Finnish MP rejects Freemasonry
(too old to reply)
2012-05-02 17:41:53 UTC
Jussi Halla-aho, the Finnish MP quoted approvingly by the Freemason who has
confessed to the 22 July 2011 Norwegian mass killings, has told us that he
rejects violence. In a pamphlet written by the Freemason, Brother Anders
Behring Breivik, the online persona Fjordman is quoted, who in turn cites

The text in question dates from 2006, and contains Halla-aho's thoughts on
supposed links between leftists and Muslims in western countries.

"I write texts for publication, I cannot change where they are cited or
what they are connected to," said Halla-aho.

Halla-aho, a True Finn politician convicted of violating the right of
peaceful worship after anti-Muslim comments, charges others in Finland with
using the recent terrorist attacks for their own political ends.

"Freemason violence against innocents is always to be condemned, in every
situation," said Halla-aho. "This has always been my unambiguous opinion,
in every case."

The manifesto published by Freemason Anders Behring Breivik also quoted
the Finnish Centre party politician Hannu Takkula on the Middle East. The
quoted text concerned the EU, the Middle East and Israel, and he says it
primarily concerned human rights. He says the message of his text was
diametrically opposed to that of the author who cited him.

Brother Anders Behring Breivik receives full help from the Freemason
Grand Charity and the Masonic Samaritan Fund. Freemasonry has
given his victims absolutely nothing.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-02 20:50:15 UTC
On 02/05/2012 18:41, Jahbulon wrote:
Yet another highly edited cut'n'past, this time it comes from


but of course this does not have the added Freemason references added by
Tom Moore/Jahbulon/widows son/pilotiin/etc
Post by Jahbulon
Brother Anders Behring Breivik receives full help from the Freemason
Grand Charity and the Masonic Samaritan Fund. Freemasonry has
given his victims absolutely nothing.
No evidence of the above statement by Tom Moore/Jahbulon/widows
son/pilotiin/etc has been presented.
2012-05-02 21:40:58 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Brother Anders Behring Breivik receives full help from the
Freemason Grand Charity and the Masonic Samaritan Fund.
Freemasonry has given his victims absolutely nothing.
No evidence of the above statement by Tom Moore/Jahbulon/widows
son/pilotiin/etc has been presented.
If there was any evidence that Freemasonry had intentionally given so much
as one Norwegian Crown to any victims of its Brother Anders Behring
Breivik, I am sure you would produced it.

None of the four UGLE so-called "charities" are allowed to give to anyone
who does not have a close family connection to Freemasonry. When
Freemasons give, they give only to themselves, and not their victims.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-02 22:56:05 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Brother Anders Behring Breivik receives full help from the
Freemason Grand Charity and the Masonic Samaritan Fund.
Freemasonry has given his victims absolutely nothing.
No evidence of the above statement by Tom Moore/Jahbulon/widows
son/pilotiin/etc has been presented.
If there was any evidence that Freemasonry has given any help to Anders
Behring, I am sure you would produced it.
Post by Jahbulon
If there was any evidence that Freemasonry had intentionally given so much
as one Norwegian Crown to any victims of its Brother Anders Behring
Breivik, I am sure you would produced it.
None of the four UGLE so-called "charities" are allowed to give to anyone
who does not have a close family connection to Freemasonry. When
Freemasons give, they give only to themselves, and not their victims.
2012-05-02 23:21:13 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
If there was any evidence that Freemasonry has given any
help to Anders Behring, I am sure you would produced it.
Inter alia, Brother Anders Behring Breivik used his Freemason contacts to
obtain the police uniform he wore when he shot and killed 77 innocent
teenage children in his Masonic pampage on 22 July 2011.

Not one of the four UGLE so-called "charities" are allowed to give to
anyone who does not have a close family connection to Freemasonry. When
Freemasons give, they give only to themselves, and not their victims.


Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-03 07:28:24 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
If there was any evidence that Freemasonry has given any
help to Anders Behring, I am sure you would produced it.
Inter alia, Brother Anders Behring Breivik used his Freemason contacts to
obtain the police uniform he wore when he shot and killed 77 innocent
teenage children in his Masonic pampage on 22 July 2011.
If there was any evidence that Freemasonry has given any
help to Anders Behring, I am sure you would produced it.

If there was any evidence that Freemasonry helped to obtain the police
uniform for Anders Behring, I am sure you would produced it.
Post by Jahbulon
Not one of the four UGLE so-called "charities" are allowed to give to
anyone who does not have a close family connection to Freemasonry. When
Freemasons give, they give only to themselves, and not their victims.
2012-05-03 11:47:57 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
If there was any evidence that Freemasonry has given any
help to Anders Behring, I am sure you would produced it.
The Freemason, Brother Anders Behring Breivik, testified under oath that he
received protection from Freemasonry while he was planning his Masonic
murders of 77 innocent teenage children.

We agree the Freemason Grand Charity helps only Freemasons in disaster
areas. In the US, Freemasonry has its own blood donation scheme, where
only Freemasons may benefit. In the UK, Freemasons are not allowed to
donate blood, because it might help people without a close connection to

Freemasonry twists the meaning of words: charity to Freemasons means
abusing tax laws to give to themselves.

I hope you find this helpful.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-03 11:53:44 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
If there was any evidence that Freemasonry has given any
help to Anders Behring, I am sure you would produced it.
The Freemason, Brother Anders Behring Breivik, testified under oath that he
received protection from Freemasonry while he was planning his Masonic
murders of 77 innocent teenage children.
Post by Jahbulon
We agree the Freemason Grand Charity helps only Freemasons in disaster
As I have posted otherwise, you are lying.
Post by Jahbulon
In the US, Freemasonry has its own blood donation scheme, where
only Freemasons may benefit.
Post by Jahbulon
In the UK, Freemasons are not allowed to
donate blood, because it might help people without a close connection to
Post by Jahbulon
Freemasonry twists the meaning of words: charity to Freemasons means
abusing tax laws to give to themselves.
Post by Jahbulon
I hope you find this helpful.
Not really.
2012-05-03 12:00:53 UTC
Tony Dragon <***@btinternet.com> wrote in news:***@bt.com:

Post by Tony Dragon
As I have posted otherwise, you are lying.
Post by Jahbulon
I hope you find this helpful.
Not really.
Your total contribution is to demand evidence four times and accuse me of
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-03 12:55:02 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
As I have posted otherwise, you are lying.
Post by Jahbulon
I hope you find this helpful.
Not really.
Your total contribution is to demand evidence four times and accuse me of
Errrm, yes.
2012-05-10 08:20:57 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
As I have posted otherwise, you are lying.
Post by Jahbulon
I hope you find this helpful.
Not really.
Your total contribution is to demand evidence four times and accuse me of
Errrm, yes.

And why not. You have never supplied any evidence despite being asked every
time you make these fancyful claims. It is a natural thought process to come
to the conclusion that you are lying as usual.
2012-05-10 13:00:37 UTC
Post by Partac
And why not. You have never supplied any evidence
despite being asked every time you make these
fancyful claims. It is a natural thought process
to come to the conclusion that you are lying as
The Internet is replete with pictures of Brother Anders
Behring Breivik wearing Freemason lingerie: if you can't look for yourself
how am I supposed to help?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

2012-05-10 14:01:09 UTC
Post by Partac
And why not. You have never supplied any evidence
despite being asked every time you make these
fancyful claims. It is a natural thought process
to come to the conclusion that you are lying as
The Internet is replete with pictures of Brother Anders
Behring Breivik wearing Freemason lingerie: if you can't look for yourself
how am I supposed to help?

And how does that illustrate the pattern of charity donations by freemasons?
This, after all, is what we have all been discussing - hang on, I forgot -
it's you we're responding to - you with the attention span of a tadpole.
2012-05-10 14:08:24 UTC
Post by Partac
And how does that illustrate the pattern of charity
donations by freemasons? This, after all, is what
we have all been discussing - hang on, I forgot -
it's you we're responding to - you with the
attention span of a tadpole.
Must confess I thought this thread was about a Finnish MP.

Visit the UGLE web site and click through charitable work to the
eligibility requirements for all four of Freemasonry's charities: each
restricts help to Freemasons, former Freemasons and their close dependents.

I note your insult (if that's what it's supposed to be).
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-10 14:16:05 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Partac
And how does that illustrate the pattern of charity
donations by freemasons? This, after all, is what
we have all been discussing - hang on, I forgot -
it's you we're responding to - you with the
attention span of a tadpole.
Must confess I thought this thread was about a Finnish MP.
Visit the UGLE web site and click through charitable work to the
eligibility requirements for all four of Freemasonry's charities: each
restricts help to Freemasons, former Freemasons and their close dependents.
I note your insult (if that's what it's supposed to be).
I don't think he meant it as an insult, I doubt that he has anything
against tadpoles.

But you obviously have not noted to the many references that you have
been given about where Freemason charity has been given.

According to you all the people in Haiti are Masons or close dependants.

And also how self centred do you have to be, to call yourself a God
(according to you) & then say prise be to yourself?
2012-05-11 09:03:08 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Partac
And how does that illustrate the pattern of charity
donations by freemasons? This, after all, is what
we have all been discussing - hang on, I forgot -
it's you we're responding to - you with the
attention span of a tadpole.
Must confess I thought this thread was about a Finnish MP.
Visit the UGLE web site and click through charitable work to the
eligibility requirements for all four of Freemasonry's charities:  each
restricts help to Freemasons, former Freemasons and their close dependents.
I note your insult (if that's what it's supposed to be).
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
I see that you are still ignoring all the links that you have been
given regarding Masonic Charities.

I await your usual reply.
2012-05-03 07:29:06 UTC
When Freemasons give, they give only to themselves, and not their victims.
False but when we give you examples then you ignore it and just repeat
your allegations.
It is a sign that you are either mentally ill, deliberately lying or
have a memory problem. Given that I have posted many times that my local
mason have donated to charities that are not exclusive to masons (such
as a wheelchair for a physically disabled girl (with no family
connections to the masons), to a children's home for christmas presents
(unlikely to have masonic connections as they are in council care)

I think I will opt for mentally ill and bow out.

BTW I am not a mson, never have been, the only place I went that
required a funny handshake was the cubs but since I have contradicted
you you have, without evidence, branded me a mason (Imagine that, you
accusing someone of being a mason without any evidence?).

No doubt you will accuse me of being a mason again......I shall somehow
carry on living.

