How many self-appointed town watch patrolmen can there legally be in USA?
(too old to reply)
2012-03-23 12:04:26 UTC
Va. Gov. Robert "Bible Bob" McDonnell
2012-03-23 17:15:36 UTC
2012-03-24 01:25:09 UTC
Post by DMJoshi
Obama did say he wants a civilian army.

I'm wondering how long George Zimmerman had his CWP. The reason I ax
is because some feel a sense of authority/superiority while having a
secret in their pocket.

I've had a CWP that was signed (stamped) by Florida Secretary of
State, Catherine Harris. It was just months before 9/11/01. Since then
the infatuation has worn off and I view it as I do my wallet, it's
there if I need it but hope I never do when I have my charm and cash.
Tim Crowley
2012-03-24 13:38:24 UTC
Post by C***@PrayForMe.com
Post by DMJoshi
Obama did say he wants a civilian army.
I'm wondering how long George Zimmerman had his CWP. The reason I ax
is because some feel a sense of authority/superiority while having a
secret in their pocket.
I've had a CWP that was signed (stamped) by Florida Secretary of
State, Catherine Harris. It was just months before 9/11/01. Since then
the infatuation has worn off and I view it as I do my wallet, it's
there if I need it but hope I never do when I have my charm and cash.
Yeah. Sure.

hint: you ready, charlie?

even if you had a gun, you still wouldn't use that name to a man or
that other name to a woman - face to face - like all racists, you're a
cowardly bitch. Oh, and a poor liar.
2012-03-24 15:26:54 UTC
On Sat, 24 Mar 2012 06:38:24 -0700 (PDT), Tim Crowley
Post by Tim Crowley
Post by C***@PrayForMe.com
Post by DMJoshi
Obama did say he wants a civilian army.
I'm wondering how long George Zimmerman had his CWP. The reason I ax
is because some feel a sense of authority/superiority while having a
secret in their pocket.
I've had a CWP that was signed (stamped) by Florida Secretary of
State, Catherine Harris. It was just months before 9/11/01. Since then
the infatuation has worn off and I view it as I do my wallet, it's
there if I need it but hope I never do when I have my charm and cash.
Yeah. Sure.
hint: you ready, charlie?
even if you had a gun, you still wouldn't use that name to a man or
that other name to a woman - face to face - like all racists, you're a
cowardly bitch. Oh, and a poor liar.
If you approached me to purposely provoke a confrontation as did
Zimmerman did, I would not hesitate one second in putting you in your

The law would be on my side.
2012-03-24 15:33:21 UTC
Post by C***@PrayForMe.com
On Sat, 24 Mar 2012 06:38:24 -0700 (PDT), Tim Crowley
Post by Tim Crowley
Post by C***@PrayForMe.com
Post by DMJoshi
Obama did say he wants a civilian army.
I'm wondering how long George Zimmerman had his CWP. The reason I ax
is because some feel a sense of authority/superiority while having a
secret in their pocket.
I've had a CWP that was signed (stamped) by Florida Secretary of
State, Catherine Harris. It was just months before 9/11/01. Since then
the infatuation has worn off and I view it as I do my wallet, it's
there if I need it but hope I never do when I have my charm and cash.
Yeah. Sure.
hint: you ready, charlie?
even if you had a gun, you still wouldn't use that name to a man or
that other name to a woman - face to face - like all racists, you're a
cowardly bitch. Oh, and a poor liar.
If you approached me purposely to provoke confrontation as did
Zimmerman, I would not hesitate one second in putting you in your

The law would be on my side.

The unintended consequences of your numorous veiled threats are a
matter of record.
First. Post
2012-03-24 17:22:42 UTC
Post by C***@PrayForMe.com
On Sat, 24 Mar 2012 06:38:24 -0700 (PDT), Tim Crowley
Post by Tim Crowley
Post by C***@PrayForMe.com
Post by DMJoshi
Obama did say he wants a civilian army.
I'm wondering how long George Zimmerman had his CWP. The reason I ax
is because some feel a sense of authority/superiority while having a
secret in their pocket.
I've had a CWP that was signed (stamped) by Florida Secretary of
State, Catherine Harris. It was just months before 9/11/01. Since then
the infatuation has worn off and I view it as I do my wallet, it's
there if I need it but hope I never do when I have my charm and cash.
Yeah. Sure.
hint: you ready, charlie?
even if you had a gun, you still wouldn't use that name to a man or
that other name to a woman - face to face - like all racists, you're a
cowardly bitch. Oh, and a poor liar.
If you approached me to purposely provoke a confrontation as did
Zimmerman did, I would not hesitate one second in putting you in your
The law would be on my side.
Any bets as to how many of the liberal posters here are aware of a little thing
called a "citizen's arrest". They obviously don't know shit about "self
defense" laws.
2012-03-24 18:45:13 UTC
On Sat, 24 Mar 2012 12:22:42 -0500, First. Post
Post by First. Post
Post by C***@PrayForMe.com
If you approached me to purposely provoke a confrontation as did
Zimmerman did, I would not hesitate one second in putting you in your
The law would be on my side.
Any bets as to how many of the liberal posters here are aware of a little thing
called a "citizen's arrest". They obviously don't know shit about "self
defense" laws.
There will be few, if any "Citizens arrests" when NO ONE can guarantee
that a person isn't armed and can claim self-defense.

Had a person stepped in and stopped that cops white son from sucker
punching some homeless black---he could shoot and claim defense.
Charles Bell
2012-03-25 13:04:26 UTC
Post by C***@PrayForMe.com
If you approached me to purposely provoke a confrontation as did
Zimmerman did, I would not hesitate one second in putting you in your
What proof is there that Zimmerman provoked a confrontation? If he did
come up to the trespasser Martin and yelled: "What the hell are you
doing here?" he has that right, morally and legally, and any
government which intends to take away that right is a tyrannical one.

On the other hand, the Obama administration certainly does want to
take away the right for anyone to yell far and wide: "What the hell
are you doing in the Whitehouse?"
Post by C***@PrayForMe.com
The law would be on my side
Obama's law of tyranny.
Bradley K. Sherman
2012-03-25 13:13:00 UTC
Post by Charles Bell
What proof is there that Zimmerman provoked a confrontation? If he did
come up to the trespasser Martin
Martin had every right to be there. It was Zimmerman who was
the trespasser.

2012-03-25 14:18:57 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Charles Bell
What proof is there that Zimmerman provoked a confrontation? If he did
come up to the trespasser Martin
Martin had every right to be there. It was Zimmerman who was
the trespasser.
How is a block watch guy trespassing? That's what block watch people
do. They watch out for possible trouble in their neighborhood.
Barock Insane Obama: The greatest joke America ever played on itself.
Bradley K. Sherman
2012-03-25 13:26:27 UTC
Post by ray
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Charles Bell
What proof is there that Zimmerman provoked a confrontation? If he did
come up to the trespasser Martin
Martin had every right to be there. It was Zimmerman who was
the trespasser.
How is a block watch guy trespassing?
His house is five miles away. Who knows what the heck
he was doing there? By the way, what does he do for a living?

Charles Bell
2012-03-25 14:17:59 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by ray
Post by Charles Bell
What proof is there that Zimmerman provoked a confrontation? If he did
come up to the trespasser Martin
Martin had every right to be there.  It was Zimmerman who was
the trespasser.
How is a block watch guy trespassing?
His house is five miles away.
Zimmerman lived there with his wife. Martin was just visiting after
being suspended from school near his home 250 mi away.
Bradley K. Sherman
2012-03-25 14:44:03 UTC
Post by Charles Bell
Zimmerman lived there with his wife.
No, the address Spike Lee tweeted was five miles away.

Charles Bell
2012-03-25 15:02:37 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Charles Bell
Zimmerman lived there with his wife.
No, the address Spike Lee tweeted was five miles away.
Yes, Spike Lee is a well-known and reliable news source.

<<On the night of Feb. 26, he tailed Trayvon Martin through the
Retreat at Twin Lakes, the gated community where Zimmerman lived with
his wife . . . >>

Charles Bell
2012-03-25 14:11:43 UTC
Post by Charles Bell
What proof is there that Zimmerman provoked a confrontation? If he did
come up to the trespasser Martin
Martin had every right to be there.  It was Zimmerman who was
the trespasser.
Okay (and this fact is hard to find), Martin had been suspended for a
week from his school 250 mi away in Dade county and was staying at his
father's girlfriend's townhouse in that same gated community in which
Zimmerman lived. Martin would be a stranger to him, as Martin did not
live there and was just a guest.

Zimmerman had every right to ask: "What are you doing here?" to which
a reasonable person would give the truth of . . . "I'm staying at my
father's girlfriend house at ..." but that not what Martin's
girlfriend on the phone at the time testified to but rather to sounds
of shoving, and it was Zimmerman who was on the ground being beaten on
by Martin when Zimmerman shot Martin.

"What are you doing here?" is not a confrontational question that
deserves to be beaten on.

Martin “just walking around looking about” in the rain, looking into
houses is not of itself an offense but is not typical of someone who
ran out for an errand and was walking directly back in the rain
Bradley K. Sherman
2012-03-25 14:43:34 UTC
Post by Charles Bell
Zimmerman had every right to ask: "What are you doing here?" to which
No, he did not. Zimmerman did not live in the gated community.

Under Florida law *Martin* had every right to resist Zimmerman with
deadly force. Here's the law:
| (3) A person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity
| and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has
| a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to
| stand his or her ground and meet force with force,
| including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it
| is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm
| to himself or herself or another or to prevent the
| commission of a forcible felony.

Martin, if carrying a legal gun, would have had every right to shoot
Zimmerman down in his tracks.

Note that it's only necessary that Martin *reasonably believe*
that he was under threat of great bodily harm. And considering
that Zimmerman got out of his truck, was armed and was trying to
apprehend him --and at the end of the day killed him--, this seems
a very reasonable belief indeed!

The cops completely blew this case at the crime scene. They won't
be able to convict Zimmerman of murder, but that doesn't mean it
wasn't murder.

Charles Bell
2012-03-25 14:59:44 UTC
Zimmerman had every right to ask: "What are you doing here?"  to which
No, he did not.  Zimmerman did not live in the gated community.
That is one of the few clear facts that came out at the beginning.
Even leftist propaganda organ the HuffPo had this:

<<A volunteer community watch captain who shot an unarmed Florida
teenager to death last month had been the subject of complaints by
neighbors in his gated community for aggressive tactics, a homeowner

He lived in The Retreat at Twin Lakes with his wife.

<<Several years ago, Zimmerman and his wife moved into the Retreat at
Twin Lakes, a multi-ethnic community that had been plagued by
burglaries in recent months.>>

Martin, if carrying a legal gun, would have had every right to shoot
Zimmerman down in his tracks.
Really? For asking the question: "What are you doing here?"
Bradley K. Sherman
2012-03-25 15:01:51 UTC
Post by Charles Bell
He lived in The Retreat at Twin Lakes with his wife.
The address tweeted by Spike Lee is five miles away on the
other side of I-417. Which is it?

What did Zimmerman do for a living?

Charles Bell
2012-03-25 15:08:32 UTC
Post by Bradley K. Sherman
Post by Charles Bell
He lived in The Retreat at Twin Lakes with his wife.
The address tweeted by Spike Lee is five miles away on the
other side of I-417.  Which is it?
Spike Lee is wrong.

Obviously with a $10,000 bounty on his head put by the Black Panthers,
his new address is now tightly held.
