2010-04-25 14:41:24 UTC
Today, it was revealed that junior civil servants at the Foreign
Office had produced and circulated a spoof memo following a
"brainstorming session" concerned with how to deal with the Pope's
forthcoming visit to Britain.
The distinguished Jewish scholar Dr Alfred Lilienthal used to refer to
the leaders of the misnamed Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith as
the High Priests of Anti-Anti-Semitism. This position is currently
held by Abraham Foxman, a man who has never been shy of bandying the
charge of Jew-hater against all and sundry.
Below is a memo of our own concerning what Mr Foxman should do on his
next visit to Israel - the country to whom he owes his first, and some
would say his only, allegiance:
He should:
visit the King David Hotel and lay a wreath in memory of the 91
innocent people murdered by Zionists in July 1946;
visit the site of the Deir Yassin massacre and lay a wreath in memory
of the more than one hundred innocent Palestinians murdered by Zionist
terrorists in April 1948;
make a substantial donation from his six figure salary to a Gaza
hospital or charity;
adopt a Palestinian orphan boy and raise him as his own son to show
his commitment to multi-racialism and tolerance;
send a telegram to Ernst Zundel begging his forgiveness and pledging
his commitment to the cause of free speech and free expression, "even
for the thought we hate";
meet with the heads of Mossad and the Israeli prison service and
convince them by the power of reason, logic and his innate humanity
(1) pledge not to in future murder Palestinians or anyone in Israel or
(2) not to procure false documents or to steal or forge passports;
(3) to initiate a policy of zero tolerance for any form of physical or
psychological torture in Israeli prisons;
Mr Foxman should also apologise unreservedly to everyone his
organisation has smeared as or implied is anti-Semitic by claiming the
recent organ harvesting stories are a new blood libel, in view of the
recent indictments of five Israeli citizens by the Israeli Government
in connection with the same.
Office had produced and circulated a spoof memo following a
"brainstorming session" concerned with how to deal with the Pope's
forthcoming visit to Britain.
The distinguished Jewish scholar Dr Alfred Lilienthal used to refer to
the leaders of the misnamed Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith as
the High Priests of Anti-Anti-Semitism. This position is currently
held by Abraham Foxman, a man who has never been shy of bandying the
charge of Jew-hater against all and sundry.
Below is a memo of our own concerning what Mr Foxman should do on his
next visit to Israel - the country to whom he owes his first, and some
would say his only, allegiance:
He should:
visit the King David Hotel and lay a wreath in memory of the 91
innocent people murdered by Zionists in July 1946;
visit the site of the Deir Yassin massacre and lay a wreath in memory
of the more than one hundred innocent Palestinians murdered by Zionist
terrorists in April 1948;
make a substantial donation from his six figure salary to a Gaza
hospital or charity;
adopt a Palestinian orphan boy and raise him as his own son to show
his commitment to multi-racialism and tolerance;
send a telegram to Ernst Zundel begging his forgiveness and pledging
his commitment to the cause of free speech and free expression, "even
for the thought we hate";
meet with the heads of Mossad and the Israeli prison service and
convince them by the power of reason, logic and his innate humanity
(1) pledge not to in future murder Palestinians or anyone in Israel or
(2) not to procure false documents or to steal or forge passports;
(3) to initiate a policy of zero tolerance for any form of physical or
psychological torture in Israeli prisons;
Mr Foxman should also apologise unreservedly to everyone his
organisation has smeared as or implied is anti-Semitic by claiming the
recent organ harvesting stories are a new blood libel, in view of the
recent indictments of five Israeli citizens by the Israeli Government
in connection with the same.