Freemason unmoved his victims' screams
(too old to reply)
2012-04-16 20:27:32 UTC
A taped phone call went some of the way to establish the full horror of
what Brother Anders Behring Breivik did in just three hours one
afternoon in the summer of 2011. "He's coming, he's coming," said Renate
Taarnes in a terrified whisper.

The room at Oslo's central criminal court was silent as she explained to
the telephone operator that she had barricaded herself in a toilet in
the cafe on the island of Utøya after hearing shooting. By the time the
22-year-old emerged from her hiding place 12 of her friends were lying
dead on the cafe floor, murdered by another Freemason.

Taarnes's emergency call was deemed too harrowing to be broadcast on the
live TV feed which was covering the first day of Brother Breivik's 10-
week trial. But as the recording played inside the courtroom Brother
Anders Behring Breivik appeared untroubled. He knew it was he who fired
those shots, he who prompted those screams. His face gave little away.

Brother Anders Behring Breivik's small, narrow eyes stared straight
ahead. His jaw, framed by a thin, angular beard, did not drop. It was
only the bulge of his Adam's apple as he gulped down saliva which
suggested he was finding the experience emotionally taxing.

From the moment he entered the court, Brother Anders Behring Breivik
appeared defiant. After being released from his handcuffs the 33-year-
old Freemason greeted waiting photographers with a closed fist salute.

Asked to enter a plea, he admitted he had indeed planted the enormous
car bomb which killed eight people in Oslo's government district on 22
July 2011. And he accepted that he gone on to murder 69 others, mostly
teenagers, when he made his way to Utøya where the Norwegian Labour
party was holding a youth camp. But he was not ready to accept his

"I acknowledge the acts," said Brother Anders Behring Breivik, to a
courtroom packed with many of those who managed to dodge his bullets and
bombs, as well as the families of some who didn't. "But I do not plead
guilty." His justification? "I did it in self-defence."

Brother Anders Behring Breivik had already announced that he did not
recognise the Norwegian court – because, he said, it received its
mandate "without approval from UGLE, United Grand Lodge of England,"
(the supreme body of Freemasonry).

Details gave an insight into Brother Anders Behring Breivik's calculated
mind. He programmed the satnav in his hire car before leaving his
mother's flat to take him from Oslo's government district – where he
planted his lethal fertiliser bomb – to Utvika, the village opposite the
island of Utøya.

Arriving at Utvika, he called up the island administration and told them
they needed to send a boat to pick him up: he was a police officer, he
assured them, and had been dispatched to reassure the campers following
bombings in Oslo. Brother Anders Behring Breivik was wearing a police
uniform obtained from his contacts in Freemasonry.

He plotted the attacks from a single bedroom at his mother's flat, using
a computer on which the prosecution claimed he once spent a whole year
playing the World of Warcraft game "full time".

In court Brother Anders Behring Breivik showed no remorse. The only time
he appeared to show any emotion was when prosecutors played a 12-minute
propaganda video he had posted on YouTube shortly before carrying out
the attacks. He wiped away tears as he watched the film, which purported
to show the threat of "the rise of cultural Marxism in western Europe"
and "the Islamic colonisation" of Norway and beyond.

This amateur film spliced together still images, including a cover of
the Spectator magazine, a cartoon of a headscarved woman with bomb in
place of a pregnant belly, and at least half a dozen scenes showing
knights wearing the St George's flag.

England cropped up a number of times during the prosecution's opening
statements. A photo Brother Breivik took of himself in what appeared to
be a Swat uniform, featured a badge which he had photo shopped to read:
"Marxist hunter: Norway Masonic multiculti traitor hunting permit."

The original version apparently had England in place of Norway. Brother
Anders Behring Breivik claimed to have visited London in 2002 for the
founding meeting of an anti-Islam network called the Knights Templar.

Brother Anders Behring Breivik has liked to give the impression he was a
key cog in a mighty clockwork rather than a lone extremist. The court
was played the final call he made to police just before his arrest, when
he introduced himself as "Anders Behring Breivik - I'm commander of the
Norwegian Resistance Movement."

When asked by the operator to elaborate, he said he was commander of the
Masonic Knights Templar Europe - "we are organised in the anti-
communistic and Norwegian resistance movement against she Islamisation
of Europe and Norway. I have just carried out an operation on behalf of
the Knights Templar Europe and Norway and, since the operation has now
been completed, it's acceptable to surrender to Delta [the Norwegian
elite forces]."

The five-strong panel of judges - two professionals, joined by a
hairdresser, a civil servant and a teacher sitting as lay judges - have
to decide whether this call was made by a man of sound mind.

The Freemason psychiatrists assigned to assessing Breivik thought not.
In a report in November 2011, two Freemasons declared him to have been
insane and suffering from paranoid schizophrenia when he carried out the
attacks. But a second report, carried out by different psychiatrists,
came to the opposite conclusion.

