2010-10-16 23:19:03 UTC
There used to be a sad, angry old man who posted here. He had all
sorts of delusions, for one thing he used to take at face value the
things Gerry Gable told him about me. That's the man I sued
successfully for libel.
Nigel seemed to believe that all manner of people, black welfare
mothers and others he had no time for were responsible for the current
crisis. Well, no, Nigel, the people who stole your pension and who are
continuing to rip off all of us, are identified clearly in the letter
below. Enjoy.
sorts of delusions, for one thing he used to take at face value the
things Gerry Gable told him about me. That's the man I sued
successfully for libel.
Nigel seemed to believe that all manner of people, black welfare
mothers and others he had no time for were responsible for the current
crisis. Well, no, Nigel, the people who stole your pension and who are
continuing to rip off all of us, are identified clearly in the letter
below. Enjoy.