Special Care
2009-10-13 19:35:48 UTC
It's worth viewing in full, as this is really the story of human
civilisation of the past eleven thousand years.
Since the 1980s, I have been aware of what is happening, and aware
that only a small number of human beings wish to put a stop to it
It was terribly difficult to face the truth, and I resisted facing it
for years.
The deafening silence of 1990 was a strong signal indicating that the
Sheeple will win.
I still couldn't believe it fully.
But then a few years later I discovered "Mankind in Amnesia" by
Immanuel Velikovsky, and to my horror I understood why we are doing
these terrible things to ourselves.
Only slowly. It was hard to face it fully.
Eventually I did.
If the overwhelming majority of your species are imbeciles, the small
number of sane people can't control them.
That is the basis of human civilisation for the past eleven thousand
That is the basic story of humanity. Too many Sheeple. We can't defeat
the Sheeple. It's not a corrupt ruling group that is our immediate and
major enemy. It's the Sheeple that will destroy us. THEY are the
Poor Jane doesn't see it yet.
Careless Hands
Mankind in Amnesia
Science in Turmoil - are we funding fraud?
Animal Experimentation: the Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution
The Only Sane Response to the Vivisection Swindle (1990):
The Two Minutes Hate:
The Ministry of Truth: