
It was not true then and it is not true now.
You don't see it yet, do you, as you huddle in your herds and worry
about your 'reputations.'

Look, it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to make a fool of myself, just as it is
impossible for any human being to make a fool of himself.
And that is because
and all human beings have remained fools ever since.
So it is not possible for anyone to 'make a fool of himself.'

The most foolish man of all is the man who is so deeply sunk in his
foolishness that he does not yet know he is a fool. And that describes
nearly all human beings.
You will never heal, you will never make any sustainable progress
until you face the fact that you are a fool and all other human beings
are fools.

Read 'The Forbidden Subjects' at link below, if you want to face it at
There are ten Forbidden Subjects.
Our refusal to face the Forbidden Subjects is our collective mental

For example:
===Every mother in this civilisation is a child abuser. Our societal
arrangements, especially the mother-infant relationship, were devised
and imposed by our insane ancestors for the deliberate, conscious
purpose of making us miserable and filled with repressed rage to keep
us in a permanent state of inter-tribal war. Yet everybody is
convinced that pain-generating societal arrangements comprise the only
way life can ever be lived!
===The millions of new chemicals which have flooded into the
environment and into our bodies in the past half century were never
tested for safety, but we all accept the fake debate on vivisection
and refuse to oppose in any effective way that avalanche of 'animal
tested' (=UNTESTED) poisons which is rotting our brains, draining our
courage, and will soon destroy the earth's life support system and
return us to the state of survivalist emergency in which our behaviour
is rooted... while we pretend 'animal tests' are valid....
===and so on, and so on....

Do you still say you are not a fool?
Do you still say I am 'making a fool of myself?'
To be human is to be a fool.
The first step out of this madness is to admit that we all became
fools eleven thousand years ago, and to stop pretending that pain-
generating societal arrangements are the only basis on which life can
ever be lived.


I often quote the statements by Wilhelm Reich and Malcolm Godwin to
the effect that the state of madness that grips the human race takes
the form of a set of programmes or complexes that are self-
The only way out of our madness is for large numbers of people to do
what I have been doing, both in the 1980s and more recently.

Official psychology and the therapy industry are openly dedicated to
permanent stagnation, permanent pain, as they refuse even to recognise
what happened to us all as infants.
Political activity, law reform and innovative journalism produce - at
best - only the usual two-steps-forward-two-steps-back movement.
Look at the outcome of our past efforts at betterment.
===In a world where slavery is 'abolished,' there are many more slaves
today then before slavery was 'abolished.'
===Our idiotic 'child protection legislation' completely ignores the
forgotten horrors of the survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship;
===Attempts to draft 'human rights charters' lead to chaos - often the
tyranny of any minority over the majority;
===Eloquently worded constitutions are simply ignored by the ruling
and so on....

So you must be missing something.
You don't remember your infancy.
That is the major Forbidden Subject, the most difficult to face of the
ten Forbidden Subjects.

Every infant is born sane and with a primal love impulse which - if
not shamed out of him - will develop from the initial semi-narcissism
of early infancy into unconditional, communal love.
The purpose of motherhood in a survivalist-mode civilisation such as
ours is to CRUSH the infant's sanity and primal love impulse, so as to
reduce the infant to soldier material.
Mothers achieve that result via the avalanche of toxic shame whereby
they communicate to their babies that to be human is to be
automatically defective and criminalised on account of possessing
beautiful body parts, and also that to allow the infant to fulfil his
overwhelming impulse to return the mother's loving caresses as given,
and to vocalise his adoration for the mother - soul and body - would
be the most calamitous and most shameful event imaginable.
And mothers never give an explanation for their bizarre behaviour, as
toxic shame, by definition, has no explanation and no connection with
sane ethics, as in The Golden Rule.

I can explain the toxic shame and where it came from at this stage of
my life.
But no mother can ever explain it to her baby.
The very purpose of the toxic shame is, in part, to prevent any
rational dialogue with the baby as the baby gains vocabulary and
Every baby is well aware that we are not inherently defective and
criminalised for having beautiful body parts and for wanting to return
the mother's caresses.
If the baby is allowed to speak that truth, the mother will have no
answer, the mother be face to face with the fact that she and all
other human beings are insane.
So the toxic shame has the purpose, in part, of silencing the baby, as
mothers are terrified of their baby's sanity and terrified of the
intensity of their baby's love for the mother.
I speak for your babies, whom you silenced with your toxic shame.
After eleven thousand years of being suppressed, The Universal Infant
has found his and her Voice, The Voice of the Voiceless.
That's why you hate me so much - because you hate your babies so much,
on account of their sanity.
More to the point, you hate yourselves because of what you are
required to do to your babies to reduce them to soldier material.


To discover that your mother is insane, and that all adults are
insane, and even all older children are insane, is so terrifying that
we had to forget and to join in the game of pretending we are not

The only way out of our eleven-thousand-year madness is for a growing
number of human beings to do the same as I am doing.
No news media, no political party, no university, etc. will touch this
beautiful healing message. Their hands are tied, their tongues are
tied, their minds are tied - such is the nature and structure of our
Some of you care very much about the human condition and are working
hard for change.
But I'm telling you that if you ignore The Forbidden Subjects, you
will remain stuck on the treadmill of the two-steps-forward-two-steps-
back motion.
We are contaminated by the forgotten horrors of the mother-infant
All our adult activities and our political and societal institutions
mirror and mimic the cruelty, betrayal, falseness and injustice of the
survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship, which had to be

Remember of suffer, remember or die.

In England, healthy and beautiful children as young as ten years are
undergoing plastic surgery to avoid being ridiculed and bullied by
other children. A large proportion of children are viciously cruel.
Those who are not cruel, might be if they were not emotionally
crippled. The adolescent / teenage years are a terrible ordeal for
most of us, on account of the vicious cruelty of other youths.

Where does it come from?

Official psychology and the bogus therapy industry have no
explanation, because official psychology and the bogus therapy
industry refuse to recognise that the mother-infant relationship is
evil and destructive and that every mother in the world is a child

In a SANE civilisation, where our women have been re-educated so that
the toxic shame is removed from the mother-infant relationship, and
natural functioning is permitted and the infant's primal love impulse
is not crushed - do you think there would be any problem of bullying
among children, and do you think that adolescence would be the hell
that it is for so many of us under the present madness?

In a sane civilisation - for example, eleven thousand years ago, and
again in the future, whenever we regain our ancient sanity - mothers
never withdraw from the physical intimacy of the early mother-infant
relationship. Instead of toxic shaming, the infant develops and
advances out of the semi-narcissism of early infancy and learns mutual
respect and mature love in terms of the ongoing loving body contact
with the mother, based always on consent and respect.

Then, the rest of our lives will grow out of the soil of that early
harmony and mutual respect between mother and baby, so that all the
ongoing 'developmental stages' will be transformed for the better, as
they will rest on a healthy foundation, and today's half-baked
psychological theories will be swept away as no longer applicable, if
they ever were.

Furthermore, when decency, fairness and justice are restored to the
mother-infant relationship, all our wider societal and inter-tribal
relationships will mirror and emulate that primal decency, fairness
and justice of a sane mother-infant relationship.

These words do not mean much to you yet, because you still have not
recovered the lost memories of the emotional states of the Universal
But I can assure you that what I am proposing is the only way out of
our present madness.
Ignore the Forbidden Subjects and you are forever damned on the
treadmill of the two-steps-forward-two-steps-back fiasco, which has
given us such gems as the fake 'abolition' of slavery and the fake
'child protection legislation' which ignores the primal child abuse by
every mother.

As stated, there is no copyright here. If you are an established or
emerging writer, you are free to take these ideas and to shape them
into your own book, which may reach the general public in a way that I
can't. You don't have to name me as a source. Look at what Dan Brown
and Mark Hazelwood achieved without naming their sources... But then
they were not into healing, but just exploiting some fashionable
However, a watered-down version of this analysis and healing formula
is not a good idea. Also, if your purpose is a best-selling book, I
would worry that you are not a genuine healer.


Just to sum up:
===As stated previously - aside from maintaining basic services, the
most important issue facing the human race is the pleasure babies feel
in their anuses when the mother strokes her baby's anus, and the far-
reaching, wide-ranging implications of that pleasure you all give to
your baby in his anus and the way we deal with those implications;

===I have not made a fool of myself because nobody can make a fool of
himself when the entire human race went mad eleven thousand years ago;

===The way forward is for the rest of you to say the same as what I am
saying and as vociferously as I am saying it. Forget about the present
method of 'campaigning,' forget about the bogus therapy industry. Just
say what I am saying, and as loudly as I am saying it, if you want
genuine and sustainable progress, genuine and sustainable healing;

===However, no matter how acute your intellect, you will not see
reality clearly until you perform those practical reparenting
exercises for regaining the lost memories of the emotional states of
infancy; and that carries a health warning - recovering those memories
can unleash powerful emotions which official psychology and the bogus
therapy industry do not even acknowledge to exist! So ideally a
community of like-minded people is needed, people who are weary enough
to desire healing, people who have learned what love really means - to
help one another to absorb the shocks when the horrifying truth kicks
in..... but I am very much afraid of connecting with other people now,
after the fiasco of the past five years.


===Finally, as some readers are superficial and sometimes seize upon
one sentence, remove it from its context and misinterpret it, I'll
just repeat yet again that we are so deeply sunk in error after eleven
thousand years in this state, that we cannot change the way we relate
to infants and young people in the foreseeable future. The healing
process is a prolonged period of education by consent leading to a
time far in the future when the entire population of the world will
have regained the lost memories of infancy and will wish to restore
decency to the mother-infant relationship and will change our laws
accordingly and then take the collective decision worldwide to start
behaving with decency toward the subsequent generation of babies. What
matters now is to formally introduce this current of thought into the
collective human consciousness, so that it will be there for future
generations to build on, and they will not have to start at the
beginning and slowly discover the fragments and join them together and
then start shouting about the truth, as I had to do. Hence the
importance of the Declaration for Healing.
2008-08-31 02:03:04 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
2008-08-31 02:04:47 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
Post by Ishtar
i did
2008-09-01 00:54:06 UTC
It does seem like an impasse, doesn't it?

As Wilhelm Reich and Malcolm Godwin observed, our tragic condition is
self perpetuating.

By the way, I am aware of the notion that has been around for a long
time - that suffering always WAS the purpose of life on earth, because
suffering challenges us and makes us develop strengths and virtues. In
other words, we never were "meant" to be happy at all. In other words,
"the poor will always be with you."
So if I work out the correct analysis and cause-effect relationships,
and thereby deduce the healing formula - which is simply that we adopt
the long-term aim of abolishing our pain-generating societal
arrangements - then I'm actually going against what was "meant" to
be..... meaning perpetual pain....? Well, you all seem to think so.

Then I could point to the universal memory of a Garden of Eden
civilisation or Golden Age, which appears to have ended about eleven
thousand years ago, to be replaced by the present madness. That
archetype is so strong and persistent on every continent, that it must
refer to a tangible reality early in the present historical era. Then
there is the common belief in an eventual return to our ancient state
of sanity, and not only in the writings of the Hebrew prophets.

Next, I'm saying we are never going to regain our sanity by means of a
"second coming" of a half-man-half-planet, nor by some "great
spiritual awakening" which people have "scheduled" to appear out of
nowhere in 2012.
If that year marks the end of a galactic or solar cycle, that has no
more bearing on the progress and development of humanity than a full
moon has.

You cannot progress in any sustainable sense - "spiritually" or
otherwise - if you don't remember your infancy.
A type of compartmentalised progress can take place, but you remain
unwhole if you don't remember your infancy.

You don't know who you are and you don't know what you are doing if
you don't remember your infancy.

Conventional psychology and the bogus therapy industry refuse to have
anything to do with the notion of regaining the full knowledge of what
happened to all of us as infants and the true nature and purpose of
the survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship.
So there is no such thing as an "expert."
You have to work this out for yourself, as I have done.
Which is why I said:


Mental illness is mental illness. We will cure our collective mental
illness only by our own efforts. So far you continue to deny that you
are mentally ill, which means you are unable to take even that first
step toward healing, which is acknowledging the fact that we all have
this mental illness, which could be termed *the psychology of the
survivalist emergency* .

For every effect there is a cause. You cure the effect by removing its
cause. The world is full of pain. Many people say they want to end
human suffering. But if you don't want to know what is the CAUSE of
human suffering, then you will never remove that cause.

The analysis I've given you is very simple. It was not immediately
obvious, because we have been trained to look in the wrong direction
for eleven thousand years. However, it becomes simple and easy to
understand as soon as it is explained clearly.

The starting point for understanding our condition is the article
titled "Mass Scotoma Rides Again," at link below. Our ancestors were
traumatised by that series of catastrophes. They did not have the
maturity to deal sensibly with a survivalist emergency, so they lapsed
into inter-tribal war for limited resources. To fight and win such
wars, you must stop the members of your tribe from loving one another
the way they had been loving before, and you must keep the members of
your tribe miserable and filled with repressed rage. In particular,
child abuse is essential for producing hate-crazed soldiers, and so
mothers had to be trained to reject and torment their babies.
In this way societal arrangements were imposed on us which had those
very intentions: to abuse all babies, to ration love and to keep
everyone lonely, miserable and filled with repressed rage.
The vegetation grew back, and there was no longer any rationalisation
for war. Yet we never changed our insane, pain-generating societal
arrangements after the vegetation grew back. Our pain-generating
societal arrangements rule us still today, and everyone is insisting
that pain-generating societal arrangements comprise the only way life
can ever be lived. That is collective mental illness. We all are
mentally ill. Admit it.

The response to my offer of healing has been - muted signals of
approval from a small number of people, baseless jibes from another
small number of people, and silence from everyone else.

From that I conclude that there is no one anywhere in this world who
wants to put an end to human suffering, there is no one anywhere in
this world who wants the human race to heal.

You don't heal humanity by ranting about corruption in the ruling
group. That's a first step. But the ruling group is OUR creation. We
made them in our own image by giving them permission to exist. WE are
the ones who need to change. When WE change, then the ruling group
will cease to exist in its present form.
The first step is to acknowledge that we are mentally ill, all of us.
2008-09-05 03:18:46 UTC

All human life consists of a series of 'unconscious' and futile
attempts to regain what was taken from us by our mothers in infancy.

We never recover fully from the setback, the needless handicap she
placed on all of us with her avalanche of toxic shame designed to
prevent us from returning her loving caresses in deed and in word, and
to reduce us to soldier material to fight her stupid inter-tribal wars
for her precious ruling group. That is the purpose of motherhood, but
you don't know what you are doing, your brains are scrambled, your
thought processes are muddled.

All attempts at harmony, at coming together... for example preparing a
meal for one another, viewing a video or a concert, laughter, song,
adult sexuality as we know it..... all are vain, 'unconscious'
gropings in the direction of a distant goal that always remains beyond
our reach.

And what we are unconsciously striving for is the lost opportunity of
infancy, the 'parallel universe' that might have been, but whose being
and becoming we sabotaged when the mother unleashed the avalanche of
toxic shame to communicate to every baby that to be human is to be
defective and criminalised on account of possessing beautiful body
parts, and on account of our unavoidable impulse to return the
mother's loving caresses as given.
At that moment we lost our birthright. She took from us the world that
might have been, because the warmongers trained her long ago to reject
and torment her baby to fill the world with misery and repressed rage
to supply a new crop of hate-crazed soldiers for the ruling group, to
keep the human race on a permanent war footing.

And then the pretending started.

We'll be a long time climbing out of this pit.
But we'll never get out of the pit if we don't make a start.

You feel increasingly uneasy these days as the insanity of the entire
human population around you keeps getting more and more difficult to

If not me, who? If not now, when?

A game of 'chicken' in reverse.

Who will be the first to "come out," by acknowledging that everyone in
this place is a lunatic?

2008-09-05 03:39:34 UTC
Post by Ishtar
All human life consists of a series of 'unconscious' and futile
attempts to regain what was taken from us by our mothers in infancy.
We never recover fully from the setback, the needless handicap she
placed on all of us with her avalanche of toxic shame designed to
prevent us from returning her loving caresses in deed and in word, and
to reduce us to soldier material

THIS BIT IS DEFINITELY WORTH REPEATING; exercise your brain cells and
your heartstrings; have compassion for human infants:
I've asked this question of Mrs Alice Miller, who is regarded as the
foremost champion of abused children, and I've asked this question of
other people, but they will not answer me.
The question is as follows:

For the sake of discussion, suppose a beautiful young lady were to
gently and lovingly caress your anus several times daily for several
months, and to lean over you exchanging loving eye contact and smiles
of delight with you as she pleasures you in your anus... well then
what would your emotions and impulses be toward that young lady?

If you are emotionally healthy, your response would be:
1. An intense emotion of love and adoration toward the beautiful
lady who has been giving you such delightful sensations of pleasure
your anus;
2. An overwhelming sense of gratitude, impelling you to seek to
'return the favour' by caressing the lady's anus in exactly the same
way, so as to give her the same pleasure in her anus as she has been
giving you in your anus.

That is the predominant emotion of all human infants, that
overwhelming urge to find Mummy's anus and to caress Mummy's anus so
as to return the favour by giving Mummy pleasure in her anus in the
same way as Mummy has been giving pleasure to baby in baby's anus.
That is the thought and the feeling most prominent in every human
baby's mind.

The purpose of motherhood is to reject and torment every baby to
reduce him to soldier material to do our killing for us, to steal
another oilfield for the Bush Gang. So mothers deny the existence of
their babies' authentic experience, under cover of the standard
avalanche of toxic shame that comes out of every mother as her baby
gains vocabulary and movement, and by denying their baby's reality,
mothers destroy their baby's chance of future happiness, wreck our
civilisation, and guarantee a permanent state of inter-tribal war and
civil strife. That is the immediate purpose of motherhood, but you
not conscious of it. Mothers are sleepwalking through their dealings
with their babies.

(end of reissued text from archive.)

From then on, any happiness that is going to exist in this
civilisation will have to be based on ignorance. Hence the saying
"ignorance is bliss," which could equally be stated as "bliss is
ignorance," because only those who are out of touch with reality can
be happy in a set up like ours.

Answer the question. You will never heal until you face this question
and answer it:
For the sake of discussion, suppose a beautiful young lady were to
gently and lovingly caress your anus several times daily for several
months, and to lean over you exchanging loving eye contact and smiles
of delight with you as she pleasures you in your anus... well then
what would your emotions and impulses be toward that young lady?


2008-06-15 01:26:24 UTC
Post by All hail Discordia
There was a case years ago where a woman asked her Dr. if it was
normal to get aroused when breast feeding (and for MANY women it is
normal to experience some arousal even orgasm) but he did not know
this and instead of soothing her distress he called social services on
her and they took her kid away.

I believe you.
Some amazingly stupid doctors around.
As for SS, well the initials say it all.

By the way, I've read anecdotes to the effect that women who lead
healthy lifestyles experience sexual pleasure (and little or no pain)
when giving birth.

All of which supports my assertion that the mother-infant relationship
is a sexual relationship.
What could be more sexual than actually passing your entire body
through a woman's vagina and giving her sexual pleasure as you glide
along her most senstive area.
Michelle la Belle 2nd
2008-06-15 01:48:13 UTC
Post by Ishtar
Post by All hail Discordia
There was a case years ago where a woman asked her Dr. if it was
normal to get aroused when breast feeding (and for MANY women it is
normal to experience some arousal even orgasm) but he did not know
this and instead of soothing her distress he called social services on
her and they took her kid away.
I believe you.
Some amazingly stupid doctors around.
As for SS, well the initials say it all.
By the way, I've read anecdotes to the effect that women who lead
healthy lifestyles experience sexual pleasure (and little or no pain)
when giving birth.
All of which supports my assertion that the mother-infant relationship
is a sexual relationship.
What could be more sexual than actually passing your entire body
through a woman's vagina and giving her sexual pleasure as you glide
along her most senstive area.
I believe you are over-stating it when you say the relationship is

Rhi and others, check this out:


Many women who breastfeed have the experience of feeling aroused, and
even having an orgasm, while breastfeeding. But because this is
something researchers haven’t studied, and it isn’t a regular part of
the education of mothers-to-be, many women experience this and then
feel silent shame or guilt, as if there is something wrong with them.
All hail Discordia
2008-06-15 09:26:03 UTC
On Sat, 14 Jun 2008 18:48:13 -0700 (PDT), Michelle la Belle 2nd
Post by Michelle la Belle 2nd
Post by Ishtar
Post by All hail Discordia
There was a case years ago where a woman asked her Dr. if it was
normal to get aroused when breast feeding (and for MANY women it is
normal to experience some arousal even orgasm) but he did not know
this and instead of soothing her distress he called social services on
her and they took her kid away.
I believe you.
Some amazingly stupid doctors around.
As for SS, well the initials say it all.
By the way, I've read anecdotes to the effect that women who lead
healthy lifestyles experience sexual pleasure (and little or no pain)
when giving birth.
All of which supports my assertion that the mother-infant relationship
is a sexual relationship.
What could be more sexual than actually passing your entire body
through a woman's vagina and giving her sexual pleasure as you glide
along her most senstive area.
I believe you are over-stating it when you say the relationship is
Many women who breastfeed have the experience of feeling aroused, and
even having an orgasm, while breastfeeding. But because this is
something researchers haven’t studied, and it isn’t a regular part of
the education of mothers-to-be, many women experience this and then
feel silent shame or guilt, as if there is something wrong with them.
This I fully agree with, the page I found earlier mentioned a hormone
that is released with milk being "let down" causes uterine
contractions, and the same hormone is also released during orgasm.

Sorry Ishtar I can not buy that just because something arouses you or
feels good makes it a sexual relationship. The child is getting fed,
attention, and nurturing, not sex, and not ALL mothers feel aroused.

That the possibility is so frowned upon that people are kept ignorant
is where the true sickness lies.
2008-06-15 14:51:24 UTC
Post by All hail Discordia
This I fully agree with, the page I found earlier mentioned a hormone
that is released with milk being "let down" causes uterine
contractions, and the same hormone is also released during orgasm.
Sorry Ishtar I can not buy that just because something arouses you or
feels good makes it a sexual relationship. The child is getting fed,
attention, and nurturing, not sex, and not ALL mothers feel aroused.
That the possibility is so frowned upon that people are kept ignorant
is where the true sickness lies.
you make a good point. Arousal does not by defiition equal sexual arousal
and or gratification

Pleasure does'n't always have to be interpreted as sexual

Food, art, power etc.


"She is not alone
She is not alone today
She is not alone
To... day"--sonic youth
2008-06-15 14:54:07 UTC
Post by marika
Post by All hail Discordia
This I fully agree with, the page I found earlier mentioned a hormone
that is released with milk being "let down" causes uterine
contractions, and the same hormone is also released during orgasm.
Sorry Ishtar I can not buy that just because something arouses you or
feels good makes it a sexual relationship. The child is getting fed,
attention, and nurturing, not sex, and not ALL mothers feel aroused.
That the possibility is so frowned upon that people are kept ignorant
is where the true sickness lies.
you make a good point. Arousal does not by defiition equal sexual
arousal and or gratification
Pleasure does'n't always have to be interpreted as sexual
Food, art, power etc.
"She is not alone
She is not alone today
She is not alone
To... day"--sonic youth
2008-06-15 14:48:12 UTC
"Michelle la Belle 2nd" <that-***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:d8f4162c-8d95-4be6-93dd-***@k13g2000hse.googlegroups.com...
I believe you are over-stating it when you say the relationship is