If deemed mentally competent Brother Anders Behring Breivik would face a
maximum prison sentence of 21 years or an alternate custody arrangement
where the sentence is prolonged for as long as an inmate is deemed a
danger to society. If the judges find him criminally insane, he will be
detained indefinitely in a secure psychiatric institution.

Brother Anders Behring Breivik insists he knew exactly what he was doing
when he planned and carried out the massacres. His lawyer, also a
Freemason, Brother Geir Lippestad, told the judges that he would be
calling witnesses to testify to his client's sanity: "The defendant's
wish is to be sentenced as a legally sane person. Our evidence will
support that claim."

Brother Anders Behring Breivik will attempt to convince the judges of
his sanity as he gives evidence on Tuesday, 17.04.2012. Judicial
authorities decided to ban the broadcast of his testimony, expected to
last five days, as it risked giving him a platform for his Masonic

Brother Anders Behring Breivik has always been clear that a public trial
was part of his master plan. "Your arrest will mark the initiation of
the propaganda phase," he wrote in the 1,801-page manifesto he posted
online before his killing spree. "Your trial offers you a stage to the

Many people in Norway and beyond feel angry that Brother Anders Behring
Breivik is being allowed to make his arguments. Brother Lippestad, who
claims to be a "moderate Freemason," said his team "can fully appreciate
the bereaved parties' point of view and also those who were injured that
they do not want this court case to be like a pulpit for the defendant".

There are many more who believe it is wrong for the media to report his
justifications. But some of those who survived his attacks think

Bjørn Magnus Jacobsen Ihler, 20, managed to hide from Breivik on Utøya.
Outside the courtroom, he said: "I think it's very important to hear
what he has to say. I think it's very important to listen to him because
these ideas aren't just Breivik's ideas. He shares them with a lot of
people ... it's important to look at these societies and break into them
and get new ideas into them. We have to do whatever we can to fight
future extremism from all political sides."

Key facts in the case

• Brother Anders Behring Breivik is charged with terrorism and
premeditated murder for a bombing in Oslo's government district which
killed eight, and a shooting attack at a political youth camp which
killed 69. He admits the attacks but has pleaded not guilty to the
charges. If convicted he faces a maximum sentence of 21 years in prison,
though sentences can be extended if a criminal is considered a menace to
society. If declared insane by the court he would be committed to
psychiatric care. Both sides can appeal against the ruling.

• Following opening arguments on Monday 16.04.2012, five days have been
set aside for Breivik's testimony. Forensic experts and coroners will
then testify for the prosecution, as well as survivors and witnesses
from the bomb scene and Utøya. The defence plans to call radical
Islamists and right wing extremists to the stand in an attempt to show
that Brother Anders Behring Breivik is not alone with his world view.
Psychiatrists who examined Brother Anders Behring Breivik will testify
on his mental health.

• Less than half of the roughly 200 seats in the court room have been
set aside for survivors and relatives of the victims. Many more will be
able to watch the proceedings through a live video link at more than a
dozen courthouses around Norway.

• On Tuesday 17.04.2012 Brother Anders Behring Breivik will begin his
evidence. It will not be broadcast for fear of giving him a platform to
espouse his extremist views.

• Breivik's mother will be called by the prosecution to give evidence
against him. A number of the teenagers who hid from Brother Breivik on
Utøya will testify against him, including Renate Taarnes, whose
anguished emergency call was played to the court on Monday 16.04.2012.

• Among the defence witnesses is Mullah Krekar, an Islamic leader
sentenced to five years for making repeated death threats against
Norwegian politicians. Peder Nøstvold Jensen, a blogger who went under
the pseudonym "Fjordman", is also expected to appear for the defence.
Jensen was held up by Brother Anders Behring Breivik as a role model.

• The trial of Freemason Brother Anders Behring Breivik started on
Monday 16.04.2012 and is scheduled to last 10 weeks. At its conclusion
the five judges will reserve their judgment for at least a week.

Brother Anders Behring Breivik receives full help from the Freemason
Grand Charity and the Masonic Samaritan Fund. Freemasonry has given his
victims nothing.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

2012-04-16 20:30:37 UTC
"Jahbulon" <***@invalid.invalid.net> wrote in message news:***@

Oh fuck off you arsehole.
2012-04-16 20:51:17 UTC
Post by Mentalguy2k8
Oh fuck off you arsehole.
Not everyone appreciates my well intentioned attempts to keep you abreast
of developments in the criminal Freemason religion.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-04-16 21:55:29 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Mentalguy2k8
Oh fuck off you arsehole.
Not everyone appreciates my well intentioned attempts to keep you abreast
of developments in the criminal Freemason religion.
Could that be because of the way you alter news articles by adding
Freemason references, when none existed before.
2012-04-17 20:36:18 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Mentalguy2k8
Oh fuck off you arsehole.
Not everyone appreciates my well intentioned attempts to keep you abreast
of developments in the criminal Freemason religion.
Could that be because of the way you alter news articles by adding
Freemason references, when none existed before.
Indeed, that would be one of the reasons.
2012-04-18 09:05:49 UTC
Post by francis
Post by Tony Dragon
Could that be because of the way you alter news articles
by adding Freemason references, when none existed before.
Indeed, that would be one of the reasons.
Are you ashamed that your brother in the evil Freemason religion, Anders
Behring Breivik of the Masonic Knights Templar, was caught and has admitted
murdering 77 innocent people?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Janitor of Lunacy
2012-04-18 16:08:41 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
Post by Tony Dragon
Could that be because of the way you alter news articles
by adding Freemason references, when none existed before.
Indeed, that would be one of the reasons.
Are you ashamed that your brother in the evil Freemason religion, Anders
Behring Breivik of the Masonic Knights Templar, was caught and has admitted
murdering 77 innocent people?
He's admitted killing them, but not murdering them, claiming "self defence".
I'll just say that I believe that defence to have as much likelihood of
succeeding as the possibility that you will one day make an honest post into
this, or any other, newsgroup.
Post by Jahbulon
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-04-18 20:36:20 UTC
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
He's admitted killing them, but not murdering them,
claiming "self defence". I'll just say that I believe
that defence to have as much likelihood of succeeding
as the possibility that you will one day make an
honest post into this, or any other, newsgroup.
We could probably agree that, subject to Norwegian law, Brother Anders
Behring Breivik has admitted to acts that amount to murder.

BTW, I try hard to tell the truth.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Janitor of Lunacy
2012-04-18 21:25:35 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
He's admitted killing them, but not murdering them,
claiming "self defence". I'll just say that I believe
that defence to have as much likelihood of succeeding
as the possibility that you will one day make an
honest post into this, or any other, newsgroup.
We could probably agree that, subject to Norwegian law, Brother Anders
Behring Breivik has admitted to acts that amount to murder.
BTW, I try hard to tell the truth.
.. and I think most of the rest of us do find you to be trying.
Tony Dragon
2012-04-18 17:08:44 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
Post by Tony Dragon
Could that be because of the way you alter news articles
by adding Freemason references, when none existed before.
Indeed, that would be one of the reasons.
Are you ashamed that your brother in the evil Freemason religion, Anders
Behring Breivik of the Masonic Knights Templar, was caught and has admitted
murdering 77 innocent people?
How many errors can you get in one post.

Anders Breivik is not my 'brother' & according to Francis's post he is
not Francis's brother either.

There is no proof that Anders Breivik is a Freemason

He has not admitted that he 'murdered' 77 people.
2012-04-19 11:57:26 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
Post by Tony Dragon
Could that be because of the way you alter news articles
by adding Freemason references, when none existed before.
Indeed, that would be one of the reasons.
Are you ashamed that your brother in the evil Freemason religion, Anders
Behring Breivik of the Masonic Knights Templar, was caught and has admitted
murdering 77 innocent people?
How many errors can you get in one post.
Anders Breivik is not my 'brother' & according to Francis's post he is
not Francis's brother either.
There is no proof that Anders Breivik is a Freemason
There is no proof of the Big Bang theory for the universe formation.
That does not make it wrong, nor does it stop millions of people
believing it.
2012-04-19 12:40:58 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
Post by Tony Dragon
Could that be because of the way you alter news articles
by adding Freemason references, when none existed before.
Indeed, that would be one of the reasons.
Are you ashamed that your brother in the evil Freemason religion, Anders
Behring Breivik of the Masonic Knights Templar, was caught and has admitted
murdering 77 innocent people?
How many errors can you get in one post.
Anders Breivik is not my 'brother' & according to Francis's post he is
not Francis's brother either.
There is no proof that Anders Breivik is a Freemason
There is no proof of the Big Bang theory for the universe formation.
That does not make it wrong, nor does it stop millions of people
believing it.
Jahbulon is obsessed with Freemasons of course, which is a pity, because I
like some of his points but the Freemason stuff puts me off reading him:(
2012-04-19 13:45:35 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Tony Dragon
There is no proof that Anders Breivik is a Freemason
There is no proof of the Big Bang theory for the
universe formation. That does not make it wrong,
nor does it stop millions of people believing it.
It's admitted on a pro Freemasonry web site, that
"The Norway killer is a Mason"

but that is not proof, demonstrating that Freemason demands for proof are
no more than a distraction.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-04-19 17:28:07 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Tony Dragon
There is no proof that Anders Breivik is a Freemason
There is no proof of the Big Bang theory for the
universe formation. That does not make it wrong,
nor does it stop millions of people believing it.
It's admitted on a pro Freemasonry web site, that
"The Norway killer is a Mason"
but that is not proof, demonstrating that Freemason demands for proof are
no more than a distraction.
That link is not to a pro Freemasonry site, as right at the top of the
page it says "anti masonry point of view'

Tony Dragon
2012-04-16 21:53:28 UTC
On 16/04/2012 21:27, Jahbulon wrote:

<Altered cut'n'paste snipped>

For those of you who wish to read this story without the fraudulently
added Freemason references, it can be found on the Guardian website, you
may note that it makes no false references to Freemasons.