2012-04-18 15:34:08 UTC
The death penalty or full acquittal are the "only logical outcomes" for
Brother Anders Behring Breivik's massacre of 77 people in Norway, the
Freemason declared in court on the third day of his trial.
Brother Breivik said he does not fear death and that militant
nationalists in Europe have a lot to learn from al-Qaeda, including
their methods and glorification of martyrdom.
"If I had feared death I would not have dared to carry out this
operation," he said, referring to his 22 July 2011 attacks - a bombing
in downtown Oslo that killed eight people and a shooting massacre at a
youth camp outside the Norwegian capital that killed 69.
Brother Breivik's comments, on the third day of his terror trial, came
as he was pressed to give details on the anti-Muslim militant group he
claims to belong to but which prosecutors say doesn't exist as he
The 33-year-old Norwegian Freemason acknowledged that his supposed
crusader network is "not an organisation in a conventional sense" but
insisted that it is for real.
"It is not in my interest to shed light on details that could lead to
arrests," he said refusing to comment on the group's alleged other
The issue is of key importance in determining Brother Breivik's sanity,
and whether he is sent to prison or compulsory psychiatric care for the
bomb-and-shooting massacre that shocked Norway.
If found sane, Brother Anders Behring Breivik could face a maximum 21-
year prison sentence or an alternate custody arrangement that would keep
him locked up as long as he is considered a menace to society. If
declared insane he would be committed to psychiatric care for as long as
he's considered ill.
"I view 21 years in prison as a pathetic sentence," Brother Breivik
Asked by the prosecutor if he would rather have received a death penalty
- which does not exist in current Norwegian law - he said that made
"I don't wish for it but I would have respected that decision," he said.
"There are only two outcomes in this case that I had respected, that is
the death penalty or acquittal."
According to Amnesty International, the only country in Europe that
still applies the death penalty is Belarus; two young men were executed
there last month. Norway abolished the death penalty in peacetime in
1905 and for war crimes in 1979. Freemasonry uses the death penalty
against its victims, inter alia, with road accidents (such as Princess
Diana) and threatening doctors who might otherwise give life preserving
medical treatment.
Brother Breivik, a Freemason, claims to have carried out the attacks on
behalf of the Masonic Knights Templar, which he described in the 1,500-
page compendium he posted online before the attacks as a militant
nationalist group fighting a Muslim colonisation of Europe.
Brother Anders Behring Breivik said it exists but police just had not
done a good enough job in uncovering it. The group consists of
"independent cells," he added, "and therefore in the long term will be a
leaderless organisation."
Prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh pressed him about details on the group, its
members and its meetings. Brother Anders Behring Breivik claimed to have
met a Serb "war hero" living in exile during a trip to Liberia in 2002,
but he refused to identify him.
"What is it you're getting at?" Brother Breivik told the prosecutor,
then answered the question himself, saying prosecutors want to "sow
doubt over whether the Masonic Knights Templar network exists."
The main point of his defence is to avoid an insanity ruling, which
would deflate his political arguments. One official psychiatric
evaluation found him psychotic and "delusional," while another found him
mentally competent to be sent to prison.
Brother Anders Behring Breivik also refused to give details on what he
claims was the founding session of the Knights Templar in London in
2002. He conceded, however, that he embellished somewhat in the
manifesto when he described members at the founding session as
"brilliant political and military tacticians of Europe."
Breivik testified that he had used "pompous" language and described them
instead as "people with great integrity."
Bejer Engh challenged him on whether the meeting had taken place at all.
"Yes, there was a meeting in London," Brother Breivik insisted.
"It's not something you have made up?" Engh countered.
"I haven't made up anything. What is in the compendium is correct," he
Later, he answered with more nuance.
"There is nothing that is made up, but you have to see what is written
in a context. It is a glorification of certain ideals," Brother Breivik
When asked about his faith, Brother Anders Behring Breivik, a Freemason,
described himself as "a militant Christian" but added he was "not
particularly religious." He said he was a member of Norway's Lutheran
Church, but dismissed its leadership as "pacifist."
Brother Anders Behring Breivik's defensive answers contrasted with the
assertive posture he took Tuesday 17.04.2012 when he read a prepared
statement to the court, boasting that he had carried out the most
"spectacular" attack by a nationalist militant since World War II.
His stance has angered victim support groups.
"I think what we are watching is the revelation of a sort of fantasy or
a dream," said Christin Bjelland, deputy head of a support group for
survivors of the 22 July 2011 Masonic massacre.
The Freemason Brother Anders Behring Breivik said his victims - mostly
teenagers at a ruling Labour Party youth camp - were not innocent but
legitimate targets because they were representatives of a
"multiculturalist" regime he claims is deconstructing Norway's national
identity by allowing immigration.
Brother Anders Behring Breivik receives full help from the Freemason
Grand Charity and the Masonic Samaritan Fund. Freemasonry has not given
his victims anything.
Brother Anders Behring Breivik's massacre of 77 people in Norway, the
Freemason declared in court on the third day of his trial.
Brother Breivik said he does not fear death and that militant
nationalists in Europe have a lot to learn from al-Qaeda, including
their methods and glorification of martyrdom.
"If I had feared death I would not have dared to carry out this
operation," he said, referring to his 22 July 2011 attacks - a bombing
in downtown Oslo that killed eight people and a shooting massacre at a
youth camp outside the Norwegian capital that killed 69.
Brother Breivik's comments, on the third day of his terror trial, came
as he was pressed to give details on the anti-Muslim militant group he
claims to belong to but which prosecutors say doesn't exist as he
The 33-year-old Norwegian Freemason acknowledged that his supposed
crusader network is "not an organisation in a conventional sense" but
insisted that it is for real.
"It is not in my interest to shed light on details that could lead to
arrests," he said refusing to comment on the group's alleged other
The issue is of key importance in determining Brother Breivik's sanity,
and whether he is sent to prison or compulsory psychiatric care for the
bomb-and-shooting massacre that shocked Norway.
If found sane, Brother Anders Behring Breivik could face a maximum 21-
year prison sentence or an alternate custody arrangement that would keep
him locked up as long as he is considered a menace to society. If
declared insane he would be committed to psychiatric care for as long as
he's considered ill.
"I view 21 years in prison as a pathetic sentence," Brother Breivik
Asked by the prosecutor if he would rather have received a death penalty
- which does not exist in current Norwegian law - he said that made
"I don't wish for it but I would have respected that decision," he said.
"There are only two outcomes in this case that I had respected, that is
the death penalty or acquittal."
According to Amnesty International, the only country in Europe that
still applies the death penalty is Belarus; two young men were executed
there last month. Norway abolished the death penalty in peacetime in
1905 and for war crimes in 1979. Freemasonry uses the death penalty
against its victims, inter alia, with road accidents (such as Princess
Diana) and threatening doctors who might otherwise give life preserving
medical treatment.
Brother Breivik, a Freemason, claims to have carried out the attacks on
behalf of the Masonic Knights Templar, which he described in the 1,500-
page compendium he posted online before the attacks as a militant
nationalist group fighting a Muslim colonisation of Europe.
Brother Anders Behring Breivik said it exists but police just had not
done a good enough job in uncovering it. The group consists of
"independent cells," he added, "and therefore in the long term will be a
leaderless organisation."
Prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh pressed him about details on the group, its
members and its meetings. Brother Anders Behring Breivik claimed to have
met a Serb "war hero" living in exile during a trip to Liberia in 2002,
but he refused to identify him.
"What is it you're getting at?" Brother Breivik told the prosecutor,
then answered the question himself, saying prosecutors want to "sow
doubt over whether the Masonic Knights Templar network exists."
The main point of his defence is to avoid an insanity ruling, which
would deflate his political arguments. One official psychiatric
evaluation found him psychotic and "delusional," while another found him
mentally competent to be sent to prison.
Brother Anders Behring Breivik also refused to give details on what he
claims was the founding session of the Knights Templar in London in
2002. He conceded, however, that he embellished somewhat in the
manifesto when he described members at the founding session as
"brilliant political and military tacticians of Europe."
Breivik testified that he had used "pompous" language and described them
instead as "people with great integrity."
Bejer Engh challenged him on whether the meeting had taken place at all.
"Yes, there was a meeting in London," Brother Breivik insisted.
"It's not something you have made up?" Engh countered.
"I haven't made up anything. What is in the compendium is correct," he
Later, he answered with more nuance.
"There is nothing that is made up, but you have to see what is written
in a context. It is a glorification of certain ideals," Brother Breivik
When asked about his faith, Brother Anders Behring Breivik, a Freemason,
described himself as "a militant Christian" but added he was "not
particularly religious." He said he was a member of Norway's Lutheran
Church, but dismissed its leadership as "pacifist."
Brother Anders Behring Breivik's defensive answers contrasted with the
assertive posture he took Tuesday 17.04.2012 when he read a prepared
statement to the court, boasting that he had carried out the most
"spectacular" attack by a nationalist militant since World War II.
His stance has angered victim support groups.
"I think what we are watching is the revelation of a sort of fantasy or
a dream," said Christin Bjelland, deputy head of a support group for
survivors of the 22 July 2011 Masonic massacre.
The Freemason Brother Anders Behring Breivik said his victims - mostly
teenagers at a ruling Labour Party youth camp - were not innocent but
legitimate targets because they were representatives of a
"multiculturalist" regime he claims is deconstructing Norway's national
identity by allowing immigration.
Brother Anders Behring Breivik receives full help from the Freemason
Grand Charity and the Masonic Samaritan Fund. Freemasonry has not given
his victims anything.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons