DEMS' COLLAPSE WILL ALSO DOOM OBAMA AGENDA - and bring back repugs? torture n'all?another recession??
(too old to reply)
2010-10-29 02:11:05 UTC
And you thought the republican party was still an American patriots
conservative party??
Well we have here the usual israeli patriot coming out strongly for the
repugs and against the dems for no more reason than israel, like lieberman.
No particular reason, just talking down to you ordinary folk worried about
just holding a job, paying the rent/mortgage and keeping the kids from going
to war not to defend the country, but to defend israeli interests and learn
how to ignore and live with torture.

And ready to sacrifice them for israel???What is torture? This excerp might
bring it right home and perhaps a reason not to keep torture supporters
hidden in our armed forces?
"Continuously one of them brought more and more girls.
"Like in a red fog, I saw the gruesome happenings again and again and I
perceived the inhuman screaming at the torture of their breasts and the
groaning at the mutilation of their private parts.
"When my legs failed me, I was forced into a chair. The Commissar
persistently watched me to make sure I was looking toward the torture
scenes. In fact, when I had to vomit, they even paused with their
tortures. "
So why have any sympathy for the torturrs being exposed to face up for
their bloody crimes.
And in the above as below to bad if it is all a mistake? Which could happen
often in that local police station?????
"ElParedon" <***@bellsouth.net> wrote in message news:qrV8j.43432$***@bignews6.bellsouth.net...

