Foxman to visit Israel
(too old to reply)
2010-04-25 14:41:24 UTC
Today, it was revealed that junior civil servants at the Foreign
Office had produced and circulated a spoof memo following a
"brainstorming session" concerned with how to deal with the Pope's
forthcoming visit to Britain.

The distinguished Jewish scholar Dr Alfred Lilienthal used to refer to
the leaders of the misnamed Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith as
the High Priests of Anti-Anti-Semitism. This position is currently
held by Abraham Foxman, a man who has never been shy of bandying the
charge of Jew-hater against all and sundry.

Below is a memo of our own concerning what Mr Foxman should do on his
next visit to Israel - the country to whom he owes his first, and some
would say his only, allegiance:

He should:

visit the King David Hotel and lay a wreath in memory of the 91
innocent people murdered by Zionists in July 1946;

visit the site of the Deir Yassin massacre and lay a wreath in memory
of the more than one hundred innocent Palestinians murdered by Zionist
terrorists in April 1948;

make a substantial donation from his six figure salary to a Gaza
hospital or charity;

adopt a Palestinian orphan boy and raise him as his own son to show
his commitment to multi-racialism and tolerance;

send a telegram to Ernst Zundel begging his forgiveness and pledging
his commitment to the cause of free speech and free expression, "even
for the thought we hate";

meet with the heads of Mossad and the Israeli prison service and
convince them by the power of reason, logic and his innate humanity

(1) pledge not to in future murder Palestinians or anyone in Israel or
(2) not to procure false documents or to steal or forge passports;
(3) to initiate a policy of zero tolerance for any form of physical or
psychological torture in Israeli prisons;

Mr Foxman should also apologise unreservedly to everyone his
organisation has smeared as or implied is anti-Semitic by claiming the
recent organ harvesting stories are a new blood libel, in view of the
recent indictments of five Israeli citizens by the Israeli Government
in connection with the same.

Robert Cohen
2010-04-25 16:20:30 UTC
Post by thedarkman
Today, it was revealed that junior civil servants at the Foreign
Office had produced and circulated a spoof memo following a
"brainstorming session" concerned with how to deal with the Pope's
forthcoming visit to Britain.
The distinguished Jewish scholar Dr Alfred Lilienthal used to refer to
the leaders of the misnamed Anti-Defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith as
the High Priests of Anti-Anti-Semitism. This position is currently
held by Abraham Foxman, a man who has never been shy of bandying the
charge of Jew-hater against all and sundry.
Below is a memo of our own concerning what Mr Foxman should do on his
next visit to Israel - the country to whom he owes his first, and some
visit the King David Hotel and lay a wreath in memory of the 91
innocent people murdered by Zionists in July 1946;
visit the site of the Deir Yassin massacre and lay a wreath in memory
of the more than one hundred innocent Palestinians murdered by Zionist
terrorists in April 1948;
make a substantial donation from his six figure salary to a Gaza
hospital or charity;
adopt a Palestinian orphan boy and raise him as his own son to show
his commitment to multi-racialism and tolerance;
send a telegram to Ernst Zundel begging his forgiveness and pledging
his commitment to the cause of free speech and free expression, "even
for the thought we hate";
meet with the heads of Mossad and the Israeli prison service and
convince them by the power of reason, logic and his innate humanity
(1) pledge not to in future murder Palestinians or anyone in Israel or
(2) not to procure false documents or to steal or forge passports;
(3) to initiate a policy of zero tolerance for any form of physical or
psychological torture in Israeli prisons;
Mr Foxman should also apologise unreservedly to everyone his
organisation has smeared as or implied is anti-Semitic by claiming the
recent organ harvesting stories are a new blood libel, in view of the
recent indictments of five Israeli citizens by the Israeli Government
in connection with the same.
2010-04-25 17:51:51 UTC
http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=19703- Hide quoted text -
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Obviously no relation to my collaborator Rabbi Cohen; check out Foxman
on Youtube where you can see him justify the Gaz massacre in so many
words, then ask yourself just why so many Palestinians hate Jews.
Robert Cohen
2010-04-25 18:23:30 UTC
Post by thedarkman
http://www.israeltoday.co.il/default.aspx?tabid=178&nid=19703-Hide quoted text -
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Obviously no relation to my collaborator Rabbi Cohen; check out Foxman
on Youtube where you can see him justify the Gaz massacre in so many
words, then ask yourself just why so many Palestinians hate Jews.
So, you sincerely perceive that Palestinians are
intent on betterment if Israel just ceases to exist?

To ME, the article (if true) indicates a basic
lacking as demonstrated by the brainwashing of the
populace for the continuing demonization of the Jews

I perceive that Arafat perceived there was no
overwhelming consensus for compromise
with Israel
2010-04-25 20:59:57 UTC
Post by Robert Cohen
So, you sincerely perceive that Palestinians are
intent on betterment if Israel just ceases to exist?
To ME, the article (if true) indicates a basic
lacking as demonstrated by the brainwashing of the
populace for the continuing demonization of the Jews
I perceive that Arafat perceived there was no
overwhelming consensus for compromise
with Israel
Neturei Karta and not a few others believe it should be dissolved a
bit like South Africa. My own view can be found at the urls below. I
suppose that makes me a Zionist in a manner of speaking but I prefer
to call it realism; the Zionists have absolutely no case but by the
same token neither do Americans or anybody else.

The best thing Jews worldwide can do is dump the ADL and scum like
them. They are the main reason you are hated.


Robert Cohen
2010-05-16 16:59:54 UTC
Post by thedarkman
Post by Robert Cohen
So, you sincerely perceive that Palestinians are
intent on betterment if Israel just ceases to exist?
To ME, the article (if true) indicates a basic
lacking as demonstrated by the brainwashing of the
populace for the continuing demonization of the Jews
I perceive that Arafat perceived there was no
overwhelming consensus for compromise
with Israel
Neturei Karta and not a few others believe it should be dissolved a
bit like South Africa. My own view can be found at the urls below. I
suppose that makes me a Zionist in a manner of speaking but I prefer
to call it realism; the Zionists have absolutely no case but by the
same token neither do Americans or anybody else.
The best thing Jews worldwide can do is dump the ADL and scum like
them. They are the main reason you are hated.
Here's a belated response

Yesterday I saw in THAINDIAN NEWS the allegation that Taliban
extremists are suspected of
poisoning 50 + Afghani school girls and teachers

Please, anybody, let me know if the allegation makes ANY Muslim
population-oriented news medium,
because my perception is that their hyper-slanted media unrelentingly
suggest that zionism does shameful,
outrageous, anti-human acts

The ADL was formed at the time when Leo Frank was probably falsely
convicted of rape-murder by the legal system,
and soon after was lynched in Cobb County, Georgia USA, in the second
decade of the twentieth century

My maternal grandfather, then a recent immigrant from Brest-Litovsk
to Georgia USA perceived the
phenomena as indication of a pogrom

I do not perceive of the ADL as "bad for the Jews," especially so
long as they do not exaggerate/distort/cry-wolf
2010-05-16 17:17:55 UTC
Post by Robert Cohen
The ADL was formed at the time when Leo Frank was probably falsely
convicted of rape-murder by the legal system,
 and soon after was lynched in Cobb County, Georgia USA, in the second
decade of the twentieth century
I was always prepared to give Leo Frank the benefit of the doubt but
I've done a bit of research on the case recently, and he was as guilty
as Hell.
Check out this extremely detailed article by Tom Watson.


All this crap about bigotry and crowds shouting hang the Jew is
garbage, they made it up.

The ADL was founded by a group of Kosher big shots who were outraged
that a jury of 12 white Southerners could prefer the word of a Negro
(Jim Conley) to one of their own.

The ADL and its head honcho Abraham Foxman cry buckets over supposedly
anti-Jewish stereotypes in Arab cartoons and then endorse the mass
murders of Palestinian children.

Here he is - in his own words

2010-05-16 17:30:25 UTC
On 16 May, 17:59, Robert Cohen <***@msn.com> wrote:
This is an allegation - let's see if it turns out to be true.

Mainstream Moslems oppose the Taliban; so-called Islamism is in any
case little to do with Islam, it is a nihilistic movement that has
declared war on the West, and on most Moslems, who make up the bulk of
its victims.

The big difference is that while the overwhelming majority of Moslems
have no time for them and condemn them unequivocally, the overwhelming
majority of Zionists back the State of Israel unconditionally. The
suffering of the goyim, any goyim, doesn't matter, and the Jew is
never to blame.

I just published an article on this


Their treatment of Gerald Kaufman is par for the course.
Robert Cohen
2010-05-16 18:44:42 UTC
Post by thedarkman
This is an allegation - let's see if it turns out to be true.
Mainstream Moslems oppose the Taliban; so-called Islamism is in any
case little to do with Islam, it is a nihilistic movement that has
declared war on the West, and on most Moslems, who make up the bulk of
its victims.
The big difference is that while the overwhelming majority of Moslems
have no time for them and condemn them unequivocally, the overwhelming
majority of Zionists back the State of Israel unconditionally. The
suffering of the goyim, any goyim, doesn't matter, and the Jew is
never to blame.
I just published an article on this
Their treatment of Gerald Kaufman is par for the course.
There are beaucoup books about Leo Frank incident: an heir of Tom
Watson (and/or Mary Phagan), the starring populist
politico whom alegedly roused the establishment lynchers is hardly an
objective human being

I urge the perusal of some other books published during the past two
decades for those making a sincere
effort at understanding

Frank Connally (sp?), the factory janitor, is prime suspect to many
informed readers, allegedly other than Tom Brown, the heir of Watson


I have done an informal study of my own re Muslim-Arab-Persian mass
media, and I showed here on Use Net
that rational moderates did NOT publicly criticize Sudan for the
Darfur genocide in their mass media, which indeed played it
down by hardly mentioning/reporting it

Allegedly: When AL JAZEERA, acclaimed tv, courageously attempted to
show it on tv, Sudan arrested & kicked-out the news
workers, and I am not now aware AL JAZEERA editorally subsequently did
raise hell as they certainly should have

A Lebanese newspaper, SUPERIOR or similar name, had an small item,
otherwise, if you can show me I'm full
of camel-shit about this, I'll concede here that I am substantively

I honestly perceive the ARAB STREET has been ignorant of the mass-
murdering of 200,000-400,000 Darfurans and exiling of alleged millions
by the Sudan Arab proxy Jinjawed

Please show me I don't have what I am claiming here to be a reality
in our ordinary business as usual harsh and often oblivious real world

Generally, I perceive more Jewish people are aware of injustices and
other ugly allegations about modern zionism, as I am, as a sometime
reader of often self-critical HAARETZ and other liberal left western
media myself
2010-05-16 20:12:25 UTC
Post by Robert Cohen
There are beaucoup books about Leo Frank incident: an heir of Tom
Watson (and/or Mary Phagan), the starring populist
politico whom alegedly roused the establishment lynchers is hardly an
objective human being
I urge the perusal of some other books published during the past two
decades for those making a sincere
effort at understanding
Watson's article is polemical but it is both contemporaneous and
irrefutably argued. All the stuff about bias against Frank came
afterwards, in short, it is lies.

Compare what Watson writes with the innuendo of the ADL.

The janitor was Jim Conley; Conley had to be involved because of those
bizarre notes, but the jury preferred his evidence to that of Frank.

Frank was lynched because he was perceived to have cheated justice; it
may not be nice but it was the way things were down in the Deep South

It had nothing to do with Frank being a Jew; Thompson and Venables
would have been lynched if not for the police, and they were 10 years
Robert Cohen
2010-05-16 23:03:34 UTC
Post by thedarkman
Post by Robert Cohen
Watson (and/or Mary Phagan), the starring populist
politico whom alegedly roused the establishment lynchers is hardly an
objective human being
I urge the perusal of some other books published during the past two
decades for those making a sincere
effort at understanding
Watson's article is polemical but it is both contemporaneous and
irrefutably argued. All the stuff about bias against Frank came
afterwards, in short, it is lies.
Compare what Watson writes with the innuendo of the ADL.
The janitor was Jim Conley; Conley had to be involved because of those
bizarre notes, but the jury preferred his evidence to that of Frank.
Frank was lynched because he was perceived to have cheated justice; it
may not be nice but it was the way things were down in the Deep South
It had nothing to do with Frank being a Jew; Thompson and Venables
would have been lynched if not for the police, and they were 10 years
You are holding that Frank was a yankee manager/foreman who wasn't
hated as a Jew, as I interpret you and/or Watson's heir

You apparently have a blind spot

The famous Populist heir's rationalization is disingenuousness

My Grandfather saw danger to his own life
2010-05-17 08:00:45 UTC
Post by thedarkman
Post by Robert Cohen
Watson (and/or Mary Phagan), the starring populist
politico whom alegedly roused the establishment lynchers is hardly an
objective human being
I urge the perusal of some other books published during the past two
decades for those making a sincere
effort at understanding
Watson's article is polemical but it is both contemporaneous and
irrefutably argued. All the stuff about bias against Frank came
afterwards, in short, it is lies.
Compare what Watson writes with the innuendo of the ADL.
The janitor was Jim Conley; Conley had to be involved because of those
bizarre notes, but the jury preferred his evidence to that of Frank.
Frank was lynched because he was perceived to have cheated justice; it
may not be nice but it was the way things were down in the Deep South
It had nothing to do with Frank being a Jew; Thompson and Venables
would have been lynched if not for the police, and they were 10 years
You are holding that Frank was a  yankee manager/foreman who wasn't
hated as a Jew, as I interpret you and/or Watson's heir
You apparently have a blind spot
The famous Populist heir's rationalization is disingenuousness
My Grandfather saw danger to his own life- Hide quoted text -
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No one mentioned the word Jew until the big money men moved in and
heaped all the blame on the Negro.

Even today this is the accepted view, but ask yourself this, 1913,
segregated Georgia, who was lower down the food chain, Conley or

It is ludicrous even to suggest that the good people of Georga would
rather have hanged a Jew than a Negro, ludicrous.

I'm not the one with the blind spot, Watson's article is
unimpeachable, this is a contemporaneous account, remember. All the
stuff about the crowds baying for the blood of "the Jew" is lies. It
was made up by the ADL and people like them.

And don't forget the Grnad Jury that indicted Frank, four, perhaps
five Jews on that. Were they part of this pogrom as well?

Your grandfather had been reading too many Bnai Brith fantasies, like
Foxman who sees worldwide pogroms when the children of Gaza are being
murdered by his co-racialists.

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