Post by JackPineSavagePost by r***@lava.netOn Sat, 28 May 2011 15:37:51 -0700 (PDT), thedarkman
Post by thedarkmanAnd a recent article about convicted murderer Mumia Abu-Jamal can be
thedarkman, you inadvertantly left out the article by Mumia. Here it
is again. We, at VVAW/AI (
) are pleased you found nothing Mumia wrote that you were able to
Actually, pinkie, it was nothing anybody here wanted to read any of the
times you have posted Wesley, the convicted cop killer's screed, so there
was no inadvertently about it.
How nice to hear from you again Jack. Now really you have been so
wrong on the subject of Mumia Abu-Jamal that you problably didn't see
the orginal posting. After all for years, didn't you claim 'he'd get
the needle' or some such? While appearently you missed the ruling, the
3rd Circuit recently decided, unanimously, to pull the death penalty
off the table. Who knows what the decisions will be made in the not so
distant future as new evidence surfaces.
You seem to be somewhat lacking prescience whether it was about the
'endless war' or war resisters like former Lt Watada. So when you say
" so there was no inadvertently about it" we have to believe you were
wrong yet again and were to embarrassed to admit you hadn't read
Mumia's most recent artcle. No problem, we saved a copy and will
re-post it for you. Yep, vets helping need to thank us - its
the little things we do to make this a better world.
Hawaii Outpost
Vietnam Veterans Against the War/ Anti-Imperialist
Echoes of Empire
[col. writ. 5/18/11] (c) '11 Mumia Abu-Jamal
In the wake of the Osama bin Laden killing on the outskirts of
Islamabad, Pakistan, grumblings have arisen from U.S. think-tankers
and various other talking heads, about Pakistan's alleged
'double-game' with the U.S., and its apparent duplicity in the
so-called War on Terror.
But such a reading is notoriously short-sighted and one-sided, and
it ignores the old adage that nations have no friends - only
And all nations play double, and sometimes triple games.
Oh, they talk of 'allies' and 'friends', but these are but words
-they mean subjects -or worse still - servants.
Consider this when next you hear some suit blab about the War on
Terror. On Sept. 10,2002, Democrat congressman (Washington) Jim
McDermott said the following on CNN's Crossfire:
But you've got to remember that of American policy, we put
the Taliban there. We gave the money.......
we funded the Taliban through the Pakistanis, and all that
money - we could have cut off that money and
stopped what was going on. We knew what was going on there.
All we wanted was a stable, quiet
Afghanistan so we could put a pipeline down through there.
That's really what we were up to. {pp. 41-2}
This means that the Taliban, the forerunner of al Qaeda, was a
creation of the CIA, the ISI (Pakistani intelligence), and M1-6
(British intelligence)
Pakistan wanted it as a buffer against Pashtun nationalism in
Afghanistan, and as a potential weapon of war against the
Soviet-backed government in Kabul.
Have we forgotten how an addle-pated Ronald Reagan compared the
Taliban mujahideen to "our founding fathers" because of their ferocity
against the Soviets?
Stephen Kinzer, in his 2006 bestseller, Overthrow (Times Books),
quotes an Afghan secularist telling the Americans, "For God's sake -
you're financing your own assassins!" (296)
The Taliban gave birth and sustenance to al Qaeda, and rest is
The wars since then have also been of U.S. creation -- for
dominance, not democracy; for oil markets, not 'free' markets; for
resources, not for human rights.
---(c) '11 maj
[Source:Kinzer, Stephen, OVERTHROW: America's Century of Regime Change
From Hawaii to Iraq. (New York Times Books/Henry Holt & Co., 2006)
The Power of Truth is Final -- Free Mumia!
Audio of most of Mumia's essays are at:
Mumia's got a podcast! Mumia Abu-Jamal's Radio Essays - Subscribe at
the website or on iTunes and get Mumia's radio commentaries online.
PRISONERS V. THE USA, featuring an introduction by Angela Y. Davis --
has been released! It is available from City Lights Books:
Please make a contribution to help free Mumia. Donations to the
grassroots work will go to both INTERNATIONAL CONCERNED FAMILY AND