Ø w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m
Last update - 01:18 15/06/2007
The twilight zone / 'Now you are paralyzed, as we
By Gideon Levy
"We have to make you do a little sports," the Shin Bet
interrogator said, launching four successive days of
questioning accompanied by brutal physical torture.
The result: Luwaii Ashqar can no longer stand on his
feet. He sits in his wheelchair, dressed in a
fashionable quasi-military suit, super-elegant, new
Caterpillar-brand shoes on his paralyzed feet.
"I love this color," he says about his uniform. "It's
the color of the soldiers who came to arrest me for
the interrogation that did all this to me."
His smile is captivating, his Hebrew rich and
incisive. He is a young man whose world fell apart. He
entered prison sound of body and mind and emerged a
broken man. For four days and four nights nonstop, he
says, he was interrogated and subjected to torture of
the most brutal kind. The result is the person we see
before us in the wheelchair, in the elegant home high
in the village of Saida, north of Tul Karm, which was
placed at his disposal by a friend after he was
released from Israeli prison a month ago.
Was there a judgment by the High Court of Justice?
There was. It banned precisely the types of torture he
underwent: the "banana posture," the "shabah" (body
stretching with hands tied to a chair), "invisible"
blows and the "frog posture" (being forced to stand
for hours on the toes in a crouching position) - all
the way to a vicious kick to his chest that bent his
body backward while he was tied to a chair with his
arms and legs, and which was the probable cause of the
partial paralysis of his legs.
Throwing up with the vomit entering his nostrils,
losing consciousness and being given only saltwater to
drink, relieving himself in his pants, not sleeping or
resting - all of that for four consecutive days and
What does the interrogator Maimon tell his children
when he goes home? What do Eldad and Sagiv tell their
wives about their daily labors before they turn in?
That they tortured another helpless prisoner until
they turned him into a cripple? That they beat this
charming young man brutally and that at the end of the
interrogation he was tried for only marginal offenses?
And where is the Supreme Court, which in 1999
prohibited precisely the chain of torture that Luwaii
Sati Ashqar, 30, who was married three years ago,
underwent in the Kishon detention facility?
Ashqar is not alone. The Public Committee Against
Torture in Israel has just issued a new report
containing the testimonies of nine torture victims
(English version: http://www.stoptorture.org.il/eng/
). As the authors of the shocking report say, the
testimonies "paint a dismal picture in which can be
discerned various categories of secret-keeping
collaborators, who, in keeping silent, protect the
[Shin Bet] system of torture." ...
On the wall is a picture, a fine drawing of a kneeling
prisoner, his head between his knees. The caption: "I
am in the darkness of the prison, living on your
memory. I am far from you, lying in my bed, my spirit
cruising your land all night. God will release all the
prisoners, the strong will triumph."
Ashqar is sitting in his wheelchair, his left leg
completely enclosed in a cast, his right leg shaking
nonstop. When he tries to get up and lean on his
crutches, he threatens to topple over. "I was married
in 2004, and I started to work in aluminum in the
village to provide for my new household. On April 22,
2005, at 2:30 A.M., the soldiers came and started to
throw grenades and to shout for everyone in the house
to go outside. They blindfolded me with whatever they
use and handcuffed me. I was taken in a jeep to prison
and I was examined by an army doctor. He looked over
my body - no operations, doesn't take medication, no
illnesses. Again I was taken in a military jeep, this
time to Kishon. 'Yehuda, incoming,' the warder said
and transferred me to the interrogation office. They
opened my eyes: Good morning. An excellent morning.
One of the interrogators, Maimon, told me: I am
responsible for your file. What file? The one you were
arrested for. This is the major, and this tall guy is
the colonel, this is Sagiv and this is Eldad. Eight
"They said: We have no time, it will soon be our
Passover and you have to finish everything in a short
time. Finish what? You have to tell us what you have.
I don't have anything to tell you. I begged. They
said: We know all that nonsense. We are talking about
security. Plans for terrorist attacks at Passover. I
said: I don't understand what you are talking about.
They said: The suicide bomber was at your place. What
suicide bomber?
"After two hours of talking they said to me: If you
don't give everything you have, we will have to take
it by a different way. What is the different way? Did
you hear of a military interrogation? You might leave
here with your body battered or crippled. I was taken
to a military interrogation. Here you pray to God that
you will die, they said, but we won't give you that.
We will let you die only after you spill out what we
are looking for. He gave me a prison uniform and I
told him that if I was going to die, I preferred my
own clothes.
"They sat me down on a square chair without a back,
which was attached to the floor and had sharp metal
ends [sticking up]. My legs were tied to the legs of
the chair with metal cuffs and my hands were tied
behind my back with metal cuffs. One interrogator sat
behind me and the other in front of me. The
interrogator opposite me said: We have to give you a
little sports, so you will be able to hold out in the
military interrogation. The sports was that they
pushed me backward by the chest, a backward
somersault, and I would hold myself so my bones would
not break. After a minute or two I would automatically
fall on the floor, but the interrogator behind me
would put his foot on my chest and press, and the
interrogator in front would grab my hands and pull and
pull behind the chair. They kept on like that until I
don't know what happened to me, heat in every part of
my body, puking everything I had in my stomach and it
would go into my nostrils. I would wake up when they
poured water on my face. When I woke up, we went back
to the same situation. It went on like this 15-20
times an hour.
"After that they made me crouch on my toes, not
letting me lean on the back of my foot. I was in that
position for 40-50 minutes, maybe an hour - that was
my estimate - until I felt my soles swelling and they
turned blue and there was tremendous pain. After that,
stand up, and they tied my hands and pressed as hard
as they could on the metal handcuffs until the metal
dug into my hand. Here are the signs, you can still
see them. Because of the pressure, the key of the
handcuffs didn't always work and they would bring huge
metal scissors, like they use in construction, and
tear off the handcuffs and then bring new ones, to go
on. The color of my hands changed to blue, and when
they opened [the handcuffs] my hands shook. The
interrogator stood on the table and pulled me with a
chain of handcuffs. When I fell, they pulled me by the
"I would cry, beg, shout, and they came back to me
with words, that it was impossible to stop, only after
Tell me what you want. Tell me I am responsible for
the attack on the Pentagon, I am ready to confess to
everything, just tell me what. I want to end this
"There were always four interrogators and two rotated
every four hours, day and night. The new ones would
tell me they were stronger than the ones before, that
the ones before were a joke, we are the strong ones.
And that was true. The new ones tied me and started to
beat me all over my body. One interrogator pressed
hard on my testicles and on my feet with his shoes.
When they slapped me and I tried to pull back, the
major would say: What are you doing? If you move back,
I will break your nose, and if you move forward I will
rip off your ear. Be strong and take it sportingly,
because you are a soldier and a fighter. They broke
this tooth."
Ashqar suddenly stops talking. He turns pale and his
face is covered with beads of perspiration. His
father, Sati, quickly wipes his face with a damp
cloth. "Every time I try to remember I get dizzy, even
when I am alone." Quiet descends in the room. It will
take Ashqar another few minutes to pull himself
"I was taken into detention on Friday morning, and
that was the last light of day I saw before the
interrogation. I came out for the first time on Monday
night or before dawn on Tuesday morning. On those long
days I sat in a chair and did not even go to the
toilet. So you won't kill yourself, they said. I
urinated in my clothes, and a terrible stench started.
For four days I didn't eat anything. They told me: If
we give you something to eat, something will happen to
your stomach and your intestines. Maybe they will
explode under the pressure of the food when we push
you backward. You will drink only half a cup of
saltwater. That is what they gave me every time after
they bent me and I vomited. Why with salt? I asked.
Give me without salt. No, so nothing will happen in
your stomach and intestines. I would drink it and
"On Monday evening, they told me that five witnesses
had testified that Luwaii had transported a wanted
man. I told them that there was a famous wanted man
named Luwaii Sadi, but my name is Luwaii Sati, and
maybe they had mixed us up. He said to me: Are you
saying the Shin Bet is that stupid? We know exactly
what we're doing, and it is all correct. I said: Put
me on trial for whatever you want. He said: Ya'allah,
sports again. He pushes me backward in the chair. I
will help you become a story in Palestinian history.
He is talking to me and my head is down below. He
pushes strongly with his leg and presses on my chest.
I felt something like an explosion in my body. Like
something broke. After that I don't know what
happened. I woke up and they were pouring water on my
face. Again they pushed me backward and again I
"He said to me: Stand on your feet. I felt that my
legs were cold, like pins and needles in the legs. I
I guess I am. He said: That is what we promised you
and that is what you want."
"I discovered I had a wound in the back and it was
bleeding - because of the sharp chair - and one of my
bones was protruding. Because of the blood and because
of the urine of four days there was such a stench that
Why do you stink like that? I told him: That is your
perfume. A warder took me to the shower and threw me
on the floor and said to me: Ya'allah, you have two
minutes to shower. I looked at the faucet up above and
I could not reach it. I pulled down my pants and the
underpants stayed in place. I tried to pull them down
- I could do it in front but behind it was stuck to my
back. The two minutes went by and the warder started
to pound on the door. Time's up. I told him: Give me
another two minutes, I can't reach the faucet. He came
in and asked: What do you have on your back? I said: I
don't know.
"He called the interrogator and said: Come and see the
prisoner. The interrogator came and asked: What do you
have, Luwaii? I said: I don't know what I have on my
back, I can't pull the underpants down and I can't
reach the faucet. He said: Ya'allah, we will go up and
finish the story and take you to the doctor.
"Two warders took me in a Prisons Service vehicle to
Rambam [Medical Center in Haifa]. In emergency, my
hands and feet were tied and a Russian doctor asked
me: What hurts you? I told him: My whole body hurts
from the interrogation. The Druze warder said: Shut
up. The doctor turned me on the side and stuck a
finger into my ass. I asked him: What are you doing?
He said: I am checking whether you have hemorrhoids.
Why didn't you ask me first? I am a professional, he
said. I said: What about the wound on the back? He put
ointment there and dressed it. After 10 minutes I was
taken back to interrogation. Again I was tied to the
square chair. The bandage fell off and the wound
started to bleed again. After that, they stopped the
military interrogation."
He was interrogated for another two months, but
without physical torture. He was told that his wife
had been arrested because of him - a complete
fabrication - and he was given a lie detector test
("the falsehoods machine," in his Hebrew). For two
weeks he was placed in a cell with stool pigeons. In
the end, he was indicted on only two counts, in
Prosecution File 2157/05: assisting a wanted person to
hide and using a forged document. No ticking and no
bomb. Ashqar was sentenced to 26 months in prison and
was released a month ago. In the meantime, his younger
brother, Osaimar, disappeared. Soldiers came to the
house looking for him, but he was not there. His
family has not seen him since: He told them that he
was not willing to undergo what Luwaii did.
Luwaii is now looking for a way to get medical
treatment in Israel or abroad, after his physician
told him that he would not be able to get
rehabilitation in the West Bank. His lawyer told him
that the Shin Bet will almost certainly prevent him
from going anywhere.
This is the response received by Haaretz from the Shin
Luwaii Ashqar was arrested in April 2005, after
serious suspicions were raised against him concerning
his involvement in terrorism, including possession of
weapons and assistance to wanted individuals - terror
activists from Islamic Jihad.
One of the suspicions was that he had provided
accommodation, ahead of a terrorist act, for Sirhan
Sarhan, the perpetrator of the attack in Kibbutz
Metzer, who murdered Revital Ohayon and her two
children, Noam and Matan, of blessed memory.
The suspect was tried and convicted in a plea bargain,
and sentenced to 14 months in prison and another 14
months in prison stemming from a pending conditional
sentence, so that all told he was sentenced to 26
months in prison. In addition, he received a 28-month
suspended sentence.
His interrogation was carried out according to the
rules and directives, with constant review of the
interrogation process.
During the interrogation, the above-named put forward
medical complaints, which were examined and treated by
the appropriate medical authorities, including an
examination he underwent in hospital.
It should be noted that during the interrogation he
did not cite medical complaints of the same
seriousness as those mentioned in the query.
Complaints relating to his interrogation, from, among
other sources, the Committee Against Torture and the
Red Cross, were referred to the State Prosecutor's
Office for examination, which ordered an examination
by the Ombudsman of Interogees' Complaints.
The examination of the complaints did not turn up any
excesses in the interrogation, and in the wake of
this, the official in charge of the OIC in the State
Prosecutor's Office decided to close the examination
"Doomsday Cultist" <***@mypacks.net> wrote in message news:2a7e55ee-2022-48f1-86a9-***@e25g2000prg.googlegroups.com...


While still representing the repug israeli party with the ties to the world
jewish organization and forcing Americans to genuflect to israeli ideas like
government run and funded torture chambers, and ensuring that if over
eager jewish defence personnel who signed on the defence forces while there
was a clause suggesting torture.
And ensuring full employment for those torture specialists from israel and

Where sadism would assure promotion. And shutting down of wikileaks to
protect the more eager personnel involved in sadism and possibly closeto
serial killers moving the universally loved doughboy to more nazi like

VICE PRESIDENT Cheney is aggressively pursuing an initiative that may be
unprecedented for an elected official of the executive branch: He is
proposing that Congress legally authorize human rights abuses by Americans.
"Cruel, inhuman and degrading" treatment of prisoners is banned by an
international treaty negotiated by the Reagan administration and ratified by
the United States.
Jewish Gangsters Raped, Killed Children As Young As 2 On Film


Rome, Italy -- Italian and Russian police, working together, broke up a ring
of Jewish gangsters who had been involved in the manufacture of child rape
and snuff pornography.

Three Russian Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested after police
discovered they had been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the ages of
two and five years old from Russian orphanges, raping the children, and then
murdering them on film. Mostly non-Jewish customers, including 1700
nationwide, 600 in Italy, and and unknown number in the United States, paid
as much as $20,000 per film to watch little children being raped and

Jewish officials in a major Italian news agency tried to cover the story up,
but were circumvented by Italisn news reporters, who broadcasts scenes from
the films live at prime time on Italisn television to more than 11 million
Italian viewers. Jewish officials then fired the executives responsible,
claiming they were spreading "blood libel."

Throughout history, various groups have accused sects of Jews of ritually
murdering small children. One such account, that of Hugh of Lincoln, led to
the expulsion of all Jews from Britain in the 13th Century. Such accounts
have generally been discounted, but are so wide spread that Jewish
organizations have developed a name for them -- "blood libel".

The American group the ADL was founded to defend a Jew, Leo Frank, accused
of raping and murdering a five year old girl, Mary Fagan, in his Atlanta
pencil factory in 1913. The ADL claims he was innocent. A mob lynched him
after the governor commuted his death sentence to life in prison.

Though AP and Reuters both ran stories on the episode, US media
conglomerates refused to carry the story on television news, again saying
the story would prejudice Americans against Jews.

Jewish gangsters in Russia have become increasingly linked to traffic in
"white slaves" and prostitutes through Israel, according to a recent report
in the Jerusalem Post. Israel turns an official blind eye to forced
prostitution, and does not punish Israeli citizens who choose to own "sex
slaves", as long as the slaves are foreign and non-Jews.

Three Russian Jews and eight Italian Jews were arrested after police
discovered they had been kidnapping non-Jewish children between the ages of
two and five years from Russian orphanages, raping the children, and then
murdering them on film. Mostly non-Jewish customers, including 1,700
nationwide, 600 in Italy, and an unknown number in the United States, paid
as much as $20,000 per film to watch little children being raped and

Jewish officials in a major Italian news agency tried to cover the story up,
but were circumvented by Italian news reporters, who broadcast scenes from
the films live at prime time on Italian television to more than 11 million
Italian viewers. Jewish officials then fired the executives responsible,
claiming they were spreading "blood libel."

Throughout history, various groups have accused sects of Jews of ritually
murdering small children. One such account, that of Hugh of Lincoln, led to
the expulsion of all Jews from Britain in the 13th Century. Such accounts
have generally been discounted, but are so widespread that Jewish
organizations have developed a name for them -- "blood libel."

Though AP and Reuters both ran stories on the episode, US media
conglomerates refused to carry the story on television news, again saying
the story would prejudice Americans against Jews.

Jewish gangsters in Russia have become increasingly linked to traffic in
"white slaves" and prostitutes through Israel, according to a recent report
in the Jerusalem Post. Israel turns an official blind eye to forced
prostitution, and does not punish Israeli citizens who choose to own "sex
slaves" as long as the slaves are foreign and non-Jews.

Spreading Torture World-Wide
'Torture Taxi' Connection With Nevada
Las Vegas Now | February 27, 2007
George Knapp
"Mirelle" <***@yahoo.com wrote in message news:***@w3g2000hsg.googlegroups.com...

According to a political appointee within the Bush administration and
U.S. intelligence sources, the interrogators at Abu Ghraib included a
number of Arabic-speaking Israelis who also helped U.S. interrogators
develop the "R2I" (Resistance to Interrogation) techniques. Many of
the torture methods were developed by the Israelis over many years of
interrogating Arab prisoners on the occupied West Bank and in Israel


Dems' Collapse Will Also Doom Obama Agenda
Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi
Om Shanti
2010-10-29 13:20:42 UTC
Post by TRUTH
And you thought the republican party was still an American patriots
conservative party??
Indeed the tragedy of Western peoples is that their two major
political parties (Democrat/Rpublican in the US) the one in
Government and the one in Opposition conduct essentially the same in
policy; they exhibit a 'bun fight' to make it seem there is
opposition. Both essentially respond to lobbist and doners or ethnic
interests groups that might be swung on pivot issue. Is there really
any difference between Clinton, Bush and Obama? Non really.

Yeah it's which israelis do you want to rule? The dem israelis or the repug
Lead signatories were U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and Johnny Isakson, who
circulated the letter among their colleagues. Among the others were New York
Democrats Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer, as well as senior
Democratic Senator Robert Menendez and Armed Services Committee Chairman
Carl Levin. Also signing the document was Republican Minority Leader Mitch
McConnell, as well as Senators John McCain and Scott Brown.

No American patriots here.




In 1972 the University of Wisconsin built a massive library, named it the
Golda Meir Library, and Christian students on campus objected. The college
administrators refused to rename it, and name stuck. The local Hillel sent
lists of protesting students to Jewish professors, who would 'review' these

"Jewish Rule" <***@rule.biz wrote in message news:f4the0$uv9$***@aioe.org...

In Grafton, Wisconsin, 18 miles away a small community (population 8,500)
a library was named The USS Liberty Memorial library, but this time all hell
broke loose.


Getting on with the topic, I don't think Switzerland rejected anything.
The Swiss requested a transcript
of the judgement or similar court document from the L.A. district attorney,
and the D.A.'s office claims they never received the request.

Apparently the request was transmitted via the State Department. The
request either went into the circular
file at State or it got "lost in translation" from "Swiss" into English at
State. It is even possible that Polanski has a friend in the bureaucracy of
State who accidentally misplaced the request or otherwise made it disappear.

Cheers, David H


"Jorndyce vs Jarndyce" <***@yahoo.com wrote in message news:0af7c18e-f48f-4564-b84f-***@f33g2000yqe.googlegroups.com...
On Jul 14, 3:25 pm, thedarkman <***@ABaron.Demon.Co.UK wrote:
Song Of Polanski

She was thirteen and I was forty-four,
And it was thirty years back, even so,
I drugged and screwed a schoolgirl like a whore,
Now all good folk cry: Let my people go!

It may have been rape, but was not rape-rape,
So says my cookie Whoopie, I agree,
This sudden charge has left us all agape,
Why have these sick cunts got it in for me?

Don't they know I'm a Holocaust survivor?
Of sorts - that makes me special, don't you think?
And a great artist, not a low class skiver,
A man whose work takes art right to the brink.

