Derrick Jenson - a man who should be listened to
(too old to reply)
Special Care
2010-02-01 20:51:19 UTC
Special Care
2010-02-01 20:56:04 UTC
Derrick Jensen: Endgame Part Two58:18 - 2 years ago

What if you live in the most destructive culture ever to exist?

What if that culture refuses to change?

What do you do about it?

Derrick Jensen: Endgame Part Two www.endgamethebook.org www.derrickjensen.org

Derrick Jensen named Press Action Person of the Year for 2006 From the
Press Action website www.pressaction.com "The recipient of this award
was never in doubt. Derrick Jensen's Endgame, released in late spring,
was the best work of nonfiction in 2006. Given the significance of its
subject matter and the urgency of Jensen's message,

Endgame is the most important book of the decade and could stand as
the must-read book of our lifetimes. But be careful. The book is
likely to send you into periods of despondency over the bleak future
of the planet. But Jensen explains that if enough of us stand up and
work together to fight the fascists, the crash won't be as
devastating. And the long struggle will eventually result in an
explosive renewal of all forms of life on the planet." From the
website www.endgamethebook.org: "Having long laid waste our own
sanity, and having long forgotten what it feels like to be free, most
of us too have no idea what it’s like to live in the real world.
Seeing four salmon spawn causes me to burst into tears. I have never
seen a river full of fish. I have never seen a sky darkened for days
by a single flock of birds. (I have, however, seen skies perpetually
darkened by smog.) As with freedom, so too the extraordinary beauty
and fecundity of the world itself: It’s hard to love something you’ve
never known. It’s hard to convince yourself to fight for something you
may not believe has ever existed." --from Endgame, Volume I "Hailed as
the philosopher poet of the ecological movement, best-selling author
Derrick Jensen returns with a passionate forecast of how industrial
civilization, and the persistent and widespread violence it requires,
is unsustainable. Jensen's intricate weaving together of history,
philosophy, environmentalism, economics, literature and psychology has
produced a powerful argument that demands attention in the tradition
of such important books as Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization and
Brigid Brophy's Black Ship to Hell." Endgame Part One is located at:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8649250863235826256 What if
you live in the most destructive culture ever to exist? What if that
culture refuses to change? What do you do about it? Derrick Jensen:
Endgame Part Two www.endgamethebook.org www.derrickjensen.org Derrick
Jensen named Press Action Person of the Year for 2006 From the Press
Action website www.pressaction.com "The recipient of this award was
never in doubt. Derrick Jensen's Endgame, released in late spring, was
the best work of nonfiction in 2006. Given the significance of its
subject matter and the urgency of Jensen's message, Endgame is the
most important book of the decade and could stand as the must-read
book of our lifetimes. But be careful. The book is likely to send you
into periods of despondency over the bleak future of the planet. But
Jensen explains that if enough of us stand up and work together to
fight the fascists, the crash won't be as devastating. And the long
struggle will eventually result in an explosive renewal of all forms
of life on the planet." From the web...all » What if you live in the
most destructive culture ever to exist? What if that culture refuses
to change? What do you do about it? Derrick Jensen: Endgame Part Two
www.endgamethebook.org www.derrickjensen.org Derrick Jensen named
Press Action Person of the Year for 2006 From the Press Action website
www.pressaction.com "The recipient of this award was never in doubt.
Derrick Jensen's Endgame, released in late spring, was the best work
of nonfiction in 2006. Given the significance of its subject matter
and the urgency of Jensen's message, Endgame is the most important
book of the decade and could stand as the must-read book of our
lifetimes. But be careful. The book is likely to send you into periods
of despondency over the bleak future of the planet. But Jensen
explains that if enough of us stand up and work together to fight the
fascists, the crash won't be as devastating. And the long struggle
will eventually result in an explosive renewal of all forms of life on
the planet." From the website www.endgamethebook.org: "Having long
laid waste our own sanity, and having long forgotten what it feels
like to be free, most of us too have no idea what it’s like to live in
the real world. Seeing four salmon spawn causes me to burst into
tears. I have never seen a river full of fish. I have never seen a sky
darkened for days by a single flock of birds. (I have, however, seen
skies perpetually darkened by smog.) As with freedom, so too the
extraordinary beauty and fecundity of the world itself: It’s hard to
love something you’ve never known. It’s hard to convince yourself to
fight for something you may not believe has ever existed." --from
Endgame, Volume I "Hailed as the philosopher poet of the ecological
movement, best-selling author Derrick Jensen returns with a passionate
forecast of how industrial civilization, and the persistent and
widespread violence it requires, is unsustainable. Jensen's intricate
weaving together of history, philosophy, environmentalism, economics,
literature and psychology has produced a powerful argument that
demands attention in the tradition of such important books as
Herbert Marcuse's Eros and Civilization and Brigid Brophy's Black Ship
to Hell." Endgame Part One is located at:
Special Care
2010-02-01 21:03:01 UTC

"People used to drink out of rivers. How quaint is that?!"

Yes. I drank out of rivers when I was a boy.


I haven't read "Eros and Civilisation" by Herbet Marcuse and all the
other volumes so revered by the trendy lefties... or whatever they
call themselves today....

I don't need to read that, and I don't need the acceptance of the
trendy lefties or whatever they call themselves today.

I know that only the essentials of life matter.

All we need to heal our civilisation is the basics of human
Reducing to Essentials
Special Care
2010-02-01 21:31:21 UTC
"The Jews who participated in the Warsaw ghetto uprising had a higher
rate of survival than those who went along."
-Derrick Jenson.

"Keep that in mind in the next ten years."
-Derrick Jenson.

Special Care
2010-02-02 03:39:32 UTC
Post by Special Care
"The Jews who participated in the Warsaw ghetto uprising had a higher
rate of survival than those who went along."

Well, that assumes that anybody would be so stupid as to want to
survive in a shit civilisation as a member of a mentally ill species
known as humanity.

If you find that your have been born into a mentally ill world as a
member of a mentally ill civilisation, to want to survive would be a
sign of very severe mentall illness.

It's a completely AMAZING proposition - that Jews in the Warsaw ghetto
wanted to survive ! knowing that the human species in insane and needs
total annihiliation so that a sane species can take over on this

What were they thinking of?


To want to survive when you are a member of an insane species?



Look at the coffin, with golden handles
Isn’t it grand, boys, to be bloody-well dead?

Let’s not have a sniffle, let’s have a bloody-good cry
And always remember: the longer you live
The sooner you’ll bloody-well die

Look at the mourners, bloody-great hypocrites
Isn’t it grand, boys, to be bloody-well dead?

Let’s not have a sniffle, let’s have a bloody-good cry
And always remember: the longer you live
The sooner you’ll bloody-well die

Look at the flowers, all bloody withered
Isn’t it grand, boys, to be bloody-well dead?

Let’s not have a sniffle, let’s have a bloody-good cry
And always remember: The longer you live
The sooner you’ll bloody-well die

Look at the preacher, bloody sanctimonious
Isn’t it grand, boys, to be bloody-well dead?

Let’s not have a sniffle, let’s have a bloody-good cry
And always remember: The longer you live
The sooner you’ll bloody-well die

Look at the widow, bloody-great female
Isn’t it grand, boys, to be bloody-well dead?

Let’s not have a sniffle, let’s have a bloody-good cry
And always remember: The longer you live
The sooner you’ll bloody-well die
Special Care
2010-02-02 03:50:53 UTC
Post by Special Care
Post by Special Care
"The Jews who participated in the Warsaw ghetto uprising had a higher
rate of survival than those who went along."
What for? Survive for what? To knock the shite out of the Palestinians
the same way the Nazis knocked the shite out of the Jews? Why survive
for that? It would have been much better if the IRGUN and Stern Gang
had died in the Warsaw Ghetto, wouldn't it, and then the Palestinians
could have been spared the attentions of the IRGUN and the Stern Gang
if ony they had died in the Warsaw ghetto. Zionists shoud have a chat
with Stephen Fuller, the man who survived Ballyseedy. Moshe Dyan was a
great admirer of Michael Collins, and was greatly fearful that the
Palestinians would get a leader like Michael Collins. But the real
leveller was at Ballyseedy Cross, which reduced us all, Jews,
Catholics, Muslims, Atheists... to the same
level................................... it could have been YOU at
Ballyseedy Cross:

Special Care
2010-02-02 04:08:50 UTC
If the link to the Ballyseedy video does not work,
please go to youtube home page and type the word
"Ballyseedy" into the youtube search box.
Special Care
2010-02-02 18:09:20 UTC
Taking the long view

Endless economic growth has turned into a global economic crash. What
will the next hundred years bring?

Students of history know that all civilizations eventually come to an
end. The ancient Mayans, the dynasties of China, and the mighty Roman
Empire, as long-lived and powerful as they were, could not escape this
inevitability. The same goes for the culture we call Western

The causes underlying the collapse of civilizations can be traced to
overuse of resources. As your eyes move across this screen, the world
is reeling: economic chaos, peak oil, climate change, environmental
degradation, and political turmoil. Every day, newspaper headlines re-
hash stories of scandal, government corruption and betrayal of the
public trust. We don’t have to make outraged demands for the end of
the current global system — it seems to be coming apart on its own.

But acts of courage, compassion and altruism abound, even in the most
damaged places. By documenting the resilience of the people hit
hardest by war and repression, and the heroism of those coming forward
to confront the crisis head-on, END:CIV illuminates a way out of this
all-consuming madness and into a saner future.

Interesting times
In our lifetimes, we will bear witness to planet-wide environmental
destruction and catastrophic economic failures. But this crisis is
also an opportunity to unravel the delusions that got us into this

Few understand the extent to which our economy relies on violence and
coercion, overt and implied. Most of it is exported and therefore
invisible to North Americans. Chinese sweatshops, Thai brothels, low-
wage Indian call centers, poisoned rivers and exterminated species are
just a few examples of the hidden ugliness of this economy. Derrick
Jensen points out there is more slavery worldwide now than ever
before. For too long, the privileged have had the luxury of ignoring
the marks of violence and rationalizing that Western Civilization is
the most peaceful, plentiful and benevolent culture in human history.
Right now, half the world is at war and a billion people are hungry.
We can no longer afford that luxury.

“Do you believe that our culture will undergo a voluntary
transformation to a sane and sustainable way of living?” asks Derrick

“For the last several years I’ve taken to asking people this question,
at talks and rallies, in libraries, on buses, in airplanes, at the
grocery store, the hardware store. Everywhere. The answers range from
emphatic ‘No’s’ to laughter. No one answers in the affirmative. One
fellow at one talk did raise his hand, and when everyone looked at
him, he dropped his hand, then said, sheepishly, ‘Oh, voluntary? No,
of course not.’

“My next question: how will this understanding — that this culture
will not voluntarily stop destroying the natural world, eliminating
indigenous cultures, exploiting the poor, and killing those who
resist —shift our strategy and tactics?

“The answer? Nobody knows, because we never talk about it: we’re too
busy pretending the culture will undergo a magical transformation.”

Jensen asserts what millions around the world can corroborate —
systematic abuse of the poor and helpless leaves lasting scars on
entire generations. He compares this culture to an abusive family,
where violence is a constant threat and the victims feel helpless and
dependent on the abuser. He writes, “Civilization and the civilized
continue to create a world of wounds.”

“From birth on — and probably from conception, but I’m not sure how
I’d make the case — we are individually and collectively enculturated
to hate life, hate the natural world, hate the wild, hate wild
animals, hate women, hate our bodies, hate and fear our emotions, hate
ourselves. If we did not hate the world, we could not allow it to be
destroyed before our eyes. If we did not hate ourselves, we could not
allow our homes — and our bodies — to be poisoned.”

Franklin López’s story
For decades, the US Navy tested bombs and other weapons at Vieques, a
picturesque island off the coast of Puerto Rico, not far from where I
was born. In 1980, my father brought me to Vieques on my first fishing
trip with some local fisherpeople. Suddenly the earth shook and bombs
began exploding down the shore. Then came the ear-splitting screams of
two Navy F15 jets as they flashed by overhead. I stood frozen in
terror as a local man raised his fist toward the departing jets and
cursed the United States for bombing his fish.

Many years later, around the time the Navy was ending its target
practice on the island, I heard Derrick Jensen speak on the topic of
his book Endgame. Jensen explained why he considers this civilization
a curse.

“I walk clear cuts that wrap around mountains, drop into valleys and
climb ridges to fragment watershed after watershed. And I’ve sat
silent near empty streams that two generations ago were lashed into
whiteness by uncountable salmon coming home to spawn and die.”

As Jensen spoke, my mind flashed back to the childhood fishing trip at
Vieques, and then forward to the latest reports about the fallout
from the Navy’s bombing range. How the fish were decimated and
polluted. How the population of the island still has an abnormally
high rate of cancer. I saw the faces of the people there, and their
courage and determination over the years as they planned, organized,
and finally evicted the Navy from the island. This was no abstract
exercise – it was as real as the knot in my stomach or the sweat and
fear on the old fisherman’s face. I felt a shift in my world, like the
jolt of a tectonic plate.

On my last visit to Vieques, everyone I spoke to knew someone living
with cancer or dead from it. My friends fought the Navy and won. But
what did they win?

Every day, we hear stories like Vieques. Sometimes it’s the military
that’s responsible, sometimes the corporations. Jensen insists that
we bear witness to these accounts without flinching. He demands that
we recognize the kind of strength and heroism we will all need to take
action for the future of the planet and humanity.

The situation is urgent. Apathy is not an option. “Give me a
threshold,” Jensen pleads, “give me a specific point at which you’ll
finally take a stand. If you can’t or won’t give me that threshold,
why not?”
Special Care
2010-02-02 21:35:04 UTC
I'm very impressed with that text from Derrick Jenson at this link:

He said:
“My next question: how will this understanding — that this culture
will not voluntarily stop destroying the natural world, eliminating
indigenous cultures, exploiting the poor, and killing those who
resist —shift our strategy and tactics?
“The answer? Nobody knows, because we never talk about it: we’re too
busy pretending the culture will undergo a magical transformation.”
That's great. Derrick Jenson understands both the inevitability of our
collective suicide, and also the phenomenon which I call the "job-will-
do-itself" syndrome ["great spiritual awakening always just around the
corner, permanently and forever just around the corner"].
The job will not do itself, lads and lasses, I am sorry to inform
Derrick Jenson also said:
“From birth on — and probably from conception, but I’m not sure how
I’d make the case — we are individually and collectively enculturated
to hate life, hate the natural world, hate the wild, hate wild
animals, hate women, hate our bodies, hate and fear our emotions, hate
ourselves. If we did not hate the world, we could not allow it to be
destroyed before our eyes. If we did not hate ourselves, we could not
allow our homes — and our bodies — to be poisoned.”
YES ! Rare honesty.
And next, he says also:
"The situation is urgent. Apathy is not an option. “Give me a
threshold,” Jensen pleads, “give me a specific point at which you’ll
finally take a stand. If you can’t or won’t give me that threshold,
why not?”

Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Reducing to Essentials
Special Care
2010-02-03 04:44:21 UTC
Yes well that's why Tom advised citizens arrest in 1990.

It didn't happen.

And when even Hans Ruesch remained silent in 1990, the ruling group
knew they had won and we had surrendered.

