Who'd Have Thought It, Eh ..?
(too old to reply)
2010-10-23 11:33:22 UTC
On Oct 23, 4:26 am, "TRUTH" <***@island.com> wrote:

you know. Just once I wish a child raping goat fucker like you would
spew your shit in my presenece you marxist shit eating muslim
terrorist. fuck you and have a shitty day.

Why? Because I could plead self defense...your stupidity is terminal
and possibly contagious.
2010-10-24 01:02:07 UTC
"Schiffner" <***@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:2cf423f9-7724-4c38-910e-***@x4g2000pre.googlegroups.com...
On Oct 23, 4:26 am, "TRUTH" <***@island.com> wrote:

you know. Just once I wish a child raping goat fucker like you would
spew your shit in my presenece you marxist shit eating muslim
terrorist. fuck you and have a shitty day.

Why? Because I could plead self defense...your stupidity is terminal
and possibly contagious.

The usual propagandist response, foam at the mouth and spew abuse. Do people
actually take notice of these idiot propagandists.

Apparently American and other western countries do. They are enforcing their
rule and royalty status quite openly.
All reported in the daily news to make sure you know your status.



In 1972 the University of Wisconsin built a massive library, named it the
Golda Meir Library, and Christian students on campus objected. The college
administrators refused to rename it, and name stuck. The local Hillel sent
lists of protesting students to Jewish professors, who would 'review' these

Israeli Professors with the power to harass students simply because they
disagree with a name selected which would please only 1% of the community.

"Jewish Rule" <***@rule.biz wrote in message news:f4the0$uv9$***@aioe.org...

In Grafton, Wisconsin, 18 miles away a small community (population 8,500)
a library was named The USS Liberty Memorial library, but this time all hell
broke loose.

http://www.ussliberty.com/challenge.htm - $10,000 challenge - The Liberty
Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the
truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim: 1


It is amazing but jews have the hide to want the liberty slaughter passed
over and forgotten. And to act openly in suppressing any support for the
sailors, as usual their elders cannot say enough to support Israel.


At 0800 hrs, 8 June, 1967, eight Israeli recon flights flew over 'Liberty,'
which was flying a large American flag. At 1400 hrs, waves of low-flying
Israeli Mystere and Mirage-III fighter-bombers repeatedly attacked the
American vessel with rockets, napalm, and cannon. The air attacks lasted 20
minutes, concentrating on the ship's electronic antennas and dishes. The
'Liberty' was left afire, listing sharply. Eight of her crew lay dead, a
hundred seriously wounded, including the captain, Commander William


On the afternoon of 8 June 1967, while in international waters off the Sinai
Peninsula, Liberty, though clearly marked as a U.S. Navy ship, was struck by
Israeli aircraft. After suffering damage and many personnel casualties from
gunfire, rockets and bombs, she was further attacked by three Israeli Navy
motor torpedo boats. One torpedo hit her on the starboard side, forward of
the superstructure, opening a large hole in her hull. In all, thirty-four
men were killed in the attacks and nearly 170 wounded. Israel subsequently
apologized for the incident, explaining that its air and naval forces had
mistaken the Liberty for a much smaller Egyptian Navy ship.



Another media attempted downgrade of the liberty tragedy and force
acceptance of the jewish view.
$10,000 challenge - The Liberty



Rassinier seems to wrap it up. NOT A DENIER A MAN IN THE CAMPS AS A

A French resistance fighter and friend of the Jews, he was imprisoned by the
Germans for his illegal activities in Buchenwald and Camp Dora where he
worked in the underground rocket factories.

Barred from entering Germany for trying to give testimony for the defense in
HOLOCAUST trials .


Rassinier's first book, Crossing The Line (1949), an account of his
experience in Buchenwald


"Die Auschwitz-Lžge", (The Auschwitz Lie)

As a German agrarian expert, Christophersen was stationed at Auschwitz in
the critical period 1943-44. As a German expert, he had access to the entire
camp. He took valuable photographs at the time. He was the first Revisionist
eyewitness to come forward stating categorically that there were no gas
chambers for killing humans in Auschwitz. He wrote the famous booklet, "Die
Auschwitz-Lžge", (The Auschwitz Lie) translated into many languages. Zžndel
witness in the 1985 and 1988 Great Holocaust Trials.

"The Hoax of the 20th Century"
An American electrical engineer and university professor, Butz wrote the
"Bible" of modern Revisionism titled "The Hoax of the 20th Century". This
book, which deals with most details of Holocaust lore from "shrunken heads"
to "Jewish soap" and "gassing" claims, more than any other influenced Ernst
Zundel in his Revisionist research.

"The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein."

Henri Rocques is a French author and researcher who exposed the Myth of Pope
Pius XII's complicity in the Holocaust. His doctoral thesis made world-wide
headlines in 1986 when, for the first time in the nearly eight-century
history of French universities, a duly awarded doctorate was quickly revoked
on French government's orders, after an outry by the Leftist-Jewish media in
France. In a tightly argued dissertation, Rocques came to the stunning
conclusion that the allegations of mass gassings of Jews made by SS officer
Kurt Gerstein were groundless, and that the supposed Roman-Catholic coverup
of this "slaughter" are false. He further concluded that postwar academics
deliberately falsified key parts of the already tortured Gerstein testimony.
His dissertation was eventually published by the Institute for Historical
Review in book form under the title "The Confessions of Kurt Gerstein."




Great Holocaust Trial of 1988


Fred Leuchter (The only real expert on construction of gas chambers.)

An American execution expert, Leuchter designed and maintained gas chambers
for several US penal institutions. He was sent by Ernst Zžndel to
investigate Auschwitz, Majdanek, Dachau, Hartheim and other alleged "Nazi
Death Camps" and "gassing facilities." Author of the devastating series of
Leuchter Reports. (I, II, III, IV) and many articles and videotaped
presentations that resulted from these investigations, Leuchter was
blacklisted in the US and hounded by the Holocaust Promotion Lobby and the
world's lapdog media. He was arrested and jailed in Germany for giving an
anti-Holocaust lecture for Gžnther Deckert, a well-known political party
leader. Allowed out on bail, Leuchter returned to the US. and chose not to
go back to Germany to stand trial. Nonetheless, he lost his livelihood as a
result. Sensational Zžndel witness in the Great Holocaust Trial in 1988.
Leuchter, although present in the courtroom in Munich, was not allowed to
testify about his research findings in Auschwitz for Ernst Zžndel in the
German (Munich) Trial in 1991.

Dr. Faurisson first discovered the technical and architectural drawings of
the Auschwitz morgues, the crematories and other installations. He was also
the first to insist that only a U.S. gas chamber expert could unravel the
technical impossibility of the Auschwitz homicidal gassing story - as
falsely told to the public for over half a century.

Emil Lachout

Mercilessly hounded by Austrian authorities and the Austrian lapdog media
for over a decade. Forced to undergo a humiliating psychiatric assessment.

He ultimately won his case in the European Court of Human Rights. Austria
must pay him compensation but hasn't done yet


Rassinier's first book, Crossing The Line (1949), an account of his
experience in Buchenwald

His second book, The Lie Of Ulysses: A Glance At The Literature Of
Concentration Camp Inmates (1950) caused controversy. Rassinier examined
what he considered to be representative accounts of the camps. He criticized
exaggerations and denounced authors, such as Eugen Kogon, who in L'Enfer
Organisé (1947) claimed that the Buchenwald prisoner government's main
objective was "...to keep a nucleus of prisoners against the S.S." Rassinier
asserts that this nucleus of prisoners were only looking out for themselves,
and further claims that the Communists were trying to save their own skins
after the war, saying that: "by taking by storm the bar of the witnesses and
with extreme shouting, they avoided the dock". He also describes his visits
to Dachau and Mauthausen, noting that in both places, he got contradictory
stories on how the gas chambers were supposed to have worked, and for the
first time expresses his doubts on the existence of gas chambers and a Nazi
policy of extermination.

The book created a scandal, and on November 2, 1950, was even attacked on
the floor of the French National Assembly.19 More because of the foreword by
Albert Paraz than for the content of the book, both Rassinier and Paraz were
sued for slander by various organizations. After a see-saw round of trials
and appeals, both Rassinier and Paraz were acquitted, and an expanded
edition of The Lie Of Ulysses was published in 1955, which sold well.
However, the uproar led to complaints from members of the SFIO, and on April
9, 1951, Rassinier was expelled from the party "in spite of the respect
which his person imposes", as the expulsion document noted. A rehabilitation
effort by Marceau Pivert was rejected.

This War is for Us




Historian Mark Weber reveals for the first time aerial photographs of
Treblinka taken between May and November 1944. These photographs clearly
show that Treblinka was a transit camp and not an extermination camp
(Ukrainian-born American auto worker John Demjanjuk was found guilty of
helping to kill 850,000 Jews at Treblinka). Weber also exhibits aerial
photographs of Auschwitz-Birkenau (first made public by the CIA in 1979)
that clearly show an absence of corroboration of the Holocaust extermination


The Toronto Globe and Mail reports that for the third time in as many
appearances, Holocaust skeptic Ernst Zündel, his defense attorney, and a
legal assistant are attacked on the steps of a Canadian courthouse (!) by 25
blood-seeking JDL thugs while the police and media stand by. Later, four
members of the JDL mob are charged with disturbing the peace (not assault or
attempted murder), charges which are subsequently dropped.


Simon Wiesenthal, in a letter to the Institute for Historical Review,
claims to have proof of the existence of Nazi gas chambers that will win him
$50,000, and proof of the authenticity of the Anne Frank "diary" that will
win him $25,000. Unfortunately, Wiesenthal subsequently failed to provide
this proof, and had to forego the prize money.


The Chicago Jewish Sentinel reports that there is now a Survivors'
Registry for those former concentration camp inmates "who are prepared to
disclose their personal stories to serious media artists working on
Holocaust themes." There's no business like Shoah business.


According to the Toronto Globe and Mail, Arnold Friedman swore under
oath that he had seen "fourteen foot flames" shooting out of the chimneys of
crematorium at Auschwitz, and that he was able to tell whether the Nazis
were burning fat Jewish Hungarians or skinny Jewish Poles by looking at the
different colors of the smoke and flames coming out of the crematorium. On
cross-examination, however, Mr. Friedman reversed himself upon being
presented with details of crematorium operation, and was forced to agree
that perhaps Jews were not being burned in crematoria buildings. Mr.
Friedman then made the startling confession that his entire testimony was
based on what he had been told by others.


Maria Bohuslawsky of the Toronto Sun reports on a cross-examination
that took place the day before, in which self-proclaimed Holocaust "expert"
and author Raul Hilberg admitted under oath that after 36 years of studying
the Holocaust, 1) he knew of no documentary (printed) evidence that the
Nazis murdered or planned to murder Jews in gas chambers, 2) he had
identified large parts of the key "confession" of Kurt Gerstein as to the
"gassings" as "pure nonsense" and "totally false," 3) when presenting the
Gerstein "confession" as proof of Nazi misdeeds he had edited out
inconvenient sections in order to make his point, 4) he knew of no autopsies
that showed death by gassing, 5) he billed himself as a Holocaust expert for
18 years before even visiting Auschwitz (he then spent only one day there),
6) he was not familiar with many books on the subject of which he was
alleged to be the expert, and 7) he knew of no scientific proof that even
one Jew had been gassed. (see also the article on the same date by Kirk
Makin in the Globe and Mail, and the Sault Star of 1/18/85.) Understandably,
when called upon to testify again in a later trial, Hilberg begged off.


Yitzhak Shamir is quoted in the Los Angeles Times (page 12) as saying:
"One of the angers I have against these people of the intifada is that they
make us sometimes kill people we don't want to kill."


The Alberta Report magazine quotes Holocaust survivor Eva Brewster as
remembering how the bodies of Jews gassed at Auschwitz would be dropped
through trap doors to the crematoria. Left out of the article are the facts
that 1) no one else has ever "remembered" these trap doors, 2) no one else
"remembers" that the "gas chambers" were above the crematoria, and 3) that
there is no trace of these trap doors, either in blueprints, photographs, or
in any other way.


Claims that modern day German medical students are still using "body
parts from Nazi (Holocaust) victims ... for medical experiments" are
dismissed as being another baseless horror story, in an article by Daniel
Johnson appearing in the London Daily Telegraph.


Holocaust heavyweight Rudolf Vrba, under cross-examination in a
Canadian courtroom, states under oath that 150,000 French Jews were gassed
at Auschwitz, in spite of the fact that the entire number of Jews deported
from France were only 75,721. Vrba claims he arrived at his count
"scientifically" by having listened to the language spoken by the inmates at
Auschwitz and examining their luggage (!). The author of "I Cannot Forgive"
next confessed that his book was "an artistic picture ... not a document for
a court," in spite of the fact that Vrba's testimony was crucial to both the
War Refugee Board and the Auschwitz Trials in West Germany. Vrba further
admitted that his written and pictorial descriptions of Auschwitz crematoria
were a result of guessing, based on "what I heard it might look like." Oops!


West German police storm the home of Otto Ernst Remer to seize a copy
of a videotape that challenges the myth of the Holocaust ... an obvious


SS Gruppenfuehrer Gerhard Klopfer, who served as state secretary in
the Party Chancellery under Martin Bormann and was the last surviving member
of the Wannsee Conference (at which it was alleged that details were worked
out for the "final solution") dies in Heilbronn, West Germany. Klopfer was
charged with war crimes at Nuernberg, but the case was dropped for lack of
evidence, and in fact Klopfer was permitted to resume practicing law in
1956. This lends credence to the proposition that the Wannsee Conference had
nothing to with with an extermination program.


When the "confession" of Kurt Gerstein is offered as evidence at the
war crimes trials at Nuernberg, it is judged to be so obviously phony that
it is rejected, and not permitted to be read before the court. Even kangaroo
courts have standards to maintain! In later trials, this same document is
admitted as evidence by judges and prosecutors desperate for anything that
will help them hang their virtually defenseless victims.

February 2/1/81

Telford Taylor, Chief Prosecutor at the NMT Nuremberg Trials, reveals
during a book review that despite his own role in wartime Army Intelligence,
"I had no awareness of the 'Final Solution' until after the War, and inquiry
among my associates of those times -- not a few of them Jewish -- has
disclosed very few who were more sensitive or perceptive than I in this
respect It was known that many of the atrocity stories of World War I,
especially those involving the German occupation of Belgium, had proved
unfounded and were either deliberate fabrications or the natural product of
the wartime rumor mill. There was a general awareness that propaganda was a
weapon of war, and this spread a skepticism, in large part justified, that
robbed official accounts of much of their credibility."


Gary Hughes in the Adelaide Advertiser recounts the story of a brother
and sister, reunited after 39 years, who had each thought the other to have
been murdered in Nazi "gas chambers."


Colorado teacher Dorothy Groteluschen wins a court battle against the
Aurora School District to receive back pay after being demoted on December
15, 1987 for acknowledging there were two sides to the Holocaust myth.
(Rocky Mountain News, March 12; Denver Post, March 17)


Attorney Alan Dershowitz of the Harvard Law School, who has taken upon
himself the role of revisionist-basher, declines an invitation to engage in
an organized public exchange with Mark Weber of the Institute for Historical


PBS airs the British film, Kitty: Return to Auschwitz, in which
Holocaust "survivor" Kitty Hart so fails to be convincing that even her own
son can manage no more than a faintly bemused expression while listening to
her delusional ramblings.


Opening day for Miami Beach's new Holocaust memorial ... a 72 foot
tall outstretched hand, crawling with miniature human figures. It is
uncertain whether the sculpture is to memorialize Jews who were allegedly
murdered by the Nazis during WWII, or if it is designed to memorialize
Werner Nachmann, the defunct head of West German Jewry, who stole close to
$16 million of the "war reparations" fraudulently wrung from German


Outside a Canadian courthouse, a throng of armed JDL thugs (led by
Marvin Weinstein ... alias Meir Halevi) awaits the arrival of Holocaust
doubter Ernst Zündel as they did two months earlier. This time, however,
Zündel is able to make it to and from the courthouse without incident.
Furious at being denied the opportunity to attack and beat a defenseless
person, the JDL crowd then sets upon the news reporters and cameramen they
had invited to record the occasion.


As reported in the Toronto Sun, Robert Faurisson testifies under oath
that there were never any gas chambers, mass murders, or other atrocities
against Jews or anyone else during WWII. Dr. Faurisson is a professor in
France, where he received his PhD from the Sorbonne. (see also the Canadian
Jewish News, February 14, 1985)


The Illustrated Sunday Herald publishes a full-page article by Winston
Churchill' entitled, "Zionism versus Bolshevism: A struggle for the soul of
the Jewish people."


The Ukrainian Catholic Daily lashes out at the US Justice Department's
Office of Special Investigations for using Soviet-supplied evidence,
collaborating with the KGB, and using the mass media to attack Eastern
European ethnic communities.

Wendy Darrocn, writing in the Toronto Star, recounts the sworn
testimony of Russell William Barton, who was a medical student volunteer
with the British Red Cross on May 2, 1945, when he entered the concentration
camp at Bergen-Belsen. According to Barton, there was no evidence of
intentional starvation of the inmates, which has been the charge against
Bergen-Belsen since the dropping of the original charge that Bergen-Belsen
had homicidal gas chambers.


The following piece on memory by Philip Ziegler (New York Times Book
Review) appeared in Forbes. "Between 1936 and 1945 an ingenious
anthropologist called Tom Harrison set up a network of observers to record
the views of the Briton-in-the-street on a wide range of issues. The fruit
of his labors, the Mass Observation Archive, contains many first-hand
accounts of incidents that occurred during the wartime blitz, which were
written immediately after the event and can therefore reasonably be accepted
as accurate. Some 30 years later, a number of the surviving 'mass observers'
were asked to revive their memories. In every case, the relationship between
the original and the revised version was so remote as to be almost
coincidental. Yet, but for the original written evidence, their oral
testimony would have been accepted as eminently reliable."


The New York Post reports that during a chance encounter between New
York city Mayor Ed Koch and Long Beach businessman and professional
Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein, Mermelstein informed the Mayor that "I
was part of the special detail which hauled the bodies from the gas chamber
and took them to the crematorium." He apparently also told Koch that he had
seen Dr. Mengele directing traffic to the gas chambers. Interestingly
enough, in Mermelstein's memoir Not by Bread Alone (1979) he says nothing
about either one of these allegations. When deposed in connection with a
court suit in 1981, he denied that had had done any physical work at all at
the camp, and forgot to mention his eyewitness account of Dr. Mengele. Also
during the deposition, he denied seeing the gas chambers at any time other
than May 22, 1944, when his mother and two sisters were "gassed."
Mermelstein's memory, like some wines, seems to be improving with age.


The automobile of German historian Ernst Nolte was set ablaze,
apparently as a reminder that neither anti-communism nor scholarship are
universally appreciated. Nolte, whose 1987 book The European Civil War,
1917-1945: National Socialism and Bolshevism expresses pusillanimous support
for examining the Holocaust myth more carefully, is nonetheless considered a
radical among the establishment German historians. Nolte's transgressions
began in June 1986, when he published a cautiously dissident essay in the
West German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Battling Nolte are Marxist
academics such as Jurgen Habermas, who oppose any neutral discussion of the
National Socialist (Nazi) era.


The Israeli Supreme Court agrees to reopen the case against American
auto worker John Demjanjuk to consider new evidence supporting Demjanjuk's


Mark Weber addresses a seniors' honors class at Mission Viejo high
school (Orange County, CA). The students expressed skepticism but were
cordial and appreciative of Mr. Weber's viewpoint.


American Red Cross president Elizabeth Dole announces that the public
will be given greater access to German wartime documents that were seized by
Allied forces at the end of WWII. The detailed records include transport
lists and death registry volumes from German concentration camps. It is
estimated that all of the German records seized at the end of the war
together carry the names of between 300,000 and 500,000 internees. This
decision marks a reversal of the 10/11/90 announcement by American Red
Cross' Diane Paul.


The Montreal Gazette reports that Dr. William Bryan Lindsey, who has a
doctorate in chemistry from the University of Indiana at Bloomington, and
who for 33 years has been employed as a research chemist, gives sworn
testimony that it would have been physically impossible for the Nazis to
exterminate millions of Jews with Zyklon B in the large, unsealed rooms that
are being presented to the gullible as "gas chambers."


The Weekend Australian quotes Rabbi Marvin Hier of the Simon
Wiesenthal Center as saying that the Institute for Historical Review has
"disintegrated." Either this is another blatant lie, or Rabbi Hier is
unaware that the SWC has 20 paid subscriptions to the Journal of Historical
Review, which is published by the IHR, or that the SWC continues to order
books from the IHR from time to time.


Journalist Robin Ludlow of the Southam News, commenting on Canada's
continuing ban in the import of certain books in the Hamilton, Ontario
Spectator, notes "there are some patterns to what is prohibited and what
isn't. Customs seems to clamp down harder on criticism of Jews, Zionists,
Communists, and blacks than it does on criticism of Germans, Nazis, Arabs,
right-wing groups, and fundamentalist Christians." As of December 1987,
there were over 500 titles on the Canadian Customs list of prohibited "hate
material," including a tape of the Phil Donahue show, the Tomorrow show, and
a Larry King radio program.


Assistant professor of history Donald D. Hiner of Indiana
University-Purdue University at Indianapolis is suspended for advocating a
critical examination of various components of the exterminationist Holocaust
position. Hiner is later fired on March 1.


German member of parliament Heinrich Lummer calls for an open and
truthful treatment of the Holocaust myth in the prestigious daily
Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper.


Seventh International Revisionist Conference, Los Angeles, CA.


In an interview on WNET with professor of Jewish History Dr. Yosef
Yerushalmi, Bill Moyers asks Yerushalmi to clarify his statement that the
image of the Holocaust is being shaped not on the historian's anvil but in
the novelist's crucible. Yerushalmi replies that because the historical
research has now all been done (!), the door is wide open for an infinite
number of fictional refrains on this, the central event of all history.
Translation: Let the brainwashing begin.


Recycling the old "gas chambers" propaganda that first surfaced in WWI
and then again in WWII, the Brooklyn Jewish Press claims that "Iraqis have
gas chambers for all Jews" in an enormous front-page headline. According to
the accompanying story, Saddam Hussein has built gas chambers for
exterminating Jews everywhere in the world. You can't keep a good lie down.
(see also Response, Spring 1991, page 2)


Mark Weber appears on KCAL's Cross Check half-hour public affairs TV
program. Also appearing is Rabbi Nachum Shifren, representing the radical
Kach movement. Rather than rebut Mr. Weber, Rabbi Shifren chooses to
denounce "anti-Semites" and "Arabs," and without any evidence whatsoever
called Mr. Weber a Nazi and accused the Institute for Historical Review
(IHR) of having links with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and
"neo-Nazi" groups.


Sixth International Revisionist Conference, Anaheim, CA.


The Canadian Jewish News reports that Jewish students at the
University of Toronto are attempting to have revisionist works reclassified
as fiction in order to have them shelved away from the "true" Holocaust


Ninth International Revisionist Conference, Southern California.


The Los Angeles Times reports that David Shimtob, once a Jewish
Defense League member, has been rearrested on various burglary, assault, and
homicide charges in connection with a vicious group of paramilitary thugs
that had been committing armed robberies of residences.


The Toronto Globe and Mail reports that the ADL is planning to ask the
Library of Congress reclassify revisionist books as fiction. Says the
League's executive director Alan Shefman, "We don't want this to be seen as
book-banning, because we're very much opposed to censorship." That is, he
wants the books banned, but he doesn't want it to appear as if they are
being banned.


The German weekly newspaper Die Zeit warns that historical revisionism
must be taken serious, lest an Orwellian situation come to pass as in the
novel 1984. Apparently, Die Zeit is unaware that in George Orwell's 1984 the
threat came from central powers controlling the thoughts of the individual,
not from individuals displaying unorthodox thinking. The paper does concede,
however, that a few of the better-known Holocaust stories may have been
without foundation after all, but that doesn't change a thing.


In Miami, Florida, Denis Rety, a Jewish businessman, is ordered to pay
$5.5 million to a man he falsely accused of being anti-Semitic. Mr. Rety had
earlier become involved in an argument with the man, a customer at Rety's
restaurant, and apparently figured that the only way to win the debate was
to libel his opponent.


Dr. Wojciech Gubala and Eng. J. Labedz from the Institute of Judicial
Expertise, Dept. of Legal Toxicology, Cracow, Poland, lead a team of
investigators to Auschwitz-Birkenau to conduct forensic tests of the alleged
"gas chambers." Their report, dated August 24, 1990, supports earlier
forensic tests by American expert Fred Leuchter: none of the so-called "gas
chambers" were ever used for that purpose.


The Great Holocaust Debate gets off to a slow start when
anti-revisionists Hal Lindsey (author), Glen Peglau (attorney), John
Montgomery (author), and Tom Anderson (attorney) fail to show up to debate
revisionists Mark Weber (author), Robert Faurisson (professor), Bradley
Smith (author), and Robert Countess (doctor).


Arthur Rosenblatt, director of the United States Holocaust Museum, is
quoted in the Washington Post as calling for everything and anything
relating to the Holocaust myth, including "photographs, diaries, original
letters and notes to families from the camp (sic)." Apparently, eyewitness
accounts of new extermination camp (sic) arrivals being immediately marched,
naked, from the trains to the waiting doors of the gas chambers have
heretofore left out the fact that the condemned were allowed great latitude
in their actions for the last few moments of their lives.


The Toledo Blade cites Rabbi Charles Rosenzveig as claiming that soap
was made from human fat at Buchenwald, and was an example of the
"inconceivable" behavior of Germans during WWII.


High school teacher Giovanni Pinto of Montville, New Jersey, is
suspended by school authorities for challenging the historicity of the
Holocaust. Thought crimes must not go unpunished.


Fred Leuchter and his team leaves for Poland, where they will obtain
samples of suspected "gas chambers" at Auschwitz and Birkenau, the heart of
the alleged Nazi Holocaust machine. The results of the test conclusively
show that none of the so-called "gas chambers" in either facility was ever
used for such a purpose. Subsequent testing by others confirm Leuchter's
findings. Conclusion: the Holocaust never happened.


60 Minutes airs a segment on John Demjanjuk in which they uncover
witnesses who can positively state that Demjanjuk is not a war criminal.
These witnesses have been prevented from testifying, which is hardly
surprising considering the way Demjanjuk has been railroaded with false
eyewitnesses, forged documents, and questionable legal tactics on an
international scale.


The Jerry Williams Show on WFXT (Boston) breaks new ground by actually
finding an exterminationist willing to debate against the revisionist

Unfortunately for Williams and JDL representative Michael Slomich,
revisionist Brad Smith and American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter
absolutely and totally demolish every exterminationist claim in front of an
estimated audience of 100,000.


H. Hewett, assistant secretary for the British Ministry of Information
states in a letter that "(w)e cannot reform the Bolsheviks but we can do our
best to save them - and ourselves - from the consequences of their acts. The
disclosures (of Soviet genocide) of the past quarter century will render
more denials unconvincing. The only alternative to denial is to distract
public attention from the whole subject. Experience has shown that the best
distraction is atrocity propaganda directed against the enemy ... your
cooperation is therefore earnestly sought to distract public attention from
the doings of the Red Army by your whole-hearted support of various charges
against the Germans and Japanese which have been and will be put into
circulation by the Ministry."


Professor Noam Chomsky sets for his support for the academic freedom
of Holocaust revisionist Professor Robert Faurisson in an article in the


Ellen Kachuck, of the B'nai B'rith of Toronto, is quoted in the
Toronto Globe and Mail as being far from pleased with the progress of the
ongoing trial against Ernst Zuendel, who claims the Holocaust never took
place. Says Kachuck, "I think it was a much messier affair than we expected
it to be in terms of things coming out we didn't want." Translation: the
truth can be so inconvenient when you are trying to disseminate the Big Lie.


U.S. Representative James A Traficant (D-Ohio) calls to our attention
further serious flaws in the case against retired American auto worker John


The Toronto Globe and Mail, in a truly gutsy move, prints a photo of
the swimming pool at Auschwitz taken by Swedish researcher Ditlieb Felderer,
who has taken some 30,000 photos of Nazi concentration camps and conducted
forensic tests on Holocaust-related artifacts. This is the first time this
photograph has been published. Earlier in the year, a judge had refused to
admit this photo (and others) as evidence because it did not fit his
preconceived notions about WWII concentration camps.


Assistant professor of history Donald D. Hiner of Indiana
University-Purdue University at Indianapolis is fired for advocating a
critical examination of various components of the exterminationist Holocaust
position. So much for the 1st Amendment.


Simon Wiesenthal renews his claim that Dr. Josef Mengele is still
alive, in spite of tests performed by six pathologists, including three
hired by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.


West German authorities kick down doors and ransack 2,000 homes in
search of ... books! Did these books urge violence? Did they contain state
secrets? Were they libelous or scandalous? No, they merely presented a
different view of the Holocaust myth, and for that reason had to be
confiscated. The source of the books, Canadian Ernst Zuendel, was charged
for dissemination of "hate propaganda." In August of 1982, the District
Court of Stuttgart ruled that Zuendel was completely innocent of the
accusations, and ordered the state treasury to pay all court costs.


At a community meeting to promote the Holocaust in Westlake Village,
CA, Renee Firestone and another Holocaust survivor tell whoppers about the
camps, including: 1) the Germans found a community of midgets (!),
transported them to Auschwitz, shot them (!) en masse, and then were forced
to let them sit in a pile for three days until the crematories could take
them, 2) the Germans piled death bodies three stories high at Bergen-Belson,
and 3) after the war, the Jews "never never" took retribution on their
jailers. The gullible public swallowed it whole.


Police raid a home near Brussels, Belgium, on behalf of West German
authorities, seeking to confiscate a videotape that challenges the Holocaust
myth ... another blow against free speech.


Associated Press dispatches from Vienna reveal a report by Austrian
engineer Walter Lueftl, which is yet another authoritative confirmation of
the findings of American gas chamber expert Fred Leuchter. Lueftl writes,
"The mass murder with Zyklon B [which was allegedly used to kill Jews in
Auschwitz gas chambers] could not have taken place. Not only would this have
violated natural law, but the technical and organizational prerequisites for
it did not exist. On the basis of structural considerations, the crematories
could not have handled the number of victims. Corpses are not burning
materials. To burn them requires considerable time and energy."


Melvin Konner in the New York Times Book Review points out that poet
Avraham Stuzkever, claimed by Allen Ginsberg to have been killed in a ghetto
during WWII, is in fact alive and well and living in Tel Aviv.


In an unprecidented move, tenured professor Dr. Robert Faurisson is
deprived of his chair at the University of Lyon-2 by the French Minister of
Education, due to Faurisson's continuing role in questioning the Holocaust


The perpetrator of a campaign of virulent anti-Semitic graffiti,
harassment, and death threats in Geneva, Switzerland, turns out to be
23-year-old Jewish medical student Phlip Gotchel. We can only surmize that
Gotchel was unable to locate a suitable Nazi (American Jewish World).


FDR signs Executive Order No. 9012 establishing the War Relocation
Authority, which soon starts to operate the internment camps for American
citizens of Japanese descent, some of whom were born in America, even though
none of whom is charged with any crime. Note that in America, citizens were
being herded into camps based on race before the Nazis herded Jews (who were
not citizens of Germany and were in fact enemy aliens) into concentration
camps based on race alone. The U.S. Congress and Supreme Court uphold these


An article in the Baltimore Sun calls attention to the rising
incidence of impostors who tell grisly stories of wartime derring-do in
Vietnam, but who never served there, let alone saw combat. Psychologists and
counselors working with Vietnam veterans have identified one telltale sign
of these liars; a propensity to claim involvement in some atrocity, such as
massacring women and children. One is reminded of exterminationist Germaine
Tillion's thoughts on this issue back in July 1954, at which time she wrote
"Those persons (who gratuitously lie) are, to tell the truth, very much more
numerous than people generally suppose, and a subject like that of the
concentration camp world -- well designed, alas, to stimulate
sado-masochistic imaginations -- offered them an exceptional field of
action. ... There have been publishers to print some of their imaginings,
and more or less official compilations to use them, but publishers and
compilers are absolutely inexcusable since the most elementary inquiry would
have been enough to reveal the imposture."


The Leuchter Kongress is held in Munich for the purpose of examining
issues surrounding the Holocaust myth.


The headline story of the London Daily Express reads, Judea Declares
War on Germany. The article goes on to proclaim, "Jews of all the world
unit. Boycott of German goods. Mass demonstrations."


An AP wire service story in the Schenectady Gazette tells of a reunion
between two childhood friends, Lieba Wainer and Yacob Basner.
Coincidentally, Basner not only married another friend of Wainer's who
Wainer had presumed murdered by Nazis, but had been in the same
concentration camp with Wainer's husband between 1940 and 1945 (!), although
they never met.


West German police raid the house of Ernst Roemer in Hamburg in search
of a booklet challenging the Holocaust myth. Police were alerted to the
existence of the book by examining a bookstore's order for the book, which
was purchased before the book was banned. George Orwell was right.


The Christian News reports that theologian Hal Lindsey believes that
Satan started revisionist inquiry surrounding the Holocaust myth, and that
Satan is responsible for anti-Semitism.


In a series of articles, the Los Angeles Times describes the furor
created among Jewish organizations by the luncheon invitation extended to
Austrian President Kurt Waldheim by German Chancellor Hermut Kohl. Waldheim,
who has been accused of "war crimes" (but never tried nor convicted) has
been treated like a pariah even by the United States, where people are
supposedly innocent until proven guilty.


Joseph Brewda writing in New Solidarity cites a memorandum from the
International Caucus of Labor Committees (to Secretary of State Alexander
Haig) that accuses Nazi-hunter Simon Wiesenthal of being a Nazi collaborator
during WWII.


The Los Angeles Times reports that Dr. George Ashley is transferred
from his teaching post at North Hollywood high school for answering a
student's question about the "other side" of the Holocaust. The ADL is
aghast that Ashley is not fired, and LA school board member Roberta
Weintraub laments the protection afforded Ashley by the First Amendment.


The New York Times Book Review runs a letter to the editor concerning
Martin Gilbert's book, The Holocaust, in which the correspondent quotes
Gilbert as writing, "... on Oct. 20, 1944, (Yitzhak) Sonenson's mother and
sister were killed ..." The letter writer then goes on to introduce herself
as Yitzhak Sonenson's sister, Yaffa Eliach. She continues, saying, "My
brother Yitzhak is quite aware of my existence. In frequent family reunions
on both sides of the Atlantic, we celebrate this great gift of life."


The Institute for Historical Review offers a $50,000 reward "to any
person who can prove that gas chambers existed at or in Auschwitz
Concentration Camp during World War II." Three people respond, none with
evidence that can meet the standards set forth in the Federal Rules of
Evidence of the United States. Among those not responding: Allan Ryan, Lily
Maier, Simon Wiesenthal, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, the St. Louise Center
for Holocaust Studies, the Center for Holocaust Studies of Brooklyn, the Yad
Vashem Museum and Library, Dr. Gisella Perl, Nathan Perlmutter, Lucy
Dawidowicz, and Mel Mermelstein.


Isser Harel (Mossad, Shin Bet) and Arnold Forster (ADL) denounce Simon
Wiesenthal's claims to have aided in the capture of Adolf Eichmann, in the
Daily News Bulletin of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. (see March 3, 1989 for
related story)


Jack Wikoff gives a presentation on Holocaust revisionism at Wells
College in Aurora, NY. An Orthodox Rabbi (a Holocaust survivor and Nuernberg
participant) declines an invitation to appear before the all-woman audience
to provide rebuttal.


Police raid the home of retired judge Wilhelm Staeglich, searching for
prohibited materials (that is, those challenging the Holocaust myth). They
find nothing, but confiscate some other documents for good measure.


Maud S. Beelman in the Santa Monica Outlook reports that
"sophisticated genetic testing has confirmed that Josef Mengele, the Nazi
'Angel of Death,' died in Brazil in 1979." This news will no doubt come as
somewhat of a blow to Holocaust survivor Siegfried Halbreich, who claims to
have seen Dr. Mengele playing piano in a small combo at a Los Angeles area
restaurant in 1980. Said Halbreich at that time, "I could not be wrong in
recognizing Mengele."


The Jewish Journal confirms Simon Wiesenthal's dedication to freedom
of speech by noting that Wiesenthal has "urged that the US adopt legislation
against racial hatred."


Senator William Proxmire's weak-kneed screed against the IHR is
reported in the Congressional Record.


A Reuters story, dateline Bonn, reports that Rabbi Abraham Cooper of
the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles has urged Mayor Henning Yoscherau
of Hamburg, Germany, to block construction of a shopping mall on a former
Jewish cemetery after a German court gave the go-ahead to start building.
Wrote Rabbi Cooper, "Considering the trauma and tragedy inflicted on the
Jewish citizens of your city during the Holocaust, we would hope that the
leaders of today's Hamburg would take a stand on behalf of memory."


The Toronto Star recounts the story of Frank Walus, who was fingered
by Simon Wiesenthal first as a Gestapo collaborator, then later as a member
of the Gestapo. Twelve eyewitnesses swore Walus was a mass-murderer who had
stomped a pregnant Jew to death. Forty eyewitnesses placed Walus at the
concentration camp in Kielce, Poland, during the war. At the trial, however,
it was established that Walus was never at the camp, never a member of the
Gestapo, never a member of the SS, and that in fact all of Wiesenthal's
charges against Walus were fabrications. This prompted the US Justice
Department to drop all charges, issue an apology, and pay Walus $34,000 to
help offset his legal fees.


Dr. Arthur Butz (author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century) and
William Lindsey, Ph.D. hold a seminar on key aspects of the Holocaust in


Daniel Goldhagen, writing in the New Republic, rails against
exterminationist author Arno Mayer, and his book Why Did the Heavens Not
Darken? The reason? Mayer announces his intention to treat what he calls
Judeocide according to the canons of historical scholarship rather than
following the elsewhere much vainted eyewitness system. Mayer admits that
"Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable."
Also, "Most of what is known is based on the depositions of Nazi officials
and executions at postwar trials and on the memory of survivors and
bystanders. This testimony must be screened carefully, since it can be
influenced by subjective factors of great complexity." And another,
"Besides, from 1942 to 1945, certainly at Auschwitz, but probably overall,
more Jews were killed by so-called 'natural' causes than by 'unnatural'
ones." Mayer also cites as a reference The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, by
Arthur Butz, a key revisionist work.


Professor Robert Faurisson is convicted in France (that bastion of
free speech) of questioning the Holocaust myth.


WW II American airman Paul Stralka shares details of his stay at
Buchenwald for the Duluth News Tribune by recalling "long lines of prisoners
being led to the gas chambers, which were usually disguised as showers."
Unfortunately, Buchenwald is in Germany, and as we all know, "there were no
extermination camps on German soil" (Simon Wiesenthal, Books and Bookmen,
April, 1975).


Speaking at a conference on Group Defamation and the Freedom of
Speech, keynote guest Elie Wiesel urges that freedom of speech and inquiry
on the alleged Holocaust be proscribed. Wiesel called revisionists "the most
despicable of our enemies," and claimed that French revisionist scholar Dr.
Robert Faurrison was "haunting" and "persucuting" him. When Wiesel was asked
if his admonition to every Jew to maintain "a zone of hate --- healthy,
virile hate --- for what the German personifies and for what persists in the
German" might qualify as "group defamation," conference organizer Monroe
Freedman intervened to denounce the question as anti-Semitic.


After WWII, Max Glauben was told his two aunts had been sent to the
gas chambers at a German extermination camp. He assumed he was the only
surviving family member. Today, his aunts telephoned Glauben in Dallas from
Philadelphia after finding his name in a computer data bank maintained by
the National Register of Jewish Holocaust Survivors.


The New York Times records the Auschwitz memories of one Pearl
Herskovic, who says she saw her whole family go up in "billowing smoke" from
an crematorium chimney, and that her family's "ashes began to fall on my
arm." Apparently, scientific fact and technical impossibility cannot
withstand irrational "truths" that are drummed into people's heads through
endless repetition and suppression of contrary information.


The date SS officer Kurt Gerstein's first two (of at least six)
"confessions." Confession 1 is handwritten in French. Confession 2 is
typewritten in French, dated April 26, 1945 (also presented as Nuernberg
document PS-1553; rejected by the IMT but accepted by the AMT!). Confession
3 is typewritten in German and is dated May 4, 1945. Confession 4 is
handwritten in French, dated May 6, 1945. Confession 5 is typewritten in
French, dated May 6, 1945. And Confession 6 is typewritten in German, dated
May 6, 1945. Also, there are three distinct versions of Confession 5.


An article in the Los Angeles Times by staff writer Robert Gillette
reveals that enormous numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, Balts, Poles, and
others welcomed the German invaders as liberators from communism and from
the suffering they had endured during the 1920s and 1930s. One Red Army
general, Andrei Vlasov, even raised an army to fight alongside the Germans
in hopes of helping to bring down Stalin.


Elie Wiesel, writing in Jewish Week, states, "The Holocaust is our
strength. We have been shielded by it for a generation."


Israeli citizen Michael Wolffsohn, teacher at the official West German
War College, is quoted in the weekly Deutsche National-Zeitung as saying the
Jews need the Holocaust story and anti-Germanism to maintain Jewish
collective identity. Furthermore, according to Wolffsohn, "Whenever there
are day-to-day or historical-political differences of opinion between
Germany and foreign countries, the Holocaust has proven to be a suitable
instrument against Germany, and no one gives up an effective tool,
especially in politics." Wolffsohn's comments first appeared in a special
edition of Das Parlament.


The editorial page of the Los Angeles Times contains a piece by Rachel
Patron, who claims that as a Polish Jew she was shipped off to Siberia by
the Soviets during WWII (and you thought all Polish Jews were captured and
gassed by Nazis). Ms. Patron goes on to state that on later passing through
Ukraine on her return to Poland she found a shed full of soap made from
Jews. Isn't it interesting how these Holocaust survivors can remember seeing
things that never existed?


US Secretary of the Interior Donald P. Hodel informs a crowd of some
6,000 Holocaust survivors that Holocaust education is as important for
Americans as the history of their own nation. Apparently, Hodel is unaware
that the last thing the Holocaust lobby wants is more study of the facts and
claims surrounding the Holocaust story.


Cherry Hill, New Jersey, police arrest three men, including
18-year-old Jew Matthew Tannenbaum, for vandalizing the predominantly Jewish
Woodcrest Country Club on April 18.


Lord Shawcross, chief British prosecutor at the Nuernberg Tribunal of
1945-46, speaks out against the pending War Crimes law that was later pushed
through by Margaret Thatcher, John Majors, and extreme pressure from Zionist
groups (notibly those in Southern California). Fair trials in such "war
crimes" cases are almost impossible, Lord Shawcross explains, because
"witness identification, notoriously the frailest form of human testimony,"
is particularly unreliable after so many years. "Evidence of identification
is unsafe after four weeks and hopeless after forty years." As the cases of
Frank Walus and many others in the United States and elsewhere have shown,
such fears are well founded. British officials plan to use the new law to
prosecute three cases starting immediately upon passage. (New York Times)


The Institute of Historical Review presents official testimony to the
Elementary, Secondary, and Vocational Education subcommittee of the
Education and Labor Committee ofthe House of Representatives, urging that
Holocaust studies not exclude facts and research that might not be
consistent with orthodoxy. This effort to support the First Amendment is
repaid with an attack on the IHR in the Congressional Record by Rep. Jim
Saxton (R-NJ).


The Christian News devotes an issue exclusively to the revisionist
side of the Holocaust story.


The Visalia Times-Delta prints an article critical of the authenticity
of the Diary of Anne Frank. The ensuing hubbub on the opinion and letters
pages lasts for weeks.


Rudolf Hess flies to Great Britain as an ambassador of peace, is
captured, and is locked away in prison until the day he dies.


At the United Jewish Welfare Fund Toy Division dinner, a man named
Fred Kort was given the UJWF's Humanitarian of the Year award. Kort is
identified as a "survivor of the concentration camp at Treblinka." One
problem: on page 284 of the book The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary,
only 69 people are listed as surviving Treblinka, and Fred Kort's name is
not among them. (Los Angeles Jewish Community Bulletin)


A Washington Post story about a bus-load of 5th graders trapped in a
tunnel filled with diesel exhaust fails to ask why the 5th graders were able
to survive their ordeal for 40 minutes when the Nazis are alleged to have
used diesel exhaust to kill thousands (if not millions) of Jews and others
during WWII.


The home of revisionist Dr. George Ashley is damaged by a crude
explosive. The letters "JDL" are spray-painted on the sidewalk in front of
the home. This is the fourth time in three years that Dr. Ashley's home has
been attacked by thugs.

Deborah Lipstadt, a teacher of Modern Jewish History at UCLA,
publishes an elaborate rebuttal to the Jewish soap stories in the Los
Angeles Times. Having said that, however, Ms. Lipstadt then goes on to
repeat the lies that 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis during
WWII, and that the Nazis made lampshades from human skin. Proof, Ms.


A German court convicts 80-year-old Josef Schwammberger to life in
prison for "war crimes." Despite the crowing of various Jews and Jewish
groups over the verdict and sentence, it is generally assumed that this will
be the last major Nazi war crimes trial. (Santa Monica Outlook)


Canadian journalist Doug Collins (North Shore News, North Vancouver,
BC) becomes the first established journalist in North America to tell
readers that the Holocaust story just doesn't add up.


Rabbi Charles Rosenzveig, responding to questions from revisionist
Bradley Smith on West Bloomfield radio station WSPD-AM, admits that the
human-soap story is only a rumor. So what? Well, previously Rabbi Rosenzveig
had exhibited absolutely no compunctions about perpetrating the lie that
soap was made from human fat at Buchenwald, and was an example of the
"inconceivable" behavior of Germans during WWII (see the Toledo Blade,
February 24, 1985).


The Seattle Times reports an eyewitness account by 90-year-old
University of Washington professor emeritus Nikolai Poppe that charges the
Nazis with digging a hole 50 yards square near Nalchik, in the Soviet
Caucasus, and using it as a mass grave as they executed all the prisoners
from the Nalchik city jail. One week later, readers of the Seattle Times
were informed through a letter to the editor signed by David Knechtges and
30 other professors and staff members from the University that Poppe had
been misquoted, and that the massacre in question had been carried out not
by the Germans but by the Soviet NKVD. After attempts to portray the Germans
as executioners for other Soviet mass murders such as those at Lvov
(Lemberg) in 1941, Katyn in 1940, and Vynnytsia between 1937 and 1939, this
seems rather par for the course.


A court in Haifa, Israel sentences a Jew to three years in prison
after he confesses to desecrating more than 300 Jewish graves in the hope
that Arabs would be blamed. (New York Times)


The famed "ghetto boy" of Warsaw, photographed with his arms raised
over his head as he was allegedly being hustled off to join the other Jews
inside the gas ovens, has apparently surfaced in Rockland County, New York.
Dr. Tsvi C. Nussbaum claims the picture is of him as a young boy. Some
groups, who cherish the symbolism of the photo, refuse to believe Nussbaum's
claims. Of course, Nussbaum is not the first to claim himself as the subject
of this photo; in 1978 wealthy Londoner Israel Rondel came forward to
explain that the photo had been taken of Rondel after an arrest for theft,
although he was later released unharmed and returned to his mother.


After weeks of rabble-rousing in the Canadian Jewish News (and other
periodicals), an anti-German rally takes place at Allen Gardens (Canada).
During the rally, speaker after speaker publically denounce and slander a
Canadian citizen of German descent and others. The assembled multitude then
walk to the business of a local German-Canadian and attempt to break through
police lines to attack those inside. Neither the rally organizers, speakers,
or attendees are censured for these acts. (In contrast, imagine what would
have happened had Germans held a similar demonstration about Jews!)


A character in the comic strip Dondi vividly recalls (over 40 years
later) the "big red chimney and Zyklon B poison gas" ... at Dachau!
Considering that no one seriously puts forth the proposition that Dachau had
homicidal gas chambers, this is indicative of the future of the entire
Holocaust myth ... relegated to the make-believe world of the funny pages.


The U.S. Supreme Court rejects an appeal by Jewish groups to throw out
the case brought against them by the widow of revisionist David McCalden.
The suit charges that pressure and threats from the Jewish groups forced the
California Library Association to cancel his exhibit scheduled for a Los
Angeles hotel in December, 1984. (Santa Monica Outlook)


Defense attorney Yoram Sheftel demands that the Israeli Supreme Court
overturn the conviction of client John Demjanjuk.


The Israeli daily Ha'aretz reports on a study by the University of
Haifa that shows, once again, that the majority of Jewish children in Israel
see Arabs as "terrorists and murderers of children." It appears that
Israelis have learned the lessons of fascism well.


Four years after the jailing of John Demjanjuk as Ivan the Terrible,
new evidence has the prosecutor doubting the conviction, and a U.S. court is
re-examing the retired autoworker's extradition.


Massachusetts state officials set aside a criminal complaint against
execution hardware expert Fred Leuchter instead of proceding with the trial,
which had been set for June 24. The complaint arose after Leuchter published
his report on forensic tests of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps
and found no evidence that the facilities had ever been used in homicidal
gassings. Groups supporting the Holocaust myth forced the state to bring the
suit in an effort to discredit Leuchter, in light of their inability to
respond substantively to the report itself.


An Associated Press report out of London casually mentions that
included in the just-released documents of Rudolf Hess is a memo of Hess'
peace terms: Germany was to hold sway in a European sphere of influence,
while Britain was to keep its empire. Hess was found guilty of war crimes at
Nuernberg and sentenced to life in prison.


An editorial in the Washington Times reveals that enormous numbers of
Russians, Ukrainians, Balts, Poles, and others welcomed the German invaders
as liberators from communism and from the suffering they had endured during
the 1920s and 1930s. One Red Army general, Andrei Vlasov, even raised an
army to fight alongside the Germans in hopes of helping to bring down


The ADL issues a report on anti-Semitic incidents that includes such
unthinkable crimes as distributing pro-Arab literature and criticising the
policies of the state of Israel. (DC Observer)


The Deland (FL) Sun News publishes a commentary entitled Exactly what
is Holocaust Truth? The pieces centers on the disparity between the
dogmatic, ritualistic view of the Holocaust and the Western
historiographical tradition of objective inquiry into the past.


In an apparent attempt to smear American gas chamber expert Fred
Leuchter, the Washington Post grossly misrepresents the facts surrounding
the charges against Mr. Leuchter, as can easily be seen by comparing the
direct quotes in the article with the Post's commentary. Furthermore, the
Post reveals that the real reason behind Mr. Leuchter's persecution is the
efforts of Jewish organizations including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).


While questioning defendant Albert Speer at the Nuernberg trials, US
prosecutor Robert Jackson tells Speer that he has certain information that
the Nazis erected a small village just outside of Auschwitz, put
approximately 20,000 Jews in it, and by means of a newly invented weapon
eradicated these people almost instantaneously in such a way that there was
no trace left of them, and that the explosive used had developed
temperatures of from 400 to 500 degrees Centigrade. Jackson: "Do you know
about that experiment?" Speer: "No, and I consider it utterly improbable."
Jackson then dropped the matter, which is too bad because this story is much
more easily defended than the current "gas chamber" myth.


IHR headquarters in Torrance is bombed at 5 am. Claiming
responsibility for the bombing is a man who called the Associated Press and
identified himself as being a member of the Jewish Defenders, an arm of the
violence-prone Jewish Defense League headed locally by Mordecai Levy and
nationally by Irv Rubin.


Raul Hilberg, fresh from his appearance as a witness at the trial of
Canadian Ernst Zündel, is quoted in the Jerusalem Post as doubting the
veracity of key Holocaust witnesses, pointing up the severe shortcomings of
not only the magic 6,000,000 figure but exterminationist estimations of
Holocaust dead in general, and challenging survivor accounts. During
questioning by Zündel's lawyer Doug Christie, Hilberg was forced to concede
that although he cited SS officer Kurt Gerstein ten times in his book
(Destruction of the European Jews), he did so only after editing parts of
the Gerstein statements that were "pure nonsense" and "totally false."


The Chicago Tribune reports the reuniting of a family thought to have
been murdered by the Nazis during WWII. For 40 years, Lucia Miller "thought
her sister and an aunt were the only other members of her family to survive
the Holocaust. This weekend, she saw differently: About 130 cousins --- from
her generation to her grandchild's --- gathered in Chicago from around the
world for a Mintz family reunion." The story goes on to say that "family
members from Florida, California, Israel, France, and Brazil arrived to join
the celebration." Helene Pomeranc from Paris "thought it was just my father
and me." The reunion was the result of 30 years of effort by Harry Mintz,
who searched for relatives by advertising in Eurpean newspapers and looking
through thousands of telephone book pages. While reunions such as that of
the Mintz family are not every day occurences, they are by no means unusual.
Unfortunately, each family member often believes that all the other family
members were murdered, multiplying the death toll, while few make any
attempt to locating missing family members.


Rabbi Dr. Samuel A. Turk claims in the New York Jewish Press that
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he had blasphemed when he
said "Ich bin ein Berliner" in Berlin in 1963. Turk's remarks were part of
an open letter to President Ronald Reagan, in which the cleric expressed his
outrage that Reagan had publicly challenged Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev
to tear down the Berlin Wall.


The Institute for Historical Review is attacked by arsonists and
burned to the ground in a vain attempt to silence the world's leading voice
for truth about the Holocaust myth. JDL activist Jerry Rubin proudly and
defiantly claims foreknowledge of the arson attack, and names Los Angeles
Police infiltrator/informant Larry Winston as the perpetrator. Local police
and the FBI investigate briefly, then lose interest in what has been called
the worst case of political terrorism in the history of the United States.


The London Independent claims that a complete copy of the diaries of
Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda minister, have been found in Russian
archives in Moscow.


Yossi Melman writes in the Jerusalem Ha'retz that Prime Minister
Yitzhak Shamir headed a special hit squad during his 10 years (1955 to 1964)
in Isreal's Mossad secret service. The article notes that Shamir was
recruited in part because he had "a lot of experience in murder,
assassinations, planting bombs, threats, and harassment."


An editorial in the North Lake Tahoe Bonanza rings down the curtain on
the debate raging in the Letters section about the Holocaust myth. What
started with one letter from a local reader protesting a $30,000
appropriation for Holocaust education expanded to many letters over a period
of several weeks. These letters (where were sent in by those on both sides
of the issue) in a newspaper of relatively small circulation are an
encouraging indication of the growing impact of Holocaust revisionism. A
debate of this depth and intensity would have been all but unthinkable just
a few years ago,


A Washington Times article about the opening of a mass grave in Poland
carries the headline, Mass Grave in Poland Dug up But Only Germans are
Found. Imagine the outcry if the racially-, ethnically-, and
religiously-sensitive Times (owned by Reverend Sun Myung Moon) had run a
headline reading, Mass Grave in Poland Dug up But Only Jews are Found, or
Mass Grave in South Africa Dug up But Only Blacks are Found.


Patrick Buchanan's column in the Washington Times defends rocket
scientist Arthur Rudolph of charges he was a Nazi.


The Washington Times runs an article by Krzysztof Leski and Ohad
Gozani (of the London Daily Telegraph) reporting that Poland has cut the
official Auschwitz death toll from 4 million to just over 1 million.
According to the article, "Israeli experts said evidence to support the
lower estimate had been mounting for some time," and "Shmuel Krakowsky, head
of research at Israel's Yad Vashem memorial for Jewish victims of the
Holocaust, said the new Polish figures were correct."


The home of Canadian James Keegstra is subject to an arson attack.
Keegstra, who denies the Holocaust took place, had recently successfully
appealed his conviction under Canada's obscurantist hate laws.


The Asbury Park Press reports that two Jewish teens will face charges
that they spray-painted swastikas and anti-Semitic remarks on a home and a
car. No doubt, the Holocaust made them do it.


The Spotlight announces that more than 100,000 copies of the German
language edition of its special Holocaust supplement, The Great Holocaust
Debate, has been circulated in the Federal Republic of Germany, even though
such distribution is illegal due to German laws against "denying" the


The Jerusalam Post reports claims by Israeli citizen Israel Carmi, who
served in the British Army's Jewish Bridage during WWII, of his role in the
kidnapping and murder of an unspecified number of Germans during the last
months of 1945 and 1946. One must wonder why this confessed murderer is
exempt from prosecution.


Professional Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein settles a lawsuit
against the Institute for Historical Review out-of-court in exchange for
$90,000 and a simple apology. Mermelstein had sued the Institute for
Historical Review for $17 million for various causes, including mental
anguish, sleepless nights, and injurious denial of established historical
fact (a cause of action hitherto unused in American courts, but popular in
communist courts). It is estimated that the trial cost Mermelstein $150,000,
and his law firm claims to have donated $400,000 worth of legal work to this
one case.


After almost a year, no one steps forward to claim the $50,000 prize
offered by the IHR to anyone who can prove the Nazis used homicidal gas


Influential Australian Jewish academic Dr. Frank Knopfelmacher
condemns the ongoing campaign against alleged Nazi war criminals as an
ill-considered exercise motivated by revenge that fosters social strife, and
against The Simon Wiesenthal Center for helping to foment "ethnic hatred."
(The Australian)


Second International Revisionist Conference, Ontario, California.
Announced at this conference are two contests, each for $25,000 to anyone
who can either prove the diary of Anne Frank is genuine or that the Nazis
ever made soap from the bodies of Jews.


Rabbi Meir Kahane, Orthodox Jew, Zionist, member of the Knesset, and
founder of the Jewish Defense League, is quoted in the New York Times as
saying, "Western democracy as we know it is incompatible with Zionism." No
wonder the state of Israel has no constitution or bill of rights.


The "anti-Semitic" arsonist who destroyed the Woodside synagogue in
Silver, Spring on April 8, 1986 is now reported to be known to have been a
member of the congregation, but because the suspect has left the area no
arrest has been made. If the perpetrator had been a white non-Jew, the
worldwide man-hunt would have ended in the death penalty for sure.


A 19-year-old Jew Gary L. Stein is arrested for burning a swastika on
the lawn of a private home in Rockville. (Washington Jewish Week)


Irv Rubin, Earl Krugel, and Robert Manning, all members of the radical
Zionist Jewish Defense League (JDL) are booked for investigation of using an
explosive device at the Beth-Sar Shalom Religious Center. (Associated Press)


David Alexander, president of Pomona College in California (the site
of the 1980 Revisionist Conference) writes in a letter to the Institute for
Historical Review that "because of the College's commitment to open and free
inquiry Pomona College will not be able to offer the use of its facilities
in the future."

Rudolf Hoess issues a special order concerning the use of the
disinfectant Zyklon B, which reads: "A case of indisposition with slight
symptoms of poisoning by hydrocyanic gas which occurred today makes it
necessary to warn all those participating in the gassings and all other SS
members that in particular on opening rooms used for gassing SS not wearing
masks must wait at least five hours and keep at a distance of at least 15
meters from the chamber. In addition, particular attention should be paid to
the wind direction. -- The gas being used at present contains less odorous
warning agent and is therefore especially dangerous. -- The SS garrison
doctor declines all responsibility for any accidenthat should occur in the
case where these directive have not been complied with by the SS members."
Apparently, Hoess felt moved to issue this warning after seeing the
sonderkommando entering the "gas chambers" within moments of an "execution,"
eating and smoking, as has been testified to by so-called "eyewitnesses."


The blame for numerous desecrations of synagogues in the Federal
Republic of Germany over the previous 40 years is laid at the door of the
KGB, who was attempting to defame the FRG (Die Welt, Hamburg). For those
familiar with Soviet propaganda tactics since the communist take-over, this
comes as no surprize.

A bomb demolishes the car of Tscherim Soobzokov. Soobzokov had been
falsely accused of "war crimes" during WWII, but had been completely
exonerated by two Federal courts of all accusations. The bombing came days
after Mordechai Levy of the Jewish Defense Organization denounced Soobzokov
and threated his life in a fiery speech at a New Jersey synagogue. On
opening the front door of his house to investigate, Soobzokov set off
another bomb that had been rigged to his door. Soobzokov, his wife,
daughter, and four-year-old grandchild were injured in the blast. Soobzokov
underwent nine hours of emergency surgery and his leg had to be amputated.
Morchechai Levy told reporters, "The only thing I regret is that instead of
losing his legs, he should have lost his life." On September 6, Soobzokov
succumbed to his injuries.


A front-page article by B. Amouyal in the Jerusalem Post quotes Yad
Vashem Archives director Shmuel Krakowski to the effect that "Over half of
the 20,000 testimonies from Holocaust survivors on record at Yad Vashem are
'unreliable' and have never been used as evidence in Nazi war crimes
trials." The story also states, "Krakowski says that many survivors, wanting
'to be part of history' may have let their imaginations run away with them.
'Many were never in the places where they claim to have witnessed
atrocities, while others relied on second-hand information given them by
friends or passing strangers,' according to Krakowski." (paragraph) "A large
number of testimonies on file were later proved inaccurate when locations
and dates could not pass an expert historian's appraisal."


Soviet secret police (NKVD) are alleged to have murdered 600 Polish
soldiers and officers in the forests of Trzebuska, not far from Rzeszow.
Suppressed documentation reveals that the mass graves of Trzebuska were
discovered in 1980, but were again suppressed by the Polish government to
protect its ally.

The New York Post prints a nine-page spread of wartime photos, said to
have come from the collection of the late Tscherim Soobzokov, who had been
acquitted of charges that he was a member of the Einsatzgruppe during WWII.
Lurid captions are provided by Elie Wiesel and Lucjan Dobroszycki (the later
being the senior research associate of New York's YIVO Institute for Jewish
Research). A few days later, the son of the actual owner comes forward to
claim the photos, which had been stolen from his apartment. The photos were
part of a collection of photos purchased in Germany during the owner's
military service after the war, and had nothing to do either with Soobzokov
or with the demonstrably false captions assigned them by Wiesel and


The toxicological department of the Medico-Legal Institute in Krakow
releases the results of forensic tests on the so-called gas chambers of
Auschwitz that show no evidence of homicidal gassings. This report adds
further credibility to virtually identical findings by American gas chamber
expert Fred Leuchter is his report of similar tests he performed on these
facilities in 1988.


The Canadian Supreme Court throws out the "hate crimes" law that had
been used against publisher Ernst Zündel, a Holocaust revisionist,
completely exonerating him. The decision comes after nearly ten years of
legal wrangling at the instigation of Jewish groups in Canada and the United


First International Revisionist Conference, Northrup University, Los
Angeles, California. An award of $50,000 is announced for anyone who can
prove the Nazis used homicidal gas chambers.


The Baltimore Gay Paper examines the unedited Dutch version of Anne
Frank's diary and comes to the conclusion that Ms. Frank was a lesbian. And
you say you thought history had nothing to do with politics.


The FBI connects the tossing of a tear gas grenade during a
performance of the Moiseyev Dance Company at the Met to the Jewish Defense
Leagure (JDL).


US District Court Judge Lawrence Sydick approves a motion by the
Institute of Historical Review to dismiss a lawsuit by professional
Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein.


The Twelfth International Revisionist Conference, Irvine, California.


The Fourth International Revisionist Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Tscherim Soobzokov dies of injuries received from a bomb rigged to the
front door of his house. Soobzokov had previously been falsely accused of
"war crimes" during WWII, but had been completely exonerated in two Federal
courts. Morechai Levy, of the Jewish Defense Organization, applauded the
terrorists who attacked this innocent man and his family.


Mordecai Levy of the Jewish Defense League is arraigned in Los Angeles
federal count on charges of firebombing a Nigerian diplomat's car in New
York City. Apparently, Levi was attempting to firebomb members of the Soviet
delegation but missed. A week earlier, Levy had been arrested for physically
assaulting -- in a courtroom -- a 77-year-old Latvian native.


University College (at Cork, Ireland) professor Dermot Keogh is quoted
in the Bangor, Maine Daily-News as having discovered that the Irish
government was loath to admit Jewish refugees during the 1930s and 1940s. In
his book "Ireland and Europe 1919-1949," Keogh cites secret Irish government
documents in which Jews are described as "a potential irritant in the body
politic" who had "disproportianate wealth and influence." In severely
limiting Jewish immigration during the Hitler years, Irish policy was in
line with that of virtually all other nations, pro- or anti-German,
including the United States and Britain.


In Binghamton, NY, swastikas and slogans (including "Kill Kikes" and
"Zionazi Racist") are found inside the door leading to the Jewish Student
Union of the State University. However, the New York Times of November 15,
1989, reports that the culprit is none other than the former president of
the Jewish Student Union, James Oppenheimer, who lead the pack in condemning
the vandalism.


The Los Angeles B'nai B'rith Messenger informs us that in early 1944
Hitler ordered SS commander Heinrich Himmler to do away with "all maimed,
disabled German soldiers, including SS troops, who were of no further use to
the Third Reich," using gasoline injections (!). This proposed slaughter of
750,000 German solders was allegedly stopped by Pope Pius XII. There is no
mention why author Kurt Margalit is apparently the only historian ever to
hear of this story, although we can certainly guess why no credence (or
follow-up activity) was ever given it.


The New York Post reports that 54 Jews are undergoingtwo weeks of
training in upstate New York from "Israeli Commandos and US Army Special
Forces soldiers" who teach them weapons handling, international politics,
the Old Testament, and techniques of guerilla warfare.


Revisionist scholar Dr. Robert Faurisson is brutally attacked and
severely injured for the sixth time by three young men claiming membership
in The Sons of the Memory of the Jews near his home in Vichy, France. The
assailants reportedly sprayed a Mace-like chemical in Faurisson's face and
then repeatedly struck and kicked the professor in th eface, head, and
chest. Dr. Faurrison sustained a broken jaw, nose, and ribs, and severe
injuries to the head. To date, the police have done nothing to apprehend the


Professional Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein drops his $11 million,
6-year-long court case against the Institute for Historical Review.
Mermelstein had sued the IHR in hopes of forcing them to stop their
Holocaust revisionist activities, but after losing virtually all of the
pre-trial hearings, Mermelstein's high-powered Beverly Hills legal team
threw in the towel, voluntarily withdrawing complaints of libel, conspiracy
to inflict emotional distress, and intentional infliction of emotional
distress. Truth and justice prevail!


The Huntsville Times reports that "[A] damning document used in
Canada's immigration hearing last month against exiled German rocket
scientists Arthur Rudolph may have been a forgery ..." on the part of the
U.S. government.


Cardinal Jozef Glemp of Poland accedes to Jewish demands that the
Carmelite convent at Auschwitz (and its offensive 23-foot cross)be moved to
another site. News accounts of the confrontation between Catholic and Jew
make seemingly endless reference to the 2.5 million Jewish deaths and 1.5
million other deaths that allegedly occurred at Auschwitz.


The Associated Press reports that the Soviet Red Cross has turned over
information regarding the deaths of over 74,000 [actually closer to 69,000]
wartime internees of Auschwitz to the International Red Cross. The news
story, which cites Valentina Fatyukhina, head researcher at the Soviet Red
Cross, as saying, "The deaths of over 74,000 people were neatly recorded,
day after day, hour after hour, in 46 huge volumes. Their names, the
birthdates, and the names of parents were written down." These volumes,
which have been hidden away by the Soviets for 45 years, remain hidden until
2/11/92 for fear that revisionists will make use of them(!).


The Washington Times reveals that the Office of Special Investigations
(OSI) knowingly uses fraudulent testimony to railroad "Nazi war criminals"
living in the United States. These phony war criminals include Arthur
Rudolph, John Demjanjuk, and Andrija Artukovic. The charges are so serious
that the FBI starts an investigation.


Washington Jewish Week reports that Theodore Weiner, head of Judaica
cataloguing at the Library of Congress, is creating a new subject heading
for Holocaust revisionist literature (separate from establishment Holocaust
literature, which until the late seventies was placed among other books on
WWII), presumably to avoid any confusion among those who wish only to learn
one side of the story.


The Christian News reproduces a map issued by the International
Tracing Service (ITS) that shows Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, and Dachau as
concentration camps, not as death camps. The so-called death camps are shown
as being Riga Jungfernof, Minsk, Treblinka II, Chelmno, Sobibor, and Belzec.
The accompanying article points out that at one time the International Red
Cross said that about 300,000 Jews died during WWII from all causes.


The New York Review of Books launches the Simon Wiesenthal Center into
orbit by publishing an ad for two books from the Institute for Historical
Review: Ingrid Weckert's Flashpoint: Kristallnacht 1938, and Harry Elmer
Barnes' Barnes Against the Blackout: Essays Against Interventionism.

In an Exterminationist symposium in Jerusalem, Professor Franklin H.
Littell states, "You can't discuss the truth of the Holocaust. That's a
distortion of freedom of speech. The U.S. should emulate West Germany, which
outlaws such public exercises. We now have to deal with a minimum of
violence; later we'll have to fight them in the streets." Ignoring Professor
Littell's stand on the First Amendment, can you imagine the furor if a
revisionist had called for fighting anti-revisionists in the streets? (see
the Jerusalem Post, International Edition, October 19-25, 1980).


Rabbi Marvin Hier, Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles,
under questioning from a caller during a talk show on KCKC radio (San
Bernardino), first claims there were no gas chambers at Treblinka (twice),
then he says there were gas chambers and that he knows who operated them,
then he says Treblinka started with small gas chambers and then graduated to
something else, then he says that there were gassings at Treblinka, then
not. He winds up by saying that the "gas chambers" were mostly at Majdanek,
Auschwitz, and Birkenau.


Senator Bob Taft (R-Ohio) speaks out against the Nuernberg War Crimes
Trials, and throws away his and the Republican party's chances for the
presidency in the upcoming elections.


The New York Review of Books again launches the Simon Wiesenthal
Center into orbit by publishing an ad for two books from the Institute for
Historical Review: Ingrid Weckert's Flashpoint: Kristallnacht 1938, and
Harry Elmer Barnes' Barnes Against the Blackout: Essays Against


An article in the New York Post entitled, Anne Frank May Not Have
Inked That Famous Diary, reports on disclosures made in the German news
weekly Der Spiegel to the effect that "A report by the German Federal
Criminal Investigation Bureau (BKA) indicates that portions of the diary had
been altered or added after 1951, casting doubt over the authenticity of the
entire work." The 1951 date is significant because that is the year of the
introduction of the ball-point pen, ink from which was used in portions of
the diary.


Judge Thomas Johnson of the Superior Court of California hands down a
partial decision on the case of Mermelstein vs. the IHR, taking "judicial
notice" of the fact that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz in 1944.


Tenth International Revisionist Conference, Washington, D.C.


Eighth International Revisionist Conference, Irvine, CA.


Diane Paul, of the American Red Cross, is quoted in the Chicago
Sentinel as saying that the 46 volumes of the Auschwitz death books will not
be made public because doing so would help those who challenge the
traditional version of Holocaust extermination claims.


Reverend Dr. Franklin H. Littel is quoted in the Jerusalem Post
(international edition) as saying, "You can't 'discuss' the truth of the
Holocaust. That's a distortion of free speech ... The US should emulate West
Germany, which outlaws such public exercises." Of course, on July 26, 1984,
Littel came out in The Jewish Times as being four-square in favor of the 1st
Amendment when it comes to religious freedoms, saying "We who love liberty
should also view with grave concern the use of government to punish or
suppress persons and groups whose religious views we think are


The FBI connects the pre-performance firebombing of the Moscow State
Symphony to the Jewish Defense League (JDL).


An ad calling for open debate on Holocaust extermination claims
appears in the student newspaper of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor,
signalling the start of a maelstrom of controversy that continues for
months. The ad later appears in the student newspapers at Duke University at
Durham, NC (Nov. 5), Northeastern Illinois University at DeKalb (Nov. 11),
Cornell University at Ithaca, NY (Nov. 11), and Rutgers University at New
Brunswick, NJ (Dec. 3). Other student newspapers reject the ad, but are
swept into the dicussion nevertheless. The controversy even prompts
commentators for general-circulation magazines to enter the fray. (see
November 15, 1991 for an example)


The Los Angeles Times prints an article in which it attempts to
establish that Revisionism leads to "anti-Semitism," which in turn has lead
to the recent bombings in Europe.


German taxi driver Denis Doyle, who had been arrested and subjected to
a house search after he was found distributing materials relating to
Holocaust revisionism, hasuuuaoeu his case dismissed despite the best
efforts of Juergen Hess and Judge Wolfgang Menz.


American Fred Leuchter, Jr. is arrested and jailed for four weeks in
Germany on the basis of a speech he made there in 1991 dealing with
technical aspects of the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz and Majdanek.


The case against Friedrich Rainer is dismissed in a Vienna courtroom
when the neither the plaintiff nor the prosecuting attorney (provided by
Simon Wiesenthal himself) show up for the trial. Rainer had been accused or
challenging the Holocaust myth, and the plaintiff, Dr. Ella Lingens, claimed
to be able to "prove" that homicidal gas chambers existed at Auschwitz. I
guess now we'll never know.


Professional Holocaust survivor Mel Mermelstein sues the Institute for
Historical Review for $60,000 because a letter from the Institute to
Mermelstein was held up in the mail. Judge Charles Jones awards Mermelstein
$38.36, considerably less than the hourly charge of Mermelstein's
high-priced attorney.


Gitta Sereny in the New Statesman admits that "Auschwitz was not
primarily an extermination camp" and that "there have been books or films
which were only partly true, or even were partly faked." Sereny further
admits being approached to ghost-write Martin Gray's For Those I Loved.


Kristallnacht (Crystal Night). The sole incident of anti-Jewish
rioting during the Third Reich. An isolated event that has somehow gained
much more attention than the widespread desecration and destruction of
Christian churches throughout Soviet Russia and its various satellites
during and after the Communist revolution, or the frequent attacks on
Catholic churches in Spain (not merely during the 1936-1939 civil war but
during the days of the leftist Spanish Republic in the years before its
overthrow). Because Kristallnach rioting was triggered by the murder of a
German diplomat (Ernst vom Rath), one might also recall that it was the
wounding of Israeli ambassador (to Great Britain) Shlomo Argov that served
as the pretext for Israel's massive 1982 invasion and occupation of Lebanon,
during which thousands of Arab civilians were slaughtered in savage Israeli
artillery and aerial attacks. Israel's murderous invasion was crowned by the
massacres at Sabra and Shatila, Palestinian refugee camps into which Israeli
troops admitted henchmen drawn from the allegedly Christian Lebanese, and
then sat back as more than a thousand Palestinian men, women, and children
were slaughtered. Vom Rath's assassin, 17-year-old Pole Hershl Grynszpan,
eventually fell into German hands and survived the war.


During a tape-recorded interview reproduced in the Los Angeles Times,
presidential hopeful David Duke expresses skepticism about the Auschwitz
extermination story, correctly mentioning, for example, that there were
recreation and entertainment opportunities for the inmates in the camp. Even
a blind pig finds an acorn once in awhile.


Yehuda Bauer, a leading Holocaust honcho who directs the Hebrew
University of Jerusalem's Division of Holocaust Studies and is
editor-in-chief of Pergamon Press's periodical Holocaust and Genocide
Studies, downgrades his estimate of Auschwitz deaths yet again. Ten years
ago, Bauer claimed 3.5 million lives were lost at Auschwitz. In 1982, he
changed his story to 2.5 million. Today in the New York Times, he claims
about 1,600,000. For his troubles, Bauer is slammed by other members of the
Holocaust fraternity.


Commentator Wesley Pruden of the Washington Times condemns the idea of
openly discussing the Holocaust myth, and urges editors of student
newspapers to reject ads calling for such a debate. Nobody ever said free
speech was pretty. Similar articles appear in the New York Post (Eric
Breindel, Nov. 28), and in the apparently misnamed Atlanta
Journal/Constitution (Tom Teepen, Nov. 28).


The British Jewish Chronicle calls for the restriction of certain
library books (read: revisionist literature) to "reference" only.


Exterminationist historian Martin Broszat dies. Broszat, director of
the Institute for Contemporary History in Munich, was the first
establishment historian to state publicly that Dauchau, Bergen-Belsen, and
Buchenwald were not death camps, and that no death camps were located in old
Germany (1937 boundaries). On May 3, 1979, Broszat admitted in a West German
courtroom that "the six million is a symbolic number." Broszat also took the
"ultrafunctionalist" view that Hitler neither planned nor ordered the


An Associated Press report by Ken Kusmer in the Los Angeles Daily News
carries the astonishing news that Holocaust survivor Siegfried Halbreich saw
Dr. Josef Mengele playing piano in a Los Angeles area restaurant in 1980, a
year after Mengele's death. Halbreich is quoted as saying, "I could not be
wrong in recognizing Mengele." Halbreich claims to have met Mengele six or
seven times while Halbreich was detained at the Auschwitz concentration


The Washington, DC, Spotlight reveals that the FBI was ordered by
National Security Council analyst Genneth de Graffenried to omit from its
1984 report on domestic crime the terrorist attack on the Institute of
Historical Review. de Graffenried has been categorized as a dual-loyalist
(that is, loyal to both America and Israel) and Israel-firster (that is,
putting the wants, needs, and wishes of Israel ahead of those of America, in
spite of his oath of office).


Fred Leuchter, Jr., the first person to conduct forensic tests on the
so-called "gas chambers" at Auschwitz (with negative results), is arrested
in Britain and deported back to the United States for the egregious crime of
giving his opinion of the Holocaust which (unfortunately for him) is at
variance with the establishment line.


ABC Television's Nightline program reports on the rise of neo-Nazism
in Germany. The broadcast makes it clear that many of Germany's young
disbelieve the Holocaust myth, and best-selling British historian David
Irving is quoted as saying that within two years no one who follows the
issue will believe the legend of the extermination gas chambers.


The Third International Revisionist Conference, Los Angeles,
California. At this conference it is announced that no one stepped forward
with proof to claim either of the two $25,000 prizes -- one of which would
have gone to anyone who could proof the authenticity of the Anne Frank diary
and the other to anyone who could prove that the Nazis ever made soap from
the bodies of Jews.


Tyler G. Kent dies. As a young American diplomat in London in 1940,
Kent attempted to warn the American and British people of the secret and
illegal machinations of FDR in fomenting WWII. The government rewarded his
patriotism by disavowing Kent and giving him over to the British for a
secret trial and imprisonment until after the end of the war. He had
violated no American laws, and he was neither charged nor convicted of
espionage by the British.


In an ad on page A19 of the Los Angeles Times, the Anti-Defamation
League (ADL) urges a declaration of war on Nazis.


The Palm Beach Post (West Palm Beach, FL) claims in the description of
the unveiling of a monument to "Holocaust survivors" that the memorial will
commemorate the "genocide of 30 million Jews." If a little lie is good, a
bigger lie must be better.


This Week In Germany reveals that members of the German military who
dispute the official Holocaust story are now liable for dishonorable
discharge. Apparently, it is okay to defend freedom but not okay to actually
try to use it.


After rocks were thrown through the windows of eight Jewish-owned
shops in an apparent encore performance of similar acts two weeks earlier,
Mayor Ed Koch and Jewish groups spring into action with an offer of $15,000
for information about the culprit. We do not know who collected the reward,
but the vandal turns out to be 38-year-old Gary Dworkin, a Jewish resident
of Boro Park.


An official Israeli inquiry finds no evidence that Austrian President
Kurt Waldheim committed Nazi war crimes against the Jews. Previously, Simon
Wiesenthal had spoken of Walheim's guilt as if it was absolute truth, which
is one reason why the old Nazi hunter Wiesenthal is held in such low regard
by law enforcement agencies around the world.


The Winnipeg Free Press reports that the B'nai B'rith has been found
guilty of libel, and assessed damages of $400,000 (a record at that time).
The judgment came because of B'nai B'rith's publication of an investigation
of allegations of anti-Semitic remarks by a political opponent, which cost
the opponent the election.


Haim Shapiro, in Israel's leading English-language daily (The
Jerusalem Post) reports, "Despite widespread acceptance of the Holocaust as
a tragedy unique in Jewish history, leading Torah scholars are 'unanimous'
in 'denying the uniqueness of the Holocaust as an event different ... from
any previous national catastrophe,' according to British Chief Rabbi Sir
Immanuel Jakobovits." (paragraph) "The British chief rabbi noted that this
was the case, despite the existence of what he described as 'an entire
indultry, with handsome profits for writers, researchers, film-makers,
monument builders, museum planners, and even politicians.' He added that
some rabbis and theologians were 'partners in this big business.'"
Translation: There's no business like Shoah business.


It seemed a clear case of vandalism when swastikas appeared for a
fourth time in the hallway of a Yonkers woman who supported a controversial
desegregation plan, accompanied this time by death threats. By December 1,
however, the culprit turns out to be no one else but the victim herself,
Laurie Recht. (New York Daily News)


The Madison, Wisconsin, Capital-Times reports the sad story of David
Rubinsky, who claims to have been denied the Medal of Honor because he is
Jewish. Mr. Rubinsky claims to have single-handedly killed 500 Japanese
soldiers in the Pacific theater during WWII. The ADL supported his claim,
prompting the Army to investigate. They found that Mr. Rubinsky had made up
the entire affair, a finding that the ADL now accepts (Janesville WI
Gazette, January 31, 1990).


The home of Dr. Reinhard Buchner (a member of the Institute of
Historical Review's Editorial Advisory Committee) is beseiged by a mob of
zealots affiliated with the Jewish Defense League calling for his death.
Members of the mob admit to the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner that it was they
who harangued and spit on Buchner some months earlier.


American Fred Leuchter, Jr. is released on bail from Mannheim jail in
Germany, where he had been held for four weeks for a public speech he made
in 1991 about technical aspects of the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz and


The Rutgers University Daily Targum student newspaper rejects an ad
urging open debate on the Holocaust myth, but agrees to publish it is an
opinion piece alongside the opposing viewpoint (opposing free speech,


The Institute for Historical Review (IHR) challenges
revisionist-bashing attorney Alan Dershowitz of the Harvard Law School to an
organized public exchange about the Holocaust story. Two months go by before
Dershowitz responds ... by chickening out.


El-Istiglal magazine publishes a Holocaust revisionist study of the
myth of the Nazi gas chambers, a first for the official PLO magazine.


A series of arson attacks at four Connecticut synagogues seemed to be
the work of Jew-hating racists. When the culprit is finally apprehended,
however, it turns out to be a 17-year-old boy who was a member of one of the
synagogues (New York Times). Those darned Jew-hating racists sure are


The Canadian Supreme Court rules that free speech is okay in Canada
... unless you are discussing the Holocaust myth, at which time infringement
of free speech is "reasonable."


The Aurora School District in Colorado demotes Hinkley High School
teacher Dorothy Groteluschen for letting slip to her students that there are
two sides to the Holocaust myth. Groteluschen later sues for back pay and
wins (February 1, 1991).


The West German weekly newspaper Deutsche National-Zeitung publishes a
sketch made by Simon Wiesenthal (which first appeared in Wiesenthal's 1946
book, KZ Mauthausen) that supposedly shows three Mauthausen inmates who had
been bound to posts and sadistically put to death by the Germans.
Unfortunately for friends of the Holocaust myth (and Wiesenthal's almost
non-existent credibility), the newspaper also reprints three photos from the
July 11, 1945 Life magazine that record the firing-squad execution of three
German soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge. The connection? Wiesenthal's
sketch is shown to be nothing more than a poor rendition of the Life photos
with a politically-correct caption. For those familiar with Wiesenthal's
book, you will remember that he also cites a "confession" of camp Commandant
Ziereis that 4 million inmates were gassed to death at Mauthausen, when it
is well known that no more than 206,000 people were ever sent to Mauthausen
and its satellite camps.


Author Ream Arnouf reports in the Los Angeles Times that in July of
this year the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (Red Cross) published an
article which cites revisionist scholarship in challenging the myth that gas
chambers were used to murder Jews in WWII.


In an interview on French radio, Professor Robert Faurisson calls the
existence of Nazi gas chambers and the massacre of millions of Jews during
WWII "historic lies." For his trouble, Faurisson is hauled into court and
convicted of "inciting hatred and racial discrimination."


Mel Mermelstein submits his claim to the IHR that he can prove there
were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.


The Los Angeles Herald-Examiner prints a letter from David McCalden
(Director of the Institute for Historical Review) rebutting an inaccurate
article about Dr. Reinhard Buchner (a member of the Editorial Advisory
Committee of the IHR).


The Washington Post becomes the first major metropolitan newspaper to
agree that open discussion about the Holocaust is okay, saying "Students
should be encouraged to investigate the Holocaust story the same way they
are encouraged to investigate every other historical event," and "the truth
has [nothing] to fear from scrutiny."


Katherine Bishop's interview of revisionist Bradley Smith in the New
York Times treats revisionism fairly, quoting Smith accurately and without
the usual rancor ... a real breakthrough in the nation's "newspaper of


The Jewish Press attempts to explain away Professor Noam Chomsky's
support for Holocaust revisionists by deciding Chomsky suffers from self


While on his way to a court appointment, Holocaust revisionist Ernst
Zündel is attacked by JDL thugs, who knock him to the ground on the very
steps of the courthouse, then proceed to beat and spit on Zündel and his
attorney. Police offer virtually no protection and make no arrests.




This happens every couple years. They use some other country's passports
for a Mossad assassination squad. The other country screeches, the
Israelis just laugh it off, and deny it. What's the point?
The British government has called in the Israeli ambassador to discuss the
use of fake UK passports by the alleged killers of a Hamas commander in
Gordon Brown has also ordered an inquiry into the passports, which bear
names of six British-Israelis who are not the men pictured.
2010-10-24 11:59:21 UTC
absolutely nothing useful
Service Guarantees Citizenship
Would You Like To Know More?
2010-10-27 14:06:35 UTC
Post by Jim_Higgins
absolutely nothing useful
If u r a jewish propagandist TRUTH sure frightens them away. Seechless and
frothing the usual abuse and filth

Run rabbit run you have no answers once they wake up to your absolute lack
or morality and honesty so just run,away from the TRUTH.

And our intellctual has not noticed the injustice and dishonesty of the
arpartheid nazi israel government. And tocover his ignorance calls critical
real intellectuals nazis???

Just compare the difference below.


One guy gets 10 years, the other gets a raise and promotion?? For killing
a non jewish american? And gets to smirk about it?



Compounding the duplicity swirling around the case was the jurors'
remarkable verdict: Mr. Nelson was indeed guilty of depriving his victim of
his civil rights by stabbing him - but not by killing him. Thus, instead of
a possible life sentence, the murderer, with credit for time served, may be
a free man in a matter of months.


It is thus with intense interest that we watch as a federal jury in Brooklyn
hears the case of United States vs. Lemrick Nelson, Jr. and Charles Price --
respectively, the accused killer of Yankel Rosenbaum, and the man charged
with inciting the mob that pursued Rosenbaum. As Coalition goes to press,
the trial has finally begun and the prosecution is presenting powerful
evidence against the two defendants


A single dramatic comparison

While the student who has defied Chinese tanks at the Tien An Men
place was called a hero and deserved a large media coverage all over
the world as an icon of the resistance against barbaric policies, the
little American Corrie didn't have a similar projection as anyone can
remember. Though, she died as a martyr while the brave Chinese student
is still alive. Nevertheless, her image was hidden in the media and
still remains hidden. The student didn't die because the tank's
drivers were not as barbaric as that bastard of Israeli bulldozer's
driver was. That is why a guy alone was able to stop a column of 4
tanks on that day. Rachel didn't have that same chance. The little
woman couldn't make it and died. She couldn't stop the cold gigantic
machine on its task to destroy another Palestinian home. Then, the
bulldozer driven by a fanatic zionist soldier assassinated her youth
and all her hopes for a better life to all suffering people in the
Who knows who she was?

Rachel Corrie, 5th Grade Speech

Rachel Corrie, human right activist

http://www.ussliberty.com/challenge.htm - $10,000 challenge - The Liberty
Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the
truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim: 1


It is amazing but jews have the hide to want the liberty slaughter passed
over and forgotten. And to act openly in suppressing any support for the
sailors, as usual their elders cannot say enough to support Israel.


At 0800 hrs, 8 June, 1967, eight Israeli recon flights flew over 'Liberty,'
which was flying a large American flag. At 1400 hrs, waves of low-flying
Israeli Mystere and Mirage-III fighter-bombers repeatedly attacked the
American vessel with rockets, napalm, and cannon. The air attacks lasted 20
minutes, concentrating on the ship's electronic antennas and dishes. The
'Liberty' was left afire, listing sharply. Eight of her crew lay dead, a
hundred seriously wounded, including the captain, Commander William


On the afternoon of 8 June 1967, while in international waters off the Sinai
Peninsula, Liberty, though clearly marked as a U.S. Navy ship, was struck by
Israeli aircraft. After suffering damage and many personnel casualties from
gunfire, rockets and bombs, she was further attacked by three Israeli Navy
motor torpedo boats. One torpedo hit her on the starboard side, forward of
the superstructure, opening a large hole in her hull. In all, thirty-four
men were killed in the attacks and nearly 170 wounded. Israel subsequently
apologized for the incident, explaining that its air and naval forces had
mistaken the Liberty for a much smaller Egyptian Navy ship.



Another media attempted downgrade of the liberty tragedy and force
acceptance of the jewish view.
$10,000 challenge - The Liberty





Although contemporary Jewish authors deny such things as ritual murder, some
admit that there may have been some unpleasant Jews around at the time.

1255, Lincoln. A boy called Hugh was kidnapped by the Jews and crucified and
tortured in hatred of Jesus Christ. The boy's mother found the body in a
well on the premises of a Jew called Jopin or Copinus. This Jew, promised by
the judge his life if he confessed, did so, and 91 Jews were arrested;
eventually 18 were hanged for the crime. King Henry III himself personally
ordered the juridical investigation of the case five weeks after the
discovery of the body, and refused to allow mercy to be shown to the Jew
Copinus, who was executed.

1144, Norwich. A twelve year-old boy was crucified and his side pierced at
the Jewish Passover. His body was found in a sack hidden in a tree. A
converted Jew, called Theobald of Cambridge, confessed that the Jews took
blood every year from a Christian child because they thought that only by so
doing could they ever obtain their freedom and return to Palestine; and that
it was their custom to draw lots to decide whence the blood was to be
supplied; Theobald said that last year the lot fell to Narbonne, but in this
year to Norwich. The boy was locally beatified and has ever since been known
as St. William. The Sheriff, probably bribed, refused to bring the Jews to


The earliest of historians, Herodotus, informs us about the Hebrew
cult of human sacrifice. He writes: "The Hebrews sacrificed humans to
their God Moloch." (Herodotus, Vol. II, p. 45) Christ said to the
Jews: "Your father was a murderer from the beginning." (John 8:44) By
this he meant Moloch-Yahweh, the supreme Jewish Devil-God. Also, the
prophets Isaiah (57:5), Jeremiah (7:30- 31), Ezekiel (26:26-30), and
Micah (6:7) reproached the Jews for their abominable offerings. Isaiah

"You enflame yourselves with idols under every green tree, slaying the
children in the valleys under the cliffs of the rocks!"

The ritual murders that have been passed down through writings since
before the time of Christ until today are:

169 B.C. -- "King Antiochus Epiphanes of Syria, during the plundering
of the Temple of Jerusalem, found a Greek lying on a bed in a secret
chamber. He begged the King to rescue him. When he began to beg, the
attendants told him that a secret law commanded the Jews to sacrifice
human beings at a certain time annually. They therefore searched for a
stranger which they could get in their power. They fattened him, led
him into the woods, sacrificed him, ate some of his flesh, drank some
of his blood, and threw the remains of his body into a
ditch." (Josephus, Jewish historian, Contra Apionem)

418 A.D. -- Baronius reports the crucifixion of a boy by the Jews at
Imm, between Aleppo and Antioch.

419 A.D. -- In the Syrian district of Imnestar, between Chalcis and
Antioch, the Jews tied a Christian boy to a cross on a holiday and
flogged him to death. (Socrat)

425 A.D. -- Baronius reports the crucifixion of a boy.

614 A.D. -- After the conquest of Jerusalem, the Jews purchased, for a
small amount of money, 90,000 prisoners from the Persian King Chosros
II and murdered them all in the most disgusting ways. (Cluverius,
Epitome his. p. 386)

1071 A.D. -- Several Jews from Blois crucified a child during the
Easter celebration, put his body into a sack and threw it into the
Loire. Count Theobald had the guilty ones burned alive. (Robert of
Mons, Mon. Germ. hist. Script VI 520)

1144 A.D. -- In Norwich, during Passover, 12-year-old St. William was
tied by the local Jews, hanged from a cross, and his blood drained
from a wound in his side. The Jews hid the corpse in the nearby woods.
They were surprised by a local citizen, Eilverdus, who was bribed with
money to keep quiet. Despite this the crime still became notorious.
(Acta sancta, III March, Vol., p. 590)

1160 A.D. -- The Jews of Gloucester crucified a child (Mons Germ.
hist. Script 520)

1179 A.D. -- In Pontoise, on March 25th before Passover, the Jews
butchered and drained St. Richard's body of blood. Due to this, the
Jews were expelled from France. (Rob. of Turn., Rig.u.Guillel. Amor.)

1181 A.D. -- In London, around Easter, near the church of St. Edmund,
the Jews murdered a child by the name of Roertus. (Acta sanct, III
March Vol., 591)

1181 A.D. -- In Saragossa, the Jews murdered a child named Dominico.
(Blanca Hispania illustrata, tom. III, p. 657)

1191 A.D. -- The Jews of Braisme crucified a Christian who had accused
them of robbery and murder, after they had previously dragged him
through the town. Due to this King Philip Augustus, who had personally
come to Braisme, burned eighty of them. (rigordus, Hist. Gall.)

1220 A.D. -- In Weissenburg, in Alsace, on the 29th of June, the Jews
murdered a boy, St. Heinrich. (Murer, Helvetia sancta.)

1225 A.D. -- In Munich a woman, enticed by Jewish gold, stole a small
child from her neighbor. The Jews drained the blood from the child.
Caught in her second attempt, the criminal was handed over to the
courts. (Meichelbeck, Hist. Bavariae II. 94)

1235 A.D. -- the Jews committed the same crime on December 1st in
Erfut. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, 66)

1236 A.D. -- In Hagenau in Alsace, three Christian boys from the
region of Fulda were attacked by the Jews in a mill during the night
and killed in order to obtain their blood. (Trithemius; Chronicle of
Albert of Strassburg)

1239 A.D. -- A general uprising in London because of a murder
committed secretly by the Jews. (Matthew v. Paris, Grande Chron.)

1240 A.D. -- In Norwich the Jews circumcised a Christian child and
kept him hidden in the ghetto in order to crucify him later. After a
long search, the father found his child and reported it to the Bishop
Wilhelm of Rete. (Matthew v. Paris, op. cit. V. 39)

1244 A.D. -- In St. Benedict's churchyard in London, the corpse of a
boy was found which bore cuts and scratches and, in several places,
Hebrew characters. He had been tortured and killed; and his blood had
been drained. Baptized Jews, forced to interpret the Hebrew signs,
found the name of the child's parents and read that the child had been
sold to the Jews when it was very young. Distinguished Jews left the
city in secret. The Catholic Church venerated the Martyr under the
name of St. Paul.

1250 A.D. -- The Jews of Saragossa adopted the horrible dogma that
everyone who deliverd a Christian child for sacrifice would be freed
from all taxes and debts. In June, 1250, Moses Albay-Huzet (Also
called Albajucetto) delivered the 7-year-old Dominico del Val to the
Jews for crucifixion. (Johan. a Lent, Schedias, hist. de pseudomes,
judæorum, p. 33)

1255 A.D. -- At Lincoln, in England, on Peter and Paul's Day, 8-year-
old St. Hugh was stolen by the local Jews, hidden, and later
crucified. The Jews beat him with rods for so long that he almost lost
all his blood. (Acta santa 6 July 494)

1257 A.D. --So that they could commit their annual sacrifice, the Jews
of London butchered a Christian child. (Cluvirius, epitome
historiarum, p. 541. col I)

1260 A.D. -- The Jews of Weissenburg killed a child (Annal.
Colmariens)1261 A.D. --In Pforzheim a 7-year-old girl who had been
delivered to the Jews, was laid on a linen cloth and stabbed on her
limbs in order to soak the cloth with blood. Afterwards the corpse was
thrown into the river. (Thomas, Cantipratanus, de ratione Vitæ.)

1279 A.D. --The most respectable Jews of London crucified a Christian
child on April 2nd. (Florent de Worcester, Chron. 222)

1279 A.D. -- The crucifixion of a Christian child at Northampton after
unheard-of tortures. (Henri Desportes Le mystere du sang, 67)

1282 A.D. -- In Munich the Jews purchased a small boy and stabbed him
all over his body. (Rader., Bavar. sancta I. Bd. p. 315)

1283 A.D. -- A child was sold by his nurse to the Jews of Mainz , who
killed it. (Baroerus ad annum No. 61. Annalen von Colmar)

1286 A.D. -- In Munich the Jews martyred two boys. The wooden
synagogue was encircled with fire and 180 Jews burnt to death. (Murer,
Helvetia sancta.)

1286 A.D. -- In April, at Oberwesel on the Rhine, 14-year-old St.
Werner was slowly tortured to death by the Jews over a period of 3
days. (Act. sct. II. Bd. b. Apr. p. 697 bis 740.)

1287 A.D. -- The Jews in Bern kidnapped St. Rudolf at the Passover,
horribly tortured the child and finally slit his throat. (Hein, Murer,
Helvetia sancta.)

1292 A.D. -- In Colmar, the Jews killed a boy. (Ann. Colm., II, 30)

1293 A.D. -- In Krems, the Jews sacrificed a child. Two of the
murderers were punished; the others saved themselves through the power
of gold. (Monum. XI, 658)

1294 A.D. --In Bern, the Jews murdered a child again. (Ann Colm., II,
32; Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang, p. 70)

1302 A.D. -- In Reneken the same crime. (Ann. Colm. II, 32)

1303 A.D. -- At Weissensee in Thuringen the young student Conrad, the
son of a soldier, was killed at Easter. His muscles were cut to pieces
and his veins were opened in order to drain all his blood.

1305 A.D. -- In Prague, around Easter, a Christian, who was forced by
poverty to work for the Jews, was nailed to a cross; while naked, he
was beaten with rods and spat on in the face. (Tentzel)

1320 A.D. -- In Puy, a choirboy of the local church was sacrificed.

1321 A.D. --In Annecy a young priest was killed. The Jews were
expelled from the town by a decree of King Phillip V. (Denis de Saint-

1331 A.D. -- At Uberlingen in present-day Baden the Jews threw the son
of a citizen named Frey into a well. The incisions found later on the
body proved that previous to this his blood had been drained. (Joh.
Vitoduran, Chronik.)

1338 A.D. - The Jews butchered a noble from Franconia in Munich. His
brother prepared a veritable bloodbath for the Jews. (Henri Desport)

1345 A.D. -- In Munich, the Jews opened the veins of a little boy
Heinrich, and stabbed him more than 60 times. The church canonized
Heinrich. (Rad. Bav. sct. II p. 333)

1347 A.D. -- In Messina a child was crucified on Good Friday. (Henri

1349 A.D. --The Jews wanted to attack and kill Christians assembled in
their church at Rothenburg. A Jew's maidservant exposed the Jewish
murder plot, and the Christians stormed out of their church and killed
all the Jews. (Ziegler, Schauplatz p. 396 col. 1,2. Eisenmenger,
entdecktes Judentum II, p. 219)

1350 A.D. --The boy Johannes, a student of the monastic school of St.
Sigbert in Cologne, drew his last breath after being stabbed by local
Jews. (Acta sancta., aus den Kirchenakten v. Koln.)

1380 A.D. -- At Hagenbach in Swabia several Jews were surprised while
butchering a Christian child. (Martin Crusius, Yearbook of Swabia,
Part III, Book V)

1401 A.D. --At Diessenhofen in Switzerland (near Schaffhausen), 4-year-
old Conrad Lory was murdered. His blood was said to have been sold by
the groom Johann Zahn for 3 florins to the Jew Michael Vitelman. (Acta

1407 A.D. --The Jews were expelled from Switzerland because of a
similar crime in the same region. (ibid.)

1410 A.D. -- In Thuringia the Jews were driven out because of ritual
murder that was discovered. (Boll. II, April 838. Baronius 31)

1429 A.D. -- At Ravensburg in Wurttemberg, Ludwig van Bruck, a
Christian boy from Switzerland who was studying in the town and living
among the Jews, was martyred by 3 Jews amid numerous tortures and
sexual violations. This happened during a big Jewish festival
(Passover) between Easter and Whitsun. (Baron. 31, Acta sancta. III.
Bd. des April p. 978)

1440 A.D. -- A Jewish doctor in Pavia, Simon of Ancona, beheaded a
four- year-old child which was stolen and brought to him by a
degenerate Christian. The crime became notorious when a dog jumped out
of a window into the street with the child's head. The murderer
escaped. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III. confid. 7.)

1452 A.D. -- In Savona, several Jews killed a 2-year-old Christian
child. They pierced his whole body and collected the blood in the
vessel they used for the circumcision of their children. the Jews
dripped small pieces of sliced fruit into the blood and enjoyed a meal
of them. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum lib. III, confid. 7.)

1453 A.D. -- In Breslau, the Jews stole a child, fattened him and put
him in a barrel lined with nails, which they rolled back and forth in
order to draw the child's blood. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang,

1454 A.D. -- On the estates of Louis of Almanza in Castile, two Jews
killed a Christian boy. They tore out his heart and burned it; threw
the ashes into wine which they drank with their co-religionists. By
spending considerable sums they succeeded in delaying the trial, since
two of the three lawyers were of Jewish descent. Thereafter the Jews
were banished from Spain. (Alphonsus Spina, de bello Judæorum)

1462 A.D. -- In a birchwood at Rinn near Innsbruck the boy Andreas
Oxner was sold to the Jews and sacrificed. The church canonized him. A
chapel called "Zum Judenstein" ('To the Jews' Rock') was built. (Acta
sancta., III. July Vol I. 472)

1468 A.D. -- At Sepulveda, in Old Castile, the Jews crucified a
Christian woman on Good Friday upon the order of the Rabbi Solomon
Pecho. (Did. de Colm. Gesch. v. Seg.)

1470 A.D. --In Baden the Jews were convicted of the murder of a
Christian child. (Tho. Patr. Barbar.)

1475 A.D. -- In Trent on March 23rd (Maundy Thursday) before Passover,
the Jews sacrificed a 29-month-old baby, St. Simon.

1476 A.D. -- The Jews in Regensburg murdered six children. The judge,
in the underground vault of a Jew named Josfol, found the remains of
the murdered victims as well as a stone bowl speckled with blood on a
kind of altar. (Raderus Bavaria sancta Band III, 174)

1480 A.D. -- In Treviso, a crime similar to the one in Trent was
committed: the murder of the canonized Sebastiano of Porto-Buffole
from Bergamo. The Jews drained his blood. (H. Desportes, Le mystere du
sang 80)

1480 A.D. -- At Motta in Venice the Jews killed a child at Easter.
(Acta sancta I. Bd d. April 3)

1485 A.D. -- In Vecenza, the Jews butchered St. Laurentius. (Pope
Benedict XIV Bull. Beatus Andreas)

1490 A.D. -- At Guardia, near Toledo, the Jews crucified a child.
(Acta sancta I. Bd. d. April 3)

1494 A.D. -- At Tyrnau in Hungary, 12 Jews seized a Christian boy,
opened his veins, and carefully collected his blood. They drank some
of it and preserved the rest for their co-religionists. (Banfin Fasti,
ungar. br. III. Dec. 5)

1503 A.D. -- In Langendenzlingen a father handed his 4-year-old child
over to two Jews from Waldkirchen in Baden for 10 florins under the
condition that he would be returned alive after a small amount of
blood had been drained. However, they drained so much blood from the
child that it died. (Acta sancta. II Bd. des April p. 839: Dr. Joh.
Eck, Judebbuchlien)

1505 A.D. -- A crime, similar to the one in Langendenzlingen in 1503,
was attempted at Budweis in Bohemia. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du
sang. 81)

1509 A.D -- Several Jews profaned the host brought from a sanctuary
dealer and murdered several Christian children. (Cluverius, Epitome
hist. etc. p. 579)

1509 A.D. --The Jews in Bosingen (Hungary) kidnapped the child of a
wheelwright, dragged him to the cellar, tortured him horribly, opened
all his veins and sucked out the blood with quills. Afterwards they
threw his body in a hedge, which the Jews admitted after repeated
denials. (Ziegler Schonplatz p. 588, col. 1,2)

1510 A.D. -- In Berlin, the Jews Salomon, Jacob, Aaron, Levi Isaac,
Rabbi Mosch and the butcher Jacob were accused of buying a three- or
four-year-old Christian boy for 10 florins from a stranger, laying him
on a table in a cellar, and puncturing him with needles in the large
blood-rich veins until he was finally slaughtered by the butcher
Jacob. An enormous trial began, and eventually a hundred Jews were
locked in the Berlin prison. They partially admitted to having bought
Christian children from strangers, stabbing them, draining their
blood, and drinking the blood in case of illness or preserving it with
tomatoes, ginger, and honey. No fewer than 41 of the accused Jews were
sentenced to death-by-burning after their confession. All the other
Jews were banished from the Mark of Brandenburg. (Richard Mun: 'The
Jews in Berlin')

1520 A.D. -- The Jews in Hungary repeated the crime of 1494 by
murdering a Christian child in Tyrnau and Biring, and draining its
blood. (Acta sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1525 A.D. -- A ritual murder in Budapest caused a widespread anti-
Semitic movement among the population. In this year the Jews were
expelled from Hungary (Henry Desportes, Le mystere du sang 81)

1540 A.D. -- At Sappenfeld in Bavaria, 4-year-old michael Pisenharter
was kidnapped from his father before Easter and taken to Titting
(North of Ingolstadt), where he suffered the most horrible tortures
for three days, his veins were opened and his blood drained. The
corpse showed signs of a crucifixion. The blood was found in Posingen.
(Raderus, Bavaria sancta. III. Bd. 176f)

1547 A.D. -- At Rava in Poland 2 Jews stole a tailor's boy named
Michael and crucified him. (Acta sancta II. Bd. April p. 839)

1569 A.D. --In Vitov (Poland) Johann, the 2-year-old son of the widow
Kozmianina, was savagely murdered by Jacob, a Jew of Leipzig. (Acta
sancta ebenda.)

1571 A.D. -- M.A. Bradaginus was butchered by the Jews. (Seb. Munster,

1571 A.D. -- Joachim II, Elector of Brandenburg, was poisoned by a Jew
with whom he had a trusting association. (Scheidanus X. Buch. seiner
Hist. pag. 60)

1573 A.D. -- In Berlin a child who had been purchased from a beggar
was tortured to death by a Jew. (Sartorious p. 53)

1574 A.D. -- At Punia in Latvia, the Jew Joachim Smierlowitz killed a
7- year-old girl called Elizabeth shortly before Passover. An
inscription and a painting in the Chapel of the Holy Cross at Wilna
proves that the child's blood was mixed with flour which was used in
the preparation of Easter cakes. At about this time a Christian boy in
Zglobice was stolen and taken to Tarnow, where another Christian boy
was found in the hands of the Jews under suspicious circumstances:
both were freed in time. (Act. sancta II. Bd. d. April p. 839)

1575 A.D. --The Jews killed a child, Michael of Jacobi. (Desportes)
1586 A.D. --In a series of cases Christian children were snatched away
from their parents and killed; by breaking down these crimes, Rupert
traced them back to the Jews. (Brouver Trier'schen Ann. v. J. 1856)

1592 A.D. -- At Wilna, a 7-year-old Christian boy, Simon, was horribly
tortured to death by the Jews. More than 170 wounds, made by knives
and scissors, were found on his body, besides the numerous cuts under
his finger- and toe-nails. (Acta sancta III. Bd. des Juli)

1595 A.D. -- At Costyn in Posen a child was tortured to death by the
Jews. (Acta sancta 389)

1597 A.D. -- In Szydlov the blood of a child was used in the
consecration of a new synagogue. They eyelids, neck, veins, limbs, and
even the sexual organs of the child showed countless punctures. (Acta
sancta, II Bd. des April)

1598 A.D. -- In the village of Wodznick, in the Polish province of
Podolia, the 4-year-old Roman Catholic son of a farmer was stolen by
two young Jews and butchered four days before the Jewish Passover by
the most horrible tortures in which the most respected Jews of the
community took part. (Acta sancta, II Band des April 835)

1650 A.D. -- At Kaaden in Steiermark, 5œ-year-old Mathias Tillich was
butchered by a Jew on March 11th. (Tentzel)

1655 A.D. -- At Tunguch in Lower Germany the Jews murdered a Christian
child for their Easter celebration. (Tentzel, monatl. Unterred. v.
Juli 1693 p. 553)

1665 A.D. --In Vienna the Jews butchered a woman on the 12th of May in
the most dreadful way. The corpse was found in a pond in a sack
weighted with stones. It was completely covered with wounds,
decapitated and the legs were cut off below the knees. (H.A. von
Ziegler, Tagl. Schaupl. p. 553)

1669 A.D. -- On the way from Metz to Boulay, near the village of
Glatigny, on Sept. 22nd, a 3-year-old child was stolen from his mother
by the Jew Raphael Levy. He was horribly butchered. His body was found
viciously mutilated. The murderer was burned alive on Jan. 17th in
1670. (Abrege du proces fait aux Juifs de Metz, ebd. 1670)

1675 A.D. -- At Miess in Bohemia a 4-year-old Christian child was
murdered by the Jews on March 12th. (Acta sancta II. Bd. des April)

1684 A.D. -- In the village of Grodno, Minsk government in Russia, the
Jew Schulka stole the 6-year-old Christian boy Gabriel and carried him
to Bialystock where, in the presence of several Jews, he was tortured
to death and his blood drained. (Records of the magistrate at

1753 A.D. -- On Good Friday, the 20th of April, in a village near Kiev
(Russia), the 3œ-year-old son of the nobleman Studzinski was kidnapped
by the Jews, hidden in a tavern until the end of the Sabbath, and then
monstrously sacrificed with the help of the Rabbi Schmaja. The blood
was poured into several bottles. (Criminal Register of the City Court
of Kiev)

1764 A.D. --The 10-year-old son of Johann Balla, who had disappeared
on the 19th of June from Orkul (Hungary), was found in a neighboring
wood covered with many wounds. (Tisza-Eslar, von einem ungarischen
Ubgeordneten 108)

1791 A.D. -- On the 21st of February, the corpse of 13-year-old
Andreas Takals, who lived with a Jew named Abraham, was found outside
a village near Tasnad (Siebenburgen). The blood had been drained from
him by severing his jugular vein. (Ger.-Akt i.d. Archiv. v. Zilah.)

1791 A.D. -- At the same time two blood murders were reported at
Holleschau (Moravia) and at Woplawicz in the District of Duplin.
(Tisza-Eslar, v.e. ungar. Abgeord.)

1791 A.D. -- During the reign of Sultan Selim III, the Jews in Pera
killed a young Greek by hanging him from a tree by his legs. (Henri

1803 A.D. -- On March 10th, the 72-year-old Jew Hirsch from Sugenheim
seized a 2-year-old child between Ullstadt and Lengenfeld in Buchof
near Nuremberg. Several days later the Jew denied having been in
Buchhof at all on March 10th. The father of the child, who wanted to
prove the contrary with witnesses, was rebuffed in court with threats
and insults. On the 12th day the child was found dead, his tongue
sliced and his mouth full of blood. The Jews besieged the district
governor of Newstadt at that time until the matter turned out to their
satisfaction. The father was forced under threats to sign a protocol,
to which it attested that the child, still warm when he was found, had
frozen to death. (Friedr. Oertel, "Was glauben die Juden?" Bamberg,

1804 A.D. -- In Grafenberg near Nuremberg a 2 to 3-year-old boy was
kidnapped by an old Jew from Ermreuth by the name of Bausoh. Soldiers
hurried to prevent the crime after hearing the child's scream. (Dr. J.
W. Chillany)

1810 A.D. -- Among the records of the Damascus trial a letter exists
from John Barker, ex-consul of Aleppo, which speaks of a poor
Christian who suddenly disappeared from Aleppo. The Hebrew Raphael of
Ancona was charged with having butchered her and draining all of her
blood. (A. Laurent. Affaires de Syrie)

1812 A.D. --On the island Corfu in October three Jews who had
strangled a child were condemned to death. Some time later, the child
of a Greek, called Riga, was stolen and killed by the Jews. (Achille
Laurent, Affaires de Syrie)

1817 A.D. -- The Indictment of the murder committed in this year
against the little girl Marianna Adamoviez, was quashed due to a lapse
of time.

1823 A.D. -- On the 22nd of April, at Velisch in the Russian
government of Vitebsk, the 3œ- year-old son of the invalid Jemelian
Ivanov was stolen, tortured to death, and his blood drained. Despite a
great deal of statements by witnesses charging the Jews, the trial was
suddenly stopped. (Pavlikovsky, ebenda.)

1824 A.D. -- In Beirut the interpreter Fatch-allah-Seyegh was murdered
by his Jewish landlord, as the investigation established, for ritual

1826 A.D. -- In Warsaw a murdered 5-year-old boy was found whose body
had more than a hundred wounds showing that his blood had been
drained. The whole of Warsaw was in a state of insurrection;
everywhere the Jews protested their innocence without having been
accused. The depositions made to the courts, together with the medical
evidence, were removed from the documents. (Pavlikovski, wie oben p.

1827 A.D. -- At Vilna in Russia the stabbed corpse of a farmer's
child, Ossib Petrovicz, was found. According to the testimony of the
16-year-old shepherd Zulovski, he was kidnapped by the Jews. (Nach
einer Mitteilung des gouvernement Vilna.)

1829 A.D. -- In Turin the wife of the merchant Antoine Gervalon was
kidnapped from her husband. In the cellar she was prepared for her
sacrifice by two rabbis. With her last bit of strength she answered
her husband who was going through the Jewish quarter with several
soldiers, calling her name aloud. Thus, she was freed. However, the
Jews managed to hush up the incident with money. (Auszug aus einem
Briefe des Barons von Kalte )

1831 A.D. -- Killing of the daughter of a corporal of the Guard in St.
Petersburg. Four judges recognized it as a blood murder, while a fifth
doubted it. (Desportes)

1834 A.D. -- According to the Testimony of Jewess Ben Nound who
converted to Christianity, an old Gentile man in Tripoli was tied up
by 4 or 5 Jews and hanged from an orange tree by his toes. At the
moment when the old man was close to death the Jews cut his throat
with a butcher knife and let the body hang until all the blood had
been collected into a bowl. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 91)

1839 A.D. -- On the Island of Rhodes, and 8-year-old merchant's boy,
who was delivering eggs to some Jews, did not return. Jewish money
power took effect, and the court proceedings were delayed and finally
suppressed. (Henri Desportes, Le mystere du sang. 92)

1839 A.D. -- In Damascus the customs office discovered a Jew carrying
a bottle of blood. The Jew offered 10,000 piastres in order to hush up
the affair. (cf. Prozess bei A. Laurent, op. cit. S. 301)

1843 A.D. -- Murders of Christian children by the Jews on Rhodes,
Corfu and elsewhere. (Famont L'Egypte sous Mehemet Ali, Paris, 1843)

1875 A.D. -- At Zboro, in the county of Saros in Hungary, several Jews
attacked the 16-year-old servant girl Anna Zampa in the house of her
master, Horowitz. The knife was already raised above her when a
coachman accidentally intervened, thus saving her. The court
President, Bartholomaus Winkler, who was in debt to the Jews, was
afraid to bring the criminals to justice.

1877 A.D. -- In the village of Szalaacs, in the country of Bihar
(Hungary), Josef Klee's 6-year-old niece, Theresia Szaabo, and his 9-
year-old nephew, Peter Szaabo, were murdered by the Jews. However, a
Jewish doctor held the inquest, who declared the children were not
murdered, thus ending the affair. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. -- In Budapest, before the Purim feast, a young servant girl
in the Jewish Quarter was put to sleep with a drink. 24 hours after
the feast, she woke up so weak she could hardly walk. On her right
forearm, her left thigh, and her body below the navel she discovered
red circular wounds like spots of blood, with small openings in the
center. Blood had been drained from her. (M. Onody, ebenda.)

1879 A.D. -- At Kutais in the Caucasus, 4 Jewish image sellers killed
a 6- year-old girl. Between her fingers had been cut with a knife; on
her legs, a little above the calf, horizontal incisions had been made,
and there was not one drop of blood in her veins. With the aid of the
powerful Jews of Russia the guilty ones escaped punishment. (Univers.)

1881 A.D. --At Kaschau in Hungary the daughter of a certain Josef
Koczis disappeared. Two weeks later the body was found in a well
completely emptied of blood. (M. Onody, Tisza-Eszlar)

1881 A.D. -- In Steinamanger the 8-year-old granddaughter of a
coachman who worked for the Jews disappeared. (M. Onody, evenda.)

1881 A.D. -- In Alexandria the Jews again killed a Christian child
called Evangelio Fornoraki. The parents of the strangled child,
discovered on the sea- shore, allowed a post-mortem examination which
lasted several days and was the cause of riots against the Jews. The
Baruch family, prime suspects in the murder, were arrested, but later
released. (Civita cattolica, von des. 1881)

1881 A.D. -- In the Galician town of Lutscha, the Polish maid servant
Franziska Muich, who worked for the Jewish tavern-keeper Moses Ritter,
and had been raped by him, was murdered by Moses and his wife, Gittel
Ritter, according to the testimony of the farmer Mariell Stochlinski.
(Otto Glogau, der Kulturk. Heft. 128. 15. Febr. 1886)

1882 A.D. -- At Tisza-Eszlar, shortly before the Jewish Passover, the
14- year-old Christian girl Esther Solymosi disappeared. Since the
girl was last seen nearby the synagogue, suspicion was directed
immediately on the Jews. The two sons of the temple-servant Josef
Scharf, 5-year-old Samuel and the 14-year- old Moritz, accused their
father and stated that Esther was led into the Temple and butchered
there. The corpse of the girl was never found.

1882 A.D. -- At Galata, the ghetto of Constantinople, a child was
enticed into a Jewish house where more than 20 people saw her go in.
On the following day a corpse was found in the Golden Horn causing a
great agitation among the Christian and Moslem population.

1882 A.D. -- A short time later another very similar case transpired
in Galata. Serious, a distinguished lawyer of the Greek community,
sent a petition to the representatives of all the Christian European
powers at Constantinople so that justice might be done: but the Jews
bribed the Turkish police, who allowed certain documents in the case
to disappear. Bribed doctors declared the mother of the kidnapped and
murdered child to be mentally deranged.

1883 A.D. -- Once more a ritual murder occurred in Galata. The police,
bribed with Jewish money, prevented an investigation. The newspaper
Der Stamboul, which strongly spoke out against the guilty ones, was
suppressed. This suppression cost the Jews 140,000 francs.

1884 A.D. -- At Sturz (West Prussia) the dismembered body of 14-year-
old Onophrius Cybulla was found one January morning under a bridge.
According to the doctor's opinion, the dismemberments showed great
expertise and dexterity in the use of the knife. Although the murdered
boy had been strong and plethoric, the dead body was completely
bloodless. Immediately suspicion fell on various Jews, and during the
investigation some very troublesome facts emerged. These, however,
were not considered sufficient and the arrested Jews were released.
(Otto Glagau, der Kulturki, Heft 119. 15. Mai 1885)

1885 A.D. -- At Mit-Kamar in Egypt a young Copt was butchered for the
Easter celebrations.

1888 A.D. -- At Breslau in July, a crime was committed by Max
Bernstein, a 24-year-old Rabbinical candidate at the Talmudic college,
against a 7-year-old boy, Severin Hacke, whom Bernstein had enticed
into his room. Bernstein withdrew blood from the boy's sex organ.
After the judge's verdict Bernstein confessed: "The Bible and the
Talmud teach that the gravest of sins can only be atoned for through
innocent blood." Therefore, he had withdrawn blood from the boy. The
Jews recognized the danger and declared Bernstein to be a 'religious

1891 A.D. -- Murder of a boy at Xanten, on the Rhine. The 5-year-old
robust boy of the Catholic cabinet-maker, Hegemann, was found in the
evening at 6 o'clock on June 29th, by the maid Dora Moll, in the cow
shed of the town councilor Kuppers, with his legs spread apart, laying
on his side with a circular formed ritual cut, carried out by a
skilled hand, and bled white. The boy was already missed at 10:30 in
the morning. He was seen by 3 witnesses being pulled into the house of
the Jewish butcher Buschoff.

1899 A.D. -- On March 26th the single 19-year-old seamstress, Agnes
Kurza, was slaughtered by the hand of the Jewish butcher Leopold
Hilsner. The corpse was found bloodless. The murderer was sentenced to
death by the court of Kuttenberg.

1900 A.D. -- At Konitz (West Prussia) on the 11th of March 1900, the
18- year-old college freshman, Ernst Winter, was bestially murdered.
Two days later pieces of his dismembered body were fished out of the
Monschsee; almost five days later, on April 15th, the first Easter
holy day, his head was found by children playing in the bushes. The
corpse was completely bloodless. Winter was ritually murdered. The
murder was carried out in the cellar of the Jewish Butcher, Moritz
Levi, after the victim had been lured there by a young Jewess. On the
day of the murder, a large number of foreign Jews were in Konitz who
departed the next day without any plausible reason being given for
their visit. Among them were the butchers Haller from Tuchel,
Hamburger from Schlochau, Eisenstedt from Prechlau and Rosenbaum from
Ezersk. The Konitz butcher Heimann disappeared shortly after the

1911 A.D. -- The 13-year-old schoolboy, Andrei Youshchinsky was
murdered in Kiev on March 12th. After eight days, his corpse was found
in a brickyard completely slashed to pieces and bloodless. Suspicion
fell on the Jewish manager of the brickyard, Mendel Beiliss. The case
did not come to trial until two and a half years later (Sept. 29th to
Oct. 28th, 1913). In the intervening period numerous attempts were
made to lead the investigating officers on to the wrong track.
Meanwhile a large number of incriminating witnesses suffered sudden
and unnatural deaths; false accusations and confessions followed one
after another due to huge money bribes. Behind the accused lurking in
the shadows, was the figure of Faivel Schneerson of the Lubavitchers,
leader of the 'Zadiks' ('Saints') of the Chassidim sect, who was the
spiritual director of the murder. The trial ended with the release of
Beiliss, but at the same time the court established that the murder
had taken place inside the Jewish brickyard, which was the religious
center of the Kiev Jews, for the purpose of obtaining blood. Almost
all the prosecutors, witnesses, and authorities who had spoken out
against Judaism, later fell victim to the Bolshevik Terror.
(Ausfuhrliche Darstellungen des Prozeßes enthalten 'Hammer' Nr. 271,
273, 274, 275; Oktober bis Dezember 1913)

1926 A.D. -- The bodily remains of the children Hans and Erika Fehse
were found in a parcel on the public square in Breslau. The children
had been butchered. The corpses were bloodless. The genitals were
missing. The Jewish butcher was believed the culprit. He disappeared
without a trace.

1928 A.D. -- The college sophomore Helmut Daube was butchered on the
night of the 22nd-23rd of March, 1928. In the morning, the blood-
drained corpse lay in front of his parents home. (cf. 'Der Sturmer')

1929 A.D. -- The murder at Manau. The boy Karl Kessler was found
butchered and bloodless on March 17th, 1929, several days before
Passover. (cf. 'Der Sturmer')

1932 A.D.-- Martha Kaspar was butchered and dismembered at Paderhorn
on March 18th, 1932. The pieces of the corpse were drained of blood.
The Jew, Moritz Meyer, was convicted and received 15 years in prison.
(cf. 'Der Sturmer')

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Liberating America From Israel
Issues; Posted on: 2007-04-10
[ Printer friendly / Instant flyer ]

"For 35 years, not a word has been expressed in that committee
or in either chamber of Congress that deserves to be called
debate on Middle East policy."

By Paul Findley

Nine-eleven would not have occurred if the U.S. government had refused
to help Israel humiliate and destroy Palestinian society. Few express
this conclusion publicly, but many believe it is the truth. I believe
the catastrophe could have been prevented if any U.S. president during
the past 35 years had had the courage and wisdom to suspend all U.S.
aid until Israel withdrew from the Arab land seized in the 1967
Arab-Israeli war.

The U.S. lobby for Israel is powerful and intimidating, but any
determined president - even President Bush this very day - could
prevail and win overwhelming public support for the suspension of aid
by laying these facts before the American people:

Israel's present government, like its predecessors, is determined to
annex the West Bank - biblical Judea and Sumaria - so Israel will
become Greater Israel. Ultra-Orthodox Jews, who maintain a powerful
role in Israeli politics, believe the Jewish Messiah will not come
until Greater Israel is a reality. Although a minority in Israel, they
are committed, aggressive, and influential. Because of deep religious
conviction, they are determined to prevent Palestinians from gaining
statehood on any part of the West Bank.

In its violent assaults on Palestinians, Israel uses the pretext of
eradicating terrorism, but its forces are actually engaged advancing
the territorial expansion just cited. Under the guise of
anti-terrorism, Israeli forces treat Palestinians worse than cattle.
With due process nowhere to be found, hundreds are detained for long
periods and most are tortured. Some are assassinated. Homes, orchards,
and business places are destroyed. Entire cities are kept under
intermittent curfew, some confinements lasting for weeks. Injured or
ill Palestinians needing emergency medical care are routinely held at
checkpoints for an hour or more. Many children are undernourished. The
West Bank and Gaza have become giant concentration camps. None of this
could have occurred without U.S. support. Perhaps Israeli officials
believe life will become so unbearable that most Palestinians will
eventually leave their ancestral homes.

Once beloved worldwide, the U.S. government finds itself reviled in
most countries because it provides unconditional support of Israeli
violations of the United Nations Charter, international law, and the
precepts of all major religious faiths.

How did the American people get into this fix?

Nine-eleven had its principal origin 35 years ago when Israel's U.S.
lobby began its unbroken success in stifling debate about the proper
U.S. role in the Arab-Israeli conflict and effectively concealed from
public awareness the fact that the U.S. government gives massive
uncritical support to Israel.

Thanks to the suffocating influence of Israel's U.S. lobby, open
discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict has been non-existent in our
government all these years. I have firsthand knowledge, because I was
a member of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee in
June 1967 when Israeli military forces took control of the Golan
Heights, a part of Syria, as well as the Palestinian West Bank and
Gaza. I continued as a member for 16 years, and to this day maintain a
close watch on Congress.

For 35 years, not a word has been expressed in that committee or in
either chamber of Congress that deserves to be called debate on Middle
East policy. No restrictive or limiting amendments on aid to Israel
have been offered for 20 years, and none of the few offered in
previous years received more than a handful of votes. On Capitol Hill,
criticism of Israel, even in private conversation, is all but
forbidden, treated as downright unpatriotic, if not anti-Semitic. The
continued absence of free speech was assured when those few who spoke
out - Senators Adlai Stevenson and Charles Percy, and Reps. Paul
"Pete" McCloskey, Cynthia McKinney, Earl Hilliard, and myself - were
defeated at the polls by candidates heavily financed by pro-Israel forces.

As a result, legislation dealing with the Middle East has been heavily
biased in favor of Israel and against Palestinians and other Arabs
year after year. Home constituencies, misled by news coverage equally
lop-sided in Israel's favor, remain largely unaware that Congress
behaves as if it were a subcommittee of the Israeli parliament.

However, the bias is widely noted beyond America, where most news
media candidly cover Israel's conquest and generally excoriate
America's complicity and complacency. When President Bush welcomed
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, sometimes called the Butcher of
Beirut, as "my dear friend" and "a man of peace" after Israeli forces,
using U.S.-donated arms, completed their devastation of the West Bank
last spring, worldwide anger against American policy reached the
boiling point.

The fury should surprise no one who reads foreign newspapers or
listens to BBC. In several televised statements long before 9/11,
Osama bin Laden, believed by U.S. authorities to have masterminded
9/11, cited U.S. complicity in Israel's destruction of Palestinian
society as a principal complaint. Prominent foreigners, in and out of
government, express their opposition to U.S. policies with
unprecedented frequency and severity, especially since Bush announced
his determination to make war against Iraq.

The lobby's intimidation remains pervasive. It seems to reach every
government center, and even houses of worship and revered institutions
of higher learning. It is highly effective in silencing the many U.S.
Jews who object to the lobby's tactics and Israel's brutality.

Nothing can justify 9/11. Those guilty deserve maximum punishment, but
it makes sense for America to examine motivations promptly and as
carefully as possible. Terrorism almost always arises from deeply-felt
grievances. If they can be eradicated or eased, terrorist passions are
certain to subside.

Today, a year after 9/11, President Bush has made no attempt to
redress grievances, or even to identify them. In fact, he has made the
scene far worse by supporting Israel's religious war against
Palestinians, an alliance that has intensified anti-American anger. He
seems oblivious to the fact that nearly two billion people worldwide
regard the plight of Palestinians as today's most important
foreign-policy challenge.

No one in authority will admit a calamitous reality that is skillfully
shielded from the American people but clearly recognized by most of
the world: America suffered 9/11 and its aftermath and may soon be at
war with Iraq, mainly because U.S. policy in the Middle East is made
in Israel, not in Washington.

Israel is a scofflaw nation and should be treated as such. Instead of
helping Sharon intensify Palestinian misery, our president should
suspend all aid until Israel ends its occupation of Arab land Israel
seized in 1967. The suspension would force Sharon's compliance or lead
to his removal from office, as the Israeli electorate will not
tolerate a prime minister who is at odds with the White House.

If Bush needs an additional reason for doing the right thing, he can
justify the suspension as a matter of military necessity, an essential
step in winning international support for his war on terrorism. He can
cite a worthy precedent. When President Abraham Lincoln issued the
proclamation that freed only the slaves in states that were then in
rebellion, he made the restriction because of "military necessity." If
Bush suspends U.S. aid, he will liberate all Americans from long years
of bondage to Israel's misdeeds.

About the author

Paul Findley, a U.S. Congressional Representative from Illinois
1961-83, is the author of three books related to the Middle East,
including They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront
Israel's Lobby (1985) and, most recently, Silent No More: Confronting
America's False Images of Islam. He resides in Jacksonville, Illinois.
This essay was issued on Sept. 12, 2002.

Institute for Historical Review
News Source: Institute for Historical Review

2007 European Americans United.

May 7, 2007

Is there a First Amendment right to engage in espionage? Dorothy Rabinowitz
seems to think so. Describing the actions of Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman,
two former top officials of AIPAC, the premier Israel lobbying group, who
passed purloined intelligence to Israeli government officials, the Pulitzer
Prize-winning journalist characterized them as "activities that go on every
day in Washington, and that are clearly protected under the First
Amendment." If what Rabinowitz says is true-if passing classified
information to foreign officials is routine in the nation's capital-then we
are all in big trouble.

On Aug. 4, 2005, Rosen, Weissman, and Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin were
indicted by a federal grand jury and charged with violating provisions of
the Espionage Act that forbid divulging national defense information to
persons not authorized to receive it. The indictment traces the treasonous
trio's circuitous path as they met in the shadows-in empty restaurants, at
Union Station in Washington, on street corners. Rosen and Weissman sought
out and cultivated Franklin, milking him for information that they dutifully
transmitted to their Israeli handlers. According to Rabinowitz, however,
they were merely "doing what they had every reason to view as their
jobs"-which is true, assuming they understood their jobs to be spying for

The trial is scheduled to begin June 7. As the day of reckoning approaches,
the Israel lobby is ratcheting up the rhetoric. So, too, is the defense: in
a duet of hysterical accusations and frenzied rationalizations, the accused
spies' defenders have described the proceedings as a frame-up, the result of
an intra-bureaucratic struggle within the government, and a plot by
anti-Semites in Bush's Justice Department to carry out a Washington pogrom.
None of these flights of imagination are any more convincing than the Dream
Team's defense of O.J. Simpson. Yet the noise level continues to rise, as if
sheer volume, instead of logical arguments, could overwhelm the copious
evidence of the defendants' guilt.

The indictment lists numerous acts of espionage, dating back to 1999, in
which Rosen and/or Weissman acted as conduits for classified information
flowing from Washington to Tel Aviv. The feds had been watching for a long
time: the indictment makes clear that Rosen and Weissman didn't make a move
without the FBI's counterintelligence unit knowing about it. This
surveillance is how they happened on Larry Franklin, the Pentagon's top Iran
analyst, who walked in on a luncheon meeting in Arlington, Virginia,
attended by Rosen, Weissman, and Naor Gilon, chief of the political-affairs
section at the Israeli Embassy. The feds were listening in as
Franklin-referring to a document dated June 25 and marked "top
secret"-announced he had secrets to tell.

Tell not sell: unlike the majority of post-Cold War spies, the
AIPAC-Franklin espionage ring wasn't centered around financial gain but
ideology. Franklin is a dedicated neoconservative, a minor yet key player in
the neocon network, who served in the military attache's office in the U.S.
Embassy in Tel Aviv in the late 1990s and was a Defense Intelligence Agency
analyst with expertise in Iranian affairs working in Douglas Feith's policy

The counter-intelligence unit was hot on Franklin's trail, and they watched
his every move-his wholesale transfer of top-secret information on Iran,
al-Qaeda, and other intelligence of interest to Israel to Rosen and
Weissman, who funneled it to their contacts in the Israeli Embassy. The FBI
gave Franklin enough rope to hang himself, and then moved in, showing up at
his door and confronting him with his treachery. A search of his home and
office turned up a veritable lending library of classified documents dating
back years, all of which had doubtless been made available to the Israelis.
Faced with the probability of a long prison stretch, Franklin agreed to wear
a wire to his subsequent meetings with Rosen and Weissman. In the months
that followed, the FBI built its case, recording conversations and following
the AIPAC duo.

And they did a good job, apparently, because the government is making an
unusual request: that some testimony and evidence be shielded from the
public due to its highly sensitive nature. This wasn't just a case of
pilfering a few innocuous memoranda. It looks like team AIPAC made off with
the family jewels and maybe even the deed to the house. Why else would the
Justice Department risk having a conviction thrown out on appeal on account
of such a rarely invoked legal mechanism?

The defense has protested proposed security procedures-magnetometers at the
courtroom door, security sweeps of the courtroom itself, an officer of the
court monitoring electronic surveillance while the trial is in session-on
the grounds they would prejudice the jury against the defendants. They
compare this to dragging Rosen and Weissman before the jury in prisoners'
uniforms and shackles. Yet these security measures point to the seriousness
of the matter before the court, the depth to which the
Rosen-Weissman-Franklin spy ring penetrated the government, and the ongoing
breach they have opened in America's national-security firewall.

While most of the more cautious elements in the Jewish community are staying
well away from this case, the radicals, such as Rabbi Avi Weiss and his
AMCHA-Coalition for Jewish Concerns, who have previously devoted their
efforts to freeing Jonathan Pollard, have now turned their attention to
Rosen and Weissman. Steven Lieberman and Anne Sterba, lawyers for the group,
wrote in an amicus brief: "Trying these two men for disclosing critical
'national defense information' to foreign officials, without letting the
public know what the alleged information was, will allow enemies of the
Jewish people to exaggerate the significance of that evidence and will leave
the press and the public to subsist only on rumors and speculation."

The Weiss group likens the prosecution of Rosen and Weissman to the Dreyfus
case-in effect positing the existence of a vast anti-Semitic conspiracy at
the highest levels of the Justice Department. Not exactly a credible
contention, offered, as it is, without evidence, but the defenders of Rosen
and Weissman are getting more frantic as the trial date approaches. As a
writer for the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz put it, "Does this trial really
carry any resemblance to the Dreyfus trial? It's a different era, a
different country, a different system, a different accusation. Making this
comparison demands some imagination, much ambition, and maybe a speck of
chutzpah too."

A recently unsealed defense memorandum details a Feb. 16, 2005 colloquy
between Rosen's lawyer, Abbe Lowell, and Nathan Lewin, AIPAC's legal
counsel, in which the latter reveals that Paul McNulty-then the U.S.
attorney for the eastern district of Virginia and chief prosecutor in the
case-"would like to end it with minimal damage to AIPAC." Lewin told Lowell,
"He is fighting with the FBI to limit the investigation to Steve Rosen and
Keith Weissman and to avoid expanding it." This is hardly the behavior one
would expect of contemporary anti-Dreyfusards in the Justice Department
plotting to scapegoat AIPAC and the Jews.

Clearly the Rosen-Weissman defense team is involved in a bit of "greymail,"
that is, forcing the government to disclose as much classified information
as possible during the discovery phase of this case and hoping to derail the
prosecution entirely as it weighs the effects of disclosure against the
benefits of a possible conviction. As we go to press, Judge T.S. Ellis has
ruled against the prosecution's proposal to shield sensitive testimony and
evidence behind a veil of pseudonyms and euphemism, which could delay the
begining of the trial.

Efforts to embarrass the administration go beyond accusing DOJ and extend to
prominent figures such as Condoleezza Rice, who is accused by Abbe Lowell of
leaking national defense information to AIPAC as Franklin did. Gen. Anthony
Zinni is being targeted in a similar manner. Both have been subpoenaed,
along with David Satterfield, deputy chief of the U.S. mission to Iraq, and
William Burns, U.S. ambassador to Russia, to testify. If Rosen and Weissman
are going down, the Israel lobby seems to be saying, then so are a lot of
prominent people-some of whom, like Zinni, just happen to be their enemies.

This isn't greymail, it's blackmail. It was Zinni, after all, who said of
the Israel lobby and the neoconservatives: "I think it's the worst-kept
secret in Washington. Everybody-everybody I talk to in Washington-has known
and fully knows what their agenda was [during the run up to the Iraq War]
and what they were trying to do."

The intrigue thickened last October as word leaked that a proposed deal was
dangled in front of Rep. Jane Harman: AIPAC would back her to become head of
the House Intelligence Committee if she would urge the government to treat
Rosen, Weissman-and AIPAC itself-with kid gloves. The Forward reported,
"Several congressional sources confirmed that major donors to the Democratic
Party have been lobbying Pelosi on behalf of Harman's nomination to head the
intelligence committee and that these attempts were not welcomed by the
House Democratic leader." Time named Haim Saban, the billionaire Hollywood
producer and major AIPAC moneybags, as one of the supplicants. Pelosi didn't
fall for it, and Harman was rebuffed. Perhaps this was in the background
when the speaker was booed as she addressed the subsequent AIPAC national
conference, although Pelosi got back in the Israel lobby's good graces after
she stripped a provision from the military appropriations bill that would
have required the president to go to Congress for permission to attack Iran.

The defense has fought to get the case against Rosen and Weissman thrown out
on any number of grounds: the Espionage Act is unconstitutional, it doesn't
apply to their clients but only to government officials, and, last but not
least, it's a violation of the Israel lobby's First Amendment "right" to
betray classified information to its masters in Tel Aviv. Twisting and
turning, threatening and spitting, delaying as best it can, the defense has
tried to wriggle out of it every which way, to no avail. The trial is going
forward, and the public spectacle of the biggest espionage scandal involving
Israel since the prosecution of Pollard could deliver a body blow to the
Israel lobby at a time when it has come in for public scrutiny and criticism
as never before.

But that hasn't prevented the lobby from brazenly defending the accused
spies, in spite of the preponderance of evidence, and even hailing them as
patriots. Writing in The Forward, Michael Berenbaum avers, "Instead of being
grounds for prosecution, perhaps the influence Steven Rosen and Keith
Weissman were trying to exert-making officials and the public aware of the
danger from Iran-should be heralded." And why should we hail espionage as
laudable in this instance? Well, you see, because the AIPAC defendants were
ahead of their time in citing the danger from Iran: "In Washington, as Rosen
and Weissman are learning the hard way, the 'crime' is often not being
wrong, but rather being right too early or at the wrong time, or being out
of sync with the conventional wisdom, or pushing an inconvenient truth."

In light of Judge Ellis's recent ruling that in this trial the Espionage Act
is going to be interpreted narrowly and that the burden is on the
prosecution to show that the defendants knowingly harmed U.S. national
security interests, the defense might be expected to make a pitch similar to
Berenbaum's-that, instead of prosecuting Rosen and Weissman, we ought to be
pinning medals on their chests.


December 12 - Twenty Arabs, five Jews and two British soldiers killed and
thirty wounded in Jewish terrorist bomb attacks on buses in Haifa and
Ramleh, Palestine. British mandate to rule Palestine ends on 15 May 1948;
state of Israel established.

December 29 - Jewish Irgun terrorists throw grenades from passing taxi into
café near the Damascus gate, Jerusalem, Palestine, killing eleven Arabs and
two British policemen.

March 11

Headquarters of the Jewish Agency, Jerusalem, Palestine, destroyed by Arab
car bomb killing thirteen and injuring eighty four.

April 9

Jewish Irgun terrorist group attacks Deir Yassim, Palestine, murdering two
hundred and fifty four Arab women and children captured in the remains of
the village.

PREVIOUSLY VOCIFEROUS WASPS, and other religious and non religious groups.

The the Jewish controlled American media proclaimed Americans were strongly
pro Jewish and very anti British. One Hollywood motion picture Mogul
declared in the British press that he had a holiday in his heart every time
a British soldier was killed in Palestine. and large sections of the
American media echoed this sentiment.

"The Palestinians are fighting with human suicide bombers, that's all they
have. The Israelis . . . they've got one of the most powerful military
machines in the world. The Palestinians have nothing."
-- Ted Turner, Founder of CNN
"I do not think that in his heart an Israeli would deny that, if your enemy
has taken land that is rightfully yours and occupied it, then not just your
enemy's army but his wife and son and daughter and servants and all who,
under his protection, come to live and make their living on the stolen land,
are aggressors. By their presence they aid and abet the occupation."
-- Matthew Parris, Saturday Times of London, June 22, 2002
"David Ben-Gurion never moved against the Irgun and the Stern Gang until
after the state was established and secured, which is definitely not true in
the case of the Palestinian Authority. Essentially, the Israelis are asking
the Palestinians to do something they themselves refused to do." i
-- Hussein Ibish, Communication director of the American Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee


Zionist Jewish supremacists really hate this kind of article, that is why
"Hate Crimes" exist. To protect the highest criminals.

Is this Politically Correct??

[The very creation of Israel required an act of terror. In 1948, most of the
non-Jewish indigenous people were ethnically cleansed from the part of
Palestine which became Israel. This action was carefully planned. Without
it, no state with a Jewish majority and character would have been possible.
Since 1948, the "Israeli Arabs", those Palestinians who avoided expulsion,
have suffered continuous discrimination. Indeed, many have been internally
displaced, ostensibly for "security reasons", but really to acquire their
lands for Jews.]

No, the Zionofreaks want to ban any history but what they write.

Isn't it quite glaringly obvious that "The Holocaust" legends would fall
apart without laws that make it illegal to question it?

Isn't it glaringly obvious that 911 was the "Goy Holocaust" for America,
that short circuits critical thinking and creates a victim mentallity that
justifies all sorts of crimes against "evil"?

Without "The Holocaust" and "911", the manipulators of the US and Israel
would not have been able to carry out their "War on Terror" terrorism
against the Arabs.

But with a public that thinks it is persecuted and under attack, any
atrocity is justified.

The terrorists have won. For now.

Anti Semitism


Antisemitism as defined by Congress and the US State Dept


December 4, 1948

New Palestine Party
Visit of Menachem Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed


Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence
in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut),
a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political
philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed
out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a
terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.

Attack on Arab Village

A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.
This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken
no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the
village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands
attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the
fighting, killed most of its inhabitants - 240 men, women, and children -
and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of
Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the
Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan.
But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this
massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents
present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at
Deir Yassin.

The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the
Freedom Party.


Isidore Abramowitz, Hannah Arendt, Abraham Brick, Rabbi Jessurun Cardozo,
Albert Einstein, Herman Eisen, M.D., Hayim Fineman, M. Gallen, M.D., H.H.
Harris, Zelig S. Harris, Sidney Hook, Fred Karush, Bruria Kaufman, Irma L.
Lindheim, Nachman Maisel, Symour Melman, Myer D. Mendelson, M.D., Harry M.
Orlinsky, Samuel Pitlick, Fritz Rohrlich, Louis P. Rocker, Ruth Sager,
Itzhak Sankowsky, I.J. Schoenberg, Samuel Shuman, M. Znger, Irma Wolpe,
Stefan Wolpe
Post by Jim_Higgins
Service Guarantees Citizenship
Would You Like To Know More?
2010-10-29 07:52:54 UTC
Post by Jim_Higgins
absolutely nothing useful
Service Guarantees Citizenship
Would You Like To Know More?
Nosurprises here this guy an israeli patriot who loves israel and could
not care less about America.

Sees nothing wrong because what does he care about America and the wonderful
experiment and asset America was to the world. And as usual nothing
frightens him more than the truth.

As an israeli patriot glories in the barbarism injustice and dishonesty of
his favorite state. If you are not jewish you will not find anything to like
about the apartheid cruel dishonest government of israel.
And there are not to many non jews willing to be second class citizens in
israel, and even worse 2nd class citizens in their own beloved America where
jewish citizens can rape their children with impunity. news:d2271fc6-315e-4dea-990c-***@q16g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
On Aug 7, 4:51 pm, "b.s." <***@island.com wrote:
Sorry to upset an israeli patriot and zealot jew but : Getting on with
the topic, I don't think Switzerland rejected anything. The Swiss
requested a transcript of the judgement or similar court document from the
L.A. district attorney, and the D.A.'s office claims they never received the
Apparently the request was transmitted via the State Department. The
request either went into the circular
file at State or it got "lost in translation" from "Swiss" into English at
State. It is even possible that Polanski has a friend in the bureaucracy of
State who accidentally misplaced the request or otherwise made it disappear.

Cheers, David H

"yD" <***@gmail.com wrote in message news:d9cd7353-e753-4cec-9a91-***@b15g2000yqd.googlegroups.com...
On Sep 30, 10:04 am, Usenet Legends bobandcarole ? ??? ?
<***@gmail.com wrote:
On Sep 30, 7:25 am, Ultima Thule <***@THULE.COM wrote:

Yeah how disappointing, she wasnt in rags selling pencils on a corner,
or herself. Do I have to point out no thanks to Polanski.
He broke the law so he should pay, like everyone has to. Just because
he and his friends apparently have their heads up their arse trying to
convince us that she was not as great as him? Could sau that about baby
murderers and paedos?? Err isnt that what he is by the way?

NOPE. She was over the age of puberty.

And we have empowered and keep empowering these immoral troublwmakers? Or
is it just the members of our society who are just ahead of the men in white
coats who keep us supporting these mindless barbarians with their inflated
Rabbi Meir Kahane, Orthodox Jew, Zionist, member of the Knesset, and
founder of the Jewish Defense League, is quoted in the New York Times as
saying, "Western democracy as we know it is incompatible with Zionism." No
wonder the state of Israel has no constitution or bill of rights.
So you are backing stupid women as above and other men and women like heer
like her who are immoral hoons who like to impose themselves like royalty
above the law as they do in America

From Ruth Madoff: The Gentiles are responsible for the Madoff's problems.
who can blame her? I mean Americans rearing up on their hind legs from their
supine position and showing a bit of spine against jews??

And along with the cultures talmud condemned long ago by JC for which u know
what he got.

If you ever thought would not have backed inhuman nazis then why simply
because they call themselves israelis.

http://vi deo.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-6657600254881054584&hl=en TED

http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/talmud.htm -

Look away and be ashamed at what you are not only allowing nazis to do to
people right in front of you ignoring your protests and abhorrence at what
they are doing.

Who owns your government ? You or some immigrants who prospered under your
system of government which has taken you years to develop.

A world where trouble makers are encouraged and financed by your government
with your taxes.

Where the people they back do not even respect you or your views, and look
on you and your children as animals. How else could they promise orphans
ahomethen kill them and cannabilise their body parts with no outcry about
their killing, the way they are killed, and no condemnation of the people
profiting from this obscene behavior.

Children 2 to 4 years killed on screen screaming in pain from sexualassaults
and the fgilms sold to other sadists. No condemnation, just closing your
eyes tight and blocking your ears?

Children 2 -4 years old promised a good home and taken away to the
slaughter pens for an ending as above or simply killed and canabilised for
body parts.


No suitable explanations just the courts for questionable decisions that
endanger free speech and freedomof citizenswho are not the now priveleged
group of jews because your government chose to ignore the real reasonsfor
bombings and suicide attacks because this is the morality they are forcing
on anyone who is not jewish.








No gas chambers found. Even Ann Franks diary appears to be a forgery to buy
your sympathy of completely fraudulent claims.

So why let your government back and finance inhuman nazis then why simply
because they call themselves israelis.


Oh you think christians are protected? Here see achristian receive special
treatment - they call it self defence.




In 1972 the University of Wisconsin built a massive library, named it the
Golda Meir Library, and Christian students on campus objected. The college
administrators refused to rename it, and name stuck. The local Hillel sent
lists of protesting students to Jewish professors, who would 'review' these

"Jewish Rule" <***@rule.biz wrote in message news:f4the0$uv9$***@aioe.org...


In Grafton, Wisconsin, 18 miles away a small community (population 8,500)
a library was named The USS Liberty Memorial library, but this time all hell
broke loose.

http://www.ussliberty.com/challenge.htm - $10,000 challenge - The Liberty
Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the
truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim: 1


It is amazing but jews have the hide to want the liberty slaughter passed
over and forgotten. And to act openly in suppressing any support for the
sailors, as usual their elders cannot say enough to support Israel.


At 0800 hrs, 8 June, 1967, eight Israeli recon flights flew over 'Liberty,'
which was flying a large American flag. At 1400 hrs, waves of low-flying
Israeli Mystere and Mirage-III fighter-bombers repeatedly attacked the
American vessel with rockets, napalm, and cannon. The air attacks lasted 20
minutes, concentrating on the ship's electronic antennas and dishes. The
'Liberty' was left afire, listing sharply. Eight of her crew lay dead, a
hundred seriously wounded, including the captain, Commander William


On the afternoon of 8 June 1967, while in international waters off the Sinai
Peninsula, Liberty, though clearly marked as a U.S. Navy ship, was struck by
Israeli aircraft. After suffering damage and many personnel casualties from
gunfire, rockets and bombs, she was further attacked by three Israeli Navy
motor torpedo boats. One torpedo hit her on the starboard side, forward of
the superstructure, opening a large hole in her hull. In all, thirty-four
men were killed in the attacks and nearly 170 wounded. Israel subsequently
apologized for the incident, explaining that its air and naval forces had
mistaken the Liberty for a much smaller Egyptian Navy ship.



Another media attempted downgrade of the liberty tragedy and force
acceptance of the jewish view.
$10,000 challenge - The Liberty





Lieberman, flanked at a Jerusalem press conference by his senate colleagues
John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), used very tough language,
saying the words "military action" in regards to stopping Iran's nuclear
program. Most US officials opt to tiptoe around the subject, saying "no
options are off the table."


Two key U.S. senators on Sunday dismissed Mideast envoy George Mitchell's
suggestion that Washington withhold loan guarantees to pressure Israel.

http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0610/Large_majorities_on_Hill_back_Israels_flotilla_raid.htmlHarry Reid and Mitch McConnell, along with 83 other senators, have signedthe Senate version of the letter, which is backed by AIPAC; 298 members ofthe House have signed on.APPARENTLY VICTIMIZATION HAS THEIR FULL APPROVAL AS LONG AS IT'S AMERICANS.THE VICTIMS OF JEWISH VICTIMIZETION TO PROTECT THE FRAUDELENT REPARATIONCLAIMS. AND WHY THE FRAUD HAS NOT BEEN EXPOSED.http://abbc6.com/victims/index.htmhttp://jews4obama.com/mythfacts/?p=84AND OF COURSE THE JEWISH GUY IS ALL FOR ISRAEL/ SHAME THERE ARE NOAMERICANS IN GOVERNMENT ANY MORE? OR ARE THERE?http://llphfreedom.blogspot.com/2010/06/87-senators-sign-letter-urging-obamas.htmlREAL AMERICANS LOVE ISRAEL???POOR OL ANDREW JACKSON MUST BE SPINNING IN HIS GRAVE?BUT THEN HE UNDERSTOOD ECONOMICS AND GREEDY IMMORAL PEOPLE. APPARENTLY THEPREENT BOYS DONT KNOW ANY OF THAT?????President Andrew Jackson,President Andrew Jackson, the only one of our presidents whoseadministration totally abolished the National Debt, condemned theinternational bankers as a "den of vipers" which he was determined to "routout" of the fabric of American life. Jackson claimed that if only theAmerican people understood how these vipers operated on the American scene"there would a revolution before morning." http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=99In 1828, immediately upon his election as the new President of the US,President Andrew Jackson began an investigation of the Second Bank of theUnited States. President Jackson argued that the bank was privately ownedwith stockholders from foreign nations who had political agendas at oddswith the United States. President Jackson, an avowed Christian, is known forthese famous words against the Rothschilds:- "You are a den of thieves vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and by theEternal God, I will rout you out."
went out on a night patrol. At 0200, creeping along to keep noise andwake to a minimum,PT-109 was able to successfully avoid detection by Japanese destroyerAmagiri that steamed nearby,but Amagiri unknowingly ran over the torpedo boat at the speed of 40 knots.The boat was split in two in seconds. Kennedy was thrown into the cockpitwhere he landed on his back, injuring it.Clinging to the floating debris, he called out to his crew members andreceived responses from seven others,two of whom were injured; two crew members were killed by the collision. Thesurvivors, totaling 11,swam for the small Plum Pudding Island barely visible three miles away.With wounded crew member Patrick Henry McMahon in tow by holding his lifejacket strap between his teeth,Kennedy reached the island, but was disappointed to find out that no food orwater was available.He concluded that he should swim the route other PT boats might take throughthe Ferguson Passageso that he could bring help; he made the attempt despite the protest of theother survivors,and failed to sight other boats.The group then swam to another island, Olasana, where they found food in theform of coconuts;again, Kennedy swam with McMahon in tow.On the fourth day since the incident, Kennedy and another survivor Ensign George H. R. Ross swam to Nauru Island, where they found a wreckageof a small Japaneseboat containing a crate filled with crackers, candy, and fresh water.http://www.jfkmontreal.com/dimona.htmWe welcomed the former Prime Minister's strong reaffirmation that Dimonawill be devoted exclusively to peaceful purposes and the reaffirmation alsoof Israel's willingness to permit periodic visits to Dimona.http://www.rense.com/general24/bmb.htmAbe Lincoln http://home.att.net/~rjnorton/Lincoln77.html While there he worked at several jobs including operating a store, surveying, and serving as postmaster. He impressed the residents with his character, wrestled the town bully, and earned the nickname "Honest Abe." Lincoln, who stood nearly 6-4 and weighed about 180 pounds, saw brief service in the Black Hawk War, and he made an unsuccessful run for the Illinois legislature in 1832. He ran again in 1834, 1836, 1838, and 1840, and he won all 4 times. (Lincoln was a member of the Whig Party; heremained a Whig until 1856 when he became a Republican). Additionally, he studiedlaw in his spare time and became a lawyer in 1836. Stories that Lincoln had a romance with a pretty girl named Ann Rutledge may well be true. Sadly, Ann died in 1835. He was not a fool for unnecessary wars In 1846 Lincoln ran for the United States House of Representatives andwon. While in Washington he became known for his opposition to the Mexican War and to slavery. He returned home after his term and resumed his lawpractice more seriously than ever. Early in 1851 Lincoln's father died. Lincoln's domestic policies included support for the Homestead Act. Thisact allowed poor people in the East to obtain land in the West. Also, Lincoln signed legislation entitled the National Banking Act which established a national currency and provided for the creation of a network of national banks. In addition, he signed tariff legislation that offered protectionto American industry and signed a bill that chartered the first transcontinental railroad. Lincoln's foreign policy was geared toward preventing foreign intervention in the Civil War.Israel And The BombBy Avner CohenA Choice Outstanding Academic Book". . . Avner Cohen's book stands in a class of its own. It is the firstscholarly study of the history of this project, it is richly documented, andit unveils some of the major mysteries surrounding events by tapping a largebody of previously untouched sources. . . . It can only be assumed that whenthis national mood of 'nuclear' ignorance changes, Cohen's book will serveas a solid foundation for this debate." -- Uri Bar-Joseph, Jewish History"Cohen's book hits nation's sensitivity." -- Dan Ephron, Washington Times"Cohen's work will necessitate the rewriting of Israel's history, wars,international relations, domestic political crises, economy, psychology,national pride--everything will have to be viewed in a differentlight." --Tom Segev, Ha'aretz"This is an extraordinarily important book. Cohen has produced an amazingpiece of historical scholarship on a subject deliberately shrouded in cloudsof misdirection, for legitimate raisons dŽetat, by both Israeli and Americangovernments." -- Samuel W. Lewis, U.S. Ambassador to Israel (1977-1985)"This impeccably documented history of the first two decades of the Israelinuclear program illuminates the complex domestic and international forcesthat shaped the activity and gives the reader fascinating insight into thethinking of Israeli, French, and U.S. leaders on the uniquely sensitivesubject that only a few participants were fully aware of at thetime." --Spurgeon Keeny, President and Executive Director, The Arms ControlAssociationPAUL FINDLAY, FRANCIS BOYLE, EUGENE BIRD, EDWARD PECK,http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=ES&hl=es&v=ynWjYHP91gA&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=ES&hl=es&v=ynWjYHP91gA&feature=relatedTODAY -http://america-hijacked.com/2009/11/10/the-lobby-at-work-kucinich-withdraws-as-palm-beach-county-dem-keynote-speaker/by George BennettIn his first Annual Message to Congress, Jackson recommended eliminating theElectoralU.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich lasted less than 24 hours as headliner for thePalm Beach County Democratic Party's annual fundraising dinner after some ofthe party's elected officials blasted the Ohio Democrat's stance on Israeland threatened to skip the event.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article24366.htmAdditional at: http://TINYURL.COM/THETRANSPARENTCABALYou might be interested in taking a look at the following article aswell (the 'democracy' line was simply used to mask the war for Israelagenda in Iraq as discussed in Dr. Stephen Sniegoski's 'TheTransparent Cabal' book):Thinking about Neoconservatism:http://www.vdare.com/macdonald/030918_neoconservatism.htmTODAY -http://america-hijacked.com/2009/11/10/the-lobby-at-work-kucinich-withdraws-as-palm-beach-county-dem-keynote-speaker/by George BennettIn his first Annual Message to Congress, Jackson recommended eliminating theElectoralU.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich lasted less than 24 hours as headliner for thePalm Beach County Democratic Party's annual fundraising dinner after some ofthe party's elected officials blasted the Ohio Democrat's stance on Israeland threatened to skip the event.THE OTHER BEING THAT HAS ANYONE NOTICED THAT THE LOBBY FOR JEWS HAVE TURNEDINTO A SLAVISH GROUP WHICH DOES NOT REPESENT DEFENCE OF DISCRIMINATION ANYMORE BUT THE BOUGHT OUT POLITICIANS ARE MUCH MORE SERVILE.THE ATTITUDE SEEMS TO BE MORE HOW MUCH CAN I SERVE YOU. AM I SERVILE ENOUGH.DO YOU WISH TO PLACE YOUR FOOT ON MY HEAD TO SHOW HOW WILLING I AM TO DOYOUR BIDDING AND SERVE YOU BETTER.THE POSITION THEY NOW APPEAR TO WANT THEIR JEWISH LOBBYISTS TO HAVE IS A NEWROYALTY ABOVE THE LAW AND FAULTS OR CRIMINAL ACTS TO BE GLOSSED OVER OR THELAW CHANGED TO STOP PROSECUTION."If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, wedon't believe in it at all."-- Noam Chomskyhttp://www.freedomsite.org/Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act is Canada's shameful internetcensorship provision.Section 13 makes it an offence to "likely" "expose" privileged groups to"hatred and/or contempt." There are NO defences under Section 13! Eventruth and intent are considered irrelevant to a finding of discrimination.The law was enacted in 1977 in order to silence a man named John Ross Taylorfor messages he recorded onto his telephone answering machine. In theintervening 32 years, not a single person who has been hauled up on Section13 charges has ever been acquitted - a 100% conviction rate.Mainstream media outlets, from Victoria to Halifax, have demanded a repealof Section 13 and denounced the human rights industry. Editorials commonlyrefer to the Tribunal as a "kangaroo court," and highlight how 'humanrights' commissions "threaten our liberty."On September 2, 2009, the Human Rights Tribunal declared that Section 13 and54 were unconstitutional.A president so weak that israel can push it around with your own citizens?
2010-10-29 07:54:58 UTC
Post by Jim_Higgins
absolutely nothing useful
Service Guarantees Citizenship
Would You Like To Know More?
Nosurprises here this guy an israeli patriot who loves israel and could
not care less about America.

