The High Tide Mark of the Present Civilisation
(too old to reply)
Special Care
2009-10-19 22:21:53 UTC
Hans Ruesch at UCLA 1984.

That was the highest point our civilisation reached.

It's been downhill all the way since then.



One thing we can say for sure: everything has been going steadily
downhill in our civilisation since that day when Hans Ruesch addressed
the progressives in Los Angeles on that memorable day in 1984.

If nobody else will say it, I'm going to say it.

I am saying that that was the 'high water mark' of our civilisation -
that day when Hans Ruesch came to Los Angeles and said what he said in

THAT was our civilisation's FINEST HOUR.

THAT was the HIGH WATER MARK of the present civilisation.

When Hans came to L.A. in 1984.


And it's been downhill all the way since then.


The fact that humanity did not progress, did not go forward, but only
went steadily backward, after Hans Ruesch made that speech at the
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1984 - tells us all we
need to know about our mental state, the mental state of collective

When I look again at the video recording of that amazing presentation
by Hans at UCLA 1984, I am filled with embarrassment.

Nothing progressive happened after Hans made that speech in Los
Angeles in 1984.

We went backward instead of forward after Hans came to L.A.

And now it's all over bar the dying.

Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
2009-10-20 08:19:57 UTC
Post by Special Care
Hans Ruesch at UCLA 1984.
That was the highest point our civilisation reached.
It's been downhill all the way since then.
Nonsense; no one has heard of him;
The high point was the marriage of Posh and Becks in Ireland in 1999
The world has been in a state of chassis ever since. The 9/11 attacks
happened 2 years later. Co-incidence? Of course not.
Special Care
2009-10-20 13:00:22 UTC
On Oct 20, 9:19 am, "Augustus O'Muircheartaigh"
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Post by Special Care
Hans Ruesch at UCLA 1984.
That was the highest point our civilisation reached.
It's been downhill all the way since then.
Nonsense; no one has heard of him;
The high point was the marriage of Posh and Becks in Ireland in 1999http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/special_report/1999/07/99/the_posh_wedding...
The world has been in a state of chassis ever since.  The 9/11 attacks
happened 2 years later.  Co-incidence?  Of course not.

I rest my case.

It's all over bar the dying.

Animal Experimentation: the Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution
Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
2009-10-20 13:07:32 UTC
Post by Special Care
On Oct 20, 9:19 am, "Augustus O'Muircheartaigh"
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Post by Special Care
Hans Ruesch at UCLA 1984.
That was the highest point our civilisation reached.
It's been downhill all the way since then.
Nonsense; no one has heard of him;
The high point was the marriage of Posh and Becks in Ireland in 1999http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/special_report/1999/07/99/the_posh_wedding...
The world has been in a state of chassis ever since.  The 9/11 attacks
happened 2 years later.  Co-incidence?  Of course not.
I rest my case.
You had a case?
About Hans Rousch whose name shall ever more be remembered by all
those who care.
Remind me again; was he the babies arse expert or the bloke who said
flies came from Venus?
Special Care
2009-10-20 13:11:46 UTC
"The problem is that there is an intentionally created vicious cycle
that supports many interest groups. These groups, which are all
interrelated, consist of the following: the chemical empire, the
petroleum empire, the pharmaceutical empire, the food industry, the
tobacco industry, the research institutes, the “health” institutes,
the military, the government, and even the so-called environmental
movement. In other words, one group creates the problem, one group
claims to be assessing and studying the problem, and yet another one
pretends to be fighting and solving the problem."

"...and yet another one pretends to be fighting and solving the

That last statement refers to Gill Langley's fake, fraudulent Dr
Hadwen Trust.
They all get their 'cut' from the Vivisection Swindle.

"...and yet another one pretends to be fighting and solving the

Animal Experimentation: the Hidden Cause of Environmental Pollution
Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
2009-10-20 13:22:34 UTC
Post by Special Care
"The problem is that there is an intentionally created vicious cycle
that supports many interest groups. These groups, which are all
interrelated, consist of the following: the chemical empire, the
petroleum empire, the pharmaceutical empire, the food industry, the
tobacco industry, the research institutes, the “health” institutes,
the military, the government, and even the so-called environmental
movement. In other words, one group creates the problem, one group
claims to be assessing and studying the problem, and yet another one
pretends to be fighting and solving the problem."
And don't forget the FAI!!
2009-10-20 15:15:49 UTC
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Post by Special Care
"The problem is that there is an intentionally created vicious cycle
that supports many interest groups. These groups, which are all
interrelated, consist of the following: the chemical empire, the
petroleum empire, the pharmaceutical empire, the food industry, the
tobacco industry, the research institutes, the “health” institutes,
the military, the government, and even the so-called environmental
movement. In other words, one group creates the problem, one group
claims to be assessing and studying the problem, and yet another one
pretends to be fighting and solving the problem."
And don't forget the FAI!!
There's a poster on a wastebin outside my house that lists all the poisons
in vaccines and explains that swine flu is being deliberately spread by

SOTW: "April Skies" - Jesus And Mary Chain

2009-10-20 15:21:17 UTC
Post by Westprog
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Post by Special Care
"The problem is that there is an intentionally created vicious cycle
that supports many interest groups. These groups, which are all
interrelated, consist of the following: the chemical empire, the
petroleum empire, the pharmaceutical empire, the food industry, the
tobacco industry, the research institutes, the “health” institutes,
the military, the government, and even the so-called environmental
movement. In other words, one group creates the problem, one group
claims to be assessing and studying the problem, and yet another one
pretends to be fighting and solving the problem."
And don't forget the FAI!!
There's a poster on a wastebin outside my house that lists all the poisons
in vaccines and explains that swine flu is being deliberately spread by
Well, now you know who glued it there.

2009-10-20 15:21:07 UTC
Post by Caít()
Post by Westprog
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Post by Special Care
"The problem is that there is an intentionally created vicious
cycle that supports many interest groups. These groups, which are
all interrelated, consist of the following: the chemical empire,
the petroleum empire, the pharmaceutical empire, the food
industry, the tobacco industry, the research institutes, the
“health” institutes, the military, the government, and even the
so-called environmental movement. In other words, one group
creates the problem, one group claims to be assessing and studying
the problem, and yet another one pretends to be fighting and
solving the problem."
And don't forget the FAI!!
There's a poster on a wastebin outside my house that lists all the
poisons in vaccines and explains that swine flu is being
deliberately spread by chemtrails.
Well, now you know who glued it there.
I hope so. It's scary to think there might be two of them.

SOTW: "April Skies" - Jesus And Mary Chain

2009-10-20 15:45:23 UTC
On Oct 20, 4:21 pm, "Westprog" <***@hottmail.com> wrote:
Post by Westprog
Post by Caít()
Well, now you know who glued it there.
I hope so. It's scary to think there might be two of them.
Of course, Gussie is working really hard to multiply him.
You'd think he had a life wouldn't you?

Special Care
2009-10-20 19:04:03 UTC
If you see the world and humanity as they really are, you will not be
a happy person.
People who, for example, have lost a child in tragic circumstance,
often say the pain never goes away. The same applies if you see the
world as it really is. The feeling of unease and sadness will never go
away, and you will seek refuge in alcohol. If you tell anyone what the
world actually is like and what the mental state of humanity actually
is, the response will be only to say you are mentally ill or words to
that effect. People are afraid of seeing what we are actually doing -
the collective death wish and all that goes with it.

Why do supposedly sophisticated environmentalists like Greenpeace
accept the climate change hype, when the greatest and most immediate
threat to the environment always was the fake animal tests which
facilitate humanity's collective suicide / self genocide / biocide?
It's not really a case of Greenpeace being misled by government
propaganda. They want to be misled. They can't cope with the emotional
burden of seeing the vivisection swindle and what it means.

What is frightening about this is not just the slow-motion collective
suicide of humanity, but even more terrifying is what the vivisection
swindle tells us about our collective mental state.

Looking at Hans Ruesch's discourse at Los Angeles in 1984, then
looking at Peter Tatchell's recent chat with Gill Langley, you see
both avoidance and dumbing down. You also see the collusion in the
fake debate peddled by Gill Langley. Everybody wants that fake debate,
because we are unable to cope with the emotional burden of the truth,
both the truth about our slow-motion collective suicide and the truth
about our mental state as indicated by that slow-motion collective

If you see it clearly, the pain will never go away.

'Ignornace is bliss' is not really an Orwellian slogan. That was
'ignorance is strength.'
'Ignorance is bliss' really describes our collective mental state.

The ever-increasing build up in the concentration of "animal
tested" [=untested] poisons cannot be reversed. Eventually it will
cause our civilisation to collapse. It could happen in several ways.
The poisoning effect could destroy a vital part of the food chain, so
that our food supply is wiped out. Or, the ever-increasing level of
poisons flowing into our bodies could so weaken our immune response
that we succumb to worldwide disease plagues. That's what AIDS
actually is. AIDS is not caused by any virus, but by some of us
succumbing before others to the build up of "animal
tested" [=untested] poisons which weakens some people's immune system
more than others. Eventually we'll all succumb. People like Greenpeace
are not saying any of this simply because they can't cope with the
emotional burden of the truth. And so they sit on a roof and talk
about climate change.

For those who see the truth, who see you as you really are - the pain
never goes away.

You have no right to drag me down with you in your slow-motion
collective suicide. But I accept that I can't stop you.


Thinking again of Peter Tatchell... and others, for example John
Pilger, Michael Moore and the like...you know the type of person I am
referring to..... well, I just find them terribly annoying because
they seem so smug and pleased with themselves... but it's a case of
*always the non-essential, never the essential* .

The only sane response to the world we live in was the one proposed in
1990 - citizens arrests of every vivisector in the world, to stop the
flow of "animal tested" [=untested] poisons, and alongside that,
exercises to overcome our state of amnesia, as it relates to our
infancy - both the infancy of the tribe as shown in the geological
record and the infancy of the personality - both of which are a total
blank to collective humanity, hence our irrational and chaotic
behaviour. And as we recover our memory, we would realise where our
pain-generating societal arrangements originated and make a start
toward eventually abolishing those bizarre pain-generating societal
arrangements, which again are the mother-infant relationship, the
incest taboo and the ban on loving more than one. All three are
symptoms of mental illness and eventually will be abolished, but not
in the present era.

But if I were to approach the likes of Pilger etc. with the actual and
obvious analysis and healing formula, I'd get only a blank stare, and
perhaps something from the fake debate - "Gill Langley's dedicated
team is working to find alternatives to animal tests..."

Well the alternative to slow-motion suicide by poisoning our bodies
and our ecosphere is not to "look for alternatives" but to simply STOP
poisoning our bodies and our ecosphere. And the first step toward
stopping our collective suicide is to end all "animal tests" [non-
tests] immediately. It's not going to happen, because the collective
death wish rules us all. We all have in us this compulsion to recreate
and relive the forgotten survivalist emergencies in which our madness
is rooted. So I write only for the few who want to heal before the end
comes, and in the forlorn hope that something good might happen after
the collapse if conditions are favourable among some of the survivor

I've written "happiness is a symptom of mental illness." It is. The
only happiness on earth resides in not knowing what is going on in the
world, not knowing what the mental state of humanity is. On that
basis, I don't want to be happy - not like that, not by adjusting to
your scotoma-based, global looney bin.

OK, lets get on with it.
"The octogenarian founder of psychoanalysis was not yet at the end of
his insights and revelations.
A repressed thought was asking to be spelled
"If we consider mankind as a whole and substitute it for a single
individual, we discover that it too has developed delusions which are
inaccessible to logical criticism and which contradict reality. If, in
spite of this, they [the delusions] are able to exert an extraordinary
power over men, investigation leads us to the same explanation as in
the case of the single individual. They owe their power to the element
of historical truth which they have brought up from the repression of
the forgotten and primeval
-Freud, "Construction in
Freud speaks here of mankind's delusions, therefore delusions in which
all of us take part and which are deaf to logical criticism; at the
bottom, however, is a historical truth. What, then, is this truth, the
happening that once overwhelmed the human race and traumatised and
poisoned and scorched the minds of all generations that
-from "Mankind In Amnesia" by Immanuel Velikovsky, 1982.
Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
2009-10-20 19:42:48 UTC
Post by Special Care
If you see the world and humanity as they really are, you will not be
a happy person.
People who, for example, have lost a child in tragic circumstance,
often say the pain never goes away. The same applies if you see the
world as it really is. The feeling of unease and sadness will never go
away, and you will seek refuge in alcohol. If you tell anyone what the
world actually is like and what the mental state of humanity actually
is, the response will be only to say you are mentally ill or words to
that effect. People are afraid of seeing what we are actually doing -
the collective death wish and all that goes with it.
I do not believe you are mentally ill. I just think you are an eejit
with a messiah complex.
I can also believe the alcohol bit.
Special Care
2009-10-20 21:42:41 UTC
On Oct 20, 8:42 pm, "Augustus O'Muircheartaigh"
Post by Special Care
If you see the world and humanity as they really are, you will not be
a happy person.
People who, for example, have lost a child in tragic circumstance,
often say the pain never goes away. The same applies if you see the
world as it really is. The feeling of unease and sadness will never go
away, and you will seek refuge in alcohol. If you tell anyone what the
world actually is like and what the mental state of humanity actually
is, the response will be only to say you are mentally ill or words to
that effect. People are afraid of seeing what we are actually doing -
the collective death wish and all that goes with it.
I do not believe you are mentally ill.  I just think you are an eejit
with a messiah complex.
I can also believe the alcohol bit.

I'm not a messiah.
I'm a co-healer.
The two terms are mutually exclusive.

I certainly was mentally ill in the early part of my life, because we
all are born into it.
This is a mentally ill civilisation, a mentally ill species.
In religious terminology, we are "a fallen species."
What other meaning could the word "fallen" have than *mentally
ill* ...?
We are a mentally ill species.
So yes, I was mentally ill in the early part of my life, as were all
of us.

I have made a bloody good try at overcoming it.

Some people don't try at all.
Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
2009-10-21 08:23:03 UTC
Post by Special Care
On Oct 20, 8:42 pm, "Augustus O'Muircheartaigh"
Post by Special Care
If you see the world and humanity as they really are, you will not be
a happy person.
People who, for example, have lost a child in tragic circumstance,
often say the pain never goes away. The same applies if you see the
world as it really is. The feeling of unease and sadness will never go
away, and you will seek refuge in alcohol. If you tell anyone what the
world actually is like and what the mental state of humanity actually
is, the response will be only to say you are mentally ill or words to
that effect. People are afraid of seeing what we are actually doing -
the collective death wish and all that goes with it.
I do not believe you are mentally ill.  I just think you are an eejit
with a messiah complex.
I can also believe the alcohol bit.
I'm not a messiah.
I'm a co-healer.
The two terms are mutually exclusive.
I certainly was mentally ill in the early part of my life, because we
all are born into it.
This is a mentally ill civilisation, a mentally ill species.
In religious terminology, we are "a fallen species."
What other meaning could the word "fallen" have than *mentally
ill* ...?
We are a mentally ill species.
So yes, I was mentally ill in the early part of my life, as were all
of us.
I have made a bloody good try at overcoming it.
Some people don't try at all.
Do you really think this is sane; posting so often and for so long to
usenet about things that people clearly do not believe or think are

I also would like to know if you find it ironic that you post so often
about toxins and poisons and yet you seem fond of one extremely well
known poison which has well documented bad affects on our health
(mental and physical) and which significantly shortens life span when
taken to excess: alcohol. Even moderate amounts of alcohol can have
detrimental effects on our health. It increases your risk of cancer,
heart disease, stroke, obesity and depression to mention just the well
known ones. When taken in excess, it is one of the major causes of
premature death. People who are teetotal live longer.
Special Care
2009-10-21 16:16:09 UTC
On Oct 21, 9:23 am, "Augustus O'Muircheartaigh"
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Post by Special Care
We are a mentally ill species.
So yes, I was mentally ill in the early part of my life, as were all
of us.
I have made a bloody good try at overcoming it.
Some people don't try at all.
Do you really think this is sane; posting so often and for so long to
usenet about things that people clearly do not believe or think are
I also would like to know if you find it ironic that you post so often
about toxins and poisons and yet you seem fond of one extremely well
known poison which has well documented bad affects on our health
(mental and physical) and which significantly shortens life span when
taken to excess:  alcohol.   Even moderate amounts of alcohol can have
detrimental effects on our health.  It increases your risk of cancer,
heart disease, stroke, obesity and depression to mention just the well
known ones.  When taken in excess, it is one of the major causes of
premature death.  People who are teetotal live longer.

A basic law of life is that to every action there is a reaction.

Eleven thousand years of collective mental illness in the human
species demands a reaction.
The natural reaction to collective imbecility has been suppressed by
the ruling group for most of the past eleven thousand years.
While we still have a degree of freedom of expression, the reactive
healing current is very strong now, and if you open yourself to it, it
will flow through you.

My voluminous posts are a manifestation of that natural reaction, that
healing current in reaction to eleven thousand years of collective
mental illness.

The healing current is very strong now, as long as this era of freedom
of expression lasts, because it has been suppressed for so long.

I'm not better than you or anyone. It's just that I've opened myself
to the natural healing current that is striving to enter the world
now, and I like the fact that it flows through me.

I am a flawed being, and the healing current is distorted to some
degree as it passes through the prism of my flawed personality. Still,
those who are open to it will take something of benefit from the words
that keep coming, and seeds are being sown.


Yes, alcohol in large amounts is poison. But this is a mentally ill
civilisation which causes great distress to emotionally sane people
who have the misfortune to be born into it.
Modern Medicine, which you seem to espouse unquestioningly, recognises
the trade off between pain relief and the shortening of life due to
the toxic effects of pain relief medication. So it is with my use of
alcohol as an emotional anesthetic.

I sometimes call it "God's Medicine."
God knew we were going far astray, and that some of His children would
need an emotional anesthetic, so He placed alcohol within easy reach
of his children.

A bottle of wine is not evil in itself.
Like a gun, it's as good or as bad as the man holding it.
Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
2009-10-21 16:39:56 UTC
Post by Special Care
On Oct 21, 9:23 am, "Augustus O'Muircheartaigh"
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Post by Special Care
We are a mentally ill species.
So yes, I was mentally ill in the early part of my life, as were all
of us.
I have made a bloody good try at overcoming it.
Some people don't try at all.
Do you really think this is sane; posting so often and for so long to
usenet about things that people clearly do not believe or think are
I also would like to know if you find it ironic that you post so often
about toxins and poisons and yet you seem fond of one extremely well
known poison which has well documented bad affects on our health
(mental and physical) and which significantly shortens life span when
taken to excess:  alcohol.   Even moderate amounts of alcohol can have
detrimental effects on our health.  It increases your risk of cancer,
heart disease, stroke, obesity and depression to mention just the well
known ones.  When taken in excess, it is one of the major causes of
premature death.  People who are teetotal live longer.
A basic law of life is that to every action there is a reaction.
Eleven thousand years of collective mental illness in the human
species demands a reaction.
The natural reaction to collective imbecility has been suppressed by
the ruling group for most of the past eleven thousand years.
While we still have a degree of freedom of expression, the reactive
healing current is very strong now, and if you open yourself to it, it
will flow through you.
My voluminous posts are a manifestation of that natural reaction, that
healing current in reaction to eleven thousand years of collective
mental illness.
The healing current is very strong now, as long as this era of freedom
of expression lasts, because it has been suppressed for so long.
I'm not better than you or anyone. It's just that I've opened myself
to the natural healing current that is striving to enter the world
now, and I like the fact that it flows through me.
I am a flawed being, and the healing current is distorted to some
degree as it passes through the prism of my flawed personality. Still,
those who are open to it will take something of benefit from the words
that keep coming, and seeds are being sown.
Yes, alcohol in large amounts is poison. But this is a mentally ill
civilisation which causes great distress to emotionally sane people
who have the misfortune to be born into it.
Be careful; much of the illness (mental and physical) that you think
you observe in others may simply be due to alcohol. It might even
just be due to your own consumption.
Alcohol causes misery on a massive scale in Ireland and always has.
I speak as someone who drinks too much and who has had to cut down
(having visited my GP with symptoms of what I thought was something
else and him having had a little chat with me). He reckoned it was
the second biggest self induced problem in his patients (after smoking
but before bad diet). The international stats say he is right.

Alcohol will make you depressed and make you talk shite and then make
a mess of your body. Venus and flies and babies arses and toxins and
ruling groups are all just an illusion.
Special Care
2009-10-21 17:44:07 UTC
On 21 Oct, 17:39, "Augustus O'Muircheartaigh"
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Alcohol will make you depressed and make you talk shite and then make
a mess of your body.   Venus and flies and babies arses and toxins and
ruling groups are all just an illusion.

There is nothing illusional about the intense sexual pleasure your
baby feels in his anus as you lovingly stroke your baby's anus while
leaning over him and exchanging loving eye contact and smiles of
delight with your baby, the eyes being the windows of your souls,
heart to heart, soul to soul with your baby, fused with the intense
sexual pleasure you are giving to your baby in his anus at that
moment. That's an illusion?
Your Baby is not a Sack of Potatoes, Mrs !

Shaking the Baby
2009-10-21 18:57:59 UTC
Post by Augustus O'Muircheartaigh
Alcohol causes misery on a massive scale in Ireland and always has.
I speak as someone who drinks too much and who has had to cut down
(having visited my GP with symptoms of what I thought was something
else and him having had a little chat with me). He reckoned it was
the second biggest self induced problem in his patients
When's the next SCI-Con then?

SOTW: "April Skies" - Jesus And Mary Chain

2009-10-21 12:51:35 UTC
On Oct 20, 8:04 pm, Special Care <***@googlemail.com>


I want you to know that, unlike Gussie, who clearly has too much time
on his hands, I have not read any of your abundant prose. It probably
has very limited healing properties.

Special Care
2009-10-21 21:15:54 UTC
Post by Caít()
I want you to know that, unlike Gussie, who clearly has too much time
on his hands, I have not read any of your abundant prose.  It probably
has very limited healing properties.

If you have never read any of my abundant prose, how could you
possibly know how "offensive" it is to a fine upright decent Irish
Roman Caholic Lady such as you?

Reminds me of the outraged English Lady who approached Dr Johnson
after he published his dictionary of the English language, saying:

"Doctor, I am absolutely outraged and deeply offended by all the
dirty, offensive words you have included in your dictionary."

Dr Johnson replied:

"Madam, you must have been looking for them."


What you need, Kate, is a horse's tool up your belly, right up you,
all the way up you, the horse taking you from the rear in the stables,
till the horse's pisshole is knocking on the door of your heart. Go to
the stables for your healing therapy, Kate.
Then after that come to me in the manor for a further healing session
of fellatio, cunnilingus, analingus, vaginal intercourse, anal
intercourse, on a nice soft rug in front of a big coal fire....
followed at bedtime by soft, gentle hugs, and confession therapy in
the darkness.....you and I sharing all our deepest secrets as we lie
naked in the silent darkness, holding each other close, skin to skin,
confessing our deepest secrets to each other and giving each other
acceptance and validation......... as we drift off to sleep in each
others arms in the silence and darkness of the North Yorkshire
Dales......... .
Special Care
2009-10-24 00:22:41 UTC
Post by Caít()
I want you to know that, unlike Gussie, who clearly has too much time
on his hands, I have not read any of your abundant prose.  It probably
has very limited healing properties.
If you have never read any of my abundant prose, how could you
possibly know how "offensive" it is to a fine upright decent Irish
Roman Caholic Lady such as you?
Reminds me of the outraged English Lady who approached Dr Johnson
"Doctor, I am absolutely outraged and deeply offended by all the
dirty, offensive words you have included in your dictionary."
"Madam, you must have been looking for them."
What you need, Kate, is a horse's tool up your belly, right up you,
all the way up you, the horse taking you from the rear in the stables,
till the horse's pisshole is knocking on the door of your heart. Go to
the stables for your healing therapy, Kate.
Then after that come to me in the manor for a further healing session
of fellatio, cunnilingus, analingus, vaginal intercourse, anal
intercourse, on a nice soft rug in front of a big coal fire....
followed at bedtime by soft, gentle hugs, and confession therapy in
the darkness.....you and I sharing all our deepest secrets as we lie
naked in the silent darkness, holding each other close, skin to skin,
confessing our deepest secrets to each other and giving each other
acceptance and validation......... as we drift off to sleep in each
others arms in the silence and darkness of the North Yorkshire
Dales......... .



If it's ok, I'll just write a few things to you. It's intellectual
loneliness. I just feel the need to say this to someone intelligent.
People can't face what's happening. They are sleepwalking into it.
In the past few days, all resistance was dropped to putting the
finishing touches to the European Union constitution. It's done. It's
happened in slow motion, with no serious resistance. I feel a huge
sense of unease. Elections in Europe have lost all meaning, as no
matter who anyone votes for, the power resides with the EU clique,
are unelectable and unfirable.

The American Union will take solid shape soon, probably very quickly.

I expect the deterioration in world events to accelerate now. There
seems to be some sort of timetable centred around the 2012 hype, even
though the Mayan 'elders' are suddenly protesting that their
traditions don't really say the world will end in 2012. But the
opportunity for a new world religion seems too good to miss, so that
seems to be one strand of where we're going.

I'm not interested in being 'right' about any particular prediction.
That's not important. But a full-scale global dictatorship with a
microchipped population seems close now...

I sometimes referred to it as 'the dictatorship of the fake debates,'
which is already a reality in the mainstream media. The same old
of 'talking heads' keep popping up, supposedly giving 'both side' of
any issue, but in fact the real truth is avoided and eclipsed by all
these fake debates. The technique is being perfected now.

The surprise for me and some others has been the fact that it's taken
so long, that it happened in slow motion.

My other big regret, and I'm not the only one who feels this - is
having brought children into the world. I didn't know what I was
doing. It was in fact a repetition relationship. It was obvious since
the 1980s that we weren't doing our children any favour by bringing
them into this world. But the force of repetition in personal
relationships doesn't operate rationally. It is just that -

I live in what is still a quite pleasant and peaceful part of
But I can only feel sadness and despair.
What's happening fits perfectly with Immanuel Velikovsky's collective
amnesia/repetition analysis...
The huge volume of writing I produced in the past six years has been
well received by a few people, but overall people can't accept it,
because the force of collective repetition compulsion dooms us to
sleepwalking into the reliving of the ancient catastrophes indicated
by the geological record, which we never properly confronted and
processed. The psychological impact of global destruction on that
scale - that is a major amnesia, generating the compulsion to repeat
the experience. Life is simple - it's just elementary psychology.

In a way life is still good in this part of England, but I can't make
any plans for betterment when I know things can only get worse now,
probably at an accelerating pace. That's why I've written carelessly
lot of the time, in the style of a man who has stopped caring, which
is a logical stance. Also I was rebelling against the pretence of
"dignity" exhibited by some people, in a world where there can be no

The worst part is seeing so clearly what could have been, that it
would have been - in theory - so easy to heal, to turn it around, to
restore harmony, starting with making preparations to reintroduce
decency to the mother-infant relationship in the long term.....
People don't understand how world events actually are mimicking the
forgotten emotional dynamics of the mother-infant relationship.

Again, elementary psychology: if we refuse to remember and 'process'
our past, we'll keep repeating it. And infancy is the one thing
everyone is fiercely determined never to remember.

I don't know when people are going to get weary and just apply the
simple healing formula. It could be very far into a sad future of
more civilisations just like the one now ending. The prospect of
reincarnating into that, and again having a mother who will be
communicating these Orwellian, inverted concepts, that the most
beautiful parts of our bodies are to be reclassified after infancy as
being the opposite of beautiful, so disgusting that they must be
concealed and never spoken of, which babies know to be insanity....
etc. etc..... I dread the prospect of going through that idiocy again
and again....

I'm not asking you to reply. I just felt the need to say this to
someone intelligent.