Or could it be they hate me cos I'm famous?
Or maybe it's old-fashioned class warfare?
I fucked her in the mouth and up the anus,
But she forgave me - this just isn't fair.

I ain't no paedophile, I ain't no critter,
One law for us, and one for little folk,
You had your two cents worth with Gary Glitter,
Now leave me be - it's gone beyond a joke.


Catholics furious over acceptance of ZYD/Jewish child abuse in America

On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 00:04:54 -0500,
<***@ , "Speeders & Drunk
Drivers are MURDERERS" <***@yahoo.com wrote:



October 14, 2009

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a front-page news
story in today's New York Times on the problem of child sexual abuse:

Reporter Paul Vitello shows the shocking extent of child sexual abuse in
Brooklyn's Orthodox Jewish community. He also details the cover-ups that
have long been aided and abetted by law enforcement.

Where have all the church-and-state advocates been all these years when
Orthodox rabbis were allowed by the D.A.'s office to settle these cases
"internally"? Where have all the professional victims' groups been in
staging protests outside synagogues? Where have all the sue-happy lawyers
been seeking to plunder the Orthodox? Where have all the comedians and
late-night entertainers been in cracking jokes about rabbis raping kids?

It's not just Orthodox Jews who have been given a pass: no group has
gotten away easier than public school employees. Consider this. Because
public school students have only 90 days to file suit, it is already too
late to prosecute a teacher-in virtually every state-who molested a minor
as recently as last spring. But if the offense took place in a Catholic
school, the student has years to file suit. Not only that, molesting
teachers are still shuffled from one school district to another; it's
called "passing the trash."

Orthodox Jews try cases of child rape in rabbinical courts. Imagine if
the Catholic Church failed to report abuse cases to the authorities and
decided instead to institute its own ecclesial courts? Today's article
quotes a Jewish attorney urging law enforcement to recognize "religious
sensitivities" for the guilty by seeking alternatives to prison. Allow a
Catholic attorney to advise the same and it's called corruption.

Last year, 40 minors in this small Jewish community said they were
abused. Last year, there were 10 such allegations in the entire Catholic
Church in all 50 states. Catholics are fed up with the duplicity. It's
not just Roman Polanski who can rape and run with impunity these days.
The politics of child rape is sickening.
Truth Hurts!
2010-10-29 15:54:10 UTC
Post by TRUTH
And you thought the republican party was still an American patriots
conservative party??
Yewe mates otter get a room and share a Fosters!

Country Australia
Country Code AU
Region Victoria
City Melbourne
Latitude -37.8167
Longitude 144.9667

Host name CPE-58-170-226-45.lnse4.win.bigpond.net.au
Country Australia
Country Code AU
Region Victoria
City Oakleigh East
Latitude -37.9
Longitude 145.1167

Is this strictly a suburbs of Melbourne thing, or can anybody join?
2010-10-31 10:20:08 UTC
Post by Truth Hurts!
Post by TRUTH
And you thought the republican party was still an American patriots
conservative party??
Yewe mates otter get a room and share a Fosters!
All done mate but back to those dopey yanks who cannot run their own country
or even know how to vote for themselves.

Should introduce to a drop of Carlton
Post by Truth Hurts!
And you thought the republican party was still an American patriots
conservative party??
Indeed the tragedy of Western peoples is that their two major
political parties (Democrat/Rpublican in the US) the one in
Government and the one in Opposition conduct essentially the same in
policy; they exhibit a 'bun fight' to make it seem there is
opposition. Both essentially respond to lobbist and doners or ethnic
interests groups that might be swung on pivot issue. Is there really
any difference between Clinton, Bush and Obama? Non really.

Yeah it's which israelis do you want to rule? The dem israelis or the repug
Lead signatories were U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer and Johnny Isakson, who
circulated the letter among their colleagues. Among the others were New York
Democrats Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer, as well as senior
Democratic Senator Robert Menendez and Armed Services Committee Chairman
Carl Levin. Also signing the document was Republican Minority Leader Mitch
McConnell, as well as Senators John McCain and Scott Brown.

No American patriots here.




In 1972 the University of Wisconsin built a massive library, named it the
Golda Meir Library, and Christian students on campus objected. The college
administrators refused to rename it, and name stuck. The local Hillel sent
lists of protesting students to Jewish professors, who would 'review' these

"Jewish Rule" <***@rule.biz wrote in message news:f4the0$uv9$***@aioe.org...

In Grafton, Wisconsin, 18 miles away a small community (population 8,500)
a library was named The USS Liberty Memorial library, but this time all hell
broke loose.


Getting on with the topic, I don't think Switzerland rejected anything.
The Swiss requested a transcript
of the judgement or similar court document from the L.A. district attorney,
and the D.A.'s office claims they never received the request.

Apparently the request was transmitted via the State Department. The
request either went into the circular
file at State or it got "lost in translation" from "Swiss" into English at
State. It is even possible that Polanski has a friend in the bureaucracy of
State who accidentally misplaced the request or otherwise made it disappear.

Cheers, David H


"Jorndyce vs Jarndyce" <***@yahoo.com wrote in message news:0af7c18e-f48f-4564-b84f-***@f33g2000yqe.googlegroups.com...
On Jul 14, 3:25 pm, thedarkman <***@ABaron.Demon.Co.UK wrote:
Song Of Polanski

She was thirteen and I was forty-four,
And it was thirty years back, even so,
I drugged and screwed a schoolgirl like a whore,
Now all good folk cry: Let my people go!

It may have been rape, but was not rape-rape,
So says my cookie Whoopie, I agree,
This sudden charge has left us all agape,
Why have these sick cunts got it in for me?

Don't they know I'm a Holocaust survivor?
Of sorts - that makes me special, don't you think?
And a great artist, not a low class skiver,
A man whose work takes art right to the brink.

Or could it be they hate me cos I'm famous?
Or maybe it's old-fashioned class warfare?
I fucked her in the mouth and up the anus,
But she forgave me - this just isn't fair.

I ain't no paedophile, I ain't no critter,
One law for us, and one for little folk,
You had your two cents worth with Gary Glitter,
Now leave me be - it's gone beyond a joke.


Catholics furious over acceptance of ZYD/Jewish child abuse in America

On Fri, 23 Oct 2009 00:04:54 -0500,
<***@ , "Speeders & Drunk
Drivers are MURDERERS" <***@yahoo.com wrote:



October 14, 2009

Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a front-page news
story in today's New York Times on the problem of child sexual abuse:

Reporter Paul Vitello shows the shocking extent of child sexual abuse in
Brooklyn's Orthodox Jewish community. He also details the cover-ups that
have long been aided and abetted by law enforcement.

Where have all the church-and-state advocates been all these years when
Orthodox rabbis were allowed by the D.A.'s office to settle these cases
"internally"? Where have all the professional victims' groups been in
staging protests outside synagogues? Where have all the sue-happy lawyers
been seeking to plunder the Orthodox? Where have all the comedians and
late-night entertainers been in cracking jokes about rabbis raping kids?

It's not just Orthodox Jews who have been given a pass: no group has
gotten away easier than public school employees. Consider this. Because
public school students have only 90 days to file suit, it is already too
late to prosecute a teacher-in virtually every state-who molested a minor
as recently as last spring. But if the offense took place in a Catholic
school, the student has years to file suit. Not only that, molesting
teachers are still shuffled from one school district to another; it's
called "passing the trash."

Orthodox Jews try cases of child rape in rabbinical courts. Imagine if
the Catholic Church failed to report abuse cases to the authorities and
decided instead to institute its own ecclesial courts? Today's article
quotes a Jewish attorney urging law enforcement to recognize "religious
sensitivities" for the guilty by seeking alternatives to prison. Allow a
Catholic attorney to advise the same and it's called corruption.

Last year, 40 minors in this small Jewish community said they were
abused. Last year, there were 10 such allegations in the entire Catholic
Church in all 50 states. Catholics are fed up with the duplicity. It's
not just Roman Polanski who can rape and run with impunity these days.
The politics of child rape is sickening.


A bomb demolishes the car of Tscherim Soobzokov. Soobzokov had been falsely
accused of "war crimes" during WWII, but had been completely exonerated by
two Federal courts of all accusations. The bombing came days after Mordechai
Levy of the Jewish Defense Organization denounced Soobzokov and threated his
life in a fiery speech at a New Jersey synagogue. On opening the front door
of his house to investigate, Soobzokov set off another bomb that had been
rigged to his door. Soobzokov, his wife, daughter, and four-year-old
grandchild were injured in the blast. Soobzokov underwent nine hours of
emergency surgery and his leg had to be amputated. Morchechai Levy told
reporters, "The only
thing I regret is that instead of losing his legs, he should have lost his
life." On September 6, Soobzokov succumbed to his injuries.

