DNA again
(too old to reply)
2009-09-18 12:49:39 UTC
not sure about this one but it does sound weak

Paul Nutteing (valid email address in post script )
2009-09-18 15:29:48 UTC
Post by thedarkman
not sure about this one but it does sound weak

Almost exact parallel with this rape case study
No suspect DNA on the victim, victim trace on the suspect - convicted

If anyone ever gets prosecuted via DNA "evidence"
they should demand , in disclosure, the full electophoreograms
with ladders and RFU scales, not the nice tidy edited tables .
For anyone studying the plots in that CMJ pdf you
can easily find 4 or so peaks just ignored (exculpatory ?) ,
let alone the major systemic failing (bleed through)
not mentioned in the text of that piece at all.
They had to use 50 RFU cut off , well below normal
levels to get a prosecution, ie getting on towards
LCN levels. That image not printed of course as
the 150 RFU plots were bad enough

I suspect only the nice looking clear cut tables
, prepared by the "expert" analyst, would have been presented at court.
The Devil is in the detail.

If I was in control of this DNA nonsense I
would have one lab processing victims' DNA and another
lab processing suspects' and output data passing
to a third independent entity for assessment. It is too easy
to get cross-contamination at these sorts of quasi-touch DNA
levels, ie the Kercher fisasco restarted in Italy

What they aren't telling you about DNA profiles
and what Special Branch don't want you to know.
or nutteingd in a search engine.

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