Post by Special CareDavid Icke is not racist and definitely not anti-semitic.
Nor am I.
He has a lot to offer, to people who are starting to glimpse a glimmer
of truth / reality.
I was hoping for something more than that.
Jayzizz, I had great expectations of you.
Why on earth would you think that?!?!?
Post by Special CareBut if this is all you are able to achieve, yeah, go for it.
Oh, come off it! He's proclaimed himself the Son Of God (which he later
retracted), the moon is a spaceship and the Queen is a shapeshifting lizard
from the 4th dimension. You'd think that if he really was some sort of
channel reporting the Gospel of whatever, he'd get it right first time,
every time. He's just making it up as he goes along. He might hit a chord
with people now and again, but a stopped clock is right twice a day.
Read his biography (or a shorter version online) he clearly had
psychological issues even as a child. And if you mention his mother's anus,
I will never speak to you again :)