It's as sharp as a razor. That's why it's disappeared from your TV screens
(too old to reply)
Special Care
2009-10-30 01:17:24 UTC
I have the time tonight, and I'm viewing it again in its entirety:

It's as sharp as a razor.

Clarity of thought is what dictatorships must discourage.

If we think clearly, we will shove the ruling group down the toilet.

Clarity of thought, razor sharp, conveyed by REAL MEN, such as Glenn
[and not some slimy little dumbed-down end-time git like Leonardo
is what distinguishes this movie from other depictions of the ruling

The towering presence of Glenn Ford gives it a sense of authenticity
and immediacy and realism.

"The Brotherhood of the Bell" is a work of genius.

It holds up a mirror, a mirror with razor sharp focus, to the ruling
group, and they turn away in shame and suppress it.

If it were circulated on cable/satellite TV and issued as an official
DVD, in the present atmosphere of awareness, it would generate vast
multi-billion dollar profits for the copyright owners.

It could be transferred to the stage, like "The Graduate," for
example, and generate vast profits and glory in the theatre in London
and New York.

Yet this amazing accomplishment of dramatic genius is never mentioned
nowadays except at these obscure youtube links.

Shades of Hans Ruesch.

[click on the displayed youtube links sequentially for the additional
Special Care
2009-10-30 02:35:51 UTC

If you view it from start to finish, you will see why the ruling group
suppressed it.

There is Glenn Ford's towering presence as the role model for every
male in this world....

.... with regard to how we relate to the ruling group.

There is the razor sharp depiction of how the present civilisation

But it's the final scene that does it. The ending.

That's largely why it was suppressed, despite its huge money-making

There is Glenn Ford, as the man we all want to be...
... well, I hope you do too....

And there is the young man who runs after him in the closing


It wouldn't do.... to put ideas into our heads.

Despite the billions of dollars in royalties to be gained from selling
on that film and milking it for all it was worth....

...it had to be suppressed....

It might have put ideas into our heads, with its razor sharp depiction
of the way things really are, and the ending showing what the solution

["coming out" .... one by one....]


[click on the displayed youtube links sequentially for the additional
2009-10-31 02:07:44 UTC
Post by Special Care
If you view it from start to finish, you will see why the ruling group
suppressed it.
It's on YouTube.

YouTube is owned by Google.

Google is primarily owned by billionaires, members of the "ruling
group" if there are any.

So the so-called "ruling group" is providing copies, for free, to
anyone who wants.

This is a meaning for "suppressed" with which I am not previously

Special Care
2009-10-31 21:43:20 UTC
Post by Seth
Post by Special Care
If you view it from start to finish, you will see why the ruling group
suppressed it.
It's on YouTube.
YouTube is owned by Google.
Google is primarily owned by billionaires, members of the "ruling
group" if there are any.
So the so-called "ruling group" is providing copies, for free, to
anyone who wants.
This is a meaning for "suppressed" with which I am not previously

It's relative.

There is a limit to what can be done without being seen as openly

I have often referred to the coming final solution as -

There has to be a pretence of freedom, with FAKE DEBATES.

You have not addressed my main point:

That USA movie starring an iconic and revered American actor could
right now be generating vast multi-billion dollar profits for its
copyright holders if it were being sold to satellite / cable / DVD
companies all over the world, as it strikes a chord with present day
awareness of the true nature of our civilisation and is what people
want to see right now.

Yet "The Brotherhood of the Bell" is absent from mainstream and
satellite/cable tv, and from mainstream DVD outlets.

Everything is relative.
2009-11-06 16:41:09 UTC
Post by Special Care
Post by Seth
Post by Special Care
If you view it from start to finish, you will see why the ruling group
suppressed it.
It's on YouTube.
YouTube is owned by Google.
It's relative.
There is a limit to what can be done without being seen as openly
So, according to you, they suppressed it, except for the suppressing
it part.

That makes as much sense as the rest of your postings.
Post by Special Care
That USA movie starring an iconic and revered American actor could
right now be generating vast multi-billion dollar profits for its
copyright holders if it were being sold to satellite / cable / DVD
companies all over the world, as it strikes a chord with present day
awareness of the true nature of our civilisation and is what people
want to see right now.
Professionals who make a living at predicting how well (proposed)
movies will do in the marketplace are notoriously bad at it. There
are reasons to believe that they're better than others would be,
despite that.

