Marcus Aurelius
2012-08-26 23:24:06 UTC
The following is the URL of a web site describing Robert H. Bork's
book,"Slouching Towards Gomorrah" which contains reasoned arguments
and facts condemning feminism:
The following is a partial quote from the same:
"Radical feminism is the most destructive and fanatical movement to
come down to us from the Sixties. This is a revolutionary, not a
reformist, movement, and it is meeting with considerable success.
Totalitarian in spirit, it is deeply antagonistic to traditional
Western culture and proposes the complete restructuring of society,
morality, and human nature. Radical feminism is today's female
counterpart of Sixties radicalism. The feminist program is in its
main features the same as that of the disastrous Port Huron Statement,
(2) modified to accommodate the belief that the oppressors, the source
of all evil, are men, the "patriarchy" rather than the
"Establishment." All else remains the same. "Feminism rode into our
cultural life on the coattails of the New Left but by now it certainly
deserves its own place in the halls of intellectual barbarisms."
Judge Bork's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court was rejected because
of his principled political stance against feminist extremism.
book,"Slouching Towards Gomorrah" which contains reasoned arguments
and facts condemning feminism:
The following is a partial quote from the same:
"Radical feminism is the most destructive and fanatical movement to
come down to us from the Sixties. This is a revolutionary, not a
reformist, movement, and it is meeting with considerable success.
Totalitarian in spirit, it is deeply antagonistic to traditional
Western culture and proposes the complete restructuring of society,
morality, and human nature. Radical feminism is today's female
counterpart of Sixties radicalism. The feminist program is in its
main features the same as that of the disastrous Port Huron Statement,
(2) modified to accommodate the belief that the oppressors, the source
of all evil, are men, the "patriarchy" rather than the
"Establishment." All else remains the same. "Feminism rode into our
cultural life on the coattails of the New Left but by now it certainly
deserves its own place in the halls of intellectual barbarisms."
Judge Bork's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court was rejected because
of his principled political stance against feminist extremism.