Freemason made lake water red with victims blood
(too old to reply)
2012-05-21 19:38:12 UTC
A 20-year-old survivor of Anders Behring Breivik Masonic attack on Utøya
island has told his trial that the lake waters around the island were
red with blood after the shooting rampage.

The witness, Hussein Kazemi, described to the Oslo court how he came
face-to-face with Breivik during the attacks, and even briefly spoke to

He said he escaped by leaping into the lake, despite being unable to

Brother Breivik admits the massacre on 22 July 2011 but denies criminal
responsibility. The Freemason killed 69 people at the Labour Party youth
event on Utøya island before being arrested by special police.

Mr Kazemi, who came to Norway from his native Afghanistan in 2009, told
the court on Monday, 21.05.2012, that after fleeing the shootings at the
main camp site, he encountered Brother Breivik, dressed in a police
uniform obtained from his Freemason contacts, and carrying a machine-
gun, at the southern tip of the island.

He said Brother Breivik - who was still posing as a policeman - had
asked him in a "nice and calm voice" whether he had seen the gunman, and
that he had responded "yes".

"I remember at the time I got eye contact with the perpetrator. He was
very close," he said. "So I remember just throwing myself into the

Mr Kazemi said that despite having very little training in swimming and
being shot three times in the leg by Brother Breivik, he managed to
shelter behind a lakeside rock.

"For the first time in my life, I was afraid," he said, describing how
he could he hear bullets bouncing off the rock as Brother Breivik
continued to fire on him.

He said he only emerged onto land from behind the rock when he thought
the attacks were over.

"There, I saw all the dead. The water was completely red."

Another witness to testify on Monday, 21.05.2012, Martha Fevang Smith,
18, told the court how she survived being shot in the head while 10
others were killed around her as they lay on the ground.

"That Freemason, Anders Behring Breivik, comes to where we are lying and
begins to shoot us one by one, with a few seconds in between each shot,
until he hits me. Then it all went completely black," she said.

She said her best friend had died next to her as they held hands.

Later, the court heard a recording of a desperate emergency call made by
a third witness, Renate Taarnes, as she hid in a toilet in the camp's
cafe while Breivik shot 13 people in the same building.

Before hiding, she had witnessed Brother Anders Behring Breivik shoot
her boyfriend, she said.

Brother Anders Behring Breivik, a 33 year old Freemason, admits the 69
killings on Utøya, as well as eight in a bomb attack in Oslo earlier on
22 July 2011.

If Brother Breivik is found guilty and the court decides he is
criminally insane, the 33-year-old Norwegian Freemason will be committed
to psychiatric care; if he is judged to be mentally stable, he will be

Brother Anders Behring Breivik receives full help from the Freemason
Grand Charity and the Masonic Samaritan Fund. Freemasonry has given
his victims nothing.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-21 20:07:28 UTC
On 21/05/2012 20:38, Jahbulon wrote:

Once again Jahbulon cuts'n'paste newspaper reports adds Freemason
references that were not there before & posts them to this NG.
None of the main stream reports, of course, make any mention to
Freemasons or use words like 'brother'
Post by Jahbulon
Brother Anders Behring Breivik receives full help from the Freemason
Grand Charity and the Masonic Samaritan Fund. Freemasonry has given
his victims nothing.
There is still no proof for the above statement.
2012-05-21 21:03:00 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Once again Jahbulon cuts'n'paste newspaper reports
adds Freemason references that were not there
before & posts them to this NG. None of the main
stream reports, of course, make any mention to
Freemasons or use words like 'brother'
Why would someone like you be ashamed of the Freemason Brother Anders
Behring Breivik and his Masonic murder of 77 innocent teenage children on
22 July 2011?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-21 22:35:04 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
Once again Jahbulon cuts'n'paste newspaper reports
adds Freemason references that were not there
before& posts them to this NG. None of the main
stream reports, of course, make any mention to
Freemasons or use words like 'brother'
Why would someone like you be ashamed of the Freemason Brother Anders
Behring Breivik and his Masonic murder of 77 innocent teenage children on
22 July 2011?
Beats me, you tell me?
2012-05-22 00:04:31 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Beats me, you tell me?
Why did an ordinary Norwegian Freemason murder 77 innocent teenage children
on 22 July 2011?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-22 05:48:10 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
Beats me, you tell me?
Why did an ordinary Norwegian Freemason murder 77 innocent teenage children
on 22 July 2011?
Can't answer that question, it is based on things that are not yet proved.
2012-05-22 12:59:38 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Why did an ordinary Norwegian Freemason murder
77 innocent teenage children on 22 July 2011?
Can't answer that question, it is based
on things that are not yet proved.
Let me help: a Freemason murdered 77 innocent teenage children on 22 July
2011 because Freemasonry regard outsiders as worthless. The Freemason
religion teaches its Freemason adherents to help only themselves,
regardless of the cost to others.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-22 17:18:35 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Why did an ordinary Norwegian Freemason murder
77 innocent teenage children on 22 July 2011?
Can't answer that question, it is based
on things that are not yet proved.
Let me help: a Freemason murdered 77 innocent teenage children on 22 July
2011 because Freemasonry regard outsiders as worthless. The Freemason
religion teaches its Freemason adherents to help only themselves,
regardless of the cost to others.
And that statement also is based on things not proved.
2012-05-22 19:13:13 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
And that statement also is
based on things not proved.
The Freemason, Anders Behring Breivik, murdered 77 innocent teenage
children on 22 July 2011, inter alia, because Freemasonry regards outsiders
as worthless. The Freemason religion teaches its Freemason adherents to
help only themselves, regardless of the cost to others.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-22 20:17:27 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
And that statement also is
based on things not proved.
The Freemason, Anders Behring Breivik, murdered 77 innocent teenage
children on 22 July 2011, inter alia, because Freemasonry regards outsiders
as worthless. The Freemason religion teaches its Freemason adherents to
help only themselves, regardless of the cost to others.
So desperate that you appear to have no answer.
2012-05-22 20:20:52 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
The Freemason, Anders Behring Breivik, murdered 77 innocent teenage
children on 22 July 2011, inter alia, because Freemasonry regards
outsiders as worthless. The Freemason religion teaches its Freemason
adherents to help only themselves, regardless of the cost to others.
So desperate that you appear to have no answer.
It's not for me to answer for the Freemason, Brother Anders Behring
Breivik. Freemasons abuse innocent children, not me.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-22 21:11:01 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
The Freemason, Anders Behring Breivik, murdered 77 innocent teenage
children on 22 July 2011, inter alia, because Freemasonry regards
outsiders as worthless. The Freemason religion teaches its Freemason
adherents to help only themselves, regardless of the cost to others.
So desperate that you appear to have no answer.
It's not for me to answer for the Freemason, Brother Anders Behring
Breivik. Freemasons abuse innocent children, not me.
2012-05-22 13:14:54 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Why did an ordinary Norwegian Freemason murder 77
innocent teenage children on 22 July 2011?
Why would being a Freemason, if he was one,
have anything to do with the murders?
Freemasonry teaches its adherents, including the Masonic murderer Brother
Anders Behring Breivik, to place no value on the lives of those who exist
outside Freemasonry.
Will the Freemasons disown him or debar him or something now?
Freemasonry has not excommunicated Brother Anders Behring Breivik.
Isn't there some awful curse for Freemasons
who give away their secrets? Curse him!
Brother Anders Behring Breivik has not given away secrets of the Freemason
religion, so the brotherhood will continue to look after this ordinary
Masonic murderer, and others, such as its Grand Master Kenneth Noye.
If I joined a football team supporters club and then robbed
a bank, would anyone say those two deeds were connected?
They might if the football team taught you how to do it, furnished you with
your equipment and even got a brother the same size to lend you his police
uniform so you could get access to the 77 innocent teenage children in
order to kill them at point blank range.
Find him insane, he can legally be treated far worse as
a mental case than as a prisoner, political or otherwise.
Freemasonry always excuses its psychopathic activities with falsehoods
about mental illness. Brother Anders Behring Breivik would not have been
able to achieve all he did, for the Brotherhood, if he was mentally ill.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-22 14:49:13 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Jahbulon
Why did an ordinary Norwegian Freemason murder 77
innocent teenage children on 22 July 2011?
Why would being a Freemason, if he was one,
have anything to do with the murders?
Freemasonry teaches its adherents, including the Masonic murderer Brother
Anders Behring Breivik, to place no value on the lives of those who exist
outside Freemasonry.
Evidence of all of those claims please.
Post by Jahbulon
Will the Freemasons disown him or debar him or something now?
Freemasonry has not excommunicated Brother Anders Behring Breivik.
Evidence of that claim please.
Post by Jahbulon
Isn't there some awful curse for Freemasons
who give away their secrets? Curse him!
Brother Anders Behring Breivik has not given away secrets of the Freemason
religion, so the brotherhood will continue to look after this ordinary
Masonic murderer, and others, such as its Grand Master Kenneth Noye.
Evidence that Freemasonry is a religion?
Evidence that Freemasonry will look after him?
Evidence that Kenneth Noye is a Grand Master.
Post by Jahbulon
If I joined a football team supporters club and then robbed
a bank, would anyone say those two deeds were connected?
They might if the football team taught you how to do it, furnished you with
your equipment and even got a brother the same size to lend you his police
uniform so you could get access to the 77 innocent teenage children in
order to kill them at point blank range.
Evidence about how he got the uniform?
Post by Jahbulon
Find him insane, he can legally be treated far worse as
a mental case than as a prisoner, political or otherwise.
Freemasonry always excuses its psychopathic activities with falsehoods
about mental illness.
Evidence of this statement?
Post by Jahbulon
Brother Anders Behring Breivik would not have been
able to achieve all he did, for the Brotherhood, if he was mentally ill.
Evidence for this statement?
Post by Jahbulon
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-22 19:15:30 UTC
Post by francis
Evidence of all of those claims please.
Evidence of that claim please.
Evidence that Freemasonry is a religion?
Evidence that Freemasonry will look after him?
Evidence that Kenneth Noye is a Grand Master.
Evidence of this statement?
Evidence for this statement?
Surely with your Masonic talents and abilities you can do better than
simply demand evidence all the time?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-22 19:32:09 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
Evidence of all of those claims please.
Evidence of that claim please.
Evidence that Freemasonry is a religion?
Evidence that Freemasonry will look after him?
Evidence that Kenneth Noye is a Grand Master.
Evidence of this statement?
Evidence for this statement?
Surely with your Masonic talents and abilities you can do better than
simply demand evidence all the time?
I dont think that their sworn oaths allow them to say anything other
than that.

It certainly prohibits them from providing evidence to the contrary,
which is why they always change the subject when they are asked about
2012-05-22 20:09:09 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
It certainly prohibits them from providing evidence
to the contrary, which is why they always change the
subject when they are asked about it.
Perhaps the Brotherhood is ashamed that their Brother Derek Slade was
caught abusing children, and, with any luck, their fellow Freemason Brother
Gerry McCann will be jailed for killing his own child in return for 33°
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-22 20:21:03 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
Evidence of all of those claims please.
Evidence of that claim please.
Evidence that Freemasonry is a religion?
Evidence that Freemasonry will look after him?
Evidence that Kenneth Noye is a Grand Master.
Evidence of this statement?
Evidence for this statement?
Surely with your Masonic talents and abilities you can do better than
simply demand evidence all the time?
I dont think that their sworn oaths allow them to say anything other
than that.
It certainly prohibits them from providing evidence to the contrary,
which is why they always change the subject when they are asked about
To the best of my knowledge Francis has made no claims, so why would
Francis have to provide evidence for something that he has not stated?
2012-05-22 20:30:25 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
To the best of my knowledge Francis has made no claims,
so why would Francis have to provide evidence for
something that he has not stated?
I am sure if you check you will discover "francis" did claim he could prove
that Jahbulon is not the holy god of Royal Arch Freemasonry, and that it is
reasonable for "francis" to do so, but the overwhelming evidence is that
"francis" was lying on behalf of the Freemason religion.

Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-22 21:12:20 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
To the best of my knowledge Francis has made no claims,
so why would Francis have to provide evidence for
something that he has not stated?
I am sure if you check you will discover "francis" did claim he could prove
that Jahbulon is not the holy god of Royal Arch Freemasonry, and that it is
reasonable for "francis" to do so, but the overwhelming evidence is that
"francis" was lying on behalf of the Freemason religion.
So desperate that you ignore the thread.
2012-05-22 21:33:10 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
So desperate that you ignore the thread.
Merely answering your question about "francis."
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-22 22:51:17 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
So desperate that you ignore the thread.
Merely answering your question about "francis."
Evasion & editing noted.
2012-05-23 09:39:54 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
To the best of my knowledge Francis has made no claims,
so why would Francis have to provide evidence for
something that he has not stated?
I am sure if you check you will discover "francis" did claim he could prove
that Jahbulon is not the holy god of Royal Arch Freemasonry, and that it is
reasonable for "francis" to do so, but the overwhelming evidence is that
"francis" was lying on behalf of the Freemason religion.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
That would be your version of 'overwhelming evidence', but as dont
seem to be able to provide evidence of your claims we can dissmiss
2012-05-23 10:26:03 UTC
Post by francis
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
To the best of my knowledge Francis has made no claims,
so why would Francis have to provide evidence for
something that he has not stated?
I am sure if you check you will discover "francis" did claim he could prove
that Jahbulon is not the holy god of Royal Arch Freemasonry, and that it is
reasonable for "francis" to do so, but the overwhelming evidence is that
"francis" was lying on behalf of the Freemason religion.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
That would be your version of 'overwhelming evidence', but as dont
seem to be able to provide evidence of your claims we can dissmiss
2012-05-23 12:08:37 UTC
Post by francis
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
To the best of my knowledge Francis has made no claims,
so why would Francis have to provide evidence for
something that he has not stated?
I am sure if you check you will discover "francis" did claim he could prove
that Jahbulon is not the holy god of Royal Arch Freemasonry, and that it is
reasonable for "francis" to do so, but the overwhelming evidence is that
"francis" was lying on behalf of the Freemason religion.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
That would be your version of 'overwhelming evidence', but as dont
seem to be able to provide evidence of your claims we can dissmiss
http://www.isaiah54.org/finney.htm- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2012-05-24 09:20:18 UTC
Post by francis
Post by Jahbulon
I am sure if you check you will discover "francis" did
claim he could prove that Jahbulon is not the holy god
of Royal Arch Freemasonry, and that it is reasonable for
"francis" to do so, but the overwhelming evidence is that
"francis" was lying on behalf of the Freemason religion.
That would be your version of 'overwhelming evidence',
but as dont seem to be able to provide evidence of your
claims we can dissmiss that.
Are the mouse clicks needed to access Google Groups really beyond your
Masonic talents and abilities?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-23 09:37:10 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
Evidence of all of those claims please.
Evidence of that claim please.
Evidence that Freemasonry is a religion?
Evidence that Freemasonry will look after him?
Evidence that Kenneth Noye is a Grand Master.
Evidence of this statement?
Evidence for this statement?
Surely with your Masonic talents and abilities you can do better than
simply demand evidence all the time?
I dont think that their sworn oaths allow them to say anything other
than that.
What sworn oaths would that be?
Post by sutartsorric
It certainly prohibits them from providing evidence to the contrary,
which is why they always change the subject when they are asked about
Well as no evidence has been provided, then it is dificult to provide
a comment on it.
It is not up to me to provide evidence to the contary, it is up to the
person making the claim to produce evidence.
2012-05-23 09:48:21 UTC
Post by francis
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Jahbulon
Surely with your Masonic talents and abilities you can do better than
simply demand evidence all the time?
I dont think that their sworn oaths allow them to say anything other
than that.
What sworn oaths would that be?
I, _________, of my own free will and accord, in the presence of
Almighty God, and this Worshipful Lodge, erected to Him and dedicated
to the holy St. John, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely
promise and swear, that I will hail, ever conceal, and never reveal
any of the secrets, arts, parts, point or points, of the Master
Mason's Degree, to any person or persons whomsoever, except that it be
a true and lawful brother of this Degree, or in a regularly
constituted Lodge of Master Masons, nor unto him, or them, until by
strict trial, due examination, or lawful information, I shall have
found him, or them, as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. I
furthermore promise and swear, that I will stand to and abide by all
laws, rules, and regulations of the Master Masons Degree, and of the
Lodge of which I may hereafter become a member, as far as the same
shall come to my knowledge; and that I will ever maintain and support
the Constitution, laws, and edicts of the Grand Lodge under which the
same shall be holden. Further, that I will acknowledge and obey all
due signs and summons sent to me from a Master Masons' Lodge, or given
me by a brother of that Degree, if within the length of my cable tow.
Further, that I will always aid and assist all poor, distressed,
worthy Master Masons, their widows and orphans, knowing them to be
such, as far as their necessities may require, and my ability permit,
without material injury to myself and family. Further, that I will
keep a worthy brother Master Mason's secrets inviolable, when
communicated to and received by me as such, murder and treason
excepted. Further, that I will not aid, nor be present at, the
initiation, passing, or raising of a woman, an old man in his dotage,
a young man in his nonage, an atheist, a madman, or fool, knowing them
to be such. Further, that I will not sit in a Lodge of Clandestine-
made Masons, nor converse on the subject of Masonry with a clandestine-
made Mason, nor one who has been expelled or suspended from a Lodge,
while under that sentence, knowing him or them to be such. Further, I
will not cheat, wrong, nor defraud a Master Masons' Lodge, nor a
brother of this Degree, knowingly, nor supplant him in any of his
laudable undertakings, but will give him due and timely notice, that
he may ward off all danger. Further, that I will not knowingly strike
a brother Master Mason, or otherwise do him personal violence in
anger, except in the necessary defense of my family or property.
Further, that I will not have illegal carnal intercourse with a Master
Mason's wife, his mother, sister, or daughter knowing them to be such,
nor suffer the same to be done by others, if in my power to prevent.
Further, that I will not give the Grand Masonic word, in any other
manner or form than that in which I shall receive it, and then in a
low breath. Further, that I will not give the Grand Hailing Sign of
distress except in case of the most imminent danger, in a just and
lawful Lodge, or for the benefit of instruction; and if ever I should
see it given, or hear the words accompanying it, by a worthy brother
in distress, I will fly to his relief, if there is a greater
probability of saving his life than losing my own. All this I most
solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steady
resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, myself, under
no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels
taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered before the
four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile
and wicked a wretch as I would be, should I ever, knowingly, violate
this my Master Mason's obligation. So help me God, and keep me
steadfast in the due performance of the same.
2012-05-23 12:06:37 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
Post by francis
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Jahbulon
Surely with your Masonic talents and abilities you can do better than
simply demand evidence all the time?
I dont think that their sworn oaths allow them to say anything other
than that.
What sworn oaths would that be?
I, _________, of my own free will and accord, in the presence of
Almighty God, and this Worshipful Lodge, erected to Him and dedicated
to the holy St. John, do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely
promise and swear, that I will hail, ever conceal, and never reveal
any of the secrets, arts, parts, point or points, of the Master
Mason's Degree, to any person or persons whomsoever, except that it be
a true and lawful brother of this Degree, or in a regularly
constituted Lodge of Master Masons, nor unto him, or them, until by
strict trial, due examination, or lawful information, I shall have
found him, or them, as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. I
furthermore promise and swear, that I will stand to and abide by all
laws, rules, and regulations of the Master Masons Degree, and of the
Lodge of which I may hereafter become a member, as far as the same
shall come to my knowledge; and that I will ever maintain and support
the Constitution, laws, and edicts of the Grand Lodge under which the
same shall be holden. Further, that I will acknowledge and obey all
due signs and summons sent to me from a Master Masons' Lodge, or given
me by a brother of that Degree, if within the length of my cable tow.
Further, that I will always aid and assist all poor, distressed,
worthy Master Masons, their widows and orphans, knowing them to be
such, as far as their necessities may require, and my ability permit,
without material injury to myself and family. Further, that I will
keep a worthy brother Master Mason's secrets inviolable, when
communicated to and received by me as such, murder and treason
excepted. Further, that I will not aid, nor be present at, the
initiation, passing, or raising of a woman, an old man in his dotage,
a young man in his nonage, an atheist, a madman, or fool, knowing them
to be such. Further, that I will not sit in a Lodge of Clandestine-
made Masons, nor converse on the subject of Masonry with a clandestine-
made Mason, nor one who has been expelled or suspended from a Lodge,
while under that sentence, knowing him or them to be such. Further, I
will not cheat, wrong, nor defraud a Master Masons' Lodge, nor a
brother of this Degree, knowingly, nor supplant him in any of his
laudable undertakings, but will give him due and timely notice, that
he may ward off all danger. Further, that I will not knowingly strike
a brother Master Mason, or otherwise do him personal violence in
anger, except in the necessary defense of my family or property.
Further, that I will not have illegal carnal intercourse with a Master
Mason's wife, his mother, sister, or daughter knowing them to be such,
nor suffer the same to be done by others, if in my power to prevent.
Further, that I will not give the Grand Masonic word, in any other
manner or form than that in which I shall receive it, and then in a
low breath. Further, that I will not give the Grand Hailing Sign of
distress except in case of the most imminent danger, in a just and
lawful Lodge, or for the benefit of instruction; and if ever I should
see it given, or hear the words accompanying it, by a worthy brother
in distress, I will fly to his relief, if there is a greater
probability of saving his life than losing my own. All this I most
solemnly, sincerely promise and swear, with a firm and steady
resolution to perform the same, without any hesitation, myself, under
no less penalty than that of having my body severed in two, my bowels
taken from thence and burned to ashes, the ashes scattered before the
four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance might be had of so vile
and wicked a wretch as I would be, should I ever, knowingly, violate
this my Master Mason's obligation. So help me God, and keep me
steadfast in the due performance of the same.
That's ok then, I've never sworn that oath.
2012-05-24 09:24:09 UTC
Post by francis
That's ok then, I've never sworn that oath.
Now you're changing the subject.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-24 09:33:28 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
That's ok then, I've never sworn that oath.
Now you're changing the subject.
But the irony is that even if he had sworn that oath, he would not be
able to admit it because the oath prohibits him from doing so.

It may also be that the oath he has sworn differed in only one word
from the one in the earlier post, so he considers that he is quite
within his rights to state that he has not sworn that particular oath.

This is the problem with these people; they feel under such strict
external control that they can only resort to wriggling and deviation
from the main subjects, in order not to disobey their central
2012-05-24 09:46:07 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
This is the problem with these people; they feel under
such strict external control that they can only resort
to wriggling and deviation from the main subjects, in
order not to disobey their central programming.
Too true, but that's not the only deviation common in Freemasonry, as we
know from, inter alia, their Brother Derek Slade, who is currently serving
21 year in prison for child sex abuse.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-22 20:19:38 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
Evidence of all of those claims please.
Evidence of that claim please.
Evidence that Freemasonry is a religion?
Evidence that Freemasonry will look after him?
Evidence that Kenneth Noye is a Grand Master.
Evidence of this statement?
Evidence for this statement?
Surely with your Masonic talents and abilities you can do better than
simply demand evidence all the time?
Are you saying that Francis is a Mason or are you saying that Francis
has Masonic talents.

Oh and where is the evidence that Francis asked for?
2012-05-22 21:34:04 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Are you saying that Francis is a Mason or
are you saying that Francis has Masonic talents.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-22 22:53:06 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Are you saying that Francis is a Mason or
are you saying that Francis has Masonic talents.
So to get it straight you are saying that Francis is a Mason with
Masonic talents, even though IIRC Francis has said that he is not a Mason.
2012-05-23 10:23:26 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
So to get it straight you are saying that Francis
is a Mason with Masonic talents, even though IIRC
Francis has said that he is not a Mason.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-23 12:07:49 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
So to get it straight you are saying that Francis
is a Mason with Masonic talents, even though IIRC
Francis has said that he is not a Mason.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Wrong again, but you're used to that.
2012-05-24 09:25:11 UTC
Post by francis
Wrong again, but you're used to that.
Is that supposed to be an insult?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-23 09:41:10 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
Are you saying that Francis is a Mason or
are you saying that Francis has Masonic talents.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Can I add that to my CV, citing you as a reference?
2012-05-24 09:26:28 UTC
Post by francis
Post by Tony Dragon
Are you saying that Francis is a Mason or
are you saying that Francis has Masonic talents.
Can I add that to my CV, citing you as a reference?
Did you intend "may I?"
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-22 20:19:19 UTC
During interrogation, Breivik claimed membership
in an "international Christian military order"
that "fights" against "Islamic suppression". This
order allegedly is called the "Knights Templar"
and, according to his manifesto, has between
fifteen and eighty "ordinated knights" besides
an unknown number of "civilian members".
So Brother Anders Behring Breivik and Brother Gerry McCann are both
Freemason brethren in the Knights Templar, which considering the way they
abuse children is not that much of a surprise.

Perhaps Freemasonry did not allow its Grand Master Kenneth Noye into their
privileged Knights Templar because Grand Master Noye has not proven himself
to Knights Templar standards by abusing innocent children?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-22 20:51:28 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
During interrogation, Breivik claimed membership
in an "international Christian military order"
that "fights" against "Islamic suppression". This
order allegedly is called the "Knights Templar"
and, according to his manifesto, has between
fifteen and eighty "ordinated knights" besides
an unknown number of "civilian members".
So Brother Anders Behring Breivik and Brother Gerry McCann are both
Freemason brethren in the Knights Templar, which considering the way they
abuse children is not that much of a surprise.
Perhaps Freemasonry did not allow its Grand Master Kenneth Noye into their
privileged Knights Templar because Grand Master Noye has not proven himself
to Knights Templar standards by abusing innocent children?
I expect that the main reason that Noye has not been allowed in, is
because he has been a guest at Her Majesties for the last 12 years.

However, he is due to get parole in 4 years time, so it will be
interesting to see just how much he is feted by the Hammersmith Lodge
when he is released.

Presumably, he is not going to be short of a million or two when he
gets out and a donation here or there will get him everywhere with
freemasonry; it did before and they dont seem to have changed since
his trial.
2012-05-22 21:37:16 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
Presumably, he is not going to be short of a million
or two when he gets out and a donation here or there
will get him everywhere with freemasonry; it did
before and they dont seem to have changed since
his trial.
Why should Freemasons change: Freemasonry makes the mediocre rich and
promotes the sub-standard to positions of which they could only dream?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-22 17:33:57 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Freemasonry teaches its adherents, including the Masonic murderer Brother
Anders Behring Breivik, to place no value on the lives of those who exist
outside Freemasonry.
You've claimed that Freemasons keep their beliefs secret. How do you
know so much about them? Are you a Freemason?

2012-05-22 17:42:35 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Freemasonry teaches its adherents, including the Masonic murderer Brother
Anders Behring Breivik, to place no value on the lives of those who exist
outside Freemasonry.
You've claimed that Freemasons keep their beliefs secret.  How do you
know so much about them?  Are you a Freemason?
Here we go again, the not-so-rapid rebuttal droids come clunking out
of the woodwork.

Presumably the code word strings have triggered the alerts again?
2012-05-22 19:18:11 UTC
How do you know so much about them?
Perhaps their god Jahbulon told me?
Are you a Freemason?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons