Post by MariaSo why does his birth certificate have ten layers with different parts
in them like that? The only argument I have seen against it being a
forgery is that it is not possible for someone to have gone to all the
trouble to forge the document and then forget to merge the layers.
I produce a lot of PDFs, multiple layers on a single source document are
far from unusual and may exist for a whole range of mundane reasons.
Most usually when a document is scanned into a word processing program -
such as Word and converted to a PDF from there. And just for the
avoidence of doubt the vast majority of scanners will unless otherwised
configured automatically open a scaned document into the default word
processing program. The word processing software will then assign layers
accoring to it's presets ...
for instance ...
"That's a picture", I'm going to put it in picture frame" (says the word
processing software), "That's text, I'm going to put it in a text box",
"That's a sqiggle, not to sure so I'll make a guess that it's a picture
and put it into another picture box", "Oh those are lines, they must be
part of the background format so that's where I'll put them" ... and so
on and on and on and on ...
When exported to Acrobat (or whatever your conversion program is) the
Word prosessor layers are exported at the same time.
Apologies for not stoking the flames.