Special Care
2009-09-05 09:01:25 UTC
The panic / hysteria surrounding paedophilia is taking place in a
compartment of the mind, cut off from important realities of life. As
such, the ongoing debate on paedophilia is another symptom of the
*collective mental illness* afflicting all human beings. In short, we
are terrified of thinking straight, terrified of focusing our minds
and seeing the world as it actually is.
To see how ridiculous the present "debate" is, everyone should read
what Dr Niles Newton had to say about the true nature of the mother-
infant relationship, some crucial paragraphs being as follows:
"The survival of the human race, long before the concept of "duty"
evolved, depended on the satisfactions gained from two voluntary acts
of reproduction --coitus and breast-feeding. (Newton & Newton 1967).
These had to be sufficiently pleasurable to ensure their frequent
occurrence (Newton 1973, 81).
I will now clarify the close connection between breast-feeding and
intercourse through the following description applicable to both:
Tactile stimulation produces an erection on an erogenous bodily
protuberance accompanied by excitation of both participant’s genitals
(see ahead for further elaboration on this point). Subsequently, a
white, life-promoting fluid is ejected from the protuberance into an
orifice of the other participant. The process has two effects:
pleasure in both participants and the promotion of human life. Now,
connect the two processes sequentially, it is essential to human
reproduction that, first, a baby is produced (coitus), and, second,
that the baby is preserved (breast-feeding); and evolution (always
utilizing the most economic means available) motivates both through
means of sexual pleasure.
It must be remembered that non-human mammals will not be motivated to
breast-feed through an “intellectual appreciation” of its health
benefits to their babies. The female mammal only recognizes that,
intercourse, breast-feeding “feels really good”, and thus evolution
promotes, through sexual pleasure, both habits crucial to
survival. ...........
...... Looking at *The Complete Book of Breast-feeding* , it is noted
that while nursing,
some form of sexual gratification...is commonly recognized. Some
experience clitoral sensations during nursing, with accompanying
vaginal lubrication (Eiger and Olds 1981, 134).
...Three incidents of orgasm experienced while nursing were included
in the Masters and Johnson reports. While such orgasm does
occasionally occur, it seems to be quite rare among nursing women in
the general population. (Unless it is more widespread than we think,
but is not generally acknowledged.) (Eiger and Olds 1981, 134)
As biosocial researcher Alice Rossi aptly notes:
Provide a woman with a rocking chair, and the far-away look of
pleasure one often sees among nursing mothers is much closer to the
sensual Eve than to the saintly Mary (Rossi 1977, 29).
And the erotic feelings are mutual:
As the infant grows older he shows eager body responses to nursing.
Rhythmic movements of hands, feet, fingers and toes may occur. The
mother’s breast may often be stroked by the infant’s hand as he
Erection of the penis is common in male babies. After feeding there
often a relaxation that is characteristic of the conclusion of
satisfactory sexual response (Newton 1973, 82).
Even Freud recognized the baby’s obvious sexual enjoyment of
breastfeeding. He saw that sexuality began at the breast and that the
mother was the child’s “first seducer” (Freud 1955, vol. XXIII, p.
Beyond analysis of the participants, it is clear that the
physiological process of breast-feeding is sexual. The way milk is
“ejected” is notably similar to male ejaculation upon orgasm. As far
back as 1915, a researcher recognized what he termed the “milk-
ejection reflex”. He noted that nursing excites “...a reflex
contraction of the gland musculature and expression of milk. There is
a latent period of 35 to 65 seconds...” He then observed that the
increased flow of milk following the latent period after stimulation
was associated with a steep rise in pressure within the gland. The
milk was then “ejected”, often forcefully (Gaines 1915, 285-312). And
going further, there is an actual physical linking of the breast-
feeding process with genital intercourse.
In 1839, a researcher described the occurrence of milk ejection, the
milk actually spurting
from the nipple, in a lactating woman during coitus. Stranger still,
he notes that, according to Herodotus, this natural phenomenon is
actually utilized by the ancient Scythians when they milk their
“They take blowpipes of bone, very like flutes, and put them into the
genitals of the mares and blow with their mouths” (Powell 1949, 2).
Others then gather the milk as it flows out.
This link between sexual stimulation and the flow of milk should be
understood and utilized by the nursing mother to more fully satisfy
the baby, both nutritionally
and emotionally, as well as herself:
...the degree of milk ejection appears to be related to the degree of
erotic response. The nipple-erection reflex may lead to more
nursing, increasing the satisfaction for the sucking infant as well
for the mother (Martinson 1980, 37).
Based upon all that has here been considered, it should be clear
from the scientific perspective, breast-feeding is a sexual
[End of quotes, presented by Dale Glabach.]
This should be thought of in conjunction with Peter Newman's
contributions, which help to complete the picture:
"Your Baby is not a Sack of Potatoes, Mrs !"
The bottom line (pun unintentional) is the highly suppressed and
almost ignored FACT and REALITY of everybody's life, including YOUR
life, and it is this:
In Logic this is called Reduction to Absurdity [reductio ad absurdum],
demonstrating that the existing premises / axioms of a theorem are
either false or incomplete or both.
The point I am conveying here is that the present debate on
paedophilia is just that: false and incomplete, a FAKE DEBATE which is
leading nowhere, taking place in a cut-off compartment of the mind,
separate from the important realities of our lives.
The words of Dr Niles Newton and others as quoted above are your
passport to REALITY, the basis of the REAL debate, the debate we will
pursue whenever we find the courage to deal in the REALITIES of our
lives, instead of running away from the realities of our lives (=The
Forbidden Subjects), as we are now.
PS - People who violate and exploit children have to be locked up,
preferably for life. We are so far off the rails after eleven thousand
years of *survivalist mode* madness that we cannot make any immediate
changes to the way we relate to babies and young people. What is
required is a period of re-education / reorientation among adults,
leading to a time when the entire population will understand the
errors of *survivalist mode* and make the collective decision to
change our laws so as to introduce decency and caring to our dealings
with the subsequent generation of babies.
The panic / hysteria surrounding paedophilia is taking place in a
compartment of the mind, cut off from important realities of life. As
such, the ongoing debate on paedophilia is another symptom of the
*collective mental illness* afflicting all human beings. In short, we
are terrified of thinking straight, terrified of focusing our minds
and seeing the world as it actually is.
To see how ridiculous the present "debate" is, everyone should read
what Dr Niles Newton had to say about the true nature of the mother-
infant relationship, some crucial paragraphs being as follows:
"The survival of the human race, long before the concept of "duty"
evolved, depended on the satisfactions gained from two voluntary acts
of reproduction --coitus and breast-feeding. (Newton & Newton 1967).
These had to be sufficiently pleasurable to ensure their frequent
occurrence (Newton 1973, 81).
I will now clarify the close connection between breast-feeding and
intercourse through the following description applicable to both:
Tactile stimulation produces an erection on an erogenous bodily
protuberance accompanied by excitation of both participant’s genitals
(see ahead for further elaboration on this point). Subsequently, a
white, life-promoting fluid is ejected from the protuberance into an
orifice of the other participant. The process has two effects:
pleasure in both participants and the promotion of human life. Now,
connect the two processes sequentially, it is essential to human
reproduction that, first, a baby is produced (coitus), and, second,
that the baby is preserved (breast-feeding); and evolution (always
utilizing the most economic means available) motivates both through
means of sexual pleasure.
It must be remembered that non-human mammals will not be motivated to
breast-feed through an “intellectual appreciation” of its health
benefits to their babies. The female mammal only recognizes that,
intercourse, breast-feeding “feels really good”, and thus evolution
promotes, through sexual pleasure, both habits crucial to
survival. ...........
...... Looking at *The Complete Book of Breast-feeding* , it is noted
that while nursing,
some form of sexual gratification...is commonly recognized. Some
experience clitoral sensations during nursing, with accompanying
vaginal lubrication (Eiger and Olds 1981, 134).
...Three incidents of orgasm experienced while nursing were included
in the Masters and Johnson reports. While such orgasm does
occasionally occur, it seems to be quite rare among nursing women in
the general population. (Unless it is more widespread than we think,
but is not generally acknowledged.) (Eiger and Olds 1981, 134)
As biosocial researcher Alice Rossi aptly notes:
Provide a woman with a rocking chair, and the far-away look of
pleasure one often sees among nursing mothers is much closer to the
sensual Eve than to the saintly Mary (Rossi 1977, 29).
And the erotic feelings are mutual:
As the infant grows older he shows eager body responses to nursing.
Rhythmic movements of hands, feet, fingers and toes may occur. The
mother’s breast may often be stroked by the infant’s hand as he
Erection of the penis is common in male babies. After feeding there
often a relaxation that is characteristic of the conclusion of
satisfactory sexual response (Newton 1973, 82).
Even Freud recognized the baby’s obvious sexual enjoyment of
breastfeeding. He saw that sexuality began at the breast and that the
mother was the child’s “first seducer” (Freud 1955, vol. XXIII, p.
Beyond analysis of the participants, it is clear that the
physiological process of breast-feeding is sexual. The way milk is
“ejected” is notably similar to male ejaculation upon orgasm. As far
back as 1915, a researcher recognized what he termed the “milk-
ejection reflex”. He noted that nursing excites “...a reflex
contraction of the gland musculature and expression of milk. There is
a latent period of 35 to 65 seconds...” He then observed that the
increased flow of milk following the latent period after stimulation
was associated with a steep rise in pressure within the gland. The
milk was then “ejected”, often forcefully (Gaines 1915, 285-312). And
going further, there is an actual physical linking of the breast-
feeding process with genital intercourse.
In 1839, a researcher described the occurrence of milk ejection, the
milk actually spurting
from the nipple, in a lactating woman during coitus. Stranger still,
he notes that, according to Herodotus, this natural phenomenon is
actually utilized by the ancient Scythians when they milk their
“They take blowpipes of bone, very like flutes, and put them into the
genitals of the mares and blow with their mouths” (Powell 1949, 2).
Others then gather the milk as it flows out.
This link between sexual stimulation and the flow of milk should be
understood and utilized by the nursing mother to more fully satisfy
the baby, both nutritionally
and emotionally, as well as herself:
...the degree of milk ejection appears to be related to the degree of
erotic response. The nipple-erection reflex may lead to more
nursing, increasing the satisfaction for the sucking infant as well
for the mother (Martinson 1980, 37).
Based upon all that has here been considered, it should be clear
from the scientific perspective, breast-feeding is a sexual
[End of quotes, presented by Dale Glabach.]
This should be thought of in conjunction with Peter Newman's
contributions, which help to complete the picture:
"Your Baby is not a Sack of Potatoes, Mrs !"
The bottom line (pun unintentional) is the highly suppressed and
almost ignored FACT and REALITY of everybody's life, including YOUR
life, and it is this:
In Logic this is called Reduction to Absurdity [reductio ad absurdum],
demonstrating that the existing premises / axioms of a theorem are
either false or incomplete or both.
The point I am conveying here is that the present debate on
paedophilia is just that: false and incomplete, a FAKE DEBATE which is
leading nowhere, taking place in a cut-off compartment of the mind,
separate from the important realities of our lives.
The words of Dr Niles Newton and others as quoted above are your
passport to REALITY, the basis of the REAL debate, the debate we will
pursue whenever we find the courage to deal in the REALITIES of our
lives, instead of running away from the realities of our lives (=The
Forbidden Subjects), as we are now.
PS - People who violate and exploit children have to be locked up,
preferably for life. We are so far off the rails after eleven thousand
years of *survivalist mode* madness that we cannot make any immediate
changes to the way we relate to babies and young people. What is
required is a period of re-education / reorientation among adults,
leading to a time when the entire population will understand the
errors of *survivalist mode* and make the collective decision to
change our laws so as to introduce decency and caring to our dealings
with the subsequent generation of babies.