Peter Lucas
2010-09-01 21:51:08 UTC
The hugest cause for Aussys being ashamed is that we produce the
biggest lot of of greenhouse gasses ''per capita'' (meaning each
household), of any white country..... even more than USians! This is
not just a deliberate crime of our government; almost ALL aussys are
similarly blamable.
I am in my fifties. When I was less mature I never guessed that the
human race would deliberately really wreck the the earth and mess up
our present worlds cities and yet that is what is happening. Aussys is
thinking as if the future wellbeen of the planet is not worth the tiny
frikken inconvenience and cost of going back to more primitive energy
Early this year the Kelvin Rudd government (aussy) are doing next to
nothing to reduce australias greenhouse gasses rates;; on Dec19th
australia was awarded the Fossil of the day reward at Copenhagan for
pressuring our islander neighbours for higher levels of greenhouse
gasses they felt were good. Lots of parliamenterians in the federal
parliamentry liberal and labour parties are so dam ignorant that they
believe (or at least say they beleive) that humanity has jack to do
with climate change. The excuse for not doing anything is often that
we are too small to make a difference; a argument that is so
completely full of shit, anyone can see it! I am looking for ideas on
how to reverse this syndrome; so please respond with your ideas.
Peter Lucas
X/No/Achieve; yes
biggest lot of of greenhouse gasses ''per capita'' (meaning each
household), of any white country..... even more than USians! This is
not just a deliberate crime of our government; almost ALL aussys are
similarly blamable.
I am in my fifties. When I was less mature I never guessed that the
human race would deliberately really wreck the the earth and mess up
our present worlds cities and yet that is what is happening. Aussys is
thinking as if the future wellbeen of the planet is not worth the tiny
frikken inconvenience and cost of going back to more primitive energy
Early this year the Kelvin Rudd government (aussy) are doing next to
nothing to reduce australias greenhouse gasses rates;; on Dec19th
australia was awarded the Fossil of the day reward at Copenhagan for
pressuring our islander neighbours for higher levels of greenhouse
gasses they felt were good. Lots of parliamenterians in the federal
parliamentry liberal and labour parties are so dam ignorant that they
believe (or at least say they beleive) that humanity has jack to do
with climate change. The excuse for not doing anything is often that
we are too small to make a difference; a argument that is so
completely full of shit, anyone can see it! I am looking for ideas on
how to reverse this syndrome; so please respond with your ideas.
Peter Lucas
X/No/Achieve; yes