Sees nothing wrong because what does he care about America and the wonderful
experiment and asset America was to the world. And as usual nothing
frightens him more than the truth.

As an israeli patriot glories in the barbarism injustice and dishonesty of
his favorite state. If you are not jewish you will not find anything to like
about the apartheid cruel dishonest government of israel.
And there are not to many non jews willing to be second class citizens in
israel, and even worse 2nd class citizens in their own beloved America where
jewish citizens can rape their children with impunity. news:d2271fc6-315e-4dea-990c-***@q16g2000prf.googlegroups.com...
On Aug 7, 4:51 pm, "b.s." <***@island.com wrote:
Sorry to upset an israeli patriot and zealot jew but : Getting on with
the topic, I don't think Switzerland rejected anything. The Swiss
requested a transcript of the judgement or similar court document from the
L.A. district attorney, and the D.A.'s office claims they never received the
Apparently the request was transmitted via the State Department. The
request either went into the circular
file at State or it got "lost in translation" from "Swiss" into English at
State. It is even possible that Polanski has a friend in the bureaucracy of
State who accidentally misplaced the request or otherwise made it disappear.

Cheers, David H

"yD" <***@gmail.com wrote in message news:d9cd7353-e753-4cec-9a91-***@b15g2000yqd.googlegroups.com...
On Sep 30, 10:04 am, Usenet Legends bobandcarole ? ??? ?
<***@gmail.com wrote:
On Sep 30, 7:25 am, Ultima Thule <***@THULE.COM wrote:

Yeah how disappointing, she wasnt in rags selling pencils on a corner,
or herself. Do I have to point out no thanks to Polanski.
He broke the law so he should pay, like everyone has to. Just because
he and his friends apparently have their heads up their arse trying to
convince us that she was not as great as him? Could sau that about baby
murderers and paedos?? Err isnt that what he is by the way?

NOPE. She was over the age of puberty.

And we have empowered and keep empowering these immoral troublwmakers? Or
is it just the members of our society who are just ahead of the men in white
coats who keep us supporting these mindless barbarians with their inflated
Rabbi Meir Kahane, Orthodox Jew, Zionist, member of the Knesset, and
founder of the Jewish Defense League, is quoted in the New York Times as
saying, "Western democracy as we know it is incompatible with Zionism." No
wonder the state of Israel has no constitution or bill of rights.
So you are backing stupid women as above and other men and women like heer
like her who are immoral hoons who like to impose themselves like royalty
above the law as they do in America

From Ruth Madoff: The Gentiles are responsible for the Madoff's problems.
who can blame her? I mean Americans rearing up on their hind legs from their
supine position and showing a bit of spine against jews??

And along with the cultures talmud condemned long ago by JC for which u know
what he got.

If you ever thought would not have backed inhuman nazis then why simply
because they call themselves israelis.

http://vi deo.google.ca/videoplay?docid=-6657600254881054584&hl=en TED

http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/talmud.htm -
http://www.iahushua.com/JQ/talmud.html http://youtu.be/ALCSSLPsiWs


Look away and be ashamed at what you are not only allowing nazis to do to
people right in front of you ignoring your protests and abhorrence at what
they are doing.

Who owns your government ? You or some immigrants who prospered under your
system of government which has taken you years to develop.

A world where trouble makers are encouraged and financed by your government
with your taxes.

Where the people they back do not even respect you or your views, and look
on you and your children as animals. How else could they promise orphans
ahomethen kill them and cannabilise their body parts with no outcry about
their killing, the way they are killed, and no condemnation of the people
profiting from this obscene behavior.

Children 2 to 4 years killed on screen screaming in pain from sexualassaults
and the fgilms sold to other sadists. No condemnation, just closing your
eyes tight and blocking your ears?

Children 2 -4 years old promised a good home and taken away to the
slaughter pens for an ending as above or simply killed and canabilised for
body parts.


No suitable explanations just the courts for questionable decisions that
endanger free speech and freedomof citizenswho are not the now priveleged
group of jews because your government chose to ignore the real reasonsfor
bombings and suicide attacks because this is the morality they are forcing
on anyone who is not jewish.





















No gas chambers found. Even Ann Franks diary appears to be a forgery to buy
your sympathy of completely fraudulent claims.

So why let your government back and finance inhuman nazis then why simply
because they call themselves israelis.


Oh you think christians are protected? Here see achristian receive special
treatment - they call it self defence.




In 1972 the University of Wisconsin built a massive library, named it the
Golda Meir Library, and Christian students on campus objected. The college
administrators refused to rename it, and name stuck. The local Hillel sent
lists of protesting students to Jewish professors, who would 'review' these

"Jewish Rule" <***@rule.biz wrote in message news:f4the0$uv9$***@aioe.org...


In Grafton, Wisconsin, 18 miles away a small community (population 8,500)
a library was named The USS Liberty Memorial library, but this time all hell
broke loose.

http://www.ussliberty.com/challenge.htm - $10,000 challenge - The Liberty
Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the
truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim: 1


It is amazing but jews have the hide to want the liberty slaughter passed
over and forgotten. And to act openly in suppressing any support for the
sailors, as usual their elders cannot say enough to support Israel.


At 0800 hrs, 8 June, 1967, eight Israeli recon flights flew over 'Liberty,'
which was flying a large American flag. At 1400 hrs, waves of low-flying
Israeli Mystere and Mirage-III fighter-bombers repeatedly attacked the
American vessel with rockets, napalm, and cannon. The air attacks lasted 20
minutes, concentrating on the ship's electronic antennas and dishes. The
'Liberty' was left afire, listing sharply. Eight of her crew lay dead, a
hundred seriously wounded, including the captain, Commander William


On the afternoon of 8 June 1967, while in international waters off the Sinai
Peninsula, Liberty, though clearly marked as a U.S. Navy ship, was struck by
Israeli aircraft. After suffering damage and many personnel casualties from
gunfire, rockets and bombs, she was further attacked by three Israeli Navy
motor torpedo boats. One torpedo hit her on the starboard side, forward of
the superstructure, opening a large hole in her hull. In all, thirty-four
men were killed in the attacks and nearly 170 wounded. Israel subsequently
apologized for the incident, explaining that its air and naval forces had
mistaken the Liberty for a much smaller Egyptian Navy ship.



Another media attempted downgrade of the liberty tragedy and force
acceptance of the jewish view.
$10,000 challenge - The Liberty





Lieberman, flanked at a Jerusalem press conference by his senate colleagues
John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC), used very tough language,
saying the words "military action" in regards to stopping Iran's nuclear
program. Most US officials opt to tiptoe around the subject, saying "no
options are off the table."


Two key U.S. senators on Sunday dismissed Mideast envoy George Mitchell's
suggestion that Washington withhold loan guarantees to pressure Israel.

http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/0610/Large_majorities_on_Hill_back_Israels_flotilla_raid.htmlHarryReid and Mitch McConnell, along with 83 other senators, have signedtheSenate version of the letter, which is backed by AIPAC; 298 members oftheHouse have signed on.APPARENTLY VICTIMIZATION HAS THEIR FULL APPROVAL ASLONG AS IT'S AMERICANS.THE VICTIMS OF JEWISH VICTIMIZETION TO PROTECT THEFRAUDELENT REPARATIONCLAIMS. AND WHY THE FRAUD HAS NOT BEENEXPOSED.http://abbc6.com/victims/index.htmhttp://jews4obama.com/mythfacts/?p=84AND OF COURSE THE JEWISH GUY IS ALL FOR ISRAEL/ SHAME THERE ARENOAMERICANS IN GOVERNMENT ANY MORE? OR ARETHERE?http://llphfreedom.blogspot.com/2010/06/87-senators-sign-letter-urging-obamas.htmlREAL AMERICANS LOVE ISRAEL???POOR OL ANDREW JACKSON MUST BESPINNING IN HIS GRAVE?BUT THEN HE UNDERSTOOD ECONOMICS AND GREEDY IMMORALPEOPLE. APPARENTLY THEPREENT BOYS DONT KNOW ANY OF THAT?????President AndrewJackson,President Andrew Jackson, the only one of our presidentswhoseadministration totally abolished the National Debt, condemnedtheinternational bankers as a "den of vipers" which he was determined to"routout" of the fabric of American life. Jackson claimed that if onlytheAmerican people understood how these vipers operated on the Americanscene"there would a revolution before morning."http://www.realjewnews.com/?p=99In 1828, immediately upon his election asthe new President of the US,President Andrew Jackson began an investigationof the Second Bank of theUnited States. President Jackson argued that thebank was privately ownedwith stockholders from foreign nations who hadpolitical agendas at oddswith the United States. President Jackson, anavowed Christian, is known forthese famous words against the Rothschilds:-"You are a den of thieves vipers, and I intend to rout you out, and bytheEternal God, I will rout youout." http://youtu.be/3hZAKsQbhLI went out on a night patrol. At 0200, creepingalong to keep noise andwake to a minimum,PT-109 was able to successfullyavoid detection by Japanese destroyerAmagiri that steamed nearby,but Amagiriunknowingly ran over the torpedo boat at the speed of 40 knots.The boat wassplit in two in seconds. Kennedy was thrown into the cockpitwhere he landedon his back, injuring it.Clinging to the floating debris, he called out tohis crew members andreceived responses from seven others,two of whom wereinjured; two crew members were killed by the collision. Thesurvivors,totaling 11,swam for the small Plum Pudding Island barely visible threemiles away.With wounded crew member Patrick Henry McMahon in tow by holdinghis lifejacket strap between his teeth,Kennedy reached the island, but wasdisappointed to find out that no food orwater was available.He concludedthat he should swim the route other PT boats might take throughthe FergusonPassageso that he could bring help; he made the attempt despite the protestof theother survivors,and failed to sight other boats.The group then swam toanother island, Olasana, where they found food in theform of coconuts;again,Kennedy swam with McMahon in tow.On the fourth day since the incident,Kennedy and another survivor Ensign George H. R. Ross swam to Nauru Island,where they found a wreckageof a small Japaneseboat containing a crate filledwith crackers, candy, and freshwater.http://www.jfkmontreal.com/dimona.htmWe welcomed the former PrimeMinister's strong reaffirmation that Dimonawill be devoted exclusively topeaceful purposes and the reaffirmation alsoof Israel's willingness topermit periodic visits to Dimona.http://www.rense.com/general24/bmb.htmAbeLincoln http://home.att.net/~rjnorton/Lincoln77.html While there he workedat several jobs including operating a store, surveying, and serving aspostmaster. He impressed the residents with his character, wrestled thetown bully, and earned the nickname "Honest Abe." Lincoln, who stood nearly6-4 and weighed about 180 pounds, saw brief service in the Black Hawk War,and he made an unsuccessful run for the Illinois legislature in 1832. Heran again in 1834, 1836, 1838, and 1840, and he won all 4 times. (Lincolnwas a member of the Whig Party; heremained a Whig until 1856 when he becamea Republican). Additionally, he studiedlaw in his spare time and became alawyer in 1836. Stories that Lincoln had a romance with a pretty girl namedAnn Rutledge may well be true. Sadly, Ann died in 1835. He was not a foolfor unnecessary wars In 1846 Lincoln ran for the United States House ofRepresentatives andwon. While in Washington he became known for hisopposition to the Mexican War and to slavery. He returned home after histerm and resumed his lawpractice more seriously than ever. Early in 1851Lincoln's father died. Lincoln's domestic policies included support for theHomestead Act. Thisact allowed poor people in the East to obtain land inthe West. Also, Lincoln signed legislation entitled the National BankingAct which established a national currency and provided for the creation ofa network of national banks. In addition, he signed tariff legislation thatoffered protectionto American industry and signed a bill that chartered thefirst transcontinental railroad. Lincoln's foreign policy was geared towardpreventing foreign intervention in the Civil War.Israel And The BombBy AvnerCohenA Choice Outstanding Academic Book". . . Avner Cohen's book stands in aclass of its own. It is the firstscholarly study of the history of thisproject, it is richly documented, andit unveils some of the major mysteriessurrounding events by tapping a largebody of previously untouched sources. .. . It can only be assumed that whenthis national mood of 'nuclear'ignorance changes, Cohen's book will serveas a solid foundation for thisdebate." -- Uri Bar-Joseph, Jewish History"Cohen's book hits nation'ssensitivity." -- Dan Ephron, Washington Times"Cohen's work will necessitatethe rewriting of Israel's history, wars,international relations, domesticpolitical crises, economy, psychology,national pride--everything will haveto be viewed in a differentlight." --Tom Segev, Ha'aretz"This is anextraordinarily important book. Cohen has produced an amazingpiece ofhistorical scholarship on a subject deliberately shrouded in cloudsofmisdirection, for legitimate raisons dŽetat, by both Israeli andAmericangovernments." -- Samuel W. Lewis, U.S. Ambassador to Israel(1977-1985)"This impeccably documented history of the first two decades ofthe Israelinuclear program illuminates the complex domestic andinternational forcesthat shaped the activity and gives the readerfascinating insight into thethinking of Israeli, French, and U.S. leaders onthe uniquely sensitivesubject that only a few participants were fully awareof at thetime." --Spurgeon Keeny, President and Executive Director, The ArmsControlAssociationPAUL FINDLAY, FRANCIS BOYLE, EUGENE BIRD, EDWARDPECK,http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=ES&hl=es&v=ynWjYHP91gA&feature=relatedhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=ES&hl=es&v=ynWjYHP91gA&feature=relatedTODAY -http://america-hijacked.com/2009/11/10/the-lobby-at-work-kucinich-withdraws-as-palm-beach-county-dem-keynote-speaker/by George BennettIn his firstAnnual Message to Congress, Jackson recommended eliminating theElectoralU.S.Rep. Dennis Kucinich lasted less than 24 hours as headliner for thePalmBeach County Democratic Party's annual fundraising dinner after some oftheparty's elected officials blasted the Ohio Democrat's stance on Israelandthreatened to skip theevent.http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article24366.htmAdditionalat: http://TINYURL.COM/THETRANSPARENTCABALYou might be interested in takinga look at the following article aswell (the 'democracy' line was simply usedto mask the war for Israelagenda in Iraq as discussed in Dr. StephenSniegoski's 'TheTransparent Cabal' book):Thinking aboutNeoconservatism:http://www.vdare.com/macdonald/030918_neoconservatism.htmTODAY -http://america-hijacked.com/2009/11/10/the-lobby-at-work-kucinich-withdraws-as-palm-beach-county-dem-keynote-speaker/by George BennettIn his firstAnnual Message to Congress, Jackson recommended eliminating theElectoralU.S.Rep. Dennis Kucinich lasted less than 24 hours as headliner for thePalmBeach County Democratic Party's annual fundraising dinner after some oftheparty's elected officials blasted the Ohio Democrat's stance on Israelandthreatened to skip the event.THE OTHER BEING THAT HAS ANYONE NOTICED THATTHE LOBBY FOR JEWS HAVE TURNEDINTO A SLAVISH GROUP WHICH DOES NOT REPESENTDEFENCE OF DISCRIMINATION ANYMORE BUT THE BOUGHT OUT POLITICIANS ARE MUCHMORE SERVILE.THE ATTITUDE SEEMS TO BE MORE HOW MUCH CAN I SERVE YOU. AM ISERVILE ENOUGH.DO YOU WISH TO PLACE YOUR FOOT ON MY HEAD TO SHOW HOW WILLINGI AM TO DOYOUR BIDDING AND SERVE YOU BETTER.THE POSITION THEY NOW APPEAR TOWANT THEIR JEWISH LOBBYISTS TO HAVE IS A NEWROYALTY ABOVE THE LAW ANDFAULTS OR CRIMINAL ACTS TO BE GLOSSED OVER OR THELAW CHANGED TO STOPPROSECUTION."If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people wedespise, wedon't believe in it at all."-- NoamChomskyhttp://www.freedomsite.org/Section 13 of the Canadian Human RightsAct is Canada's shameful internetcensorship provision.Section 13 makes it anoffence to "likely" "expose" privileged groups to"hatred and/or contempt."There are NO defences under Section 13! Eventruth and intent are consideredirrelevant to a finding of discrimination.The law was enacted in 1977 inorder to silence a man named John Ross Taylorfor messages he recorded ontohis telephone answering machine. In theintervening 32 years, not a singleperson who has been hauled up on Section13 charges has ever been acquitted -a 100% conviction rate.Mainstream media outlets, from Victoria to Halifax,have demanded a repealof Section 13 and denounced the human rights industry.Editorials commonlyrefer to the Tribunal as a "kangaroo court," andhighlight how 'humanrights' commissions "threaten our liberty."On September2, 2009, the Human Rights Tribunal declared that Section 13 and54 wereunconstitutional.A president so weak that israel can push it around withyour own citizens?
2010-10-23 10:26:15 UTC
You idiotic turd.
More hilariously ineffectual prose from a Nazi whose balls
aren't >> big >> enough for him to use his real name.
My point is proven, you ignorant pool of cum.
You have lost, having to resort to abuse is a sure sign of
being >> >> > well and truly beaten.
'abuse' is all you're worth, Filth. And you couldn't win
against >> me >> if were lying unconscious on the floor, you
repellant pile of >> dogshit.
Abuse is the only thing
you deserve.
Got it in one, Shit.
If forgery of what people write is all you can manage in an attempt
to defend Israel, then that says alot about Israel.
'Forgery' would be if I had inserted a chevron (look it up, you
retarded Nazi cunt) before the words 'you deserve'. I didn't. And
you lose again, you brownshirted spastic.
Yet again you deny what is clear to all, just like you do when
attempting to defend Israel.
Hint, the definition of forgey is not inserting a chevron.
You retarded ape. The definition of 'forgery' is trying to attribute
to someone who did not write them. The fact that there was no chevron
before the words 'you deserve' indicates that I was not trying to 'forge'.
Now go and die, Nazi Filth.
Yitzhak Isaac Goldstein
'Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice, and when
they fail in this purpose, they become the dangerously structured dams
that block the flow of social progress'
(Dr Martin Luther King (1929 - 1968))
And our intellctual has not noticed the injustice and dishonesty of the
arpartheid nazi israel government. And tocover his ignorance calls critical
real intellectuals nazis???

Just compare the difference below.


One guy gets 10 years, the other gets a raise and promotion?? For killing
a non jewish american? And gets to smirk about it?



Compounding the duplicity swirling around the case was the jurors'
remarkable verdict: Mr. Nelson was indeed guilty of depriving his victim of
his civil rights by stabbing him - but not by killing him. Thus, instead of
a possible life sentence, the murderer, with credit for time served, may be
a free man in a matter of months.


It is thus with intense interest that we watch as a federal jury in Brooklyn
hears the case of United States vs. Lemrick Nelson, Jr. and Charles Price --
respectively, the accused killer of Yankel Rosenbaum, and the man charged
with inciting the mob that pursued Rosenbaum. As Coalition goes to press,
the trial has finally begun and the prosecution is presenting powerful
evidence against the two defendants



Chinese building products.



December 12 - Twenty Arabs, five Jews and two British soldiers killed and
thirty wounded in Jewish terrorist bomb attacks on buses in Haifa and
Ramleh, Palestine. British mandate to rule Palestine ends on 15 May 1948;
state of Israel established.

December 29 - Jewish Irgun terrorists throw grenades from passing taxi into
café near the Damascus gate, Jerusalem, Palestine, killing eleven Arabs and
two British policemen.

March 11

Headquarters of the Jewish Agency, Jerusalem, Palestine, destroyed by Arab
car bomb killing thirteen and injuring eighty four.

April 9

Jewish Irgun terrorist group attacks Deir Yassim, Palestine, murdering two
hundred and fifty four Arab women and children captured in the remains of
the village.

PREVIOUSLY VOCIFEROUS WASPS, and other religious and non religious groups.

The the Jewish controlled American media proclaimed Americans were strongly
pro Jewish and very anti British. One Hollywood motion picture Mogul
declared in the British press that he had a holiday in his heart every time
a British soldier was killed in Palestine. and large sections of the
American media echoed this sentiment.

"The Palestinians are fighting with human suicide bombers, that's all they
have. The Israelis . . . they've got one of the most powerful military
machines in the world. The Palestinians have nothing."
-- Ted Turner, Founder of CNN
"I do not think that in his heart an Israeli would deny that, if your enemy
has taken land that is rightfully yours and occupied it, then not just your
enemy's army but his wife and son and daughter and servants and all who,
under his protection, come to live and make their living on the stolen land,
are aggressors. By their presence they aid and abet the occupation."
-- Matthew Parris, Saturday Times of London, June 22, 2002
"David Ben-Gurion never moved against the Irgun and the Stern Gang until
after the state was established and secured, which is definitely not true in
the case of the Palestinian Authority. Essentially, the Israelis are asking
the Palestinians to do something they themselves refused to do." i
-- Hussein Ibish, Communication director of the American Arab
Anti-Discrimination Committee


Zionist Jewish supremacists really hate this kind of article, that is why
"Hate Crimes" exist. To protect the highest criminals.

Is this Politically Correct??

[The very creation of Israel required an act of terror. In 1948, most of the
non-Jewish indigenous people were ethnically cleansed from the part of
Palestine which became Israel. This action was carefully planned. Without
it, no state with a Jewish majority and character would have been possible.
Since 1948, the "Israeli Arabs", those Palestinians who avoided expulsion,
have suffered continuous discrimination. Indeed, many have been internally
displaced, ostensibly for "security reasons", but really to acquire their
lands for Jews.]

No, the Zionofreaks want to ban any history but what they write.

Isn't it quite glaringly obvious that "The Holocaust" legends would fall
apart without laws that make it illegal to question it?

Isn't it glaringly obvious that 911 was the "Goy Holocaust" for America,
that short circuits critical thinking and creates a victim mentallity that
justifies all sorts of crimes against "evil"?

Without "The Holocaust" and "911", the manipulators of the US and Israel
would not have been able to carry out their "War on Terror" terrorism
against the Arabs.

But with a public that thinks it is persecuted and under attack, any
atrocity is justified.

The terrorists have won. For now.

Anti Semitism


Antisemitism as defined by Congress and the US State Dept


December 4, 1948

New Palestine Party
Visit of Menachem Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed


Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence
in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut),
a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political
philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed
out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a
terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.

Attack on Arab Village

A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin.
This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken
no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the
village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands
attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the
fighting, killed most of its inhabitants - 240 men, women, and children -
and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of
Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the
Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan.
But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this
massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents
present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at
Deir Yassin.

The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the
Freedom Party.


Isidore Abramowitz, Hannah Arendt, Abraham Brick, Rabbi Jessurun Cardozo,
Albert Einstein, Herman Eisen, M.D., Hayim Fineman, M. Gallen, M.D., H.H.
Harris, Zelig S. Harris, Sidney Hook, Fred Karush, Bruria Kaufman, Irma L.
Lindheim, Nachman Maisel, Symour Melman, Myer D. Mendelson, M.D., Harry M.
Orlinsky, Samuel Pitlick, Fritz Rohrlich, Louis P. Rocker, Ruth Sager,
Itzhak Sankowsky, I.J. Schoenberg, Samuel Shuman, M. Znger, Irma Wolpe,
Stefan Wolpe