Attorney for @CNN and @NYTIMES convinced judge to publicly name Sean Hannity
(too old to reply)
2018-04-19 01:05:02 UTC
Here’s a little tidbit from yesterday’s Michael Cohen hearing that’s
pretty interesting…

According to reports from inside the courtroom, Judge Kimba Wood was
ready to allow Michael Cohen to submit the name of his 3rd client —
who we now know is Sean Hannity — under seal, but an attorney for
CNN and the New York Times convinced her otherwise.

From Natasha Bertrand, The Atlantic:

A note about this: Judge Wood was prepared to let Ryan give
her the name of Cohen’s third client under seal. At that
point, an attorney for the NYT and CNN approached the podium
and convinced her that the press (&public) should know. She
agreed. He played pivotal role here. https://t.co/nbJUaAw4Ys
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) April 17, 2018

Robert Balin is the attorney’s name. Thanks everyone who
commented with it!
— Natasha Bertrand (@NatashaBertrand) April 17, 2018

CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz confirmed the “under seal” part, but omitted
that the attorney was representing his employer:

I was in court yesterday and if it wasn’t for the attorney
representing the press, Sean Hannity’s name would have been
filed under seal. Judge Kimba Wood was ready to accept the
name under seal, when the attorney representing the press
stood up and argued successfully against it
— Shimon Prokupecz (@ShimonPro) April 17, 2018

According to the New York Times, Mr. Balin does indeed represent

Robert D. Balin, a lawyer for various media outlets,
including The New York Times, CNN and others, interrupted
the hearing to argue that embarrassment was not a sufficient
cause to withhold a client’s name, and Judge Wood agreed.

After Mr. Hannity was named, there were audible gasps from
the spectators.

And that’s how we got yesterday’s circus.
Dems & the media want Trump to be more like Obama, but then he'd
have to audit liberals & wire tap reporters' phones.
Siri Cruise
2018-04-19 12:51:17 UTC
Post by Ubiquitous
Here’s a little tidbit from yesterday’s Michael Cohen hearing that’s
pretty interesting
Yes--Cohen won't risk a single night in the pokey on behalf of a client. No
wonder Drumpf is running scared.

Reporters have gone to jail on contempt for not betraying anonymous sources. But
you call that fake news.
:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
I'm saving up to buy the Donald a blue stone This post / \
from Metebelis 3. All praise the Great Don! insults Islam. Mohammed
Rudy Canoza
2018-04-19 16:49:05 UTC
Here’s a little tidbit from yesterday’s Michael Cohen hearing that’s
pretty interesting…
According to reports from inside the courtroom, Judge Kimba Wood was
ready to allow Michael Cohen to submit the name of his 3rd client —
who we now know is Sean Hannity — under seal, but an attorney for
CNN and the New York Times convinced her otherwise.
Good. There is no legitimate reason for it to be kept hidden from the
2018-04-24 03:45:51 UTC
Here’s a little tidbit from yesterday’s Michael Cohen hearing that’s
pretty interesting…
According to reports from inside the courtroom, Judge Kimba Wood was
ready to allow Michael Cohen to submit the name of his 3rd client —
who we now know is Sean Hannity — under seal, but an attorney for
CNN and the New York Times convinced her otherwise.
A note about this: Judge Wood was prepared to let Ryan give
her the name of Cohen’s third client under seal. At that
point, an attorney for the NYT and CNN approached the podium
and convinced her that the press (&public) should know. She
agreed. He played pivotal role here. https://t.co/nbJUaAw4Ys
Robert Balin is the attorney’s name. Thanks everyone who
commented with it!
CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz confirmed the “under seal” part, but omitted
I was in court yesterday and if it wasn’t for the attorney
representing the press, Sean Hannity’s name would have been
filed under seal. Judge Kimba Wood was ready to accept the
name under seal, when the attorney representing the press
stood up and argued successfully against it
According to the New York Times, Mr. Balin does indeed represent
Robert D. Balin, a lawyer for various media outlets,
including The New York Times, CNN and others, interrupted
the hearing to argue that embarrassment was not a sufficient
cause to withhold a client’s name, and Judge Wood agreed.
After Mr. Hannity was named, there were audible gasps from
the spectators.
And that’s how we got yesterday’s circus.