Super strong skunk cannabis now leading cause of psychotic breakdown
(too old to reply)
2015-02-16 20:05:02 UTC
Most Colordonians and Oregonans will succumb to it soon



Super strong cannabis responsible for quarter of new psychosis cases -
One in four new cases of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia
could be the direct result of smoking extra-strong varieties of
cannabis, a major new study concludes.
The finding suggests that about 60,000 people in Britain are currently
living with conditions involving hallucinations and paranoid episodes
brought on by abuse of high-potency cannabis, known as skunk, and more
than 300,000 people who have smoked skunk will experience such
problems in their lifetime.
The six-year study, the first of its kind in Britain, calculates that
daily users of skunk are five times more likely to suffer psychosis
than those who never touch it.
2015-02-16 20:20:13 UTC
Post by h***@anony.net
Most Colordonians and Oregonans will succumb to it soon
Super strong cannabis responsible for quarter of new psychosis cases -
One in four new cases of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia
could be the direct result of smoking extra-strong varieties of
cannabis, a major new study concludes.
The finding suggests that about 60,000 people in Britain are currently
living with conditions involving hallucinations and paranoid episodes
brought on by abuse of high-potency cannabis, known as skunk, and more
than 300,000 people who have smoked skunk will experience such
problems in their lifetime.
The six-year study, the first of its kind in Britain, calculates that
daily users of skunk are five times more likely to suffer psychosis
than those who never touch it.
Why after 50 years of puffing away have I never once come across any of
this super strength Cannabis?
The Todal
2015-02-16 22:50:26 UTC
Post by Hugh
Post by h***@anony.net
Most Colordonians and Oregonans will succumb to it soon
Super strong cannabis responsible for quarter of new psychosis cases -
One in four new cases of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia
could be the direct result of smoking extra-strong varieties of
cannabis, a major new study concludes.
The finding suggests that about 60,000 people in Britain are currently
living with conditions involving hallucinations and paranoid episodes
brought on by abuse of high-potency cannabis, known as skunk, and more
than 300,000 people who have smoked skunk will experience such
problems in their lifetime.
The six-year study, the first of its kind in Britain, calculates that
daily users of skunk are five times more likely to suffer psychosis
than those who never touch it.
Why after 50 years of puffing away have I never once come across any of
this super strength Cannabis?
And why, after 50 years of puffing away at Capstan Full Strength ciggies
have I not come across any of those cancer-causing cigarettes?
Dänk 42Ø
2015-02-17 20:42:20 UTC
Post by Hugh
Post by h***@anony.net
Most Colordonians and Oregonans will succumb to it soon
Super strong cannabis responsible for quarter of new psychosis cases -
One in four new cases of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia
could be the direct result of smoking extra-strong varieties of
cannabis, a major new study concludes.
The finding suggests that about 60,000 people in Britain are currently
living with conditions involving hallucinations and paranoid episodes
brought on by abuse of high-potency cannabis, known as skunk, and more
than 300,000 people who have smoked skunk will experience such
problems in their lifetime.
The six-year study, the first of its kind in Britain, calculates that
daily users of skunk are five times more likely to suffer psychosis
than those who never touch it.
Why after 50 years of puffing away have I never once come across any of
this super strength Cannabis?
One positive side-effect of increased U.S. border security is reduced
supply of that shitty Mexican brickweed, the stuff you might still be
smoking, created a huge new market for high-quality domestic buds.
The best weed is grown hydroponically indoors; weed grown outdoors can't
be prevented from being fertilized, leading not just to seeds but also
cross-pollination with hemp.

I was in Denver last year and felt like a kid in a candy store. The
legal pot was expensive, though no more than the black market stuff I
used to get in California. Prices should come down as more producers
enter the market. Give Sour Diesel a try if you ever come across it.

As for the alleged pot use/psychosis link, it could be that people
with mental illnesses are "self-medicating" with it. For example,
the vast majority of mental patients are heavy cigarette smokers,
so it could be assumed that nicotine causes schizophrenia. But
actually it could be just be that crazy people are attracted to that
drug, presumably for its "medical" effects. Unlike the tobacco
industry, the cannabis industry does not have the money or influence
to buy "scientific" studies that go their way.

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The Todal
2015-02-16 22:55:33 UTC
Post by h***@anony.net
Most Colordonians and Oregonans will succumb to it soon
Super strong cannabis responsible for quarter of new psychosis cases -
One in four new cases of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia
could be the direct result of smoking extra-strong varieties of
cannabis, a major new study concludes.
The finding suggests that about 60,000 people in Britain are currently
living with conditions involving hallucinations and paranoid episodes
brought on by abuse of high-potency cannabis, known as skunk, and more
than 300,000 people who have smoked skunk will experience such
problems in their lifetime.
The six-year study, the first of its kind in Britain, calculates that
daily users of skunk are five times more likely to suffer psychosis
than those who never touch it.
But the good news is that old fashioned hashish (which is now quite hard
to get unless you make it yourself) is not thought to cause psychosis
and is thought to have a protective effect against it even to the extent
that it might be used to treat psychosis.
The Todal
2015-02-18 13:15:17 UTC
Post by The Todal
But the good news is that old fashioned hashish (which is now quite hard
to get unless you make it yourself) is not thought to cause psychosis
and is thought to have a protective effect against it even to the extent
that it might be used to treat psychosis.

Smoking strong skunk cannabis left Channel 4 News host Jon Snow more
“frightened” than he was reporting from warzones.

The journalist joined ex-MP Matthew Parris and former royal
correspondent Jennie Bond in a scientific trial approved by the Home Office.

Viewers will see the trio take part in the test that will look at the
effects on the brain of two different forms of cannabis – skunk and hash
– compared to a placebo.

Jon said: “I’ve worked in war zones, but I’ve never been as
overwhelmingly frightened as I was when I was in the MRI scanner after
taking skunk. I would never do it again. I can fully believe this week’s
figures that tell us that 25% of all psychosis treated in Britain is
associated with smoking skunk.

[Comment: surely the argument for legalising hash (but giving strong
warnings against skunk) is more compelling than ever...?]
Jon Ribbens
2015-02-18 17:10:08 UTC
Post by The Todal
Post by The Todal
But the good news is that old fashioned hashish (which is now quite hard
to get unless you make it yourself) is not thought to cause psychosis
and is thought to have a protective effect against it even to the extent
that it might be used to treat psychosis.
Smoking strong skunk cannabis left Channel 4 News host Jon Snow more
“frightened” than he was reporting from warzones.
Journalist in "massive overdose of drug does not lead to enjoyable
experience" shock.
2015-02-18 20:10:44 UTC
Post by Jon Ribbens
Post by The Todal
Post by The Todal
But the good news is that old fashioned hashish (which is now quite hard
to get unless you make it yourself) is not thought to cause psychosis
and is thought to have a protective effect against it even to the extent
that it might be used to treat psychosis.
Smoking strong skunk cannabis left Channel 4 News host Jon Snow more
“frightened” than he was reporting from warzones.
Journalist in "massive overdose of drug does not lead to enjoyable
experience" shock.
Snow is a seasoned junky. He done an item a while ago about the LSD
trips he used to go on.
David Dalton
2015-02-19 05:46:06 UTC
Post by h***@anony.net
Most Colordonians and Oregonans will succumb to it soon
Super strong cannabis responsible for quarter of new psychosis cases -
One in four new cases of psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia
could be the direct result of smoking extra-strong varieties of
cannabis, a major new study concludes.
The finding suggests that about 60,000 people in Britain are currently
living with conditions involving hallucinations and paranoid episodes
brought on by abuse of high-potency cannabis, known as skunk, and more
than 300,000 people who have smoked skunk will experience such
problems in their lifetime.
The six-year study, the first of its kind in Britain, calculates that
daily users of skunk are five times more likely to suffer psychosis
than those who never touch it.
Indica is supposed to be better than sativa, which is more
likely to cause psychosis.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning (S. McLachlan)
You must face alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break"
2015-02-19 11:49:42 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Indica is supposed to be better than sativa, which is more
likely to cause psychosis.
It's the other way around surely?
The Todal
2015-02-19 12:26:16 UTC
Post by Hugh
Post by David Dalton
Indica is supposed to be better than sativa, which is more
likely to cause psychosis.
It's the other way around surely?
When oh when will see a proper system of regulation so that users can
see exactly what they are getting?

Instead we have anecdotal evidence from a vast community of stoners,
assuring us that cannabis is harmless, or positively beneficial, and
that those who get ill would have probably got ill anyway and are so few
that we don't need to worry about them.

Cannabis-induced psychosis is truly terrifying, to experience or to see
in another person. And the medical community is currently unable to
offer adequate treatment and support. I've seen this for myself.

The psychosis is believed to be caused by THC. The other main active
ingredient in cannabis is CBD, which to some extent counteracts the
psychotic effects of THC. So in an ideal world the percentages of each
would be shown on the packet and we wouldn't be discussing indica or
sativa, skunk or non-skunk, synthetic or natural.

A reliable expert on this topic is Professor Nutt, the man who a few
years ago was demonised as a fool or a lunatic by the likes of the Daily

Let's remind ourselves of how Professor Nutt was treated by a stupid
Labour Government. Alan "The Dimwit Postman" Johnson has recently been
touted as a good replacement for Miliband.


A Home Office spokesperson said: "The home secretary has asked Professor
Nutt to resign as chair of the ACMD [Advisory Council on the Misuse of

"In a letter he [Alan Johnson] expressed surprise and disappointment
over Professor Nutt's comments which damage efforts to give the public
clear messages about the dangers of drugs.

"We remain determined to crack down on all illegal substances and
minimise their harm to health and society as a whole."

Nutt had criticised politicians for "distorting" and "devaluing" the
research evidence in the debate over illicit drugs.
David Dalton
2015-02-20 04:03:31 UTC
Post by Hugh
Post by David Dalton
Indica is supposed to be better than sativa, which is more
likely to cause psychosis.
It's the other way around surely?
No, sativa has a higher ratio of THC to CBD.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning (S. McLachlan)
You must face alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break"
David Dalton
2015-02-20 04:31:44 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by Hugh
Post by David Dalton
Indica is supposed to be better than sativa, which is more
likely to cause psychosis.
It's the other way around surely?
No, sativa has a higher ratio of THC to CBD.



"Based on this explanation, indica plants have high THC:CBD
ratios and sativa plants have high CBD:THC ratios.

The problem is that, today, many strains produce varying amounts
of both enzymes. Some researchers believe this is due to
hybridization of the gene pools, which explains why some sativas
are rich in THC and some indicas are not."




"That being said, it is actually the indicas that have the
strongest analgesic effect when it comes to medical cannabis,
it¹s usually the sativas that have a higher amount of THC
compared to CBDs."

I have heard that indica medical marijuana is good for
anxiety and has a relaxing effect whereas sativa causes
an energetic buzz which can result in psychosis in some

As described on my Salmon on the Thorns web page, I had
a waxing gibbous moon mixed/psychotic episode in May
of 1992 induced by my smoking a joint on Wreck Beach
in Vancouver. After that I abstained from marijuana
until recently when I have been occasionally partaking
of medical grade indica marijuana during waning moon, and
it has had a relaxing/anti-anxiety effect, not a
psychosis-inducing effect. But also note that since
mid-July of 1997 I also abstain from alcohol 1.0--9.0 days
before full moon after having had eight waxing gibbous moon
psychotic episodes from 1992 to 1997 (one induced by marijuana
and seven induced or drastically worsened by alcohol).

So is this skunk cannabis sativa or indica or a hybrid?
From a google of skunk indica sativa I got the page
which says that

"Skunk is a hybrid of Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica, thus
the combination of these two strains is considered to produce
unique and conflicting effects that separate skunk weed from
other types of marijuana. Additionally, this particular strain
of cannabis is considered to be a more potent form of the drug
as it contains 2-3 times more THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) than
standard marijuana.[2] THC is thought to be the main active
ingredient in cannabis, and its higher concentration in skunk
weed has raised concerns regarding its potential negative
psychological effects.[4]"
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
"And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning (S. McLachlan)
You must face alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break"