I didn't want to face it.

But ok, yeah, I get it now.

OK, let's get on with it.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Reducing to Essentials
Special Care
2010-02-03 14:54:57 UTC
Derrick Jensen's words - fitting epitaph to scientific antivivisection
movement of 1974-1990.


“From birth on.... we are individually and collectively enculturated
to hate life, hate the natural world, hate the wild, hate wild
animals, hate women, hate our bodies, hate and fear our emotions, hate
ourselves. If we did not hate the world, we could not allow it to be
destroyed before our eyes. If we did not hate ourselves, we could not
allow our homes — and our bodies — to be poisoned.” -Derrick Jensen.
“Give me a threshold,” Jensen pleads, “give me a specific point at
which you’ll finally take a stand. If you can’t or won’t give me that
threshold, why not?”


It's refreshing to hear and read Derrick Jensen's words. He has a
knack to articulate what we all know but were avoiding.
Collective mental illness. Collective death wish. Collective suicide.
All obviously rooted in a collective self loathing.

The scientific antivivisection movement of 1974-1990 is a major
expression of our collective self loathing, though few will
acknowledge that.

Just to be brief, I attended a meeting in 1986, presided over by
Kathryn Reynolds, the infiltrator, obviously trained by Gill Langley,
to neutralise the movement in the north of England. The main topic of
her meeting was to organize a petition requesting Hazleton
Laboratories to fund a quest to find 'alternatives' to 'animal tests.'
I pointed out to the meeting that the animal tests are fake and so the
alternative has always been known: simply end all animal tests to stop
the flow of poisons and save millions of human beings from death by

The result of my intervention?
'Stop criticising Kathryn Reynolds' was everybody's response.

That was a major expression of SELF HATE, SELF LOATHING by people who
had read pages 9 to 11 of 'Slaughter of the Innocent' / 'Imperatrice
Nuda' by Hans Ruesch and knew that the fake 'animal tests' are the
collective suicide of all humanity.

The final Declaration of Self Loathing came in 1990 - the TOTAL
SILENCE that greeted the Citizens Arrest proposal.
The scientific antivivisection movement collapsed in self annihilation
and self loathing there and then in the second half of 1990, as the
ruling group waited.... and heard only silence.... that was our final
surrender to the ruling group, our final Declaration of Self Loathing,
dated 1990 - the TOTAL SILENCE that greeted the proposal to arrest
every vivisector in the world, so as to end the fake 'animal tests' /
non-tests, thus removing the smokescreen and bringing us face to face
with our collective suicide by slow-motion poisoning of our bodies and
our biosphere.

The ghost of the scientific antivivisection movement pathetically
survives, in websites like "The Hans Ruesch Centre" and "Doctors and
Lawyers for Responsible Medicine," etc.
People such as Joy Palmer, Patrick Rattigan, Margaret Newson etc.
would not acknowledge their silent Declaration of Self Loathing of
1990, which ended the scientific antivivisecion movement.

That deafening silence all through the second half of 1990 was our
final and formal surrender to the ruling group, our formal declaration
humanity's universal collective refusal to nurture and protect our
young, which is the ultimate admission of insanity.

Ironically, Hans Ruesch was using a slogan - 'Quis tacet mentitur' -
Latin for 'whoever remains silent is lying' - while he and all his
associates to this day have remained silent about their silence that
greeted the Citizens Arrest proposal of 1990 and brought an end to the
scientific antivivisecion movement.

The self loathing is evident in documents such as the original
pamphlet titled "Animal Experiementaion - the Root Cause of
Environmental Pollution" - as the author states his case, and then
refrains from saying what should be the logical conclusion - that we
should be defending ourselves and our babies from poisoning by
carrying out citizens arrests of every vivisector in the world to stop
the legitimising of humanity's collective suicide / self genocide
under the smokescreen of fake "animal tests" / non-tests. That absence
of any suggestion that we should defend ourselves by arresting every
vivisector in the world is the way in which scientific
antivivisectionists express their hatred for themsleves and for their
world and for their children and grandchildren.

Joy Palmer had grandchildren. She remained silent in 1990 and
continued her useless self-hating "campaigns." End of story. End of
the scientific antivivisection movement.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.

Animal Experimentation: the Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution

The Only Sane Response to the Vivisection Swindle (1990):
Special Care
2010-02-03 18:01:49 UTC
"END:CIV is a film that examines our culture’s addiction to systematic
violence and environmental exploitation, and probes the resulting
epidemic of poisoned landscapes and shell-shocked nations. Based in
part on Endgame, the best-selling book by Derrick Jensen, END:CIV
asks: "If your homeland was invaded by aliens who cut down the
forests, poisoned the water and air, and contaminated the food supply,
would you resist?" END:CIV is currently in production."


It's a real treat, to read and hear Derrick Jensen's words of sanity,
describing the world and the people in it as they actually are.
That is very rare.

Just paraphrasing from memory, Derrick understands:

1. This culture and nearly all the people in it are insane;
2. The culture is driven by a death wish;
3. A collapse of civilisation is coming;
4. The sooner the collapse comes, the better, as the sooner it happens
the more life forms and resources will be left for rebuilding;
5. People avoid thinking of this, often by saying, in effect: "the job
will do itself / great awakening just around the corner"


I haven't read all his stuff. I suspect he is silent on the basic
analysis I've offered, which becomes obvious when stated clearly.
Again, just typing off the cuff to keep in practice:

The geological record shows a series of destructions of the surface of
the earth, and history shows our ancestors did not have the maturity
to behave co-operatively in the ensuing survivalist emergencies, but
divided into separatist, self-promoting clans and went to war to sieze
scarce resources at the expense of other clans. To win wars you must
make the members of your tribe as unloved, miserable, lonely,
unfulfilled and enraged as possible, as such miserable people make the
most efficient soldiers. Therefore societal arrangements were devised
and imposed by all tribes with that purpose - to ration love between
human beings to the barest minimum and make us all as miserable as
possible. That is the immediate purpose of our three basic societal
arrangements, which are the mother-infant relationship with its
Orwellian inversion and toxic shame in the later stage of infancy, the
prohibition on expressing love for the people we love most (close
relatives), and the ban on loving more than one.
At some stage human beings will evolve to the point of abolishing
those three pain-generating societal arrangements and replacing them
with love-promoting, happiness-generating societal arrangements, but
there is no sign that this is going to happen soon, and the rebuilding
after the coming collapse seems set to produce yet another insane
civilisation like the one around us now which is nearing its

So that's the simple analysis of your condition. The facts are
undisputed core truths, the logic is faultless and non-debatable. Yet,
as far as I can see, even Derrick Jensen remains silent on that simple

It's still a joy to read and hear his words of sanity and realism.

It's also frightening.

If you are aware of reality, you will feel fear, fear of other human
It is frightening - the slowly dawning awareness that you have been
born a member of an insane species, that your parents and 'teachers'
raised you and 'educated' you in a set of lies, that nearly everything
you have been taught and believed is false and the actual truth is the
opposite of what you've been trained to believe.

I feel that fear, as well as great sadness, which demonstrates my
I don't want it any other way.
Ignorance is bliss, and the only bliss in this type of world, but I
don't want to be 'happy' at the expense of not knowing who and what we
I think I might go and open a bottle now, again a sign of emotional


Reducing to Essentials

"The Law of the Sea" -
including the "Declaration of Collective Mental Illness"
and the "New Communion Ceremony"

The Forbidden Subjects

Declaration for Healing
Special Care
2010-02-04 19:24:20 UTC



The decay of our civilisation has been in slow motion, but seems to be
picking up speed now.
Derrick Jensen was right enough to say that the sooner the collapse
comes, the better, as there will be more life forms and resources left
with which to rebuild.

