2011-10-11 00:34:33 UTC
Given this is a legal issue regarding labor law in America, as well as
business law in general, that has been refusing to provide the
mandantory statement of what exactly Staffing Now/Accounting Now/SNI
Financial claim a one time former contractor who had no protests or
complaints until abruptly over a year later and a year after the
expiration of time limits in which to file any protests, the details
of the fabrication of garnishments in several thousand dollar amounts,
is an issue that belongs out there with Occupy Wall Street.
Given that there is no possible basis for the claim, and is a very
malicious ordeal from the outset over 12 months ago, at that point
already over 12 months after the expiration of the option of Staffing
Now/Accounting Now/SNI Financial to file a first protest with IDES,
and they have at this point 12 months later completely methodically
managed to come up with endless methods to refuse to state
specifically and once, what it is that Staffing Now/Accounting Now/SNI
Financial claim the one time normally completed, former contractor is
alleged to have done afterwards, in 2009.
Still, in 2011, while theatrically demanding funds in collections
since 2010, illegally.
And it is a nonexistent case for that reason as well, to close the way
Talx/UC Express wants, the victims are being subjected to threats by
Peter Zaper to stop attempting to lawfully use the courts to pursue
legal action for obvious reasons, that Peter Zaper of IDES does not
have to cooperate with the public regarding mandantory due process
procedures, that Peter Zaper of IDES does not have to cooperate with
victims of ID theft and fraud in legal procedures as has become common
in the criminal courts, etc, people have the right to know that this
is the actual operations any time anybody involved wants them to be.
And that your rights and protections evaporate in the face of strong
arming, fraud, threats, etc.
By persons spending other people's money putting your family into an
eviction notice and mortgage foreclosure.
Fraudulently and maliciously, to the point of Zaper's threats having
gone off the deep end as far as what he and IDES are bankrolled to
engage in with public funds, for activity specifically outlawed on all
And per the forced financial transactions and debt creation in
But the public has no method for enforcing their protections from
fraud where fraud is pursued via the State of Illinois.
I would advise steering clear of Accounting Now/Staffing Now/SNI
Financial, but I would even more so steer clear of IDES.
Staffing Now/Accounting Now/SNI Financial also caught in 2010 spending
a fortune covering up for actions like this that the public and the
contractors who did not take on this kind of risk knowingly as nobody
would, have the right to know is a problem that working with that
company exposes them to and need to think over whether or not the risk
is worth it.
At this point, I'd say not.
business law in general, that has been refusing to provide the
mandantory statement of what exactly Staffing Now/Accounting Now/SNI
Financial claim a one time former contractor who had no protests or
complaints until abruptly over a year later and a year after the
expiration of time limits in which to file any protests, the details
of the fabrication of garnishments in several thousand dollar amounts,
is an issue that belongs out there with Occupy Wall Street.
Given that there is no possible basis for the claim, and is a very
malicious ordeal from the outset over 12 months ago, at that point
already over 12 months after the expiration of the option of Staffing
Now/Accounting Now/SNI Financial to file a first protest with IDES,
and they have at this point 12 months later completely methodically
managed to come up with endless methods to refuse to state
specifically and once, what it is that Staffing Now/Accounting Now/SNI
Financial claim the one time normally completed, former contractor is
alleged to have done afterwards, in 2009.
Still, in 2011, while theatrically demanding funds in collections
since 2010, illegally.
And it is a nonexistent case for that reason as well, to close the way
Talx/UC Express wants, the victims are being subjected to threats by
Peter Zaper to stop attempting to lawfully use the courts to pursue
legal action for obvious reasons, that Peter Zaper of IDES does not
have to cooperate with the public regarding mandantory due process
procedures, that Peter Zaper of IDES does not have to cooperate with
victims of ID theft and fraud in legal procedures as has become common
in the criminal courts, etc, people have the right to know that this
is the actual operations any time anybody involved wants them to be.
And that your rights and protections evaporate in the face of strong
arming, fraud, threats, etc.
By persons spending other people's money putting your family into an
eviction notice and mortgage foreclosure.
Fraudulently and maliciously, to the point of Zaper's threats having
gone off the deep end as far as what he and IDES are bankrolled to
engage in with public funds, for activity specifically outlawed on all
And per the forced financial transactions and debt creation in
But the public has no method for enforcing their protections from
fraud where fraud is pursued via the State of Illinois.
I would advise steering clear of Accounting Now/Staffing Now/SNI
Financial, but I would even more so steer clear of IDES.
Staffing Now/Accounting Now/SNI Financial also caught in 2010 spending
a fortune covering up for actions like this that the public and the
contractors who did not take on this kind of risk knowingly as nobody
would, have the right to know is a problem that working with that
company exposes them to and need to think over whether or not the risk
is worth it.
At this point, I'd say not.