Wesley Snipes acquitted of federal tax fraud and conspiracy
(too old to reply)
2010-02-05 16:46:19 UTC
Wesley Snipes acquitted of federal tax fraud Actor
also not guilty of conspiracy but convicted for failing
to file returns.

It's too bad that we cannot contact Snipes and tell him to
appeal the conviction of 'failure to file' based upon his obviously
being assumed to be a slave belonging to the corporate
UNITED STATES which that criminal organization base
their unlawful imposition using the 14th Amendment (allowing
the UNITED STATES corporation to own slaves - citizens)
and the 13th Amendment that allows Government to impose
slavery on convicted criminals - whereby the corporate UNITED
STATES is a make-believe ship at sea, (maritime law jurisdiction)
a man who is property of the UNITED STATES by way of the
property right legal maxim, accessio cedit principali, accused
of a crime is guilty unless proven innocent.

A demand for discovery/disclosure wherein a demand is made
for proof positive of the authority, means and date which allows
the Government to impose the status of slavery upon Snipes,
plus a affidavit that the free will adult man who uses the name
Wesley Snipes uses the State owned name under private necessity
to sustain and maintain his life, and that the free will man who uses
the State owned name does not consent to be legally identified by
any name. A formal claim of right by notice would also be in order.

A free will adult man cannot be forced to obey corporate Government
rules, nor to have involuntary servitude imposed upon him for using
State owned property under right of necessity.

The status of 'free will' is man's right as God's creation. Man is
a Government creation.

2010-02-06 13:45:19 UTC
What? Snipes should follow your advice, Eldon?

So he can end up like you and the gullible wannabe detaxers lTommy
Kennedy, Brian Lockheart, Fred Kyburz, Jean Portueau, Clifford Hanna
and Cameron Hardy?
Post by Vicegerent
Wesley Snipes acquitted of federal tax fraud Actor
also not guilty of conspiracy but convicted for failing
to file returns.
It's too bad that we cannot contact Snipes and tell him to
appeal the conviction of 'failure to file' based upon his obviously
being assumed to be a slave belonging to the corporate
UNITED STATES which that criminal organization base
their unlawful imposition using the 14th Amendment (allowing
the UNITED STATES corporation to own slaves - citizens)
and the 13th Amendment that allows Government to impose
slavery on convicted criminals - whereby the corporate UNITED
STATES is a make-believe ship at sea, (maritime law jurisdiction)
a man who is property of the UNITED STATES by way of the
property right legal maxim, accessio cedit principali, accused
of a crime is guilty unless proven innocent.
A demand for discovery/disclosure wherein a demand is made
for proof positive of the authority, means and date which allows
the Government to impose the status of slavery upon Snipes,
plus a affidavit that the free will adult man who uses the name
Wesley Snipes uses the State owned name under private necessity
to sustain and maintain his life, and that the free will man who uses
the State owned name does not consent to be legally identified by
any name. A formal claim of right by notice would also be in order.
A free will adult man cannot be forced to obey corporate Government
rules, nor to have involuntary servitude imposed upon him for using
State owned property under right of necessity.
The status of 'free will' is man's right as God's creation. Man is
a Government creation.
2010-02-06 18:20:44 UTC
None of those mentioned were using Eldon's filing method.
All were in court long before Eldon posted his $0.00 Tax
Owing filing method. Tom Kennedy, the only one listed by
Asshole Jack Foster (Abbot), who has a website
[ http://cyberclass.net/ ] lists Eldon as one of the
notable 'freedom fighters' and links Eldon's website. That
doesn't sound like one who blames Eldon for anything.
And, Eldon is in frequent contact with some of the others.

Wonder why this ugly jerk is so damned intent on defending
the income tax extortion racket?

If you wish to see what a very dirty asshole looks like, have
a peek at this jerk's picture:



