The Fake Debate on Paedophilia
(too old to reply)
Special Care
2009-09-05 09:01:25 UTC



The panic / hysteria surrounding paedophilia is taking place in a
compartment of the mind, cut off from important realities of life. As
such, the ongoing debate on paedophilia is another symptom of the
*collective mental illness* afflicting all human beings. In short, we
are terrified of thinking straight, terrified of focusing our minds
and seeing the world as it actually is.

To see how ridiculous the present "debate" is, everyone should read
what Dr Niles Newton had to say about the true nature of the mother-
infant relationship, some crucial paragraphs being as follows:

"The survival of the human race, long before the concept of "duty"
evolved, depended on the satisfactions gained from two voluntary acts
of reproduction --coitus and breast-feeding. (Newton & Newton 1967).
These had to be sufficiently pleasurable to ensure their frequent
occurrence (Newton 1973, 81).

I will now clarify the close connection between breast-feeding and
intercourse through the following description applicable to both:

Tactile stimulation produces an erection on an erogenous bodily
protuberance accompanied by excitation of both participant’s genitals
(see ahead for further elaboration on this point). Subsequently, a
white, life-promoting fluid is ejected from the protuberance into an
orifice of the other participant. The process has two effects:
pleasure in both participants and the promotion of human life. Now,
connect the two processes sequentially, it is essential to human
reproduction that, first, a baby is produced (coitus), and, second,
that the baby is preserved (breast-feeding); and evolution (always
utilizing the most economic means available) motivates both through
means of sexual pleasure.

It must be remembered that non-human mammals will not be motivated to
breast-feed through an “intellectual appreciation” of its health
benefits to their babies. The female mammal only recognizes that,
intercourse, breast-feeding “feels really good”, and thus evolution
promotes, through sexual pleasure, both habits crucial to
survival. ...........

...... Looking at *The Complete Book of Breast-feeding* , it is noted
that while nursing,
some form of sexual gratification...is commonly recognized. Some
experience clitoral sensations during nursing, with accompanying
vaginal lubrication (Eiger and Olds 1981, 134).
...Three incidents of orgasm experienced while nursing were included
in the Masters and Johnson reports. While such orgasm does
occasionally occur, it seems to be quite rare among nursing women in
the general population. (Unless it is more widespread than we think,
but is not generally acknowledged.) (Eiger and Olds 1981, 134)

As biosocial researcher Alice Rossi aptly notes:
Provide a woman with a rocking chair, and the far-away look of
pleasure one often sees among nursing mothers is much closer to the
sensual Eve than to the saintly Mary (Rossi 1977, 29).

And the erotic feelings are mutual:

As the infant grows older he shows eager body responses to nursing.
Rhythmic movements of hands, feet, fingers and toes may occur. The
mother’s breast may often be stroked by the infant’s hand as he
Erection of the penis is common in male babies. After feeding there
often a relaxation that is characteristic of the conclusion of
satisfactory sexual response (Newton 1973, 82).

Even Freud recognized the baby’s obvious sexual enjoyment of
breastfeeding. He saw that sexuality began at the breast and that the
mother was the child’s “first seducer” (Freud 1955, vol. XXIII, p.

Beyond analysis of the participants, it is clear that the
physiological process of breast-feeding is sexual. The way milk is
“ejected” is notably similar to male ejaculation upon orgasm. As far
back as 1915, a researcher recognized what he termed the “milk-
ejection reflex”. He noted that nursing excites “...a reflex
contraction of the gland musculature and expression of milk. There is
a latent period of 35 to 65 seconds...” He then observed that the
increased flow of milk following the latent period after stimulation
was associated with a steep rise in pressure within the gland. The
milk was then “ejected”, often forcefully (Gaines 1915, 285-312). And
going further, there is an actual physical linking of the breast-
feeding process with genital intercourse.
In 1839, a researcher described the occurrence of milk ejection, the
milk actually spurting
from the nipple, in a lactating woman during coitus. Stranger still,
he notes that, according to Herodotus, this natural phenomenon is
actually utilized by the ancient Scythians when they milk their
“They take blowpipes of bone, very like flutes, and put them into the
genitals of the mares and blow with their mouths” (Powell 1949, 2).
Others then gather the milk as it flows out.

This link between sexual stimulation and the flow of milk should be
understood and utilized by the nursing mother to more fully satisfy
the baby, both nutritionally
and emotionally, as well as herself:
...the degree of milk ejection appears to be related to the degree of
erotic response. The nipple-erection reflex may lead to more
nursing, increasing the satisfaction for the sucking infant as well
for the mother (Martinson 1980, 37).

Based upon all that has here been considered, it should be clear
from the scientific perspective, breast-feeding is a sexual
[End of quotes, presented by Dale Glabach.]


This should be thought of in conjunction with Peter Newman's
contributions, which help to complete the picture:
"Your Baby is not a Sack of Potatoes, Mrs !"

The bottom line (pun unintentional) is the highly suppressed and
almost ignored FACT and REALITY of everybody's life, including YOUR
life, and it is this:


In Logic this is called Reduction to Absurdity [reductio ad absurdum],
demonstrating that the existing premises / axioms of a theorem are
either false or incomplete or both.
The point I am conveying here is that the present debate on
paedophilia is just that: false and incomplete, a FAKE DEBATE which is
leading nowhere, taking place in a cut-off compartment of the mind,
separate from the important realities of our lives.

The words of Dr Niles Newton and others as quoted above are your
passport to REALITY, the basis of the REAL debate, the debate we will
pursue whenever we find the courage to deal in the REALITIES of our
lives, instead of running away from the realities of our lives (=The
Forbidden Subjects), as we are now.

PS - People who violate and exploit children have to be locked up,
preferably for life. We are so far off the rails after eleven thousand
years of *survivalist mode* madness that we cannot make any immediate
changes to the way we relate to babies and young people. What is
required is a period of re-education / reorientation among adults,
leading to a time when the entire population will understand the
errors of *survivalist mode* and make the collective decision to
change our laws so as to introduce decency and caring to our dealings
with the subsequent generation of babies.
Special Care
2009-09-05 19:42:28 UTC
Oxana Malaya supplied in vivid form another important part of the


Every growing child has an overwhelming impulse to IMITATE and REPEAT
the initial SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP with Mummy.

Oxana demonstrates just how much we wanted to continue doing what
comes naturally.

But our mothers blasted us to hell with TOXIC SHAME to suppress our
natural love impulse for our mothers, to reduce us to soldier

If a boy is allowed to love Mummy as Mummy loved her boy, then we will
have no soldiers to fight wars in Afghanistan.

Oxana teaches us.

It's about asking this question:


(a) Mummy's love
(b) Mummy's betrayal under the smokescreen of toxic shame?

If Mummy let's her son IMITATE and REPEAT the loving caresses of early


If Mummy betrays her baby by rejecting and tormenting her baby, by
prohibiting her baby from returning her loving caresses............

It could not be simpler. I don't know why I had to say it more than

What is wrong with you geezers out there?

You blokes out there need to screw your heads back onto your necks
(for jayzizz sake).
Your Baby is not a Sack of Potatoes, Mrs !
Special Care
2009-09-06 11:14:05 UTC
Post by Special Care
Oxana Malaya supplied in vivid form another important part of the

Part of the problem is that Oxana has wounded your pride by teaching
you that - in large measure - human beings are only automatons.
Not completely, but largely automatons, condemned to cycles of
repetition, personally and collectively.

Ironically, this knowledge is precisely what gives us a real
opportunity NOT to be automatons in the ultimate sense,
by CHOOSING what we are going to be IMITATING and REPEATING !

To make that fateful and revolutionary CHOICE, we have to confront and
"process" the Forbidden Subjects.
Crucially, we have to begin the worldwide re-education / reorientation
classes among adults with the long-term aim of straightening out our
thinking with regard to the true nature of the mother-infant
relationship, and planning for the day when we finally will change our
laws and - at long last - introduce decency and caring into our
dealings with the subsequent generation of babies -
so that from there on we all will be IMITATING and REPEATING that new
decency and caring in the mother-infant relationship for the first
time in eleven thousand years.

So simple.
Why do I have to say it to you more than once?
Oxana Malaya supplied in vivid form another important part of the

Your Baby is not a Sack of Potatoes, Mrs !
Special Care
2009-09-25 09:05:51 UTC

The big blind spot is that - according to our laws and our agreed
definitions - every mother in the world is a paedophile, a sexual
pervert, a child abuser, a woman who engages in sex with babies. That
is a true statement, according to our laws and agreed definitions, and
so it is equally true, according to our legal system, that every
mother in the world should be jailed or locked in a mental hospital
for life and prohibited from all contact with children. That is the
logical outcome of the laws we have on the statute book - every mother
in the world must be arrested and prohibited from all further contact
with children.

This is called REDUCTION TO ABSURDITY, signifying that a discussion is
based on fake axioms, or that a law or a belief must be flawed or

Mothers engage in an intense sexual relationship with their babies.
For example, how many times did your mother stroke your anus at potty
time and bath time? Think of all that delightful pleasure she gave you
in your anus, and how intensely and unavoidably you longed to pleasure
your mother in her anus in exactly the same way (before the toxic
shame and amnesia kicked in).

To say that mothers are exempt from the laws we have made prohibiting
sex with children is not good enough - especially when you look at the
Oxana Malaya video and understand its implications.

This inability to think coherently and consistently shows that all
human beings, all six billion of us, are very severely mentally

Our inability to see the mother-infant relationship as it actually is,
along with its implications for the course of our lives and the nature
of our civilisation - is actually what is causing all the hate and
conflict in the world. Again think of Oxana Malaya and what she is
telling us.

All things are connected, and our inability to confront the Forbidden
Subjects, our mental paralysis, our stupidity, is partly explained by
the continuous increase in the concentration of "animal
tested" [=untested] poisons in our brains, which can only keep driving
us more and more insane, making our behaviour more and more stupid and
unpredictable and anarchic as the years pass.
"Collective Mental Illness"

Oxana Malaya supplied another important part of the picture:

Your Baby is not a Sack of Potatoes, Mrs !
Old Jinglebollocks
2009-09-28 19:33:58 UTC

Old Jinglebollocks
2009-09-29 21:25:09 UTC
On Sep 28, 8:33 pm, Old Jinglebollocks
Post by Old Jinglebollocks

Old Jinglebollocks
2009-09-29 21:55:42 UTC



It is possible to recover from the collective mental illness that
afflicts all human beings and makes our civilisation the madhouse
it is.

It is possible to "sign yourself out" from the global lunatic asylum
into which we all were born.

I can help you to do that, by showing you how to fit together the
major Forbidden Subjects into a coherent whole.



Breast feeding is sexual intercourse between mother and baby.

In addition, the pleasure the mother gives to her baby in his anus,
usually accompanied with loving eye contact and smiles of delight,
corresponds almost precisely with face to face adult sex play, and is
an integral part of the sexual relationship between mother and baby.

agreed definitions, and that fact is only one of numerous
demonstrations of the severity of the collective mental illness in
which we all were "raised" and "educated."

NOT born into it. "Raised" and "educated" in collective mental
illness. Babies are born sane. For "raised" and "educated" read
CRUSHED and DRIVEN INSANE, and that means all of us. That is why you
don't remember your infancy. Amnesia was the only refuge from the
horrors of the survivalist-mode mother-infant relationship.


[Begin extract by Dale Glabach, Clinical Evolutionary Psychologist /
his complete article is at link below:]


"Dr. Niles Newton..... gives us a clear evolutionary definition of
breast-feeding experience:

The survival of the human race, long before the concept of "duty" was
evolved, depended on the satisfactions gained from two voluntary acts
of reproduction --coitus and breast-feeding. (Newton & Newton 1967).
These had to be sufficiently pleasurable to ensure their frequent
occurrence (Newton 1973, 81).

I will now clarify the close connection between breast-feeding and
intercourse through the following description applicable to both:

Tactile stimulation produces an erection on an erogenous bodily
protuberance accompanied by excitation of both participant’s genitals
(see ahead for further elaboration on this point). Subsequently, a
white, life-promoting fluid is ejected from the protuberance into an
orifice of the other participant. The process has two effects:
pleasure in both participants and the promotion of human life. Now,
connect the two processes sequentially, it is essential to human
reproduction that, first, a baby is produced (coitus), and, second,
that the baby is preserved (breast-feeding); and evolution (always
utilizing the most economic means available) motivates both through
means of sexual pleasure.

It must be remembered that non-human mammals will not be motivated to
breast-feed through an “intellectual appreciation” of its health
benefits to their babies. The female mammal only recognizes that,
intercourse, breast-feeding “feels really good”, and thus evolution
promotes, through sexual pleasure, both habits crucial to survival.
must be recognized that breastfeeding, even if considered as
“incestuous” sex (as it had been labeled by the hysterical hot-line
volunteer), is primary. It is the first intercourse that any human
being experiences!