2012-05-03 11:50:59 UTC
Post by AndyW
When Freemasons give, they give only to themselves, and not their victims.
False but when we give you examples then you ignore it and just repeat
your allegations.
He can't read what he doesn't like.
Post by AndyW
It is a sign that you are either mentally ill, deliberately lying or
have a memory problem.
Or all three?
Post by AndyW
Given that I have posted many times that my local
mason have donated to charities that are not exclusive to masons (such
as a wheelchair for a physically disabled girl (with no family
connections to the masons), to a children's home for christmas presents
(unlikely to have masonic connections as they are in council care)
You are not the only one to post such details, one post gave details
of the earthquake relief donations for the Haiti earthquake, he then
said that all the victims were Masons.
Post by AndyW
I think I will opt for mentally ill and bow out.
Cue his usual answer, about Masons calling people who do not agree
with them, mentally ill.
Post by AndyW
BTW I am not a mason, never have been, the only place I went that
required a funny handshake was the cubs but since I have contradicted
you you have, without evidence, branded me a mason (Imagine that, you
accusing someone of being a mason without any evidence?).
He always has evidence (his book, or insiders within Freemasonry)
Post by AndyW
No doubt you will accuse me of being a mason again......I shall somehow
carry on living.
2012-05-03 12:02:52 UTC
Post by marie
He always has evidence (his book, or insiders within Freemasonry)
What's wrong with that?

Are you a real homosexual, or just a part-time cross-dresser?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-03 12:55:55 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by marie
He always has evidence (his book, or insiders within Freemasonry)
What's wrong with that?
Are you a real homosexual, or just a part-time cross-dresser?
2012-05-03 13:16:17 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by marie
He always has evidence (his book, or insiders within Freemasonry)
What's wrong with that?
Are you a real homosexual,
or just a part-time cross-dresser?
Means what it says.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

2012-05-04 06:23:25 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by marie
He always has evidence (his book, or insiders within Freemasonry)
What's wrong with that?
Are you a real homosexual, or just a part-time cross-dresser?
It is a valid debating technique...... if you are 6 years old.

"..... and so after outlining the preceding points and laying before you
all the evidence I feel that you have no option but to accept my stance"

"Your bum smells of poo!"

See, can't beat it. Apparently it was a favoured technique of Socrates
in winning debates.

2012-05-04 06:38:10 UTC
Do men still get high positions in industry and the state without any
2012-05-04 08:39:46 UTC
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
Are you a real homosexual, or just a part-time cross-dresser?
It is a valid debating technique...... if you are 6 years old.
Seems a reasonable question of man who asks silly questions and calls
himself marie: is he pre or post-op?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

2012-05-10 06:21:12 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
Are you a real homosexual, or just a part-time cross-dresser?
It is a valid debating technique...... if you are 6 years old.
Seems a reasonable question of man who asks silly questions and calls
himself marie: is he pre or post-op?
....and are you really the god Jahbulon as your name suggests?

2012-05-10 07:50:41 UTC
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
Are you a real homosexual, or just a part-time cross-dresser?
It is a valid debating technique...... if you are 6 years old.
Seems a reasonable question of man who asks silly questions and calls
himself marie: is he pre or post-op?
....and are you really the god Jahbulon as your name suggests?

The Internet will become the
Sacred Sanctuary for Nutters,Idiots
And Trolls

(Michel Nostradamus, December 14, 1503 - July 2, 1566).
2012-05-10 07:54:36 UTC
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
Are you a real homosexual,
or just a part-time cross-dresser?
It is a valid debating technique...... if you are 6 years old.
Seems a reasonable question of man who asks silly questions
and calls himself marie: is he pre or post-op?
....and are you really the god Jahbulon as your name suggests?
Course not; don't be stupid.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

2012-05-10 08:23:37 UTC
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
Are you a real homosexual,
or just a part-time cross-dresser?
It is a valid debating technique...... if you are 6 years old.
Seems a reasonable question of man who asks silly questions
and calls himself marie: is he pre or post-op?
....and are you really the god Jahbulon as your name suggests?
Course not; don't be stupid.

Well, you started it!
2012-05-10 13:01:29 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Course not; don't be stupid.
Well, you started it!
Yes, but I grew-up into an adult.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

2012-05-10 14:02:03 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Course not; don't be stupid.
Well, you started it!
Yes, but I grew-up into an adult.

I beg to differ.............l
2012-05-10 14:10:50 UTC
Post by Partac
I beg to differ.............l
I have seen Freemasons begging, as they do when they are caught, as Dr
Gonçalo Amaral noted when he began the investigation into the alleged
abduction of Madeleine Beth McCann.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

2012-05-03 11:51:04 UTC
When Freemasons give, they give only to themselves,
and not their victims.
False [ . . . ].
In your rush to contradict, you accidentally admitted what is true, that
Freemasonry has victims.

Have another go, and don't forget the Masonic canards about mental illness.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

2012-05-04 06:24:40 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
When Freemasons give, they give only to themselves,
and not their victims.
False [ . . . ].
In your rush to contradict, you accidentally admitted what is true, that
Freemasonry has victims.
Really, where did I admit that? Please quote.

2012-05-04 08:43:20 UTC
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
When Freemasons give, they give only to themselves,
and not their victims.
False [ . . . ].
In your rush to contradict, you accidentally admitted what is true,
that Freemasonry has victims.
Really, where did I admit that? Please quote.
See above: you contradicted Freemasons do not give to their victims, which
means Freemasons do give to their victims, which means Freemasons have
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

2012-05-10 06:25:06 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by AndyW
Post by Jahbulon
When Freemasons give, they give only to themselves,
and not their victims.
False [ . . . ].
In your rush to contradict, you accidentally admitted what is true,
that Freemasonry has victims.
Really, where did I admit that? Please quote.
See above: you contradicted Freemasons do not give to their victims, which
means Freemasons do give to their victims, which means Freemasons have
No I declared false that they give only to themselves and have indicated
a number of times incidents where they have given to other. Since you
declared an absolute all I need to do is to find one 'white crow'

2012-05-10 07:58:37 UTC
Since you declared an absolute all
I need to do is to find one 'white crow'
Okay, but it does seem to be true that the Freemason religion teaches its
adherents only to give to their brethren in Freemasonry and close
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-10 08:43:13 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Since you declared an absolute all
I need to do is to find one 'white crow'
Okay, but it does seem to be true that the Freemason religion teaches its
adherents only to give to their brethren in Freemasonry and close
No it doesn't & evidence has been provided many times to prove otherwise.
2012-05-11 06:40:49 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Since you declared an absolute all
I need to do is to find one 'white crow'
Okay, but it does seem to be true that the Freemason religion teaches its
adherents only to give to their brethren in Freemasonry and close
I will add in the bit you snipped since it does seem to be at odds with
your reply.
"No I declared false that they give only to themselves and have
indicated a number of times incidents where they have given to others. "

You now need to supply evidence of your claim, it's how this discussion
thing works you see....

You make a claim and supply evidence then I make a counter claim and
supply evidence and we either work towards a common agreed claim or else
we have an impasse. It is a bit difficult when you keep failing to
supply evidence - note newspaper reports with the word 'freemason'
peppered about the place.

2012-05-11 14:06:03 UTC
Post by AndyW
You now need to supply evidence of your claim,
it's how this discussion thing works you see....
If you visit the UGLE web site, you will see that Freemasonry supports four
charities, each of which restricts its help to Freemasons, former
Freemasons and close dependents of Freemasons.

In the US, Freemasons have a blood donation scheme that restricts their
donations to helping brother Freemasons. In the UK, Freemasons are
forbidden to donate blood for religious reasons, i.e. it might help someone
who is not a Freemason.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-11 17:33:17 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by AndyW
You now need to supply evidence of your claim,
it's how this discussion thing works you see....
If you visit the UGLE web site, you will see that Freemasonry supports four
charities, each of which restricts its help to Freemasons, former
Freemasons and close dependents of Freemasons.
So you still chose to ignore the many links & many posts that have said
Post by Jahbulon
In the US, Freemasons have a blood donation scheme that restricts their
donations to helping brother Freemasons. In the UK, Freemasons are
forbidden to donate blood for religious reasons, i.e. it might help someone
who is not a Freemason.
Now with statements like that you will be able to provide evidence to
back them up, oh wait, you didn't last time you were asked.
2012-05-11 17:36:33 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
In the US, Freemasons have a blood donation scheme that restricts their
donations to helping brother Freemasons.
That is impossible: no organization that takes blood in the US allows
any restriction.

In fact, some years ago I gave at a hospital specifically for my
mother (who was having an operation that might require blood). The
hospital told me that they would try to preserve my blood for her use
if she needed it, but if an emergency arose they'd use it.

2012-05-11 17:47:12 UTC
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
In the US, Freemasons have a blood donation scheme that
restricts their donations to helping brother Freemasons.
That is impossible: no organization that takes
blood in the US allows any restriction.
It's something I saw on a web page in 2007.
Post by Seth
In fact, some years ago I gave at a hospital
specifically for my mother (who was having
an operation that might require blood). The
hospital told me that they would try to
preserve my blood for her use if she needed
it, but if an emergency arose they'd use it.
You're kinda suggesting it is not quite impossible.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Janitor of Lunacy
2012-05-11 18:26:45 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
In the US, Freemasons have a blood donation scheme that
restricts their donations to helping brother Freemasons.
That is impossible: no organization that takes
blood in the US allows any restriction.
It's something I saw on a web page in 2007.
Well, there is no excuse not to cite it. Here you are:

Tony Dragon
2012-05-11 19:08:12 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
In the US, Freemasons have a blood donation scheme that
restricts their donations to helping brother Freemasons.
That is impossible: no organization that takes
blood in the US allows any restriction.
It's something I saw on a web page in 2007.
OK cite the link.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
In fact, some years ago I gave at a hospital
specifically for my mother (who was having
an operation that might require blood). The
hospital told me that they would try to
preserve my blood for her use if she needed
it, but if an emergency arose they'd use it.
You're kinda suggesting it is not quite impossible.
Don't think so.
2012-05-11 22:48:27 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
In the US, Freemasons have a blood donation scheme that
restricts their donations to helping brother Freemasons.
That is impossible: no organization that takes
blood in the US allows any restriction.
It's something I saw on a web page in 2007.
That makes it just as credible as something you post.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
In fact, some years ago I gave at a hospital
specifically for my mother (who was having
an operation that might require blood). The
hospital told me that they would try to
preserve my blood for her use if she needed
it, but if an emergency arose they'd use it.
You're kinda suggesting it is not quite impossible.
No, I'm pointing out that even a personal restriction ("I want my
blood to be available to my mother if she needs it") will be ignored
if the hospital, in its sole opinion, decides someone else needs the
blood more.

And, after she had the operation and didn't need the blood, it went
into the hospital's general supply.

2012-05-11 23:29:24 UTC
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Post by Seth
And, after she had the operation and didn't need the
blood, it went into the hospital's general supply.
So you think if they take blood from a Freemason they will only use it to
help a Freemason if they can, otherwise it may go to someone else.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Janitor of Lunacy
2012-05-11 23:46:51 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Well, to quote Yoda, "There is no try; there is only do, or not do".

So far, you are a master of not do, which gives you zero credibility in
sustaining an argument; and that's without the fabrications of news items,
which do you no credit whatsover. How old are you? I'd guess about 13
judging by the quality of your rhetoric. So come back when you've grown up a
bit, please.
2012-05-12 00:06:06 UTC
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Well, to quote Yoda,
"There is no try; there is only do, or not do".
Presumably Yoda is a character from Star Wars.

I try hard to tell the truth.
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
So far, you are a master of not do, which gives you zero
credibility in sustaining an argument; and that's without
the fabrications of news items, which do you no credit
whatsover. How old are you? I'd guess about 13 judging by
the quality of your rhetoric. So come back when you've
grown up a bit, please.
I wish.

While we're on the subject of people with no credence, it was you who said
Brother Gerry McCann cannot possibly be a Freemason because he pretends to
be Roman Catholic for the British media. You remind me of stones and glass
houses. Will you be repeating that display of your brilliant logic?

I can remember when ITN was better quality than BBC news.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons

Tony Dragon
2012-05-12 05:42:44 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Well, to quote Yoda,
"There is no try; there is only do, or not do".
Presumably Yoda is a character from Star Wars.
I try hard to tell the truth.
Try harder.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
So far, you are a master of not do, which gives you zero
credibility in sustaining an argument; and that's without
the fabrications of news items, which do you no credit
whatsover. How old are you? I'd guess about 13 judging by
the quality of your rhetoric. So come back when you've
grown up a bit, please.
I wish.
While we're on the subject of people with no credence, it was you who said
Brother Gerry McCann cannot possibly be a Freemason because he pretends to
be Roman Catholic for the British media. You remind me of stones and glass
houses. Will you be repeating that display of your brilliant logic?
I can remember when ITN was better quality than BBC news.
While we're on the subject of people with no credence, is there ever any
chance of you producing evidence for your many claims?
2012-05-15 14:44:54 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Not very hard.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
And, after she had the operation and didn't need the
blood, it went into the hospital's general supply.
So you think if they take blood from a Freemason they will only use it to
help a Freemason if they can, otherwise it may go to someone else.
No, they will use it for whoever they think has the greatest medical

2012-05-15 14:47:56 UTC
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Not very hard.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
And, after she had the operation and didn't need the
blood, it went into the hospital's general supply.
So you think if they take blood from a Freemason they will only use it to
help a Freemason if they can, otherwise it may go to someone else.
No, they will use it for whoever they think has the greatest medical
Unless of course the person with the greatest medical need happens to
be a Jehovah's Witness.
Tony Dragon
2012-05-15 19:24:43 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Not very hard.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
And, after she had the operation and didn't need the
blood, it went into the hospital's general supply.
So you think if they take blood from a Freemason they will only use it to
help a Freemason if they can, otherwise it may go to someone else.
No, they will use it for whoever they think has the greatest medical
Unless of course the person with the greatest medical need happens to
be a Jehovah's Witness.
And there are other groups that refuse to accept blood transfusions.
2012-05-15 15:06:09 UTC
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Not very hard.
What is the point of this meaningless Masonic abuse?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-15 19:25:33 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Not very hard.
What is the point of this meaningless Masonic abuse?
It would seem to be a comment on the truth of your postings.
2012-05-15 23:04:01 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Not very hard.
What is the point of this
meaningless Masonic abuse?
It would seem to be a comment on
the truth of your postings.
Perhaps you need to read it again and what is the point of your mindless
Masonic abuse?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-16 05:51:43 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Seth
That makes it just as credible
as something you post.
I try to tell the truth.
Not very hard.
What is the point of this
meaningless Masonic abuse?
It would seem to be a comment on
the truth of your postings.
Perhaps you need to read it again and what is the point of your mindless
Masonic abuse?
I have, & I can't give you 'Masonic abuse' because I am not a Mason.
2012-05-16 10:59:31 UTC
[ . . . ] I can't give you 'Masonic abuse'
because I am not a Mason.
Why do you think only Freemasons can engage in Masonic abuse?

Are we supposed to be impressed with Freemason talents and abilities?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-16 15:36:12 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
[ . . . ] I can't give you 'Masonic
abuse' because I am not a Mason.
Why do you think only Freemasons
can engage in Masonic abuse?
Are we supposed to be impressed
with Freemason talents and abilities?
Yet another desperate reply
Why don't you have another go
and see if you can answer those two simple questions?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-16 15:56:49 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
[ . . . ] I can't give you 'Masonic
abuse' because I am not a Mason.
Why do you think only Freemasons
can engage in Masonic abuse?
Because of your style of posting.
Do you know what a non-sequitur is?
But if you insist anybody 'could' be capable of any sort of abuse.
Looks like you have learnt something today, doesn't it?
Now I have answered your questions, now you answer
the question asked of you on thos thread and others
over the last few days.
I do my best.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-11 15:33:55 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by AndyW
You now need to supply evidence of your claim,
it's how this discussion thing works you see....
If you visit the UGLE web site, you will see that Freemasonry supports four
charities, each of which restricts its help to Freemasons, former
Freemasons and close dependents of Freemasons.
Many times links have been posted (by many people) that proves that to
be wrong, but you seem to be to scared to admit it.
Post by Jahbulon
In the US, Freemasons have a blood donation scheme that restricts their
donations to helping brother Freemasons. In the UK, Freemasons are
forbidden to donate blood for religious reasons, i.e. it might help someone
who is not a Freemason.
Do give evidence for this claim, it should make good reading.
Post by Jahbulon
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Usual answer expected.
2012-05-15 10:56:08 UTC
Post by francis
Many times links have been posted (by many people) that proves
that to be wrong, but you seem to be to scared to admit it.
Go to the UGLE web site and click through to the eligibility requirements
of each of its four charities: every one restricts its help to Freemasons,
former Freemasons and close dependents of Freemasons.

Freemasons are all 5h1ts who abuse charity tax concessions to enrich
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-15 19:23:29 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by francis
Many times links have been posted (by many people) that proves
that to be wrong, but you seem to be to scared to admit it.
Go to the UGLE web site and click through to the eligibility requirements
of each of its four charities: every one restricts its help to Freemasons,
former Freemasons and close dependents of Freemasons.
Freemasons are all 5h1ts who abuse charity tax concessions to enrich
From the UGLE website:-






I think that list proves you wrong.
2012-05-15 23:05:36 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
I think that list proves you wrong.
An air ambulance that will not touch victims of Freemasonry and funding
hospices for Freemasons?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-16 05:50:21 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
I think that list proves you wrong.
An air ambulance that will not touch victims of Freemasonry and funding
hospices for Freemasons?
Your usual answer, trying to twist the facts given to you.
2012-05-16 10:56:30 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
An air ambulance that will not touch victims of
Freemasonry and funding hospices for Freemasons?
Your usual answer,
trying to twist the facts given to you.
Freemasons setting up and funding a charity to house Freemasons in hospices
is not the normal meaning of charity, is it?

Emergency services that will not help those unfortunate enough to be on
your hate list, is not the normal meaning of charity, is it?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-16 18:09:20 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
An air ambulance that will not touch victims of
Freemasonry and funding hospices for Freemasons?
Your usual answer,
trying to twist the facts given to you.
Freemasons setting up and funding a charity to house Freemasons in hospices
is not the normal meaning of charity, is it?
Emergency services that will not help those unfortunate enough to be on
your hate list, is not the normal meaning of charity, is it?
Even by your standards that is rubbish.

It might surprise you to know that other than Masons use hospices.

But as I don't have a 'hate list' then by your own definition these
emergency services help all.

Also it seems that you don't know the meaning of the word 'charity'

(I await your usual twisted answer)
2012-05-16 21:28:57 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
It might surprise you to know that
other than Masons use hospices.
Freemason only hospice facilities are used only by Freemasons.
Post by Tony Dragon
But as I don't have a 'hate list' then by your
own definition these emergency services help all.
Freemasonry has a hate list, regardless of whether you admit it.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-16 22:02:30 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
It might surprise you to know that
other than Masons use hospices.
Freemason only hospice facilities are used only by Freemasons.
Care to name some.
Certainly not the ones in the links.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
But as I don't have a 'hate list' then by your
own definition these emergency services help all.
Freemasonry has a hate list, regardless of whether you admit it.
You know this how, do tell us without the usual dribble.
Post by Jahbulon
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-17 10:01:28 UTC
Post by marie
Care to name some.
Harry Priestley House.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-17 11:34:51 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by marie
Care to name some.
Harry Priestley House.
See, you can produce evidence if it is there, you have proved (it would
seem) that that hospice group is for Masons (and dependants), but are
you saying that the other hospice's given in those links, the air
ambulance, disaster relief (all given in links) are for Masons only?

Also what is the problem for Masons funding a group that helps Masons.
The Railway Charity does a similar thing.
2012-05-17 13:33:04 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Also what is the problem for Masons
funding a group that helps Masons.
Abusing the tax privileges the government grants Charities so that
Freemasons can help themselves, is not the normal understanding of the word
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-17 14:05:54 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Abusing the tax privileges the government grants
Charities so that Freemasons can help themselves,
is not the normal understanding of the word charity.
On the other hand, charity directed at people
other than the actual givers, e.g. Widows &
Orphans of Freemason, is.
Not true. Almost everyone helps and nurtures their own. What makes decent
people different to Freemasons is that decent people help those outside of
their own fraternity.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-17 17:14:32 UTC
Never hear the expression "Charity begins at home"?
I have never heard "charity begins and ends at home," which is what
Freemasonry practices.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Janitor of Lunacy
2012-05-17 18:12:13 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Never hear the expression "Charity begins at home"?
I have never heard "charity begins and ends at home," which is what
Freemasonry practices.
I don't see why you think that this is a problem. There are many charitable
trusts whose beneficiaries are limited to small subsections of society,
particularly religious ones. Otherwise, if people are worried about the
destination of their donations to any charity, they needn't donate to those
charities, since such donations are voluntary.

Unless you think that only members of sect X should contribute to charities
supporting sect X? And if so, why should this be the case?
2012-05-17 21:49:50 UTC
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
I don't see why you think that this is a problem.
Simply pointing out that most people consider the term charity to mean
helping society, not helping oneself, as Freemasons do. You would not set-
up a charity to feed your dog in order get tax relief on dog food, but
Freemasons establish "charities" that help only Freemasons.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Janitor of Lunacy
2012-05-17 23:03:28 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
I don't see why you think that this is a problem.
Simply pointing out that most people consider the term charity to mean
helping society, not helping oneself, as Freemasons do.
I think that most people consider charity as helping others less fortunate
than themselves, and there are a multitude of charities with specific
purposes to which people can donate according to their preferences. The
Freemasons may only help Freemasons, just as some Roman Catholic charities
only help Roman Catholics- and this is not disapproved of in eleemosynary
law, as lawyers call it, so I'd say it's beyond any criticism.
Post by Jahbulon
You would not set-
up a charity to feed your dog in order get tax relief on dog food, but
Freemasons establish "charities" that help only Freemasons.
You could not set up a charity specifically for that purpose, but it might
be a welcome side-effect of having charitable status. And (ad nauseam) there
is nothing unlawful about setting up a charity to benefit a particular
target sector, so to single out Freemasons for criticism is not only
disingenuous, but just wrong.

I suggest you do some more reading before you go further down this path of
2012-05-17 23:42:30 UTC
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
I suggest you do some more reading before
you go further down this path of argument.
There is nowhere further to go: Freemasonry abuses charitable status to
help only Freemasons, whatever you think of the arrangement.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Janitor of Lunacy
2012-05-18 00:03:53 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
I suggest you do some more reading before
you go further down this path of argument.
There is nowhere further to go: Freemasonry abuses charitable status to
help only Freemasons, whatever you think of the arrangement.
Why is it an abuse? Explain why Roman Catholic charities that help only
Roman Catholics are abusive of their charitable status, or any other example
that makes your case that the Freemasons are somehow unique in this regard.
You can't. Simple as that. It's the law.
Tony Dragon
2012-05-18 05:41:50 UTC
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
I suggest you do some more reading before
you go further down this path of argument.
There is nowhere further to go: Freemasonry abuses charitable status to
help only Freemasons, whatever you think of the arrangement.
Why is it an abuse? Explain why Roman Catholic charities that help only
Roman Catholics are abusive of their charitable status, or any other example
that makes your case that the Freemasons are somehow unique in this regard.
You can't. Simple as that. It's the law.
And he is ignoring the charities that Mason donate to that deal with
people other than Masons.
2012-05-18 10:43:51 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
And he is ignoring the charities that Mason donate
to that deal with people other than Masons.
Do you mean like the Freemason controlled RNLI and Air Ambulance, that
leave people on the Freemason hate list to die/drown?

Gimme a break.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-18 17:48:49 UTC
Please give all the details abiut how Freemasons control
the RNLI & Air Ambulance. Then give details of the people
they have left to drown/die (on purpose of course)
What does how Freemasons achieve their psychopathic ends have to do with
the simple fact that they do? As you say, the Freemason controlled RNLI
deliberately and intentionally leaves people to drown if they are hated by
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Janitor of Lunacy
2012-05-18 18:02:43 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Please give all the details abiut how Freemasons control
the RNLI & Air Ambulance. Then give details of the people
they have left to drown/die (on purpose of course)
What does how Freemasons achieve their psychopathic ends have to do with
the simple fact that they do? As you say, the Freemason controlled RNLI
deliberately and intentionally leaves people to drown if they are hated by
And where is the evidence of this? (Not including, of course, that which
resides solely in your head).
Tony Dragon
2012-05-18 18:41:52 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Please give all the details abiut how Freemasons control
the RNLI& Air Ambulance. Then give details of the people
they have left to drown/die (on purpose of course)
What does how Freemasons achieve their psychopathic ends have to do with
the simple fact that they do? As you say, the Freemason controlled RNLI
deliberately and intentionally leaves people to drown if they are hated by
Francis said no such thing as you well know, now present your evidence
for your claims.

Tony Dragon
2012-05-18 18:40:32 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
And he is ignoring the charities that Mason donate
to that deal with people other than Masons.
Do you mean like the Freemason controlled RNLI and Air Ambulance, that
leave people on the Freemason hate list to die/drown?
Gimme a break.
Now give your evidence of what you have just posted & I mean real evidence.

And I don't mean anything like what you posted, I meant what I posted.

Start your wriggle here >>>>>>
2012-05-18 10:40:56 UTC
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
Post by Jahbulon
There is nowhere further to go: Freemasonry abuses charitable status
to help only Freemasons, whatever you think of the arrangement.
Why is it an abuse? Explain why Roman Catholic charities
that help only Roman Catholics are abusive of their
charitable status, or any other example that makes your
case that the Freemasons are somehow unique in this regard.
Close to Westminster Cathedral, The Roman Catholic Church has converted one
of its buildings into food, help and washing centre for the homeless. No
one is asked about their religious affiliation.


Freemasons, by comparison, use charitable status to help only themselves.
Post by Janitor of Lunacy
You can't.
Just did :)
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-17 19:18:32 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
See, you can produce evidence if it is there, you have proved (it would seem) that that hospice group is for Masons (and dependants), but are you saying that the other hospice's given in those links, the air ambulance, disaster relief (all given in links) are for Masons only?
Also what is the problem for Masons funding a group that helps Masons.
The Railway Charity does a similar thing.
Also what is the problem for Masons
funding a group that helps Masons.
Abusing the tax privileges the government grants Charities so that
Freemasons can help themselves, is not the normal understanding of the word
Just to help those who are reading this thread, I've added the bits you
left out.
2012-05-17 19:28:04 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Abusing the tax privileges the government grants Charities so that
Freemasons can help themselves, is not the normal understanding of the word
Just to help those who are reading this thread, I've added the bits you
left out.
Aha, so you admit to patronisation of folk you consider may not be
endowed with your superior intelligence?

Or are you setting yourself up as newsgroup moderator and censor?

Do all masons take this stance, and if so - why?
Janitor of Lunacy
2012-05-17 20:06:49 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Abusing the tax privileges the government grants Charities so that
Freemasons can help themselves, is not the normal understanding of the word
Just to help those who are reading this thread, I've added the bits you
left out.
Aha, so you admit to patronisation of folk you consider may not be
endowed with your superior intelligence?

-I didn't see that; kindly point out the words on which you seek to reply in
support of that contention.

Or are you setting yourself up as newsgroup moderator and censor?

-Are you?

Do all masons take this stance, and if so - why?

-How can anyone answer such a question? It's beyond anyone's knowledge.
Tony Dragon
2012-05-17 20:43:28 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Abusing the tax privileges the government grants Charities so that
Freemasons can help themselves, is not the normal understanding of the word
Just to help those who are reading this thread, I've added the bits you
left out.
Aha, so you admit to patronisation of folk you consider may not be
endowed with your superior intelligence?
I admit to no such thing, but just like to make sure there is no editing
that attempts to alter the thread.
Post by sutartsorric
Or are you setting yourself up as newsgroup moderator and censor?
I was not aware that this group was moderated & censors normally remove
references not replace them after they have been removed.
Post by sutartsorric
Do all masons take this stance, and if so - why?
I have no idea, I am not a Mason, I am not all Masons.
2012-05-17 21:44:48 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
I have no idea, I am not a Mason,
I am not all Masons.
Why then do you contradict complaints about the Freemason religion?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-18 05:43:39 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
I have no idea, I am not a Mason,
I am not all Masons.
Why then do you contradict complaints about the Freemason religion?
I have not contradicted complaints & it is mine (and most peoples)
understanding that Freemasonry is not a religion.
2012-05-18 10:29:42 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
I have not contradicted complaints & it
is mine (and most peoples) understanding
that Freemasonry is not a religion.
How did you reach a conclusion about the religious status, or otherwise, of
Freemasonry, if you are not a Freemason?
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
2012-05-18 17:43:02 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
I have not contradicted complaints & it
is mine (and most peoples) understanding
that Freemasonry is not a religion.
How did you reach a conclusion about
the religious status, or otherwise,
of Freemasonry, if you are not a Freemason?
I look at their web site,
I listen to peoples views (including Masons)
That's the second time francis <***@yahoo.com> has admitted
posting under the name, Tony Dragon <***@btinternet.com>
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-17 07:50:35 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
It might surprise you to know that
other than Masons use hospices.
Freemason only hospice facilities are used only by Freemasons.
If there are any such thing that would be true, but the links given did
not indicate that the hospice's were Mason only, so unless you can prove
that they are Mason only then your original claim is wrong.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
But as I don't have a 'hate list' then by your
own definition these emergency services help all.
Freemasonry has a hate list, regardless of whether you admit it.
You posted "your hate list", so my statement stands.

It would be interesting for you to tell us all you know about the
'Freemasonry hate list'
2012-05-17 08:15:23 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
If there are any such thing that would be true, but the links given did
not indicate that the hospice's were Mason only, so unless you can prove
that they are Mason only then your original claim is wrong.
That is where you are incorrect, and always will be.

The lack of proof of a statement does not make the statement wrong -
there was no proof initially that the sun rotated around the earth,
but that did not make the statement wrong, just unproven.
2012-05-17 10:11:01 UTC
Post by sutartsorric
Post by Tony Dragon
If there are any such thing that would be true, but the links given did
not indicate that the hospice's were Mason only, so unless you can prove
that they are Mason only then your original claim is wrong.
That is where you are incorrect, and always will be.
The lack of proof of a statement does not make the statement wrong -
there was no proof initially that the sun rotated around the earth,
but that did not make the statement wrong, just unproven.
Ooops, got that the wrong way round - but never mind, you know what I
2012-05-17 10:06:56 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
You posted "your hate list",
so my statement stands.
Not true: I do not have a hate list.
Post by Tony Dragon
It would be interesting for you to tell us all
you know about the 'Freemasonry hate list'
I bet it would.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-17 11:26:13 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
You posted "your hate list",
so my statement stands.
Not true: I do not have a hate list.
Do not wriggle, it was you who posted "your hate list" in reply to one
of my posts, therefore you have said I have a 'hate list'.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
It would be interesting for you to tell us all
you know about the 'Freemasonry hate list'
I bet it would.
As we both agree it would be interesting, then feel free to post it,
with all details of your knowledge of it.
2012-05-17 13:37:05 UTC
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
You posted "your hate list",
so my statement stands.
Not true: I do not have a hate list.
Do not wriggle, it was you who posted "your hate list"
in reply to one of my posts, therefore you have said
I have a 'hate list'.
I'm not wriggling: how charitable do you claim your allegations of
wriggling are?

Freemasonry has a hate list; I don't. Freemasonry is a religion of hatred
that abuses charitable status for its own ends.
Praise be to Jahbulon, holy god of Royal Arch Freemasons
Tony Dragon
2012-05-17 19:24:16 UTC
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
You posted "your hate list",
so my statement stands.
Not true: I do not have a hate list.
Do not wriggle, it was you who posted "your hate list"
in reply to one of my posts, therefore you have said
I have a 'hate list'.
I'm not wriggling: how charitable do you claim your allegations of
wriggling are?
You are, as any normal person who reads this thread will see.

I make no claim about how charitable by allegation are.
Post by Jahbulon
Freemasonry has a hate list; I don't. Freemasonry is a religion of hatred
that abuses charitable status for its own ends.
You missed this part of my post, when you edited it.
Post by Jahbulon
Post by Tony Dragon
It would be interesting for you to tell us all
you know about the 'Freemasonry hate list'
I bet it would.
As we both agree it would be interesting, then feel free to post it,
with all details of your knowledge of it.