Post by RickHi,
Why did the Blagojevich trial need the jury to reach a unanimous
decision for each count? With unanimous decision is almost impossible
to convict! Wouldn't it be fairer 50%+ or 70%+ ?
First, your wrong about it being almost impossible to convict. The opposite
is true. Most criminal trials end in conviction if they proceed to a jury
conclusion. There are several reasons, but the biggest is that the
prosecutors get to select the cases that go to trial. They won't select any
that have significant risk of losing, except in cases where they have
publicity pressure.
The primary reason we use juries, and the reason we require unanimity, is
historical. Our constitutional drafters had years of experience with a
government form (British monarchy) in which the government's accusation
against a person resulted in conviction and punishment, including prison,
forfeiture and death. The number of innocent people suffering those
punishments, in the personal experience of the drafters, was so high that
the drafters saw the jury as the most important protection standing between
the government and the people. The rule requiring unanimity is the best we
can do to insure that if a mistake is made, it won't result in an innocent
person being sent to prison or the gallows.