The first objection to this line of evolutionary reasoning would be:
“Yes, but women don’t generally experience it this way”. This
does not comport with the facts. Looking at *The Complete Book of
Breast-feeding* , it is noted that while nursing,

Some form of sexual gratification...is commonly recognized. Some
experience clitoral sensations during nursing, with accompanying
vaginal lubrication (Eiger and Olds 1981, 134).
...Three incidents of orgasm experienced while nursing were included
in the Masters and Johnson reports. While such orgasm does
occasionally occur, it seems to be quite rare among nursing women in
the general population. (Unless it is more widespread than we think,
but is not generally acknowledged.)(Eiger and Olds 1981, 134)

As biosocial researcher Alice Rossi aptly notes

Provide a woman with a rocking chair, and the far-away look of
pleasure one often sees among nursing mothers is much closer to the
sensual Eve than to the saintly Mary (Rossi 1977, 29).

And the erotic feelings are mutual:

As the infant grows older he shows eager body responses to nursing.
Rhythmic movements of hands, feet, fingers and toes may occur. The
mother’s breast may often be stroked by the infant’s hand as he
Erection of the penis is common in male babies. After feeding there
often a relaxation that is characteristic of the conclusion of
satisfactory sexual response (Newton 1973, 82).

Even Freud recognized the baby’s obvious sexual enjoyment of
breastfeeding. He saw that sexuality began at the breast and that the
mother was the child’s “first seducer” (Freud 1955, vol. XXIII, p.

Beyond analysis of the participants, it is clear that the
physiological process of breast-feeding is sexual. The way milk is
“ejected” is notably similar to male ejaculation upon orgasm. As far
back as 1915, a researcher recognized what he termed the “milk-
ejection reflex”. He noted that nursing excites “...a reflex
contraction of the gland musculature and expression of milk. There is
a latent period of 35 to 65 seconds...” He then observed that the
increased flow of milk following the latent period after stimulation
was associated with a steep rise in pressure within the gland. The
milk was then “ejected”, often forcefully (Gaines 1915, 285-312). And
going further, there is an actual physical linking of the breast-
feeding process with genital intercourse. In 1839, a researcher
described the occurrence of milk ejection, the milk actually spurting
from the nipple, in a lactating woman during coitus. Stranger still,
he notes that, according to Herodotus, this natural phenomenon is
actually utilized by the ancient Scythians when they milk their
“They take blowpipes of bone, very like flutes, and put them into the
genitals of the mares and blow with their mouths” (Powell 1949, 2).
Others then gather the milk as it flows out. This link between sexual
stimulation and the flow of milk should be understood and utilized by
the nursing mother to more fully satisfy the baby, both nutritionally
and emotionally, as well as herself:

...the degree of milk ejection appears to be related to the degree of
erotic response. The nipple-erection reflex may lead to more
nursing, increasing the satisfaction for the sucking infant as well
for the mother (Martinson 1980, 37).

Based upon all that has here been considered, it should be clear
from the scientific perspective, breast-feeding is a sexual

[end of quotes from Dale Glabach, Dr Niles Newton and others]


The Oxana Malaya video demonstrates vividly the basic law of life
every living organism has an irresistible urge to IMITATE and REPEAT
early formative experiences, *especially those associated with
physical survival* .

Those of us who wish to recover our sanity should bear in mind what
written above regarding the true nature of breastfeeding, then view
the Oxana Malaya video and next, without pause, look at "Your Baby is
not a Sack of Potatoes, Mrs !"

Oxana Malaya and the irresistible force of repetition compulsion:

The significance of the pleasure the mother gives to her baby in his
"Your Baby is not a Sack of Potatoes, Mrs !"

Now, if you really want to recover your sanity fully, consider that
psychologists who work with feral children such as Oxana report that
'rewiring' these children, teaching them NOT to imitate and repeat
their early formative experiences with the animals who loved them,
causes severe emotional distress to such children.

Keep following the logic, all the way to its terminus, all the way
back to sanity.

[But do NOT ask further advice from self-styled "experts" or
"scientists" or "therapists." If you do that, you're sunk. They'll
drag you back down to their level.]

Your mother did that to you. Your mother violated the most
law of life, the law of 'imprinting' / 'brain wiring' - when she
prohibited her growing child from imitating and repeating the
loving harmony and pleasurable caresses of the early mother-infant
And THAT is where child abuse enters this world: when the mother ENDS
her sexual relationship with her baby.
It is for THAT reason that our civilisation is a madhouse. And that
why you don't remember your infancy. Amnesia was the only refuge from
such horrendous child abuse perpetrated by every mother in the world,
the tragic rejection and betrayal of the Universal Infant, the ENDING
of the sexual relationship with mother - in which we all began our
lives and which we all needed to keep imitating and repeating, with
our mothers and with other children.

Oxana Malaya teaches us that every baby automatically has an
overwhelming impulse to keep repeating the joyful acts of
breastfeeding and the beautiful anal caresses of early infancy. If
permitted to function naturally, the growing child will express love
by continuing to IMITATE and REPEAT (Oxana style) such harmonious and
enjoyable caresses, with the mother and with other children. And yet
we say that to allow the infant to carry on loving the mother and
loving other children in this way - is child abuse.

Pleasure is abuse.
Love is abuse.
Natural functioning is abuse.

At this point, if you still wish to regain your sanity, look at the
opening scenes of the old BBC tv adaptation of George Orwell's
and see the slogans emblazoned on the headquarters of the dreaded
Ministry of Truth:


And compare those slogans with the present civilisation's approach to
what we call child care:



Still pushing on, all the way back to sanity, ask yourself the


Who profits from our misery and our permanent state of inter-tribal
war, rooted in the forgotten horrors of the survivalist-mode mother-
infant relationship?


No sustainable progress is possible for humanity while we continue to
avoid our Forbidden Subjects.

My hope is that as the deterioration of our civilisation becomes more
vividly and more glaringly obvious, the nihilism of an entire species
bent on collective suicide / self-genocide / biocide - may prompt a
small number of human beings to embrace the healing process, to work
their way back to sanity, to recover from the collective mental
illness into which we all were born.

In fact that is the reason why the decay of our civilisation is
place in *slow motion* - to squeeze out of us the last ounce of
evolutionary progress.
And evolutionary progress means confronting and processing our
Forbidden Subjects.
There is no other progress, except your usual *two-steps-forward-two-
steps-back* motion.
Oxana Malaya and the irresistible force of repetition compulsion:

Breastfeeding is sexual intercourse - complete article by Dale

The significance of the pleasure the mother gives to her baby in his

George Orwell's "1984" / BBC tv, 1950s version:

Know Yourself, Heal Yourself:

PS - as stated frequently, I do not advocate immediate change in our
dealings with babies and young people, but a period of re-education /
reorientation among adults leading to a time when the entire
population will recover from our collective mental illness and make
the decision together to change our laws and reintroduce decency and
caring to the mother-infant relationship for the first time in eleven
thousand years.
Special Care
2009-10-07 09:44:44 UTC


The fake debate on paedophilia is perhaps the most obvious route to
establishing the Reduction to Absurdity of our civilisation and
demonstrating our state of collective mental illness.

The mother-infant relationship is a sexual relationship.

As has been amply demonstrated, our laws and our almost universal
societal beliefs make the mother-infant relationship illegal and make
being a mother one of the most heinous and despicable crimes of all.

If the law does not apply to everyone equally, then there is no law.

Our laws and our societal beliefs declare that every mother in the
world is a sexual pervert, a paedophile, a child abuser.

Under our laws, if our laws were to be applied consistently, the
police are required to arrest every mother in the world, charge every
mother in the world with child sex abuse, then our courts are legally
obliged to jail every mother in the world, place every mother in the
world on the sex offenders register, and ban every mother in the world
from having contact with children. That is what the law says.


When a civilisation's laws and most cherished beliefs reduce to
absurdity as soon as honestly evaluated, and when that obvious
absurdity is universally denied and avoided - then we have a
disastrous state of collective mental illness.
A species that is unable to collect its thoughts and think rationally
and consistently is a species on the road to disaster.
And every page of every newspaper and every page of every history book
bears that out.

The embarrassment is painful - which is why you avoid thinking about


There is no way of rationalising this. You'll just get tied in knots
if you try.
The only way to dissolve the state of absurdity is to acknowledge it
first, and then to make plans to remove the inconsistency in the long

We cannot change the way we relate to babies and young people
immediately. We are 'too far gone,' and any attempt at sudden change
would lead to chaos. The longer any mental illness is left untreated,
the longer it will take to recover from it when we finally tackle it.
We're talking here about eleven thousand years in this collective
delusional state. So this is going to be a long haul.

To remove the inconsistency, we must first acknowledge that the sexual
relationship between an emotionally healthy mother and her baby is not
sexual perversion, although our Orwellian laws say it is.
Next, for those who were not aware of it, the Oxana Malaya video
demonstrates vividly the powerful impulse every living organism has to
imitate and repeat our early formative experiences.
And then, if the loving harmony and delightfully pleasurable caresses
of infancy are not sexual perversion, then we are WRONG to use toxic
shame to prohibit growing children from imitating and repeating the
loving harmony and delightfully pleasurable caresses of infancy, both
with the mother and with other children, throughout their entire
lives, on a basis of consent and respect (which it is for the mother
to teach, instead of teaching toxic shame).

To absorb this rational line of thinking is one of the aims of the
healing formula that we adults of an insane civilisation eventually
will embrace, whenever we become sufficiently weary of making such
fools of ourselves, which is what we are doing now with these
hilarious "laws" which classify every mother in the world as a sexual
pervert and child abuser, "laws" which in effect ban all mothers from
having contact with children !


You don't know what I am talking about now, because after eleven
thousand years of making fools of ourselves, you're 'too far gone.'
Your thoughts reside in a compartment devised for you by the
warmongers of eleven thousand years ago, and never changed after the
vegetation grew back.

To every action there is a reaction. Our eleven thousand years of
collective mental illness have called forth a reaction, which is why
many people are now seized by an urge to type healing truths in public
Nature Boy - Bobby Darin:

Nature Boy - Olavi Virta

Oxana Malaya - inevitablity of imitation and repetition:

What your baby is impelled to imitate and repeat:
(1) Niles Newton on the sexual nature of breastfeeding:

What your baby is impelled to imitate and repeat:
(2) Peter Newman on anal eroticism in the mother-infant relationship:
Special Care
2009-10-18 16:55:55 UTC

To one of the Ladies who replied to "Careless Hands" -


Dear Madam,

Regarding what you said - that there are higher things to aspire to
than a certain something that I often emphasise...
Yes, there are other things to aspire to............

......... but

...........if we haven't got the mother-infant relationship right,
then we are on a shaky foundation for whatever else we aspire to.
People who say 'the past is gone / forget the past' are frightened of
the past, unable to 'process' it.

We are standing on our past. The past is the ground under our feet.
Infancy is the most formative era of our lives, and that includes
the infancy of the species and the infancy of the personality.
A good metaphor would be to say that our adult life is the FRUIT
growing on the TREE of our childhood/adolescence, all growing out of
the SOIL of infancy.
If the soil is defective, the tree and the fruit will be defective

So I'm saying something useful when I emphasise that. The logic of my
analysis is faultless, and the emotional states of infancy can be
recovered and their full significance understood, by re-enacting
infancy in every detail with a surrogate mother.

[Just one practical note for those who may be repelled by the
it is not necessary to wear diapers [nappies in UK] when doing the
reparenting exercises. I didn't do that with my surrogate mothers in
my two highly instructive episodes of reparenting exercises. But
you will need to include in those healing exercises the recreation
reliving of the toileting aspect of the mother-infant relationship in
a realistic, physical way, including the anal caresses with loving
contact, if you are to recover fully the memories of infancy and
their significance. I can give extra guidance if anyone asks me.]

In general, men are more receptive to such a suggestion than women,
because in general men suffer more emotional deprivation and
humiliation as they emerge from infancy and the mother goes into
reverse, concealing her abuse of her baby under the smokescreen of
toxic shame. Then the amnesia kicks in, and we don't know whether
we're coming or going from that moment on.

Moreover, there is an impasse here, because the recovery of the
memories of infancy leaves us 'high and dry.

The present civilisation - especially our bogus 'therapy' racket -
does not even recognise the existence of the authentic emotional
states of human infants. So if you recover those vital, precious,
potentially healing memories, you will have nowhere to go with your
sanity in an insane civilisation.

If you approach one of these fake 'therapists' with your emerging
sanity, the only response you'll get from them will be fear and toxic
shame, to drag you back down to the fake 'therapist's' level of
dissociation and compartmentalisation.

The aim of the fake 'therapists' is always to legitimise an
illegitimate civilisation, to pretend an insane civilisation is a
civiliation, and to drag you back into it and persuade you that our
aim should be to become 'well adjusted' to the collective insanity
around us. That is what 'therapists' are for.

What can be done, then, to move toward healing our tragic

Well, eventually a significant number of us will become weary of the
long sorrow and will become willing to embrace healing.
We will at last understand the need to keep away from the fake
'therapists,' the need instead for a new kind of communal love
us, to supply the necessary emotional safety net for one another as
recover the memories of infancy, both the infancy of the personality
and the infancy of the tribe as shown in the geological record...

In that way, the journey to healing and the destination of healing
will merge and become one. The journey IS the destination, when we
follow the right road.

I do not expect it in my lifetime, and I fear it may be tens of
thousands of years into a very sad future when the rest of you
become weary of the long sorrow and want to embrace the simple
formula as I do now.
Careless Hands
