"Worth v. Jackson", The Federal Case Against Massive Reverse Discrimination by the US Federal Government
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Marcus Aurelius
2010-10-04 23:39:31 UTC
The following is the URL of the Federal Judicial Case, "Worth v.
Jackson", which, through facts, arguments, rules of law, and appeals
to justice demonstrated that massive reverse discrimination is
occurring with regard to hiring by the US Federal Government:

This Federal Case was brought by the Center for Individual Rights.
2010-10-05 15:49:12 UTC
Post by Marcus Aurelius
The following is the URL of the Federal Judicial Case, "Worth
v. Jackson", which, through facts, arguments, rules of law,
and appeals to justice demonstrated that massive reverse
discrimination is occurring with regard to hiring by the US
This Federal Case was brought by the Center for Individual Rights.
Apparently the above poster has forgotten the (even if the
lawsuit is unmerited), "Anyone can sue anyone else for anything!"

Anyway, while what he says was (merely) alleged in that case,
it is not true that it was "demonstrated" - that is, proven in and
established by the result of - the cited lawsuit what the poster says

And it also might have been at least a teensy bit more than
only just arguably relevant if the poster had not forgotten to mention
that the court dismissed the cited lawsuit years ago and that the
federal court of appeals (btw, one of the most so-called
"conservative" such courts in the county) unanimously affirmed that

But, Oh, yes! - the federal government during the Bush
administration when that lawsuit was begun was Out To Get White Guys
who are unfortunate victims of "massive" discrimination against them.
Poor dears!
