Matthew Moulton - talks about his drug taking online (cocaine, opiates, herbal dope) - how easy will it be to sue he and his host for his massive volume of libel?
(too old to reply)
Mad as a Box of Frogs
2009-11-26 08:26:04 UTC
Subject: Re: Well, I'm Certainly Not Impressed
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 08:11:26 -0800
Organization: Farfoos
Lines: 112
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1118
X-Face: %R{pe{y8q4#r>Dl)\2A%\ljwZ'PK,:)_;S{jGxfj1`\aT,A
Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.2600:14592
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk:23437 alt.hackers.malicious:4845
On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 23:56:01 -0800, Onideus Mad Hatter
I tried 2 grams, (4 pills) of the weakest Kratom I bought and it's
been an hour and a half since I took em (on an empty stomach)
and...nothin. Not even the slightest bit of difference on any level.
I figure I'll wait another hour and then I'll try one the strongest
pills I got, the ones that are $3.50 for a single pill, where as the
weak ones I just tried are .39 cents a pill.
Super Indo - $ .39 cents a pill
Malaysian - $ .45 cents a pill
Maeng Da - $ .63 cents a pill
Enhanced Bali - $ .75 cents a pill
UEI - $3.50 a pill
So basically fifty pills total. Wasn't too pricey overall, but we'll
see if it was worth it overall once I've tried them out and tested the
effects. If only the expensive ones produce any effects I'm not sure
it'll really be all that worth it on the whole...other than the fact
that they're legal.
the effects aren't very good at all via smoking, although I
think they come on quicker, just don't last very long and aren't very
strong...unless you refine/concentrate the alkaloids...but at very
high dosages it just makes you tired and sleepy anyway. Kind
of a matter of finding the "sweet spot", not too little, not too much
to get the perfect effect.
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
Hatter Quotes
Another good one for the archives Matthew Moulton.
You actually keep this shit?
Naw, Google looks after that for me. Let me demonstrate.

Registrar ENOM,INC. Host La Habra Lunar Pages lunarpages.com
host Matthew Moulton's website http://backwater-productions.net and
allow him to engage in libel and criminality contrary to their advertised
TOS via articles posted to public Internet forums.

Now I'm of the mind that MANY LAWYERS would jump at the chance to
get into the pockets of ENOM, and Lunar Pages, both extremely successful
and as such wealthy companies, presenting them with a slam dunk lawsuit
for allowing Matthew Moulton to libel and harass the online public.
In my mind, this would be easy BIG money.

Matthew of course has no money but that has no bearing on the payout
from his host and registrar. It is encumbent upon them to redeem their
losses on Diaperboi after the fact. I mean we're talking hundreds of
thousands of dollars - USD that is. I can be reached by dropping the word
"news" from my electronic address in the From: field of this article.
(CC'd to Enom.com and Lunarpages.com) since I myself open to any
proposals from lawyers specializing in Internet litigation.

Matthew Moulton aka "Onideus Mad Hatter" aka "Diaperboi"
is currently coaching people to take drugs and narcotics,
(cocaine, opiates, herbal dope) online, in forums populated
and accessible by minors as indicated in the full header
verifiable article ~above~, and numerous other articles in this
same thread. This is all logged on his network servers, and Google Inc.,
which was posted by himself to scofflaw United States rulings prohibiting
such communication to minors. Matthew Moulton must learn the meaning of
being HELD accountable, as do you, Anton Eaks. Canadians are far too
educated and responsible to engage in this sort of sordid activity which
many of you Americans seem to think is clever or acceptable. That is very
wrong of Matthew Moulton to author that illegal communication.

This REAL and very ILLEGAL communication authored by Matthew Moulton of
Wala Wala WA, USA differs from the libel and forgeries inflicted on
myself and many other Usenet users authored by both you and Moulton
since those forgeries and that libel is(are) not located anywhere on
my(our) networks or computers but *is* located on yours, Anton Eaks,
and Matthew Moulton.

As such you and Matthew Moulton are accountable for
THOSE communications. I did not author that libel or
illegal communication or those forgeries whereas you, Anton Eaks
and Matthew Moulton DID(do) - so you both are accountable,
as are your hosts.

Very simple and numerous precedents set before this prove my point.

Onideus Mad Hatter is a well known and verifiable pseudonym for an
online harrasser and libeler named Matthew Moulton, owner operator
of an amateur lowend design website company at

He apparently has no concern for the way he presents himself, and
subsequently his business, to public media or the well being of minors
and the public in his libel worldwide. The volume of evidence against
Matthew Moulton is so staggering it will be EASY MONEY and he will be
held accountable in the very near future for libel and a variety of
civil and criminal rulings.

Now, hop over to Google groups - use keywords - drugs/WalMart/Moulton
or "Matthew Moulton - WalMart employee - talks about his drugs taking
online" [more specifically.]

Instant self-promotion and cheap advertising for Diaperboi's
design website - complete with disgusting scatalogical and
pornographic content all posted by himself, with the libel
and illegal communications completely logged on his host's servers,
subject to subpoena by civil and criminal law enforcement.

Cool or what eh Anton Eaks?
You were saying.......?
Master of Puppets Be proud of what's in your trousers
DENSA Life Achievement ø Am I the only one with half a brain?
Russell B. Walters
2009-11-26 13:19:17 UTC
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
Subject: Re: Well, I'm Certainly Not Impressed
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 08:11:26 -0800
Organization: Farfoos
Lines: 112
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 4.2/32.1118
X-Face: %R{pe{y8q4#r>Dl)\2A%\ljwZ'PK,:)_;S{jGxfj1`\aT,A
Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.2600:14592
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk:23437 alt.hackers.malicious:4845
On Tue, 24 Nov 2009 23:56:01 -0800, Onideus Mad Hatter
I tried 2 grams, (4 pills) of the weakest Kratom I bought and it's
been an hour and a half since I took em (on an empty stomach)
and...nothin. Not even the slightest bit of difference on any level.
I figure I'll wait another hour and then I'll try one the strongest
pills I got, the ones that are $3.50 for a single pill, where as the
weak ones I just tried are .39 cents a pill.
Super Indo - $ .39 cents a pill
Malaysian - $ .45 cents a pill
Maeng Da - $ .63 cents a pill
Enhanced Bali - $ .75 cents a pill
UEI - $3.50 a pill
So basically fifty pills total. Wasn't too pricey overall, but we'll
see if it was worth it overall once I've tried them out and tested the
effects. If only the expensive ones produce any effects I'm not sure
it'll really be all that worth it on the whole...other than the fact
that they're legal.
the effects aren't very good at all via smoking, although I
think they come on quicker, just don't last very long and aren't very
strong...unless you refine/concentrate the alkaloids...but at very
high dosages it just makes you tired and sleepy anyway. Kind
of a matter of finding the "sweet spot", not too little, not too much
to get the perfect effect.
Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹
Hatter Quotes
Another good one for the archives Matthew Moulton.
You actually keep this shit?
Naw, Google looks after that for me. Let me demonstrate.
Registrar ENOM,INC. Host La Habra Lunar Pages lunarpages.com
host Matthew Moulton's website http://backwater-productions.net and
allow him to engage in libel and criminality contrary to their advertised
TOS via articles posted to public Internet forums.
But, he's still here, so no proof, nothing on your part.
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
Now I'm of the mind that MANY LAWYERS would jump at the chance to
get into the pockets of ENOM, and Lunar Pages, both extremely successful
and as such wealthy companies, presenting them with a slam dunk lawsuit
for allowing Matthew Moulton to libel and harass the online public.
In my mind, this would be easy BIG money.
In your mind?
So what yer telling us is that you have no clue.
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
Matthew of course has no money but that has no bearing on the payout
from his host and registrar. It is encumbent upon them to redeem their
losses on Diaperboi after the fact. I mean we're talking hundreds of
thousands of dollars - USD that is. I can be reached by dropping the word
"news" from my electronic address in the From: field of this article.
(CC'd to Enom.com and Lunarpages.com) since I myself open to any
proposals from lawyers specializing in Internet litigation.
Translation: I have nothing.
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
Matthew Moulton aka "Onideus Mad Hatter" aka "Diaperboi"
is currently coaching people to take drugs and narcotics,
(cocaine, opiates, herbal dope) online, in forums populated
and accessible by minors as indicated in the full header
verifiable article ~above~, and numerous other articles in this
same thread. This is all logged on his network servers, and Google Inc.,
which was posted by himself to scofflaw United States rulings prohibiting
such communication to minors. Matthew Moulton must learn the meaning of
being HELD accountable, as do you, Anton Eaks. Canadians are far too
educated and responsible to engage in this sort of sordid activity which
many of you Americans seem to think is clever or acceptable. That is very
wrong of Matthew Moulton to author that illegal communication.

Get a life Tommyboi, Canadians are the best when it comes to acting
like retards.
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
This REAL and very ILLEGAL communication authored by Matthew Moulton of
Wala Wala WA, USA differs from the libel and forgeries inflicted on
myself and many other Usenet users authored by both you and Moulton
since those forgeries and that libel is(are) not located anywhere on
my(our) networks or computers but *is* located on yours, Anton Eaks,
and Matthew Moulton.
Not mine, I don't do that shit and you can't prove I do.

It's "not my style"

Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
As such you and Matthew Moulton are accountable for
THOSE communications. I did not author that libel or
illegal communication or those forgeries whereas you, Anton Eaks
and Matthew Moulton DID(do) - so you both are accountable,
as are your hosts.
You take meds Tommy?
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
Very simple and numerous precedents set before this prove my point.
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
Onideus Mad Hatter is a well known and verifiable pseudonym for an
online harrasser and libeler named Matthew Moulton, owner operator
of an amateur lowend design website company at
Translation: Hatter spnaked my ass and now I whine.
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
He apparently has no concern for the way he presents himself, and
subsequently his business, to public media or the well being of minors
and the public in his libel worldwide. The volume of evidence against
Matthew Moulton is so staggering it will be EASY MONEY and he will be
held accountable in the very near future for libel and a variety of
civil and criminal rulings.
so what?
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
Now, hop over to Google groups - use keywords - drugs/WalMart/Moulton
or "Matthew Moulton - WalMart employee - talks about his drugs taking
online" [more specifically.]
Lot's of people do idiot. You focus on him because he slapped you
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
Instant self-promotion and cheap advertising for Diaperboi's
design website - complete with disgusting scatalogical and
pornographic content all posted by himself, with the libel
and illegal communications completely logged on his host's servers,
subject to subpoena by civil and criminal law enforcement.
Cool or what eh Anton Eaks?
Obsessed is what I see.
Post by Mad as a Box of Frogs
You were saying.......?
That you waste an awful lot of time on me.

Let me ask ya sumptin, You post all kinds of supposed "proof" on
Hatter, yet you have refused to post any on me...

Maybe because there isn't any?
