Brave Israeli commandos prevent another Holocaust
(too old to reply)
2010-05-31 14:26:52 UTC
Israeli commandos stormed a flotilla taking aid to Gaza today.
Unfortunately, 6 brave commandos were injured in the struggle, and
they were forced to exterminate 19 anti-Semitic goyim.

The Israeli Defence Minister defended the raid pointing out that these
ships were carrying weapons of mass destruction "They attacked the
commandos with knives", he said, adding, "we believe that a few dead
goyim and a few starving Palestinians are a small price to pay for
averting another Holocaust. Isn't six million Jews enough?"

The Minister also deplored the outbreak of virulent anti-Semitism in
Turkey where enraged mobs have tried to storm the Israeli embassy
inflamed by shockingly unbiased reports in the world media. "They're
all filthy anti-Semites", he said, "so are you too."
2010-05-31 20:28:12 UTC
Jews are god. You do not have the slightest ability to outsmart the
intentions of god. God does what god does. Who are you to question
god? Moreover Six Million Gods died in Holocaust II by 1948, and Six
Million Gods died in Holocaust I in 1919. That makes at least twelve
million gods have vanished due to these petty, frivolous and satanic
non-gods. I caught myself in the act. I am using "god" for a Jew. I
should have used roach as they claim they are descendants of
trilobites. Jews are human roaches. You need a roach killer.
Post by thedarkman
Israeli commandos stormed a flotilla taking aid to Gaza today.
Unfortunately, 6 brave commandos were injured in the struggle, and
they were forced to exterminate 19 anti-Semitic goyim.
The Israeli Defence Minister defended the raid pointing out that these
ships were carrying weapons of mass destruction "They attacked the
commandos with knives", he said, adding, "we believe that a few dead
goyim and a few starving Palestinians are a small price to pay for
averting another Holocaust. Isn't six million Jews enough?"
The Minister also deplored the outbreak of virulent anti-Semitism in
Turkey where enraged mobs have tried to storm the Israeli embassy
inflamed by shockingly unbiased reports in the world media. "They're
all filthy anti-Semites", he said, "so are you too."