David Icke was right
(too old to reply)
Old Jinglebollocks
2010-04-18 23:05:56 UTC
I received the following text on email.
It's difficult for the individual *Winston Smith* to verify
everything, but this scenario is what we have come to expect and is
the logical outcome of post-diluvian survivalist mode society.


Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months
Under New Health Bill

The new Health Care Bill, H.R. 3200, just passed by Congress has
within it the requirement that all people thereunder shall be
microchiped. The plans for this microchipping has been in the hooper
going back to December of 2004.

Witness the actual FDA (Food and Drug Administration) document dated
December 10, 2004 entitled “Class II Special Guidance Document:
Implantable Radiofrequency Transponder System for Patient
Identification and Health Information. This ten page document may be
read on the FDA website at

Now witness the wording within H.R. 3200, “America’s Affordable Health
Choices Act of 2009” found on Congresses’ House Ways and Means

On page 1001 is “Subtitle C – National Medical Device Registry” which

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in
this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis
of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that … is or has
been used in or on a patient…”

In other words, everyone microchipped pursuant to the new Health Care
Bill must be registered with the Secretary. The “Secretary” is defined
as the Secretary of Health and Human Services.

The date by which this registry is to begin is mandated on page 1006,
which is 36 months after the Health Bill becomes law.

(2) EFFECTIVE DATE. – The Secretary of Health and Human Services shall
establish and begin implementation of the registry under section
519(g) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, as added by
paragraph (1) by not later than the date that is 36 months after the
date of the enactment of this Act, without regard to whether of not
final regulations to establish and operate the registry have been
promulgated by such date.

Therefore, under the law of H.R. 3200 recently passed by Congress,
microchipping of Americans must begin by the year 2013.

I cite to my often quoted Biblical Scripture in Revelation 13:16 and
17, “And he [the AntiChrist] causeth all, both small and great, rich
and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in
their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had
the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Numerous times I have stated that our current Income Tax system shall
be replaced with a tax upon all trade, and that everyone will have
automatically deducted from every transaction of buying and selling a
tax. But this tax is not the significant part. Along with this
government-granted “privilege” of buying and selling, will be the
required worship of the Man of Sin, that every knee shall bow and that
every tongue shall confess that he is god to the glory of himself.
Those refusing shall be certainly executed post haste!

Now you know what is behind the new Health Bill, H.R. 3200.

Ron Branson
Judicial Accountability Initiative Law
The only answer!
Romulus Mac An tSagairt
2010-04-19 12:54:54 UTC
On Apr 19, 12:05 am, Old Jinglebollocks
Post by Old Jinglebollocks
I received the following text on email.
It's difficult for the individual *Winston Smith* to verify
everything, but this scenario is what we have come to expect and is
the logical outcome of post-diluvian survivalist mode society.
Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months
Under New Health Bill
The new Health Care Bill, H.R. 3200, just passed by Congress has
within it the requirement that all people thereunder shall be
microchiped. The plans for this microchipping has been in the hooper
going back to December of 2004.
David Icke was a right gobshite and so are you for reporting this
infantile shite.
Look, you are getting worse; you really are getting more and more
insane. Do you want to be healed?
It is really really easy.
All you have to do is read the following slowly..

There are no plans to microchip everyone.
You are a gullible eejit.
David Icke is a fruitcake.

There? That is all you have to do? Still nuts? Just read it again.
Repeat until healed.
Special Care
2010-04-19 13:15:29 UTC
It wasn't about that mainly.
It was mainly about the question of whether it it better to have PAIN-
GENERATING societal arrangements or HAPPINESS GENERATING societal

People talk about the second coming of 'christ' or a 'great spiritual
awakening just around the corner' ........... forever just around the
corner, like the mythical 'cure' for cancer which is always just
around the corner and can be reached if you only you suckers will give
enough money to the charity

[The cure and prevention for cancer has always been known. There is
nothing to research, nothing to find. Your money donated to "cancer
research" goes only to sadism in the vivisection laboratories and
professional charity operators living it up in the brothels of exotic
locations when they go to international symposiums in Rio or elsewhere
to talk about nothing by day and live it up in the brothels at night
with your money for "research" into finding a "cure" for cancer when
the cure has always been well known. Simply avoid poisons and there
will be no cancer.]

I don't know why I typed that just now, but I suppose it's because no
one else is saying it loudly enough.


Yes, you are quite right to say I am getting worse.

We ALL are getting worse, as the concentration of "animal
tested" [=UNTESTED] poisons in our brains continues to rise and to
drive us all even more insane than we already were. It's all there in
the newspapers - this is a species becoming more insane with each
passing day as the level of "animal tested" [=UNTESTED] poisons in our
brains continues to rise and the cancer rate soars in the direction of
100% which will be reached in our lifetimes.

But the "cure" for cancer is always 'just around the corner' and is
dependent on the amount of money you pay to the professional charity
operators to enable them to live it up in the brothels of Rio on their
next foreign junket with your hard earned money, as they talk about
nothing and guzzle expensive grub by day, then live it up in the
brothels by night with your donations to "cancer
research" ............. as the cancer rate nudges toward the 100%
mark, and cancer research itself is causing the cancer rate to rise by
producing even MORE "animal tested" [=UNTESTED] poisons to push up the
cancer rate closer to 100%.

Jayzizz, ye're a right bunch o' fuckin shites, ye human beans.

Why did ye not ARREST every vivisector in the world in 1990, when Tom
asked you to?

For your children's sake, even if ye yourselves are addicted to pain?
Animal Experimentation: the Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution
Romulus Mac An tSagairt
2010-04-19 14:00:07 UTC
Post by Special Care
It wasn't about that mainly.
It was mainly about the question of whether it it better to have PAIN-
GENERATING societal arrangements or HAPPINESS GENERATING societal

You are living in a silly dream world.
Do you really believe that people are going to be microchipped?
The rest of what you wrote is tedious vacuous drivel.
Pastor Dave
2010-04-19 14:40:45 UTC
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 05:54:54 -0700 (PDT), Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
On Apr 19, 12:05 am, Old Jinglebollocks
Post by Old Jinglebollocks
It's difficult for the individual *Winston Smith*
to verify everything, but this scenario is what
we have come to expect and is the logical
outcome of post-diluvian survivalist mode society.
Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months
Under New Health Bill
The new Health Care Bill, H.R. 3200, just passed
by Congress has within it the requirement that
all people thereunder shall be microchiped.
The plans for this microchipping has been in
the hooper going back to December of 2004.
David Icke was a right gobshite and so are you
for reporting this infantile shite.
Look, you are getting worse; you really are getting
more and more insane. Do you want to be healed?
It is really really easy. All you have to do is read
the following slowly..
There are no plans to microchip everyone.
You are a gullible eejit.
David Icke is a fruitcake.
There. That is all you have to do. Still nuts?
Just read it again. Repeat until healed.
This seems to me to be nothing more than end times
hysteria. They see the fulfillment of the prophecies
of the Bible in the daily news.

Of course, when that fails to be said fulfillment,
they just move on to the next day's news and
never confess that they were wrong yesterday.

That's what Futurism is all about! (:
Pastor Dave

The following is part of my auto-rotating
sig file and not part of the message body.

I hit the <CTRL> key, but I'm still not normal!
Special Care
2010-04-19 15:00:53 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
This seems to me to be nothing more than end times
hysteria.  They see the fulfillment of the prophecies
of the Bible in the daily news.
Pastor Dave
Special Care
2010-04-19 15:02:53 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
This seems to me to be nothing more than end times
hysteria.  They see the fulfillment of the prophecies
of the Bible in the daily news.
Pastor Dave
Did you not read this?http://www.fda.gov/downloads/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidan...
Full URL:
Romulus Mac An tSagairt
2010-04-19 15:42:58 UTC
Post by Special Care
Post by Pastor Dave
This seems to me to be nothing more than end times
hysteria.  They see the fulfillment of the prophecies
of the Bible in the daily news.
Pastor Dave
Did you not read this?http://www.fda.gov/downloads/MedicalDevices/DeviceRegulationandGuidan...
You really believe everyone is going to get chipped? You are a
fucking eejit.
You really are the most gullible person I have ever come across.
Special Care
2010-04-19 19:44:45 UTC
I really didn't want to argue about that. I was passing on an
informative email I had received, for anyone who might be interested
in reading it, and there are some.

I don't know what it is with your fuckers.

I tried to help you, but you don't want to be helped.
Romulus Mac An tSagairt
2010-04-19 21:13:41 UTC
Post by Special Care
I really didn't want to argue about that. I was passing on an
informative email I had received, for anyone who might be interested
in reading it, and there are some.
You got an e-mail about chips.
You believed it.
You just took it at face value.
You refuse to bveliece perfectly sensible sources of information like
wikipedia but you believe some unverified e-mail that someone just snt
you oin an e-mail.
Because the unverified e-mail is exciting.
It conjures up images of
Star Trek.
The Prisoner.
The Invaders.
All those 60s edgy conspiracy and Sci Fi movies.
It explains why you find life tough.
You find life tough because of (insert here any amount of daft
crappola that you either made up or read in some scam book) aliens and
lizards and catastrophes and freudian mumbo jumbo.
The sad truth is much more prosaic.
Most people find life tough.
Many find life shit.
It is because that is the way it is.
There is no reason why you should be happy and contented, sadly.
If you were happy and contented, you would not bother doing anything.
Life is shit because of evolution.
It is a rat race out there.

You are not helping it by living in a fantasy world.
You are not helping it by drinking too much.
You are probably mentally ill but then so maybe are all of us.
Most of us manage to maintain a certain amount of scepticism when send
fruitcake conspiracy theory e-mails.
Post by Special Care
I don't know what it is with your fuckers.
I tried to help you, but you don't want to be helped.
I am trying to help you too but you are drunk or just plain nuts.
Special Care
2010-04-19 21:34:29 UTC
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Post by Special Care
I don't know what it is with your fuckers.
I tried to help you, but you don't want to be helped.
I am trying to help you too but you are drunk or just plain nuts.

Special Care
2010-04-19 21:43:24 UTC
Post by Special Care
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Post by Special Care
I don't know what it is with your fuckers.
I tried to help you, but you don't want to be helped.
I am trying to help you too but you are drunk or just plain nuts.
Jayziz it's about healing our tragic civililisation, that's all.
Wilhelm Reich and Ronald Laing were among the few conventionally
trained psychologists who recognised that human society is insane and
that what mainstream psychology classifies as neurosis or addiction is
in fact a healthy response from a sane organism to the stress of being
required to live in an insane civilisation while pretending it's not
an insane civilisation.
Special Care
2010-04-19 21:47:25 UTC
Benedict McAnespie
2010-04-19 21:52:51 UTC
Post by Special Care
you just posted that song three times.

I never used to like Cash much; it was not my thing but this is the
best music video I have ever seen:

Special Care
2010-04-19 21:54:14 UTC
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.

Fuckin shite.
Special Care
2010-04-19 22:01:50 UTC

Benedict McAnespie
2010-04-19 22:01:49 UTC
Post by Special Care
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Pastor Dave
2010-04-19 22:09:22 UTC
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin shite. http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.

Either that, or they just think they're impressing people
by thinking it is some sort of rebellion, which is especially
finny, considering if evolution is true, then they're right
where they're supposed to be and have nothing to
complain about!

And thanks for the wonderful cross-posts into alt.bible
that are full of foul language! I'm sure you are not
one of those hypocrites who complains when others
cross-post something you don't want to see, right?

Now go ahead and tell us how you didn't start
the cross-posting, since as we all know, that
means that it's impossible for you to whittle down
the groups at all. <chuckle>

Goodbye now. I don't waste time with someone
who is just out seeking ways to ridicule people. (:
Pastor Dave

The following is part of my auto-rotating
sig file and not part of the message body.

"Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due."
2010-04-20 08:33:34 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as
it was before.
Fuckin shite. http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.
Science by unsupported random assertion again.

Since Baptists like to plunge people into the water, they must be turning
into fish.

See, it's easy.

SOTW: Candy Everybody Wants - 10000 Maniacs

Benedict McAnespie
2010-04-20 08:46:30 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.
Either that, or they just think they're impressing people
by thinking it is some sort of rebellion, which is especially
finny, considering if evolution is true, then they're right
where they're supposed to be and have nothing to
complain about!
And thanks for the wonderful cross-posts into alt.bible
that are full of foul language!  I'm sure you are not
one of those hypocrites who complains when others
cross-post something you don't want to see, right?
Now go ahead and tell us how you didn't start
the cross-posting, since as we all know, that
means that it's impossible for you to whittle down
the groups at all. <chuckle>
Goodbye now.  I don't waste time with someone
The foul language came from "special care" who is the same person as
"old jingle bollocks" who started this.
He is a troll and/or usenet looney. All I did was say that he was
drunk and to point out that he is indeed a looney.

His basic thesis is that every single person on the planet is insane
but he is sane. Unfortunately he posts a lot while drunk so, overall,
it makes it kind of silly.

The evolutionary stuff is a tangent.
Special Care
2010-04-20 10:29:50 UTC
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Pastor Dave
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.
Either that, or they just think they're impressing people
by thinking it is some sort of rebellion, which is especially
finny, considering if evolution is true, then they're right
where they're supposed to be and have nothing to
complain about!
And thanks for the wonderful cross-posts into alt.bible
that are full of foul language!  I'm sure you are not
one of those hypocrites who complains when others
cross-post something you don't want to see, right?
Now go ahead and tell us how you didn't start
the cross-posting, since as we all know, that
means that it's impossible for you to whittle down
the groups at all. <chuckle>
Goodbye now.  I don't waste time with someone
The foul language came from "special care" who is the same person as
"old jingle bollocks" who started this.
He is a troll and/or usenet looney.  All I did was say that he was
drunk and to point out that he is indeed a looney.
His basic thesis is that every single person on the planet is insane
but he is sane.  Unfortunately he posts a lot while drunk so, overall,
it makes it kind of silly.
The evolutionary stuff is a tangent.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

Here's some more 'foul language' for you then:

Special Care
2010-04-20 10:25:32 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.

What it comes down to is that an intelligent being needs anesthetic to
dull the pain of living in an insane civilisation.

And it is well known that the alcohol / happiness potion /
tranqulliser / anti-depressant / legal and illegal drug industry is
the area of human endeavour which consumes most of our creative

So, we have here a civilisation which puts the major portion of its
energy into manufacturing potions to enable its inhabitants to forget
about the reality of their civilisation.

And still you try to say this is not a mentally ill species?
The best of "Collective Mental Illness"
Benedict McAnespie
2010-04-20 10:30:47 UTC
wrote:> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.
What it comes down to is that an intelligent being needs anesthetic to
dull the pain of living in an insane civilisation.
And it is well known that the alcohol / happiness potion /
tranqulliser / anti-depressant / legal and illegal drug industry is
the area of human endeavour which consumes most of our creative
So, we have here a civilisation which puts the major portion of its
energy into manufacturing potions to enable its inhabitants to forget
about the reality of their civilisation.
And still you try to say this is not a mentally ill species?
The best of "Collective Mental Illness"http://docs.google.com/View?id=dddp6bt4_191cz999ngm
It is very very simple.
Stop drinking alcohol.
It will hurt for a day or two.
Then you will feel ok.
Life will go on and you will be less depressed than you used to be and
you will feel better physically and mentally.
You will also live longer.
Special Care
2010-04-20 10:45:02 UTC
Post by Benedict McAnespie
wrote:> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.
What it comes down to is that an intelligent being needs anesthetic to
dull the pain of living in an insane civilisation.
And it is well known that the alcohol / happiness potion /
tranqulliser / anti-depressant / legal and illegal drug industry is
the area of human endeavour which consumes most of our creative
So, we have here a civilisation which puts the major portion of its
energy into manufacturing potions to enable its inhabitants to forget
about the reality of their civilisation.
And still you try to say this is not a mentally ill species?
The best of "Collective Mental Illness"http://docs.google.com/View?id=dddp6bt4_191cz999ngm
It is very very simple.
Stop drinking alcohol.
It will hurt for a day or two.
Then you will feel ok.
Life will go on and you will be less depressed than you used to be and
you will feel better physically and mentally.
You will also live longer.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -

You've got a career.

You can make a lot of money as a FAKE "therapist."

Teaching the suckers to adjust to a FAKE civilisation and to pretend
our civilsation and our societal arrangements are NOT insane.

Go on then. There's a lot of money to be made in the FAKE therapy
industry at this time.
The Best of "Collective Mental Illness"
Benedict McAnespie
2010-04-20 11:16:17 UTC
Post by Special Care
Post by Benedict McAnespie
wrote:> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.
What it comes down to is that an intelligent being needs anesthetic to
dull the pain of living in an insane civilisation.
And it is well known that the alcohol / happiness potion /
tranqulliser / anti-depressant / legal and illegal drug industry is
the area of human endeavour which consumes most of our creative
So, we have here a civilisation which puts the major portion of its
energy into manufacturing potions to enable its inhabitants to forget
about the reality of their civilisation.
And still you try to say this is not a mentally ill species?
The best of "Collective Mental Illness"http://docs.google.com/View?id=dddp6bt4_191cz999ngm
It is very very simple.
Stop drinking alcohol.
It will hurt for a day or two.
Then you will feel ok.
Life will go on and you will be less depressed than you used to be and
you will feel better physically and mentally.
You will also live longer.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You've got a career.
You can make a lot of money as a FAKE "therapist."
Teaching the suckers to adjust to a FAKE civilisation and to pretend
our civilsation and our societal arrangements are NOT insane.
Go on then. There's a lot of money to be made in the FAKE therapy
industry at this time.
The Best of "Collective Mental Illness"http://docs.google.com/View?id=dddp6bt4_191cz999ngm
There is no money to be made from the obvious.
No one wants to pay someone to tell them to stop drinking.
It is not a popular thing to be told.

What there is money in is selling books about how venus hit the earth
and gave rise to vampire stories or how the CIA is putting microchips
in everyone.
Special Care
2010-04-20 11:31:25 UTC
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
Post by Benedict McAnespie
wrote:> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.
What it comes down to is that an intelligent being needs anesthetic to
dull the pain of living in an insane civilisation.
And it is well known that the alcohol / happiness potion /
tranqulliser / anti-depressant / legal and illegal drug industry is
the area of human endeavour which consumes most of our creative
So, we have here a civilisation which puts the major portion of its
energy into manufacturing potions to enable its inhabitants to forget
about the reality of their civilisation.
And still you try to say this is not a mentally ill species?
The best of "Collective Mental Illness"http://docs.google.com/View?id=dddp6bt4_191cz999ngm
It is very very simple.
Stop drinking alcohol.
It will hurt for a day or two.
Then you will feel ok.
Life will go on and you will be less depressed than you used to be and
you will feel better physically and mentally.
You will also live longer.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You've got a career.
You can make a lot of money as a FAKE "therapist."
Teaching the suckers to adjust to a FAKE civilisation and to pretend
our civilsation and our societal arrangements are NOT insane.
Go on then. There's a lot of money to be made in the FAKE therapy
industry at this time.
The Best of "Collective Mental Illness"http://docs.google.com/View?id=dddp6bt4_191cz999ngm
There is no money to be made from the obvious.
No one wants to pay someone to tell them to stop drinking.
It is not a popular thing to be told.
What there is money in is selling books about how venus hit the earth
and gave rise to vampire stories or how the CIA is putting microchips
in everyone.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Velikovsky did not make much money from his books, just as Hans Ruesch
did not make much money from his books.
These great men wrote what they wrote as a statement of reality to
contribute to the healing of an insane civilisation.

The Secret History of the Solar System

Mass Scotoma Rides Again

The Trilogy of Truth (Immanuel Velikovsky)
Benedict McAnespie
2010-04-20 12:38:52 UTC
Post by Special Care
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
Post by Benedict McAnespie
wrote:> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 15:01:49 -0700 (PDT), Benedict McAnespie
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Benedict McAnespie
Post by Special Care
This is all a load of fuckin shite, to keep everything the same as it
was before.
Fuckin http://youtu.be/5SDogDjp0vo
I give in; you are drunk again.
Since we see so much foul language from evolutionists,
the evolutionist must believe that it is a sign of intelligence.
What it comes down to is that an intelligent being needs anesthetic to
dull the pain of living in an insane civilisation.
And it is well known that the alcohol / happiness potion /
tranqulliser / anti-depressant / legal and illegal drug industry is
the area of human endeavour which consumes most of our creative
So, we have here a civilisation which puts the major portion of its
energy into manufacturing potions to enable its inhabitants to forget
about the reality of their civilisation.
And still you try to say this is not a mentally ill species?
The best of "Collective Mental Illness"http://docs.google.com/View?id=dddp6bt4_191cz999ngm
It is very very simple.
Stop drinking alcohol.
It will hurt for a day or two.
Then you will feel ok.
Life will go on and you will be less depressed than you used to be and
you will feel better physically and mentally.
You will also live longer.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You've got a career.
You can make a lot of money as a FAKE "therapist."
Teaching the suckers to adjust to a FAKE civilisation and to pretend
our civilsation and our societal arrangements are NOT insane.
Go on then. There's a lot of money to be made in the FAKE therapy
industry at this time.
The Best of "Collective Mental Illness"http://docs.google.com/View?id=dddp6bt4_191cz999ngm
There is no money to be made from the obvious.
No one wants to pay someone to tell them to stop drinking.
It is not a popular thing to be told.
What there is money in is selling books about how venus hit the earth
and gave rise to vampire stories or how the CIA is putting microchips
in everyone.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Velikovsky did not make much money from his books,
Then it is you that is very very naieve.
He made a fortune from them.
He wrote a pile of the stupid things and several of them were
bestsellers. I can remember seeing them in Easons. That was just one
shop in Dublin.
They eventually stopped selling as everyone copped on.
Post by Special Care
just as Hans Ruesch
did not make much money from his books.
These great men wrote what they wrote as a statement of reality to
contribute to the healing of an insane civilisation.
The Secret History of the Solar Systemhttp://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dddp6bt4_158gg4t9mhb
Mass Scotoma Rides Againhttp://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dddp6bt4_175d3cpt7cd
The Trilogy of Truth (Immanuel Velikovsky)http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dddp6bt4_8d2hnhqgs
Special Care
2010-04-20 11:16:19 UTC
Here's some more 'foul language' for you then:

Pastor Dave
2010-04-19 22:02:37 UTC
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:13:41 -0700 (PDT), Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
You got an e-mail about chips.
You refuse to believe perfectly sensible sources
of information like wikipedia but you believe
some unverified e-mail that someone just sent
you in an e-mail.
Actually, I'd take Wikipedia with a grain of salt. :)

People think that Wikipedia is an actual encyclopedia,
but it isn't. It is in that style, but in reality, it's just
a user edited site that anyone can add to. I could
edit it and make lots of claims that may or may not
be true, so again, do not take Wikipedia as Gospel!
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Why? Because the unverified e-mail is exciting.
Yup! Exactly! :)
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Life is shit because of evolution.
If you're life is bad, it has nothing to do with evolution,
but how convenient for you to be able to blame it and
how self-contradictory!

Evolution, if it were real, is a mindless process.

Yet, it is said to have "created" and have "direction".

Evolution, if it were real, cannot affect anyone's life,
since it is not an intelligence.

Yet you claim that "life is sh*t because of evolution",
which assigns it some form intelligent force on the
lives of people.
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
You are not helping it by living in a fantasy world.
You are not helping it by drinking too much.
You are probably mentally ill but then so maybe are all of us.
I am trying to help you too but you are drunk or just plain nuts.
Ah, the typical evolutionist approach! Ridicule anyone
who doesn't agree with you! (:

To the evolutionist, there is no way to communicate
with anyone who won't bow to them, except to ridicule!
Pastor Dave

The following is part of my auto-rotating
sig file and not part of the message body.

"What else is the whole like of mortals, but a sort
of comedy, in which the various actors, disguised
by various costumes and masks, walk on and plays
each one his part, until the manager waves them
off the stage " - Erasmus
Benedict McAnespie
2010-04-19 22:16:01 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 14:13:41 -0700 (PDT), Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
You got an e-mail about chips.
You refuse to believe perfectly sensible sources
of information like wikipedia but you believe
some unverified e-mail that someone just sent
you in an e-mail.
Actually, I'd take Wikipedia with a grain of salt. :)
Any source of information is to be taken with grain of salt.
Wikipedia, in my experience, is pretty good.
Nothing is infallible but Wikipedia does a pretty goood job.
Post by Pastor Dave
People think that Wikipedia is an actual encyclopedia,
but it isn't.  It is in that style, but in reality, it's just
a user edited site that anyone can add to.  I could
You can say the same about any encyclopedia. People write stuff and
add to it.
Post by Pastor Dave
edit it and make lots of claims that may or may not
be true, so again, do not take Wikipedia as Gospel!
You would want to be nust to take anything as gospel, and that
includes teh bible (pun intended).
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Why?  Because the unverified e-mail is exciting.
Yup!  Exactly! :)
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Life is shit because of evolution.
If you're life is bad, it has nothing to do with evolution,
but how convenient for you to be able to blame it and
how self-contradictory!
Ok, I get it. life is shit because I don't believe in god etc.
Post by Pastor Dave
Evolution, if it were real, is a mindless process.
So is usenet; so is gravity.
Post by Pastor Dave
Yet, it is said to have "created" and have "direction".
It probably created but there is no reason for a direction.
Directions come from preachers and policemen.
Post by Pastor Dave
Evolution, if it were real, cannot affect anyone's life,
since it is not an intelligence.
That is meaningless;
that is like saying lightening cannot effect you because it is not an
Or like saying the third law of thermodynamics cannot effect you
because it is not an intelligence.
That is meaningless.
Post by Pastor Dave
Yet you claim that "life is sh*t because of evolution",
which assigns it some form intelligent force on the
lives of people.
Ehhhh; ohhhh no it doesn't.
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
You are not helping it by living in a fantasy world.
You are not helping it by drinking too much.
You are probably mentally ill but then so maybe are all of us.
I am trying to help you too but you are drunk or just plain nuts.
Ah, the typical evolutionist approach!  Ridicule anyone
Oh boy;
Pastor Dave: meet special care; Ishtar; old jinglebollocks.
You lot: meet Dave!
Post by Pastor Dave
To the evolutionist, there is no way to communicate
with anyone who won't bow to them, except to ridicule!
Ridicule does come easy.
Stop being ridiculous and I will stop ridiculing.
Special Care
2010-04-19 22:55:03 UTC
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Post by Special Care
I really didn't want to argue about that. I was passing on an
informative email I had received, for anyone who might be interested
in reading it, and there are some.
You got an e-mail about chips.
You believed it.
You just took it at face value.
You refuse to bveliece perfectly sensible sources of information like
wikipedia but you believe some unverified e-mail that someone just snt
you oin an e-mail.
Because the unverified e-mail is exciting.
It conjures up images of
Star Trek.
The Prisoner.
The Invaders.
All those 60s edgy conspiracy and Sci Fi movies.
It explains why you find life tough.
You find life tough because of (insert here any amount of daft
crappola that you either made up or read in some scam book) aliens and
lizards and catastrophes and freudian mumbo jumbo.
The sad truth is much more prosaic.
Most people find life tough.
Many find life shit.
It is because that is the way it is.
There is no reason why you should be happy and contented, sadly.
If you were happy and contented, you would not bother doing anything.
Life is shit because of evolution.
It is a rat race out there.
You are not helping it by living in a fantasy world.
You are not helping it by drinking too much.
You are probably mentally ill but then so maybe are all of us.
Most of us manage to maintain a certain amount of scepticism when send
fruitcake conspiracy theory e-mails.
Post by Special Care
I don't know what it is with your fuckers.
I tried to help you, but you don't want to be helped.
I am trying to help you too but you are drunk or just plain nuts.
Onde e Mac an tSagairt?

Special Care
2010-04-19 23:00:14 UTC
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Post by Special Care
I really didn't want to argue about that. I was passing on an
informative email I had received, for anyone who might be interested
in reading it, and there are some.
You got an e-mail about chips.
You believed it.
You just took it at face value.
You refuse to bveliece perfectly sensible sources of information like
wikipedia but you believe some unverified e-mail that someone just snt
you oin an e-mail.
Because the unverified e-mail is exciting.
It conjures up images of
Star Trek.
The Prisoner.
The Invaders.
All those 60s edgy conspiracy and Sci Fi movies.
It explains why you find life tough.
You find life tough because of (insert here any amount of daft
crappola that you either made up or read in some scam book) aliens and
lizards and catastrophes and freudian mumbo jumbo.
The sad truth is much more prosaic.
Most people find life tough.
Many find life shit.
It is because that is the way it is.
There is no reason why you should be happy and contented, sadly.
If you were happy and contented, you would not bother doing anything.
Life is shit because of evolution.
It is a rat race out there.
You are not helping it by living in a fantasy world.
You are not helping it by drinking too much.
You are probably mentally ill but then so maybe are all of us.
Most of us manage to maintain a certain amount of scepticism when send
fruitcake conspiracy theory e-mails.
Post by Special Care
I don't know what it is with your fuckers.
I tried to help you, but you don't want to be helped.
I am trying to help you too but you are drunk or just plain nuts.
Onde e Mac an http://youtu.be/tgSI7IaIofQ Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Esta chovendo na roseira..... for jayziz sake
Special Care
2010-04-19 23:02:16 UTC
Aaaaaaahhhh voce e de ninguem...........................
Pastor Dave
2010-04-19 21:36:50 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Old Jinglebollocks
It's difficult for the individual *Winston Smith*
to verify everything, but this scenario is what
we have come to expect and is the logical
outcome of post-diluvian survivalist mode society.
Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months
Under New Health Bill
The new Health Care Bill, H.R. 3200, just passed
by Congress has within it the requirement that
all people thereunder shall be microchiped.
The plans for this microchipping has been in
the hooper going back to December of 2004.
This seems to me to be nothing more than end times
hysteria.  They see the fulfillment of the prophecies
of the Bible in the daily news.
Did you not read this?
What exactly is it that you are saying? That these chips
are going to be put in all people? Or that you believe
that it has something to do with a prophecy of the Bible,
namely Rev 13:11-18?
Pastor Dave

The following is part of my auto-rotating
sig file and not part of the message body.

"Most Christians testify to the truth that their
own lives were a hell until they placed their lives
in the hands of the Creator. Heaven for them is
being in the presence of that Creator and now their
lives are filled with a love and peace that was not
there before. They feel they have found a door out
of the Hell they were in and a responsibility to
show others where that door is. This often comes
across to the non-believer as "looking down" on
them, but as a wise man once said... 'We're just
beggars showing others where the bread is'.
- Eric Fisher
Pastor Dave
2010-04-21 08:32:51 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Old Jinglebollocks
It's difficult for the individual *Winston Smith*
to verify everything, but this scenario is what
we have come to expect and is the logical
outcome of post-diluvian survivalist mode society.
Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months
Under New Health Bill
The new Health Care Bill, H.R. 3200, just passed
by Congress has within it the requirement that
all people thereunder shall be microchiped.
The plans for this microchipping has been in
the hooper going back to December of 2004.
This seems to me to be nothing more than end times
hysteria.  They see the fulfillment of the prophecies
of the Bible in the daily news.
Did you not read this?
What exactly is it that you are saying? That these chips
are going to be put in all people? Or that you believe
that it has something to do with a prophecy of the Bible,
namely Rev 13:11-18?
Pastor Dave

The following is part of my auto-rotating
sig file and not part of the message body.

"You must learn to face the fact, always, that you
choose to do what you do, and that everything you
do affects not only you but others." - Holly Lisle
Ray OHara
2010-04-19 15:38:44 UTC
Post by Pastor Dave
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 05:54:54 -0700 (PDT), Romulus Mac An tSagairt
On Apr 19, 12:05 am, Old Jinglebollocks
Post by Old Jinglebollocks
It's difficult for the individual *Winston Smith*
to verify everything, but this scenario is what
we have come to expect and is the logical
outcome of post-diluvian survivalist mode society.
Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months
Under New Health Bill
The new Health Care Bill, H.R. 3200, just passed
by Congress has within it the requirement that
all people thereunder shall be microchiped.
The plans for this microchipping has been in
the hooper going back to December of 2004.
David Icke was a right gobshite and so are you
for reporting this infantile shite.
Look, you are getting worse; you really are getting
more and more insane. Do you want to be healed?
It is really really easy. All you have to do is read
the following slowly..
There are no plans to microchip everyone.
You are a gullible eejit.
David Icke is a fruitcake.
There. That is all you have to do. Still nuts?
Just read it again. Repeat until healed.
This seems to me to be nothing more than end times
hysteria. They see the fulfillment of the prophecies
of the Bible in the daily news.
Of course, when that fails to be said fulfillment,
they just move on to the next day's news and
never confess that they were wrong yesterday.
when you predict the end no one minds when you are wrong.
Pastor Dave
2010-04-19 19:46:05 UTC
On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 11:38:44 -0400, "Ray OHara"
Post by Pastor Dave
Post by Romulus Mac An tSagairt
Post by Old Jinglebollocks
It's difficult for the individual *Winston Smith*
to verify everything, but this scenario is what
we have come to expect and is the logical
outcome of post-diluvian survivalist mode society.
Microchipping To Begin In 36 Months
Under New Health Bill
The new Health Care Bill, H.R. 3200, just passed
by Congress has within it the requirement that
all people thereunder shall be microchiped.
The plans for this microchipping has been in
the hooper going back to December of 2004.
David Icke was a right gobshite and so are you
for reporting this infantile shite.
Look, you are getting worse; you really are getting
more and more insane. Do you want to be healed?
It is really really easy. All you have to do is read
the following slowly..
There are no plans to microchip everyone.
You are a gullible eejit.
David Icke is a fruitcake.
There. That is all you have to do. Still nuts?
Just read it again. Repeat until healed.
This seems to me to be nothing more than end times
hysteria. They see the fulfillment of the prophecies
of the Bible in the daily news.
Of course, when that fails to be said fulfillment,
they just move on to the next day's news and
never confess that they were wrong yesterday.
When you predict the end no one minds
when you are wrong.
Amazing, isn't it?! :)
Pastor Dave

The following is part of my auto-rotating
sig file and not part of the message body.

Nietzsche, was a liar, cheater, promiscuous homosexual
and basically a self-depracating, "free for all" type
person. But atheists love him, because he promoted
atheism and the idea that belief in God is irrational.

I find this interesting, since it proves my claim that
atheists are always self-contradictory in their beliefs,
since one after another, they always end up doing
exactly that!

Let's look at what else Nietzsche said...

"The irrationality of a thing is not an argument
against its existence. Rather, a condition of it."
- Nietzsche
Continue reading on narkive: