2010-09-23 10:59:54 UTC
UN-Iran-State/GOV_President Mr Ahmadinejad - Interviewed by CNN/Mr Lary King dd
By the way: Don't forget, 1979/1980Iran/Teheran_USoA-AMBASSY, and further, also
after 1979ChristmasTimes-UN/ICJ: UN/UNSC-USoA-STATE(Mr Vance) vs UN-Iran-STATE:
There have been no Murders, NO One Murdered!
As to IUS/LEX_History ~ "Model(ling) < Realities":
~ WW.I_Germany "train"ed Marx, Zurich > Berlin > Moskou, > Revolution > Peace:
= Why.. France "let go" the Mr Khomeini, Paris > Teheran = Revolution >?< USoA
As to Global,
nuclear, security=e.g. proliferation, terrorism resp safety=e.g. environmental,
esp., spec. UN/(NON)Proliferation-Treaties: Don't forget, 1976CIA & NL Premier=
contradictory/contrarii, ex officio explicite warnings N.B. let go on "Mr Khan"
= As to NUCLEAR BOMBs: Spreading of the knowledges and the technical equipments
OIL etc being both FUELs as RAW MATERIALs, P.M.! "us.legal"Article(s) repeated:
May be,
During past years Iran/Irani OIL-REVENUES, could have been better invested, esp
main UN-Iran-Islamic STATE/GOV_National, as <>_International, Subjects/Objects:
The Iran/Irani Mr President has also "to deal" with the Irani YOUNG People(s)..
By the way: Don't forget, 1979/1980Iran/Teheran_USoA-AMBASSY, and further, also
after 1979ChristmasTimes-UN/ICJ: UN/UNSC-USoA-STATE(Mr Vance) vs UN-Iran-STATE:
There have been no Murders, NO One Murdered!
As to IUS/LEX_History ~ "Model(ling) < Realities":
~ WW.I_Germany "train"ed Marx, Zurich > Berlin > Moskou, > Revolution > Peace:
= Why.. France "let go" the Mr Khomeini, Paris > Teheran = Revolution >?< USoA
As to Global,
nuclear, security=e.g. proliferation, terrorism resp safety=e.g. environmental,
esp., spec. UN/(NON)Proliferation-Treaties: Don't forget, 1976CIA & NL Premier=
contradictory/contrarii, ex officio explicite warnings N.B. let go on "Mr Khan"
= As to NUCLEAR BOMBs: Spreading of the knowledges and the technical equipments
Pakistan, and a.O. North-Korea and.. Iran: UN/UNSC-USoA-STATE_OWN CREATIVITY!
:OIL etc being both FUELs as RAW MATERIALs, P.M.! "us.legal"Article(s) repeated:
May be,
During past years Iran/Irani OIL-REVENUES, could have been better invested, esp
Own National Energy-supply/support, so FUTUREs foreseeing: NUCLEAR programs ?
--- Finally, One ofmain UN-Iran-Islamic STATE/GOV_National, as <>_International, Subjects/Objects:
The Iran/Irani Mr President has also "to deal" with the Irani YOUNG People(s)..