alt.atheism regulator
2009-09-28 06:26:49 UTC
1) Express yourself. Emphasis on 'yourself'. As in, write in whatever
manner you want such that you express YOURSELF. When or if someone
whines as to how you present your thoughts or questions et al,
pleasantly offer them the wish that they soon receive the good fortune
of a sexual encounter -- ie, tell them to get fucked.
2) This is for would-be BAAWA Knights: the goal is not to impress for
the sake of impressing, the goal is to show both the ability and the
passion for vitriolic eloquence, *BUT* the acceptable standard
for each individual is based on the individual's abilities, not on any
general standard, and so differs for each individual. My only input is
in judging whether I think the quality matches the fledgling's
See, you can't fake it as there's no standard to mimic; flames should
written with nothing else in mind other than an expression of whatever
*you* are trying to express. If you do it as well as I think you're
able, you'll feel the gentle touch of the ceremonial steel.....
Knights are not selected for their ability to impress, they're
for their ability to perform - as are all good warriors. :)
Whining, sobbing, or
baiting will be countered with, excoriation, vilification,
castigation, and any other horrors imagined by invincible BAAWA
Bank on it.
"Like one that on a lonesome road,
Doth walk in fear and dread.
And having once turned round, walks on,
And no more turns his head.
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread."
I, Warlord Steve, took control of BAAWA after Stix resigned the
Newsgroup. (personal problems.... none of your business)
The founder of BAAWA was Tony Lawrence (Post to follow) For almost
all of you now, BAAWA , Tony, Stix are unknown to you, and for the
most part, myself. But we go back over a decade on alt.atheism. I
cringe saying the good old days but we had a pretty good time having
fun with each other. Ignoring the religers by making distorted
comments or totally unrelated wise cracks. Why give the morons
attention. We're all friends here. Spend more than one hour reading a
godbot post and you'll know how worthless you spent your time. Trust
me, spending time with those assholes is wasting 'your' time.
We're here to talk about our own personal issues as atheists. How
we have to live in a world filled with godbots. A religer post is an
intrusion into our personal space. Like the local Jeebus Freak kicking
down your door and shitting on your living room carpet and demanding
you enjoy the odor.
That dog don't hunt with BAAWA. I know some of you mild, warm and
fuzzy atheists, or even worst, the agnostic, may not like BAAWA style,
and personally, I don't give a fuck. BAAWA is back. You Knights out
there better start being Knights because if I don't see blood, and
soon, you're gone.
And this shit about 'Knightess' ain't happening. We kill theists
and shit down their throats and not in a girly way.
hummmmm (but they are wearing leather, studded collar with a riding
I will rule on this matter after a short break.
Warlord Steve
***** Google Imagemanner you want such that you express YOURSELF. When or if someone
whines as to how you present your thoughts or questions et al,
pleasantly offer them the wish that they soon receive the good fortune
of a sexual encounter -- ie, tell them to get fucked.
2) This is for would-be BAAWA Knights: the goal is not to impress for
the sake of impressing, the goal is to show both the ability and the
passion for vitriolic eloquence, *BUT* the acceptable standard
for each individual is based on the individual's abilities, not on any
general standard, and so differs for each individual. My only input is
in judging whether I think the quality matches the fledgling's
See, you can't fake it as there's no standard to mimic; flames should
written with nothing else in mind other than an expression of whatever
*you* are trying to express. If you do it as well as I think you're
able, you'll feel the gentle touch of the ceremonial steel.....
Knights are not selected for their ability to impress, they're
for their ability to perform - as are all good warriors. :)
Whining, sobbing, or
baiting will be countered with, excoriation, vilification,
castigation, and any other horrors imagined by invincible BAAWA
Bank on it.
"Like one that on a lonesome road,
Doth walk in fear and dread.
And having once turned round, walks on,
And no more turns his head.
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread."
I, Warlord Steve, took control of BAAWA after Stix resigned the
Newsgroup. (personal problems.... none of your business)
The founder of BAAWA was Tony Lawrence (Post to follow) For almost
all of you now, BAAWA , Tony, Stix are unknown to you, and for the
most part, myself. But we go back over a decade on alt.atheism. I
cringe saying the good old days but we had a pretty good time having
fun with each other. Ignoring the religers by making distorted
comments or totally unrelated wise cracks. Why give the morons
attention. We're all friends here. Spend more than one hour reading a
godbot post and you'll know how worthless you spent your time. Trust
me, spending time with those assholes is wasting 'your' time.
We're here to talk about our own personal issues as atheists. How
we have to live in a world filled with godbots. A religer post is an
intrusion into our personal space. Like the local Jeebus Freak kicking
down your door and shitting on your living room carpet and demanding
you enjoy the odor.
That dog don't hunt with BAAWA. I know some of you mild, warm and
fuzzy atheists, or even worst, the agnostic, may not like BAAWA style,
and personally, I don't give a fuck. BAAWA is back. You Knights out
there better start being Knights because if I don't see blood, and
soon, you're gone.
And this shit about 'Knightess' ain't happening. We kill theists
and shit down their throats and not in a girly way.
hummmmm (but they are wearing leather, studded collar with a riding
I will rule on this matter after a short break.
Warlord Steve
From: Steve Knight <***>
Newsgroups: alt.atheism
Subject: A.A. BAAWA - FAQ
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Date: Sat, 26 Sep 2009 02:46:34 -0700
Bytes: 4187
X-Original-Bytes: 4144
Xref: alt.atheism:2808665
1) Express yourself. Emphasis on 'yourself'. As in, write in whatever
manner you want such that you express YOURSELF. When or if someone
whines as to how you present your thoughts or questions et al,
pleasantly offer them the wish that they soon receive the good fortune
of a sexual encounter -- ie, tell them to get fucked.
2) This is for would-be BAAWA Knights: the goal is not to impress for
the sake of impressing, the goal is to show both the ability and the
passion for vitriolic eloquence, *BUT* the acceptable standard
for each individual is based on the individual's abilities, not on any
general standard, and so differs for each individual. My only input is
in judging whether I think the quality matches the fledgling's
See, you can't fake it as there's no standard to mimic; flames should
written with nothing else in mind other than an expression of whatever
*you* are trying to express. If you do it as well as I think you're
able, you'll feel the gentle touch of the ceremonial steel.....
Knights are not selected for their ability to impress, they're
for their ability to perform - as are all good warriors. :)
Whining, sobbing, or
baiting will be countered with, excoriation, vilification,
castigation, and any other horrors imagined by invincible BAAWA
Bank on it.
"Like one that on a lonesome road,
Doth walk in fear and dread.
And having once turned round, walks on,
And no more turns his head.
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread."
I, Warlord Steve, took control of BAAWA after Stix resigned the
Newsgroup. (personal problems.... none of your business)
The founder of BAAWA was Tony Lawrence (Post to follow) For almost
all of you now, BAAWA , Tony, Stix are unknown to you, and for the
most part, myself. But we go back over a decade on alt.atheism. I
cringe saying the good old days but we had a pretty good time having
fun with each other. Ignoring the religers by making distorted
comments or totally unrelated wise cracks. Why give the morons
attention. We're all friends here. Spend more than one hour reading a
godbot post and you'll know how worthless you spent your time. Trust
me, spending time with those assholes is wasting 'your' time.
We're here to talk about our own personal issues as atheists. How
we have to live in a world filled with godbots. A religer post is an
intrusion into our personal space. Like the local Jeebus Freak kicking
down your door and shitting on your living room carpet and demanding
you enjoy the odor.
That dog don't hunt with BAAWA. I know some of you mild, warm and
fuzzy atheists, or even worst, the agnostic, may not like BAAWA style,
and personally, I don't give a fuck. BAAWA is back. You Knights out
there better start being Knights because if I don't see blood, and
soon, you're gone.
And this shit about 'Knightess' ain't happening. We kill theists
and shit down their throats and not in a girly way.
hummmmm (but they are wearing leather, studded collar with a riding
I will rule on this matter after a short break.
Warlord Steve