On Feb 6, 6:45 am, The ZID ASSHOLE, Abbot
Post by Abbot
What? Snipes should follow your advice, Eldon?
So he can end up like you and the gullible wannabe detaxers lTommy
Kennedy, Brian Lockheart, Fred Kyburz, Jean Portueau, Clifford Hanna
and Cameron Hardy?
Post by Vicegerent
Wesley Snipes acquitted of federal tax fraud Actor
also not guilty of conspiracy but convicted for failing
to file returns.
It's too bad that we cannot contact Snipes and tell him to
appeal the conviction of 'failure to file' based upon his obviously
being assumed to be a slave belonging to the corporate
UNITED STATES which that criminal organization base
their unlawful imposition using the 14th Amendment (allowing
the UNITED STATES corporation to own slaves - citizens)
and the 13th Amendment that allows Government to impose
slavery on convicted criminals - whereby the corporate UNITED
STATES is a make-believe ship at sea, (maritime law jurisdiction)
a man who is property of the UNITED STATES by way of the
property right legal maxim, accessio cedit principali, accused
of a crime is guilty unless proven innocent.
A demand for discovery/disclosure wherein a demand is made
for proof positive of the authority, means and date which allows
the Government to impose the status of slavery upon Snipes,
plus a affidavit that the free will adult man who uses the name
Wesley Snipes uses the State owned name under private necessity
to sustain and maintain his life, and that the free will man who uses
the State owned name does not consent to be legally identified by
any name. A formal claim of right by notice would also be in order.
A free will adult man cannot be forced to obey corporate Government
rules, nor to have involuntary servitude imposed upon him for using
State owned property under right of necessity.
The status of 'free will' is man's right as God's creation. Man is
not a Government creation.
2010-02-07 02:56:15 UTC
Post by Vicegerent
None of those mentioned were using Eldon's filing method.
Abbot) Neither did Snipes. But you said he could have used your method
to beat the rap in on appeal.

So I guess your are getting your lies mixed up since now you are
saying your method works only if it is used with the original filing.
Post by Vicegerent
All were in court long before Eldon posted his $0.00 Tax Owing filing method.
Abbot) Each of those poor fools followed your advice and plain fact is
Clifford Hanna and Cameron Hardy got pole axed in open court months
after you developed your $0.00 tax method. You told Hanna and Hardy to
use your method as an appeal, just like you are saying it would work
for Snipes. But it didn't work for either of them.

You see, Eldon, you can't even remember which lie you are using.

Paranoid schizophrenia and the impaired thought process that goes with
it is a bitch, ain't it Eldon?
Post by Vicegerent
Tom Kennedy, the only one listed by
Asshole Jack Foster (Abbot), who has a website
[http://cyberclass.net/] lists Eldon as one of the
notable 'freedom fighters' and links Eldon's website. That
doesn't sound like one who blames Eldon for anything.
And, Eldon is in frequent contact with some of the others.
Abbot) So you duped the poor fools so badly that they don't blame you
for giving them bad advice?

So? It's still bad advice.

And I suspect Brian Lockheart doesn't think too highly of you since he
used one of your old failed methods. He got reassessed and begged you
for help at your website only to have you call him a fool.
Post by Vicegerent
Wonder why this ugly jerk is so damned intent on defending
the income tax extortion racket?
If you wish to see what a very dirty asshole looks like, have
Abbot) You don't have that right either, Eldon. You are a mess, old
son. . .a real mess.
Post by Vicegerent
On Feb 6, 6:45 am, The ZID ASSHOLE, Abbot
Post by Abbot
What? Snipes should follow your advice, Eldon?
So he can end up like you and the gullible wannabe detaxers Tommy
Kennedy, Brian Lockheart, Fred Kyburz, Jean Portueau, Clifford Hanna
and Cameron Hardy?
Post by Vicegerent
Wesley Snipes acquitted of federal tax fraud Actor
also not guilty of conspiracy but convicted for failing
to file returns.
It's too bad that we cannot contact Snipes and tell him to
appeal the conviction of 'failure to file' based upon his obviously
being assumed to be a slave belonging to the corporate
UNITED STATES which that criminal organization base
their unlawful imposition using the 14th Amendment (allowing
the UNITED STATES corporation to own slaves - citizens)
and the 13th Amendment that allows Government to impose
slavery on convicted criminals - whereby the corporate UNITED
STATES is a make-believe ship at sea, (maritime law jurisdiction)
a man who is property of the UNITED STATES by way of the
property right legal maxim, accessio cedit principali, accused
of a crime is guilty unless proven innocent.
A demand for discovery/disclosure wherein a demand is made
for proof positive of the authority, means and date which allows
the Government to impose the status of slavery upon Snipes,
plus a affidavit that the free will adult man who uses the name
Wesley Snipes uses the State owned name under private necessity
to sustain and maintain his life, and that the free will man who uses
the State owned name does not consent to be legally identified by
any name. A formal claim of right by notice would also be in order.
A free will adult man cannot be forced to obey corporate Government
rules, nor to have involuntary servitude imposed upon him for using
State owned property under right of necessity.
The status of 'free will' is man's right as God's creation. Man is
not a Government creation.
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