But then, if you take the Oriental/Buddhist/Hindu view of slow
evolution via innumerable incarnations - then the painful, seemingly
near-interminable slow-motion decay makes more sense.
As the decay slowly proceeds and the condition of collective mental
illness becomes more difficult to deny, there is at least a tendency
for people to surrender to the inevitable and start seeing the world
and the people in it as we actually ARE. And that is an evolutionary
breakthrough, and is the immediate purpose of our lives - if we accept
the Oriental view of slow-motion intellectual and moral evolution.
It's certainly an amazing time to be living through - as the severity
of humanity's collective mental illness keeps on worsening, and the
displays of dumbing down / stupidity, criminality etc. worsen too -
all proportional to the ever-increasing build up in the concentration
of 'animal tested' / untested poisons in our bodies.

Every day, the latest experiences and news reports keep prodding you
and prompting you to see reality.
An example today is:
'Dementia Timebomb - Britain will soon have a million sufferers,
costing the country 23 billion a year and placing an enormous burden
on the NHS.' [Link at end.]

Nearly all news stories connect with the vivisection swindle and the
unstoppable avalanche of 'animal tested' / untested poisons.

Dementia, like cancer, has been increasing proportionally to the build
up of 'animal tested' / untested poisons in our bodies. As the
poisoning worsens, the cancer rate will reach 100% some time this
century, and the dementia rate will also reach 100%.
That is what you do if you conduct your lives on the basis of a
culture and economy founded on poisoning yourselves at an accelerating

We asked you to make a start at stopping the flow of poisons by ending
the fake 'animal tests' / non-tests, which would have had the effect
of forcing us to confront the fact that there never were any safety
tests and that this is a collective death wish / collective mental

If we confront it, admit it, that is always the first step to recovery/
You said no. You will not stop the fake non-tests, but insist that the
only debate there is the fake debate on 'animal rights' and the fake
debate on 'finding alternatives.' The alternative to fake non-tests is
to just STOP all fake non-tests, and admit to our collective death
wish and self loathing.

Until you face this, you will have to say I am a looney. But with each
passing day, your experiences and news reports are prodding you and
prompting you to see the world as it actually IS, meaning the way I
see it and write about it.

There is no 'copyright' here. Sanity cannot be patented. I'm doing
this for myself as well as for you, because to have a successful life
I need to demonstrate my sanity by writing this in a public place. If
you start to make the breakthrough to seeing the world as it actually
IS, you don't have to mention my name at all. Just see reality and
speak reality. You will feel a lot better for it, despite the
accompanying distress and disharmony.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
"Dementia Timebomb"

Animal Experimentation: the Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution

The Cancer Business (Rattigan)

The Only Sane Response to the Vivisection Swindle (1990):
Prai Jei
2010-02-04 19:31:57 UTC
I used to try to avoid listening to him when he used to do his show on Radio
2. Couldn't stand the voice.
ξ:) Proud to be curly

Interchange the alphabetic letter groups to reply
Special Care
2010-02-09 14:38:17 UTC
'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.'

Hmmmmmm. Very funny.

That's one of the slogans displayed by a trendy Christian church.

It sounds plausible. A glorious call to action. But it doesn't impress
me at all, not even a little.

Why should anyone 'get going?' Why do anything at all?

We all were born into a lunatic asylum, as members of an insane
species, humanity. If you have a glimmer of life in you, a glimmer of
rationality, a love of truth, a wish for healing, then as you grow,
you begin to become aware of the collective mental illness in which
you were born and raised and 'educated.' You then analyse the
collective mental state of human beings as best you can, and arrive at
the best advice you can offer to the people around you for recovery
from our collective mental illness.

Next, to your horror, you find that other human beings do not welcome
your help. The severity of their mental illness is such that almost
every other human being tells you that you are a 'looney' because you
want us to heal, and that they, the rest of humanity, are sane. They
will insist that this is true, that they are sane, despite the fact
that every page of their history books and every page of their
newspapers tells the story of a very severely mentally ill species.

And the few who do not take that attitude toward your offer of healing
- they just maintain a frightened silence.

Then you see these slogans outside a church, such as the latest one:
'when the going gets tough, the tough get going.'

And you ask yourself: but why? Why 'get going?' Why do anything? You
have six billion mentally ill people here who do not want even to take
the first step toward recovery, the initial step of simply
acknowledging that all human beings are mentally ill. Without that
initial statement of what our problem is, there will never be any hope
for us, never even the beginning of recovery.

So - 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going?'


The only 'toughness' in a species whose mental illness has reached
such a degree of severity is to acknowledge the truth about this
global lunatic asylum into which you all were born, and to begin your
recovery from your mental illness. But you refuse to do it, you refuse
to take even that first little step. So nobody is 'tough.' You're all
just six billion fucking shites who have turned the earth into your
personal, collective septic tank. You live up to your necks in your
own shit, all of you, the shit of self-willed collective mental
illness which you refuse even to recognise.

And because you wont even recognise that you are mentally ill, you are
never going to recover.

'When the going gets tough, the tough get going.'

No. Never.

You'll never have the courage/toughness to acknowledge that you are
mentally ill and therefore you will never even begin your recovery/

Just get on with it then, your self-genocide/biocide under your
avalanche of 'animal tested' / untested poisons, while you throw money
at Gill Langley in return for hearing her recite her religious
incantation that she is trying to find 'alternatives' to the self-
genocide/biocide of the entire human species under your avalanche of
'animal tested' / untested poisons.... while you also continue to pass
on your insane pain-generating, love-rationing, child-abusing, war-
promoting societal arrangements to your children, to whom you are
determined to bequeath poisoned bodies and a wrecked biosphere, while
you mouth your silly slogans like 'first we must find alternatives'
and 'when the going gets tough, the tough get going.'

Get going where? Do what?

Why do anything at all? It wont do any good when you are still
surrounded by six billion filthy dirty stinking useless lumps of shit
on legs who refuse even to acknowledge that they are mentally ill and
therefore will never recover.

The only way you can deal with this is to deny it.

If you don't deny it, you'll wish you were dead.

But then you already do wish you were dead - hence the ever-increasing
build up in the concentration of 'animal tested' / untested poisons in
your bodies and in your children's bodies. And that is the worst
symptom of your illness - an entire species refusing to nurture and
protect its young. Please go soon, all of you.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Collective Mental Illness
Special Care
2010-02-09 19:33:35 UTC
It's stated very articulately there in the compilation - the best of
'Collective Mental Illness.'

However, it is a feature of your condition that you are unable to know
what your condition is.
Malcolm Godwin said it well.
Quoting him approximately from memory:
'we are chronically caught inside a set of self-perpetuating
programmes which prevent us from seeing the nature of our predicament
and prevent us from doing anything about it.
I then explained that fully. It is basic psychology, needing no formal
education and no experts: our condition, as well as our ignorance of
what our condition is, both are strongly associated with physical
survival, hence tend to be self-perpetuating.

If I can see it all so clearly, so can you. Is it really so

To me, the state of having no awareness of all the major realities of
life looks more frightening.


A major hurdle is the recovery of the memories of infancy - feeling
the heartbreak of the later stage of infancy, when your mother ended
her sexual relationship with you and made you pretend none of it was
happening - that the delightful exchanges of pleasures during the
early months, and their cruel ending, never happened.

It is horrifying to reach a full and clear awareness that all the
disharmony and pain and cruelty and exploitation and falseness in
human society is rooted in that, is simply a repetition of all the
emotional dynamics of the later stage of infancy, which you had to
forget. The amnesia drives the repetition, and it's also driven by the
association of all that pain and falsehood with physical survival.

If you see that clearly, and if you feel the authentic emotions
corresponding to that terrible time, the later stage of infancy - you
may have difficulty coping without a form of emotional support which
does not exist in present-day society. The fake 'therapy' business
does not even recognise the reality of what happens in the later stage
of infancy.
That is why I said that - when the time comes, the time when you are
weary enough to desire healing and truth - you will have to come
together in groups of co-healers with a new type of communal love
between you. Actually an old type of love, the love of the lost Golden
Age. So, like I said, the journey then becomes the destination.

It's difficult for me to accept that nobody wants this. I understand
that my clarity of thought has something to do with my personal
reacting against my background in 1950s Ireland, a time and place
where everything was false. Also the reaction to my family of origin,
where the parents were imposing their own brand of falseness, much
more so than in the average family. So that gave me an intense hatred
of falseness and an intense love of truth, which impelled me to let
the truth in, all of it.

I just thought that if I explained the simple analysis of your
condition, which used to be my condition too, and the simple long-term
healing formula to which it points, that people would at least declare
it to be the correct long-term aspiration.

The Declaration for Healing - the wording is good enough as it is, so
why can't we just go with it? We could just put up a google document
or a blog and place our names and town of residence on it as
supporting the analysis and long-term healing formula.

If you see the truth clearly, you will understand that if people call
you 'looneys' at first, that is the best compliment they can pay you.
When the members of an insane civilisation call you a looney, it means
you are sane.
This is an inverted civilisation.
The later stage of the mother-infant relationship throws a switch
inside us all, reversing natural morality and reversing rational
thought. Our mothers demanded that we deny our perceptions, deny our
experience, and force us to believe what - as babies - we knew to be
the opposite of the truth. So the later stage of infancy consists of
Orwellian inversion/doublethink/doublespeak.
Hence the inverted civilisation around you, recreating the emotional
dynamics of the later stage of infancy. When you see that clearly, you
will be pleased to be called a looney by those who are still stuck in
the inverted civilisation.

I accept this is difficult for you. If you let the truth in, all of
it, you lose the world you believed you were born into.
But it is a world which never existed except as a bundle of lies.
It may become easier for you, even imperative, as the civilisation
around you continues to decay and the reality of collective mental
illness becomes more difficult to deny.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.

Reducing to Essentials

"The Law of the Sea" -
including the "Declaration of Collective Mental Illness"
and the "New Communion Ceremony"

The Forbidden Subjects

Declaration for Healing
Special Care
2010-02-10 20:50:15 UTC



Maybe he did, but 1968 was too soon to say it in direct language.

The concept of inversion is not difficult to grasp. The primal
survivalist wars demanded inversion. Wrong became right, because to
survive, your ancestors had to be even more wrong about everything
than the competing tribes that they annihilated.
Being wrong wins wars.
General Sherman was one of the few who admitted this, saying he had to
go insane to win the American Civil War.
Lincoln reinstated him, and the war was won soon afterwards.

Following the primal survivalist wars, an estimated eleven thousand
years ago, the inverted mindset was firmly associated with physical
So, a basic law of psychology compelled us to cling to that inverted
state - the state of collective mental illness which has continued to
this day.
Religions call it 'the fall of man' or say we are 'a fallen species.'
But that means collective mental illness, and mentally ill people have
a responsibility to make a start at their recovery/healing.

The same responsibility is there - even more so - when an entire
species becomes mentally ill, as we did eleven thousand years ago.
Mental illness / inversion is essentially a case of not knowing about
the important realities of life. Recovery/healing means simply
becoming aware of those realities that we were refusing to be aware

The unstoppable, ever-increasing build up in the level of 'animal
tested' / untested poisons in our bodies guarantees a collapse of
civilisation some time this century. My expectation that the decay
will continue in slow-motion for a few more decades. This may prompt a
small number of people to embrace the basic analysis and healing
formula given in this series of writings. As the level of poisons
everywhere keeps increasing, human behaviour will keep becoming more
glaringly stupid, more chaotic, more insane.
You will hear news reports that become more unbelievable and more
unprecedented by the day, and you will blink and say - eh, no, this
can't be happening.
But it will happen, because the flow of 'animal tested' / untested
poisons is unstoppable and the level of toxemia can only keep
increasing. Long before the cancer rate reaches 100%, the level to
which we have been driven insane by these 'animal tested' / untested
poisons will generate such chaos as to destroy our civilisation.
So, the fact that all human beings are very severely mentally ill will
be much more difficult to deny in twenty, or even ten, years from now.

And therein lies a little bit of hope.
So I am not wasting my time when I write like this.
There's no copyright here, I don't want glory, you don't have to
acknowledge me. Just say what you know is true.


The core essential truths are what matter.
I'd love to be told otherwise, but it seems that the analysis I have
been offering is unique. What makes it unique is that all the
Forbidden Subjects are joined together into a coherent whole, and the
core truths are shown to require no formal education and no
confirmation from 'experts,
but only
1. the ability to think clearly;
2. a love of truth;
3. a desire to end human suffering;
4. a wish to nurture and protect our young.
You may believe you have those qualities.
There is nobody on earth who has the last two, for sure.
NOBODY, ANYWHERE ON THIS EARTH, has a desire to end human suffering,
and nobody, anywhere on this earth has a desire to nurture and protect
our young. The unstoppable flow of 'animal tested' / untested poisons,
and the refusal to say you want to abolish our pain-generating
societal arrangements prove that.
You all have a death wish, a wish for human suffering never to end,
and a wish to bequeath poisoned bodies, a wrecked biosphere and
permanent pain-generating societal arrangements to your children and
So please lads and lasses, will you please STOP pretending that you
are not mentally ill, all six billion of you.


The decay will continue in slow motion.
The daily news will be telling you of worse and worse dumbed-down,
chaotic, stupid behaviour everywhere. It will keep getting more and
more difficult to deny your state of inversion, of universal
collective mental illness.
That's the starting point for healing. After an estimated eleven
thousand years of collective mental illness, you still haven't got as
far as that first step to recovery/healing.

There's no messiah, no leader, no job-will-do-itself solution.
The "great awakening just around the corner" - of which we've been
hearing so much since the 1980s - never existed. It can't, in a world
that is poisoning itself more and more each day with this avalanche of
'animal tested' / untested poisons.


The only way out is leaderless co-healing groups in which a forgotten
form of love is rediscovered, and this supplies the mutual emotional
support and healing energy to lift us out of the state of unawareness
and amnesia.

But there is no mystery to it, although there is no shortage of those
who want it to be mysterious.
Always stick mainly to the core essentials, which need no formal
education, no verification by 'experts.'

You don't want it now.
And until you want to heal, you have to say I'm a 'looney.'
That is what inversion entails.
But you may want it in ten or twenty years, when our slow-motion self
destruction via 'animal tested' / untested poisons has reached such a
level of insanity and chaos that you will have had enough.

I had enough the day I was born.
[The cord was around my neck and the midwife said I was stillborn. I
believe it was attempted suicide. I also believe that some - but not
all - "cot deaths" are suicides by babies who want none of this
terrible inversion / collective mental illness.]

I never wanted any of this madness.
The past eleven thousand years never should have happened and in the
final analysis never needed to happen. Everything you ever read in a
history book or newspaper is describing a prolonged bout of mental
illness on the surface of this planet. Only when you recognise that,
you will be making the breakthrough, the first step to recovery.



Remember always, if you turn to experts/leaders, you're back where you
started eleven thousand years ago. That's where the inversion began,
when we thought we had to go to war and therefore surrendered our
thought processes and our sense of morality to the mentally ill
military clique - in other words "leaders"/"experts".

War was never necessary and never will be, not even in a survivalist
The New Communion Ceremony is the key to ending war forever, and the
only one - because we have to accept the recurring destructions shown
in the geological record and hence the unavoidability of vampirism and
cannibalism every few thousand years, without which we can't survive.
But there is a right and wrong way of doing it, and the New Communion
Ceremony is the key to ending war forever and ensuring that we never
again lose the Garden of Eden.

You don't want it now, but know that things can only continue to
decay, as the concentration of 'animal tested' / untested poisons in
our bodies grows daily.
So I advise you to make printed copies of all documents on the main
Google Documents presentation, "Know Yourself, Heal Yourself." The
wording is good enough. Go with it. I'd love to be corrected, but I
don't know of anywhere else you can find all the essentials of the
correct analysis and healing formula stated so clearly and completely.
Print the whole lot, and keep for future reference, because things can
only continue to decay, and those documents may be removed from the
web soon, though not by me.

If you see the truth, write about it yourself. You don't have to
mention me.
If you have a best selling book or a successful lecture tour based on
that simple analysis and healing formula, good luck to you - although
I would advise that if glory and money are priorities for you, then
your recovery is incomplete.
Do what you can anyway.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Reducing to Essentials

"The Law of the Sea" -
including the "Declaration of Collective Mental Illness"
and the "New Communion Ceremony"

The best of "Collective Mental Illness"

Know Yourself, Heal Yourself:
Special Care
2010-02-13 21:17:35 UTC
There are two paintings titled 'Melancholia' by Lucas Cranach.
I should have included the two of them in those healing documents,
such as 'Vague Hints from Faint Hearts.'
I'll sort it out when I can.

It seems Lucas Cranach could see that Forbidden Subject.
Some of you are interested. We can have a look now if you like.

There is a progression from the first image to the second, if you let
yourself see it.

In part one, there is what we can call The Universal Mother, her face
filled with sadness as she observes her babies' beautiful freedom and
primal love and sanity.
The sadness of The Universal Mother is derived from knowing the
terrible crime that is being committed against every baby in the later
stage of infancy. Every mother is entrusted with the task - to destroy
that primal love and sanity and freedom, reducing our babies to
soldier material.

In the second image, the Universal Mother has an angel's wings and the
sadness is gone.

The correct interpretation is that the first image depicts the present
mentally ill civilisation, made mentally ill largely by the terrible
trauma of what is happening to everyone in the later stage of the
mother-infant relationship, so painful and so needlessly tragic that
we have to conceal it under the veil of amnesia.
Then the second image depicts a future time - a time when mothers will
have recovered their sanity, a time when our sexual relationship with
our mothers will not end, but will continue throughout our lives, a
time when our mothers will not stop being paedophiles.

If we never lose that sexual relationship with our mothers, then the
harmony and love of the early phase of infancy will never be lost.
So that is why the babies in the second 'Melancholia' picture -
representing a future time when we will regain our sanity - are
depicted as having unlimited potential, and The Universal Mother has
become an angel and no longer has to look at her babies in sadness.
Links can become defunct. If you search Google Images you'll find the
two paintings:

Melancholia 1 - Lucas Cranach, sixteenth century:
Melancholia 2 - Lucas Cranach, sixteenth century:
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Special Care
2010-02-13 21:31:04 UTC
It's difficult, I know.
I prefer to see the world as it really is.
Human beings are disconnected from, and have no awareness of, all of
the important facts about ourselves and about the earth.

Several 'leaps' of the mind are needed to get back your sanity, to see
life as it really is. But no formal education is needed for it, and no
'experts' are needed. In fact a lack of formal education is an
advantage for true healing.

The starting point is the geological record, which is being ignored.
Recurring destructions of the surface of the earth is obviously a
major fact of our lives. If we refuse to be aware of that, we will go
badly astray.

Our ancestors couldn't cope in a mature way with the recurring
To me it seems quite easy to make the 'leap' to saying it's better to
share our blood and our bodies lovingly and voluntarily in all future
survivalist emergencies. The refusal to organise the necessary
vampirism and cannibalism in that way in the past is what first made
us mentally ill. It led on to permanent, institutionalised inter-
tribal war. That, in turn, led to the policy of love-rationing, pain-
generating societal arrangements. Then the association of this mental
state with physical survival made our illness self perpetuating.
When you unravel all the contradictions, all the Forbidden Subjects,
you will want other people to do the same.

This is my world too, and you are dragging me down with you.

Some time this century, maybe quite soon, our civilisation will
collapse under the burden of ever-increasing levels of poisons,
'animal tested' / untested poisons, in our bodies.

To ask you to reach a decision not to keep repeating the same pain-
generating, love-rationing, child-abusing societal arrangements - well
it was the right thing to do.

It's a bit scary - an entire species exhibiting such symptoms of
collective mental illness. The death wish, the refusal to nurture and
protect our young, the refusal to say we should end human suffering by
simply removing its cause...

The New Communion Ceremony needs to be practised, recited daily. It
has to be driven home in the depths of our minds. Perhaps after the
collapse the motivation will be there. But I doubt it. That's why I
asked you, very loudly, to start the healing process now, the only
healing process that can succeed.

Although it took me nearly a lifetime to see it clearly, I thought it
would be easy for you to see it if I stated it so succinctly.

It's not working out.
This time we are living through, the period prior to another collapse
of civilisation, is the make-or-break era.
If we don't start the healing process now, we probably never will.
We are not doing the job.
In fact, the most prevalent current of thought now is the one that
says 'the job will do itself' / 'great awakening just around the

I was entitled to explain your sickness to you and ask you to stop
doing this.

Although it's a frightening prospect, I feel I have to accept your
decision. I mean if I am left alive after the collapse, I will
probably accept that there is no demand for anything other than
rebuilding the present madness yet again. That is what you want. You
believe this is the only way life can ever be lived - love-rationing
societal arrangements that automatically generate as much misery as
possible, and a mental state of being unaware of all the important
realities of life.

You want that to continue.

I didn't know.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Reducing to Essentials

"The Law of the Sea" -
including the "Declaration of Collective Mental Illness"
and the "New Communion Ceremony"

The best of "Collective Mental Illness"

Know Yourself, Heal Yourself:
Special Care
2010-02-14 18:50:41 UTC
Some useful text there, but never dealing with the essentials.
"Always the non-essential, never the essential," as Wilhelm Reich

Still, there is this bit from Chris Hedges:
"Aleksandr Herzen, speaking a century ago to a group of anarchists
about how to overthrow the czar, reminded his listeners that it was
not their job to save a dying system but to replace it: “We think we
are the doctors. We are the disease.” All resistance must recognize
that the body politic and global capitalism are dead. We should stop
wasting energy trying to reform or appeal to it. This does not mean
the end of resistance, but it does mean very different forms of
resistance. It means turning our energies toward building sustainable
communities to weather the coming crisis, since we will be unable to
survive and resist without a cooperative effort."


“We think we are the doctors. We are the disease.”

Yeah. If only John Stephenson and Gudrun Ensslin could have admitted
Special Care
2010-02-23 01:11:44 UTC



I have written very profusely for the past seven years.

I did not know how difficult it was going to be for other people to
relate to what I say.

If I explain better exactly who I am, in terms of the qualities I
present, it might help to clarify matters for you.

I said it in a vague way in the very first document offered in April
To be born into this civilisation was a terrible shock for me.
Your civilisation is inverted and insane.
You are a mentally ill species.
Babies get a terrible shock in the later stage of infancy when the
mother goes into reverse.

In the "Collective Mental Illness" series there is a piece titled
It explains how - in the later stage of the mother-infant
- the mother and other adults and even older children go into reverse
and impose an Orwellian inversion / doublethink / toxic shame on

You say there is nothing wrong with it.
You assume this is the only way life can ever be lived.
You call it "teaching social norms."
Yes it is that.
But I have defined it more accurately:
Orwellian inversion / doublethink / toxic shame, with the intention
driving every human infant insane.

You failed in my case.
I refused to be driven insane when I was an infant.
I "froze" and retained the emotional qualities and perceptions of
early infancy.
Then my intellect matured.
I got through life, as we all somehow do.
Then, in old age, the infant's original emotions and the strong,
confident adult intellect fused fully, and the much clearer insights
started to flow in great abundance in 2003.
In this way I became the living embodiment of the advice of
"become as little children."

That explains why quite a large number of women have become very fond
of me throughout my life.
You could call me "the man who never was," as long as we know what it
It means I am NOT "the changeling."
I am the baby you all lost, but didn't want to lose.... the baby you
had to change into a moron in the later stage of the mother-infant
relationship, by "teaching social norms."

That explains why some women found me very attractive.
Not so much physically (though some did say that), but in terms of
personality traits.
And it also explains why more than one woman has spoken these words
"I wish everybody in the world were like you ! What a wonderful world
we would have if everyone were like you !"

So the explanation is just that:
I am your PRE-CHANGELING baby fused with a strong, mature adult
I am the baby you had to part with when you were required to turn
baby into that CHANGELING via the Orwellian inversion in the later
stage of the mother-infant relationship.

I refused to be the changeling.
I much prefer to be sane.
I "froze" instead.
Then, late in life, the fully matured and fully self confident adult
intellect fused with the PRE-CHANGELING baby.
In that sense, I am the baby you had to lose, and your "man who never
Some women sense that in me, without being able to verbalise it, and
they are drawn to me, without being intellectually conscious of what
it is that is drawing them to me and why they love me so much.

So that's what it is.
Deep down, you didn't want to do what you did to your baby in the
later stage of the mother-infant relationship.
Look at the expressions on the mothers' faces in the images included
in "Vague Hints from Faint Hearts," and countless similar images:
The mother is bewildered as she confronts her CHANGELING.
She can't articulate what has happened, but deep down inside, every
mother longs to recover the lost PRE-CHANGELING baby of the early
And that is who I am, in large measure...........
... which is why some of you love me.....
....... and all are very reluctant to abuse me.

I hope this helps to clarify what that huge volume of writing was
really about.
What it reduces to is that your baby didn't want to be turned into a
As he gained vocabulary and movement, your baby wanted to tell you
what beautiful nipples you have and to express his profuse gratitude
to you for the delightful sexual pleasures of early infancy and to
explore every part of the mother's body, as natural justice entitles
him to do, and to return your loving caresses to you exactly as
When you refused to let your baby function naturally, by imposing the
Orwellian inversion, you lost the baby you had given birth to, and
your baby became the CHANGELING.
That is why so many of you love me.
In large measure, I am that baby you lost, your PRE-CHANGELING BABY.

I am badly damaged as a result of living in your mentally ill
civilisation, yes.
But in large measure, there is in me the essence of your PRE-
CHANGELING BABY, your "man who never was."
PS - Don't get me wrong here. I'm not looking for a girlfriend. I
a wife and I have one email friend who let's me write to her freely
and intimately, saying anything to her that is inside me. I don't
anyone else in that role. Ideally I'd like us to come together in co-
healer groups with a new (=old) type of love flowing between us and
begin the re-education/reorientation/brain rewiring/heart rewiring/
healing process. However I don't expect that to happen in my lifetime
(present incarnation) - unless I'm left alive after the collapse and
conditions are favourable. I just hope the above message, in
conjunction with the link below, helps to explain what the huge
of text is all about.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
"The Changeling"

Musical Background, if desired:

Special Care
2010-02-26 15:28:46 UTC
For information / healing -
copy of today's email to a contact:


I'm glad both you and Chris Rudy said those things to me.
Throughout Rudy's material there is a strong current that reduces to
"don't do anything except survive" /
"the job will do itself" /
"great awakening happening now, even though we all see the opposite
happening" ...
So that is suspicious to say the least.
The ruling group certainly need people like Rudy, to lull the populace
into inertia.

About your statement that you would not presume to tell others how to
raise their own children, that is a revelation to me.
People are free to go their own way on that.
Coercion doesn't work.

I just have a strong sense of revulsion against a civilisation which,
for an estimated eleven thousand years, has been operating societal
arrangements whose intended purpose is to make everyone miserable,
lonely, unfulfilled, enraged, neurotic - in varying combinations. I
don't like living in such a lunatic asylum. What horrifies me most of
all is the prospect of people rebuilding after the collapse on the
basis of the same pain-generating societal arrangements, which they
clearly intend doing. If I saw that happening, my only wish would be
to find a wine cellar to loot and drink myself to death, hopefully
with a companion, as in "Leaving Las Vegas."

The three pain-generating societal arrangements again are:
1. The later stage of the mother-infant relationship in which mothers
are required to impose inversion/doublethink on babies, forcing babies
to believe that their own perceptions are invalid and their
experiences are not happening;

2. The prohibition on expressing love for the people we love most,
known as incest taboo, which violates the most basic natural law of
'imprinting' / 'brain wiring' whereby we all must have a strong
impulse to imitate and repeat the incestuous love and pleasures of
early infancy.

3. The ban on expressing love for more than one other member of your
own species.

All three consist of Orwellian-style inversion/doublethink and quite
literally drive us all insane, although the symptoms vary.

A basic law of psychology, the amnesia-denial-repetition cycle, then
swings into action and we keep recreating the emotional dynamics of
late infancy in various forms.
The result is what you see on every page of every history book and
newspaper: a civilisation in which some sections of the species abuse
other sections of the species by forcing them to accept that their
perceptions are invalid and their experiences are not happening. That
largely defines this civilisation of the past eleven thousand years.

If someone as intelligent and positively-intentioned as you and your
group are saying you do not intend to - at least, strongly advise -
parents in a post-apocalyptic rebuilding program, to raise their
children on a basis of replacing those three pain-generating
arrangements with the permitting of natural functioning in children
while teaching them mutual respect as necessary....... well then your
attitude gives me 'pause for thought.'

A possibility is that you hesitate to say what I have said in this
message in the dangerous and threatening legal/judicial/penal climate
of USA, where such a statement of support for basic healing might be
used against you.
Perhaps you're right to keep your mouth shut on some basic truths in a
place like that.
"The Changeling"
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Special Care
2010-02-27 18:45:27 UTC

Some of you are interested.
I've added two recent texts to the main list of healing articles on
Google Documents:

A Simple and Private Experiment
Last Train to Looneysville

(no images are included)

The content of "Last Train to Looneysville" is a well-worn theme.
But the title is catchy and the concept highly expressive and
"Last Train to Looneysville" - because as long as you refuse to face
the Forbidden Subjects, you are travelling on the Circle Line, and
every train you take just brings you around the perimeter of the
asylum and then right back to Looneysville Central.
Special Care
2010-02-28 22:24:52 UTC
So ashamed, so ashamed of the limited intellectual function of my
fellow human beings.

Oxana Malaya - one of our greatest teachers:


"As of 2006 at the age of 23, Oxana resides at a home for the mentally
handicapped, where she helps look after the cows in the clinic's farm.
She has expressed that she is happiest when among dogs."


Any hope of learning something from Oxana Malaya?

If Oxana is "happiest when among dogs," WELL THEN DON'T YOU THINK THAT

Jayzizz it's very difficult to use restrained language when dealing
with you bums out there.
"Last Train to Looneysville"
Special Care
2010-03-03 08:02:31 UTC

If you allow yourself to think clearly, it just becomes difficult.
Derrick Jensen is telling it like it is, some aspects of it.
I don't really want to listen any more of his talks.
It's just too much to bear, to see clearly that this is an insane
The collective death wish is quite emphatic.
The determination to go on poisoning our bodies until the cancer rate
reaches 100% some time this century.... with the implied determination
to bequeath to our children poisoned bodies and a wrecked
biosphere.... and then the emphatic refusal even to acknowledge the
pain-generating societal arrangements which are the root of all our
misery, and could so easily be abolished and replaced with happiness-
generating societal arrangements, but there is a universal refusal
even to discuss that, a universal refusal even to state what the
problem is.

This is collective mental illness, and a determination to remain in
that state, even to the extent of a determination to rebuild on the
same basis of pain-generating societal arrangements after each
successive collapse of civilisation.

If you let yourself see it, what then?

Well, you wont let yourself see it.
That's what the fake debates are for.

I project a type of nihilism when I write, which reflects your
nihilism, your collective slow-motion suicide, your refusal to nurture
and protect your young, your numerous delusions which you refuse to
address and resolve...

To keep going, to get out of bed and go to the workplace, to interact
with others in daily life, you have to shut out reality from your
mind. If you see the world as it is, you wont want to participate in
it, you will just be horrified at belonging to a mentally ill species,
a species which is unable to deal with the reality of the geological
record which shows recurring destructions of the surface of the earth
independent of human activity..... and because we can't recognise that
reality of life on this planet, we are mimicking it with our own
determination to bring about the destruction of the surface of the
planet by poisoning it, culminating sometime this century, maybe
soon... and there is the determination never to get better, always to
avoid the forbidden subjects, even among those who say they have
withdrawn from society....

If you let yourself see it clearly, you'll probably feel the need for
anesthesia, alcohol being the most readily available.
The only semblance of happiness is in ignorance or self-willed
There is nothing you can do, because human beings reject healing,
reject recovery from the collective mental illness afflicting the
entire population.

Vast amounts of verbiage are being produced, discussing everything
except what is important, which would be simply to acknowledge the
state of collective mental illness and make a start at recovery. But
you wont even acknowledge it. To avoid the truth, you have to call
other people "looneys" if they ask you to begin the recovery/healing

On present performance, it could be a long time before you even begin
to see the world as it actually is. By a long time, I mean possibly a
few hundred thousand years. So you'll keep on rebuilding on the basis
of the same pain-generating societal arrangements after each
successive collapse, just as you are planning to do after the soon-
coming collapse.

The airy-fairy / job-will-do-itself mindset is very popular. Either
they say the solution is just happening all by itself, or some messiah
figure is coming to do the job for us. But mental illness can be
overcome only by acknowledging reality. That is what you all
emphatically refuse to do, so there is no job-will-do-itself solution
and no 'messiah' can do anything for you. You recover from collective
mental illness only by beginning to see the forbidden subjects, the
realities of life that you have been avoiding, your avoidance being
your collective mental illness...

So, this is not actually taking us anywhere. I have no role to play in
your world, because I want us to heal, while everyone else wants to
cling to your collective mental illness, to bequeath poisoned bodies
to your children, to cling to pain-generating societal arrangements
forever, saying that is the only way life can ever be lived...

I've said I wish the collapse of civilisation would come soon, the
sooner the better. But why? You are planning to rebuild with the same
pain-generating societal arrangements. So there's nothing there,
nothing to strive for.

If I went away to a remote area to live off the land in seclusion, or
something like that, again what's the use of that? The poisoning
process is still there, the mentally ill species is still there,
they'll catch up with anyone who seeks to exclude himself from the

What then should a man do if he wishes this species to begin the
recovery/healing process and no one else wants to begin the recovery/
healing process?
Well, I'm not asking you to advise me; that would be role reversal.


The decay will continue, probably still in slow motion. As the level
of poisons in our bodies builds up, it will become more difficult to
deny reality, and some will begin to see part of it. Only part of it.
For example the part that David Icke and Derrick Jensen see now. The
main response will be what we see now in England as an "election"
approaches. People want a leader to vote for to make life better. But
the only way to make life better is to admit you are mentally ill, the
entire population, and begin the recovery/healing process, which is
simply a case of seeing the forbidden subjects, seeing the realities
that you have been avoiding for eleven thousand years. There is no
other betterment. But you emphatically refuse even to begin to think
along that route...
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Last Train to Looneysville
Special Care
2010-03-03 08:22:39 UTC
Loading Image...
If you could see what you are doing to your babies, you would be
You would be even more horrified at the knowledge that human beings
refuse to see that there is something wrong with what we are doing to
our babies.
If you could just think of all the future generations in future
centuries that are planning to do exactly the same again to each new
generation of human infants...............
You would be overwhelmed with sadness if you could see it.
And you would ask people to make a start at recovery/healing.

Dale Glabach, Niles Newton et al on infantile sexuality:

Shaking the Baby

Careless Hands (that can't hold on to love)

The Universal Fear of Being Known

A Simple and Private Experiment
Special Care
2010-03-04 04:13:11 UTC
Hi lads.

I feel a certain affection for the healing document titled
"Practical Reparenting - One Step at a Time."

I don't want to tamper with the original wording of 2006 (although
I've added some images).
It has the spark of spontaneity.
There is life in that document.
If you try to improve on spontaneity, you kill it.

It's one of the most useful healing documents in that series.

I ask the ruling group and their stooges to leave those healing
documents alone.

I am not a threat to you, because we all know what is going to happen
(if we let ourselves think) and we know it can't be stopped.
Too many shit people in the world.

But for jayzizz sake will you just leave those healing documents
alone, and let them stand as a testimony to what might have been.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Practical Reparenting - One Step at a Time
Special Care
2010-03-04 17:09:42 UTC
For what it's worth, I have added the following at the end of that

It seems these images, particularly the last two above, make most
people uncomfortable, for two reasons.

First - and this is amazing - in the present climate of a 'witch hunt'
against 'child pornography,' some people are worried it might be
illegal to feature or view these images in the context of healing our
tragic anti-life, anti-child, pro-war civilisation. No, that is false
- these images are necessary healing aids for a mentally ill species
called humanity which is universally abusing its babies, as explained
in this series of writings.

The second source of discomfort is the embarrassment of acknowledging
that every mother in the world, including your own mother, is
fundamentally wrong in the way she relates to her babies.

As stated, you will want to heal only when you have suffered enough as
a result of avoiding healing.
For now, I'll just explain the above images a bit more for you.
The main text explains how anal eroticism between mother and baby is
the most prominent experience of infancy and the way mothers deal with
this anal eroticism is a hugely formative experience, for better or
for worse.
Under the present system of collective mental illness, mothers deal
with the anal eroticism in infancy by simply denying it, requiring
their babies to accept that their perceptions are invalid and their
experiences did not happen, which is about the worst form of emotional
abuse and devastating to a child's development, and every mother in
the world is doing it.
The first image in the sequence above is of Oxana Malaya, who
demonstrated for us the intense impulse we all have to imitate and
repeat early formative experiences.
The last two images show small children who have not yet been shamed
"sufficiently" and are tentatively reaching for their mother's anus,
to return her love by pleasuring her anus in the same way as the
mother pleasured the baby's anus.
The babies will be ridiculed into silence.

As Bernardo Bertolucci put it:
"children are tortured until they tell their first lie."

When will you have suffered enough to want to heal?
How much pain will it take?
Your societal arrangements automatically generate pain.
It's an intriguing question:
how much pain must you call down on yourselves and on your children -
and for how many more thousands of years must your pain continue -
before you finally blink and say to one another:
Emmm, why didn't we see that before - pain-generating societal
arrangements are a bad thing and should be abolished ?

You are very interesting.
An experiment in stupidity, an experiment in insanity."
Practical Reparenting - One Step at a Time
