It's no laughing matter.
He's right as far as he goes.
But I don't hear David offering any solutions, only the airy-fairy
notions of thinking for ourselves or 'perfect, unconditional love' and
such mumbo jumbo.
I'd feel better toward David if he wasn't so glory-oriented.
For example, I suspect it was David himself that wrote this:
"Once in every generation a person rises up above the crowd to reveal
the truth of our age. This person also shows us who we really are and
the way out of crisis. At this moment, in this time, that person is
David Icke."
He's still compensating, although he's still a very useful person.
As it happens, that quotation is a false statement.
The greatest, most useful Teacher of our generation is Oxana Malaya.
She is the one who holds up a mirror to us with perfect clarity, to
show us who and what we are.
But the lesson Oxana came to teach us is humbling, so people just see
her as an object of pity or a freak show, when in fact she is the
greatest Teacher of our time, because the lesson Oxana has for us is
the real 'key' to getting out of this mess.
Oxana Malaya video clip / longer version than previously: