Maybe he did, but 1968 was too soon to say it in direct language.
The concept of inversion is not difficult to grasp. The primal
survivalist wars demanded inversion. Wrong became right, because to
survive, your ancestors had to be even more wrong about everything
than the competing tribes that they annihilated.
Being wrong wins wars.
General Sherman was one of the few who admitted this, saying he had to
go insane to win the American Civil War.
Lincoln reinstated him, and the war was won soon afterwards.
Following the primal survivalist wars, an estimated eleven thousand
years ago, the inverted mindset was firmly associated with physical
So, a basic law of psychology compelled us to cling to that inverted
state - the state of collective mental illness which has continued to
this day.
Religions call it 'the fall of man' or say we are 'a fallen species.'
But that means collective mental illness, and mentally ill people have
a responsibility to make a start at their recovery/healing.
The same responsibility is there - even more so - when an entire
species becomes mentally ill, as we did eleven thousand years ago.
Mental illness / inversion is essentially a case of not knowing about
the important realities of life. Recovery/healing means simply
becoming aware of those realities that we were refusing to be aware
The unstoppable, ever-increasing build up in the level of 'animal
tested' / untested poisons in our bodies guarantees a collapse of
civilisation some time this century. My expectation that the decay
will continue in slow-motion for a few more decades. This may prompt a
small number of people to embrace the basic analysis and healing
formula given in this series of writings. As the level of poisons
everywhere keeps increasing, human behaviour will keep becoming more
glaringly stupid, more chaotic, more insane.
You will hear news reports that become more unbelievable and more
unprecedented by the day, and you will blink and say - eh, no, this
can't be happening.
But it will happen, because the flow of 'animal tested' / untested
poisons is unstoppable and the level of toxemia can only keep
increasing. Long before the cancer rate reaches 100%, the level to
which we have been driven insane by these 'animal tested' / untested
poisons will generate such chaos as to destroy our civilisation.
So, the fact that all human beings are very severely mentally ill will
be much more difficult to deny in twenty, or even ten, years from now.
And therein lies a little bit of hope.
So I am not wasting my time when I write like this.
There's no copyright here, I don't want glory, you don't have to
acknowledge me. Just say what you know is true.
The core essential truths are what matter.
I'd love to be told otherwise, but it seems that the analysis I have
been offering is unique. What makes it unique is that all the
Forbidden Subjects are joined together into a coherent whole, and the
core truths are shown to require no formal education and no
confirmation from 'experts,
but only
1. the ability to think clearly;
2. a love of truth;
3. a desire to end human suffering;
4. a wish to nurture and protect our young.
You may believe you have those qualities.
There is nobody on earth who has the last two, for sure.
NOBODY, ANYWHERE ON THIS EARTH, has a desire to end human suffering,
and nobody, anywhere on this earth has a desire to nurture and protect
our young. The unstoppable flow of 'animal tested' / untested poisons,
and the refusal to say you want to abolish our pain-generating
societal arrangements prove that.
You all have a death wish, a wish for human suffering never to end,
and a wish to bequeath poisoned bodies, a wrecked biosphere and
permanent pain-generating societal arrangements to your children and
So please lads and lasses, will you please STOP pretending that you
are not mentally ill, all six billion of you.
The decay will continue in slow motion.
The daily news will be telling you of worse and worse dumbed-down,
chaotic, stupid behaviour everywhere. It will keep getting more and
more difficult to deny your state of inversion, of universal
collective mental illness.
That's the starting point for healing. After an estimated eleven
thousand years of collective mental illness, you still haven't got as
far as that first step to recovery/healing.
There's no messiah, no leader, no job-will-do-itself solution.
The "great awakening just around the corner" - of which we've been
hearing so much since the 1980s - never existed. It can't, in a world
that is poisoning itself more and more each day with this avalanche of
'animal tested' / untested poisons.
The only way out is leaderless co-healing groups in which a forgotten
form of love is rediscovered, and this supplies the mutual emotional
support and healing energy to lift us out of the state of unawareness
and amnesia.
But there is no mystery to it, although there is no shortage of those
who want it to be mysterious.
Always stick mainly to the core essentials, which need no formal
education, no verification by 'experts.'
You don't want it now.
And until you want to heal, you have to say I'm a 'looney.'
That is what inversion entails.
But you may want it in ten or twenty years, when our slow-motion self
destruction via 'animal tested' / untested poisons has reached such a
level of insanity and chaos that you will have had enough.
I had enough the day I was born.
[The cord was around my neck and the midwife said I was stillborn. I
believe it was attempted suicide. I also believe that some - but not
all - "cot deaths" are suicides by babies who want none of this
terrible inversion / collective mental illness.]
I never wanted any of this madness.
The past eleven thousand years never should have happened and in the
final analysis never needed to happen. Everything you ever read in a
history book or newspaper is describing a prolonged bout of mental
illness on the surface of this planet. Only when you recognise that,
you will be making the breakthrough, the first step to recovery.
Remember always, if you turn to experts/leaders, you're back where you
started eleven thousand years ago. That's where the inversion began,
when we thought we had to go to war and therefore surrendered our
thought processes and our sense of morality to the mentally ill
military clique - in other words "leaders"/"experts".
War was never necessary and never will be, not even in a survivalist
The New Communion Ceremony is the key to ending war forever, and the
only one - because we have to accept the recurring destructions shown
in the geological record and hence the unavoidability of vampirism and
cannibalism every few thousand years, without which we can't survive.
But there is a right and wrong way of doing it, and the New Communion
Ceremony is the key to ending war forever and ensuring that we never
again lose the Garden of Eden.
You don't want it now, but know that things can only continue to
decay, as the concentration of 'animal tested' / untested poisons in
our bodies grows daily.
So I advise you to make printed copies of all documents on the main
Google Documents presentation, "Know Yourself, Heal Yourself." The
wording is good enough. Go with it. I'd love to be corrected, but I
don't know of anywhere else you can find all the essentials of the
correct analysis and healing formula stated so clearly and completely.
Print the whole lot, and keep for future reference, because things can
only continue to decay, and those documents may be removed from the
web soon, though not by me.
If you see the truth, write about it yourself. You don't have to
mention me.
If you have a best selling book or a successful lecture tour based on
that simple analysis and healing formula, good luck to you - although
I would advise that if glory and money are priorities for you, then
your recovery is incomplete.
Do what you can anyway.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Reducing to Essentials
"The Law of the Sea" -
including the "Declaration of Collective Mental Illness"
and the "New Communion Ceremony"
The best of "Collective Mental Illness"
Know Yourself, Heal Yourself: