Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary by Stephen Baskerville
(too old to reply)
Marcus Aurelius
2011-12-29 02:45:10 UTC
The following is the URL of the web site containing the article:
"Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary" by Stephen Baskerville:


In this brilliant and well documented article, Mr. Baskerville
presents facts and rational arguments that assert that the high rates
of incarceration in the U.S.A. are due to feminism.
In this regard, I completely agree with him.
2011-12-29 07:51:36 UTC
"Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary" by Stephen
In this brilliant and well documented article, Mr. Baskerville
presents facts and rational arguments that assert that the high
rates of incarceration in the U.S.A. are due to feminism.
In this regard, I completely agree with him.
That's Dr. Baskerville, not Mr. Baskerville.

But, this "... brilliant and well documented article..."
appeals to the visceral,
has no references,
and has no cites.

The phrase "Feminist Gulag" in the title of the article highlights
its target audience (Anti-feminists) of a particular character
type: those who respond viscerally to the subject, not rationally.

The article itself bemoans state efforts to make "fathers" liable
for child support. One may notice that the article makes no effort
to reveal that 'mothers' are subject to the same laws - but of course
not; Baskerville et. al. project an anti-feminist ideology,
apparently reaching for wider recognition.

Baskerville, the author of the article , and is an "... associate
professor of government at Patrick Henry College...".

Patrick Henry College was reportedly built with significant
right-wing money 10 years ago. It was "founded specifically
for Christian home-schooled student (1)

In 2002 Patrick Henry was denied accreditation by the American
Academy for Liberal Education in the spring of 2002 because
creationism was part of the curriculum (2)

It is accredited by TRACS Accreditation Commission as a "Catagory
II" (bachelors degree granting) institution (a U.S. religious

Given that it is most unlikely that Baskerville would write something
for public consumption that would do anything but enhance his
position as an "associate professor" at Patrick Henry, one near must
conclude that Patrick Henry prefers an anti-feminist ideology even at
the cost of attacking state child-support laws.

Baskerville is an interesting character. He is associated with
Gendercide Watch, which says of itself that it "seeks to confront
acts of gender-selective mass killing around the world. We believe
that such atrocities against ordinary men and women constitute one of
humanity's worst blights, and one of its greatest challenges in the
new millennium" (3)

Gendercide Watch says of Baskerville that "Stephen is a professor of
political science at Howard University (5) and past chairman of the
Department of Politics and European Studies at Palacky University in
Olomouc, Czech Republic. He is the author of various articles,
papers, and book reviews on the politics of the family, and of Not
Peace But A Sword: The Political Theory of the English Revolution. He
is official spokesman for Men, Fathers, and Children International, a
coalition of 12 fatherhood organizations from 9 countries, and is an
advisor to the American Coalition for fathers and children. (4)

So he is associated with an organization that "seeks to confront"
"... atrocities against ordinary men and women..." but Baskerville's
apparently exclusive focus is on "Men, Fathers, and Children",
believing them injured by current child support laws.

This doesn't appear to serve the worthy Gendercide Watch's reason for
existence but it does support their apparent substantial presence,
and it supports Baskerville.

So, a anti-feminist Phd from the London School of Economics with a
background in vociferously opposing current child-support laws is an
associate professor at a 10 year old right-wing religious University?

Its interesting to observe the structure of relatively new and
interlocking right-wing (mostly religious) organizations intent on
undermining liberal academia, really picking up speed as it did with
the "Discovery Institute manifesto known as the Wedge Document, which
describes a broad social, political, and academic agenda whose
ultimate goal is to "defeat scientific materialism" represented by
evolution..." (6)

So, fundamentalists, anti-feminists, those against current child-
support laws, and others on the right, rolled up in a ball that
produces things like:

"Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary"

Its almost 2012.

For some its almost 1012.


(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Henry_College

(2) ibid

(3) http://www.gendercide.org/about.html

(4) http://www.gendercide.org/affiliates.html

(5) no longer true. see http://www.stephenbaskerville.net/bio.htm

(6) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedge_strategy
2011-12-29 09:33:06 UTC
Post by Ralph
"Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary" by Stephen
In this brilliant and well documented article, Mr. Baskerville
presents facts and rational arguments that assert that the high
rates of incarceration in the U.S.A. are due to feminism.
In this regard, I completely agree with him.
That's Dr. Baskerville, not Mr. Baskerville.
But, this "... brilliant and well documented article..."
appeals to the visceral,
has no references,
and has no cites.
It has many cites and references. What are you talking about?
Post by Ralph
The phrase "Feminist Gulag" in the title of the article highlights
its target audience (Anti-feminists) of a particular character
type: those who respond viscerally to the subject, not rationally.
A visceral response, in this case, is entirely rational.
Post by Ralph
The article itself bemoans state efforts to make "fathers" liable
for child support. One may notice that the article makes no effort
to reveal that 'mothers' are subject to the same laws -
Post by Ralph
but of course
not; Baskerville et. al. project an anti-feminist ideology,
apparently reaching for wider recognition.
No, I don't think he rates feminism highly. Again, entirely rational.
Post by Ralph
Baskerville, the author of the article , and is an "... associate
professor of government at Patrick Henry College...".
Ad hominem argument, as is what follows.
Post by Ralph
Patrick Henry College was reportedly built with significant
right-wing money 10 years ago. It was "founded specifically
for Christian home-schooled student (1)
In 2002 Patrick Henry was denied accreditation by the American
Academy for Liberal Education in the spring of 2002 because
creationism was part of the curriculum (2)
It is accredited by TRACS Accreditation Commission as a "Catagory
II" (bachelors degree granting) institution (a U.S. religious
Given that it is most unlikely that Baskerville would write something
for public consumption that would do anything but enhance his
position as an "associate professor" at Patrick Henry, one near must
conclude that Patrick Henry prefers an anti-feminist ideology even at
the cost of attacking state child-support laws.
Baskerville is an interesting character. He is associated with
Gendercide Watch, which says of itself that it "seeks to confront
acts of gender-selective mass killing around the world. We believe
that such atrocities against ordinary men and women constitute one of
humanity's worst blights, and one of its greatest challenges in the
new millennium" (3)
Gendercide Watch says of Baskerville that "Stephen is a professor of
political science at Howard University (5) and past chairman of the
Department of Politics and European Studies at Palacky University in
Olomouc, Czech Republic. He is the author of various articles,
papers, and book reviews on the politics of the family, and of Not
Peace But A Sword: The Political Theory of the English Revolution. He
is official spokesman for Men, Fathers, and Children International, a
coalition of 12 fatherhood organizations from 9 countries, and is an
advisor to the American Coalition for fathers and children. (4)
So he is associated with an organization that "seeks to confront"
"... atrocities against ordinary men and women..." but Baskerville's
apparently exclusive focus is on "Men, Fathers, and Children",
believing them injured by current child support laws.
This doesn't appear to serve the worthy Gendercide Watch's reason for
existence but it does support their apparent substantial presence,
and it supports Baskerville.
So, a anti-feminist Phd from the London School of Economics with a
background in vociferously opposing current child-support laws is an
associate professor at a 10 year old right-wing religious University?
Its interesting to observe the structure of relatively new and
interlocking right-wing (mostly religious) organizations intent on
undermining liberal academia, really picking up speed as it did with
the "Discovery Institute manifesto known as the Wedge Document, which
describes a broad social, political, and academic agenda whose
ultimate goal is to "defeat scientific materialism" represented by
evolution..." (6)
So, fundamentalists, anti-feminists, those against current child-
support laws, and others on the right, rolled up in a ball that
"Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary"
Its almost 2012.
For some its almost 1012.
(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_Henry_College
(2) ibid
(3) http://www.gendercide.org/about.html
(4) http://www.gendercide.org/affiliates.html
(5) no longer true. see http://www.stephenbaskerville.net/bio.htm
(6) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wedge_strategy
2011-12-29 20:12:57 UTC
Post by Ted
Post by Ralph
Post by Marcus Aurelius
The following is the URL of the web site containing the
article: "Feminist Gulag: No Prosecution Necessary" by
in ist-gulag-no-prosecution-necessary
In this brilliant and well documented article, Mr. Baskerville
presents facts and rational arguments that assert that the
high rates of incarceration in the U.S.A. are due to feminism.
In this regard, I completely agree with him.
That's Dr. Baskerville, not Mr. Baskerville.
But, this "... brilliant and well documented article..."
appeals to the visceral,
has no references,
and has no cites.
It has many cites and references.
Its junk.
