Post by thedarkmanThis was a man who on good evidence drugged, raped and sodomised a
thirteen year old girl. Why was he granted bail, why was he given
asylum and why did any reputable company hire him?
I’m surprised all the resident paedos that hang around here haven’t
been along to remind us how thirteen year old girls are not really
capable of refusing consent to getting a middle aged penis up the arse
and that really they’re all just gagging for it.
Also, to tell us how stupid, behind the times and abusive her parents
and the rest of us were (are) for not realising this.
Also, to remind us that because the medical profession do similar
things, that also makes it OK for an aging midget film director to do
so and to remind us that trying to prevent such actions from happening
again is far more damaging to the children than the act itself could
ever be.
In any case, surely he, typically, could only ever be the stuff of
heightened sexual fantasy for your average thirteen year old.
I mean aren’t all those teen magazines packed full of fat, balding,
middle-aged sweaty objects of desire to pin up on their bedroom walls.
Indeed, I just bet her bedroom was plastered with such pictures and
every night she would fall sleep dreaming and fantasising that any
minute one, dressed only in yellow stained y-fronts and a string vest,
could burst into her bedroom and make mad passionate, but always
extremely loving, ring piece adoration to her.
Oh dear just how unenlightened we all are, I guess we will never quite
understand will we?
I guess we are all sad victims, destined to remain trapped within the
confines of our hateful and emotionally damaging paedophobic