2007-01-29 19:28:56 UTC
The masons are responsible for the vast majority of
injustices in our courts and the bullying managers and
directors that control most of Britains big
business.Most of them part of a hugely inflated
salary structure compared with the majority of the
general working population.
The devil worshipping mobsters need to be forced to
declare their allegiances and affiliations which will
EXPOSE connections they use to destroy their enemies
and business rivals.Also their sinister connections
with psychiatrists who aid and abet the undermining of
mens integrity who challenge the monsters of EVIL.
Inside Bristol Freemasons Hall
16Oct00 Tony Gosling
The Park Street Masonic Hall was one of the 'Bristol
open door' venues this year. A rare opportunity to
have a poke around our city's normally forbidden
freemasonic H.Q.. Most Bristolians, if you ask them,
walk straight past the sandy building at the bottom of
Park Street all their lives without knowing where the
Masonic Hall is, let alone wondering what might go on
All masons must believe in some kind of supreme being
or god. The other prerequisite is a belief in an
afterlife. And they seem to have at least one 'god' on
their side. Though Tony Blair promised a public
register of Freemasons in the Labour Manifesto (to
combat masonic infiltration of the police)
miraculously no new law has been drawn up to implement
the pledge, now all but forgotten.
We were shown round by Grand Wizzard: Dr Dennis Fox,
or to give him his masonic title 'Provincial Grand
Master'. Bristol, we were told, is the only masonic
'province' in the country to be a city rather than a
county. Masonry is, Fox explained, a mainly charitable
institution. It is not a 'secret society' but a
'society with secrets'. One of the secrets that was
not related to us by our guide is that the M25
road-rage murderer and cop-killer Kenneth Noye was the
head of his local masonic lodge.
We were shown Bristol's main temple with its
high-backed chairs at the ends, portraits of past
Grand Masters along the walls and chequerboard carpet
in the centre. This, we were told, is where the craft,
that is the first second and third degree masons, do
their ceremonies.
In the next small ante-room something called the
'ceremony of the veils' takes place we were told. The
analogy is that someone who has been picked to join
the higher (Royal Arch) levels of freemasonry is
passing from a state of ignorance to a state of
enlightenment. Only masons of a higher degree than him
can part the 'veils of ignorance' so he can become
'enlightened' and be allowed into the 'Royal Arch'
which is apparently the masonic 4th to 33rd degree.
Then we moved into the Royal Arch temple laid out, Dr.
Fox explained, like a Synagogue with the flagpoles and
pendants of the twelve tribes of Isreal in the centre.
Both windowless temples were entirely free from
natural light and, instead of switches, had hefty
1950's dimmer wheels by the entrances. Mason guides I
asked about this gave me conflicting stories but the
dimmers suggested that some of the ceremonies in the
temples could be conducted in darkness, with only a
few candles to see by.
In the Royal Arch temple we 40 or so masonic tourists
listened to Dr Fox as he talked us through some of the
aprons and other paraphernalia of the various masonic
degrees. The open session that followed began with
some questions about why women couldn't join. We were
told they can and do join special women's Eastern Star
lodges. One question to which there was no answer
forthcoming though was 'what are the actual rituals
you perform in here?'. Dr Fox didn't want to answer
and advised us to look it up in the public library.
At one point Dr Fox mentioned a recent book purporting
to link the Medieval Knights Templar with the early
freemasons. This, presumably, was 'Secrets of the
Lodge', by Tubal Cain (pub. Delphi). This comes up
with strong evidence of continuity: banking, similar
rituals, hidden passageways, wealth, secrecy and
sunless temples are strong characteristics of both.
When pressed Dr Fox denied that he has ever had any
financial or 'pecuniary' advantage from his masonic
During the tour there were masons posted at strategic
points around the lodge to stop visitors 'wandering
off'. These masons barred any exploration of the lower
levels of the lodge which might reveal regalia
changing rooms and passages to nearby buildings. This
guesswork was partly confirmed when we were told the
story of the owner of a hat shop opposite who had
managed to get into the basement of the lodge and
rescue some valuables when the building was bombed
during world war two. The artifacts had been in the
basement so how did he get in and out of a bombed
building?? Not necessarily as mysterious as it might
One theme in Dr Fox's commentary was the easy
compatibility of Freemasonry with Christianity. A
recent book 'Freemasonry, A Christian Perspective' by
John Lawrence (Pub. Gazelle Books) reveals that most
top-ranking Church of England clergy are masons but it
draws the opposite conclusion on compatibility. So
when I found myself standing next to Bristol's Grand
Wizz after the tour had finished, I raised some
One central Christian/masonic conflict is with the
blood-oath sworn by masons. On initiation into the
first degree they have to swear to keep the secrets of
masonry and to always protect a fellow mason. In the
sermon on the mount at Matthew 5:33 Christ advises us:
'Do not swear an oath... simply let your "yes" be
"yes" and your "no" be "no", anything else comes from
the devil.' When I quoted this snippet of scripture to
him Dr Fox looked a little perplexed and questioned
the validity of my translation. Had I read the verse
in the original Hebrew?
After a little thought I pointed out that Matthew was
originally written in Greek, not Hebrew. Dr Fox then
asked me what I would do in a court room if asked to
swear on the Bible. I explained I would not swear on
the Bible but quote that verse instead. He quoted a
disputed verse from the end of Mark about 'thrusting
one's hand into a nest of vipers' and made off.
I remain to be convinced that the freemasons are
anything other than an anti-social, sexist, racist
club of men who think themselves above anyone not in
the club. Just look at the wealth and influence
masonic accountants, solicitors, judges, magistrates,
police, military officers, councillors, civil
servants, bankers, barristers and businessmen have.
The perfect elitist and endemically secretive 'old boy
Spiritually, I found Bristol Freemasons Hall a
particularly negative place, it took my fellow
visitors and me several hours to recover composure in
a local coffee shop after the visit. Our fear was the
lodge might be a harbour for grasping men who dare not
expose corrupt connections to public scrutiny.
When I politely pointed out to a Bristol masonic
magistrate shepherding us that Britain's half a
million masons don't have a monopoly on integrity he
invited me to join. He missed the point.
International Mens Organisation
Fathers Fighting Injustice
Demanding legal,judicial and political reform
to ensure a proper accountable democratic process
injustices in our courts and the bullying managers and
directors that control most of Britains big
business.Most of them part of a hugely inflated
salary structure compared with the majority of the
general working population.
The devil worshipping mobsters need to be forced to
declare their allegiances and affiliations which will
EXPOSE connections they use to destroy their enemies
and business rivals.Also their sinister connections
with psychiatrists who aid and abet the undermining of
mens integrity who challenge the monsters of EVIL.
Inside Bristol Freemasons Hall
16Oct00 Tony Gosling
The Park Street Masonic Hall was one of the 'Bristol
open door' venues this year. A rare opportunity to
have a poke around our city's normally forbidden
freemasonic H.Q.. Most Bristolians, if you ask them,
walk straight past the sandy building at the bottom of
Park Street all their lives without knowing where the
Masonic Hall is, let alone wondering what might go on
All masons must believe in some kind of supreme being
or god. The other prerequisite is a belief in an
afterlife. And they seem to have at least one 'god' on
their side. Though Tony Blair promised a public
register of Freemasons in the Labour Manifesto (to
combat masonic infiltration of the police)
miraculously no new law has been drawn up to implement
the pledge, now all but forgotten.
We were shown round by Grand Wizzard: Dr Dennis Fox,
or to give him his masonic title 'Provincial Grand
Master'. Bristol, we were told, is the only masonic
'province' in the country to be a city rather than a
county. Masonry is, Fox explained, a mainly charitable
institution. It is not a 'secret society' but a
'society with secrets'. One of the secrets that was
not related to us by our guide is that the M25
road-rage murderer and cop-killer Kenneth Noye was the
head of his local masonic lodge.
We were shown Bristol's main temple with its
high-backed chairs at the ends, portraits of past
Grand Masters along the walls and chequerboard carpet
in the centre. This, we were told, is where the craft,
that is the first second and third degree masons, do
their ceremonies.
In the next small ante-room something called the
'ceremony of the veils' takes place we were told. The
analogy is that someone who has been picked to join
the higher (Royal Arch) levels of freemasonry is
passing from a state of ignorance to a state of
enlightenment. Only masons of a higher degree than him
can part the 'veils of ignorance' so he can become
'enlightened' and be allowed into the 'Royal Arch'
which is apparently the masonic 4th to 33rd degree.
Then we moved into the Royal Arch temple laid out, Dr.
Fox explained, like a Synagogue with the flagpoles and
pendants of the twelve tribes of Isreal in the centre.
Both windowless temples were entirely free from
natural light and, instead of switches, had hefty
1950's dimmer wheels by the entrances. Mason guides I
asked about this gave me conflicting stories but the
dimmers suggested that some of the ceremonies in the
temples could be conducted in darkness, with only a
few candles to see by.
In the Royal Arch temple we 40 or so masonic tourists
listened to Dr Fox as he talked us through some of the
aprons and other paraphernalia of the various masonic
degrees. The open session that followed began with
some questions about why women couldn't join. We were
told they can and do join special women's Eastern Star
lodges. One question to which there was no answer
forthcoming though was 'what are the actual rituals
you perform in here?'. Dr Fox didn't want to answer
and advised us to look it up in the public library.
At one point Dr Fox mentioned a recent book purporting
to link the Medieval Knights Templar with the early
freemasons. This, presumably, was 'Secrets of the
Lodge', by Tubal Cain (pub. Delphi). This comes up
with strong evidence of continuity: banking, similar
rituals, hidden passageways, wealth, secrecy and
sunless temples are strong characteristics of both.
When pressed Dr Fox denied that he has ever had any
financial or 'pecuniary' advantage from his masonic
During the tour there were masons posted at strategic
points around the lodge to stop visitors 'wandering
off'. These masons barred any exploration of the lower
levels of the lodge which might reveal regalia
changing rooms and passages to nearby buildings. This
guesswork was partly confirmed when we were told the
story of the owner of a hat shop opposite who had
managed to get into the basement of the lodge and
rescue some valuables when the building was bombed
during world war two. The artifacts had been in the
basement so how did he get in and out of a bombed
building?? Not necessarily as mysterious as it might
One theme in Dr Fox's commentary was the easy
compatibility of Freemasonry with Christianity. A
recent book 'Freemasonry, A Christian Perspective' by
John Lawrence (Pub. Gazelle Books) reveals that most
top-ranking Church of England clergy are masons but it
draws the opposite conclusion on compatibility. So
when I found myself standing next to Bristol's Grand
Wizz after the tour had finished, I raised some
One central Christian/masonic conflict is with the
blood-oath sworn by masons. On initiation into the
first degree they have to swear to keep the secrets of
masonry and to always protect a fellow mason. In the
sermon on the mount at Matthew 5:33 Christ advises us:
'Do not swear an oath... simply let your "yes" be
"yes" and your "no" be "no", anything else comes from
the devil.' When I quoted this snippet of scripture to
him Dr Fox looked a little perplexed and questioned
the validity of my translation. Had I read the verse
in the original Hebrew?
After a little thought I pointed out that Matthew was
originally written in Greek, not Hebrew. Dr Fox then
asked me what I would do in a court room if asked to
swear on the Bible. I explained I would not swear on
the Bible but quote that verse instead. He quoted a
disputed verse from the end of Mark about 'thrusting
one's hand into a nest of vipers' and made off.
I remain to be convinced that the freemasons are
anything other than an anti-social, sexist, racist
club of men who think themselves above anyone not in
the club. Just look at the wealth and influence
masonic accountants, solicitors, judges, magistrates,
police, military officers, councillors, civil
servants, bankers, barristers and businessmen have.
The perfect elitist and endemically secretive 'old boy
Spiritually, I found Bristol Freemasons Hall a
particularly negative place, it took my fellow
visitors and me several hours to recover composure in
a local coffee shop after the visit. Our fear was the
lodge might be a harbour for grasping men who dare not
expose corrupt connections to public scrutiny.
When I politely pointed out to a Bristol masonic
magistrate shepherding us that Britain's half a
million masons don't have a monopoly on integrity he
invited me to join. He missed the point.
International Mens Organisation
Fathers Fighting Injustice
Demanding legal,judicial and political reform
to ensure a proper accountable democratic process