You claim that your expertise in predicting sales and revenues exceeds
theirs. If that were true, you ought to be able to get a job paying
you millions of dollars for exercising that expertise. Why haven't
you done so?

2009-11-06 16:57:22 UTC
Post by Seth
Post by Special Care
That USA movie starring an iconic and revered American actor could
right now be generating vast multi-billion dollar profits for its
copyright holders if it were being sold to satellite / cable / DVD
companies all over the world, as it strikes a chord with present day
awareness of the true nature of our civilisation and is what people
want to see right now.
Professionals who make a living at predicting how well (proposed)
movies will do in the marketplace are notoriously bad at it. There
are reasons to believe that they're better than others would be,
despite that.
You claim that your expertise in predicting sales and revenues exceeds
theirs. If that were true, you ought to be able to get a job paying
you millions of dollars for exercising that expertise. Why haven't
you done so?
If he's talking about Glenn Ford, then the interesting thing is that Ford
went out of fashion very quickly when quite young. He was a huge star, and
then he was suddenly grateful to get a TV series. Now most people have
forgotten him.

If this wasn't about Glenn Ford then we can start a new thread.

2009-11-01 22:45:11 UTC
In article
Post by Special Care
If you view it from start to finish, you will see why the ruling
group suppressed it.
It's on YouTube.
YouTube is owned by Google.
Google is primarily owned by billionaires, members of the "ruling
group" if there are any.
So the so-called "ruling group" is providing copies, for free, to
anyone who wants.
This is a meaning for "suppressed" with which I am not previously
At no stage in human history has it been less possible to suppress any kind
of reproducible art. A very, very short time ago, the only way to see most
of the films in existence was to wait for them to be shown on television.
Obviously most films would never get shown, and those that were shown would
only appear once or twice a year. Before that, you had a short window of
opportunity to catch a new film in the cinema, and then they simply
disappeared. People became film buffs having seen only a handful of films,
relying on magazines and interviews to refresh their memories. Now you can
amass a huge collection of classic films free with your newspapers.

Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
2009-10-30 09:28:30 UTC
Post by Special Care
It's as sharp as a razor.
Clarity of thought is what dictatorships must discourage.
If we think clearly, we will shove the ruling group down the toilet.
Clarity of thought, razor sharp, conveyed by REAL MEN, such as Glenn
[and not some slimy little dumbed-down end-time git like Leonardo
is what distinguishes this movie from other depictions of the ruling
The towering presence of Glenn Ford gives it a sense of authenticity
and immediacy and realism.
"The Brotherhood of the Bell" is a work of genius.
It holds up a mirror, a mirror with razor sharp focus, to the ruling
group, and they turn away in shame and suppress it.
If it were circulated on cable/satellite TV and issued as an official
DVD, in the present atmosphere of awareness, it would generate vast
multi-billion dollar profits for the copyright owners.
It could be transferred to the stage, like "The Graduate," for
example, and generate vast profits and glory in the theatre in London
and New York.
Yet this amazing accomplishment of dramatic genius is never mentioned
nowadays except at these obscure youtube links.
Maybe it is just a shite film.
People are free to buy it and watch it if they want. It is suppressed
in your paranoid imagination.

So this is where you get your information from? Watching B movies?
Post by Special Care
Shades of Hans Ruesch.
[click on the displayed youtube links sequentially for the additional
Special Care
2009-10-30 21:13:37 UTC
On Oct 30, 9:28 am, "Augustus O'Muircheartaigh"
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Post by Special Care
Yet this amazing accomplishment of dramatic genius is never mentioned
nowadays except at these obscure youtube links.
Maybe it is just a shite film.
People are free to buy it and watch it if they want.  It is suppressed
in your paranoid imagination.

Where can I buy it and where can I watch it, other than on those
obscure youtube links?
Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
2009-10-30 23:00:38 UTC
Post by Special Care
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Post by Special Care
Yet this amazing accomplishment of dramatic genius is never mentioned
nowadays except at these obscure youtube links.
Maybe it is just a shite film.
People are free to buy it and watch it if they want.  It is suppressed
in your paranoid imagination.
Where can I buy it and where can I watch it, other than on those
obscure youtube links?
ehhhh you seem to think youtube is obscure??
It has a wikipedia page
It is clearly featured in the internet movie database
You can download it here
or here
or here with various bit torrents
and from about 20 other sites

you really are a looney.
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