Number of Muslim children under five doubles in less thant ten years
(too old to reply)
2015-02-15 22:22:08 UTC
The pseudoseculars dont realise that this is an existential
threat. When these kids become a majority as Muslim parents are having
over three compared to just one for native whites , by 2037 they will
be the majority by birth and when these grow up vote in a govt which
will impose sharia and expel the infidels from their own countries, as
is happening in the middle east
Limit child benefits to just two
Pakistan went from 30m , half the pop of UK , 60 years ago to 180m ie
three times uk in less that sixty years , thanks to a 2% annual growth
in population



Muslim pupil numbers in England and Wales double since 2001

The number of Muslim children attending schools in England and Wales
has almost doubled since 2001, a report suggests.

Data from the 2011 census shows one in 12 schoolchildren were Muslim.
The total number of Muslims in the UK rose from 1.55m in 2001 to 2.7m
in 2011.

While less than half of British Muslims were born in the UK, 73%
identified themselves as British.

Dr Sundas Ali, analyst for the Muslim Council of Britain report, said
it was a "frank snapshot" of Muslim life.

The report suggests the number of British Muslims has grown quickly
since 2001, with a third aged 15-or-under at the time of the 2011

But it says 46% of British Muslims live in the some of the most
deprived local authority districts in England - an increase since the
2001 census.

BBC religious affairs correspondent Caroline Wyatt said the report was
an "unprecedented snapshot" of Muslims in England and Wales today.

Our correspondent said the economic picture painted by the report was
"mixed" and that while "many British Muslims are entrepreneurs, nearly
half live in the most deprived areas".

"The number of British Muslims has grown quickly over the last 10
years - meaning around a third are 15 or under - living mainly in
London, and big cities in the West Midlands, the North West and
Yorkshire," she said.

'Social realities'
The report suggests 6% of Muslims struggle to speak English, while 24%
of Muslims over the age of 16 are qualified to degree level, compared
to 27% the general population.

There were 329,694 Muslim full-time students in 2011 - 43% female and
57% male.

Dr Sundas Ali said there were many positives from the report "but
also many challenges"
However, it suggests that 71% of Muslim women between the ages of 16
and 24 were not in employment, compared to approximately half the
general population.

For women aged 25 to 49, it says that 57% of Muslim women were in
employment, compared with 80% of women overall.

Analysis of the report would lead the Muslim community to "reflect
within itself," Dr Ali told BBC Asian Network.

"We do tell Muslim mosques and charities that these are the problems,
these are the social realities and you need to do something about it,"
she said.
2015-02-16 16:54:38 UTC
Post by h***@anony.net
The pseudoseculars dont realise that this is an existential
threat. When these kids become a majority as Muslim parents are having
over three compared to just one for native whites , by 2037 they will
be the majority by birth and when these grow up vote in a govt which
will impose sharia and expel the infidels from their own countries, as
is happening in the middle east
You seem to be making an unfounded assumption that they'll all grow up
to be extremists. ISTM far more likely that they'll be more Westernised
than their parents. Also, large families are a response to high infant
mortality rates - we don't have that in the UK, so family sizes will
decline, just as they did in the early 20th C for native Brits.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham
2015-02-16 20:12:35 UTC
Hindus have reached zpg in Britain, Muslims are different ,
determined to take over the country and impose sharia law with
demographic aggression
2015-02-17 07:39:28 UTC
Post by h***@anony.net
Hindus have reached zpg in Britain, Muslims are different ,
determined to take over the country and impose sharia law with
demographic aggression
That's paranoid nonsense - most Muslims come to Britain to get *away*
from the strict Sharia regimes of their home countries - why one earth
would they want one implemented here?
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham
2015-02-19 17:38:36 UTC
So why do their descendants kill British soldiers?

Mr Pounder
2015-02-16 17:52:12 UTC
Post by h***@anony.net
The pseudoseculars dont realise that this is an existential
threat. When these kids become a majority as Muslim parents are having
over three compared to just one for native whites , by 2037 they will
be the majority by birth and when these grow up vote in a govt which
will impose sharia and expel the infidels from their own countries, as
is happening in the middle east
Limit child benefits to just two
Pakistan went from 30m , half the pop of UK , 60 years ago to 180m ie
three times uk in less that sixty years , thanks to a 2% annual growth
in population
Yet another warning to all of the pc head in the sand Dodos.