Post by Richard McKenziePost by Richard McKenziePost by thedarkmanIt was a nasty anti-Jewish rant,
According to my on-line tabloid rag,
No more haute couture for this tasteless fag!
March 1, 2011
To futher add to his anti-semitism he said he loves Hitler, I think
Adolf, or 'Uncle' as i call him despised homosexuals one of the
reasons why he had Ernst Rohm of the Sturmabteilung imprisoned see
'Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones' I mean Night of the long knifes.
It's too much work to try to figure out what you are trying to say. Try
again with normal punctuation. That might help. If you are unwilling to
make the effort to make it easily understandable, why should your readers
bother expending the effort to figure it out?
Bill in Kentucky
Try reading. Galliano likes Hitler but Hitler would not like Galliano.
Also i was trying to say the George Lucas lifted the story line for
attack of the clones to an event in history when Hitler ordered the
elimination of the SA.
The quote beginning with "To further" and and ending with "knives" is one
sentence. The evidence for that is that there is only one sentence-ending
punctuation mark. Yet there appear to be several subjects and predicates.
If you intend for that to be several sentences, at least make the effort to
indicate your sentence divisions. Don't leave it to your readers to sort
out where you should have put punctuation. If you can't be bothered to
make that effort, why should we?
Bill in Kentucky