Tscherim Soobzokov dies of injuries received from a bomb rigged to the
front door of his house. Soobzokov had previously been falsely accused of
"war crimes" during WWII, but had been completely exonerated in two Federal
courts. Morechai Levy, of the Jewish Defense Organization, applauded the
terrorists who attacked this innocent man and his family


I would even slaughter, not only abuse, the Arabs."


The Toronto Globe and Mail reports that for the third time in as many
appearances, Holocaust skeptic Ernst Zündel, his defense attorney, and a
legal assistant are attacked on the steps of a Canadian courthouse (!) by 25
blood-seeking JDL thugs while the police and media stand by. Later, four
members of the JDL mob are charged with disturbing the peace (not assault or
attempted murder), charges which are subsequently dropped.


Acting at the behest of Australian Jewry, the country's "Human Rights and
Equal Opportunity Commission" (HREOC) on October 10, 2000, issued its order
against the Adelaide Institute, which is headed by Dr. Fredrick Tben. HREOC
Commissioner Kathleen McEvoy declared that the Institute had violated
Section 18C of the country's 1975 "Racial Discrimination Act" by posting
material whose main purpose was to denigrate Jews. The material, "none of
which was of a historical, intellectual or scientific standard," she
declared, should be banned because it is "bullying, insulting and

The order came in response to a 1996 complaint by the Executive Council of
Australian Jewry (ECAJ), the country's most influential Jewish community
organization. Welcoming the order, ECAJ national vice-president Jeremy Jones
said that "Toben's Holocaust denial is offensive, insulting and, as HREOC
has now confirmed, unlawful." He added: "The Commissioner has demonstrated
an understanding of the need to apply laws which cover... the Internet and
has also endorsed the view expressed in other jurisdictions that
anti-Semitism masking as pseudo-history is as pernicious as more overt forms
of racial hatred."

"This is a landmark case," said Peter Wertheim, a Jewish community leader,
and ECAJ lawyer in the legal action, "because it deals with hate on the
Internet, and it's the first in Australia, and quite possibly anywhere in
the world, to have done so."



In 1972 the University of Wisconsin built a massive library, named it the
Golda Meir Library, and Christian students on campus objected. The college
administrators refused to rename it, and name stuck. The local Hillel sent
lists of protesting students to Jewish professors, who would 'review' these

"Jewish Rule" <***@rule.biz wrote in message news:f4the0$uv9$***@aioe.org...

In Grafton, Wisconsin, 18 miles away a small community (population 8,500)
a library was named The USS Liberty Memorial library, but this time all hell
broke loose.


The Los Angeles Times reports that Dr. George Ashley is transferred from his
teaching post at North Hollywood high school for answering a student's
question about the "other side" of the Holocaust. The ADL is aghast that
Ashley is not fired, and LA school board member Roberta Weintraub laments
the protection afforded Ashley by the First Amendment.

And yanks want to instruct China on civil rights???

A single dramatic comparison

While the student who has defied Chinese tanks at the Tien An Men place was
called a hero and deserved a large media coverage all over the world as an
icon of the resistance against barbaric policies, the little American Corrie
didn't have a similar projection as anyone can remember. Though, she died
as a martyr while the brave Chinese student is still alive. Nevertheless,
her image was hidden in the media and still remains hidden. The student
didn't die because the tank's drivers were not as barbaric as that bastard
of Israeli bulldozer's driver was. That is why a guy alone was able to stop
a column of 4 tanks on that day. Rachel didn't have that same
chance. The little woman couldn't make it and died. She couldn't stop the
cold gigantic machine on its task to destroy another Palestinian home. Then,
the bulldozer driven by a fanatic zionist soldier assassinated her youth
and all her hopes for a better life to all suffering people in the world.Who
knows who she was?

Rachel Corrie, 5th Grade Speech

Rachel Corrie, human right activist

http://www.ussliberty.com/challenge.htm - $10,000 challenge - The Liberty
Veterans Association offers a $10,000 reward to anyone who can establish the
truth of A. Jay Cristol's claim: 1
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