Scams directed at IRA accounts extended into scams filed by attorneys and demanded be classified as liquid assets
(too old to reply)
2011-10-18 23:32:51 UTC
As a legal question, that with the privatization of retirement savings
for the pensions and social security we no longer have, creating
private retirement savings as a form of retirement savings has created
a lot of people who have nothing but retirement savings.

That other and young people in particular, view as liquid assets the
need for is disputed for the under age 85 set.

As the topic of con artists directing this at the elderly for a long
time, that has been turned into what attorneys view as a lucrative
option for targeting victims with fraud and attaching demands to their
retirement savings.

Raging at having any.

The judicial relationships as far as has been determined without a
judicial order in writing, agree with the view that for women in
particular, that retirement savings as "icing on the cake" they and
their legal community, view and demand be classified as liquid
discretionary income created spending money that the victims if not
yet retired, have no need for.

And then are used for lucrative cons by attorneys who have
successfully converted the privatization of social security in part,
into something that instead can be used to divert those funds to the
same wealthy who needed neither one to begin with, as a class.

Of who can afford the legal fees or are the highly paid attorneys who
do these things with their social judicial relationships.

What is the legal status of IRA accounts regarding their
classifications as assets for bankruptcy and for being attached as
liquid discretionary assets that a judge can order to be liquidated to
satisfy even a nonfalsified claim?

The other thing attorneys in Illinois have been doing for a long time
since IRA accounts were created, is to target the victims for
committal procedures and guardianship in Illinois, which gives the
attorneys the funds as per the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" also in
this light, a good characterization of attorneys who do things like
this, and who targeting IRA account owners, managed by third persons,
creates a real money maker out of guardianship.

Which in Illinois attorneys are and do file on persons who have
$25,000 or more in assets, which covers most IRA accounts by the time
the owner is in their 30s, and creates a goldmine for attorneys who
claim the owners are not competent to manage their asset accounts.

As the Illinois basis for committing and taking over the assets of a
person by attorneys in IL, being disputing the judgement of the owner
in investing those assets the attorneys then get to bleed off as
income for the "administration" they provide.

About mutual funds administered by Fidelity to TIAA-CREF.

As the state in which attorneys attempted to sell Senate Seats and the
ACLU sued in 1993 for practices like this by the State of Illinois and
much worse.

The law in practice then has little to do with good faith or
protections from unreasonable search and seizure, as according to many
of its courts, women having an IRA account qualifies.

As rape used to be written up by judges as being asked for by victims
who they considered to be dressed provocatively.

Having an IRA being viewed the same way as "asking for it" by most
attorneys around these kinds of practices.

That being the case, and presuming the worst about persons who do
things like this and have the relationships to, what is the legal
status of IRA accounts and including near liquid ones without the 20%
withdrawal penalty prior to retirement of the traditional IRA?

They reportedly are being used by judges and attorneys to satisfy
legal claims, and work like an ATM for the attorneys involved.

Who protest the owners having access to "eggs" prior to retirement, if
even then, and for emergency purposes as in a recession, for buying a
home, or anything else, that they claim creates the ability to
forcibly liquidate them to satisfy legal judgement.

Roth in particular.

I have not been able to find any specific legal articles on the forced
use of Roth IRA in particular by attorneys in lawsuits for satisfying
judgement forcibly, and/or as administered by full time professional
organizations like Fidelity, as sufficient to justify guardianship by
a "qualified person" to protect and manage those assets.

Which are being managed by Fidelity I would have much more faith in
than anybody filing anything like this, but is reported to be a
growing practice in Guardianship in Illinois to get nest eggs the
attorneys involved pay themselves with to the point of making a

As do reportedly "asset managers" in Illinois.
2011-10-19 14:10:27 UTC
Roth IRA appear to have been turned into liquid assets according to
the State of Illinois.

And whose existence in practice is no longer warrant protected with
your bank.

IRA accounts and property ownership like your existing mortgage, has
been turned into what Illinois Attorney General's Office Attorneys and
IDES claim are luxuries.

Which they are currently demanding in recoupments State of Illinois is
expressly forbidden from filing, in law State of Illinois and its
judicial relationships no longer use to begin with.

We presume public corruption and relationships based creation of more
ways for attorneys to live it up at our expense, replacing teachers
with attorneys at State of Illinois who continue to also spend large
sums of tax funds demanding exemption from having to cooperate with ID
theft, and fraud reporting.

Forcing the financial transactions on the victims anyway, and on their
IRA's and existing mortgages as luxuries other than for attorneys.

As the actual practice that demands liquidation of them from the
targets of this.

And were literally presented as luxuries many women don't have.

But what theoretically is the law about this practice by State of
Illinois Attorney General's office attorneys and their Circuit Court
judicial relationships?
2011-10-19 18:37:30 UTC
lastone AKA Contemporarylegal:
usenet is for discussion, not just a
place to SPAM your insane drivel
over and over again.
Please buy a verb more often,
and tell the truth about your brain disorder.
