Marcus Aurelius
2011-02-24 14:21:30 UTC
The reasonable application of widely accepted legal principles argue
against extraditing Assange. If the proof demonstrated that "it was
more likely than not" that he had committed a crime in Sweden, then
the Swedish version of a Grand Jury should have been convened to
determine if he should be tried for rape. Rather, the feminist
extremists that run Sweden have determined that this recognized legal
safeguard should not be applied, that he should be extradited without
being indicted (merely based upon allegations), and that he should be
tried "in secret" by what clearly would be a feminist dominated
Kangaroo court based upon allegations of rape, which ,even if proven,
would not constitute rape in many nations. Sweden is a feminist
tyrannical state! The facts and circumstances surrounding this case
are probative of the same. Assange is being unjustly persecuted by
feminists as a means to further their individual and collective goals.
against extraditing Assange. If the proof demonstrated that "it was
more likely than not" that he had committed a crime in Sweden, then
the Swedish version of a Grand Jury should have been convened to
determine if he should be tried for rape. Rather, the feminist
extremists that run Sweden have determined that this recognized legal
safeguard should not be applied, that he should be extradited without
being indicted (merely based upon allegations), and that he should be
tried "in secret" by what clearly would be a feminist dominated
Kangaroo court based upon allegations of rape, which ,even if proven,
would not constitute rape in many nations. Sweden is a feminist
tyrannical state! The facts and circumstances surrounding this case
are probative of the same. Assange is being unjustly persecuted by
feminists as a means to further their individual and collective goals.