Annual Martin Luther King Day History Quiz
(too old to reply)
2010-01-18 22:58:28 UTC
Due to discrimination and anti-Black bias, many Americans don’t know
enough about this great man. Try this quiz and you can see how little
the schools, news media and establishment have told you about the only
American with his own holiday.

1) Name the judge who has sealed King's FBI surveillance file until
the year 2027.

A) The Honorable John Lewis Smith, Jr.

2) According to whose 1989 biography did King spend his last night on
earth in an adulterous liaison?

A) Reverend Ralph Abernathy. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

3) According to whose 1989 biography did King spend his last morning
on earth physically beating a woman?

A) Reverend Ralph Abernathy. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down

4) Who was the U.S. Attorney General who ordered the FBI to wiretap

A) Robert F. Kennedy. See David Garrow’s biography “Bearing the

5) Who was the Assistant Director of the FBI who wrote a letter to
Sen. John P. East (R-NC) describing King's conduct of "orgiastic and
adulterous escapades, some of which indicated that King could be
bestial in his sexual abuse of women."

A) Charles D. Brennan

6) Who called King a "hypocrite preacher."

A) President Lyndon B. Johnson

7) What U.S. newspaper reported that King had plagiarized his doctoral
thesis at Boston University.

A) The Wall Street Journal. In 1991 The Journal of American History
admitted that “plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all
of his academic writings.”

8) Whom did King plagiarize in more than 50 complete sentences in his
doctoral thesis?

A) Dr. Jack Boozer

9) Who was the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities
who purposely suppressed knowledge of King's plagiarism of his
doctoral thesis?

A) Lynne Cheney, wife of former Vice President Richard Cheney

10) What was Martin Luther King's real name?

A) Michael King, Jr. In 1935 his father, Michael King, declared to his
congregation that he wound henceforth be known as Martin Luther King
and his son would be known as Martin Luther King, Jr.

11) In his first public sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in 1947
who did King plagiarize?

A) Harry Emerson Fosdick

12) Name the man who served as King's personal secretary from 1955 to
1960, had joined the Young Communists League at New York City College
in 1936, went to prison for draft evasion in 1944, and in 1953 was
sentenced to 60 days in jail in California "lewd vagrancy and
homosexual perversion."

A) Bayard Rustin

13) According to whom had King "privately described himself as a

A) His biographer, David J. Garrow

14) Who edited King's book Stride Toward Freedom?

A) Communist Stanley Levison

15) Who made the following speech?

That's exactly what we mean--from every mountain side,
let freedom ring.
Not only from the Green Mountains
and White Mountains of Vermont
and New Hampshire;
not only from the Catskills
of New York;
but from the Ozarks
in Arkansas,
from Stone Mountain
in Georgia,
from the Blue Ridge Mountains
of Virginia
--let it ring not only for the minorities of the United States,
but for the disinherited of all the earth–may the Republican party,
under God,
from every mountainside,

A) Archibald Carey, Jr., at the 1952 Republican National Convention.
Carey and King knew each other.


No questions correct means you are exactly the kind of citizen your
masters desire.

1-3 questions correct means you could be dangerous.

4-6 questions correct means you need electro-convulsive therapy.

7-10 questions correct means you are a hater.

11 or more questions correct means you are a terrorist. Turn
yourself in now for re-education and your life may be spared.

Happy slain civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
2010-01-19 03:24:09 UTC
Due to discrimination and anti-Black bias, many Americans don’t know
enough about this great man. Try this quiz and you can see how little
the schools, news media and establishment have told you about the only
American with his own holiday.
1) Name the judge who has sealed King's FBI surveillance file until
the year 2027.
A) The Honorable John Lewis Smith, Jr.
Who cares? The question is why the FBI was spying on an American citizen
unconnected with criminal activity.
2) According to whose 1989 biography did King spend his last night on
earth in an adulterous liaison?
A) Reverend Ralph Abernathy. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
And the woman? Abernathy didn't name her. She's one Adjua Abi
Naantaanbuu, who was known then as Tarlease Mathews. She sued Abernathy
for libel.
3) According to whose 1989 biography did King spend his last morning
on earth physically beating a woman?
A) Reverend Ralph Abernathy. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down
Abernathy wrote there was an altercation. He didn't see King "physically
beating a woman," and has said elsewhere that King was always courteous to
4) Who was the U.S. Attorney General who ordered the FBI to wiretap
A) Robert F. Kennedy. See David Garrow’s biography “Bearing the
Bad on him. How does that reflect on King?
5) Who was the Assistant Director of the FBI who wrote a letter to
Sen. John P. East (R-NC) describing King's conduct of "orgiastic and
adulterous escapades, some of which indicated that King could be
bestial in his sexual abuse of women."
A) Charles D. Brennan
Cite, please. We're to believe that King was "bestial" because there's
supposedly a letter written to a right-wing Senator by an Assistant
Director of the FBI, who presumably listened to eavesdropping. How many
levels of hearsay is that?
6) Who called King a "hypocrite preacher."
A) President Lyndon B. Johnson
Bad on him. How does that reflect on King?
7) What U.S. newspaper reported that King had plagiarized his doctoral
thesis at Boston University.
A) The Wall Street Journal. In 1991 The Journal of American History
admitted that “plagiarism was a general pattern evident in nearly all
of his academic writings.”
Bad on him. What's your point?
8) Whom did King plagiarize in more than 50 complete sentences in his
doctoral thesis?
A) Dr. Jack Boozer
Bad on him. What's your point?
9) Who was the Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities
who purposely suppressed knowledge of King's plagiarism of his
doctoral thesis?
A) Lynne Cheney, wife of former Vice President Richard Cheney
Cite, please. The plagiarism was discovered at Stanford, which received
King's papers. Lynne Cheney was director of the NEH. There's no evidence
that she had anything to do with the discovery. In any case, how would
Cheney's actions reflect on King?
10) What was Martin Luther King's real name?
A) Michael King, Jr. In 1935 his father, Michael King, declared to his
congregation that he wound henceforth be known as Martin Luther King
and his son would be known as Martin Luther King, Jr.
MLK, Sr. did more than announce the name change. He had both his name and
his son's name legally changed. In any case, how would his father's
actions reflect on King, especially considering that he was five years old.
11) In his first public sermon at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in 1947
who did King plagiarize?
A) Harry Emerson Fosdick
Your claim; your burden. This is a widespread claim, but usually with the
weasel-words "based on a homily" by HEF.
12) Name the man who served as King's personal secretary from 1955 to
1960, had joined the Young Communists League at New York City College
in 1936, went to prison for draft evasion in 1944, and in 1953 was
sentenced to 60 days in jail in California "lewd vagrancy and
homosexual perversion."
A) Bayard Rustin
Great. You're a McCarthyite and homophobe. Nothing to do with MLK.
13) According to whom had King "privately described himself as a
A) His biographer, David J. Garrow
Privately. Heh. Any public statements that can actually be checked? No?
Take your time. I'll wait.
14) Who edited King's book Stride Toward Freedom?
A) Communist Stanley Levison
So what? How does this reflect on King?
15) Who made the following speech?
That's exactly what we mean--from every mountain side,
let freedom ring.
Not only from the Green Mountains
and White Mountains of Vermont
and New Hampshire;
not only from the Catskills
of New York;
but from the Ozarks
in Arkansas,
from Stone Mountain
in Georgia,
from the Blue Ridge Mountains
of Virginia
--let it ring not only for the minorities of the United States,
but for the disinherited of all the earth–may the Republican party,
under God,
from every mountainside,
A) Archibald Carey, Jr., at the 1952 Republican National Convention.
Carey and King knew each other.
Yep. You're a loser.

True. King was a plagiarist. But so are you. This crap is all over the
net but you give no attribution. Probably too embarrassed, considering the

True. King was an adulterer. But so what? He's no Mark Sanford. If we
wait for saints to lead us, we'll wait forever.
2010-01-19 07:47:43 UTC
Due to discrimination and anti-Black bias, many Americans don’t know
enough about this great man. Try this quiz and you can see how little
I know he was black and fomented trouble.
2010-01-19 19:03:25 UTC
Post by Mrcheerful
Due to discrimination and anti-Black bias, many Americans don’t know
enough about this great man. Try this quiz and you can see how little
I know he was black and fomented trouble.
Two for two.

If by "fomented," you mean that he challenged a system of American
apartheid by using a philosophy and strategy of nonviolence.
White Spirit
2010-01-19 08:01:25 UTC
'Martin Luther King,
He never did a thing
They should give his day
To James Earl Ray
A mock holiday, with no respect
I'll burn a cross on your housing project'

- Vaginal Jesus, 'Martin Luther Coon Day'
Uncle Spam
2010-01-19 08:11:15 UTC
Post by White Spirit
'Martin Luther King,
  He never did a thing
  They should give his day
  To James Earl Ray
  A mock holiday, with no respect
  I'll burn a cross on your housing project'
    - Vaginal Jesus, 'Martin Luther Coon Day'
help is here....

William Black
2010-01-19 16:18:46 UTC
Post by White Spirit
'Martin Luther King,
He never did a thing
They should give his day
To James Earl Ray
A mock holiday, with no respect
I'll burn a cross on your housing project'
- Vaginal Jesus, 'Martin Luther Coon Day'
Why are you so frightened of a man dead these forty years?
William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
White Spirit
2010-01-19 23:46:40 UTC
Post by William Black
Why are you so frightened of a man dead these forty years?
I'm not afraid of him. I just find Vaginal Jesus amusing.

Don't you?
William Black
2010-01-20 08:18:30 UTC
Post by White Spirit
Post by William Black
Why are you so frightened of a man dead these forty years?
I'm not afraid of him. I just find Vaginal Jesus amusing.
No, you're a very frightened man.

I don't know why.

Maybe it was getting stabbed...

What ever happened about that?
William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
White Spirit
2010-01-20 10:25:44 UTC
No, you're a very frightened man.
I don't know why.
Maybe it was getting stabbed...
What ever happened about that?
Nothing ;)
Robert Henderson
2010-01-19 16:03:33 UTC
In message
Post by thedarkman
Due to discrimination and anti-Black bias, many Americans don’t know
enough about this great man. Try this quiz and you can see how little
the schools, news media and establishment have told you about the only
American with his own holiday.
I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the abuser of
white women thet he he wuz...I heve a dream

I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the plagiarist
he wuz.., I heve a dream.

I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the fraudulent
obtainer of academic qualifications he wuz.., I heve a dream.

I heve a dream thet one day black folks an' white folks will admit thet
they cain't be a-gittin' along with one another....I heve a dream...

Robert Henderson
Personal website: http://www.anywhere.demon.co.uk
William Black
2010-01-19 16:55:11 UTC
Post by Robert Henderson
In message
Post by thedarkman
Due to discrimination and anti-Black bias, many Americans don’t know
enough about this great man. Try this quiz and you can see how little the
schools, news media and establishment have told you about the only
American with his own holiday.
I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the abuser of
white women thet he he wuz...I heve a dream
I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the plagiarist
he wuz.., I heve a dream.
I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the fraudulent
obtainer of academic qualifications he wuz.., I heve a dream.
I heve a dream thet one day black folks an' white folks will admit thet
they cain't be a-gittin' along with one another....I heve a dream...
You are a very frightened little man.

You're frightened of a man who has been dead over four decades and who
produced no political ideas of interest and whose ideas, such as they are,
are not a threat to you.
William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
Robert Henderson
2010-01-19 18:37:09 UTC
Post by William Black
Post by Robert Henderson
I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the
fraudulent obtainer of academic qualifications he wuz.., I heve a
I heve a dream thet one day black folks an' white folks will admit
thet they cain't be a-gittin' along with one another....I heve a
You are a very frightened little man.
You're frightened of a man who has been dead over four decades and who
produced no political ideas of interest and whose ideas, such as they
are, are not a threat to you.
Translation: a liberal bigot in a panic.... RH
Robert Henderson
Personal website: http://www.anywhere.demon.co.uk
William Black
2010-01-20 08:17:17 UTC
Post by Robert Henderson
Post by William Black
Post by Robert Henderson
I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the fraudulent
obtainer of academic qualifications he wuz.., I heve a dream.
I heve a dream thet one day black folks an' white folks will admit thet
they cain't be a-gittin' along with one another....I heve a dream...
You are a very frightened little man.
You're frightened of a man who has been dead over four decades and who
produced no political ideas of interest and whose ideas, such as they
are, are not a threat to you.
Translation: a liberal bigot in a panic.... RH
Address the issue or piss off.
William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
Robert Henderson
2010-01-21 05:32:11 UTC
Post by William Black
piss off
Indeed you should....RH
Robert Henderson
Personal website: http://www.anywhere.demon.co.uk
2010-01-19 19:12:46 UTC
Post by Robert Henderson
In message
Due to discrimination and anti-Black bias, many Americans don’t know
enough about this great man. Try this quiz and you can see how little
the schools, news media and establishment have told you about the only
American with his own holiday.
I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the abuser of
white women thet he he wuz...I heve a dream
King was an adulterer. Even Abernathy, who discussed this in his book,
says that King had nothing to do with white women and wasn't an abuser of
any women. That you think it necessary to mention white women tells us
nothing about King and everything about you.
Post by Robert Henderson
I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the plagiarist
he wuz.., I heve a dream.
Done. Twenty years ago.
Post by Robert Henderson
I heve a dream thet one day "Dr" King will be exposed fer the fraudulent
obtainer of academic qualifications he wuz.., I heve a dream.
I heve a dream thet one day black folks an' white folks will admit thet
they cain't be a-gittin' along with one another....I heve a dream...
Wake up to your nightmare, Sparky. A black man is President of the United
Post by Robert Henderson
John Bennett
2010-01-19 19:16:54 UTC
Post by Deadrat
Wake up to your nightmare, Sparky. A black man is President of the United
Hussein is a whiteman with a tan.
2010-01-19 19:23:12 UTC
Post by John Bennett
Post by Deadrat
Wake up to your nightmare, Sparky. A black man is President of the
United States.
Hussein is a whiteman with a tan.
I've got bad news for you. You better sit down.

Even Harry Reid can tell Obama is a Negro.
Culex (The Infamous Culex)
2010-01-20 07:47:53 UTC
Post by thedarkman
10) What was Martin Luther King's real name?
A) Michael King, Jr. In 1935 his father, Michael King, declared to his
congregation that he wound henceforth be known as Martin Luther King
and his son would be known as Martin Luther King, Jr.
Q: What is the real name of the English politician who calls himself
'Michael Howard'?

A: Mikhail Hecht. As the son of Jewish immigrants, he is not part of
the indigenous population of the UK and will be deported as soon as
the BNP is swept into power in the forthcoming elections.

Q: What is the real name of the person posting as 'thedarkman' and who
calls himself 'Alexander Baron'?

A: It's not Aaron Bernstein, is it?

-- -

Culex -- the Infamous Culex
William Black
2010-01-20 08:19:31 UTC
"Culex (The Infamous Culex)" <***@googlemail.com> wrote in message news:427936cb-adcc-4810-9e7e-***@m26g2000yqb.googlegroups.com...

Q: What is the real name of the English politician who calls himself
'Michael Howard'?

A: Mikhail Hecht. As the son of Jewish immigrants, he is not part of
the indigenous population of the UK and will be deported as soon as
the BNP is swept into power in the forthcoming elections.


So what's your real name?
William Black

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
Barbeques on fire by the chalets past the castle headland
I watched the gift shops glitter in the darkness off the Newborough gate
All these moments will be lost in time, like icecream on the beach
Time for tea.
Culex (The Infamous Culex)
2010-01-20 08:28:00 UTC
Post by Culex (The Infamous Culex)
Q: What is the real name of the English politician who calls himself
'Michael Howard'?
A: Mikhail Hecht. As the son of Jewish immigrants, he is not part of
the indigenous population of the UK and will be deported as soon as
the BNP is swept into power in the forthcoming elections.
So what's your real name?
Je me suis l'épouvantail.

-- -

Culex -- the Infamous Culex