State of Illinois Closing Cases reporting ID Fraud to IDES with Personal Threats directed at Plaintiffs refused Discovery for over 12 months
(too old to reply)
2011-10-10 22:37:07 UTC
The Peter Zaper at IDES who has decided that they do not have to
cooperate with the public reporting ID fraud or the public demanding
any specific statement of what exactly it is they are accused of, by
issuing threats, has done the job he intended it to.

The victim involved has not been able to force IDES to force the Talx/
UC Express represented years prior former brief employer, to issue and
provide any specific statement the law required to be provided to the
victim at the outset, and at the Board of Review level, upon request
prior to filing appeals.

Much less the entire list including what the claims and has processed
as appeals the victim reported at the time as having been immediately
filed and removing the right to discovery and due process protections
from fraud entirely, that the law had required be months or more.

Peter Zaper, the Chief Administrative Law Judge at IDES, who stated
that due to who he is as his source of authority to do so, IDES does
not have to cooperate with individuals who have been the object of ID
theft and fraud.

IDES does however require the victims to pay whatever IDES has
processed despite the victims reporting the ID Theft and Fraud.

He has in fact recently issued personal threats directed at the
Plaintiff in one, who attempted to have him restrained to be able to
conduct an orderly Administrative Review procedure the law required
start by providing discovery.

He and Asst Attorney General Michael Prousis have instead notified the
victims that they are also demanding that the public not be able to
appeal the matter, and have requested that the rights of the victims
be removed entirely.

One way or another, during an attempt to have Zaper restrained due to
his prior history with electronic harassment of the victim personally
as a result of seeking any appeal rights of any kind in the matter
previously out of another employee in his offices.

Which have completely blocked obtaining any information at all the
victims did not already have, which at no time specific specifically
what it is the victim is accused of in any form that be disputed, as a
claim filed years later.

By a Talx/UC Express client who has also refused to pony up under the
Illinois Personnel Review Records Act, having waited to file the false
claim until after the entire time limit for doing so expired at the IL
Dept of Labor as the timelimits for any such first complaint by that
person, also the object of a restraining order petition for the same
reasons Zaper was, by now over 12 months of making use of fraud for as
much in damage infliction and disturbances as possible.

Continuing to escalate due to Zaper's attitude and that lack of
regulation of the judges involved in IL, who claim they are not
required to adhere to any form of written statute, instruction, or
listed rights of the public, as "open to interpretation" the law does
not permit a judge.

As the methods of closing cases by threatening the plaintiff in an
Administrative Review procedure by Peter Zaper is not permitted in the
United States, and is largely listed as an example of the judges
removed via Judicial Review, in Cook County usually, the judges in
Waukegan evidently not having to bother with the issue at all.

As like Zaper, they address the issue the same way. Threats, personal
threats, and what some states process as Michelle Bachman followers
conducting Domestic Terror with the courts.

However, the State of Illinois forcing illegal fraud payments out of
the public this way is right now above the law in Illinois and
something the public can do nothing about as illegal deprived of
rights to do so, by persons who continue to file claims that any
person who reports ID theft or fraud is "mentally ill".

Which as you will notice on this newsgroup, is very popular to do by
attorneys, despite where the law is enforced, the practice is a
2011-10-11 16:47:43 UTC
Post by l***@gmx.com
The Peter Zaper at IDES who has decided that they do not have to
cooperate with the public reporting ID fraud or the public demanding
any specific statement of what exactly it is they are accused of, by
issuing threats, has done the job he intended it to.
The victim involved has not been able to force IDES to force the Talx/
UC Express represented years prior former brief employer, to issue and
provide any specific statement the law required to be provided to the
victim at the outset, and at the Board of Review level, upon request
prior to filing appeals.
Much less the entire list including what the claims and has processed
as appeals the victim reported at the time as having been immediately
filed and removing the right to discovery and due process protections
from fraud entirely, that the law had required be months or more.
Peter Zaper, the Chief Administrative Law Judge at IDES, who stated
that due to who he is as his source of authority to do so, IDES does
not have to cooperate with individuals who have been the object of ID
theft and fraud.
IDES does however require the victims to pay whatever IDES has
processed despite the victims reporting the ID Theft and Fraud.
He has in fact recently issued personal threats directed at the
Plaintiff in one, who attempted to have him restrained to be able to
conduct an orderly Administrative Review procedure the law required
start by providing discovery.
He and Asst Attorney General Michael Prousis have instead notified the
victims that they are also demanding that the public not be able to
appeal the matter, and have requested that the rights of the victims
be removed entirely.
One way or another, during an attempt to have Zaper restrained due to
his prior history with electronic harassment of the victim personally
as a result of seeking any appeal rights of any kind in the matter
previously out of another employee in his offices.
Which have completely blocked obtaining any information at all the
victims did not already have, which at no time specific specifically
what it is the victim is accused of in any form that be disputed, as a
claim filed years later.
By a Talx/UC Express client who has also refused to pony up under the
Illinois Personnel Review Records Act, having waited to file the false
claim until after the entire time limit for doing so expired at the IL
Dept of Labor as the timelimits for any such first complaint by that
person, also the object of a restraining order petition for the same
reasons Zaper was, by now over 12 months of making use of fraud for as
much in damage infliction and disturbances as possible.
Continuing to escalate due to Zaper's attitude and that lack of
regulation of the judges involved in IL, who claim they are not
required to adhere to any form of written statute, instruction, or
listed rights of the public, as "open to interpretation" the law does
not permit a judge.
As the methods of closing cases by threatening the plaintiff in an
Administrative Review procedure by Peter Zaper is not permitted in the
United States, and is largely listed as an example of the judges
removed via Judicial Review, in Cook County usually, the judges in
Waukegan evidently not having to bother with the issue at all.
As like Zaper, they address the issue the same way.  Threats, personal
threats, and what some states process as Michelle Bachman followers
conducting Domestic Terror with the courts.
However, the State of Illinois forcing illegal fraud payments out of
the public this way is right now above the law in Illinois and
something the public can do nothing about as illegal deprived of
rights to do so, by persons who continue to file claims that any
person who reports ID theft or fraud is "mentally ill".
Which as you will notice on this newsgroup, is very popular to do by
attorneys, despite where the law is enforced, the practice is a
You can't even form sentences.

Translating Sanskrit might be easier than reading your drivel.

Are you in denial about your brain disorder?

Or is this text from one of those Jabberwocky AI programs?

Perhaps you need a reverse Jabberwocky program
to help you state goals, outline and form sentences?