Rhi and others, check this out:


Many women who breastfeed have the experience of feeling aroused, and
even having an orgasm, while breastfeeding. But because this is
something researchers haven’t studied, and it isn’t a regular part of
the education of mothers-to-be, many women experience this and then
feel silent shame or guilt, as if there is something wrong with them.


I'm not really sure why the mystery

The nipple tissue is made of erectile tissue not all that dissimilar to the
tissue that makes up the penis

So since it's built to be stimulated and aroused,why shouldn't precisely
that happen


A lot of people suffer
From impotence
All the money's gone
The days we spend go on and on "--I dreamed I dream, Sonic Youth
2008-06-16 03:30:12 UTC
Post by Michelle la Belle 2nd
I believe you are over-stating it when you say the relationship is

No offence, but you don't remember your infancy. You can recover the
memory of the authentic emotional states of infancy simply by reliving
it with a surrogate mother, but it will work only if you genuinely
want to recover the memories.
And I have to give a "health warning" that such exercises can release
powerful emotions, so they should not be attempted unless you have at
least one stable and loving relationship with someone who will always
accept you as you are and support you emotionally.
Another poster stated that the fact that an interaction produces
pleasure in the body does not make it a sexual relationship. But this
is a debate on semantics or lexicography. A baby doesn't have much
vocabulary yet, but a baby knows exactly what is happening - more so
than the mother, as the baby has not yet had to compromise and cloud
his/her perceptions so as to conform to the expectations of society.
2008-06-16 03:34:51 UTC
2008-06-15 14:45:13 UTC
"Ishtar" <***@googlemail.com> wrote in message news:d4b35d10-464f-485f-8866-***@f36g2000hsa.googlegroups.com..

<<By the way, I've read anecdotes to the effect that women who lead
healthy lifestyles experience sexual pleasure (and little or no pain)
when giving birth.>>

especially when they give you pain killers

<<All of which supports my assertion that the mother-infant relationship
is a sexual relationship.
What could be more sexual than actually passing your entire body
through a woman's vagina and giving her sexual pleasure as you glide
along her most senstive area.>>

Except for the urine and feces and the blood and the pain, yeh sure



"In my bed I'm deep in prayer
I trust the speed I love the fear
The music comes
The burning spear"--sonic youth
2008-06-15 14:29:48 UTC
Post by All hail Discordia
There was a case years ago where a woman asked her Dr. if it was
normal to get aroused when breast feeding (and for MANY women it is
normal to experience some arousal even orgasm) but he did not know
this and instead of soothing her distress he called social services on
her and they took her kid away.
I remember that case very well. I think she eventually got the child back
but only after tremendously expensive and no doubt embarrassing to her
lawsuits. I believe La Leche intervened, but if not them, a similar


"Hand out lobotomies
To save little families
Surrealistic fantasy
Bad boy, Fight!"--Downer, Nirvana
2008-06-15 09:32:04 UTC
Post by Ishtar
In Daily Mail (London), 13 June 2008, pages 42-43, there is a lengthy
article about a woman who is intending to breastfeed her children
until they are aged eight years.
My mother didn't do that. I'm grossed out about it enough,
I'm really glad I don't remember.
2008-06-15 14:53:04 UTC
Post by the_dawggie
My mother didn't do that. I'm grossed out about it enough,
I'm really glad I don't remember.
Your basic philosophy is an admirable one.

Keep working on your method of presentation.


"You feel the shadow
There's no more to borrow
There's no more to steal
And no more to feel"--I don't want to push it, Sonic Youth