2011-08-30 23:36:09 UTC
1. Only about 2% of all violent crimes and less than half of all
murders are solved.
2. The police have little or no significant effect on the overall
crime rate.
3. Many of those convicted and imprisoned are later proven innocent by
DNA or other definitive tests.
4. The police falsify and fabricate evidence to get a conviction in a
large percentage of cases.
5. The police get generous pay and benefits and manipulate the system
to get overtime pay or illegal money
6. The police frequently harass, beat, and even kill innocent people.
7. The police often arrest people to make arbitrary quotas
8. Police work is no more dangerous than other common occupations.
Evidence and examples
Only about 2% of all violent crimes and less than half of all murders
are solved.
Malcolm C Young, Marc Mauer: "...ultimately, only about 2 percent of
violent crimes result in a conviction." ("Tougher Laws Will Not
Prevent Crime." In: _Crime_, P. Winters, ed. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven
Based on FBI data of the percentage of reported murders for which
someone is arrested and the percentage of those arrested who end up
being convicted, less than half (about 42%) of all murders are ever
In one study, in only 11% of reported cases of sexual assault was
someone convicted (Gray-Eurom K, Seaberg DC, Wears RL: The prosecution
of sexual assault cases: Correlation with forensic evidence. Ann Emerg
Med 2002; 39:39-46.)
The police often quote their "clearance rate," i.e., the percentage of
crimes in which someone was arrested or they "cleared" from their
books for some other reason. Nationwide, by FBI figures for 2009,
47.1 percent of violent crimes and 18.6 percent of property crimes
were "cleared" by arrest or exceptional means. The figures for the
followng crimes are: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter 66.6%,
forcible rape 41.2%, robbery 28.2%, burglary 12.5%, motor vehicle
theft 12.4%, aggravated assault 56.8%.
However, what they don't tell you is--
1. The clearance rate only refers to the percentage of reported crime
in which someone was arrested or they "cleared" from their books for
some other reason. It says nothing about whether the person was
actually guilty or, if guilty, there was enough evidence to convict.
2. The clearance rate is reported by the police departments
themselves. That's something like having a worker write his own job
evaluation or a student grade his own test. And in fact,
investigations have found that departments routinely inflate their
clearance rates to make themselves look good.
3. The clearance rate refers to the *reported* crimes cleared. Other
studies have found that less than half of all crimes are reported.
That means that the FBI-reported figure of a clearance rate of 66% for
murder translates into actually only about 40% of known murders
actually solved, and that's assuming the person convicted is actually
guilty. Furthermore, many murders are never detected, lowering the
rate still further.
for the other evidence and examples showing that the police do more
harm than good.
1. Only about 2% of all violent crimes and less than half of all
murders are solved.
2. The police have little or no significant effect on the overall
crime rate.
3. Many of those convicted and imprisoned are later proven innocent by
DNA or other definitive tests.
4. The police falsify and fabricate evidence to get a conviction in a
large percentage of cases.
5. The police get generous pay and benefits and manipulate the system
to get overtime pay or illegal money
6. The police frequently harass, beat, and even kill innocent people.
7. The police often arrest people to make arbitrary quotas
8. Police work is no more dangerous than other common occupations.
Evidence and examples
Only about 2% of all violent crimes and less than half of all murders
are solved.
Malcolm C Young, Marc Mauer: "...ultimately, only about 2 percent of
violent crimes result in a conviction." ("Tougher Laws Will Not
Prevent Crime." In: _Crime_, P. Winters, ed. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven
Based on FBI data of the percentage of reported murders for which
someone is arrested and the percentage of those arrested who end up
being convicted, less than half (about 42%) of all murders are ever
In one study, in only 11% of reported cases of sexual assault was
someone convicted (Gray-Eurom K, Seaberg DC, Wears RL: The prosecution
of sexual assault cases: Correlation with forensic evidence. Ann Emerg
Med 2002; 39:39-46.)
The police often quote their "clearance rate," i.e., the percentage of
crimes in which someone was arrested or they "cleared" from their
books for some other reason. Nationwide, by FBI figures for 2009,
47.1 percent of violent crimes and 18.6 percent of property crimes
were "cleared" by arrest or exceptional means. The figures for the
followng crimes are: murder and nonnegligent manslaughter 66.6%,
forcible rape 41.2%, robbery 28.2%, burglary 12.5%, motor vehicle
theft 12.4%, aggravated assault 56.8%.
However, what they don't tell you is--
1. The clearance rate only refers to the percentage of reported crime
in which someone was arrested or they "cleared" from their books for
some other reason. It says nothing about whether the person was
actually guilty or, if guilty, there was enough evidence to convict.
2. The clearance rate is reported by the police departments
themselves. That's something like having a worker write his own job
evaluation or a student grade his own test. And in fact,
investigations have found that departments routinely inflate their
clearance rates to make themselves look good.
3. The clearance rate refers to the *reported* crimes cleared. Other
studies have found that less than half of all crimes are reported.
That means that the FBI-reported figure of a clearance rate of 66% for
murder translates into actually only about 40% of known murders
actually solved, and that's assuming the person convicted is actually
guilty. Furthermore, many murders are never detected, lowering the
rate still further.
for the other evidence and examples showing that the police do more
harm than good.