Could the county notary be answer to what has gone wrong?
(too old to reply)
2007-03-23 06:26:02 UTC
See, links to Google-Group and Live Talk Radio Web-casts - below>>>

By: David Clarence: Expressly Reserving All Liberties. A Man and A
Living Spirit. Not a person, human-being, corporation or other type of

Did you know that the U.S. has a civil flag displaying a state of
peace ? Read the info and history of this flag here -


"I Have a Talk Show" Listen-Live 10:PM Eastern Time Monday evening or
Play Archived segments - Check-out: these links for my most popular
programs -






See, this link for all of my archived shows, here -

New, and improved http://www.TalkShoe.com internet broadcast, "A Voice
of Freedom" by: county notary, in fact every Monday evening 10:PM
Eastern -


Forget!!! the bogus elections, war, economic, constitutional, eminant-
domain, patriot-gobbley-goop, court, IRS and other issues, meant to
only keep your attention and resources, focused on efforts that are
doomed to fail - Access, documents, files, messages, news and stay up
to date, on this "Self Empowernent county Level Movement", to take-
back our Nation states, from the Corrupt! Google Groups - county
notary - the Highest Office in Law! - http://groups.google.com/group/county-notary_highest-office-in-law
2012-10-29 20:31:17 UTC
Post by c***@gmail.com
See, links to Google-Group and Live Talk Radio Web-casts - below>>>
By: David Clarence: Expressly Reserving All Liberties. A Man and A
Living Spirit. Not a person, human-being, corporation or other type of
Did you know that the U.S. has a civil flag displaying a state of
peace ? Read the info and history of this flag here -
"I Have a Talk Show" Listen-Live 10:PM Eastern Time Monday evening or
Play Archived segments - Check-out: these links for my most popular
programs -
See, this link for all of my archived shows, here -
New, and improved http://www.TalkShoe.com internet broadcast, "A Voice
of Freedom" by: county notary, in fact every Monday evening 10:PM
Eastern -
Forget!!! the bogus elections, war, economic, constitutional, eminant-
domain, patriot-gobbley-goop, court, IRS and other issues, meant to
only keep your attention and resources, focused on efforts that are
doomed to fail - Access, documents, files, messages, news and stay up
to date, on this "Self Empowernent county Level Movement", to take-
back our Nation states, from the Corrupt! Google Groups - county
notary - the Highest Office in Law! - http://groups.google.com/group/county-notary_highest-office-in-law
Dear David, trying I have to join your google group but it gives me a message that I do not have permission to access and show a number like this: (#418). Whatever that means. I found this on talk shoes but none of the links works.
Screen Name: county notary
Email: ***@gmail.com
Website: http://groups.google.com/group/county-notary_highest-office-in-law
Age: 62
Overview: Who is this Man and where does he come-up with this stuff? Knowing Who You Are! Freedom From Worldly goober-ments. Your Liberty and Freedom. Host david clarence: All Liberties Expressly Reserved. A Man and A Living Spirit.
Biography: notary - is the Highest office in law! The notary office dates back to creation of Roman office of scribe. Who acted as a witness, creating a record of proceedings and acts. And maintaining the integrity of that record, as the custodian. When the people of ysrael, immigrated north, around the Caucus Mountains. And onto the land now known as Europe. They settled onto an area now called England. When they developed their government. They adopted the office of scribe, naming it notary. The notary performed the duties of scribe, recorder, commissioner and eventually justice of the peace and county judge. When democracy or corporatism was created to appear as law, instead of commerce. It needed a similar or facsimile office of notary. Lawyers always being in commerce, invented a fictional notary office calling it NOTARY PUBLIC. Which is not a true notary - in law. But serves the corporate fiction in a similar, but less capable capacity, as a NOTARY - in commerce. The word PUBLIC was added, from the Roman term publican or tax collector. A NOTARY PUBLIC, has no ability to perform the duties or exercise the authority of commissioner, justice of the peace or judge. Because a NOTARY PUBLIC, is agent for Secretary of State, who is not a judaical officer. The distinction of the two offices are: the notary acts or functions in law, and the NOTARY PUBLIC can only act in commerce, i.e. = collect taxes, called fees. As a recorded, commissioned, silver-bonded, county notary. I serve the sovereign people, who abide upon the county land, as their servant. I occupy their office to provide the sovereign, with recourse to their superior law and justice. The bailiwick or geographical jurisdiction of the county notary office, is defined by treaty, a law of nations. That treaty is - The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, November 15, 1777; in force, since March 1, 1781. An historical document that has never been repealed and remains in full force and effect, even today, as the day it was enacted. The venue is the geographical area of the Union nation states or United States of America, and territories and possessions, claimed by the United States. My commission, oath of office and silver bond, is a matter of public record of the Recorder of Deeds for the corporate County of York, Pennsylvania, Instrument 2005067119, August 31, 2005. The Secretary of State for Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Inc., objected by letter to the county notary office being resurrected from dormancy. He later wrote and withdrew his objection. If I was impersonating an official office, especially a notary or judge. I would have been arrested and so charged. The facts and the law, are: That the county notary, is an office and authority superior to that of the governments of the United States it's corporate States, President, Congress, Supreme Court, United Nations and Hague Court. "Law, always prevails, over commerce". The People are the Law of the Land. Commerce is the law of inferior corporations. This broadcast is brought as a service. To educate and inform the people of their Liberties, Duties and Choices. You may access the county notary Google-Group, documents, files, discussions and other information here - http://groups.Google.com/group/county-notary_highest-office-in-law.

I hope I can talk with you one day. Mirian
