2009-09-19 08:32:02 UTC
Submission Form (For those who need it <g>)
I profer greetings to all interested parties. This thread has beendiscussed with good friends and propsective business partners. We come in
peace to ask of you.
Writing free softs is a noble act. To select or recommend free softs for
others is a noble act also. An agent can not live on air alone. Is he
entitled to receive a small consideration from third parties for his vote
to nominate and second softs for PriceLessWare in the prestigous
alt.comp.freeware? This we ask in peace.
Several excellent softs coding teams we can represent are desired to
establish a market for their outstanding and innovative new softs. We are
interested to be the marketing agent with the plan to give softs away as
humanely free as possibly but will charge most profitably for upgrades to a
gold master's professional version. To effectfuly get the publicity going
and distribute loss leaders it is our top idea as marketing agents to let
PriceLessWare do the work at no cost.
The benefance is mutual. We will get paid a small consideration to use our
unchallengable good standing ability to vote on PriceLessWare to bring
excellent softs for their attention. They are free softs.
Our work is to genuinely nominate and second vote them onto the list of
recommendations. PriceLessWare gets most excellent softs, we get a small
reward at no cost to anyone. Everyone is better off. Mutual peace and
profit is with us both. To ask is to consult. Most greeted friends, is this
a good working relationship.
In June we stopped our business plan to charge US$150 for all the
burdensome work of finding, making and distributing excellent CDs of
freeware into inaccessible domestic and internation markets. Tragically we
learnt the First World's defense of its right to stop us although our
courts would challenge the white man's expansion of his jurisdiction.
Peacefully we desisted after 'Can I be permitted to sell Pricelessware
freeware CD' was hostile. Peace be with us and you now.
Can we earn the permission to proceed and earn small rewards for an honest
Continent trying to emerge?
Reply online. Mail suspended during extended strike
Reply online. Mail suspended during extended strike