EHRC_UN-NATO-WTO-xxx-EU-NL-STATE vs "Wilders" : 3!Judges_Penal Court, challenged
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2010-10-04 13:45:06 UTC
~ Standard since ca 1987, a.o.:
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"us.legal"_Shorthanded :: STATE vs "Wilders" dd, a.o.
~ iuridical-political, ~ political-iuridical: ~ Complex
Conducts/Behaviours facts/factuals <-> de facto de iure
ex officio:
Formal/Material/Procedural etc: NO (penal) Prosecution..
The higher Court not only ~ The Appeal is not dismissed,
as to the x..-NL-STATE/Amsterdam'Lower Court_Prosecution
but objectionable/reprehensible NL_Experts-unbelievable,
Conducts/Behaviours facts/factuals <-> de facto de iure,
are to punish ~ are to be punished! by this Lower Court:
Later on this higher Court in 2nd Instance=Appeal Court!
To-day after little pause, TV"intermission" 09.40-09.45:
While Mr Wilders already is ~ explicite in/under His/his
regular Right to SECRECY, to be respected by each Court,
while this Prosecution NOT ~ possibility/probability has
been able to MEDIA-affirmation of REAL facts/factuals =
Journalists/Reporters have"SECRECY" as to Theirs Sources
The Presiding Judge tries to seduce(attempt), suggestive
Mr Wilders to PROCEDURAL discussion with the CourtJudges
In this way create/creating (with)in PROCEDURE in COURT,
NEW FACTS/FACTUALS to as yet??, as still! to prosecute..
That's why the 3!(Three)Judges Court has been challenged
as to a.o vs Wilders'Secrecy, being vs "Impartiability"!
The Ordeal = Y/N 3!Other Judges, may be to-morrow 14h.00
2010-10-05 12:46:57 UTC
Post by jdewitte
Reactions ONLY!! > "us.legal", Please NO private EMLs.
"us.legal"_Shorthanded :: STATE vs "Wilders" dd, a.o.
~ iuridical-political, ~ political-iuridical: ~ Complex
Post by jdewitte
That's why the 3!(Three)Judges Court has been challenged
as to a.o vs Wilders'Secrecy, being vs "Impartiability"!
The Ordeal = Y/N 3!Other Judges, may be to-morrow 14h.00

Ordeal: However unfortunate/unhappy choice of phraseology,
choice of words of the Amsterdam-Court/URL_Rechtspraak.nl
~ While "Wilders" AVOID "DISCUSSION(s)" according to MEDIA
as reproaching "Wilders" N.B.! in/under explicite SECRECY,
from on the begin of the (whole) Procedure..
SO doing AGAIN!
ORDEAL of fast gathered independent Court[Other Judges]:
Same 3!Judges continue Process(ing) next morning 6 Oct/09h
