Use of public funds to bankroll fighting compliance, refuse to cooperate with ID fraud reporting, and refuse to produce discovery
(too old to reply)
2011-10-09 23:08:30 UTC
Does a government and its attorney general offices have the right to
spend tax funds not to defend a state employee in a prosecution or a
lawsuit, but to promote illegal practices on the part of State of
Illinois employees?

Posted salaries in the offices of the Illinois Attorney General's
office are large.

I would think that paying huge salaries for people who dispute
fundamental legal requirements like cooperating with reporting ID
theft or fraud, and disputing the requirement to provide discovery in
a legal procedure, would not be valid uses of appropriated funds due
to those funds being public funds.

In fact, I would think that the use of public funds to conduct and
promote any illegal purpose would be illegal.

So where does that office get the option to do so? And where would
State of Illinois get the option to threaten the public with
involuntary mental health care for asking the court to intervene with
a State of Illinois employee like that?
Kent Wills
2011-10-10 08:32:19 UTC
Post by t***@mail.com
Does a government and its attorney general offices have the right to
spend tax funds not to defend a state employee in a prosecution or a
lawsuit, but to promote illegal practices on the part of State of
Illinois employees?
Posted salaries in the offices of the Illinois Attorney General's
office are large.
What are these salary figures?
Are they reasonable in relation to other areas of the country
with similar work loads, population and cost of living?
Post by t***@mail.com
I would think that paying huge salaries for people who dispute
fundamental legal requirements like cooperating with reporting ID
theft or fraud, and disputing the requirement to provide discovery in
a legal procedure, would not be valid uses of appropriated funds due
to those funds being public funds.
You can think whatever you want. The reality may be quite
Post by t***@mail.com
In fact, I would think that the use of public funds to conduct and
promote any illegal purpose would be illegal.
Now you're discussing a completely different matter. First it
was salaries, now it's funds used to allegedly deny legal rights.
Two different things.
Post by t***@mail.com
So where does that office get the option to do so? And where would
State of Illinois get the option to threaten the public with
involuntary mental health care for asking the court to intervene with
a State of Illinois employee like that?
I would need far more information to even hope to answer your
questions. And I'm certain no actual lawyer will touch your comments,
given how off the wall they are.
I find myself in the rare condition where I actually agree with
Greg Hanson. Your writing is poor and difficult to follow. You jump
from one idea to another with no rational divergence.
I don't know if you're mentally ill or not, but, based on your
posts, I can see where some people might think you could be.
Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.
2011-10-20 00:16:39 UTC

KBW > I find myself in the rare condition where
KBW > I actually agree with Greg Hanson.  Your
KBW > writing is poor and difficult to follow.
KBW > You jump from one idea to another with
KBW > no rational divergence. I don't know if
KBW > you're mentally ill or not, but, based on
KBW > your posts, I can see where some people
KBW > might think you could be.

lastone AKA contemporarylegal AKA thenewamerica:
usenet is for discussion, not just a
place to SPAM your insane drivel
over and over again.
Please buy a verb more often,
and tell the truth about your brain disorder.
Kent Wills
2011-10-21 08:12:41 UTC
Post by Greegor
KBW > I find myself in the rare condition where
KBW > I actually agree with Greg Hanson.  Your
KBW > writing is poor and difficult to follow.
KBW > You jump from one idea to another with
KBW > no rational divergence. I don't know if
KBW > you're mentally ill or not, but, based on
KBW > your posts, I can see where some people
KBW > might think you could be.
usenet is for discussion, not just a
place to SPAM your insane drivel
over and over again.
Please buy a verb more often,
and tell the truth about your brain disorder.
Whomever the poster is, s/he isn't going to respond. My
suggestion is to just ignore him/her. Replying to ever post s/he
sends with the same text basically makes you as bad.

Which of these women is Lisa Rene Watkins:

Loading Image...

"I am Bob Larson."
Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson offering more proof that he is
as mentally ill as he presents.

A select number of items that really are about Gregory Scott "Piggly
Wiggly" Hanson (They are so accurate, Greg compared them the comment
that water is wet):

(DOB 05/22/1959)
Comments: CT 1 OWI 1ST
Comments: CT 2 SPEED
Disposition Status

"That's the chick, but not the pic, zipperhead!"
Greg "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson proving his bigotry towards Asians, by
attacking my first wife (deceased).

Me: "I suspect your stalking is due to the use and abuse of illegal
drugs, Greg. Is the reason for your stalking the members of
alt.friends due to the use and abuse of illegal drugs?

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child abuser:
"Of course."

"My family's case is for Neglect, but we are treated
in virtually every regard as child abusers, marked on
the Child Abuse registry, for example."
-- Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson, wife beater and child

" ... But there ought to be conferences and studies on how to curb
minority overpopulation, repatriate minorities abroad, imprison more
minorities, increase use of the death penalty and divest minorities of
the power they have usurped over us in recent years. That would
address the most pressing problems of our day. ... "
April 2000, Gregory Hanson

From: Greegor <***@gmail.com>

With the Christmas season upon us again, my stepdaughter was launching
into her usual tirade of "I need this" (Nintendo 64 games, Pokemon,
videos, Rhianna CD, etc.) After enduring a trip through Kmart, I
was at my wits end. I took the kid home and filled the bathtub with
water. Then I dunked the brat's head under the water and counted out
a full minute, with her flailing her arms. I brought her up and she
gasped for air. When she'd caught her breath, I asked her, "When you
were under that water, did you 'need' Nintendo? Pokemon? Rhianna?"
She shook her head. "What were you thinking about?" I
prodded. She told me "I was thinking that I needed air."

"Now you know the difference between 'need' and 'want'" I exclaimed

--a true story

As of Wednesday, August 31, 2011:

Comments: OPA $2805.04

+ INTEREST AT 7.271% FROM 8/6/98 & $45.00 COSTS.

FEES $35.60

Gregory Scott "Piggly Wiggly" Hanson has a Garnishment order against
him. There is nothing to even suggest any of the money legally owed
has been paid. The SoL on the order has likely expired, but Greg still
can't risk getting a job due to it.
2011-10-22 07:21:28 UTC

KBW > I find myself in the rare condition where
KBW > I actually agree with Greg Hanson. Your
KBW > writing is poor and difficult to follow.
KBW > You jump from one idea to another with
KBW > no rational divergence. I don't know if
KBW > you're mentally ill or not, but, based on
KBW > your posts, I can see where some people
KBW > might think you could be.

G > lastone AKA contemporarylegal AKA thenewamerica:
G > usenet is for discussion, not just a
G > place to SPAM your insane drivel
G > over and over again.
G > Please buy a verb more often,
G > and tell the truth about your brain disorder.

KBW > Whomever the poster is, s/he isn't
KBW > going to respond. My suggestion
KBW > is to just ignore him/her. Replying
KBW > to ever post s/he sends with the
KBW > same text basically makes you as bad.

In the long run, perhaps.

I thought this person's specie was a fascinating
mix of blatant mental illness, bizarre complaints
about the legal process suspecting they are
mentally ill and a sad attempt to change the
legal process to suit their insane wishes.

They fit right in on usenet.
