Staffing Now/Accounting Now Malicious Harassment Years Later, Claimed Loophole Eliminating Employment Law Rights
(too old to reply)
2011-10-19 15:55:54 UTC
Malicious fraud created "social" public corruption of income and our
privacy by our government employees who have at US government offices
like those of the US Border Patrol, become well enough educated to
know what they can do with logins to government databases in
particular, such as the law enforcement databases used to protect drug
smugglers by their cronies with logins, has become operational at

As a case created by the combination of illegal abuse of database
login by IDES Grayslake staff, whose abuses have gone much further
than that, handing out the victim's rate of pay information illegaly
to an Angie Dawkins of Staffing Now, years after the victim no longer
worked for the company involved.

Which is also supposed to be a federal crime, but about which with
government employees, the public has in practice not just no actual
protections that are not restricted to those provided to the rich with
large sums of money for private attorneys the rest of us have run out
of liquidatable IRA accounts to force on the State of Illinois.

As people our hardly public servants, who instead view themselves the
way the Sovereign Citizens do, are living in luxury with pensions and
health insurance most people currently cannot imagine.

With tax funds that were collected and appropriated specifically to
never put the majority in America into this situation.

Created by and conducted by attorneys paying themselves over $200 an
hour doing so, with legal work that the law requires no attorney to
ever file.

And demanding liquidation of IRA accounts and existing mortgages to
satisfy what they generate with ID fraud, and are made this uniformly
able to completely refuse to produce any single specific statement of
what Angie Dawkins claims took place years ago and she for some reason
decided to file a first protest of years later.

Also claiming the personnel review act laws that forcibly do not
permit this in employment by any former employer, do not apply because
she waited to report the matter until after those time limits expired.

Involving attorneys making $200 an hour or more, who have in practice
corrupted the law to the point that attorneys at State of Illinois
have by changing policy, ended the use of the UI Statute other than
when they want to at their discretion.

As a public corruption practice that required going through the
legislature and majority rule voting to change the statutes, for any
lawful option to do.

Except in practice in the State of Illinois where attorneys and judges
who demand the option to do these things, retaliate when the average
US citizen even attempts to sue.

Administrative Review procedures at IDES having been turned into this
and threats made to private individuals that Zaper and Prousis will
just keep filing more escalating methods to harass and obstruct the
rights of the victims to what the due process protections of the
public from attorneys and judges who do things like this, required.

Over a year ago and without forcing the public to sue IDES to force
IDES to cooperate with the mandantory rights of victims.

Eliminated by a typical State of Illinois entrepreuneaur like those
who created "Licenses for Bribes", who also continue to replace the
victim in the procedure for over 12 months.

Except for the damage infliction part.

My questions about this are first, what is the law about a former
employer who shows up years later after the expiration of the time
limits and enforcement of the Personnel Records Review laws which
exist like this in all 50 states?

As they claim, have companies like this developed the perfect crime
where their victims have been set up to have no possible method by
which the victims can do anything about anything anybody involved
claims, as continues to be the case in practice no matter what the law
requires, when relationships decide they want to?
2011-10-19 18:40:13 UTC
lastone AKA Contemporarylegal:
usenet is for discussion, not just a
place to SPAM your insane drivel
over and over again.
Please buy a verb more often,
and tell the truth about your brain disorder.
