Post by Kent WillsPost by Day BrownPost by Kent WillsAbove you mention Clinton, AR. St. Louis is quite a distance
north of Clinton.
Was this a federal matter?
It is now. Today, a Federal Postal Inspector arrived with a package he thot
had marijuana in it; not to me, but someone who'd stayed here but moved
on. I agreed to have it opened,
If it wasn't addressed to you, how could you agree or disagree to
have it opened? I mean from a legal stand point.
He said I could open it in front of him to determine if it was what he
thot. I agreed he had the authority to make the offer. It came to my
Post by Kent WillsPost by Day Brownand there was a small mj bud in it. Most
curious that someone would go to the bother of mailing such a small
quantity that was also so stinky.
But since it fit with other aspects of a setup, I showed him where wild
marijuana had come up again this year, telling him the clerk of court
has until April 29 to produce a transcript,
Would someone with the USPS care about the time limit?
He'd mentioned his relationship with other federal officials. I outlined
how the plants could be used to expose evidence tampering, which I thot
was a federal crime. Wrapped up in this is also perjury by Drug Task
Force agent Sowel and prosecutor Winningham, also federal felonies.
Post by Kent WillsPost by Day Brownso that I can introduce
these wild plants - which have the same DNA yet again this year- to
prove that what was in evidence was not taken from me.
The Inspector knows this info has been posted, just like you see, and
many other places online as well, and says he'll inform federal agents
in Little Rock, since this involves LEO selling seized drugs back onto
the market. Or at least evidence tampering and perjury.
I would expect the Postal Inspector is obligated to report the
finding of the marijuana in the mailed package.
I expect he has now that we saw the contents.
Post by Kent WillsPost by Day BrownThe plants, only an inch high, have no commercial value, and wont by the
time the transcript is ready in April. The only reason LEO would seize
it would be to get rid of evidence.
Not so.
The plants are likely illegal, at least under Federal law, no
matter the size.
LEO=LOCAL law enforcement. Once they take the plants as an act to destroy
evidence, it becomes a federal matter. I will be happy to appear in
federal court to have a jury hear about all this.
Post by Kent WillsPost by Day BrownBut I have hemp stalks from the same
line, with the same DNA- which are legal to possess.
Last I knew, even hemp plants are illegal.
Read the law below.
Post by Kent WillsPost by Day BrownI also have several
witnesses to show it came up wild.
The plants being wild might benefit you. Certainly them being
wild would mean prosecutors wouldn't be able to prove you were growing
them intentionally.
Of course, the question I now have is in regards to your previous
claim of medicinal marijuana. If, as you are now claiming, it grows
wild on your property, how can you claim it's medicinal?
You can go to the Arkansas Legislature website and download or search
the law code.
If you read Title 5 section on controlled substances, you can see the
law has not been followed.
The point about the wild weed is that there is no longer any possibility
of "control". Medicinal or otherwise. What it has become, is a tool for
friends of the Good Old Boys to setup arrests and seize property. At the
very least, even if the landowner retains possession, a cash cow for
defense lawyers.
Because my crop was medicinal, I was not selling it into the market, so
the set of "confidential informants" could not have known what I was
doing. NO, this was because the neighbor trespassed onto my land, saw
the plants up close enuf to realize what they were despite the flowers
on them, called a friend in law enforcement, and was cutting trees and
bulldozing on my property while I was in jail.
This area is still the descendants of independent land owners- who
seceded from the Confederate govt in Little Rock, and dont care for the
feds no either. Their property rights are far more important to them
than the issue of marijuana, medicinal or otherwise. When they see how
the drug war has been used as a hidden tax on property, they get it.
The law also is that the asset valuation should go to state revenues,
but if you crunch the numbers, only 25% of the millions collected in
recent years actually did so. All the rest went into perks for LEO and
the District Drug Task Force units.
What remains to be seen is whether the Arkansas Court of Appeals will
ignore the law and my property rights and instead choose to protect the
Good Old Boys running the drug war like a speed trap.
BTW: if you read the section on steroids, you see an exception. Steroids
are put into calf milk replacer so the stock gains weight faster. But
now, athletes and body builders have found out about it, and have a
source of steroids vastly cheaper than anything else. Just go to a
feedmill. My 25 lb sack cost 25$, mite be 35$ now.
The public health be damned; cant interfere with beef industry profits.
I didnt have the expected money to post bond cause I didnt sell pot. So
lets get real here. LEO did not know who I was, and while I was in jail,
expecting me to cop a plea, sold the confiscated evidence. This I
figured out considering what other prisoners told me of what has been
going on here.